Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 06, 1913, Image 14

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In These “Want Ads’* Many Have Found Help, Situations, and Some Fortune. Read/ DRESSMAKING—DRESS- MAKERS. DRESSMAKING street and evening dresses, $5 up, latest styles; first- class work. West 950-J 4-30-*6 AUCTION SALES^ AT AUCTION. TWO LARGE CONSIGN MENTS OF NEW AND SECOND-HAND FUR NITURE. INCLUDING CIRCASSIAN WAL NUT RED ROOM SUIT, ELEGANT BRASS BEDS, REFRIGERA TOR. PARLOR SUIT, D MAHOGANY ROOM SUIT, $350.00; QUAR- OAK DINING AXMINSTEIt RUGS, XERS. T A I S P R E SO L I RED COST THEE I) TAR LI AND BRUSSELS ART SQUARES, CREX IIALL RUN- LACE CUE- X S, B E D \ I) 8, LINEN SHADES. ETC., TUES DAY, MAY 6. AT 12 E MITCHELL ST. BOMMKNCINO AT 10 A M. TUK8DAT UK WIL1. OFFER TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER TWO VERT 3 FINK OONSI iMM ENTS OF NEW \ VI i SECONDHAND FI'RNI- TI 'RE, CONSISTING OF ONE 3 I1VE -PIECE CIRCASSIAN U'A I « VET BED ROOM SUIT. INCL.UD- INO liRESSER. BED. RADIES' 9 WRITING DESK AND CHIFFO- B S.TER, ELEGANT BRASS BEDS, 3 ENAMELED LINED REFRIUER- I A TOR. MAHOGANY THREE- PIECE rxRLOR SUIT UPHOL- 1 STEKED IN' GENUINE I.RATH- J ER MAHOGANY LIBRARY TA- 3 RLE PORCH SCREENS, LAWN P SEATS FINE LOT OF ROCKERS <3 SUITAHLE FOR THE PARLOR, S’ RECEPTION HALL AND 1.IHKA- h RY. QUARTERED OAK DINING 3 TABLE WITH SET OF GENUINE It LEATHER SEAT CHAIRS TO rt MATCH. WHITE ENAMELED 2 DRESSER AND WA8HSTAND, SOLID MAH'HI any FIVE-PIECE a BEDROOM SUIT. COST *350, CON- - SI8TING OF DRESSER. WASH- STAND. CHIFFONIER. DRESSING TABLE AND BED; I*ORCH ROCK ERS OAK LIBRARY TABLE, OAK DRESSER AND WASHST AND, I BRASS COSTUMERS. CHILD'S j BED, NATIONAL SPRINGS, FELT , MATTRESSES. HALL RUNNERS. R LACE CURTAINS. CREX RUGS. •* \XMINSTER AND BRUSSELS I— ART SO HAKES. LINEN SHADES, INLAID LINOLEUM AND MANY OTHER THINGS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION IT WOULD TAKE \ WHOLE PAGE TO ENUMER- , ATE ALL OF THESE ARTICLES SALE STARTS PROMPTLY AT 10 i A. M TUESDAY. OPEN FOR IN SPECTION MONDAY. CENTRAL AUCTION COMPANY, 12 Fast Mitchell Street. * CENTRAL AUCTION COMPANY. 12 .. / Went Mitchell Street, buys and Bella , everything Regular auction Tuesday and Friday. Bell phone Main 2424. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. W ANTED—26.000 C. Ablea, 8 Halley Street. •icke. 202 6-3 WANTED- Old feather bed mattresses renovated; feathers steam cleaned. 'HiaJn 4840, Atlanta 1476 94-4-5 WANTKI i > ild ropiuH of Busl- j ness Philosopher; state how many t and price. Box 494, care Georgian. 67-4-5 ' WANTED- To buy or rent one 10-ton three-wheel steam roller, and one ] I-ton tandem roller. Must have rollers l at once. R. M Hudson, 120i Empire • j WANTED To buy or root ou 10-harae* power boiler. Address R. M. Hudson, i I2t»7 Empire Building 4-30-18 j ATLANTA REAL ESTATE Is Increaa- . i ing In value daily. Many bargains are 1 offered In the Ileal Estate columns of the "Want Ad" section of this paper. 1 BUY MEN'S old clothes and shoes. Drop a card I. Bock, .177 Gilmer St. ~ r DROP A CARD. We'll bring Cash for Old Clothes and Shoes. "THE VBSTAIRE." * 166 Decatur street. WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for household goods, pianos and office fur niture. Cash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell ■ Street. Bell phone Main 2424 *-26-21 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. i-TRtf cAf£&AT*I< >NS 60c ~per 2fo£em Alta Vista Moral Co , 601 Sells Ave. »Vest 1*5. 5-5-31 HUNTLEY PNEUMATIC CLEANERS i remove dirt and germs from rugs, car pets. floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from —S?V. p,o up; vacuum sweeriers, $9 75. C. J Daniel At Co , 416 Fourth National Bank Building 12-2-11 ■ FURNITURE—We buy arul sell cash bargains Southern Wreckage Com puny, 114 South Forsyth Street. Both phones. 1-17-6 AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR Pays for itself In Ice-saving *17.60 to $75.00. C. II. MASON. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. HORSES pastured at *1 per month. A. Krause, R. 6, Box 124, Buckhead At lanta. r 200-6-3 FOR SALE Bedstead and bureau In | i onditlon: bargain for cash. Ad dress Bargain, Box 10Z, care Georgian. *0-3-5 AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR Automatic Refrigerators may cost a Rule more than some re frigerators, but taking into con sideration the amount of food and ice they save, they are the least expensive of all refrigera tors. Priue $17.50 to $75.00. C. H. MASON, Agent. 6 sntl 8 W. Mitchell t»> A NEW BROOM DOES NOT SWEEP CLEAN. LET US prove this in your home by ; free dernonatratlon. Full particulars at 107 Temple Court Building L. R. , Hires, agent Pbone Main 667. 6-2-30 ; FOR SALE- 100-homepowar horisontaJ Erie City Are-tube holler In good con dition. Inquire The Prest-O-Llte Com- | pany, Kuhrt and Boerman Streets, At lanta, Ga. 4-30-6 , F(.»R HALE Two pool tables, practically j Daw; l• ii in un iri ilbb room and not hurt; must sell at once; bargain; orlg Inal coat $400. Addreaa P. O. Box 87, j Jonesboro, Ga. 6-1-6 ONE Maeaskeyt ticket cabinet, 100-ac count, in perfect condition. Will sell cheap One WilllabnH typewriter, in gtxxl condition, *15 DeK. Garage, Ma rietta. Ga. **00-1-6 15-MOTOR, 8x8 compreseor, good as new Dr. Cook, 17 Bast Hunter Kt. 203-29-4 BUSINESS GUIDE Ready Reference for the Business Man, the Artisan And the Public in General THE GEORGIAN’S RENT BULLETIN Auction Sales of Furniture and Household Goods. CENTRA], All'TU'V COMPANY. 12 East Mitchell street, buy* and sells everything; regular auction Tuesday and Friday Bell phone Main 2424. 10-1 41 Blacksmithing. ^TRmrirHAiT^fMrrAN^ IRON WORK. WE make all kinds of metal windows and doors, also window gratings and hangers of all kinds. Anderson Bros. A Rich, 372 Hdgewood Avenue. 4-2-7 Banks. America?; NaTltSSXL''r ank. Corner Alabama and Broad street. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 11,000,000 Barber Shops. FI AIR CUT&—15c. t Viaduct plat'e, and Broad between Peachtree 12-2* 3* ty Bicycles. Bee D Alexander. 54 N. Pryor. M. 3116. Repair Work a special 3-27-61 Furniture. PERFECTION OIL STOVES Three-burner, including oven and vessels, complete, $12.50 CAMERON FURNITURE CO., 85 South Forsyth Street. 5-1-3 T. C FTTHN1TURE CO. Cash or easy payments. 415 Marietta, Phone Atlanta 1797. 4-5-12 Hardware and Tools. HARDWARE, toolH, household special- tbs. 100 i*r cent value at 100 Edge- wood Avenue H. G. Martin 2-11-41 Hat Cleaning. FTJTV<VMTA 1 fSp^KTT(oKHa{ircleSuie3; and blocked, SOc. George’s Hat Clean ing and Shoe Shine Parlor, 3% E Aia. street 4-10-11 ROOM AND BOARD. ROOM AND MEALS, *4 197 SOUTH PRYOR CALL MAIN 5048 5-5-30 ROOM AND BOARD for couple, either sex, In private West End home, all j conveniences; reasonable. Phone West 1256. 70 Grady Place 5-5-26 I ONE furnished room at 101 West Ba ker, with or without meals. Ivv I 7092-J. 5-5 14 COUPLE can secure front room and board; all conveniences. 338 West Peachtree Ivy 6908-J. 6-5-23 Hatters. A C M A TTJif&ir"ma ke^ol3^hiitis^looTc like new. Mall orders given prompt at- tentlon, 20 East Hunter street. 12-3-44 Jewelry. CALL Main 1320. Atlanta 14*6 Bicycle repairs and sundries. Atlanta Bicycle Company, 10 Peters Street. 2-15-66 C y IITTT T U Headquarters. . O. 1IU LLO F R. Logan A Co.. Atlanta. 4-20-S2 BANKRUPTCY blanks, IliO per set. Warranty deeds, bonds for tlrte, Mortgages, contracts, Stock certificates and bonds. Bennett's, 26 South Broad. 201-26-13 1 ^T)R BALE— Sweet potato plants for i sale, *1.25 per 1,000. L. w. Bates, lakeland Fla. 33-21-4 BEND A for 600 extra early sweet po- ! tato plants, lemon yarns, or 600 Ber- i muda onion plants, the big kind. Address | the Moriel Farm, Tljfton. Oa _ 3-20-7 < BROWN SIGN & PAINTING OJAJJNO CO.. 77H Whitehall. M 3780 8-1* 33 SAFT18, FTLEH, cablneta, new and sec- , ond hand. Qookln Bank and Office Equipment Company, 118-115 N. Pryor Street. NEW RUBBER TIRES put oh your j baby carriage. Repaired, repainted and re-covered. Phone Ivy 3076. Robert j Mitchell. 229 Edge wood Avenue. 2-13-9 L'lrVT 'N SIGNS signifies boat qnai- l\ I'jIX 1 ity Kent Sign Co., 13(M4 ; Peachtree Street. *-5 20 NO. ID SNOWDRIFT 87Vfrc country f , eggs 19V4e dozen, 40c coffee 28c pound, »c coffee 22c, 25c coffee 19c pound. Cash I Blue Prints. "Tux rrRmTRiNTm^“ 40 % LUCK IE STREET, Atlanta, Ga Best equipment Best prints of any slae or kind Lowest prices. Phone Ivy 5364. 4-28-12 Builders. buy you a lot or pay off your lot. Terms to suit. 400 Temple Court. Main 4189 4-15-16 Carpenter and Builder. r>. M WHEELER, 19 South Forsyth St. Phone M. 4186. Atlanta 1541 t 12-81-16 Carpets and Rugs Cleaned. AYrxwr^-iTc a m ING COMPANY (Inc.) 27 West Alex- ander street Phone Ivy 4186. Moist and dry cleaning. Rugs woven from your old carpets and rags Porch shades made to order. 2-8-27 Coal Coal, Coke and Wood. rMifttw%'SWs ' tor dry wood and best coal. $1.00 n week will pay for a good watch, a diamond, a piece of jewelry, or a pair of eyeglasses, or spectacles. 44 You wear them while you pay for fhem.” Every article guar anteed. Prices Reasonable. 6 SOUTH BROAD STREET. Lighting Fixtures. Ef.ECTRie and rxh lixturaB; all new style*; lowest prices. Queen Mantel Tile Company, 56 West Mitchell tin 681. and street. Phone Mali 1-16-16 SOc Grocery Co., 118 Whitehall. 2-21-7 WE REN'T good pianos *3 per month up. j We sell good pianos 16 per month up. i R V BECHTCOMPANY. 107-108-109 Temple Court Building^ Main 667 Y 2-19-28 PIANO BARGAINS. PIANOS AND PIANO PLAYERS. BOLD at the lowest prices and on the most reasonable terms at which first- class instruments can be bandied. Behr Bros , Newby A Evans. Ludwig and others. Call and see me before you buy. WALTER HUGHES, 1-81-21 Contract Painting and Wall Tinting. rx'^ssisssfosrw w/sc west 1288-J, for all kinds of painting and tinting Dentist. 88 N. Pryor St. 2-29 J BEST WORK Crowns (22 li.) $3.CO Bridge work $3.00 Full set teeth *3.00 Killing 60c ,t. R. fare allowed 25 miles. All work piarsnteed 20 years. Eastern Painless Dentists 3*>4 ppftohtree St.. Netr Walton. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Side; hardwood floors, furnace, elec tricity ami all conveniences. Ivy 826-J. 5-5-6 81 BITBBAN CO n AGE, In itrit tl> white neighborhood, convenient to school, stores and cburchea; five rooms and hall; *1,600. Terms, $150 cash and $16 per month. Address Owner, P. (>. Box 150, Atlanta, Ga. 5-5-1 W ‘T MITCHELL STREET. 1 HAVE seven acres, three-room house. half block car line, all cultivated, fine for trucking; will exchange for small renting property. Call Milton, Main 2053. 5-3-24 Spring Street, near Twelfth Street, two-story nine-room house; price *6,600; *750 cash required; balance easy terms. If desired. Address G. A. Dunlop, 301 Mutual Building, Richmond, Va. 6-3-9 FOR SALE Real estate, new six-room bungalow In West End, lust off of car line ami In splendid neighborhood. The house is just completed and the ar rangement and finish is very artistic; all conveniences; large oust front, shady lot; price *3,250; easy terms Call Owner, West 1U0. 5-4-10 QUESTION—If you have read this, is it not reasonable to suppose others will read your ad in this paper if you want anything? FOR SALE At 419 Greenwood Avenue. , Just off Highland Avenue, beautiful ! N<*rth Side bungalow, six rooms, ball, bath, store room, sleeping porch, book cases, butler’s pantry, china closets. Has stone front Lot 50x200 feet to al ley. $4,600.00. Terms to suit. Call K. i P. 856 or K. P. 120 and 145-1, 207-5-3 FUR SALE Beautiful lot, 60 by 232 feet; $1,600; right on Peachtree Easy terms. See me quick. Address Peach- 1 tree, care Georgian 5-2-4 WILL BELL beautiful cast front lot at ' East loake for *600 on terms $50 cash, balance *10 monthly Be quick Owner. Box 743, care Georgian, 60-29-4 HOUSES FOR SALE. Furnished. Ear, Nose, Throat and Lung Trouble. ^ fSK~Gft(TRcrftTm5Wr?T'Disea3es~)f the Ear. Nose, Throat and Lungs, 312-14 Austell Bldg 1 have the only compound oxygen plant ever brought South and make this gas dally. Weak, nervous, anaemic and pale people are invited to call 4-8-13 ARE YOU LOOKING for u good posi tion? A little “Want Ad" will find It for you. Engineering. AMU ENGINEERS ARE QUESTION ABLE!" ENGINEERING questions answered or fee refunded. What shall I use? Whose make 0 Where?'' *1 fee. Amo House. Box 363, Atlanta. Ga. 6-3-6 Engineering and Machine Designing^ ^ G. V. PLANT, M. E. I DEVELOP YOUR INVENTION. Dixie Pattern and Machine Works. 262 West North Avenue Main 2829. 4-6-17 Fly Screens. _ _ _ Flv Screens Made to Order. OAKLAND CITY REPAIR WO'RKK. Carpenter and cabinet work a special ty Call West 242-L. Atlanta 528. C. F. Dickey. Mgr- 5-1-87 FLY SCREEN'S. METAL AND WOOD FRAME*; port able garages W. .1. Baker Company Bell phone Ivy 920. No. 811 Empire Life Bldg. Atlanta. Ga. 5-1-4 FLY—SCRFENS— FI,Y i COME SEE our Roll-aawy Screens, our Roller-bearing Screens, our Sliding Screens; none better. It will pay you to see our goods; get prices. 217 Kiser Bldg. Main 1319. Porter Screen Co. ,1. 5 Crawford. Agent. 2-4-14 Lime, Concrete, Roofing, Stone. Lime, concrete and roofing stone. 915 8d Nat. Bank Bldg 2-8-50 FOR all kinds of machine work see Camp Bros., now located at 276 Ma rietta street. Phone M. 2937. 12-3-4 Mining Engineers. «Gr^v:^r^iT^v'Vf^sri(?MrR77i;'Kr~ MINING ENGINEERS AND PROS PECTORS. TWENTY YEARS' FIELD EXPERI ENCE. LOCATING GOLD ORES A SPE CIALTY. CHARGES REASONABLE. A1 REF ERENCES. ADDRESS AURARIA OR ROY, GEOR GIA 6-3-4 Mattress Renovating. ING—Factory new and up-to-date; moderate prices; give us a trial. Jack- son & Orr Company, Means street and W. & A. R. R. I^oth phonea. 8-20-14 Roof and Gutter Work. 1 REPAIR all roofsT ^u^TersT^air^kinds sheet iron work. 33 South Pryor. Main 3127. T. W. Hooper. 8-4-63 Safe Cracksman. ^^e^aruT^^glaP^roof^afcs opened and repaired. C. C. Downes, 29^4 Marietta Street. Phonea M. 2146. Atlanta 4922. 4-5-11 , Sand. SAND In any quantity and quality; prompt delivery. S. M. Truitt & Son. 1 13-32 Sewing Machines. WE RENT new machines with complete set of attachments for *2 per month; also machines repaired; prompt deliv ery. Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44 Shoes. Fire-Proof Storage. ' t^R^TORif iiuTOE!if6tS^(S?)t>s~anS pianos Office and warehouse, 289- 241 Edgewood avenue. Ivy 2037. John J Woodside Storage Company. !• i »R SALE Gns eight-syrup American FOR SALE Nine-room house, eight ‘ A ' , *l^^ ount ’ °, ne carbona- j rooms furnished, one for light house- 10 f»» r>l \* one solid plate glass showcase, keeping, three blocks from Terminal with^solkl marble base. >-.* J H. Falks. ! Station. 173 South Forsvth 209 5-3 142 Peachtree. ■ * ■ —— .AROE safe and desk in ftrst-cl dition Inquire Monday noon, te* tau rant -41 I Folsom ! i04-4-5 )LA and 160 best rolls Will sell cchange for diamonds Ivy 50S-L. | 47-4-5 LCTOR, good as new. *26. Ad- s M B.. Box 3, care Georgian. 60-4-5 uggy at For Information call East Point Reason for sale, owner leaving 5 3-206 • heap Royal Lumber Co.. At- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR BEAUTIFUL HOMES and build- | ing lots In Collegs Dark, the most de sirable suburb of Atlanta, see I C. Mc- Crory WANTED To buy or In part exchange t for a residence, 5 to 8 rooms. Answer 1 H. H.. this office. 211-5-3) FARMS FOR SALE. Furniture Repairing and Upholstering. CARPET cleaning, furniture rapairer. Furniture bought and sold and mat tresses renovated. 121 McDaniel Street. Bell Phone Mam 4840. Atlanta Phone 3892 4-6-6 FURNITURE repaired, upholstering. reflnlahlng neatly done. Work called for and delivered. Young K Carson. 479 Marietta street A ianta 3667. 3-5-8 W. L. LUNSFORD A CO., Upholstering, repairing and rofinishlng furniture of all kinds; satisfaction S uarunteed. Phones. Atlanta 6960-F, C. Bill. 3-6-30 GET the best shoes for the whole family. Peaoock & Drennen, 222 Marietta Street. 4-16-28 SHOES HALF-sole 50 CENTS. At Gwinn’s Shoe Shop, 6 Lnckie Street, Opposite Piedmont Hotel. Both phones. 3-26-46 Stove and Range Repairing. STOVE DOCTOR. STOVE, range and furnace repairing 61 South Pryor Street. Bell Phone Main 1460. Atlanta phone 1410. 4-10-10 DAN, THE FIXER. STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR RE PAIRING. We sell second-hand gas stoves. We sweep chimneys. 121 WHITEHALL STREET. Atlanta phone 2235. Bell phone M. 269* TRANSFERRING and moving a spe cialty. Prices reasonable. L. Stall ings Bell Phone Ivy 3094-.T. 42-25-4 Trunks, Bags and Suitcases. >ii?T0f{TdifiTA?u < rfiE? J AreE?6r ROUNTREE'S. 77 WHITEHALL ST PHONES: Bell M. H7«. Atlanta 1654. Umbrellas. ‘‘ Taylor-Made ” Umbrellas ROOMS .WANTED WANTES^RotmTcioseTnCprlvatefam- ily: breakfast possibly; references. L. H. B., care Georgian. 33-3-5 ROOM AND BOARD. , wuvwwwwwwvwvw BUSINESS WOMAN with twelve-year- old daughter would like room and hoard in private family by May 15. Rea sonable rates. Box 666. care Georgian. 41-3-6 ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished. rjrNvESnn^KACHTHEE- Nicely fur- nished room; also two or three con- j neeting housekeeping rooms; walking I distance to business center; rent reason able; modern conveniences. 34-5-5 ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished. Tl A N DSOMlfiT,Y Rmi^hed^i*fgernfi ; ont room, private bath, shady lot; gentle man preferred. Peachtree, care Geor- S’an 113-27-4 TW< * or tnree connecting furnished rooms for housekeeping; reasonable “ “ - ROOMS FOR RENT. Unfurnished. connecting and very desirable for light houaekeeptng. 1*9 Highland Ave nue. 5-4-12 rent. Phone Ivy 32*7- ONE furnished room; clone In; two gen tlemen or business couple. Call M. 5180. 4-28-13 THREE large and very desirable un- 4.29ri9 furnished rooms on North Side; pri vate home; all conveniences, walking distance. 74 East Merritts Avenue. 5-4-45 COUPLE without children can find Ideal private summer home with young cou ple. West 674-J. 29-5-6 NICE, large rooms with meals; walking distance; five minutes from center of town; rates reasonable: also rooms for I light housekeeping; on car line. 52 ] Cooper Street. 5-6-5 WANTED—Boarders; nice rooms and board at 119 S. Pryor Street. 26-5-6 NICE, clean, newly furnished rooms. with board, *4 per week. 118 Garnett 8treet. 5-5-2 ONE nicely furnished room ror rent; all conveniences. *3 West Peachtree Street Ivy 2160. 4-27-42 FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping; private bath, hot water; use of Boil phone, to couple. 318 Washington 6-3-43 FIRST FLOOR front room, clean, with kitchenette, sink, use of phone. Close in. 23 East Harris. 6-5-29 NICELY furnished room; all conven iences: gentleman preferred. Main 2378 J. 5-6-22 TWO nice connecting rooms for light housekeeping; all conveniences; close in. 69 East Fair Main 3174-L. 6-6-21 THREE connecting upstairs rooms; all conveniences for light housekeeping. Main 4694-L. 6 3-17 THREE large connecting rooms, *9, to couple without children. 32 Castleber ry Street, one block from ’Forsyth Street. 5-3-6 WANTED—Roommate for youhg lady; close In on North Side Reasonable. Ivy 6C33-J. 5-6-19 FOUR unfurnished rooms with kitchen ette; private bath; $16. 387 Central Ave. 4-30-218 ROOM AND BOARD, North Side; table board a specialty. Ivy 2423-J. 5-4-42 NICELY furnished room, with or with out board. 72 Spring Street. Mrs. Deary bury. 45-4- AT 51.8 PEACHTREE, with or without board; private bath, electric lights, sleeping porch. 97-4-5 l’Wo I'TUMSHRU rooms with also one young man to share room. Main 1978 5-3-30 NICE front room, suitable for couple or two young men, at 109 Washington. 5-6-25 WOULD YOU OWN YOUR HOME? A Georgian “Want Ad" will show you the way ROOMS and board for two gentlemeu; few boarders; good table. 12 W. Pine Street, between Spring and W. Peach- t’-ee. Reasonable. Ivy 6869-L. 5-3-38 NEATLY furnished room with good board. 45 Irwin. Call Ivy 5843. 5-3-13 TWO young ladies can get room atid board in private family; rates rea sonable. Main 280-.J 6-8-12 LARGE, light room, with board, In an elegantly furnished private, modern home, In the prettiest part of the cky; everything strictly first-class; a real pleasant home to a refined, permanent couple: references. 619 West Peachtree. Mrs. Corey. Ivv 5635-.j. 6-1-26 “ PEACHTREE INN. Peachtree and Alexander Sts. Ameri can plan *7.50 week up. Room to yourself. European, *3 week up. 1-9-34 FOUR business women to room and board; references required; walking distance of town. Ivy 993-J. 6-1-28 aubtrnT house. NICELY furnished rooms with board; all conveniences. 27 Auburn Avenue. Ivy 4393. 4-30-23 CAN accommodate four with room and board at 30 East Cain, two blocks from Candler Bldg. Phone Ivy 2903. 4-30-34 TWO large connecting front rooms, suit able for two or three gentlemen; close in; reasonable. Call Ivy 6328. 5-4-32 FRONT room, furnished, half block car line; meals one block off. Phone West 321. 98-4-5 LOVELY furnished front room, North Side, walking distance; private home. Phone Ivy 2098-J 5-4-44 THREE furnished connecting rooms for rent; gas, water and bath. Main 3823. 5-4-46 FOR RENT, at 206 Spring Street, one elegant front room; veranda and other conveniences; middle-aged business women or man preferred. 201-5-4 THREE or four connecting rooms, city water in kitchen: garden, chicken yard and cow if desired. Corner Holderness and Greensferry, West End. 6-4-31 ONE VERY LARGE FRONT ROOM FURNISHED FOR TWO GENTLE MEN (TWIN BEDS), ONE SMALLER ROOM. BOTH WELL LIGHTED, SPLENDIDLY VENTILATED AND THOROUGHLY SCREENED. WHITE TILED BATH AND EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. NEAR IN ON NORTH SIDE. PHONE IVY 4281. 45-3-5 TWO rooms, suitable for light hluse- keeping in home of family of three adults, to couple without children; hot and cold water, electricity, gas. Inman Park to Clifton car. 89 Royston Ave- nue. 4-30-5 FfVE beautiful upstairs rooms, T>ath, gas, eleotricity and use of phone; with couple. 11 North Moreland Avenue. HOUSES FOR RENT. Furnished. cmpv&m house for summer. References re qulred. 98 Main 4170-L. 6-5-12 FOR RENT—Furnlsncd West Peachtree home for summer; all modern Improve ments. Apply Bell phone Ivy 4118. 210-5-3 FURNISHED house, five rooms, con veniences, beat car service; for sum mer to parties without children; ref erences exchanged: reasonable, and im mediate possession. Apply 252 East Georgia Avenue. 113-4-5 FOR RENT—Six-room cottage, fur nished suitable for one or two fami lies, between Spring and W. Peachtree. 15 W. Pine Reasonable. 6-3-41 TWELVE-ROOM HOUSE, furnished; couple of blocks from postoffice. Math 3345. 5-1-21 , Unfurnished. ONE eight-rqom brick house on*^l^o acres of land; located at Faith’s Crossing. Phone Atlanta 4861. Bell Ivy 9166. 5-1-17 Atlanta 929. 203-29-4 TV O OR THREE furnished or unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping 39 West Linden. 4-29-18 Furnished or Unfurnished. keeping, or furnished singly 36 West Peachtree Street. 114-H-5 THREE comfortably furnished or un furnished rooms for light housekeep ing; refined home; would prefer middle aged couple. Call mornings 296 Raw ” ~— son. Main 8376. 5-4-33 NICE furnished or unfurnished rooms; good location; close in; on North Side. Ivy 2903. 5-3-19 FURNISHED or unfurnished room; hot baths, electricity; North Side; 12 min utes’ walk to Candler Bldg.; reasonable Ivy 899-J. 4-29-16 FOR RENT—11-room house, with two baths, convenient for two families. 177 West Alexander. Mrs. Webb, 8tr Courtland. Ivy 2654-L. 6-4-/3 ENTIRE first floor, four or five rooms, gas stove, range, for light housekeep ing 15 Howard Street. Phone Ivy 6705. 5- 1-29 *25—Six-room house, 78 Crew Street, in good repair. 824 Atlanta National Bank Building. Main 2683. W. C. Tolbert 6- 3-40 FRONT rooms, furnished, hot and cold bath, close in. 311 Whitehall, Atlanta phone 4810. 5-8-83 APARTMENTS FOR RENT. ^wvNAaAaatv>a^twwvywwwwvwvwwvv Furnished. :0PAiravn2?Pf^ furnished, Inman Park; private home; new; large kitchen, with all conven iences; screens; east porch. Phone Ivy 2329-J. 4-28-41 FOR RENT-Nicely furnished rooms; all conveniences. 45 Williams; apartment 3. third floor. Ivy 2116. 5-3-39 TWO rooms, kitchenette and bath: also garage: references. Phone Ivy 2482. 4-29-17 LOOK—You have read this.; If you want anything, others will read vour ad if it’s in the Want Ad Section. NICE room, with board, for two young men in apartment with two other young men; all conveniences. 140 LuckTe APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Furmshed! FURNISHED apartments of three rooms, with stationary' washstand, for couple. 260 Whitehall. 5-5-28 OUR RENT list describes everything for rent. Call, write or phone for one. Ivy 8390 Charles P. Glover Realty Co., *H Walton street. 2-11-49 GEO. P. MOORE, Real Estate and Renting. 10 Auburn Avenue. FOR RENT. j AT No. 212 Rawson Street, comer Cen tral Avenue, we have a second-floor fiat of six rooms, carrying all modem I conveniences. The walls have lust been retinted, and the house Is in nrst-clase condition; within ten minutes’ walk of j center of the ctly; close to school, and in best section on the South Sid*. Price j *27.50. ! NO. 8 Connecticut Avenue, Edgewood, i Ga. At this number you will find a I six-room cottage, with all conveniences, i except bath; large lot; house is in good ! repair. This is an ideal plare for any I one who desires to raise chickens, as | the lot is very large. ;Te Street. Apartment C. 5-3-8 ONE large downstairs room for two; private bath, hot and cold water; elec tric lights; terms reasonable. 223 North J a ok son. Ivy 5235-L. 4-29-20 220 PEACHTREE. The Wilton, select, up-to-date boarding house; North Ride, business section; near in: table boarders; prompt service. Ivy 6795. __________ 4-J29-14 36 EAST NORTH AVE. BETWEEN the Peachtrees; nicely fur nished rooms and excellent table hoard. Ivy 6501. 4-28-16 NEATLY furnished rooms; homelike cocking, also table board. 127 Capi tol Avenue. Main 5172-J. 4-28-7 TWO very large furnished rooms, large closets, plenty of hot and cold water, excellent table board; also large garage; easy to get in and out. Apply 121 Capi tol Square. 5-3-31 THREE nicely furnished rooms in apartment, for light housekeeping, from May 22 to September 21. 45 East Cain. 5-5-20 Furnished or Unfurnished. LEA VING^cltyr^owner^of 8 - room h o u s « will lease, furnished or part fur nished or unfurnished, selling contents at low price. 18 West Pine. Ivy 4175 5-4-4-, WANTED—To sub-lease my unfur nished apartment, all modern con veniences. Apartment H, 312 Rawson Street. Phone Main 6478-J. 5-5-24 t’HREE neat connecting unfurnished first-floor rooms, all conveniences. Two lights. 250 Hill St. 206-6-3 LARGE, beautiful front room: perfectly grand’ for summer; North Side. Ivy 6603. _ 5-2-36 FOR RENT—Furnished rooms; nice lo cation. 911 Peachtree Street. Ivy 6174. 5-2-22 FOR RENT—-To gentlemen only, cool, delightful rooms in private home, on car line. 336 Pulliam Street. Main 6438. 5-1-36 Unfurnished. :rpAimrK?rsy3~r'« ’erner ’Apart ments; three rooms; light and airy. Possession May 15. W. H. L. Nelms, 49 Washington Street. 5-4-38 FOR RENT—Six-room steam heated apartment; close in; North Side. Stew art & Cooper, 317 Peters Building. Main 1228. 4-30-45 FOR GENTLEMEN, choice front room, convenient to bath; Myrtle Street, near Ponce DeLeon; Georgian Terrace neighborhood; also garage. Ivy 1495. Itor on prem 5-1-18 IN THE HERBERT, 244 Courtland Street, close In, on North Side, six rooms end bath, front and back porches, steam heat, hot water, Janitor service, rent *42.60. Reference required. Apply Herbert Kaiser, 411 Atlanta National Bank Building. Phone Main 276 or jan- ifses. 4-25-29 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. DESlT v S?\ACETTarge v cofner^)Mcer^’o^4 Candler Building. Ivy 4676. 5-4-20 DESK SPACE with use of telephone Apply 533 Candler Bldg. 4-25-9 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. LEASE OR SALE—Artistic bungalow. screened, tiled, furnace, garage. Ad dress “Ansley Park," care Georgian 93-4-5 LET US BUILD you a nome. Will buy you a lot or pay off your lot. Terms to suit. 400 Temple Court. Main 4189, 4-18-4,3 LOOK—You have read this; if you want anything, others will read your ad If it’s in the Want Ad Section. ’RETTY front room; electric lights: bath: telephone. $10. 62 Williams, cor ner Baker. Ivy 6760-J. 5-1-19 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. MONEY TO LOAN. ONE nicely furnished room in the Corinthian Apartments, for elderly or care Georgian business lady only; connecting bath. Call Ivy 1717. 5-1-20 F^JlT^XLS^IesTaufanr^oIng big busi ness. Must be sold at once. Box 55 FURNISHED rooms for light house keeping. Ivy 4804-J. 6-1-22 ~ - .. - ..J prices re-covering and repairing; every um- •rella kept in repair free. Phone for salesman; prompt service TAYLOR UMBRELLA CO., 116^ Whitehall St. 4-23-35 FORTUNES have been made In Atlanta Real Estate Your opportunity is probably to-day. Read Real Estate ads in “Want Ad" section of The Georgian. Violin Maker. 01 ,f> \ i< -n?^Tu3rGffT;~;oTdT l ''nd «- changed, repairing a specialty. The I Old Reliable Violin Dealer. gett, 34Vi Peachtree Mays Bad- 3-31-, 1 FAR FOR SALE'—60 acres near Ik>ra- ville. *40 per acre. Will take auto werth *5o0 as part pay. Address “F | L,” Box 20, care Georgian 68-4-5 Pwo-horse load, j FOR SALE—Four small farms, one 10^?. i Co., Oakland 1 one 20 and 30. and one 50 acres; all 5-3-20 in high state of cultivation; one and a I - - half miles Austell, Ga.; three five-room UR HOME? A houses in Austell. Ga . one eight-room 1 low you I house ih Douglasville, Ga. Address r. O. I J Box 17f, Austali, Ga. 200-29-4 1 Fresh Oysters Daily. VURG®IA and~ New Orleans oysters on the half shell, 40c dozen. 77 Peachtree street have you »LD THAT HOUSE? will 8 little “For Sale" «d In the "Want Ad" section will find a purchaser. Wood. WOOD. SOT’TH GEORGIA mill cut-off* by tha carload or any quantity you may want. They make fine kindling S M. Truitt & Son 1-13-S* ANSWER Just as you have read this will others read your ad if you place it in the Warn Ad columns of this pa per. A word to the wise is enough. FOR RENT—One# nice furnished room. 337 Pulliam Street. Ivy 168. 5-1-27 ! HAVE YOU SOLD THAT HOUSE? A little “For Sale” ad in the “Want Ad" 1 section will find a purchaser. j CAPITOL AVENUE- Furnished rooms, gentlemen or business lady. Main 1592-J. 167 Capitol Avenue. 5-3-36 LARGE furnished bed room, convenient to bath; private entrance and porch: to gentleman; two furnished rooms for ’ight housekeeping. Ivy 6628. 211-5-4 TWO well-furnished rooms for gentle men , convenient to bath, meals next door. 2j» West North Avenue. 5-3-29 ONE NICELY furnished room, with or without board, to couple or young ! men 184 Forrest Avenue. Ivy 2448 J. 5-4-28 FOR RENT Two nicely furnished, large, cool rooms, close in. Apply 286 I Washington. 5-4-27 THREE beautifully furnished front rooms, complete for housekeeping; lovely pictures; electricity; sink In . kitchen; best location; Bell phone; with owner 290 Washington. 5-4-29 LARGE front room, with board, in small familv 148 West Peachtree. Ivy 5776-J -5-3-28 TWO nicely furnished front rooms for either couples or gentlemen. 115 Washington Street. Atlanta 5600-A. 5-3-18 FURNISHED ROOM for rent. 29.3 North Boulevard. No children. Ivv 3406-J. 5-3-11 LARGE, nicely furnished front room: all modern conveniences; close in. 20 West Harris Street. 6-3-10 NICE front furnished room for $6.00 to a gentleman for protection at night; also two small rooms for *5.00 per month to working lady. Call 6137 Atlanta. 201-5-3 NICELY furnished room with connect ing bath, walking distance; in family <>f two. Just off Washington Street at 14 Clarke 32-3-5 DELIGHTFUL furnished rooms, near business center; all conveniences; de sirable location. Trinity Apartment No. 2. 203-30-4 ONE large, attractive cool front room, on second floor; convenient to bath; every modern convenience; ideal loca tion; on North Side. Ivy 1744-L. 5-1-23 TWO rooms and kitchenette completely furnished, to parties without children; private family; good location: all con veniences; one block of Grant Park. 428 East Georgia Avenue. 4-30-33 BUSINESS MEN—Have you an Atlanta address? If not, why not? We act for you, give you mail, telephone and stenographer’s service at small cost. Write for particulars. The Office Serv ice Company. 213 Temple Court Build ing, Atlanta. Ga. 8-3-3 I HAVE *1,500 now in bank which I will loan on good real estate in Atlanta 203-5-5 Address “Wright,’’ care Georgian. 5-5-8 PURCHASE money notes for sale; gilt- edge, with good-size payment per month, on good North Side property. Notes, Box 400, care Georgian. 5-6-4 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all conve niences, or large front room, with or without board. Ivy 993-J. 4-30-28 FURNISHED rooms in private home; all conveniences; hot water. 19 East Harris Street. Ivy 6349-.T. 4-30-26 ( FOR RENT—One clean, well furnished room; hot and cold bath attached. Ivy 1197. 4-30-21 BRIGHT, airy, well furnished room; connecting bath, hot water, everything first-class. Main 2780. 206-30-31 FOR RENT—One furnished room to one or two gentlemen Wellington Apart ments No. 2, corner Houston and Ivy Streets 200-30-4 FURNISHED rooms for light house keeping and one furnished front room. Main 3458-L 121 South Pryor. 4-30-17 BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, new home, every convenience; also large sleeping porch West 950-J. 4-30-24 ONE excellent room, with or without board; private home: North Side. Ivv 6221. • 4-30-19 FURNISHED room to gentleman, near Peachtree, meals within the block. Ivy 6995. 4-29-32 HANDSOMELY furnished large front room, private bath, shady lot; gentle man preferred. "Peachtree." Georgian. 95-4-5 ONE well-furnished room, convenient to bath; telephone; gentlemen only. Close in. 50 Williams Street. 43-4-5 ONE nicely furnished front room for 388 Rawson 8treet. 205-27-4 Unfurnished. ONE large room residence; near In. S e; Phone Ivy 1519-J 5-5-27 TWO CONNECTING rooms, bed room, furnished or not. to couple for house keeping. one block from Cherokee en trance to Park. Phone Main 3935-L. 201-5-6 FOR RENT—Cheap, two unfurnished connecting front rooms; light house keeping; close in. 118 Garnett. 5-6-3 THREE large connecting rooms, with pantry, sink, separate gas. 530 Lw- ton Street. Oakland City. 85-4-5 TWO connecting rooms for light house keeping; all conveniences. 48 Alaska Avenue. 202-6-4 THREE first-floor rooms: large front porch; best location: walking distance. *lo,60. Phone and water included. Main 1985. 98 Forrawalt Street, at Rawson. 111-4-5 THREE connecting rooms, suitable for light housekeeping Apply 421 Central Avenue. 5-4-39 TWO light, cool, second-floor front rooms, suitable for housekeeping, for couple: convenient to bath: use of tele phone, close in 50 Williams Street. 44-5-4 ELEGANT cigar and newsstand for sale; profitable business; located in one of the best hotels; owner leaving city. Cigar Stand, care Georgian. 5-4-48 YOIJR OPPORTUNITY. PARTY wishes to sell or trade small amount of stock manufacturing plant Northwest Georgia that has operated last two seasons night and day, getting very best results and unable to fill all orders. Capacity to be doubled next 60 or 90 days. Trade for good automobile or small lot worth *600. Business, Box 843. care Georgian. 5-3-3 FORTY-ROOM hotel, doing paying busi ness, for sale on.account of having to devote time to other business. Address Hotel. 837, care Georgian. 23-1-5 WOULD you give 25 cents for a good job? Place a “Want Ad” in The Geor gian and get one. PATENT RIGHT FOR SALE. A VALUABLE improvement on wall construction, damp, heat and cold proof; eliminates repairs; less Insur ance; perfectly sanitary- See the Mod ern Construction Company, rooms 408- 409 Gould building, Atlanta, Ga. Phone Main 4398. 3-8-6 PLENTY money to loan on city prop erty. Watt Kelly, Attorney, 400 Tem ple Court Building 43-2-6 R. C. DE8AUSSURE. TIME and monthly loans negotiated on real estate. Room 818 Atlanta Na tional Bank Building. 4-29-25 WE loan money on furniture and house hold goods. F. & J. Loan Company. 120 Decatur Street. 4-26-8 MONEY ON HAND for immediate loans on property In or near Atlanta. J. E. VanValkenburg, 501 Equitable Bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments. Confi dential D. H. Tolman, 820 Austell building. WEYMAN & CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Estate. a. FARM LOANS PLACED In any amount on improved farm lands In Georgia The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould building. 7-18-1 FOR SALE—Eleven-room furnished rooming house, doing excellent busi ness Ill health cause of selling. Three blocks of Candler Building on North Side. Can give terms on part. 140 Spring St. Bell phone main 2665-J. 5-4-14 MONEY WANTED. WANTED—Five hundred dollars for one year on Improved out-of-town prop erty valued at one thousand dollars. On new car line near city. Address Loan, Box 80. care American. 6-3-2 6%—WE WILL PAY—6% ■ ON SAVINGS. IN SUMS of $500 to $5,000. The Merchants and Mechanics’ Banking and Loan Co., 209 Grant Building. Tel. Ivy 5341. Cash Capital $120,000. Thos. J. Wesley, Cashier. B. M. Grant, Pres. 3-11-50 WOULD YOU BUY a good automobile cheap? The automobile columns of the “Want Ad” section carry a list of automobiles and accessories. LOOK—You have read this, If you wart anything, others will read your ad if it’s in the Want Ad Section. WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on At lanta and nearby property, ei ther for straight or monthly payment plant. Also for pur chasing purchase money notes. Poster & Robson. 11 Edgewood avenue. WANTED—To buy good purchas, money notes, or first mortgages Georgia Land and Loan Co., 909 Third National Bank Bldg. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND. any amount; 6 per cent Write or call. S. W. Carkion, 24 South Broad street. 4-1-17 IS YOUR NAME In the business Guide columns of the “Want Ad” section? Little ads bring big results. ~ — 3 MORTGAGE LOANS On Atlanta Property, BUSINESS BUILDINGS 5 and 6% per cent. RESIDENCE BUILDINGS, 5^, 6 and 6V4 per cent. Your rate depends upon the location Without notice you can pay back a hundred, any multiple of & hundred dol lars, on the entire loan on any Interest date. TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN. Loan Correspondents. PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COM PANY OF AMERICA. 303-8 Empire Building. ANSWER—Just as you have will others read your ad if \ou it In the Want Ad columns of thi per. A word to the wise is enough