Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 05, 1913, Image 10

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10 TV ATLANTA GEORGIAN A XT) NEWS, MONDAY. MAY A Vacancy In Your Business Can Be Filled By Georgian “ Want Ads. ” Try Them For Results [POULTRY, PET and LIVE STOCF SALE- -MISCELLANEOUS. THE GEORGIAN’S RENT BULLETIN GS for sale Two-borae 1 Royal Lumber <’0., oak: ured at $1 per month. It. Box 124. Buckhead. -6-3 ROOM AND BOARD. >m« wTtli hoard, also one young man to share room. Main 1978. 6 3-30 KonMS and hoard for two gentlemen; feu boarder*, good table 12 W. Pine Street, between Spring and W Peach tree Reasonable 5-3-3a ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished. FOR SALK Bedstead and bureau In £...»] condition, bargain for cash. Ad dress Bargain, Box 102. care Georgian t IIIGH CLASS BUNGALOW, on North Side: hardwood floors, furnace elec- I trfritv and all conveniences. Ivy 826-J 82-30-4 AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR Automatic Refrigerators may cost a little more than aome re frigerators, but taking into con sideration the amount of food and ice they save, they are the least expensive of all refrigera tors. Price $17.50 to $75.00. C. H. MASON, A»*nt. 6 and * W. Mitchell St board. 16 jrnished room with good Irwin, fall Ivy 6843 5-3-13 TWO young ladle* can get room and board in private family; rates rea sonable. Main 280-J. 6-3-12 I.AKOK, light room, with board. In an elegantly furnished private, modern home, in the prettiest part of the city, everything strictly first-class; a real pleasant home to a refined, permanent mple. references 619 West Peachtree 6-1-26 \IUKLY furnished fro? Flanders Apartments ’Aachtree. Ivy 5984-J I RNISH KI> room; P near Eleventh; in jome (’all Ivy 11 achtree strictly in Trie 99 West 5- 1-7 St reet. private 6- 1-9 IMPORT A BLY conveniently i« ■oping privilege furnished room, very •rated. Light house- if desired. 158 (’apitol 34-1-5 ROOMS FOR RENT. Unfurnished. TORRENT Three unfurnished r for housekeeping; private bath, water; use of Bell phone, to coup! Washington. • TURK 318 3-43 mnecting upstairs rooms; all conveniences for light housekeeping. Main 4694-L. 5 3-17 TMHi'iE large connecting rooms. $9. to < ••mple without children 32 (fes tie ber ry Street, <»ne block from Forsyth Street. 6-3-6 Full RENT Four nice unfurnished Mrs 6orey. Ivy 5635-.1 COUPLE can secure front board; all conveniences. Peachtree. Ivy 6908-.7. room and 338 West ^ 6-2-39 LARGE front room, unfurnished, with dressing room and bath, in private family Peachtree Street Ivy 1779-J. 5-2-13 all NOTICE— The water mill of A. D. How ard. on Roswell Road at Nance’s Creek, which was damaged by flood, is now in good shape and ready for busi ness. Postcard will bring wagon to your door. Fresh ground every day. Address It. F D 2, Chamblee, Ga 4-10-1 NOTICE—The water mill of A P How ard. on Roswell Road at Nance’s Creek, which was damaged by flood, is now in good shape and ready for busi ness Postcard will bring wagon to your door iYesh ground every day Address R. F. D. 2, Chamblee, Ga 4-10-1 \ NEW BROOM DOES NOT SWEEP CLEAN LET US prove this in your home bj free < • mor.stration. Full particulars at 107 Temple Court Building L R Sires, agent Phone Main 661. 5-2-30 FOR SALE Small soda fount, refrig erator for market, show case, com puting seale cheap. Call West 96 J. 6-2-200 LOOK Vou have read this; If you want anything, others will read your ail If It’s :r the Want Ad Section ATTENTION The lirrn iTorn Which 1 purchased my $450 piano has consent ed to release me from my contract If ! can arrange far some one to usaume hal- an<\ of $215 1 still owe. payments $8 per month. 1 will give good, responsible party a receipt in full for what 1 have paid if the\ will guarantee to pay off balance in $8 monthly payments, as 1 am leaving foi California. Address California, Box 8?1, care Georgian. 4-::o 10 F<>R SALK 100-horsepower horizontal Krie City fire-tube boiler In good con dition. Inquire The Prest-O-Lite Com pany, Kuhrt and Beerman Streets. At lanta. Ga 4-30-6 SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITER, stand aru make ('all or address 11 32 « 2 Peachtree Street, at once. 6-1-30 i • )R SALK Two pool tables, practically new; been in use In club room and not hurt; must sell at once; bargain; orlg r.• i' rust $40(». Address P. <>. Box 87. • ion’ >I»oro, Ga. 5-1-6 • >R SALK < >ne 20-horsepower A. C. Western Eleetric motor; also one 10- liorsepownr A. i\ Sprague motor; both practically new will self cheap fur cash athem Upholstering Co. Phone Main VACANCY for one young man; modern conveniences Ivy 6257-J 5-2-16 LARGE front room and small room, fur nished Private home. Peachtree Street Ivy 1779-J. 6-2-14 ROOM AND BOARD in private fuinlly; North Side, dose in Ivy 6267 5-2-2 PEACHTREE INN. Peachtree and Alexander Sts. Ameri can plan $7.50 week up. Room to yourself. European. $3 week up. 1-9-34 FOUR business women to room and board, references required; walking distance of town. Ivy 993-J. 5-1-28 j TWO young men can find board and room, private home, West End. near car line. Add rows L . care Georgian. 5-1-16 LARGE, delightful room; lovely large verandas; best location for summer; excellent table; home comforts. West Peachtree Ivy 1959-L. 38-1-5 AUBURN HOUSE. NICELY furnished rooms with board; ell conveniences. 27 Auburn Avenue. Ivy j 4393 4-30-23 CAN accommodate four with room and [ hoard at 30 East Cain, two blocks from Candler Bldg. Phone Ivy 2903. 4-30-31 ONE nicely furnished front room with private porch, all conveniences, close i rooms with private bath. 419 Capitol N l NEATLY furnished room In private home for nurse or gentleman; good neighborhood. Main 4628-J. 4 28-34 NICK furnished rot keeping rooms. 140 Spring Street «; also light house- Main 2665-J. 140 4-38-40 ONE VERY LARGE FRONT ROOM FURNISHED FOR TWO GENTLE MEN (TWIN BEDS), ONE SMALLER ROOM. BOTH WELL LIGHTED, SPLENDIDLY VENTILATED AND THOROUGHLY SCREENED. WHITE TILED BATH AND EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. NEAR IN ON NORTH HIDE. PHONE IVY 4281 45-8-5 FRONT rooms, furnished, hot and cold hath, close In 311 Whitehall, Atlanta phone 4810. 6-3-33 FOR RENT- -Nicely furnished rooms; all conveniences. 45 Williams; apartment 3. third floor. Ivy 2116* 6-3-39 NICE room, with board, fof- two young men in apartment with two other young men: all conveniences. 140 Luckie Street, Apartment C. 5-3-32 IAVE YOI BOLD Til \T H< 1US10T A llttli For Sale” ad In the "Want Ad” section will find a purchaser. TWO very large furnished rooms, large closets, plenty of hot and (.‘old water, excellent table board; also large garage; easy to get in and out. Apply 121 Capi tol Square. 5-3-31 TWO well-furnished rooms; convenient to bath; meals next door. 39 West North Avenue. 5-3-29 THREE neat connecting unfurnished first-floor rooms, all conveniences. Two lights. 250 Hill St. 206-6-3 THREE nice large connecting rooms, clos»* In. Call Ivy 2576-J or Atlanta phone 2209. 5-2-31 THREE unfurnished rooms; sink in kitchen, hath and phone, with private family no children. 66 Woodward Ave. Main 3940. 5-1-31 TO COUPLE, without children, two or three rooms, for light housekeeping: ail modern conveniences; one block For rest Avenue and North Boulevard cars. References. Apply Owner, 72 Wabash Avenue. 28-1-5 THREE large unfurnished connecting rooms for light housekeeping Gas and water. 99 Ira Street. 200-1*5 FOUR unfurnished rooms with kitchen ette; private bath; $16 387 Central Ave 4-30-212 TWO rooms, suitable for light hluse- keeping In home of family of three adults, to couple without children; hot and cold water, electricity, gae. Inman Park to Clifton car. 39 Royston Ave- s 4 80 $ FOR RENT Three connecting unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping; gas. water and bath References. 91 West; Harris. 28-30-4 FIVE beautiful upstairs rooms, bath, gas, electricity and use of phone; with couple LI North Moreland Avenue. ('all Atlanta 929. 203-29-4 HOUSES FOR RENT. Furnished. FOR KENT six-room cottage, fur nished suitable for one or two fami lies. between Spring and W. Peachtree. ■ VV. Pine. Reasonable. 5-3-41 1 T1 PI 1 West Peachtree home, comfortably furnished, very reasonable to desirable ! v \ 5-2-19 T\VELVE-ROOM "HOUSE, furnltbed; couple of blocks from poatofflce. Main 5-1-21 COMPLETELY furnished nine-room brick house; sleeping porch and all modern conveniences; Ponce DeLeon Ave. Call Ivy 2117 from 8 to 12 a. m. 4-27-24 Unfurnished. $25- Six-room house. 78 <’rew Street, in good repair. 824 Atlanta National Bank Building. Main 2683. VV. C. Tolbert. 5-8-40 NICELY furnished or rooms, nice location, two Candler Building. Ivy 2903. unfurnished blocks from 6-2-36 FOR RENT One nicely furnished room with three windows. Main 5196-J. 6-2-34 ONE laige downstairs room for two; private bath, hot and cold water; elec tric lights; terms reasonable. 223 North laokson. Ivy 6235-L. 4 -29-20 220 PEACHTREE. The Wilton, select' up-to-date boarding house; North Side, business section; near in; table LARGE, beautiful from room; perfectly boarders; prompt service. Ivy 6795. I grand for summer, North Side Jvy I 29 M 6803 5-2-36 FEW BOARDERS wanted at 46 j FOR RENT Large furnished room be- ONE nlceh furnished room, In West End, with private family; breakfast or supper if desired. West 906*-J 6-2-33 Houston si Iyj 6678-J. :><> HAST NORTH AYK. BETWEEN the Peachtre es; nicely fur- xcellent table 4-28 16 nlshed rooms and hoard. Ivy 6601. ROOM with board for a couple of young men or business ladies, private fain Uy. Call Main 4238-J. 278 Kawson Street. 4-28-16 DELIGHTFUL rooms; best location; private home; table board a specialty ;!56 Capitol Main 2031 -L 4-28-17 I tween the Peachtrees, in Linden Ave | nue, to couple or young men; electricity; private family. Ivy 6246-.1. 6-2-17 NICELY furnished, large room, with private bath. 64 Forrest Avenue 1 28-14 5-2-16 nice lo- X FATLY furnished rooms, looking, also table board, tol Avenue. Main 5172-J. BEST MEALS IN TOWN. $3 lL>OM AND MEALS. +4 19 PRYOR CALL MAIN 6048 FOR RENT Furnished rooms catIon. 911 Peachtree Street. 5-2-22 LARGE, nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; near in. 188 Court-land Street. 6-2-9 WELL-FFW^TSHED VPAR'l MENT and also separate furnished room; all con- , . . . venlencc.s, close to town. Ivy 6575. 183 homeli . , ( Nicely furnished rooms Vppl> 288 E, Ellis Street. 209-5-1 8S jl- WEF.K SOUTH ROOM AND BOARD. Wanted. )MTKTwTttTTwiGvc- FOR RENT To genHemen only. cool. delightful rooms iti private home, on ear lihe. 336 Vfi 111am Street Main -5488 5-1-36 TWO OR THREE furnished or unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping. 39 West Linden. 4-29-18 Furnished or Unfurnished. •MCE furnished or unfurnished rooms; good location; close In; on North Side. Ivy 2903 5-3-19 FURNISHED or unfurnished room; hot baths, electricity; North Side; 12 min- utes’ walk to Candler Bldg ; reasonable Ivy 899-J. 4-29-id APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Furnished. new, modern private home. West End Park. Refined couple. West 674-J. , 38-2-5 TVVo rooms, kitchenette and bath; also garage; references. Phone Ivy 2432. 4-29-17 APARTMENT of three beautiful rooms, Inman Park; private home: new; large kitchen, with ail conveniences; screens: east porch Phone Ivy 2329-J. 4-28 41 PAD nnyrn 310 EAST PINE ST , I \ / 11 -4» I j i.> I near corner Pine and .Jackson, 7-room modern cottage (in stantaneous water heater), $32.60. Ap ply Young & Goodroe, 414 Peters Bldg Main 3155. 6-2-46 NICE HOUSE, good repair; five minutes walk center of city. Gas divided. Two sinks. Suitable for two couples. Apply td owner, 181 Luckie Street. 35-2-5 HOUSE, very large and light, on large lot; very - large porches and servants’ house. Most desirable location; would like to reserve'one room, and also have three young men that would like to keen one, or would rent lower floor. Will rent whole house, also 8-room house. Ivy 6705. 5-1-29 OUR RENT list describes everything for rent. Call, write or j.hone for one. Ivy 3390 Charles P. Glover Realty Co., 2 1 /j Walton street. 2-13-49 Take Good Care Of the Old Hen And Her Chicks Coops Are as Essential to Success as Is the Food in Poultry Raising. FOR RENT Seven-room ^modern cot tage, $30; instantaneous^ater heater; near corner Pine and Jackson. Apply 310 East Pine St., or phone Owner, Ivy 1814 i. 4-27-200 (i 150. P. MOORE, Real Estate and Renting. 10 Auburn Avenue. FOR RENT. AT No. 212 Rawson Street, corner Cen tral Avenue, we have a second-floor fiat of six rooms, carrying all modern conveniences. The walls have just been retinted, and the house is in first-class condition; within ten minutes’ walk of center of the ctiy; close to school, ajid in best section on the South Side. Price $27.50. ARE YOU LOOKING for a good posi tion? A little “Want Ad” will find ii for you. NO. 8 Connecticut Avenue. Edge wood, Ga.. At this number you will find a six-room cottage, with all conveniences, except bath; large lot? house Is in good | repair. This is'an ideal place for any I one who desires to raise chickens, as Unfurnished. the lot is very large. \\ A N I ED I o sub-lease my unfurnished | ——:t— ■■■ , —- apartment, all modern conveniences. ______ 0 « r r r\n nrxiT H, 312 llavm Streel. OrFICE SPACE FOR RENT, Main 5478-.I 5-2-29 - BHAUTIFI L large corner office, 1123 FOR RENT Six-room steam-heated ! Oandlcr Bldg., facing down on Peach- apartment; close in; North Side. Stew- 'tree; three windows; southeastern ex on * Cooper, 317 Peters Building. Main I pc-sure. Ivy 1561. 5-1-35 4 - 30 -45 — —r DESK. SPACE with use of telephone. Apply 533 Candler Bldg. 4-25-9 1228. IN THE HERBERT, 244 Courtland Street, close ia on North Side, six rooms and bath, front and back porches, steam beat, but water, janitor service, rent $42 50. Reference required. Apply Herbert Kaiser, 411 Atlanta National 74 Bl SINT obi daughter would like room and board in private family by May 15. Rea- j GENT1 EMEN choir are Georgian ’ 41-3 m;.U TIKl-l. frnnt room ... »l*rtmrm. | „ ank Huildini ' Phone Main 276 orTan with or without hoard. 1 ea> unable. M | j t or on premises. 4 25-29 .V. care (jeorgian. a-i-li i v : ——— sotial>le rates. Box 666, UNE Me--a.--key ticket cabinet. 100-ac- '•“unt. n perfect condition. Will sell cheap »»ne WTlliams typewriter, in gooi. e.onbii u n, $15. DeK. Garage. Ma rletta, Ga 20p-1 5 LEA \ 1N<; city: will sacrifice furniture of six-room house in perfect condi tion 91 Yonge Street. 33-1-5 15-MOTOll, 8x8 compressor, good as tun Dr Cook, 17 East Iluntei St. 203-29-4 'VI' a good mahogany upright piano, nearly new . cost $400 less than one year ago. Vny reasonable offer will It Must sell quick Mahogany Maiio. P, O. Box 696. Atlanta 4-27-24 L( >( »K You OMvm r .id this if > »>u want ,' hing. others will read your «td if n the Want Ad Section. £ CARNATK *\s, 78< i'or dosen; <'-■ is and Falzia. 40e y>er doxen Bed and box work a specialty. Alta t Floral Company, 61 Sells Avenue j5 j j j i i s 111 F R Logan A Atlanta. 4-20-32 • Kill PT<’Y blanks, $1.60 per set arranty deeds, bonds for title, tgages, contracts, k certificates and bonds. nett’s, 25 South Broad 301-20 1 3 \1. WANTED Room close In, private fam ily; breakfast possibly; references. L. H. B.. care Georgian. 33-3-5 HAVE YOU HOLD UTIAT HOUSE? A little "For Sale” ad in the “Want Ad" ••action will find a purchaser. WANTED Room and board by gentle man Please state terms. Box 24, care | « front room, Thvenient to bath; Myrtle Street,: near Ponce DeLeon. Georgian Terrace i neighborhood; also garage Ivy 1495. 5-1-18 PRETTY front room; electric lights; bath; telephone $19. 62 Williams, co > nee Baker ivj 67W-J 8 1 19 o\K i icely furnished room in the j U'.rlntliian Apartments, for elderly or , lii sim 'S lady only; connecting bath. Call ! I Ivy 1717 6-1-20 j HOUSES WANTED. Furnished. \Y \NT to rent, on the North Slde.^fourl five or six-room furniahed apartment or bungalow for the summer months; family consists of self and wife Ad dress Me A . Postoflfice Box No. 7. 45-2-5 WANTED Furnished house for sum* mer by man and wife, no children; live or seven rooms. Must be near car line and reasonable. State price and full particulars in answer. Address s.. Box 30. care Georgian. 4-30-29 BUSINESS PROPERTY For Rent. j i ! i §1 :ST {Lost ! •: in At lanta. with trestle and railroad facili ties. We a^e in position to give lease. Close in or Western and Atlantic Rail road Call Greene Realty Company, 611 Empire Building. Phones 1599. 4-27-60 FOR lake! SEND ind. FIs Sweet potntc per 1,000 R plant* for v$ Batea, 33-21-4 SI for 600 extra early sweet po tato plant?, lem >n yams, or 500 Ber muda onion plants, the big kind. Address n. Ga. 1.80-7 vi( ; \ < BROWN SIGN & PAINTING OIU AOco 77C Whitehall M 3780 3-18-33 SAFES. PILES, cabinets. new and sec ond hand. Gookin Bank and office ‘ Equipment Company, 113-115 N Pryor Street. NEW lit BBER TiRICS put on vour baby carriage. Repaired, repainted and re-covereo Phone Ivy 3076. Robert Mitchell. 229 Edge wood Avenue 2-13-9 IP jCVTPN SIGNS slgnlbea bent quai * ity. Kent Sign Co 130C Peachtree Street NO. 10 SNOWDRIFT 87Vic. country eggs 19Hc dozen. 40c coffee 28c pound, 30c coffee 22c. 25c coffee 19c pound. Cash ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished. LAlRJI^fr('lomTwith hoard, in small family 148 West Peachtree Ivy I 6776-.I. ‘ (4-5-28 TWO nicely furnished front rooms for either couples or gentlemen. 115 Washington Street. Atlanta 5600-A 5-3-18 FURNISHED ROOM for rent, 898 North Boulevard. No children Ivy 3406-J. 5-3-11 LARGE, nicely furnished front room. all modern conveniences; close In. 20 West Harris Street 6-3 10 5 NICE front furnished room for $6.00 to jt gentleman for protection at night;] also two small rooms for $5.00 per month I t<. working lady Call 6137 Atlant i_ 201-5*3 j NICELY furnished room with connect mg bath; walking distance; In family <>f two, just off Washington Street at 14 Clarke. 32-3-5 THREE Targe furnished rooms, privat s" Unfurnished. FURNISHED rooms for light house keeping. Ivy 4104-J. 5-1-22 ONE large, attractive, cool front room. on second floor; convenient to bath; . every modern convenience; ideal loca- | W AN 1 ED Nine or ten-room house on Hull. .111 North 1 v\ 1744-1* Nurili Side ln/eni unfurnished; will 5-1-23 } lake two or three-year lease on house ,ui desirable location H, N., Box 412, are Georgian. 4-30-31 TWO rooms and kitchenette completely furnished, to parties without children; private family; good location: all con veniences; one block of Grant Park 428 I’Sist Georgia Avenue 4-30-33 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all conve- j nlences, or large front room, with or without board Ivy 993-J. 4-30-28 ! ANSWER Just as you have read this I will others read your ad if you place , 1 it in the Want Ad columns of this pa- ' \ word to the wise is enough. STABLES.* For Rent. -StatdesT^For ^r=' i'..- APARTMENTS WANTED. Furnished. \VA~NTEP To rent a furnished house or apartment for the summer, or longer. Address (’. P. (>., Box 946. 5-2-42 WANTED-r-Furnished apartment for Summer, by man and wife, no chil- LANPLoRDS List your vacant houses I dren. tour or six rooms. Must be near with Stewart Cooper. Renting * car line and reasonable. State price Agents. .317 Peters Building Phone j and full particulars in answer Address Main 1228 4-30-44 IS . Box 20, care Georgian. 5-1-39 AUTOMOBILES For Sale, Repairs and Accessories. per. FURNISf-TEP rooms in private home all convenience Harris Street. lv> FOR RENT One room; hot and Ivy 1197. hot water' 6349-J. 19 East i I 0 15 $2.00-3 premie; bargain $”.250; car and cash. P ton. Ivy 3396. used two months; will trade for smaller F. 1/Engle. 2T 2 \\*al- 43-3-5 FOR SALK Automobile; cheap. Stude- baker 20-hor»epower; brand new. 40V4 Luckie Street. 5-3-37 bath, sTiltable for light housek< cplng ; 310 South Pryor. 6-2-48 1 109 COOPER street Front room, modern. $2 single; $3 double. Main j 2890-J. 34-2-5 TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent 29 F.ast Ellis Street. 26-2-3 ONE nicely furnished front room rea sonable 216 Courtlund Street. 2 lean, well furnished | cold bath attached. 4-30-21 FOR SALE—Five-passenger Maxwell automobile in perfect condition. Bar- 11 furnished room: gain to the quick buyer. Might ex- r, everything change for well located vacant lot. Ad- 206-30-31 dress Box 42, cape Georgian. 5-3-200 FOR RENT One furnished room to one I f9io mopei Cadillac auto t*> exchange ur tw<« gentlemen Wellington Apart-] f,,r second-hand electric or will sell <>r manta No. 2, ct Streets. BRIGHT, airy, ^ connecting hath, hot water, first-class. Main 2780 Houston and Ivy 200-30-4 I swap for piece «>t cheap property. Ap% ply 179 Spring Street. 6-3-15 ed ro enue •ms to Light ent. 100 Has! housekeeping Grocery C< US \V1 ban 2-21-7 WE RENT good pianos $3 per month up. We sell good pianos $5 per month up R. P BECHT COMPANY. 107-108-109 Temple Court Building Main 667 2-19 2« or roomers .<3-2-5 15 BALTIMORE BLOCK Nicely fur- j nlshed rooms, suitable for two gentle- ; men. will furnish meals if desired Mrs Joseph Berry 80 2-5 j FORTUNES have been made in Atlanta . : IT'll NISH HP rooms for light house keeping ami one furnished front room. Main 3438- U 121_ South Pryor. 4-30-17 I DELIGH'TFI L furnished rooms, near ! business center; all conveniences; de- ] Mmble b*catiott Trinity Apartment BE\l TI#I id.' furnished IFOR SALE M: 1 power Peerl* s runabout. Very I care Georgian. four-seated 40-horse- car. Also two-seated cheap. Jack, Box 30, 39-2-5 203-30-4 1 (tom, new home. ever> convenience; il«-t ping porch. West 950-1 also 4 large -30-24 INK excellent room, with < »r w i thout board; private home; North Side 1 V V 1221. 4 -30-19 FOR SALE Five passenger 1911 Cadil lac in perfect condition; electric lights, air bottle; five new tires; new Warner Autometer; top. top-cover and seal cov ers. Call Main 1837 5-2-11 WOULD YOU BUY cheap? The auto* the "Want Ad” sect automobiles and ac- ->d automobile columns of rry a bat of Real Estate probably to-da> FURNISHED 77 West Ca Your opportunity i y. Read Real Estate ad section of The Georgiai ROOMS, men preferred room to gentleman, near I meals within the block. I 4-29-32 I WOULD YOI Georgian the way OWN YOUR HOME? A Want Ad" will show you $450 CASH. awson ed front Street room 205 : THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN Published by Tin 29 Raid Alabama St. NICE si mb' ! range ! eorglan ( ompany. Atlanta, 5F**’ (jeorgla ’urnished front t e locality: conven 1 r housekeeping ivy 5236-J. tANDSOMELY furnished large front room, private bath, shady iot; gentle man preferred Peachtree, care Geor- 113-27-4 Good Used loirs At Reasonable Prices. Ford Runabout, good condition. good tires $225.00 Ford Touring Car, with top, good condition 265.00 Courier Roadster, fully equipped, electric lights 275.00 Buick Model 10 Roadster, electric lights 325.00 Overland four-passenger, newly painted, new top 350.00 Primo Touring Car, new top and seat covers 450.00 Maxwell Roadster. Sportsman type, model Q. fully equipped, electric lights 375.00 Maxwell Touring, model G. four- passenger, fully equipped 450.00 Overland Coupe, 1911, fully equipped 450.00 Columbia. 1911, four-passenger, repainted, new top and electric lights 850.00 These cars are in good running condi- tion and worth more than the prices quoted above. BUU’K MOTOR COMPANY, 241 PEACHTREE ST. rered at Atlanta poatoffiev as second- class matter Subscript ions Payable in Advance * vear. mail, postage prepaid. $5 00 months, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50 ee n.'os.. mail, postage prepaid, 1 26 • not 1 post age prepaid. 45 Subscriptions Payable in Advance ivered »'V carrier, one year $5 20 vered hy carrier, six months. 2.60 vercsl by carrier, three months. 1 30 vered by carrier, one month . . 45 v <>red by carrier in Atlanta and j other attics, one week ! FOR RENT Four large, beautiful un furnished rooms, hall and private bath, hot and cold water gas range, con- 1 nected suitable for light housekeeping, or will furnish and rent to gentlemen <t ten suite Ivy 708:‘-.l 6H-24 THREE n kitchenet convenient NEATLY water, •ely furnished c Private h«>t ing hi Main 29 W( > or three connecting rooms for housekeeping; ; nt. Phone Ivy 3287-J. furnished < asonahle 4-29-19 XE furnished room: cioae In. Remen or business couple. two gen- Uali M 4-28-13 NK nicelx furnished room all ' «>n\ enier < •> 43 West Leet Ivy 2160 for rent: Peachtree 4-27-42 (»o.\JS, nicely furnished u«**•, ;U1^ conveniences; nc private v bunga- 4-27-16 « us r :• \ If y< .. v, eg this, is it not reasonable to suppose o ad your ad in this paper if you want F1Y E-PASSENGER automobile, thor- I oughly overhauled; new tires. Garage, 828 Peachtree -1 - .• $1,950 Fore-d(>or, 35-horsepower Tire- stone-Columbus touring car, just painted and thoroughly overhauled j Guaranteed goixl as new. $800. $2,000 1910 model 35-horsepower Fire stone-Coin minis touring car, In tine •fiiape and a good looker. $450. 1913 model Empire 25 fore-door touring car. Price. $1,000 f. o. h. Atlanta, and 1 used s’ nee November as our demonstra tor. Guaranteed same as new oar. $550. THESE PRICES arc made low' so as to get the cars out quick, as we need the room and money for new cars com ing in tnis woek. T11 E FIRESTONE COLUMBPS S< >1 T11ERN CO.. 45-47 AUBURN AYE. ^ PHONE IVY 4177 4-28-32 HIGHEST oroof gasoline and automo bile oils a specialty We handle *11 makes of tires Automobile accessories AUTO OIL AND GASOLINE CO. 71 N. FORSYTH STREET 4-4-59 4-11-1 WILL EXCHANGE new 1912 or 1913 model Studobaker cars for pair of mules or good team of work horses; communicate with me for full particu- lars. Address Reuben Kyle. Roanoke. Ala* 4-97-29 | Take good care of the hen with the brood of youngsters. Great Is the variety one finds in coops made for the care of the old hen and her chicks. Barrels on their sides, barrels on end with part of the staves knocked out to allow the little ones to pasd in and out at will, A-shaped coops, and sometimes the hens are allowed to find shelter the best they can. A coop about two feet square and about two feet high in front, with the roof slanting toward the rear, makes a very good home for a hen and little ones. We always keep a roll of felt roofing for covering these coops as we make them. It makes an ideal •overing and takes but a little pitch to run the water off. The front of the codp should be of one-inch mesh wire netting, with a slatted door to protect the chicks from the rain. If there be danger from cats, rats, etc., a cov ered wire netting run should be pro vided for joining the front of the coop. This will keep out Intruders and keep in the chicks. Coops Should Be Light. All coops and attachments shou.d be made as light as possible so they will not be burdensome to handle. A loose or removable board bottom is a good thing, too. Much food is lost by feeding carelessly upon the ground, where it is fouled and tramped under foot. This carelessness not only re sults in the wasting of the feed, but w'hat is still worse, the soured food eaten by the chicks causes indiges tion and bowel trouble, and the loss of many good chickens. Food should not be scattered upon the ground ex cept the whole* dry grain feed. Raise all the feed at home you pos sibly can, and thus reduce the cash outlay for feed. Use all the offal and by-products you can. Watch your chances to secure feed at a bargain— not spoiled food—but by watching one can frequently pick up s-eed wheat at a bargain" where some seedsman has become overstocked. I have at times bought wheat slightly burned or charred after a warehouse five. If It is dry, it is all right, but if it has been wet, it can be spread out n the sun to dry, stirring it frequently during the process. This charred grain is not only purchased at a very low price, but the fact that it has been charred makes it very whole some feed—exercising care, of course, all the while that it does not sour while drying. Rheumatism or Cramps. Judge F. J. Marshall: 1 have a hen that is lifeless, sits around most of the time drawn up or drooping. When she walks she seems to be all right, but if she tries to run she can not' pick up her feet and tries to use only her wings. I have used the B. D. dip on her and also bathed her legs sev eral times in kerosene. She has been in this condition now for more than a week. I will great y appreciaie some advice on this case. Respect fully, R. W. W. Camak, Ga. 4 ANSWER—Your hen is suffering from rheumatic cramps. So long 1? she is comparatively xjulet she doe- not suffer much, but when she under takes to walk or run then it takes hold of her; she attempts to tly to relieve the strain on her limbs. You do not say whether her legs are very scaly or rough In cases of extreme rough ness it stiffens them up so they can not walk, excont with difficulty. Wo should advise taking her away from the rest of the flock ant feeding her_ upon very simple rations—bread anvj milk, with buttermilk to drink. In fact, it would be .better, if the hen is fat, to give her nothing but the but termilk for a week if you can get it. If she will not drink it a* first, give it to her with a tablespoon, three or four at a time, and three or four times a day. This will be some trouble, but if she is a hen you value ii may be the means of getting her in condition again. We take it that she has been fed too heavily of concentrated foods to induce laying until she has gotten out of condition in that way. I do not believe much in medicines, hut think that with the proper manner of feed ing results can usually be brought about. Feed more of green stuff and a little less of the highly concentrated foods. See that your stock is housed in good, dry, comfortable quarters, .n the absence of the buttermilk use ep- sorp salts freely in the drinking wa ter. and feed lightly of dry bread moistened in warm water. Ducks. ON account of my health I am forced to sell our entire flock of ducks, con sisting jf 100 Fawn and White Runners, :0 Mammoth Pekins and 14 White Run ners Most of are prize winners and ribbons go with them. They are ill se’ect birds. Low price on lot, or either variety. Make offer or write me. Eggs $1 for 12, $5 per 100. Ducklings any time 25c each. Oak Dean Farm, Stone Mountain, Ga 4-17-10 Eggs—All Varieties. BALANCE SEASON—Eggs from my special mating "bred-to-lay" S. C. White Leghorns, $1.50 setting; special mating White Runner ducks (Patton strain) including second drake, fourth and fifth young ducks. Atlanta show, November, 1912. %2 setting South Geor gia Poultry Farm, Sale City, Ga. 8-1-18 THE EGGS of different varieties of fowls will be found classified under their respective breeds in the future, instead of under the classification of* Leghorns. WHITE LEGHORN cockerels, heavy laying strain, $1.50; pullets, $2 each; •>ggs. $1.50 and up. Mrs. Robert West, 132 Carter HiP road, Montgomery, Ala. 11-9-66 Orpingtons. 1’lM'l Buff Orpington egg.s. incubator lots, $1 per setting, $5 jntr 100. 126 Windsor Street. Main 3588. 5-3-20 FOR SAI.E—One pen Kellerstrass White Orpingtons, one cock and four hens; also several tiios of Cook's White Or pingtons; foundation stock direct from Cook farms. Write for prices. Mrs F. O. Miller, Fort Valley. Ga. 3-12-16 Poultry—All Varieties. CHICKENS—Selling out; nave all kinds; finest stock at your own price Prize winners. Egg settings, half price. R. F. Finley, Box 1515, Atlanta. Hurry. 4-30-202 FREE RANGE DUCK AND POULTRY FARM, Chamblee. Ga. Large stock of White Runners, Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds, enables us to ship fresh eggs, strong and fertile Write for prices on stock and eggs if you want a bargain. 1-21-18 Plymouth Rocks. Poultry, Plants and Seeds. ;ED ROCK eggs, pure and fresh from the Georgia Poultry Farm; $1 per setting. On sale at 12 South Broad. 26-27-4 EGGS from prize-winning E. B. Thomp son Ringlet Barred Rocks, either mat ing. $3 for fifteen, $5 for thirty. A M. Kendall. Dallas. Ga 3-8-11 H. G. HASTINGS & CO. SENDS, PLANTS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. PHONES 2»56S. THIS is the season for mites and lice. If you start in time you < an keep them clown. We carry a full line of Lice I’ow- Horses, Mules, Vehicles, Etc. OR SALE—One good dray horse; can be seen at Southern Upholstering Co., Jefferson and Echo Sts Main 5054. 5-1-10 ders and Liquid Disinfectants. DONKEY’S HEAD LICE OINTMENT, guaranteed to kill lice or baby chicks; absolutely harmless to use; 10 and 2(9'.. AVOID losses from white diarrhoea.' Drop a tablet of Pratt’: White Diar rhoea Remedy Into the drinking water. Rhode Island Reds. RHODE ISLAND RED eggs for sale, 75c per setting, for one week only. Main 4365 .1. 5-3-14 Dogs. rTHT / SAIA*D^TwuM>e<UgTee^ riers; one male, $15: one female. $10; 8 months old; will make fine yard dogs. E. Jarraru, 296 North Moreland Avenue. Phone Ivy 3408-J. 42-3-5 NOTHING on the market will make chicks thrive like Pratt s Baby Chick Food; four pounds 25c. PRATT’S DISINFECTANT destroys germs, kills lice and mites and makes everything sweet and clean; 35c quart^ $i gallon. A FULL LINE of Cypher’s Incubators Cows. WANTED—A first-class milch cow. fresh in milk. Address, with full in formation, T. I. Cooper, Decatur, Ga. 5-2-206 and Brooders. MYERS’ FAULTLESS HAND SPRAY, the best 50-cent spray made. TWO cows, one fresh In, one springer Apply 21 Evans Drive. Fort McPher son, Ga. 205-5-2 solid brass; gmwanteed lor five years; good for whitewashing and disinfect ing, $4 each. FRENCH poodles, six weeks old; male or female; $5 each. C. L. Lozier, 402* Whitehall Street. 5-3-34 LOOK—Y’ou have read this; if you want anything, others will your ad if it’s in the Want Ad Section. 1GO-Page Poultry Book Free Lousy Hens are never profitable. They cannot when tortured night and day by and mites. Dust the hens with « afp’ Powdered Lice Killer * * 26c and 50c to exterm! or spray 1 pret? 26c and 50c to exterminate the body lice, and paint or spray the roosts and nests with Liquid Lice Killer 85c, «©c and $1 to sweeten them up and destroy mltca. That means bigger profits. “Your aioney back 1# it fails.” Get Pratts Proflt-sharlmr Booklet. G. HASTINGS & CO., 16 W. Mitchell St/ IS ONE practical solution of the tire trouble; it is chemistry, scientifically applied: it has been examined and ap proved by Edgar Everhardt, professor in charge of department of chemistry at Atlanta College of Physicians and Sur geons. and is guaranteed to give satis faction or money refunded. Vuleorins Co.. 309 Peachtree St. 3-25-45 WINDSHIELDS. RADIATORS, lamps, fenders, repaired as good as new. Mfrs. all kinds sheet metal work. Warlick Sheet Metal Co., 248 Kdgewood. 3-4-64 AUTOGENOUS METHOD. AUTO AND ALL MACHINE PARTS. METAL WELDING COMPANY. MAIN 3013. 86 GARNETT STREET DOBBS TIKE REPAIR CO. WE REPAIR AND SELL, ALL MAKES OF TIRES AND TUBES. 226 PEACH TREE STREET. PHONE IVY 5646. 4-1-3 \ 1911 FOR-PASSENGER CADILLAC: best car ever built and we will let you see us overhaul it and put it in brand new shape; price right. Come see It. Travis & Jones. 26 James Street, third floor. 8-1-54 ATLANTA RADIATOR CO REPAIRING and manufacturing. Lamp and fender work. 72 Ivy Street Lanta phone 3816 At 3-10-12 WARNING TO LNFRIN- [GERS AND IMITATORS LIQUID TIRE TONIC IS PROTECT ED BY U S lH’YREA PATENT. NO. 578551 AND ALL INFRINGERS. V. ENTS OR USERS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MUST AN SWER IN THE COURT FOR VIOLA TION OF THIS LAW. LIQUID TIRE TONIC COMPANY. KANSAS CITY. MO 4-8-43 WE have several Fla-nders chassis and will build body and paint car to your order Bargain prices. Don’t buy any second-hand car until you see ur NORTH PRYOR GARAGE. NORTH 4-2-23 THOR M( '1 t'UCYCLES. repair® and hc- < e^so r >s: best equipped repair shop -n city We will take care of you. South ern Motorcycle Co , 116 Edgewood Ave 8-26-31 Automobiles For Rent dT.\ham~ MOTdR~Cd! FIVE and seven-passenser cars. Garage. 112 East Ellis Street. Call Bell phone Ivy 2196 day. Main 4325 night. 3-21-33 Garages For Rent. PoTT RENT^Garage; also stable for four mules, (’lose in. Electric lights and water. 136 Washington. Main 4812-J. 4-30-46 Tire Repairing HTt;H''^tXrrK'sTl?XM'TTT^TANf2lRu Retreading a specialty. Prompt atten tion given express shipments. Sanders- Sreer Vulcanizing Company, 100 Spring Street, Atlanta. Ga. 3-28-16 __ MONEY TO LOAN. PLENTY money to loan on city prop erty. Watt Kelly, Attorney, 400 Tem ple Court Building. 43-2-5 R. C. DESAUSSURE TIME and monthly loans negotiated on real estate. Room 813 Atlanta Na tional Bank Building. 4-29-25 WE loan money on furniture and house hold goods. F. & J. Loan Company, 120 Decatur Street. 4-25-8 MONEY ON HAND for immediate loans on property in*or near Atlanta. J. E. Vanvalkenburg, 501 Equitable Bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments. Confi dential D. H. Tolman, 820 Austell building.^ WEYMAN & CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages on RealEstate. 4-1-1 FARM LOANS PLACED in any amount on improved farm lands in Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Company. Gould building. 7-13-1 WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on At lanta and noarby property, ei ther for straight or monthly payment .plant. Also for pur chasing purchase money notes. Foster & Robson, 11 Edgewood avenue. WANTED—To buy good purchgs, money notes, or first mortgages. Georgia Land and Loan Co., 902 Third National Bank Bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. PARTY wishes to sell or trade small amount of stock manufacturing pian f Northwest Georgia that has operate! last two seasons night and day. getting very best results and unable to fill aP orders. Capacity' to be doubled next 60 or 90 days. Trade for good automobile or small lot worth $600. Business, Box 843, care Georgian. 5-3-3 FORTY-ROOM hotel, doing paying busi ness. for sale on accoum of having to devote time to other business. Address Hotel, 837, care Georgian 25-1-8 AN EXPERIENCED auctioneer wania partner with small capital to open gen eral commission auction house. Do not answer unless you mean business. Ad dress Auction, Box 309, care Georgian 5-2-5 LOOK—You have read this; if you want anything, others will read your ad if it’s in the Want Ad Section. PATENT RIGHT FOR SALE. A VALUABLE improvement on wt! construction, damp, heat and coU proof; eliminates repairs; less insur ance; perfectly sanitary. See the Mod ern Construction Company, rooms 408- 409 Gould building. Atlanta, Ga. Phon« Main 4398 3-8-< SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND, any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. S. W. Caruon. 24 South Broad street. 4-1-17 MORTGAGE LOANS On Atlanta Property ' BUSINESS BUILDINGS. 5 and 5% per cent. RESIDENCE^ BUILDINGS. 5V4. 6 and 6^ per cent. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLES •• EASY TERMS BICYCLES EXCELSIOR motorclycles, high-grade bicycles; complete line new and useo bicycles and motorcycle®; complete stock j parts and accessories: moderr service depot. Lowest prices; easy terms. AL- ENAXDFR-SEEWALD CO.. 146-147-143 , Edgewood Avenue Phone Ivy 1602. PHONE FOR DEMONSTRATION 4-1-23 1 Your rate depends upon the location. Without notice you can nay back a hundred, any multiple of a hundred dol lars. on the entire loan on ahy interest date TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN. Loan Correspondents, PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COM PANY’ OF AMERICA. 203-8 Empire Building. MONEY WANTED. WANTED Five hundred dollars for^J year on improved out-of-town pr< ertv valued at one thousand dollars new car line near city. Address Lo Box 80. care American. 5. 6%—WE WILL PAY—6% OX SAVINGS. IN SUMS of $500 to $5,000. T Merchants and Mechanic Banking and Loan Co., 2 Grant Building. Tel. Ivy 534] Cash Capita] $120,000. Thos. J. Wesley, Cashier. B. M. Grant. Pies. 3-11- ATLANTA REAL ESTATE Is incroi ing in value daily. Many bargains : offered in the Real Estate columns the “W ant Ad" section of this pap