Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 05, 1913, Image 6

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n THE ATLANTA UE0RG1AX AND NEWS.MONDAT, MAY 5, 1913. 13 Lift; GULLS J_b'A Aii r=?i\ SILK HAT HARRY’S DIVORCE SUIT :: The Judge Helps to Entertain Copyright, 1913. by the Star Company. o • o • By Tad M sianta, We !>\ .Inc Amici'. iini.k, ai.a . m.< Smith m l US(* -I,. 1 with Jo«* Dunn reo€ lost yesterday's con v Kind of baseball tin first pi AlE^icTHAmOCP. WOW -<ou VufTATHE (fOME /WTHlOe AlJD HEUp N*E etutfwmm MBi. tv+imP-Sot^ - I P-EAU-V DOUf F&A. Ut£ TAUP/M r Wat THiinER \ylUO t-VsjETH we>p- -you OOugtTT A terri s-e «*■ uOooTh -y-rKTeM>A"' 8uvi me m - jenO-S TVf0A TO HtCf- HOME A,V P NETFT OAV PEWOi m-trM Gaps / Bur IT Ht . itii t\% o hit f i single ami which was i f added un- •in n s» nt in am. te had and should not have been st ored on. There is only one thing that looks' -<>od from our standpoint, and that it* Weaver looks to be in grand condition I must give Mobile credit—they have tlie beat looking ball club the «’racliftrs Lave faced this year. They a I are fa sit and seem to he hitting good. Well, there are three more games to p ay. and you cun take is from me. we have the confidence and we will he out .u that old park working just as hard ;s« wo ar<* able. l’robubl\ we can re peat the Birmingham series. The Crackers have played t<» 16,500 persons in the laet two games. Nearl> 8,000 persons ‘•aw .vest* r- day’s game. The score was 9 to 4. The Gulls pounded .Mtimer out of the box in the first. Retting two dou- b'es and as many singles for three runs, without an out. Weaver was -ent In and did better, though ho was not given support which was calcu lated t*> help him in his uphill light. Mobile got the fourth run over in t ic first, and then in the fifth on two bits, three walks, two double steals ;*nd a wild heave, scored four more. They added the ninth tall\ in tin *e, • nth inning. We scored in tin first and Stocks’ error. On two infield outs, one « dumb playing by Uavct. other score. On one hit. two gifts and two infield outs in the seventh, we put over our remaining two scores. Ground rules prevailed for both fields. BASEBALL SUMMARIES SOUTHERN LEAGUE Games To-day. A llama at Mobile. Birmingham hi Now Orleans. Nashville at Memphis. Chattanooga at Montgomery. Standinci o f the Clubs. \Y L P.C. | W 1. P.C. Mobile IS T .720 1 M'mphis 9 12 .429 Atlanta 14 8 .020 B'ham 9 12 .429 .VviJJe. 11 19 .624 N. Or. '♦ 13 .409 Mont 9 12 129 1 < ’hat t S 14 .30-1 Yesterday's Results. Mobile 9, Atlanta 4. Memphis Nashville 2. Ww Orleans t Birmingham l Chattanooga 5. M«»ntgomer> < AMERICAN LEAGUE Games To-day Philadelphia at New York Washington at Boston. Standing of the Clubs. \V. I.. P.C I \\ L. I*.t\ Phil*. 12 3 .800 | S. Louis 9 12 .429 W"ton. 10 4 .714 Boston 7 10 .412 <"Iand. 13 i'» .085' Detroit 0 14 300 Eh go. 12 9 .571 \ York 2 14 125 Ye6**rdav‘g Results. Detroit 2. Chicago I. SI Louis 4. Cleveland 3 NATIONAL LEAGUE Games To-day. Boston at Brooklyn. New Yjfirk at Philadelphia Standing of the Clubs. \V. L. B.C. ; \Y. L. PC. P!nla 8 1 .667 \ York S 7 533 Ch’go 13 7 050 • P’burg 10 9 526 S IvOUis 11 s .79 Boston 4 11 267 B’klvn 9 7 563 Cnati. 4 II ,222 Yesterday s Residts. St Lou.s 19, Ctiieago X Pittsburg 1. Cincinnati 0 SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE. Games To-day. « olumbus at Charleston Albany at Ja< ksonville Savannah at Macon. Standing of the Clubs. \Y L. P.C. rah 11 3 .786 ille. 10 ;• *167 ’bus 7 7 .500 Macon Albany L I <5 10 Yesterday's Results. N«* games scheduled. OTHER RESULTS YESTERDAY. -- Texas League. -San Antonio . Austin i •alias 5, Galveston 4 Waco 4. Houston 1. K-.rt Worth it, Beaumont »; Internationa* League. .Montreal 5 Jerse> Cit\ 3 Rochester 5. Newark i Providence 7. Buffalo o American Asset lation Columbus 4. Kansas Cit> 1 s Paul 9. I .ouisvillc i Toledo 8. Minneapolis •• Indianapolis 7. MUwauk*-.- 3 OTHER GAMES TO DAY Empire State League. Coi'eae Games. Georgia vs. Washington and Let 11 hens. Catholic vs. Navy, a; \nna polls • ■ - • n and Ne\ riHii-oii v.< Ncubciry at C! • •» ,AMO*-.Min and Br* C, M C vs. M*M . r Sub Varsii\ North Carolina vs Guilford, at HU-SPAMP vJOHT - \ G-OJB HE'S- A MIOC&- - HS Og£S AU, the JMOPPlAJCjr HiAAjGGF- D0ES THE MGUjeVOf-K AMP ftGVJ A*-<- THE CKlA^fciTNJS CLCTH-e^ HE ipENlOi AWV1 OurTi+e ev/eruiM<s-- I SO mean / Dc VWOEF H0??£S- ( TO AATHAT" j Hfe'O S 0ETAD / PL~-l -F-P-ONA a 8LIVT> ( 5AHGOf-VvlHAr DO THE PEOPLE- , THI ST OF TM AT \ GdAPESVIGE FEEP 5 I THAT 3TV ft KJ 6^E_ op FATE OF ITT By II, \l. Walker. I OS 'aN'CiKLKS. Mrt\ 5.—"How would you feel if you owned a business and that was worth $100,000 and knew that a ’soup' ped dler was hiding in the basement try ing to hand you a McNamara high ball?” Thomas Jefferson Mel 'arey's an swer when asked if he was feeling a bit nervous. The Browne bjll. aimed t<» kill box ing con test p in California, is to bo taken up again to-day in Sacramento. The fate of the game should be known inside the next few hours. As MeOarey, together with Pro moter James \Y. (’offroth, of San Francisco, practically controls the whole world so far as championship contests are concerned. It will be seen that he is not padding his assets when he mentions the mere sum of $100,000. “I can not believe that the spo ! i will be legislated out of the State.” said Met'arey to-day. "For ten years we have bundled u here in so clean a manner that th enemies of the game, 99 per cent of whom never witnessed a game, have been unable to say a truthful worn against it.” ii is learned from a reliable source that the city of New Orleans wou' j welcome McCurey in case the boxing game is killed in California. Twenty-round contests are n >\v permissible in Louisiana, and the Crescent City would become the logi cal championship battleground with this state closed. Tommy Walsh, manager of .1 *•• Mandot, tin* Southern lightweight, ha j a tew words to say concerning ♦he New Orleans situation. • We are to start twenty-round box ing bouts down there this miint!^ said Walsh, “and the sports have l^?fen flank in demanding that the gayrfe oc handled as il has been liamTlcd in California for the past terp-'o* fifteen year®. They want chamvfbiiMhip edn- t. t- McCarey am! C>fiTroth as pro moters have been... mentioned along < anal Streef. Also ther* 1 exists the possibility that Mt *’arey ii>jght go to New York and tgkc a^JUaThd In tin* ten-round thing. ? s£orge ”K. O.” brown wins. XMW YORK. May 5. Members of the St. Nicholas Athletic Club were treated to one of the best entertain- j ments in months Saturday. The main attraction was between Knock out Brown, of Chicago, and Battling J Larry Ryan, of the West Side, in I which the former was master of the j situation from start to finish, in the fourth ami seventh sessions Ryan I went through tile ropes. BIG LEAGUI GOSSIP By Ed ('un-Tv. N EW YORK, May 5. There was a semblance of a tragedy en acted last week at tin St. Nich olas A. (\, when Frank Moran bat tled Luther McCarty ten hard rounds. The crowd cheered on Moran when he landed a telling punch on tho ac knowledged best man *>f the white hope division. Moran always answered \vi th a smile and was apparently the most cheerful man at tin* scene. He left tin* ring laughing and joking, but it was only by a strong effort that the blond-haired gladiator acted the part. Down deep in his heart there was a leaden feeling, for Moran knew what few other* were aware of; his right hand was totally out of business through the breaking of >< small bone, and what was more important h»* wasn’t to receive a penny for his serv ices. Held Luther Even. For 3o minutes he fought McCarty, ami in the majority of rounds gave as uadi us he received. All th«* time he was in action Moran realised that with a useless hand h<* did not have the slightest chance of knocking out Mc Carty, which feat would he the only! solace for the fact that he was tight-. ing for nothing. h was an exhibition <»f g imencss, ind the real heroism of tjjrrf whole af fair a a- that Moran ygfrriod out his part without a nnrpriu Tie r, was ..•thing tor him^-n gain and every- hing for him-mo lose. He went through with it and gave the specta tors their money’s worth, for he did most of the forcing and made the fight. Few realized tLat the tight was aH good as . am eled Wednesday morning. Moran’s handlers knew he was really unfit to enter tin* ring and wanted him I., call the affair off. He said, "No." Few Morans in Ring. \g.ih? in the evening lie heard the receipts vt ere only a little over $8,000. Accord) ig to his contract, he was to receive a percentage on all over $4,800. When ho wu- told that all he was to receive \pis t beating and that the Injured hand would he accepted as a legitimate excuse. Moran simply said: i’ll fight MoFarty if lie knocks me out in tla* first round. I never ran away from a fight and no one is going lu cverauy I dodged McCarty.*’ There ar** few Morans in tlie ring. STOVALL IS SUSPENDED. CHICAGO. May f». Manager Sto vall. *d the St. Louis Browns, to-day was indefinitely suspended by Pres ident Ban Johnson for his imbroglio with Empire Ferguson in St. Louis during Saturday’s game with Cleve land. ■^IIILAHHLPHIA. May o. Now comes the real test for the Giants, when the Western * teams in the National League journey East this week for their first intersectional series. The stlffest contenders for the pennant are bound to come from the West in tiie Pittsburg and Chicago clubs. After all the four Western teams have made their Eastern visit, there, may be something to tell about the finish of the race. outside of the Giants. Chicago and Pittsburg will find little opposition in the East, ex- **ept possibly in Philadelphia. Boston and Brooklyn will 1m* weak-kneed against the charging Cubs and plunging Pirates, and it will lx* an excellent chance for oy <>f these two clubs to open up a lead. * * # VEltS has shot out ahead with his team in grand style, but as soon as he drills into the East it is going to be E a question of pitchers with him. The (Nibs have been hitting the ball very hard so far this season, harder than any club in the league, but they have not met any finished pitching. The Pirates, who have a collection of twlrlers that look very good on pa|>er, have not received any effective box work, all the men being off form. This is practically the stlffest pitching the Cubs have encountered. The Chi- engo batters have easily cluhtied their way through the pitchers on the Cin cinnati and St. Louis clubs. But when the Cubs hit the East they will meet able pitchers in lx>tk New York and Philadelphia, with-■-one man. Nap Rucker, delivering''a good game in Brooklyn. The pitchers on Ixdh the Giants and Phillies are much further advanced in their work than the twlrlers on the Western clubs. McGraw has six pitchers in good eon ditiou now. while the Philadelphia staff is in tiptop form. The batting averages *>f the Cubs are liable to shrivel up a little bit when the stick ers meet up with some real twirling. I OOK at tile thing from the other —' angle. None of the Chicago twlrlers have shown phenomenal form s*> far. For a long time this season not one of them had finished an entire game, but the team has been w inning on its robust sticking ability, pound ing out victories by big scores. Noy.y if Evers* pitchers do not improve'"and the Cubs meet good twirling in the East, they are liable !<• strike a slump which may tumble them off their perch. If they‘Mo slump, the pitch ing stall* will be the cause of their down fait. - '■pm: cast- of Tittslmrj; is slightly 1 different from that of Chieago, but the outcome of the impending Kastrni trip will have a large amount of influence on the Tirates’ chances. Clarke has an excellent pitching staff. \o one denies that, lint it is like a powerful engine which is run ning on only a elyinder or two and not tiring very strong on these. The twlrlers are ail out of slmiie. Hen drix started the other day and could not find the plate. Adams went in and was no better. Pittsburg is a club that will vome like a house atire along in July or August, but it con ditions slowly. What Clarke needs most now is pitching, competent and able. If he fails to get any worth while on Mils’ Pastern trip, his team maj>be crowded back so far that by flic time it is in good health there’ll lie a long road to travel to overtake the leaders, whoever they may be. The Giants are not sorry to see the Cults beat Pittsburg now, because we still figure the Pirates to be our strongest rival for the pennant, and the further back they are crowded, the longer spurt they will have to make in the middle and at the end of the season. The team is bound to come through eventually. The ability is there. * * * I F Wagner can return to the game. Ihe Pirates should give the j Giants a hard battle for the flag.! Reports conflict on the Dutchman's* condition, but it is doubtful whether lie will be able to play for a long time, j if ut all. That will hurt Pittsburg, j because the infield is badly damaged j with him out of it. The Giants do What Walter Johnson Has Done This Year April 10—Against New York, won 2 to 1, allowed 7 hits, fanned 3, gave 1 base on balls, no earned runs in 9 innings. April 20—Against New York, won 3 to 0, allowed 5 hits, fanned 9, gave no bases on balls, no earned runs in 9 innings. April 24.—Against Boston, won 6 to 0, allowed 2 hits, fanned 7, gave 2 bases on balls, no earned runs in 9 innings. April 26.—Against Boston, allowed 2 hits, fanned 1, gave no bases on balls, no earned runs in 1 inning. April 30—Against Philadelphia, won 2 to 0, allowed 4 hits, fanned 10, gave 1 base on balls, no earned runs in 9 innings. May 3—Against Boston, allowed 4 hits, fanend 4, gave 1 base on balls, no earned rur.„ in 5 in nings. Summary—Won 5, lost 0, allowed 24 hits or 5 per game, fanned 35 or 7 1-2 per game, gave 4 bases on balls or 1 per game; has been scored on but once, an unearned run, and has pitched 4 1 innings without al lowing a run. Georgia-Alabama League Opens Season Billed to Meet on Dia- PREP LEAGUE NOTES Veteran Jimmy Clabby si ill ranks as one of tho greatest middleweights in tho game to-day. Last week the Ham mond boy held Eddie MeGoorty. claim ant of the middleweight championship, to a draw at Denver in 10 rounds, after nearly all the critics in the Middle \V4*st had picked Eddie to beat Clabby. Clabby has a wonderful record, hav ing met nearly everybody of any ac count In his division. Jimmy also took several trips to Australia whore he best ed several of the leading heavweights on the other side. Clabby could make 164 in a pinch. So anxious is Gunboat Smith to meet Luther McCarty, that he has offered to guarantee McCarty $5,000 if he will meet him. Smith claims that Luther has been dodging him for tho past year. * * * In the meantime Smith L doing light work in New York for his 20-round en gagement with Jess XVIllard on the coast May 17. I*atsy Brailnigan and Eddie Winder have been matched to box 10 rounds in Steubenville. Wts,, May 12. Both* boys are featherweights tling Nelson a stiff fight for 12 rounds. » if. * Steve Ketchel, Chicago lightweight who recently parted company with his manager, Larney Lichtenstein, writes that lie would like to come hero and meet some star lightweight. Ketchel has fought such boys as Charlie White, Pal Brown and Art Stewart. Abe At tell is trying hard to get on with Johnnie Kilbane on tho coast. Abe says his recent bouts have proven that he can still swing the padded mitts as of old. * * * Joe Mandot is on the coast doing light work for his 20-round fray with Bud Anderson May 80. This will be Man- dot's last chance at the lopnotchers it' he is beaten. Tommy Murphy says he will heat Wil lie Ritchie sure if he ever gets the cham pion in the ring with him. Tommy says .titehie Is far from a great champion. “KEEP PURCHASE PRICES SECRET," SAYS JENNINGS JACK BRITTON IS SUED BY HIS FORMER MANAGER not expect the Cubs to hold up, and j §j x j eams figure the Pirates will In* the boys to , _ , _ . . . beat. Therefore, the Chicago victories [ mond To-day; Schedule Closes now are not troublesome. August 16. — LAGRANGE, GA., May 5.—Every- j thing is in readiness for the opening of the Georgia-Alabama League r o- day, six teams being billed to get into NEW YORK, May 5.—Jack Britton, | action * the Chicago lightweight, who, in pri- Every club in the league has a r-- vate life, is William J. Breslin, wasi selve *" un 'd money on hand with ma> the defendant in the City Court ™ ich \o start the season, and intense . . , , _ , : interest is prevailing at every town in a suit brought by John L. Costello in the league. The 1913 season will his former manager, to recover an i run from May 5 to August 16. after aggregate of $2,187 for money he al- "'hich time the winner of the pennant legos ho advanced for personal ox- "a!J les aTsoveral^f^he‘’towns'"nthe pens'es of the boxer during the time he j league with other small league pen- nant winning teams. recites I The sa l ar >' limit of the Georgia-Al- , j abama League is $850 per month, in- that from February, 1911, to July. { eluding the salary of the. manager, 1912, he managed the fighter under an ! who is supposed to be a playing man - agreement by which he was to receive • ^£ er - ^ salary limit was made low r .. ' , . in order to enable the league to stand one-fourth of all the money earned by together in oast- of bad attendance. the fighter in his bouts, and in addi- 1 and heavy fines will be imposed upon tion was to be reimbursed by the ! an Y t eam found exceeding the salary fighter for all moneys he expended for j necessary expenses. was under his management. Costello, in his coinplaint, NELSON SAYS HE WILL QUIT RING ON MAY 4 [ Gharli** Allen, of Marist. has nuule ion a: |lnt.s mi the last i\n.> games his team has 1 p!a.\o*l. Vilen wan close to the top In ! I I’rep leugue balling last year, ai d if he j i.eeps* ut* his present pace he wil$ lead 210 In his stockings Peacock was scheduled to pia> u game Athena Saiurdaj with the Athens it en, all this season. In the game with m , S( . hoo , ni ne. but the contest was <n m- Mountain last J*rida\ lie gut tour s iigb s (lilt of four times at ba. I postponed Peacock will enter some 'boys in die Prep meet next Friday. 1 There ar** at bast half a dozen athletes I • * I* High 1 mi* ,-! ' gumest : al p,.acock who look promising (catchers in the league if* "Babbit Hair, j # # I I lair had a Unger nail knocked off in the , gam** with Marist in the first inning. II. HzendoHT. of Boys High, will no j bint finished out the gan.** without a J * A •; i l»t win the pc’c vault in the meet n urmia lb is a freshman at Tech , Frida.\. while Fowl* r, of Marist, will ! I probably cop the hammer throw of th DETROIT, MICH., May 5.—Hughey Jennings opposes the giving out of the purchase price of star minor leaguers. "If 1 had my way not a club in the would announce its purchase prices.” declared he. "In nineteen i meet Kivt Hay c* nuntie side. In <- trim:ii oppoaln en safet five g n * former Boys pitch big leugu* lust game he pit Gordon 13 to 2 • hits Very se Hgh I bail j •hed ] ie get ff 11a, MONEY Attain; •Id the Here is local Prep Clubs Boys High Marist . Tech Nigh Peacock G. M. A. . he )’!<■• League: siuiiuing »n Lost .760 000 Joe Sullivan, manager of Jeff O’Con nell. laughs at Matty Mc-Cue’a story that { lie refrained from putting out Posey I Williams at Milwaukee the other night because he had a bad hand. Sullivan says the Racine boy is in for a trimming leagu when O’Connell meets him at Racine on May 15. * * * cases out of twenty this practice ruins George Dugdule, manager of Billy a ball player. Marquard wasn’t a bit Walters, writes from Chicago that lie | of good for two years after he went has his protege matched to box “Wil<l- j to New York. 1 could name dozens of Ferns at St. Joseph. Mo., on May j instances where ball players went fought one | wro „g because in the first few days * they failed to live up to expectations, Meyer Pries, the local bantamweight! ^hd after that they lost confidence in says he will gladly meet little Jimmy themselves. Grant, the Chicago boy, in a private j "What difference does it make bout, for a side bet. These boys have whether a man cost the club $20 or l>**eu wrangling for some time and it« j $20 *i«»0 so long as he delivers the about time they coilld get together. ; Th ■ ...fair if it George Cadelis. Grant’s backer, says l t ,7*,! .? J Pries can meet him at the Georgian of- I choose?* to i»u> a nigh price lor the flee and sign up foi* tli** bout at once. player, just the same as it is the • * « club’s affair when it pays a star a big Frank Klaus and Jack Dillon will price for his services.” met at Indianapolis instead of Mil- < PHILADELPHIA. PA.. May i Battling Nelson last night announced day: his retirement from the prize ring The clubs are all in condition to play snappy ball, and almost all oi the teams are made up of young sters, and there will undoubtedly be many fine players developed and soM from each team at the end of the sea son : Following is the schedule for to- Anniston at Gadsden. , , Opelika at Talladega, after his tight in Pittsburg on May 14. LaGrange at Newnan. He declares that he is satisfied that he never can be a contender for the CROSS AND TRENDALL SIGN, lightweight crown. "I promised the ST. LOUIS, MO., May 5.—Leach public 1 would make this announce- Cross, of New York, and Harry Tren- ment when I had satisfied myself dull, of St. Louis, signed articles yes- that I could not come back. I am j rerday to fight eight rounds here May satisfied.” ; 8 at 135 pounds. IT NEW 10111 N EW YORK, May 5.—The St. Nicholas Athletic Club will be in the field again this week with mother high-class bill, featuring with .en-round bouts between boys of ■hree classes. The main event will show Johnny Lore, of the West Side, against Sam Robideau, one of the oest lightweights which Philadelphia } as turned out in some time. Robi- icau has had considerable experience, *nd is regarded as one of the most promising boys of his class In the ion-round semi-final the contestants pill be George “Knockout” Brown, of hicago, and Leo Houck, of Lancas ter. I best- two middleweights have been figuring In bouts with the top- 'lotchers of their class for the past gvo years, in the opening ten-round bou the principals will be Kid Black, f t ^ ® ,de » and Tommy Houck, >f Philadelphia. * * * T HE „ A, ! antir G arJe n AUiletic Club ,"' 111 al? ° Put on an all-star shou- at its club house to-morrow night. !• rankle Burns, the Jersey City ban tamweight, who has fought all the eading ooys of his class, including the champion, as well as two feath erweight champions, will oppose Jim my Murray, in the main event. Bat tling Hurley, of Passaic, and Young 1" rank, of the West Side, will come together in the ten-round semi-final “.nd the opening bout will show Young Graawell. of Newark, vs. Gene Gilvev "t local 133-pound boy. * * * THREE ton-round bouts will be put on to-morrow night at the Brook- yn Beach Athletic Club, of South Brooklyn. Jack Hanlon and Al Mc- Closkey, heavyweights, will be the headliners. The other bouts will bring together Jack O’Donnell vs. Young McGowan, and George Frazer vs Jimmy Jarvis. , The new Polo A. A. will put on its regular weekly show Friday night. On Saturday night the usual programs hill be put on at the Fairmont, St. Nicholas and Atlantic Garden Clubs! of New York: the Irving National and Gowanus Clubs, of Brooklyn, and the T.iberal Athletic Club, of Staten Is- ’and. * * * veal feature on the week's card * i* The show to be staged at the Forty-fourth Street Sporting Club. It was intended to reopen this club to night. but a postponement was found necessary and the show arranged for to-night will he put on Friday night. The star event of the card will bring together Mike Gibbons, of St. Paul, *nd Dave Kurtz, the rugged middle weight of Newark. Gibbons has not boxed here since his unsatisfactory af fair with Eddie MeGoorty at Madison Square Garden several months ago. In the ten-round semi-final at the same show Tom Gibbons, who made such an impression in his two recent bouts here, will test his 'speed and skill against Antoine Pollet. the Cana dian light-heavyweight, who won two bouts by the knockout route at the new Pol -) A. A. Another ten-round bout will complete the card. EDDIE FOSTER STILL ILL. WASHINGTON. May 5.—No change has been noted in the condition of Eddie Foster, th** Nationals third baseman, who is ill at Georgetown Hospital with typhoid fever. 15 Tin* boys have already draw ANOTHER MAN CORED OF RHEUMATISM M. A. < ’« . oh Griffin, of t. i tin* baseball team along as ! s!bl< He realizes that tin ! to get dowt , is hustling fast as pos y will havt tv* hard work if th»*v t*x- teasou in anything Pet al G. M. A. has been badly [ band Flipped since the two star pitchers, i !tardi*m;;j; and Hurlottg loft school. Dur den and Babb ar*- the only two* available I twirlers :it G \t. A now and Babb is ■ • valuable a man at third base to be j put in the box meet waukee George Jingle says the Hoosier j City offered better inducements for the j - n will clash m.o 29 in a] I scheduled 10-round affair. * » * Tom McCarey may stage a bout be- j tween Eddie Morgan, claimant of the featherweight championship of England. uiiil .lonnv k’ilhflnA before fie outs on tin* return scrap between Kilbane and T fiinde**. McCarey thinks this would give the fans more time before wit nessing another struggle bet wren tfie two American featherweights. He would then put on Dundee with the w in ner of the Morgan-Kilbane tussle. I other MeOart\ and his manager Bil- 1 ly MrCarney w ill b**af It for Calgary thD [week where Luther is billed ».> m*-et I 1 .. ii..!'. i.. 1 • 1.... 1 . M , John RusKin A Cifiar. FOR ALL MEN Two Stjes P^4 AFT ^c P E k N s NER ’ O TRUSSES! \bdominal Supports. Elastic Hosiery/ etc Expert fitters, both lady end men, Quaker Herb Extract Again Produces a Startling Result. s At last it seems a remedy has s been discovered which actually | j gives results. Quaker Herb Ex- \ trai t. which ha& been introduced at ’oursey & Munn’s drug store, has ( certainly produced such marvelous ( results that it has proven its worth. Tiiis great remedy. composed of < God’s choicest gifts to mankind, viz., herbs, roots, barks and blos soms. is the same remedy which has been so successfully used by our forefathers, tho friends of Qua kers. There is not one ingredient in the remedy which can possibly harm, and for that#reason it may be taken by all, young and old. It is a tonic which builds up quickly, a blood purifier and system cleanser. For sufferers of rheumatism, ca tarrh and stomach troubles it is particularly recommended, and that it actually gives wonderfully quick results can be proven by the hun dreds of people right here in At lanta who have been cured. Another great cure was reported at Coursey & Munn’s drug store. Mr. McWhorter said: “I had a se vere case of plain, every-day rheu-’ matism. just like thousands of other people have. It seemed to locate in my right side. When I arose in the morning I was sore and stiff." Mr. McWhorter had used almost everv liniment and rheumatic relief known, ) but they had failed to do anything \ in his case. He was becoming dis- ? couraged until he called at the drug \ s’tore and obtained Quaker Herb / Extract. After using twelve bot- ties, he states that he is entirely > cured, and his wife is now using the ? Extract and states-she is highly'; pleased. He lives at 301 Luckie ; Street, if you wish to investigate. ; If you suffer from rheumatism. 4 catarrh, kidney, liver, stomach or \ blood troubles call to-day at Cour- ? sey & Munn’s drug store, 29 Mari- \ etta Street, and obtain Quaker Herb Extract. $1.00 per bottle. 3 for $2.50^ or 6 for $5.00. Oil of Balm, 25c or ^ 5 for $1.00. We prepay express > charges on all orders of $3.00 or ; over. ( l