Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 08, 1913, Image 7

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1, 1IAN AND ,N£WS f THURSDAY, MAT 8,1913. 552233SSK remendous in the Aggregate — What Will Be Your Share? s===They Are Priced $1.50 Shirts Reduced to 50c Madras Shirts in cfc&ors, plain, striped and checked, mannish, fox high, or soft collars. You will find the renter part of tJieijL. oon after the^ors open for these. $3.50 Waists Reduced to $1.69 here. e waists very plain and very rich with embroidery and •ollars and cuffs. The embroidery is very often in colors, on cuffs, collars and forming little vests. Val- Irish crochet laces arc very effectively used between with high collars, low collars and those without any •d to find prettier waists at $2.50 to $3.50. 5 Silk Shirts Are $2.25 i is from our own stocks, the other good part is newly make np a splendid lot. summer wear; soft, cool, comfortable, neatly fash- tllars, high collars, French cuffs, plain cream color or >es of various widths, in black, lavender and blue. And .lity that women know never gets into the ordinary Remnant Day in the Silk Section The Selling Begins at Nine o’Qock Remnant Day in the Silk Section! It means dresses, waists, coats and trimmings at part prices instead of whole and worth prices. It is a sign of robust health and activity for remnants to accumulate, for none but the wanted kinds of silks dwindle down to remnants. And where there is such activity there is no room for remnants. We will not keep them. Out they must go and out they will go! The greater part is The other part is Reduced One half Reduced 0ne=third . - i • v Lengths onedialf yard to nine yards Included are practically all the silks you have been clamoring for this Spring— Crepes de chine, crepe meteors, brocaded crepes, plain and striped me.ssalines,benga- lines, plain and two-toned taffetas, plain and figured chiffons, marquisettes and others— and need we mention that all colors are among them? Sale of Sterling Silver t * w Ware Ht Prices New to Atlanta ling silVer. ^ below you th any you le that we Ted in this ing silver. hamberlin- ters of ra- r has been ierchandise d the \: r. $ IfflO r and t . 6.50 s Set, * 3 ISO, et 15KI nd Pep-t , 3.00 s Set, 3 1.1 s Set, 3 AO d ere, sB-, it > 225 n Rings, losii 35 ' Knives. 8.00 Knives, ....... 650 Knives, ....... 650 Knives. ... 6iW t Spoons, 950 t Spoons. 7jOO t Spoons, 6.50 Spoons, \% becomes amenable to the rules that govern mer chandise. So prices drop- in many cases to less than half, in others to a point verging very closely on half. Some pieces have overstayed their time; others are odd pieces or odd sets—for instance, a set of a half dozen or dozen forks will have no spoons to match, and vice versa. They must all go now. It is a happy time to select wedding presents, silver for your own home. It is silver you will be proud to give—proud to own! Savings! $10.00 Iced Tea Spoons, ets of 6. $ 6.50 9.50 Salad Forks set of 6 6.50 9.50 Iced Tea „ Spoons, set of 6... 6.50 WS50 Butter Spreads, set of 6 ...... 5.00 1.50 Fruit Knives, set of 6 5.00 8.50 Chocolate Spoons, set of 6... 6.00 TSO Salad Forks, set of 6 5,00 pSO Salad Forks, set of 6 3-50 6.50 Ice Cream Forks, set of 6 — 3.50 6.50 Ice Cream Spoons, set of 6,, 3.50 6.50 Bouillon Spoons, set of 6., 3.50 6,50 Fruit Knives, set of 6, 3.50 6,00 Lemonade Spoons, set of 6 .. 3.50 6.00 Julep Spoons, set of 6 . —.. — 3.50 6,00 Oyster Forks, pet of 6 - 3.50 4,00 Oyster Forks, set of 6 * 2.50 No Question About Its Values Being Greatest After all is said and done, the final judgment rests with you, the great you who attend a sale and choose or leave what you find. * It is very pleasant to have it so in such a sale as this May Sale of Undermuslms, The way you have appreciated the values here is the best proof of their worth—you have liked them better than those af any May Sale we have records of. To-morrow brings fresh assortments, new lots, if possible, greater values! Will you come and judge for yourself whether here and now is the time to choose the undermuslins for the whole summer? Some fifteen styles fr«i> choose from. t crt r- r™. • (ft /Q for $2.00 and $3.00 Combi- 3#C fOT | SOcG f™- >1.49 nations- TUm fart Ithalj titles, are sefecfed rirom tm bet- ter trousseau sets tells what you may expect in the matter ®f <paMy of nain sooks, laces and embroid eries and the fine fashion ing- of them. x ^ Gowns 3.50 Coffee Spoons, set of 6 $ 1.75 4.50 Berry Forks, set of 6 2.5G 5.00 Butter Spreads, set of 6 2-50 4.50 Fruit Knives, set of 6 ................ 2.50 4.50 Nut Cracker and 6 Picks 2.50 6.50 Antique Dutch Spoon ........ 3.00 5.00 Antique Dutch Spoon ........ 2.50 1.50 Perfume Bot tles, silver deposit .50 2-25 Tea Strainers 1.00 2.00 Tea Strainers 1.00 1.75 Tea Strainers .75 1.25 Tea Strainers * 50 1.50 Birthday * Spoons, Septem ber, October, De cember mid Feb ruary 1.00 1.00 Odd Spoons. Forks, etc.SO 1.50 and $1.75 Odd Spoons .... .75 2.00 Odd Spoons .. LOO 2225 and $2.50 Odd Spoons, etc. ...... 1.00 50c 70c for 50c Gowns. The nain sook is better than 50*? gowns usually <ean dlarnc*— and the trimmings about the yokes and sleeves are either dainty laces or dain ty embroideries. No skimp ing in the size, either, as is often the case, to make np for tire extra quality. for G*owns trimmed with fine hand-loom embroidery, kimono sleeves. We wish we could always offer such gowns at 50e! for $1.25 and $1.50 Gowns, of fine weave nainsook, deep yokes of', laces and em- hroidieriiess others of crepe, Dace- trimmed, and scalloped finished. Hurry for- these! Combinations for Combinations of rarest I beauty. Th e nainsook is an excel] cut quality, as sheer amd Iriip-M and sflky as ecuiM fee. CtorsHt cover*with drarw- @rs, straight princess cut, fine patterns of vaiten- eiemnes laces and womdertol Mtle embrotderiies that come from Swiitzerflaod. Petticoats 7Q,. for Petticoats of straight ‘fines, without the under • flounce-—the trimmings are fine fillet Ibiceis. flht trimmed, for Petfcfcagts of _strafght (10^ fttr Petticoats of straight fines, with flounce trimmed with handj-toom seaffioped Others with flounces of five; rows of' lace iinsertronsandl bearifogs and a three-inch emhroljdery baud at top, Drawers and Pitas Slips finr $L00 Drawers, c iron-liar cut, fiat trimmed with stu broideries and with rows of inssriflons, suit itedown? fitona the' waist, fiber $1.25 Princess An oxM.Mte>^*wvqfafck- ly. They are- iia> large- sizes ■mby,. u Tk ' Frendi Baird lade Chemises The prices are lower than you would expect. Did you notice the hand- embroidery—how Beatify it is done and the* flue Bitttie flteraL patterns*—-before you looked at the* price tick et. They are priced ®t (69*? ((insteari off and ■M- Now for the Daintiest of Sommer Dresses A Sale of Sheer and Fine Fabrics To-morrow at Nrae o"Clock These are the fabrics that women # want for their charm ing summer dresses—for street, for afternoon,, for evening wear. There are voiles so light and airy that it hardly seems pos sible that they were woven, and yet across these surfaces are dots and spots and great coLorful floral patterns. You will exclaim over them! And here they are in a sale! Priced at the very time their appeal iis- strongest—priced very vigorously. If there ls any way of judging what wifi attract eager buyers, we record the prediction that there will be a crowd for these! Alik Attic The May Sale of Undermuslins Atsoc French Crepes that were 75c and $LG0 a yard. A fabric in high favor. 32 inches-wide. White ground with dots over it in- colors— many colors. French Piques that were 60c and 85c a yard. 32 inch es wide. Plain white and with embroidered dots. Splendid for dresses and skirts. French Voiles that were 86c a yard. 48 inches wide. White with a border marie up of silk stripes in blue, lavender and pink. At 89c ®* renc * 1 ^°^ es and Crepes that were $1.50 a yard, 38 and 40 inches wiri'e. White, blue and. black ground's embroidered with colored dots. Voiles that were $L5© a yard. -Among these are white voiles, 45 inches wide, showing- a feortfinr of embroidered designs in. ooF *, and 40-inch vuilssy tm dariinty as- can be,, in: laven der, pink and light bhue* em broidered over in self-eok ored dots. Voiles that were $3185, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 a yard.. There will. be. many dresses chosen from, among these.. The pricing lii; re markable, the variety Is great—cheeked vofliw. striped voiles in black and white, great floral pattens is rinh colors on white groundh—and with an. odd. few French ciapes that, too, were priced ffhom $L5Q to $2.50 a yard*. All 88dimha*^wijda. io the Junior Department Third Boor Values calcul ated to warm the hearts of both mothers and daughters have been brought forward for fo^-morrow's sellrng rn the Junior Department. But the details best tell this— Junior Softs $1 "T56 Regularly $25.00 Are And there i» a breadth and scope to the' variety off styiesb ffrom wfriafr yam are feiriiien to choose that warrant certain satisfaction. There are shepherd checks, tllere are rtavv serges,, there are novel stnpsd weaves fas-hfoued iiato Balkan bbjuses, Norffolks anxl plain tailored eania. Some show trimmings of daintiest Dresden, silks—odd and very pretty for*the voting womenr—others pipings in bright red. others the use off the popufer white ratine in collars and enffe. All the coats- are lined with soft pean d* evgne and are spliendiidly tiailored Seldom such suits happen at $12.Sf}, Girls’ Wash Dresses $5.75 Regularly $6,00 Are Sizes jsfa toiffburteen years.- ft ydll not be hard to understand tlietr worib- -$6,00—once yon see them. The- materials are linen, fine Ftench linen,, and Anderson’^ Scotch ging hams-. Tfhey are «?ovei*ed with new Ittlte style points. It may be the way a volte fc set th or toe hand embroidery on fronts,, or the novel use off care color- vdibli anotlr^ oq the elegauce of an Irish crochet collar- that will afftteaat pm,. Oh still other points. You wiJi be attracted to tllem especially with toia n«W“prie«*lo0mi®g so low, QnTdren’s Dresses Regularly 75c Are W ffeusizes ojjfi tfti torn* years. Tile material is w soffu white* orepe,. ” ** w 'Chqy toe Kitfte straight affairs that mothers buy when prices ane uonmalhy toe*hadfi dozens. With these and at the* same price are n#w and toesh. white and obtoted percale (fcesses lit sizes one to six years. These arc tong* waisted amt have the little plaited sMicts. *» Chamberlin-Johnson-DuBose Go.