Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 05, 1913, Image 5

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I he Dingbat Family By Herriman You Know How it Is When Your Neighbor Gets a Car Copyright, 1918, Intimation*] Now* FATHER MOVILLAN IF I AiAKE-SU-J, OVER TfcAJ .lit Pinch ( Y Him A r fbeK aajd'L i Beamed - ."WHEN 'IHEV \ HAVE IT j THsyU dt 1 swell To c A/OTlC E OS ; GCADIU'-^" A/nY his j SBra* r- tJECOAimJ SET he Lui ^HAAJDri rt| SOlON HAIR. ''NrT ) (/AJbTAU-MEAjt') T Pi am J ! •s OME OP ) Them % ( I or A HORSE' Power r—- Ih i c us/V f (.MODOA YKAJOW Af Them Di^BATb 1 HAVING A CZl T AuTomo&ice uiwooy " j ONE Ob • DEM ;creep ,ABouT A DETECTIVE STORY l) door of Father Movillan n house .swung loosely on Its hinge** Within was darkness ami with- K)d a little group of neighbors. « an\ one seen Father Movillan. ?” asked one of these, workingmen moved nearer to ih« 5Hoo8oy, SHOO Git The Air, i Git The Air. “No,*' said one of them, “we have, not seen him. Why don’t you enter'.* The door in ajar.” The llrst speaker detached himsel# from the group and entered the house, tho onlookers whispering among them selves. Father Movillan had inherited $10,000. and had not been seen since he received, the cash. Finally the white face of the investigator appeared at the door. “For God's sake!" he cried, *'oome quick! There has been a murder!" The crowd entered the house, and there before them lay the body of Father Movillan in a pool of blood. After the first shock was over they remembered that it was their duty to notify the police. Before the detectives arrived, however, the news of the mur der had si»read, and a great crowd had gathered around. The police investigation revealed the fact that Father Movillan had received four deep stab wounds, and that the. $10,000 was gone. Further investlga tion was turned over to tho master de tective, James Black, and the next day he was on the spot, carefully examining every nook and comer of tho house*. As he was about to leave the room Where the murder was done, hie eyes fell upon a broad box standing In a corner. On top of the box was u. little heap of ashes, evidently those from a cigarette. Black turned to the local detective, who was with him and who had known the murdered man. "Did. Father Movillan smoker he asked. "No. he did not smoke, but he used snuff." “Indeed," said Black, and smiled' as he examined the ashes more carefully. “The fellow smoked Turkish elga rettes,” he mumbled to himself. In the stymre between, the church and the police station the detective, found a cigar store, In the rear of which was a small restaurant. He went Inside and sat down at a table. "Give me a cup of (toffee," he said to the proprietor who was acting as a waiter as well. When the coffee, was brought he engaged the man in con versation. asking him a number of questions about the town. § Then, after searching through all h«s pockets, he said: “I am all out of cigarettes. You don't happen to have Nazir, I suppose?" “Yes. I have.” "Then please give me a package.** The proprietor brought ir. "I don’t suppose you sell many of that brand here?” “No. They are too expensive. How ever, I did sell a package of them the day before yesterday.” “And who was the free sj HAWA/K TS-KtfAWNK wUf> kwa'nN k I'VrrwTTH ~ —+— M H 11,1 '.‘TTTnr ■- - V/MTAge. OF I CAN Tto. gv The WHISTLE, bEE I6NAT2'', The 'Sun" Me HATH SETtETH U)E will sit Right Down here,Ano ^'T uwTic HE RlSETH ^ Positive Polly By Cliff Sterrett Copyright, 1W3, International New* fjervlo* WAL 1 JuSt Vbu tell Ver UWCIE S4HMV AM- ABOUT 'T, won/ey LET'S 1 hear, it r M <£.,-> HAPPy L Juft F-E-EL Like HAViul - A * 6cou Cfev! oeucia Gal, WHAT'Svl- MAT-TfeRT O oH -N-N-M -O Bo-hoo! ' P pp POLLY’S A A A - D-e-e-ar. 1 Uoo-fld-00 OOAH- VA$ Hiwa'JS Jus* l i-hHTt Ain't V happy here 'With Me AW ^r. 4uWTl£‘5ctf'lE, CuiLD ? \ PollY keen/ Gmtv iki Some of her Sarcastic Oils 2 Tom McNamara Shrimp Flynn Admits He’s Nonplussed Itegistered T'niveJ States Patent Office ipender?” in- j quired the detective. ! “A soldier. Jules Buiandon, who has just returned, from the maneuvers, lie has served hip term in l‘ari« and there developed some extravagant habits Now he is home again with his parents, who are respectable people, but be won’t be with them very long, 1 guess He spends most of his time at the Gold en Hen.” Jn the afternoon Black went to the Golden Hen, the best inn in the place.' Around the tables a number of men sat smoking, drinking and talking. Black glanced about and sat down next to the two men who were playing cards. He watched them closely and noticed that one of them, a rather young and handsome man, appeared to be nervous. After a while one of the player* stood up and said that he must leave on ao count of an appointment. The young man looked annoyed, and when Black suggested that he would take the place of the departing man his offer vm eagerly accepted. The detective proved himself a. good player, but luck was aglnst him ai»d h* lost most of the time. After a while He began to fumble through his pocket* If looking for something. “What is the matter? Have you lost anything?” his partner aakod. “No; I thought I had some cigarettes. ! but it does not matter at all.'** “Have one of mine,” the other said. 1 ;is he handed him a package of Nhzfr. T see you smoke Turkish Hgarettee. j too, like myself.” “Yes. I do not like French tobacco: it is too strong for me,” he answered, lighting one. The game went on, and Black learned that his guess had been right and that his companion was indeed Jules Balan don. Occasionally Balandon struck off the ashes of his cigarette in the ash tray. He was greatly interested in the game, and did not observe the detective pocket some of the ashes. “Did you ever notice," Black said, “that the ashes of good tobacco are much finer and lighter than those of the ordinary kind?” And he pointed to the ash tray. “No, I never thought of that." Balan don replied, shuffling the cards. “Well, then, I am different. It may ometimes be of the greatest impor tance.” "Really, l don’t see”— "Well, I will show you,” Black said, producing from his pocket the paper containing the ashes he had picked up earlier in Father Movillan’s room. “It is as plain as day,” ho'said. “You will notice that the ashes in this paper are exactly like the ashes from your cigarette, and this is enough for me to prove that the murderer of Father Mo villan is Jules Balandon." He stopped a moment and looked at Balandon, who was as white as a sheer Then he stood up and laid his hands on the shoulders of the other player "In the name of the law.” he said. “I arrest you.” «5KtNNT SHANER'S GOCtett department Aten's *s*ma**> I DON'T WANT TO > KIT HIM Tc$ HM», ) *ADS= I Mi6KT HURT ( I'll SALARY WlN&lT GEE I THINK HE SEEN ME ‘. <—• IM (S0NNA TAKE A CHANCE AND slam that gut EAGtE beak Jl)*T FOR Fl'lU.,-Tfg^,,y I THINK HE'S J WsU VMH) SAVED IT Ail RIGHT, l lit ARE D HE DID 1 r WELL ILL p/ND HE FOR TOO SA&LsBEAKiS • QmAujiJi > W*T IS (WOMEN SO , HARD To UiOOERStANDf BECAUSE TUST NED6X TRY To MAKE TJiEMSftOf* PLAIN— THAT'S RI6HT \mhaTs THF use foa ARGUING* tb'-djOJtfD FROM 0 *0UB. UL FRPh) “ GEORGIA LEOJ'S PHILADELPHIA \f» fe L|T:?AK VVjAN'fS TO FI MO SKIN NY t'O DP THE STREET DOWN 6T THE ; Ci^er QAitce. -— J TWHDIrTIFHC «, SUCH A T006H I'LL A GAME GUT- ILL HEY SHRIMP VY60 KWO'A) 0IHERG (AIM IS AT 1 j AND KEEP MY HANDG IN , MT POCKETS. < IF HE HUS ' ME HE'S A / COWARD 1 J FIRE HOUSE j ^FANKS>!l U.s. A W«EA) IS A KAJoT- WOLE Nor WHOLE ? Al^T IT A SHAME? touIl all haue ro WAIT TILL To-MORRtKO for the answerj^ BUT Tou cam viAit; C.KNV * By George McManus Bringing Up Father 1913, Infernalional News Service. TOO DUES, TOU I'Ll . MUST T/SKt HIM MOMF • ' aOOCHT A, DOC ONCE thm * V'ATCh DOG ■ HE lAED to watch the dorglar^ ROB Tme moose '(VHATSThE MATTER SwiTH Too DOG' t OOULES IS A GOOD WATCH DOC TOO | HUBBY -DEAR I 1 WANT You TO SEE THlB POPPY MRS Smith HAS Do Bajiy ME ONI LIMP. IT ’Onry sir- but your 'i-2 "Sir. is coming up ^'R WITH a LADY ■ SIR TO SEE You SIR - YES “Lik - thank, You - Sir • ID RATHER HAVE A COAT HE MAY lie A puppy q<jy he HAS A MAN-S thirst . you Should get one they're so affectionate -1 call This one Toodles"' 1 .EE i gotta HIDE t H is - I NeVER get a MINUTE to me self: I Some Use After All. , Diminutive Onlooker Rafter golfer makes his sixth fruitless stroke)—“If ver dig up any wriggly worms, can I ’ave’ era, guv-nor, ’co« I’m going a-