Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 08, 1913, Image 7

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D NEWS, THURSDAY. MAY 8.1013. CHAMBERLIN-JOHNSON-DuBOSE CO. fey fed^Atlanta CHAMBERLlN=JOHNSON=DuBOSE CO. — ■' '■ ■■■ - ... ■ ■ -■ — ■ ■■ — ■ —- mendous in the Aggregate = What Will Be Your Share? hey Are Priced hirts Rednced to 59c hirtsin cold's, plain, striped and checked, for high, or soft collars. You will find the t of them. the doors open for these. aisis Reduced to $1.09 erv plain and very rich with embroidery and 1 ruffs. The embroidery is very often in i cuffs, collars and forming little vests. Yal- rhet laces are very effectively used between collai-s, low 7 collars and those without any prettier waists at $2.50 to $3.50. Remnant Day in the Silk Section The Selling Begins at Nine o’Clock Remnant Day in the Silk Section! It means dresses, waists, coats and trimmings at part prices instead of whole and worth prices. It is a sign of robust health and activity for remnants to accumulate, for none but the wanted kinds of silks dwindle down to remnants. And where there is such activity there is no room for remnants. We will not keep them. Out they must go and out they will go! The greater part is The other part is Shirts Are $2.25 own nr a sp wear a colli ?us w: women stocks, the endid lot. other good part is newly soft, cool, comfortable, neatly fash- irs. French cuffs, plain cream color or dths, in black, lavender and blue. And know never gets into the ordinary Reduced One=half t Reduced Onedhird \ V? • , V Lengths one=half yard to nine yards Included are practically all the silks you have been clamoring for this Spring— Crepes de chine, crepe meteors, brocaded crepes, plain and striped messalines,benga- lines, plain and two-toned taffetas, plain and figured chiffons, marquisettes and others— and need we mention that all colors are among them? 2 of Sterling Silver 4 ;r. ou ou we lis * * nr sr. n- in- en se 1.00 5.50 * • L50 1.25 Prices New to Atlanta it becomes amenable to the rules that govern mer chandise. So prices drop in many cases to less than half, in others to a point verging very closely on half. Some pieces have overstayed their time; others are odd pieces or odd sets—for instance, a set of a half dozen or dozen forks will have no spoons to match, and vice versa. They must all go now. It is a happy time to select wedding presents, silver for your own home. It is silver you will be proud to give—proud to own! tie Savings! $10 .(XI Iced Tea Spoons, ets of 6. .$ 6.50 9.50 Salad Forks set Of 6 6.50 9.50 Iced Tea Spoons, set of 6.. 6.50 7.50 Butter Spreads, set of 6 5.00 7.50 Fruit Knives, set of 6 5.00 8.50 Chocolate Spoons, set of 6... 5.00 7.50 Salad Forks, set of 6 ............ 5.00 6.50 Salad Forks, set of 6 3.50 6.50 Ice Cream Forks, set of 6 ... 3.50 6.50 Ice Cream Spoons, set of 6 . , 3.50 6.50 Bouillon Spoons, set of 6.. 3.50 6.50 Fruit Knives, set of 6 .... 3.50 6,00 Lemonade Spoons, set of 6 .. 3.50 6.00 .Tulep Spoons, set of 6 3.50 6.00 Oyster Forks, set of 6 3.50 4.00 Oyster Forks, set of 6 2.50 $ 3.50'Coffee Spoons, set of 6 .... 4.50 Berry Forks, set of 6 5.00 Butter Spreads, set of 6 4.50 Frnit Knives, set of 6 ... 4.50 Xut Cracker and 6 Picks . 6-50 Antique Dutch Spoon 3.00 Antique Dutch Spoon .... 130 Perfume Bot tles, silver deposit 2215 Tea Strainers 2.00 Tea Strainers 1.75 Tea Strainer's 1.25 Tea Strainers 1.50 Birthday Spoons, Septem ber, October, De cember and Feb ruary „ 1.00 Odd Sperms. Foi-ks, etc. ... 1.50 and $1.75 Odd Spoons 2.00 Odd Spoons .. 2.25 and $2^0 Odd Spoons, etc, ..... ..$ 1.75 2.50 No Question About Its Values Being Greatest After all is said and done, the final judgment rests with you, the great you who attend a sale and choose or leave what you find. It is very pleasant to have it so in such a sale as this May Sale of Undermuslins. The way you have appreciated the values here is the best proof of their worth—you have liked them better than those of any May Sale we have records of. To-morrow brings fresh assortments, new lots, if possible, greater values! Will you come and judge for yourself whether here and now is the time to choose the undertmrslins for the whole summer? Gowns 39c 2.50 230 2.50 3.00 230 .50 LOO 1.00 .75 .50 <: 1,00 .5© .75 LOO LOO 50c 79c E for 50c Gowns. The nain sook is better than 50e gowns usually «m diairo— and the trimmings about the yokes and sleeves are either dainty laws or dain ty embroideries. Xq skimp ing in the size, either, as is often the ease, to make up for the extra quality. for Gowns trimmed with tine hand-loom embroidery, kimono sleeves. We wish we could always offer such gowns at 50c! for $1.25 and $1.50 Gowns, of fine weave nainsook, deep yokes of "Laces and ein- broldcrijesc others of crepe, lace trimmed and sca-Ooped finished. Hurry for- these! Combinations for Combinations of rarest beauty. The nainsook is an excellent quality, as sheer and light and silky at» tee. Corset cover-with draw ers, straight princess cot, fine patterns of vatat- efemnee' Laces-andi mosoferiM Kittle embroideries that from Switzerland. $1.49 Some fifteen styles to choose from. for $2.00 and $3-.00 Combi nations. The fact that these are selected from the bet ter trousseau sets tells what you, may expect in the matter- of qfixalffitrv of naiiin- srooks, laces and embroid eries and the fine fashion ing of them. Petticoats far Petticoats of straight Ernies, without the under donnee-—tire trimmings are fine filet Ibices, fisut trimmed. for Petticoats of straight for Petticoats of straight Ernes, with flounce trimmed with handidboEn scalloped embroidery.. Others with flbtxnces of' ifaut rows; of lace iinsertimffiwainjd] headings; and a tfcreerimrii embroidery band at top, Drawers and Princes Slips for $1.00 Drawers, circular cot.. Hast trimmed with ern broideries and with rows- of insertions' set m dtewn: Atom the waist. 79c 98c 79c «k come tor $L25 PttofflWBt Ajaoddfet ttQ'gp x*ry’<gjujjck:- Eyv They are lira, large- sizes :>nl'y. Now lor the Daintiest of Sommer Dresses A Sale of Sheer and Fine Fabrics To-morrow at Nine o’Clock These are the fabrics that women want for their charm ing summer dresses—for street, for afternoon, for evening wear. There are voiles so light and airy that it hardly seems pos sible that they' were woven, and yet across these surfaces are dots and spots ami great colorful floral patterns. You will exclaim over them! And here they are in a sale! Priced at the very time their appeal' strongest—priced very' vigorously. If there is any way of judging what willl! attract eager buyers, we record the prediction that there- will be a crowd for 1 ~ At 49c At 49c The May Sale of Undermuslins ai59c At 89c French Crepes that wens 75c and $L0O a yard. A fabric in high favor. 32 inches wide. White ground with dots over it in colters— many colors, French Piques that were 60c and 86c a yard. 32 inch es wide. Plain white and with embroidered dote, Splendid for dresees amd skirts. French V offea that wrare 86c a yard. 48 inches wide. White with a bordier made irp of silk stripes in bide, lavender and pmlL French Voiles and Crepes that were 3CL.50 a yard, 3S and 40 inches wide. White, bine lavender and Marik grounds embroidered with colored diets. kM cft r VotDes All 0^** yajgtL na%&' PaSm •* mm tow ffl50 a Among' these aa» white voiiegy £5 facfafT wirfe r showing a hmaftar of emtumidHred derigns nt-cajh or»v and 40-inab. voitesj. « dainty ae can be., fa ftuwHi* der r pink and li vll-tt bbm>.<mi> d) over in; eeli&eoh 6red$<&tsv i «* yon $a<My $2.25 and $tt» * yandL. There w® he sxsaffi dresses- chosen from- mih^iii these*. The pricing- fc to maritaMfe,. the variety }s great:—c h stripe® voltes in wiTTFe*. iroucBu pwJOttns in riih coDara on vmflfc then an odd few Fhench pjaqffl tthafk itpo»- were prihedfiaaW 8.1,50- tto ifcli 4^-J- ^ til- In tire Junior Department Third Burr » Valitues calculated to warm? tfne hearts of both mjot&ew daughters have been brought forward for ttoHmcunrovris fflriiEiiuig; far the Junior Department. Btrt the detaUk? best tell this— t Junior Suits Regularly $25.00 Are And there is a breadth and scope to the variety of styles from wh3hh^yaTt*ans bidden to choose that warrant certain satisfaction. There are shepherd checks, there are navy serges,, there are novel weaves fashioned into Balkan blouses, Norifolks and plain tailored, h&l Some show trimmings of daintiest Dresden silks-—odd and very pretty fcnrtfhs* young women'—others pipings in bright red,, others the use of the popular white ratine in collars a,nd cuffs. AH the coats-are lined with soft peasiv & cygne and are splendidly tailored. Seldom such suits happen at $12.50., Orris’ Wash Dresses $2.75 Are Size* six to* fourteen years. fa will not he hard to understand their worth:—$6,00—once you them. 'l!he materials are linen, fine French linen, and Anderson’s Scotch grng- liams. They are covered with new little style points. It may be the way a yoke is set" in or the hand embroidery on fronts, or the novel use of one color- with another or the elegance of an Irish crochet collar that will attract yotti. on still other points. You will be attracted to them especially with this new price looming; so low. French Hand Made Chemises lb Children’s Dresses Regularly 75c Are The prices are lower than you would exjpw't. Dixi you noith'X the, band*- embeoidery—how njeatt]*r iit is done and the fine liittite flbead pa>Ww?n»s--Jk«#ji®e you. looked at the price tick et. They are priced »t @9c ((instead of $T..00) r 96c, and $k96, * |F Ite sizes ona toi itour years. Tlh-* material’is a wrft whi'tfl' crepe,. ’lHtey aate ths flittfri straight affairs that mothers buy whsu prices a» uoumal by the hah!' itozgns. With these and at the' same price aaie new- and frwsk AgiliSte and coJtoed percajie dlnesses ih one to six years. These are long- wafeted and have the little plaited skirts.