Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 04, 1913, Image 91

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« t American Sunday Monthly Magazine Section 17 Our Street* Car Poetry By I. Commute “See the New Holeproof, Dad, They’re Mercerized—the Twenty-Five-Cent Kind” w T"VO you mean to say, son, they II guarantee a fine looking, light weight sock like that to wear six months without holes?” That is exactly what we are doing. We Ho the mercerizing ourselves. Our process, the latest, adds 22 per cent to the strength as well as gives to the hose a beautiful silky lustre. Six pairs cost $1.50, guaranteed six months. These new hose are soft, pliable, stylish and sheer. The foundation of the wear is yarn that costs us an average of 74c a pound. We could buy common yam for 32c; but hose made from it wouldn’t last. Holeproof Hosiery MM WOMEN JANO CHILDREN^ Look for the Trademark and Signature, Stamped on Every Pair. The genuine Holeproof are sold in your town. Write for the dealers’ names. We ship direct where there's no dealer near, charges prepaid, on receipt of remittance. Six pairs of cotton hose, guaranteed six months, for men, costs Si.50 to $3 per box; for women and children, S2 to $3 per box; for infants, $1 per box of four pairs. Several weights; all sizes and colors. Three pairs of silk Holeproof, guaran teed three months, for men and women, cost $2 a box for men and, $3 a box for women. All colors. Write for free book on Holeproof. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY CO. Milwaukee, Wisconsin Reg.U.8. Holeproof Hosiery Co. of Canada, Ltd. London, Canada **]Wearffoleprapfljcjse and fnd/hr Mend * tl°Jepr“£ SiiKG 10 ™} FOR WOMEN For long wear, fit and style, these are the finest silk gloves produced. Made in all lengths, sizes and col ors. Write for the illus trated book that tells all about them and for the name of the dealer near you who handles them. (425) Look—a Waterproof Silk Summer Hat “The New Harvard.’’—Something distinctly new—takes you away from the conventional straw. Light, stylish, serviceable. Ot waterproof silk, in four colors : shepherd plaid ; dark gray ; light gray striped; brown. You can buy “the Harvard” only of us. We offer it PREPAID THIS SUMMER at $2. Money back if you don't like it. Order now—simply state size and color and enclose $2. Write for 1913 Spring and Summer Style Book of Hats and Caps—FREE. FRENCH CO., 243 Arch St., Philadelphia. Pa. EARN BASEBALL OUTFIT DAVC V Here In your 0 ■ chance to get a fine baseball outfit, consisting of complete suit.including shirt, pants, cap and belt, good quality, extra well sewed, or combination of big catcher's mitt, fielder's glove, catcher’* mask (extra strong and durable) and rubber center ball, big league style, or fine chest protector. Will Not, Cost One Cent. Send your name and we will send you 8 set of our fine pictures to dispose of at 25 cents each. Send us the $2 you collect and for your trouble will send you outfit as described. WHITE TODAY for pictures. No harm done. I take back what you can’t sell. M. 0. Seitz, 1 M.114 Chicago Beautiful heavy gold shell Signet Ring, 48c., with your monogram hand engraved free. Warranted 5 yrs If not satisfied money cheerfully refunded. Send size. Ring sent by return mail TAYLOR NOVELTY CO, 1370 Broadway, N. Y. Pat. Office, 1906 When the street cars go whizzing and siz- zing o’er the rail; When passengers are jouncing and bouncing ’til they’re pale, They can always find relief, or grief, ere they reach home By reading ’til they’re glad, or sad, each ad vertising “pome.” When going abroad From the city or town Eat our Safety Pins To keep your dinner down! Don’t keep snickering, Don’t keep wiggling— Take Lemonoids To stop that giggling! Our Chemical Bread Don’t fail to try, You’ll be well fed— Unless you die! Jungle Ham is fine Just as fine as can be; In each can there is . An insurance polic-ee! The Scarlet Wedding Dress (Continued from preceding page) from the rail, his eyes aglow with excitement. “But if he swims like a catfish he won’t dodge that blue-pointed shark!” The fin cruised slowly in the shadow of the schooner until it seemed as though the monster’s attention had become diverted from the frantically swimming Jap. But only for an instant. Rounding the schoon er’s keel it made a slanting effort in Okahu’s direction and then stayed motionless watch ing the curious length of flame-colored silk that trailed from the swimmer’s arm. Okahu turned shaking the water from his matted hair and eyes. The long Pacific swell lifted him to its giant crest and then flung him leisurely clown its long green slope, the scarlet robe drawn after him in a welter of color and light. A score of palm dotted islets in the east sent back a low thunder of breaking surf. A swarm of sun birds chirped and cried overhead while Okahu turned his face to the gray shadow w ith the pointed jaws. Despite the mountainous swell the shark remained quite still in the trough of the sea, its eyes fixed on the curious color scheme trailing from wave to wave. Okahu viewed the long shovel snout w r ith evident disfavor. If he swam as fast as a hydroplane he could not reach thedsthumi’s gangway alive. And by a pitiless stroke of fate he had mislaid his knife! Slowly and with inimitable grdee he per mitted the flame-hued length of silk to float from his swinging arm until it spread like a blood-patch over the sunlit water. The watching shark side-swirled from the irruption of color as though confronted by a dazzling bait. Each wave flaunted the al luring streak of red nearer its eyes. But the huge jaws showed no inclination to re cede beyond striking distance of the plump live man with the swimming hands and feet. With amazing ease the gray-backed monster swept in a half circle about the robe of scar let, an inquisitive ferocity follow ing each dip of its blade-edge fins. Hayes watched the little scene until his throat grew dry. “ Reminds me of a (<Continued on page 18) Deal Gently With That Corn Don’t pare it. That’s but temporary. And a slip ot the blade often leads to infection. Don’t apply liquids. They often cause soreness. Apply a Blue-jay plaster, and the corn pain stops at once. Then a wonderful wax—the B & B wax—gently loosens the corn. In 48 hours the entire corn comes out. Not the slightest discom fort. One simply forgets the corn. This invention makes it folly to have corns. A million corns monthly are now being removed by it. Stop and think of that. Why suffer from corns— why pamper them — when 15 cents will end them. A In the picture Is the soft R4B wax. It loosens the com. B stops the pain and keeps the wax from spreading. C wraps around the toe. It is narrowed to be comfortable. D is rubber adhesive to fasten the plaster on. Blue-jay Corn Plasters Sold by Druggists — 15c and 25c per package Sample Mailed Free. Also Blue-jay Bunion Plasters. Bauer db Black, Chicago and New York, Makers of Surgical Dressings, etc. (293) 10 DAYS TRIAL e will ship you a ’RANGER” BICYCLE on approval, freight prepaid, to any place in the U. S. without a cent deposit in advance, and allow 10 days* free trial from the day you receive it. If it does not soityou In every way and is not all or nrnrs than we claim for It and a better bicycle than you can get anywhere else regardless of price, or If for any reason whatever you do not wish to keep it, ship it back to us at our expense for freight and ^you will not be one cent out. tow FACTORY PRICES wye-, bicycles direct from factory to rider at lower priees than any other house. We save you 110 to 126 middlemen’s profit on every bicycle. Highest grade models with Puncture-Proof tires, Imported Roller chains, pedals, etc., at prices no higher than cheap mall order bicycles; also reliable medium grade models at unheard of low prices. RIDER A6ENT5 WRRTEB — ride and exhibit a sample IBIS “Ranger” Bicycle furnished by us. You will he astonished at our ioonderfull\j low prices and the liberal propositions and special offer we give on the first 1913 sample going to your town. Write at once for our special offer. DO WOT BUY a bicycle or a pair of tires from an gone at any price until yourecelveourcataloguo and learn our low prices and liberal terms. Bicycle Dealers, you esm sell our bicycle under your own name plate at double our prices. Orders filled tbe day received. Second-Hand Bicycles—A limited number taken In trade by ourChlcago retail stores will be cloned out at once at $3 to $8 esoh. Descriptive bargain list mailed free. TIRES, COftSTER-BRm * ube » repairs, and everyttdn^ lamps, cyclometers, parts In tbe bicycle line at half usual price*. DO WOT WAIT but write today for our Large Catalogue beautifully illustrated and containing a great fund of interesting mattei and useful information. It only costs a postal to get everything. Write it now. MEAD CYCLE CO* Dept. D l9b, CHICAGO, ILL. P A T C Id T C Sixty-seven ye ■ C. Iw 19 before the Patent Office. Our handbooks on Patents. Trade-Marks, etc., sent free. Patents procured through Munn & Co. receive free notice in the Scientific American. MUNN & CO. 355 Broadway, N.Y., and 627 F. St ,Washington, D.C. BE A DETECT IV E i Earn from $150.00 to $300.00 per month ; travel over the world. Write C. T. LUDWIG, 1280 Scarritt Building, KANSAS CITY. MO. Be a Doctor of Chiropractic The New Druglcss Healing Science OF SPINAL ADJUSTMENT A Dignified. Profitable Profession Easily Learned at Home. Steady Demand for Practitioners Every where — Oar Students Surprisingly Successful. Make $ 3000fo $ 5000aYear Your income as a Chiropractor can be this much or more year after year. At the same time you will be serving suffering humanity. Dr. Walter made $500 the third month after starting; R. M. Johnson has added over $3000 a year to his income; Vern Sharpstecn makes $40.00 a day. In addition, this fascinating profession is building up for these former stu dents of ours a splendid social and professional rep utation. We taught Ihc.-’e men In their spare time by correspond ence. and In class, to be l Doctors of Chiropractlc— the I New Drugless Healing Soienet Fof SPINAL ADJUSTMENT- and thereby made them In dependent for life. We will guarantee to teach you with equal success. A common school educa- i tlon is all you need to begin —our simplified training does the rest. Sample lesson sheets and illustrated book giving full instructions how to get into this well-paid, uncrowded profession at once — mailed NATIONAL SCHOOL Or CHIROPRACTIC Dept. 125, 15S3 W. Madison St., Chicago FREE That ^Cat's Paw Plug Prevents Slipping MUSIC TAUGHT FREE At Your Home. Write today for booklet. It. tolls how to learn to play Piano, Organ, Violin. Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, etc. Beginners or advanced pupils. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 16 Lakeside Bldg., Chicago LOTS OF FI N FOR A DIME Ventriloquist Throat, imitates Birds and An imals. False Mustache and Zaza Diamond , Ring. All 3 sent for 10 cents. BOSTON .NOVELTY, llept. 10. Melrose, Every street pavement is like velvety turf when you wear the resilient, slip-proof 60c. Attached All llealerw IcATS PAWi CUSHION RUBBER HEELS You stride along, steady and sure. No fear of slip ping on wet sidewalks, pavements or shiny floors. No jar on nerves—comfortable—safe. The Cat’s Paw Plug; comes where the wear comes. No holes to “ track in ” mud and dirt. Get a pair today—black or tan. FOSTER RUBBER C0., 10S B F o “r'*- TO THE RETAIL TRADE. It pays to give the public what they want. The ma jority want Cat’s Paw Cushion Rubber Heels. Order from your jobber today.