Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 11, 1913, Image 34

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2 H Van Epps-Hcinson G EORGE DUDLEY VAN EPPS announcr-s the engagement of his sister, Minnie Thomas, to Mr. Robert Graham Han son, Jr., of Bristol, Teun, the wedding to take place June 12. »! «( M MerndoivParNer M R. AND MRS. THOMAS TERRELL HERNDON, of Craw ford, announce the engagement of their daughter. Marion Olive, to Joseph Egleston Parker, of Augusta, the wedding to take place on June 18. « « * Daniel-Wilson M R. AND MRS. I). P. DANIEL announce the engagement of their daughter, Vera Belle, to Homer Leon Wilson, the marriage to take pace at home, June 9. No cards. * •» * locft-Bradley Vann-Singleton jV/l R AND MRS. FREDERICK NEWTON VANN, of Fort 1V1 Meade. Fla., announce the engagement of their daugh ter. Lillian Louise, to Gray Singleton, of Gainesville, Ga. The wedding will take place on June 24. * * K Eletcher-Nesbit M r AND MRS. THOMAS EDGAR FLETCHER, of Forsyth, announce the engagement of their daughter, Clare, to Thomas Nesbit, of Cordele, the wedding to take place ju June. No eards. , V R It Nickerson-Highf M R AND MRS. THOMAS HENRY NICKERSON, of Athens, announce the engagement of their daughter, Irene Nash, to Gordon Lee Hight, of Rome, the wedding to take place at a date to he announced later. r » » Morris-Clarbe M R. AND MRS. GEORGE B. MORRIS announce the en gagement of their daughter. Marguerite Clarke, to Hor ace Byron Paul, the wedding to take place in June No cards R R X ftishop-Johnson jVJ K AND MRS. I). N. BISHOP, of Athens, announce the lv* engagement of their daughter. Maude LaDelle, to Wal ter Earl Johnson. The wedding t.o take place on June 5. Way-Momn ex r» rp R. AND MRS. IN. B. WA\, of Ludowici, announce the i>i engagement of their daughter, Katie Viola, to Ernest A. Moran, of Savannah, the wedding to take place early in June. X R X SturcJ ivani-Havvthorne | EANDEK JOSEPH STCRDIVANT. of Tliomwville, an- 1—< nounees the engagement of his daughter, Katherine, to IIKARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1013 Miss I iiIcIrcM\ BurtoivSrnith she wm fii > the ro ie m l l MIVII Clll Mt.ll IVd 1 Jlllllll the forthcoming production of the Players Club comedy. Mias Burton-Smith is one of the handsomest debutantes of the past winter, and has been delightfully entertained during the season. Her debut in the Players’ Club is eagerly anticipated by her many admirers. M R. AND MRS. H. MOCK, of Pelham. Ga., announce the engagement of their daughter, Reba Lucile, and Joseph George Bailey, of Camilla, the marriage to take place at the home of the bride’s parents, June 11. No eards. •t « at Reynokls-Wrighl M R. AND MRS. JOHN B REYNOLDS announce the en gagement of their daughter, Edna, to Fred Wright, the wedding to take place tile latter part of June. No cards. * it «t , Morse-McCown D R. AND MRS. LEANDER SAMUEL MORSE- of Forsyth, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lillian, and Joseph Stewart MoGowan, of Sioux City, Iowa, the wedding to take place at their home on Wednesday, June 25, at high noon. No cards. Rt Rt Rt Norman-Weatlieis R OBERT ALSTON CARSON announces the engagement of his niece, Miss Madge Norman, to Henry Edgar Weathers, the wedding to take place June 12. R R R Lynch-Hayes M RS. S. C. LYNCH announces the engagement of her daughter, Annie Claire, to John Richard Hayes, of Eu- faula, Ala., the wedding to take place June 16. Matthews-WalKer M R. AND MRS. S. WILKINS MATTHEWS, of Oak Hall, Va., announce the engagement of their daughter, Sue Wingate, to John Singleton Walker, of Waycross, the wed- ■ ding to take place in June. K RR «t Gaines-StricKland M R. AND MRS. GEORGE OLIVER GAINES announce the engagement of their daughter, Essie Lois, of lioyston, and Obie Strickland, of Royston, the wedding to occur the latter part of June. •t it it Boybin-Hemdon JV4 R. AND MRS. SAMUEL JEFFERSON BOYKIN, of Car-|| 1V1 rollton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Luta Harriette, to Thomas Ambrose Herndon, the wedding to occur in June. •t RR it James Valnere Hawthorne. The marriage will take place at high noon on Wednesday, June 11, at St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church. •t it it Cohen-Eineman M U. AND MRS. MENDEL COHEN announce the engage ment of their daughter, Ray, to Isadore Fineman, the date of the marriage to he announced later. No cards. The couple will be at home this afternoon and evening at the home of the bride-elect's parents, 329 Central Avenue. •R. iR *? Brdswell-Myers L l,. BRASWELL, of Fitzgerald, announces the approach- . ing marriage of his daughter, Kathleen, to Tedfred Ellis Myers, of Atlanta, formerly of Fitzgerald, the wedding to take place at home on June 5. No cards.' T T j 1TH the Announcements of en- \!\j KHffemontsi from work to week, anticipation of future gayety. which has Its raison d’etre tn the June bride, grows brighter The announcement made to-day of Miss Minnie VanEpp#’ engagement to Mr. Robert Graham Hanson, Jr., of Bris tol, Term., adds another charming girl to the list of June brides. Although ‘he marriage of these two young people will be quietly observed, the event will be of broad social In terest. Miss VanEpps Is the daugh ter of the late Judge Howard Van Epps, one of Georgia's leading jurist**. Miss VanKpps has made herself wide ly known because of the work she has done for charity. The w edding will take place at th * home of her klnsw omanCM rs. Richard Johnston, on Peachtree, at 9 o'clocf on the evening of June 1*’, and on * th*‘ family and a few Intimate friend.* will bt pie:»ent, George VanEpps will Kite his sister away, and her only at tendant will be Miss Agnes Hanson, of Bristol. Tenn . groom. sister of the bride - Of much Interest In Atlanta and Savannah will be the marriage of Miss Ada Turner, of this city, and William de Bruyn Kops, of Charles ton. which w ill be solemnized on Wed- • nesday evening. June 4, at the home of the bride’s sister. Mrs. James Farie, I Jr., In Savannah. Miss Turnor has ; frequently visited Savannah as her | sister’s guest, and the fact that she has chosen to be married in Savan nah will be of interest to her many friend* in that citv. The wedding will be solemnized at 9 o’clock at Mrs. Earle’s residence. Mte* Fannie Turner, of Savannah, will be her sister’s maid of honor. There will be no other attendants, except Mr. Kops’ b**st man. After an In formal recaption. Mr. Kops and his hride will leave for a three-month trip, on their return they will at once begin the erection of a home n Charleston. Mr. Kops being a resident of that city. A number of reiativ*ea ami friends will go to Savannah for the wedding. Miss Turner is a daughter of the la*e Dr. J. D. Turner, one of the prominent pioneer citizens of Atlanta, and her marriage wall be of broad social in terest. Mr. Kops is a prominent busi ness man of Charleston, and will in troduce his bride to a delightful circle of friends. Preceding Miss Turner's marriage she will be tendered a number of parties, the first to he a garden party, at which Miss Nan Stephens will en tertain at her Diuid Hills residence on Tuesday afternoon, May 20. * * * AFTER a visit to Mrs. VV. A. x * Moore, of Atlanta, Mrs. Clayton Thrcadcraft. of Norfolk. Va., has been spending the past several days in New*nan with Mrs. Roy Cole. She returns to Atlanta for a short slay with Miss Jack Whitcomb at the Im perial Hotel before leaving for a visit to Texas. Several parties were given for Mrs. Thrcadcraft on her visit to N’ewnan. one of the largest being a reception last Wednesday at which Mrs. Cole was hotess. The residence was decorated In spring flowers, and a large assemblage of ladies called during the hours of the reception. At lanta guests present and in the re ceiving line with Mrs. Thrcadcraft and Mrs. Cole were Mrs. Edward Ansley. Mrs. Henry Watkins. Miss Jack Whitcomb and Miss Mamie Ansley. Other visitors assisting in receiving were Mrs. James Lanier. Mrs. Phil Lanier and Mrs. William I-anier, all of West Point; Mrs. Thom as Thornton and Mrs. Fuller Call i- way, of L&Granjgfc. * Another delightful affair of the week was given for Mrs. Threadcraft by Mrs. Harvey North. AX interesting social event, incident 1 1 to the Presbyterian AssembV, which will be held in Atlanta, next week, will be a luncheon given at the Piedmont Driving Club, for the women delegates of the Foreign and Home Missionary Societies of the Presbyterian -Churches. Mrs. John W. Grant is chairman of the ladles' entertainment committee, and she has asked the following la dies to assist her: Mrs. C. B. Walker, Mrs Samuel Inman, Mrs. Robert J*. Lowr\. Mrs. W. R Elkin. Mrs. Bil low Campbell, Mrs. J. K. Orr, Mrs. Wilnier L. Moore. Mrs. Archbald Da- \ i>. M s. A. A. Little, Mis. William Hill. Mrs. M. P. Pratt, Mrs. George F. Moffatt. Mrs. Hugh Walker. M s Dunbar Ogden, Mrs. Richard Orm FI inn, Mrs. J. P. Stephenson Mrs. J S. Thompson, .Mrs. John King Ottiey Mrs. Arnold Broyles. Mrs. Frank Gaines'. Mrs. Jere Moore, Mrs. F.d v a Barnett and Mrs. James N Moore, rpHK May opening <>f the Pied- | mont Driving Club will be a brilliant event of this week. Every one has a new. summery frock and a hat trimmed in flowers to wear to the Club Tuesday afternoon. The dub house will be in gala array, with |a wealth of spring-like decoration^, and the occasion will be the chief so cial event of the season. The an nual reception at the Driving Club fairly launches the informal spring and summer social regime, and from now on the al fresco and lawn par ties. the morning porch parties and the picnics, with a weekly dance at the Country Club, will make up the social calendar. At the Driving Club opening, which is an annual affair, several hundred guests are enter tained informally, following the elec tion of officers in the late afternoon. A number of parties have been formed for supper, and dancing will close the evening's program. Several social affairs have been an nounced for next week, and as a num ber of visitors are in the city, others will be added from day to day. Though Informal, these parties are very delightful, and society is by no means devoid of pleasant amusement. A second date to which the social world turns with bright anticipation Is the appearance of the Players’ Club, which has been definitely set for the evening of May 24. An Oscar Wilde comedy, “The Importance of Being in Earnest," has been chosen for the forthcoming production, and the cast will include: Miss Hildreth Burton-Smith, Mrs. John Marshall Slaton. Mrs. Henry Bernard Scott, Mrs. William Owens, Marsh Adair and Lamar Hill. The play will be given at the Grand, this theater be ing adapted to the accommodation of box parties and a brilliant social audience. Following the play will be supper parties at the club. Rehear sals are being held every few even ings at the Georgian Terrace, and so cial dates are secondary in impor tance to these rehearsals with the members of the cast. A SERIES of parties were given last week in compliment to Mies Frances Seabrook. of Maryland, who is visiting Mrs. William Seabrook. on North Boulevard. Tuesday evening Miss Annie Lou Pagett gave her a beautiful bridge party. Red rambler roses were effectively used in deco rating the living and reception rooms where the card tables were placed. Miss Fagett received her guests wearing a gown of white crepe elab orately embroidered and trimmed with lace. Invited to meet Miss Seabrook were Misses,Katie Sturdivant. Lillian Sturdivant, Edith Dunson, Mary Lucy Turner, Mr. and Mrs. , W. B. Seabrook, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bridges, Frank Spratling. Eugene Harrington, Palmer Johnson, James Campbell, Frank Gillespie. Allan Shears. Mr. Boocherver, Woodward Allen. Angus Perkerson and Dr. C. P. Hodge. Miss Lillian Sturdivant won the girl's prize, an Armenian lace hand kerchief; James Campbell received the souvenir for the gentlemen, a silver picture frame, and to the guest of honor was presented a set of gold pins. Miss Pagett was assisted in enter taining her guests by Miss Elizabeth Silvey. * * * TP HIS year and each year hereafter the Washington Seminary Alum nae Association will open the annual commencement of that institution with a reception to the seniors. A May-pole dance will be the especial feature of the lawn fete that will be given this year on May 16 at the Washington Seminary, on Peachtree Road. The officers of the alumnae association will receive with the graduating class, and they wil} be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Scott and Miss Emma Scott, the principals of the school. The girls of the Junior class have been invited to serve and to preside over the punch bowl, and the four daughters of Mrs. John Spalding are to pin on each guest as she enters th? seminary colors, which are bright blue and gold. Over 600 Invitations have been sent out, those invited being the members of the local aJumnae, the presidents of the federated clubs in the city, the mothers of the seniors and the officers of the U. D. C. and the D. A. R., who have scholarship funds for this school. Mrs. John Spalding is president; Mrs. William T. Tomer and Mrs. Por ter Langston, vice presidents; Mrs. Marshall Clarke ^Johnson, treasurer. Mrs. Michael Hoke, corresponding secretary, and Miss Mary Helen Moody, recording secretary, of the alumnae association. The members of the senior class are Miss Dorothy Traynham, presi dent; Miss Virginia Farr, secretary and treasurer, and Misses Faith Johnson, Louise Ware, Lillian Mitch ell, Oliver Weston, Gertrude Richard son, Grace Stephens. Elizabeth Black. Janette Baggett, Elizabeth Dyson, Nellie McCravey. Grace Davie, Kath erine DuBose, Mary Lynn Walker, Elizabeth Hancock, Helen Douglas and Ida Wlnship. Miss Elizabeth Boyd will arrive May 20 to visit Miss Carolyn King. Miss Boyd spends her winters in Clearwater. Fla., where her parents have a home, and in the summer she resides in Nashville. Being a former Atlantan. Miss Boyd has many friends here who will entertain for her dur ing the stay of two or three weeks that she will make here. \T A X V prominent Atlantans have been much interested in the formation of a drama league, which was perfected at several meetings >f the past week. The officers of th* 5 Atlanta branch have been elected, and * THE CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK < MONDAY, MAY 12. Mrs. W. A. Speer entertains euchre club members. Miss Annie May Hardin enter tain^ for Mrs. James Dillard. TUESDAY, MAY 13. Annual spring opening recep tion at Piedmont Driving Club. Mrs Bates Block gives after noon bridge for Misses Carr and Scott. Brooks Morgan gives supper party at Driving Club for Misses Carr and Scott. Miss Emily Cassin entertains at bridge for Mies Beattie, of Colum bus. WEDNESDAY, MAY 14. Mrs. Roy Collier entertains with a luncheon for Mrs. James Sprat- ling. of Macon. Miss Annie Lee McKenzie gives afternoon bridge for Miss Ruth Wilson. New York. Miss Grace Stephens gives tea for Washington Seminary Seniors. Mrs. Henry Frances West gives afternoon bridge party. Mrs. Norwood Mitchell enter tains informally for Mrs. Otey, of Virginia. THURSDAY, MAY 15. Miss Virginia Farr gives tea for Washington Seminary seniors. Mrs. J. J Simmons entertains the Modern Priscilla Club, of West End. FRIDAY, MAY 16. Washington Seminary' Alumnae Association gives lawn-fete for the senior class. SATURDAY, MAY 17. Mrs. William A. Parker gives a luncheon for Miss Mary King. Mrs. Rush Erwin gives a box party at the Atlanta. Luncheon at the Driving Club for the Presbyterian visitors and delegates to the Congress, by At lanta Presbyterian* ladies, Mrs. John W. Grant chairman of en tertainment committee. include Mrs. William C. Spiker. presi dent; Rev. W. W. Memminger, first vice president; Mrs. Edward T. Brown, second, and Mrs. Roby Rob inson. third vice presidents; Mr. Dud ley Cowles. secretarv and Mr. Lindsey Hopkins, treasurer. The of ficers, with the following persons, compose the board of directors; Mrs. Thomas B. Felder. Mrs. Al bert Howell, Jr.. Mrs. Burton Smith. Mrs. Emma Garrett Boyd. Mrs. J. Wade Con kl Ing. Mrs. Harry L. Stearns. Robert Foreman. Waite" Rich and Thomas Eggleston. The organization of the Atlanta Drama League is an outcome of the efforts of Miss Caroline Cobb, of Athens, state organizer, and of M:*3. Starr Best, national organizer, both of whom visited Atlanta recently, in behalf of the Drama League. The members of the Atlanta League will be among the most prominent people of the city. One hundred were en rolled at the first meeting, which establishes the branch as a center. Mrs. W. C, Spiker, the president., is a reader of wide repute, and has long been interested in the dramo. Mrs. T. B. Felder, on the board of directors, is president of the Atlanta Players Club. * * * n N Tuesday Mrs. Henry Trout- man gave a luncheon for visit ors, the honor guests being Miss Josephine McClellan, who has been with Miss Hildreth Burton-Smith. Miss Cornie Fore, the guest of Miss Marion Fielder. Miss Anne Selden and Miss Marion Roberts, of Utica, the guests of Mrs. K. G. Selden. The table was elaborately decor ated in white sweetpeas and daisies, baskets looped together with crystal chains holding these dainty flowers. Pale yellow silk shades were used on the silver candlesticks, and the candies and ices were in yellow and white. At each place were tiny French bouquets of daisies and yel low roses. Mrs. Troutman received her guests wearing a simple gown of saffron col ored chiffon. Miss Beattey. the guest of Mrs. Troutman, wore shadow lace made on a foundation of chif fon and satin. The party included Misses Lillian Beattey, Cornie Fore. Marion Field er. Hildreth Burton-Smith, Josephine McClellan, Annie Selden, Marion Roberts, Margaret Beck. Emily Cas- sin, Mrs. Hal Miller and Mrs. Wil liam Akers. Mrs. John Ruddle, who has just come to Atlanta to live and has taken a house on West Twelfth Street, has her mother, Mrs. John W. Hall, of Virginia, with her. Mrs. Hall will remain here until the first of Sep tember, when, with Mrs. Ruddle, she will go to their country home in Orange County, Virginia, for a month. September is their time to entertain their friends informally at week-end house parties and to keep open house for them. This year many parties, as usual, will be given. • * * T HE HOMESTEAD, the West End residence of Dr. and Mis. E. L. Connally. was the scene of a happy family dinner party on Tup=«- day. when the 76th birthday of D \ Connally was observed. The house was decorated with quantities of flow ers, culled from the extensive garde .s surrounding the house. The dinn *r tables were elaborately decorated witn great sprays of the flowering syrin- gea, Intermingled with garden rose Among the guests were: Dr. Con- nally’s sisters, Mrs. L. Z. Rosser, of Atlanta, and Mis** Delia Connally, of Walker C-ounty; his cousins, Mrs. Rachel Keith and Mrs. Ira Fort; his children. Mrs. John Spalding. Mr*. Warner Martin. Miss Frances Con nally. Messrs. Joe Brown and Thomas H. Connally, with Miss Sally Euge nia Brown. Messrs. John Spalding. Warner Martin. Lindsey Connally, and his four little grand daughter. Mary Brown. Constance, Sally and Frances Spalding. * * * Mrs. M. P. Cooledge gave a dinner Monday evening, in compliment to Mr. Cater Wool£ord who left Tues day for a tour of Europe. The party as seated in the rose dining room at the Georgian Terrace, and pina roses decorated the table. Mrs. Cooledge’s guests included: Miss Cobble Vaughan, Miss Adeli le Thomas, Miss Robyn Young. of Washington: Messrs. Woolford, Hi.1 and J. G. Williams. * * * M ISS NACY HILL HOPKINS en tertained a few friends at the Wednesday afternoon matinee at the Atlanta Theater in honor of Miss Frances Seabrook. of Maryland, and on Wednesday evening Angus Per kerson and Julian Murphy gave a dinner at East Lake for Miss Set- brook. Dinner was served on the spacious veranda, and the guests in cluded Misses Frances Seabrook. An nie Lou Pagett. Katie Sturdivant. Margaret Haverty, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- I !iam Seabrook. Mr. and Mrs. Russell i Bridges. John Paschal and Marion Swanson ..I s Seabrook wore a smart suit I of old blue silk, with a hat of Ameri- I can Beauty hemp trimmed with a numida feather. Miss Seubrook’s costume was of white charmeuse, with a touch .»f black velvet on the corsage and in the drapery of the skirt. Her hat was white, adorned with pink roses and black velvet ribbon. * * * Miss Elizabeth Winn has returned to her home In Richmond. Va. As the guest of Mrs. Hugh Lokey and of Mrs. Ruddle she was entertained at many parties during her viait. On Wednesday Mrs. R. G. Blanton gave a beautiful luncheon at East Lake, at which Miss Winn was the honor guest. Luncheon was served on the porch overlooking the lake. The ta ble was decorated with a large crys tal va*.* filled with daisies. Mrs. Blanton’s guests were Miss Winn. >f Richmond; Mrs. John Tyler and her daughter. Miss Josephine Tyler, of Richmond; Mrs Ruddle and her mother, Mrs. Hall, of Richmond; Mrs. J. L. Brown, and Mrs. Brewer, of Eatonton. • * * TV/TRS. DOZIER POU, of Columbus, is entertaining a party of At lanta guests and others, at a house party, in her home. The guests, who * left last Wednesday and expect to re main until Tuesday or Wednesday of this week, are: Mrs. Frank Callaway, Mrs. Robert Alston. Mrs. Linton Hop kins, Mrs. Sam Evlns, of Atlanta; Mrs, Victor Lamar, of New York, and Mrs. Frank Hardeman, of Athens. Mrs. Pou has an attractive and spa cious home, and her guests are being shown delightful hospitality. Mrs. Victor Smith has been spending a month with relatives here, having ^ come down from her home in New York for the. opera. Last year. Mr. I Smith was president of the Atlanta Musical Association, and he also Joined Mrs. Smith for the week of music. This is their first visit sin e moving to New York, and a cordial welcome has been accorded the popu lar couple. • * * Q N Monday afternoon. Mrs. H:1 ^ Miller complimented the guests of Miss Marion Fielder and Mrs. Henry Troutman with a box party at the Forsyth. Her guests included: Miss Cornie Fore and her hostess. Miss Fielder. Miss Lillian Beattey, who is visiting Mrs. Henry Troutman Miss Emily Cassin. Mrs. Clarke Fra zier. Mrs. Ham.Eidson, Mrs. Morris Ewing and Mrs. Henry Troutman. After the matinee the party w r ere the guests of Miss Fielder at tea at the Georgian Terrace. * * * Mrs. Henry Troutman and her guest. Miss Lillian Beattey, of Columbus, Ohio, are in Athens with Mrs. Rob ert Wilson, formerly Miss Grace Troutman. They went over to u- tend the Georgia-Tech ball game Saturday afternoon. • • * The full cast of the Oscar Wilde play, to be given on May 22 at the Grand by the Players’ Club, has been arranged as follows: Lady Bracknell. Mrs. John Marshall Slrtton: Hon. Gwendolyn Fairfax, Miss Hlidreth Burton-Smith; Miss Cecily Cardew, Mrs. William Owens; Miss Prism, Mrs. Henry Bernard Scott; Mr. Algernon Moncrlef. Lamar Hill; Jack Worthington, Marsh Adair: ' Lane (a butler). Frank Taylor; Dr. t Chausable, Hamilton Douglas. The play will be the first of the sea son and the first given under the re gime of Mi-8. Thomas B. Felder, presi dent. The cast includes some of the most prominent and talented mem bers of the Players’ Club. The play selected is a witty and brllliaiv farce comedy. t This is one of the many new models made by J. S. Fields this season. Mr. Fields is one of the leading ladies’ tailors in the South, Suits can be secured now of the very newest materials of silks and linens at a very popular price, and he is in a position to deliver on very short notice. .Just re ceived some very at tractive new models, and your inspection is invited. J. S. FIELDS 341 WHITEHALL STREET