Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 11, 1913, Image 12

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A 3 B HEARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1913. Half Mil FURNITURE 3AR 77 o & & IL (L jr% rev sons Read the “ Want 9 9 FURNITURE PARliAINS. SPECIAL SALE in Hearst’s Sunday American Each Issue Dining Chairs This Week $7.50 Golden Oak Dining Chairs $4.75 Dining Chairs. Dining Chairs. Dining Chairs. Dining Chairs... $5.00 Golden Oak $3.50 Golden Oak $3.00 Golden Oak $2.50 Golden Oak $/.50 Early English Dining Chairs. $5.00 Early English Dining Chairs. $3.00 Early English Dining Chairs. $5.00 Mahogany Dining Chairs $5.00 Fumed Oak Dining Chairs... $4.00 Fumed Oak Dining Chairs... IF YOU are in need of Dining Chait s, here is yo 3.50 2.50 2.00 1.75 4.75 3.75 2.00 3.75 3.75 3.00 lr op portunity—for never before has this class of chait been sold for so little money. THE HOME OF T1IE HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINET. ED. MATTHEWS & CO. Between Whitehall and Pryor St.23 E. Alabama St. Bantims. oaam .AAiJv—uarno bantam*. Senrights, Buff Cochins. Carlisle Cobb, Athens, Ga. <-26-30 Ducks. < >K SALE—About White Runner ducklings, from one week to three months old. at from 25c to 75c each. These are all hatched from a sweepstakes pen of ducks. Also, a pen of year-old ducks (White Runners), prize-winners, at $6. Easily worth .'vice the money. W. N. Bagwell, Dal las. da. 5-11-4 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE—ANGORA GOATS, beauti ful thoroughbred. J. W. Howard, 507 Candler Bldg. 5-8-202 SINGER sewing machine for sale cheap; first class condition. Phone Ivy 2560-J. 6-8-13 GASOLINE plant complete, with four arcs, three inside, one outside; cheap. Call Main 9177 Bell, or 36 Standard phone for information. 203-5-8 IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT of our famous Nancy Hall sweet potato sprouts at $1.25 per thousand, or $1.60 delivered. We ship nothing but good strong stock, and guarantee entire satisfaction. The Bear's Head Farms, Pine Castle, Fla. 43-7-6 FOl? SALE—About 10,000 second-hand bricks cheap; also vacant lot; big bar gain. Apply 1045 E. Fair Street. -29 FINE CARNATIONS 60c per dozen. Alta Vista Floral Co., 601 Sells Ave. West 135. 5-5-31 FOR SALE, CHEAP—Big cedar chest. $10, and cedar-lined wardrobe trunk, $16. Mrs. Johnson, Box 54, care Geor gian. 203-5-7 AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR Pays for itself in ice-saving. $17.50 to $75.00. C. H. MASON, 6-8 WEST MITCHELL STREET. FOR SALE—Bedstead and bureau in good condition; bargain for cash. Ad dress Bargain, Box 102, care Georgian. 30-3-5 FOR SALE—Practically new Edison moving picture machine No. 3056, at half price. A big bargain. F. W. Nar- din, Ocilla, Ga. 42-11-5 Everett Piano Mahogany case, has been used for a few months by one of Atlanta's best pianists. We will sell this piano at a bargain Monday. , MANNING PIANO CO., 52 N. Pryor St., Phone Main 4723. 5-11-25 FOR SALE—Wholesale house going out of business, has for sale pair good mules, double truck, harness, safe, desks, typewriter, etc. Address Whole sale House, P. O. Box 358, City. 5-11-68 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Small dia mond stickpin. What have you? Y., Box 40, care American. 95-11-5 Ff>R SALE—No. 5 Oliver typewriter, practically new; used only short time. Price $35 for quick sale. See Mr. Young, 413 Peters* Building. 5-11-62 FOR SALE—Fine young cow. Apply J. C. Gentry. Main 549. 211-5-11 THE MIDDLEBROOKS delicious beat en biscuit; ship either by parcel post or express. Order from Middlebrooks Beaten Biscuit Company, Atlanta, Ga. 209-5-11 PLENDID No. 2 L. C. Smith type writer; almost like new; need the oney and will sell for $45. Address ‘•pewriter, care American. 67-11-5 Pi A NO FOR SALE—$500 Kurtzman at $150, on terms; good as new*; by own er: breaking up housekeeping. G. A. Iler, 51 Gordon Avenue, Kirkwood, Ga. 63-11-5 FOR SALE—Moving picture machines, chairs, curtains and all supplies at , lowest prices. W. H. Peck, Rhodes Building, Atlanta, Ga. 4-6-23 MUST SELL entire home furnishings, dishes, stoves, piano, furniture, beds, linen, account of breaking up house keeping by owners. G. A. Her, 51 Gor don Avenue, Kirkwood, Ga. 33-6-5 SECOND-HAND SAFES—Small, me dium and large home safes, $15; Hall’s bank and fireproof safes, vault doors, etc. C. J. Daniel, 416 Fourth National Bank Building. 9-7-33 AUCTION SALES. AT AUCTION. S E V E R A L CONSIGN MENTS, INCLUDING THE FURNISHINGS OF A NICELY FURNISHED APARTMENT, CONSIST ING OF MAHOGANY AND QUARTERED OAK BED ROOM FURNI TURE, BRASS BEDS. PARLOR AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, CHINA, UTENSILS, GLASS WARE, ART SQUARES, LACE CURTAINS, ETC., TUESDAY, MAY 13, AT 10 A. M. CENTRAL AUCTION COMPANY. 12 East Mitchell Street. PERSON'S White Runners, the best in America; winners in the largest ' "WH. We have an attractive offer to make every person interested in this great duck. Jefferson Poultry Farm. Albany, Ga. 64-11-5 PUitE WHITE Indian Runner duck eggs- from snow-white prize-winning stock; $1. $2 and $3 for thirteen. Coweta Duck Farm, Senoia, Ga. 4-9-15 Leghorns. i?(7u SXEK^FweTve 'VhTf? Leghorn hens, two White Leghorn cocks. 60c each. 41 Richardson Street. 6-11-52 SINGLE COMB BUFF LEGHORNS Show record unequaled iin South; stock for sale; eggs $1 and $2 per 15; $6 per 100. E. S. Landess, Fayetteville, Tenn. 25-15-3 Orpingtons. S. C CRYSTAL WHITE Orpingtons; eggs. $2. $3, $5 per setting of 15 eggs; old and young stock for sale. George M. Moseley, Menlo, Oa. 2-27-9 50 WHITE ORPINGTON hens for sale at once. Also a few cooks. Eggs half- price after May 1. If interested wrtto ior prices. 11. A. Black, Cartersville, Ga. 1-23-t PURE White Indian Runner ducks for sale (Patton siraln); eggs, twelve for $1.50. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. K. Kirkpatrick, Route 4. Atlanta. 39-13-4 UN account of my health I am forced to sell our entire flock of ducks, con sisting of 100 Fawn and White Runners, 20 Mammoth Pekins and 14 White Run ners Most of thete are prize winners and ribbons go with them. They are all select birds. Low price on lot, or either variety. Make offer or write me. Eggs $1 for 12. $5 per 100. Ducklings any time 25c each. Oak Dean Farm, Stone Mountain, Ga. 4-17-10 ons. Willl 7 l r E~ Oill *l'N?TqT)N^eg^rfrorn'gT and birds, $1 a setting balance of season. Ivy 2614-J. 6-9-27 FINE Buff Orpington eggs, incubator lots, $1 per setting, $5 per 100. 126 Windsor Street. Main 3588. 5-3-20 WHITE RUNNER DUCK EGGS, $1.00 15; $5 100. Fischel Strain. Select birds. Guaranteed fresh and fertile. Mrs. J. M. Underwood, Box 120 LaFayette, Ga- 34-10-5 Disinfectants. TREOSOUTimSAIE: CREOSOTE is an excellent j germ destroyer for poultry j raisers to use about the prem ises. We have it in any quan-1 tity. Atlanta Gas Light Co. Poultry—All Varieties. fTTEfTRAWThTDrCK' ANirToULl RY HARM. Charr.blee. Ga LarKe stock of White Runners, Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds, enables us to ship fresh eggs, strong and fertile. Wrhe for prices on stock and eggs If you want a bar^airu *R SALE—About 50 six-weeks-old S. C. R. I. Red chicks; all from $10 •'ggs; ton S. C. White Leghorns, frying dze; hatched from blue ribbon winners. These will be sold very cheap. Write for price W. N. Bagwell, Dallas, Ga. 5-11-3 Eggs—All Varieties. THE EGGS of dTfterem. varieties of fowls will be found classified under their respective breeds in the future, Instead of under the classification of •Eggs” _ _ KElXF^RSTILA^S^st ridn^WhTte'TifpIng^ tons; low, stocky, extra fifie; $1 set ting. H. W. Woolf, Grant Building. 67-11-5 Wyandottes. Trr^malie^oonr^for^^^^o^g^prtoeir^ will sacrifice 20 yearling hens and 2 cock birds White Wyandottes for $35; eggs the rest of the season at $1.50 per 15. A. G. Wilson, Lithonla, Ga. 5-11-1 GOLDEN LACED WYANDOTTES. the best and prettiest in the South. W. D. Bennett. Molena, Ga. 12-33-33 Pigs. beSkshThf, pigs f^r^saEe^oKS male and seven female Berkshire pigs, three months old. $10.00 each plus $1.00 each registry fee, f. o. b. Griffin, Ga. Use express or I’. O. money order in re mitting. You’d pay $20 each for same quality of pigs elsewhere. Address, Ga. Experiment Station, Experiment, Ga. 6-11-12 AUTOMOBILE S= i'or Sale, Repairs and Accessories. ATLANTA REAL ESTATE Is increas- EGGS FOR HATCHING—Single Comb Rhode Island Reds; parent stock win ning first ip Madison Square Show. Jan uary, 1912. White Indian Runner ducks, finest quality. Green House Poultry offered In the Real Estate columns of ing in value dally. Many bargains are (acer type Roadster, dust been re painted, and in first-class .mechanical condition. MITCHELL — fed ve-Pas senger T o u ring Car. Good condition. A bargain. OVERLAND—Model 61, 40 II. I*, dust been thor oughly overhauled and Equipped with new tires, worth within $100 of what it sold for when new. An exceptionally attrac t i v e price. OVERLAND —Model 38, 25 11. P. Four-Passenger Touring Car. Planetary transmission. Ideal for a lady to drive. A bargain. OVERLAN D — Model 38 Roadster. In good condi tion. Cheap. OVERLAND SOUTH ERN MOTOR CAR CO. 232 Peachtree Street. 5-11-58 NEW 35-H0RSEP6WER MAXWELL. SPECIAL—-For sale at a bar gain. Reason for selling, other business requires all of owner’s time. Address Auto, BoX 137, Cordele, Ga. 5-11-6 EXCHANGE—Would like to exchange fine piano as part payment for auto mobile. State where I can see automo bile. Exchange, Box 30. care Georgian. 5-11-65 Castiroo Welding AUTOGENOUS METHOD. AUTO AND AL1. MACHINE HARTS. WELDING COMPANY. MAiN 1013 80 GA I NETT STREET. 1-86-6 I Yard, 17 Campbell Street, South Kirk- wood, Ga 1-11-1 | the "Want Ad" section of this paper. 26 H. P. PORTABLE saw mill outfit for sale cheap. Royal Lumber Cb., At lanta, Ga. SHAVINGS for sale. Two-horse load, $1.00. Royal Lumber Co., Oakland City. 5-3-20 A NEW BROOM DOES NOT SWEEP CLEAN. LET US prove this In your home by free demonstration. Full particulars at 107 Temple Court Building. L. R. Sires, agent. Phone Main 667. 5-2-30 FOR SALE—Two pool tables, practically new; been In use in club room and not hurt; must sell at once; bargain; orig inal cosi $400. Address P. O. Box 87, Jonesboro, Ga. 5-1-6 cTs. HULLS F B 'x a Sr* Co., Atlanta. 4-20-32 BANKRUPTCY blanks, $1.50 per set. Warranty deeds, bonds for title, Mortgages, contracts, Stock certificates and bonds. Bennett’s, 25 South Broad._ 201-20-13 FOR SALE—sweet potato plants for sale. $1.25 per 1,000. L. W. Bates, Lakeland, Fla. 33-21-4 SEND $1 for 500 extra early sweet po tato plants, lemon yams, or 500 Ber muda onion plants, the big kind. Address the Model Farm, Tiftcn, Ga. 3-20-7 GTflMQ BROWN SIGN & PAINTING OJAXlN'D CO.. 77% Whitehall. M. 3780. 2-18-33 SAFI5S, FILES, cabinets, new and sec ond hand. Gookin Bank and Office Equipment Company, 113-115 N. Pryor Street. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. >N SIGNS signifies best quai- JvJiilN -L ity. Kent Sign Co., 130% Peachtree Street. 3-5-20 NO. 10 SNOWDRIFT 87%c. country eggs 19%c dozen, 40c coffee 28c pound, 30c coffee 2£c, 25c coffee 19c pound. Cash Grocery Co.. 118 Whitehall. 2-21-7 WE RENT good pianos $3 per month up. We sell good pianos $5 per month up. R. P. BECHT COMPANY, 107-108-109 Temple Court Building. Main 667. 2-19-26 PIANO BARGAINS. FOR SALE—Steinway piano, mattogany. Write for information. Give phone number and address. I will call. Plano now in storage. Leaving city in week. Must sell. Stella, Box 100, care Geor gian. 6-11-64 PLAYER PIANO and music for sale; easv terms. P. O. Box 656, Atlanta. 98-11-6 PIANOS AND PIANO PLAYERS. SOLD at the lowest prices and on the most reasonable terms at which first- class Instruments can be handled. Behr Bros., Newby & Evans, Ludwig and others. Call and see me before you buy. WALTER HUGHES, 88 N. Prvor St. 3-29 1 FOR EXCHANGE—MISCEL- LANEOUS. ^X : X^TEt>^fo^excluuige^caTrien?^'^^ agents’ pony contest coupons for school boys’ and girls’ coupons. State In letter how many you have. J. W. Collins, 20 Summit Avenue, Atlanta. 101-11-5 WANTED—MISCELLANEO US. WANTED—Electric charging board. Must be in good condition and cheap. P. O. Box 812. 6-11-59 WANTED—To buy on installment plan good second-hand Underwood type writer. State full particulars. R. L. B., Box 680, care Georgian. 31-9-5 RUBBER-TIRED buggy and harness for pony. Call mornings, Ivy 6103. 205-5-8 I BUY MEN’S old clothes and shoes. Drop a card. I. Bock, 177 Gilmer St. DROP A CARD. We’ll bring Cash for Old Clothes and Shoes. "THE VESTAIRE." 166 Decatur Street. WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for household goods, pianos and office fiir- niture. Cash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell Street. Bell phone Main 2424 8-26-21 MEDICAL. DROPSY CURED—Relieves shortness of breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swelling in fifteen to twenty days. Col- lum Dropsy Remedy Company, 408 Aus tell Bldg , Atlanta. Ga. 6-26-U DEWBERRY’S DELIGHT. WORKS white you sleep. It acts on the liver, bowels and the kidneys and removes the foul waste matter from the intestinal tract that causes 90 per cent of all human ills. Office, 98 Ashby Street. 4-9-16 NEW RUBBER TIRES put on your baby carriage. Repaired, repainted and re-covered. Phone Ivy 3076. Robert Mitchell, 229 Edgewood Avenue. 2-13-3 DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation, Irregularities and similar obstructions. Trial box by mall, 50c. Frank Edmondson & Bro.. manu facturing chemists, 11 North Broad St., Atlanta. H. G. HASTINGS & CO. SEEDS, PLANTS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. PROMPT DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OF • THE CITY. PHONES 2568. WHITE DIARRHOEA is the most dreaded of all diseases in little chicks, but if taken in time it can be cured easily. We sell donkey’s and Pratt’s remedies for this disease and guarantee a cure. 25c and 50c package. DON’T let the mites and lice get a start on you; disinfect the poultry houses and runs thorough ly with Pratt’s Poultry Disinfectant. No germs can live where you use it and it leaves the place nice and clean. Quart 35c, gallon $1.00. A GREAT many people advocate feeding baby chicks on a feed that has no corn. We have the Rice special feed that is absolutely free from corn. A good, clean feed at $2.50 per 100 pounds. A NEW LOT of canary birds imported direct from Germany at $2.75 each. IF YOUR BIRD needs a new cage, come in and see how complete our line is; we have them ranging in prices from $1.00 up to $5.00. "GOLDFISH GLOBES AND ORNAMENTS. WANTED—Late model two-passenger car, in first-class condition. An ex change for gilt-edge stock; balance in cash. Address II. H. S., care Georgian 48-11-5 FOR SALE—Five-passenger Stoddard - Dayton touring car, 1912 model. Has only been used a few months. In per fect repair. Will demonstrate at any time. Call Main 96'.*. H. V. Reynolds, 618 Empire Building. 5-11-2 FOR SALE or exchange for diamonds, an electric auto, in perfect condition. Call Bell 821-J Ivy. 5-11-45 FORD RUNABOUT—Good running order; will sell cheap for cash only. Address Cash, Box 109, care Georgian. 43-9-5 NICE, strong transplanted Tomato Plants fresh from our greenhouses every morning. 15c a dozen. LARGE Beil Pepper Plants and Egg Plants; 20c per dozen. WE HAVE a few extra fine Dahlia Bulbs left at 15c each; $1.50 dozen. CALADIUM or Elephant Ear Bulbs, 10c each. WE HAVE just received a large shipment of Sago Palm Bulbs direct from Japan; these bulbs make an ideal plant for the house, they stay green and pretty all winter in the house, and will not shed their leaves like ferns; they come in sizes from three pounds up to ten, and sell at 15c a pound. Get one of these bulbs and be assured of a beautiful plant for the house for winter. IF YOU need chicken feed, phone us vour order. We carry a full line of all good feeds. WE HAVE a nice lot of bedding plants, such as Geraniums, Coleus, Salvia, Petunias, Pansies, Verbena, Hollyhock and Vinca. Come in and see our stock before you buy. We deliver to all parts of the city. IGO-Page Poultry Book Free Loiasy Mens ^ are never profitable. They cannot lay when tortured night and day by lice and mites. Dust the hem with PrelR’ Powdered Lice Killer * 1 ^ 25c and 50c to exterminate the body lfee. and paint or spray the roosts and nests with Liquid Lice Killer *‘ ^ 35c, GOc and 81 to sweeten them up and destroy mites. Thut means bigger profits. “Vour money buck If It faliM.** Get Pratts Profit-sharing P.ooklct. K. O. HASTINGS £ CO., 16 W. Mitchell St. WINDSHIELDS. RADIATORS, lamps, fenders, repaired as good as new. Mfrs. all kinds sheet metal work. Warlick Sheet Metal Co., 248 Edgewood. 8-4-64 1 HAVE a Baby Maxwell car In fair condition that I wish to trade for a late model Ford raodster and will pay some cash difference. C. A. Brown, Coleman, Ga. 5-9-4 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—One five- passenger combination Q Maxwell car. In good condition. Will trade for two- passenger Ford or sell cheap. Address Lock Box 22, Dallas, Ga. 61-5-4 BIG bargain In a five-passenger touring car; fully equipped; $299 cash. 35 N. Forsyth St. 5-7-8 Good Used Cars At Reasonable Prices. Courier Roadster, fully equipped, electric lights $275.00 Buick Model 10 Roadster, electric lights 325.00 Overland four-passenger, newly painted, new top 350.00 Primo Touring Car, new top and seat covers 450.00 Maxwell Ro^dstfer, Sportsman type, model Q, fully equipped, electric lights 375.00 Maxwell Touring, model G, four- passenger. fully equipped 450.00 Everett, 1912 model, foredoor, flve- passenger touring car. fully equipped 575.00 These cars are in good running condi tion and worth more than the prices quoted above. BIJICK MOTOR COMPANY, 241 PEACHTREE ST. 4-11-1 TIRES. TIRES. TIRES. More Mileage—No Trouble*—30% Lower Prices. SHIPMENTS SENT PREPAID. _ Non-Puncture" tires GUARANTEED 1.500 MILES against punctures and blowouts Lasting construction. Good year style tread. Special 10-day prices: 28x3. $8.85; 30x3. $3.80; 30x3%, 113.60; 32x3%, $15.75; 33x4. $21.60; 34x4. $22.56; 36x4, $23.85; 36x4%, $29.40; 37x5. $37.60. All other sizes tires and tubes. SHIP MENTS PREPAID if payment In full comes with order and on cash payment for two tires a fine "Non-Puncture" tube will be given free. C. O. D. ship ments If 30% of amount comes with order. Best tires for long, hard service. Thousands in use. Finest testimonials. Order now while Special OfTer lasts. ^JON-PUNCTURE TIKE FACTORY, Dept. 332. DAYTON, OHIO. 4-30-7 WARNING TO INFRIN GERS AND IMITATORS. LIQUID TIRE TONIC IS' PROTECT ED HY U. 8. DUYREA PATENT, NO. 678561 AND ALL INFRINGERS. AGENTS OR USERS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MUST AN- SWER IN THE COURT FOR VIOLA TION OF THIS LAW. LIQUID TIRE TONIC COMPANY. KANSAS CITY, MO. WANTED—To buy a four-passenger auto; must be In good condition; fully c Slipped; on terms U. L H., Box 61, care Georgian. 6-11-39 AUTOGENOUS WELDING and machine repair work of all kind*. Satisfaction guaranteed. SHEARER MACHINE CO., 197 WHITEHALL STREET. 2-26-10 EFFECTIVE MAY 10. 1913.—Decline In Price Auto Casing and Tubes. Fresh new standard makes. 28x3 17.60.30x3 $8.46 30x3% $11.30, 32x3% $12.26, 34x3% $13.20, 32x1 $17.00. 33x4 $17.95, 34x4 $18.90, 36x4 , J ! 8 7?°’ 36x 'U4 $22.80. 37x4% $23.76, 3$xo $23.75. Get busy. McPherson Auto Tire Co., 46 Auburn Avenue, Atlanta, Ga 81-10-6 AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE—Stevens- Duryea, Model R. Repainted and overhauled. Will trade for lot or pur chase money notes, and pay cash differ ence. Address Auto, Box 91, care Geor gian. 212-5-10 ATLANTA RADIATOR CO. REPAIRING and manufacturing. Lamp and fender work. 72 Ivy Street At- lanta phone 3816. 3-10-12 SALK OR EXCHANGE—Buick five-passenger auto for rash or will exchange for real estate or good pur chase money notes. 1814 Piedmont Road 5-10-26 FOR RENT—Auto service. Pope-Hart- ford; white drivers; $3 per hour. Ivy 339. 6-10-28 THOR MOTORCYCLES, repairs and ac cessories; best equipped repair shop In city We will take care of you. South ern Motorcycle Qo., 116 Edgewood Ave ' 3-26-31 DOBBS TIRE REPAIR CO. WE REPAIR AND SELL ALL MAKES OF TIRES AND TUBES. 226 PEACH TREE STREET. PHONE IVY 5646. 4-1-3 IS ONE practical solution of the tire trouble; it Is chemistry, scientifically applied; it has been examine;! and ap proved by Edgar Everhardt, professor In charge of department of chemistry at Atlanta College of Physicians and Sur geons, and is guaranteed to give satis faction or money refunded. Vulcorine Co,, 309 Peach tree St V25-46 WE nave several Flanders chassis and will build body and paint car to your order. Bargain prices. Don’t buy any second-hand car until you see us. NORTH PRYOR GARAGE. NORTH PRYOR PLACE. 4-2-21 TRAVIS & JONES, AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. Ivv 4832. 26 James Street. 3-1-54 Automobiles For Rent DUNffAjUMOTOK'Ca FIVE and seven-passenger cars. Garage, 112 East Ellis Street. Call Bell phone Ivy 2496 day. Main 4325 night. 3-21-23 Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLES •• EASY TERMS BICYCLES. EXCELSIOR motorclycles, high-grade bicycles; complete line new and used bicycles and motorcycles; complete stock parts and accessories; modern service depot. Lowest prices; easy terms. AL- EXANDER-SEE WALD CO.. 145-147-149 Edgewood Avenue Phone Ivy 1609. PHONE FOR DEMONSTRATION. 4-1-22 Tire Repairing Tug iTg FTaL JT^TTa ^TTTLcanT^W' Retreading a specialty. Prompt atten tion given express shipments. Sanders- Sj ecr Vulcanizing Company, 100 Spring Street. Atlanta. Ga. 8 28-lB POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK. Plymouth Rocks. ^ BARRED ROCK EGGS, pure and fresh from the Georgia Poultry Farm, at $1 per setting; on sale at 12 South Broad Street. 25-11-6 AT THE SOUTHERN International show our one pen entry of Barred Rocks won first pen and the grand sweepstakes cup for the best pen In the show, all breeds competing. We also won grand sweepstakes cup of Barred Plymouth Rock cock at Georgia Poultry Association Show. We are booking orders for a few settings of oggs from this grand pen. Atlanta Poultry Yards, 582 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. 1-25-2 WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS—The most beautiful and profitable of all. Stock and eggs for sale. Eggs, $1.50 for fifteen. Karsan Villa Farm, J. M. Kar- wisch, Owner, Route 6, Atlanta, Ga. 1-11-3 THOROUGHBRED White Plymouth Rock eggs, excellent mating, $2 per 15. W. II. Fitzpatrick, College Park, Ga. 1-25-5 PARTRIDGE ROCKS — The South's leading winning strain. Can give qual ity and blood lines unequaled by any breeder In the South. My birds are win ners at the Southern International, Ma con, Columbus, Griffin, Nashville, Tenn.; Paducah. Ivy.; Shreveport, I*a. Send for mating list. It. P. Cotter, Box G, Barnesville, Ga. 2-15-17 PATTERSON’S White Plymouth Rocks you should have for your foundation stock. They have been bred to win and pay. Large, vigorous birds. Winners at Atlantan Augusta, Savannah and many other shows. Exhibition and utility birds of the finest quality at reasonable prices. Eggs. $2 to $5 per 15, $8 per 100. We guaranteee perfect satisfaction. Write us. Patterson Farm, Fitzgerald, Ga. Cowg. FOR SALE—Nice young Jersey cow and young calf. 428 East Georgia Avenue. 6-11-17 BUSINESS GUIDE Ready Reference for the Business Man, the Artisan And the Public in General GRADE HOLSTEIN’S—Two grade Hol stein heifers, something over 2 years; bred to registered Jersey-, $35 each, t. o. b. Griffin, Ga. Address Georgia Experi ment Station. Experiment, Ga. 5-10-11 WILL EXCHANGE Indian Runner ducks for a good milch cow; name price of cow and we will offer double value In ducks. Oak Dean P'arm, Stone Mountain, Ga. 5-7-27 COWS. FIVE-GALLON Holstein and Jersey. Gentle, easy milker and free from tuberculosis Mas produced 388 pounds milk in last ten days. Don’t even in quire unless you have ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS to Invest. Can be seen at 60 Sycamore Street, Decatur. Frank A. Dough man, Attorney*, 606 Fourth Nat. Bank Bldg. Telephone Main 1142 or Ivy 4000. 22-8-6 Dogs. WANTED—Service from registered Airedale dog at reasonable price. Ad dress Roycrest, Box 111-A, Route 1, Ma con, Ga. 6-11-11 BARRED ROCK eggs, pure and fresh. from the Georgia Poultry Farm; $1 per setting. On sale at 12 South Broad Street. • 42-4-6 EGGS Trom prize-winning E. B. Thomp son Ringlet Barred Rocks, either mat ing. $3 for fifteen. $5 for thirty. A M Kendall. Dallas. Ga 8-1-11 FOR SALE—English bulldog, stud. three years old, dark brlndle, perfect white markings; pedigreed. Price and photo on ' application. At stud until sold. Fee $10. Lee W. Verdery, Au- gusta, Ga. 85-7-6 Horses, Mules, Vehicles, Etc. iv horse and buggy- easy terms. Address City Salesman, care Georgian. 65-11-5 \ SMALL buggy and harness; $15. Call Ivy 6103. 6-10-32 WANTED—Good, well-kept horse for keep to be lised In real estate business; best of care; moderate use. I. C. Mc- Crory, College Park. 5-8-3 Auction Sales of Furniture and Household Goods. CSS^fSAE AT£froN'' company, ll East Mitchell street, buys and sells everything; regular auction Tuesday and Friday. Bell phone Main 2424. 10-3-41 Banks. Corner Alabama and Broad street. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,00«.000. ty. Bicycles. See D. Alexander. 64 N. Pryor. M. 3110. Repair Work a sjteclal- CALL Main 1320. Atlanta 1436. Bicycle repair* and sundries. Atlanta Bicycle Company, 10 Peters Street. 2-15-66 Blacksmithing. STRUCTURAL STEEL AND IRON WORK. WE make all kinds of metal windows and doors, also window gratings and hangers of all kinds. Anderson Bros. & Rich, 372 Edgewood Avenue. 4-2-7 Blue Prints. BTxTFImJjeTIInt co. 40% LUCKIE STREET. Atlanta, Oa. Best equipment. Best print* ot any alze or kind. Lowest price*. Phone Ivy 6364. 4-38-12 Builders. buy you a lot or pay off your lot. Term* to suit. 400 Temple Court Main 4189. 4-15-16 Carpenter and Builder. —mrRTSii^gpAirwoKie:— D. M. WHEELER, 19 South Forsyth St. Phone M. 4186. Atlanta 1547. 12.11-16 Carpets and Rngs Cleaned. ING COMPANY (Inc.) 37 West Alex ander street. Phone Ivy 4186. Moist and dry cleaning. Rugs woven from your old carpets and rags Porch shade* made to order. 2-8 27 Chronic Diseases . OF BLOOD, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, etc., rheumatism, nervous diseases, medicines furnished; consultation free. Write or call on Dr. M. T. Halter, 68 South Broad. 11-11-2 Coal. Coal, Coke and Wood. for dry wood and best coal. 1-81-21 Contract Painting and Wall Tinting. Fafr'sf f WmT 1288-J, for all kinds of painting and tinting. Dentiit. BEST WORK . rr0WM ..!V« '(vTWyTTW work » 300 V! / [ J J illW Fall set t««th $3.00 Filling 50o H. R fare allowed 26 mile* All work guaranteed 20 years. Eastern Painless Dentists S8V4 Peaohtree St., Near Walton. “TOT Ear, Nose, Throat and Lung Trouble. BtC'<lr5uSGirBR(jW?frBi8ease»^orthS Ear, Nose, Throat and Lungs, 312-14 Austell Bldg. I have the only compound oxygen plant ever brought South and make this gas dally. Weak, nervous, anaemic and pale people are Invited to call. 4-6-13 Engineering. "^XmcTEn gineerH^ArirQuea tltma bl ENGINEERING queBtlons of all kind* answered. Fee, $1.00. Amo House, Box 363, Atlanta, Ga. 5-8-5 Engineering and Machine Designing. G. V. PLANT. M. E. I DEVELOP YOUR INVENTION. Dixie Pattern and Machine Worka, 262 West North Avenue. Main 2829. 4-5-17 Fire-Proof Storage. Wf^rCRE TIoCSES'6tj5~S566S~anS pianos. Office and warehouse, 239- 241 Edgewood avenue. Ivy 2037. John J. Woodside Storage Company. Fly Screens. Ply Screens Made to Order. OAKLAND CITY REPAIR WORKS. Carpenter and cabinet work a special ly. Call West 2I2-L Atlanta 528. C. F. Dickey. Mgr. 6-1-37 FLY SCREENS. METAL AND WOOD FRAMES, port able garages W. J. Baker Company. Bell phone Ivy 926, No. 811 Empire Life l>idg., Atlanta, Ga. 6-1-4 FLY—SCREENS—FLY COME SEE our Roll-aawy Screens, our Holler-bearing Screens, our Sliding Screens; none better. It will pay you to nee our goods; get prices. 217 Kiser Bldg. Main 1319. Porter Screen Co. J. J. Crawford. Agent. 2-4-14 Fresh Oysters Daily. VIRGINIA and New Orleans oysters on the half- shell, 40c dozen. 77 Peachtree street. Furniture Repairing and Upholstering. IftjRhftTtJkE repaired, upholatertna, reflnlshinr neatly done. Work called for and delivered. Young K. Carson, 479 Marietta street. Atlanta 3567. 8-5-6 W. L. LUNSFORD & CO., Upholstering, repairing and reflnlshlng furniture of all kinds; satisfaction guaranteed. Phones, Atlanta 6950-F. M. 5111. 8-6-11 Furniture. PERFECTION OIL STOVES. Three-burner, including oven and vessels, complete, $12.50. CAMERON FURNITURE CO., 85 South Forsyth Street. 5-1-3 T. C. FURNITURE CO. Cash or easy payments. 415 Marietta. Phone Atlanta 1797. 4-6-12 Hat Gleaning. “ nd blocked, S6c. Oeorre's Hat Clean ing and 8hoe Shine Parlor. 3% B. Ala. Street. ^ 4-10-11 Hatters. new Mail orders given prompt at- tentlon. 20 East Hunter atr—t. lFl^M Instrument Makers. nwiffirfflCT; AT „_. _ ^Instrument Makers. N< ]^n&lFA TED AT 27 »* EDGEWOOD II AVENUE. All kinds of high-grad* light machine work done. Special at- tention given to repairing of engineer* Instruments. LEVELS and TRANSITS *-U-4d Jewelry. stops phone us. BeU Main 4633-J. 6 SOUTH BROAD STREET. Lighting’ Fixtures. FLi^C'yrRIC and gaa v ?lx^urSiiP w J loweet prices. Queen _ and llle Company, 56 West Mlt street. Phone Main 681. * * Lime, Concrete, Roofing, Btona. ...Hi"?’ -phoreta and roofing stone. 3d Net Bank Bldg. ^’ Machine Work. Manufacturers of and Dealers In MACHINERY. $33-40 MARIETTA STREET, Dili X Aft I MAT rHIcKH RluVflVA.T^ 1 Factory new and up-to-data} 1 moderate prices; give us a trim. Taok- r A 0r L c & m I£ n £ Menna street and W A A. R. R. Both phones. 3-26-14 Mining Engineers. PECTORS. isnce ¥EARS ' rammi- LOC cial& oq ?- d ores a 8PB - CHAROES REASONABLE. • A1 REF ERENCES. ADDRESS AURARIA OR ROY, QEOR- OIA. 5-3-4 Painting and Tinting. S!»EKruONS?Rl??^^ ..u** Us build you a house," Or Paint your old house." 318 Fourth National Bank. Main 1455. 4-29-26 THE TRIPOD PAINT COMPANY. 37-9 Pryor Street. BEST goods, prompt service. Phone us Phones Bell Main 4711. Main 4710, Atlanta 406. 7-1-12 Roof and Gutter Work. I REPAIR all roofs, gutters, all kinds shset Iron work. 33 South Prvor. Main 8127. T. W. Hooper. 1-4-41 Safe Cracksman. COOP BUGGY, $20; surrey, $20, pon; cart, $15. Ivy 1497. 37-8- Hardware and Tools. HARDWARE, tools, household special ties. 100 per cent value at 100 Edge- wood Avenue. H. G. Martin. 2-11-41 and burglar proof opened and repaired. C. C. Downes, 29% Marietta Street. Phones M. 2146. Atlanta 4922. 4-5-11 Sand. SANlU SAND In any quantity and prompt delivery. S. M. quality; . Truitt A Bon. 1-13-11 Sewing Machines. We'RENlTnew machines with oomplatat set of attachments for $2 per month; also machines repaired; prompt deliv ery. Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 79 Whitehall. 8-14-44 Shoes. GET the best shoes for the vrhola family. Peacock & Drennen, 222 Marietta Street. 4-16-28 is HALF-SOLB 50 CENTS. At Gwlnn's Shoo Shop, 6 Luckte Street, Opposite Piedmont Hotel. Both phone*. 3-26-45 Stove and Range Repairing. STOVE DOCTOR. STOVE, range and furnace repairing. 61 South Pryor Street. Bell Phona Main 1460. Atlanta phone 1410. 4-10-10 DAN. THE FIXER. STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR RE* PAIRING. We sell second-hand gas stoves. We Bweepchtraneys- 121 WHITEHALL STREET. Atlanta phone 2235. Bell phone M. 26ff- TRANSFERRING and moving a spe cialty. Prices reasonable. L. Stall ings. Bell Phone Ivy 3094-J. 42-25-4 Trunks, Bags and Suitcases. —KEW^oarAijrr^iTPAiSEB:— ROUNTREE'S, 77 WHITEHALL ST. PHONES: Bell M. 1576. Atlent* 1654. Umbrellas. “Taylor-Made” Umbrellas. BUY irom makers; all prices and stylea; re-covering and repairing; every um brella kept in repair free. Phone for salesman; prompt service. TAYLOR UMBRELLA CO.. 116% Whitehall St. 4-28-35 Violin Maker. _ --JSNrssmrfrrriKf „ _ changed: repairing a specialty. Ths Old Reliable Violin Dealer. Mays Bad- gett, 34% Peachtree. 8-81-34 Wood. WOOD. SOUTH GEORGIA mill cut-offs by th, carload or any quantity you may want. They make fine kindling. B. a. Truitt & Son Hearst’s Sunday American j. VmH, $41 BT THE GEORGIAN COMPANY At SO East Alabama Street, Atlanta. Qc Entered aa mall matter of the eecood-dasi fll ( post office at Atlanta. Ga.. note act of March 1, 18Tt. Subscription prioe: $2.00 par fMK, |gili In sdfioca.