Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 08, 1913, Image 6

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L_ CIiAMBERLIN=JOHNSON=DuBOSE CO. **'York,CHAMBERLIN=JOHNSON-DuEOiE CO. The Savings Possible in Such a Sale As This Are Treme Let ThesePages Be Your Day’s S opping Guide A trusty guide they will prove, one that will attend you safely, wisely and pleasantly along the road of economy to the land of Savings, avoiding the sometimes alluring by-ways that lead to Wastefulness, the blind paths that end in Disappointment, and the mountains of Extravagance. All of which is but another way of saying that here spread before you and for your profit are values, made doubly so by the timeliness of their offering. Not many women but who must at this season buy some one, or several of these items—this means that to-morrow is their best opportunity. To-morrow, then, for shopping at Cham berlin-Johnson-Du Bose Co.’s! There is not a disappointment hidden be tween any two lines of this advertisement. T hings' are what they seem. Here Is Unusually Fine News of Dresses Waists===They i And here, too, are the bright days of spring, when a woman gets so much satisfaction and pleasure out of little one-piece dresses. The savings told of below are a matter of the alertness of our buyer, who is just re turned from New York or it would be hard for you to understand why such dresses are so priced. $1.09 & $1.50 Shirts Ret $6.98 & $7.50 Linen Dresses $5.00 About seventy-five Madras /flirts in col some tucked, some very mannish, for high, oi name “Royal” in the greater part GfTheml You must be here soon after the doors c $2.50 to $3.50 Wjiisls Re The unexpected has happened—and right now, in the morning of May, linen dresses, cool summery linen dresses, are $5.00 instead of $6.98 and $7.50. You will note that the linen is a really tine, smoothly woven grade and weighty, and that the styles are beautifully arid simply charming—with plaited and tucked waists, low round collars, turn-back ooliars and turn-hack cuffs, sometimes in white and embroidered in colors and sometimes in the color of the dress. Many are belted, others have the raised waist line marked with piping. A happy collection here. They are white voile waists very pain a laces and with colored collars and cuffs. T1 high colors, Bulgarian colors, on cuffs, coll eneiennes and imitation I rish crochet laces { tucks. Indeed, they make up a likely little lot of linen dresses—and at$5.00. $10.00 Dresden Crepe Dresses $6.98 Choose from those with high collars^ hr collar. It would be hard to find prettier w< $2.95 Silk How fine they will be for morning wear! They are of the quaint and charming crepe in Dresden pat terns and colorings—little florals, pink, blue, green and • lavender. Fashioned with low, round collars, edged with a net frilling, plaited; the same is on the cuffs. A vest effect is obtained by the use of net. Skirts are draped gracefully in the side back—and then there is a wide crushed satin girdle to set off the whole. Truly $10.00 values! A good part of them is from our ov arrived. Together they make up a They are ideal for summer wea ioned, low turn-back collars, high col] white striped, with strijies of various the silk is that fine quality that woi shirt at $2.25. sto< lendic soft I idths, kn< NOW Is the Time to Choose Oriental Rugs We write now in big letters because every Oriental Rug that we are the proud possessors of has its PRICE REDUCED Reduced in such a fashion as to clinch the claim—now is Oriental Rug buying time. Small mats are reduced, great room carpets are reduced and all the in-betweens. And do you know that ours is doubtless the largest, choicest collec tion of Oriental Rugs in the South! Hood Things to Eat and Drink At LowCost-of-Livmg Prices Vudorize Your Sleeping Porch The jellies, preserves and the like listed below are pare, fresh and wholesome. That they are so priced is due to no other fact than that we are pleased to make a disposal of them to-morrow. 25a 45rarp« Hhifca, pint! 'Bottles at ■*«t • 15c 45n Apple .Tuioe, quart; bottles 25c 25c Appleidee, pint bottles 15c 25o Home Process Jellies^-grape, quince, our- rant and crab apple—jar .. 15c (fOo Home Process Sweat Pickle—peaches and pears pint jars «.«,«.« «.'•.,... . 40c 50c Home Premess Cherry Preserves—pints . .40c fiOo Home Process Fresh Peaches and Pine apples 40c 60e Pome Process Mince Meat, pints 30c 90c Home Process Fresh Cherries .. 50c Chow Chow Oriental Preserves 75c Chow Chow Oriental Preserves From the outside Vudor shades give a finish to the porch and an air of hominess to the house that air very attractive. They make the porch a place everyone will seek during the hot, sultry days of summer, But you must uot confuse Vudor Shades with ordinary bamboo screens. There is all the difference in the world between them, both in the service and in the comfort they bring. The light, strong wooden strips of Vudor Shades are lock-stitched together by heavy seine twine so the strips will not work out at the sides of the shades and become broken. 'The twine is rot-proof and the raising cords will not annoy you by curling up and sticking in the pulleys. Vudor Shades are indelibly stained (not painted nor dipped) in soft, pleasing colors to harmonize with your house. They will retain their newness and withstand sun and rain for many seasons. Vudor Shades repel the sun's rays but let in all the light and air you want. You can sue out, but no one can see in. They make the porch a delightfully cool and secluded place where your family can spend the long summer days and where you may rest in comfort during nights when the thought of a hot bedroom banishes sleep. i We are exclusive agents for these splendid shades in Atlanta. A telephone call will bring one of our men to measure your porch, to tit the shade just so. Yes, It Is Their Season, But Nevertheless rife • 50c 30c 45c A Sale of Linen Laces 25c Apple .Juice Vinegar, quarts 18c Corset Special Corsets Tie '.sc make up an odd lot that make way! 1 ii sizes 22, 23, 24 and 25. About any model you nnurlit want—and you will find the names of well-known makers on them all. $1.98 For $3.00 Corsets Brocades, dainty pink and white, as fresh •is a newly bloomed rose. A splendid buy makes i.hia possible. Low bust, medium low bust and long hips. Smyrna, Torchon and CIuny===AtNine o’Clock Tomorrow Hardly fair, however, tosay that this is their season,, as if therewere amy season wlien women did not want linen laces. Their season is perennial,, but suefc a*alea®4!hie, wlhererm savings loom so large, is a very unusual and occasional affair. Here— Regularly these laces Were 15c to $1.50 a Yard YVJiich now are Reduced OneTourth to OneTialf Included are both the real hand-made and the machine-made kinds of Smyrna. Tor chon and Cluny edges and insertions one-half inch to four and one-half incheslwide. And the dresses and the waists and the underwear that are to be trimmed Certainly a good part of the cost of the trimmings now vanishes! Also certainly no woman will sacrifice her love for dainty trimmings by choosing them all in this sale! These are the kinds she would select were she fastidious—every thread pure flax, long-wearing, dependably washable, in exquisite patterns—laces from our own scrupulously select stocks! A Sterling Sale of Flat and Hollow Ware Mind you, please, that this is sterling silver* After you have studied the prices below you might, did you compare this sale with any you have ever known, think it impossible that we should mean that every piece included in this sale is sterling silver. We repeat it, every piece is sterling silver. But the rules of merchandising in Chamberlin- John son-Du Bose Co.’s are no respecters of in trinsic worth. When sterling silver has been wrought into the form of articles of merchandise Read the £ $29.50 Large Pom- port $18.50 21*00 Vegetable Dish 15,00 21.00 Comport ..... 12.50 25.00 Salad Bowl — 15.00 16.50 Comport...... 10.00 15.00 Comport......... 8.50 14.50 Comport 8.50 18.50 Highball Set, diver deposit.. 10.00 11.50 Candlesticks... 7.50 8.50 Candlesticks. . 5,00 6.00 Candlesticks.. 3.50 10,00 Howl ... 6.50 6.50 Salad Fork and Spoon 3.50 6.50 Game Shears 3.50 5.00 Cigar Jar, glass and silver . .. 2.50 5,00 Preserve .Jar, damaged •• •• 150 4/)0 Cheese 2,00 6.50 Whiskey Bot tle, diver deposit 4.00 5.00 Salt Dishes .. 250 4.50 Call Bell LOO 3.50 Fonnel 2.00 2.50 Sugar Sifters 1.25 2.00 Salt Shakers... .75 L50 Salt and Pep pers -.2, .75 / $ 3.00 Vase .$ 1,00 10.00 Sugar and Cream Set 650 3.00 Child’s Set, 3 pieces 150 2.50 Salt Set 'X25 5.00 Salt and Pep- 1 f>er Set 3.00 3.25 Child’s Set, 3 pieces 1.75 2.75 Child's Set, 3 I* : pieces ..... ,90 .50 Coasters, sfl- •' ver deposit .25A .50 Napkin Rings, j silver deposit 35 13.50 Dinner Knives, set of 6 8.00 10.00 Small Knives, set of 6 650 12.00 Small Knives, set of 6 650 8.50 Small Knives, set of 6 6,00 14.00 Dessert Spoons, set of 6. 9,50 10.50 Dessert Spoons, set of 6 7.00 10.00 Dessert Spoons, set of 6 6.50 14.50 Table Spoons, set of 6 &75 « $1< * Cham berlin-Johnson-DuBose Co.