Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 14, 1913, Image 15

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS, TUESDAY, MAY inm. 15 Get College Pennants Old Gold and White. From Your News Dealer I or the convenience of our readers we have arranged with the following news dealers to redeem Hearst s Sunday American Pennant Coupons: JACKSON-WESSEL DREG CO.. Marietta and Broad Streets. MARSHALL PHARMACY. Peachtree and Ivy Streets. PALMER BRANCH, 389 Peachtree Street. • 'RUICKSHANK CIGAR CO., Peachtree and Pryor Streets. ('RUICKSHANK CIGAR CO., Mitchell and Whitehall Streets. HARBOUR’S SMOKE HOUSE, 41 N. Pryor Street. WEINBERGER BROS. CIGAR STORE, Alabama and Pryor Streets. GROWN & ALLEN, Alabama and Whitehall Streets. STAR NEWS CO., Marietta and Broad Streets. STAR NEWS CO., Peachtree and Walton Streets. WORLD NEWS CO., Peachtree and Marietta Streets. GAMES DRUG CO.. 380 Whitehall Street. ARAGON HOTEL NEWS STAND. ATLANTA SODA CO., Broad and Marietta Streets. ATLANTA SODA CO., Mitchell and Whitehall Streets. MEDLOCK PHARMACY, Lee and Gordon Streets. ,WEST END PHARMACY, Lee and Gordon Streets. JOHNSON SODA CO., 441 Whitehall Street. WHITEHALL ICE CREAM CO., 284 Whitehall Street. T. J. STEWART. Cooper and Whitehall Streets. GREATER ATLANTA SODA CO., 209 Peachtree Street. ADAMS & WISE DRUG STORE, Peachtree and Linden Streets. TAYLOR BROS. DRUG CO.. Peachtree and Tenth Streets. TAYLOR BROS. DRUG CO., West Peachtree and Howard Streets. CRYSTAL SODA CO., Luckie and Broad Streets. ELKIN DRUG CO., Peachtree and Marietta Streets. ELKIN DRUG CO., Grand Theater Building. JACOBS’PHARMACY, Alabama and Whitehall Streets. Out-of-Town Dealers: BENNETT BROS., 1409 Newcastle Street, Brunswick, Ga. JOE N. BURNETT. 413-A King Street, Charleston, S. C. REX VINING, Dalton, Ga. ORA LYONS, Griffin, Ga. THE GEORGIAN CAPE. East Clayton Street, Athens, Ga. M. & W. CIGAR COMPANY, East Clayton Street, Athens, Ga. COLLEGE CAFE, Broad and College Streets, Athens, Ga. ORR DRUG CO., East Clayton Street, Athens, Ga. BOSTON CAFE. North Coilege Avenue, Athens, Ga. SUNDAY AMERICAN BRANCH OFFICE. 165 East Clavton Street, Athens. Ga. ROME BOOK STORE COMPANY, Rome. Ga. CHEROKEE NEWS STAND, Rome. Ga. H. K. EVEREfT, Calhoun. Ga. The Hearst, ’s Sunday American Pennants are durably made in fast col ors. with heavily embossed, felted letters. Each of them will artistically re produce the colors and the seal or mascot of some great university or college. Four Colors. Look for the Pennant Coupon in next Sunday s issue of CAN New Enterprises in South Listed Activity Along Industrial Lines Reflected in Compilation Made by Trade Journal. BALTIMORE. May 13.—Among the many Southern enterprises in this? week’s issue of the Manufacturers' Record are the following: Arkansas & Memphis Railway Bridge & Terminal Co., awarded con tract at about $125,000 for grading proposed bridge across Mississippi River at Memphis, Tenn.; company’s plans Include construction of freight terminals, wagon tracks, warehouses, etc., to cost about $1,000,000; will also construct two subways to cost about $100,000 each. New Orleans Railway & Light Co., New Orleans, La., contemplates con struction of gas-holder costing $350,- 000, and to have capacity of 5,000,000 cubic feet. Forest Hill Cemetery Co., Birming ham. Ala., plans* to expend $125,000 for Improvements to Woodlawn Cem etery Company’s property which it has acquired with additional land: plans to construct dam to form min iature lakes, arrange fountains, drives, flower beds, etc., to cost $50,000, and build stone mausoleum to cost $75,- 000. Locke Cotton Mills, Concord. N. C., increased preferred stock from $200,000 to $500,000. Hollingsworth Candy, Co., Augusta, Ga., will expend $20,000 to erect fac tory and store building for the man ufacture and Male of candy. Composite Brick Co., Jacksonville, Fla., will alter building at cost of $2,000 and Install equipment for the manufacture of about 40,000 common and face bricks daily. George E. Nissen & Co.. Winston- Salem. N. C., awarded contract to erect 50x100 foot additional to plant for manufacturing wagons. Nelsetts Lumber Co., Statesville, N. C., was incorporated with $125,000 capital stock. Calhoun Hosiery Co., Penrose, N. C., was incorporated with capital stock of $25,000 to manufacture hosiery. Oglethorpe Oil «fc Fertilizer Co.,; Athens, Ga.. was incorporated with capital stock of $25,000 to establish cotton seed oil mill. Sumter Stave Co.. Sumter. S. C., was incorporated with $20,000 cap ital stock to manufacture staves; will erect stave mill to cost $20,000. Auto Racer Loses Elopement Chase RACINE, W1S., May 13.—Joe Jorgesberger, automobile racer, lost the most important road race of his career to-day. Jorgesberger, Dan Cu pid and Miss Amanda Olles comprised one team. Angry father, the long distance telephone and the police of Waukegan, Ill., were the other. In front of the home of a wealthy foundryman, Jorgesberger stopped his racing car shortly before dawn. A girl, wtih a suitcase, ran to the racing car and jumped In. Jorgesberger and his 17-year-old heiress bride-to-be started for Waukegan. A few minutes later a car puffed out of the Olles garage. Miss Olles' father was at the wheel. He overtook the elopers as they reached Wauke gan and were halted by the police. ‘Boy/ 72, on Visit to His ‘Dad/103, Jailed LEAVENWORTH, KAN., May 13.— James M. Goldsberry, 72 years old, arrived in Leavenworth to visit his father. Herman Goldsberry, an in mate of the Soldiers' Home, who is 105 years old. The son, however, be gan drinking and was arrested. When arraigned before Judge Stewart Brewster in police court he told his age and explained the reason for beijig here. Goldsberry unhesitatingly admitted that his grandfather was dead, but that he lived to be 100 years olf Goldsberry was discharged. Burns Assured of Dynamiting Reward SACRAMENTO, May 13.—The $10,- 000 reward offered by the State two years ago for apprehension of the persons responsible for the dynamit ing of The Times building in Los An geles is about to be paid. A bill ap propriating that amount to satisfy the claim of Detective William J. Burns passed the Assembly 42 to 14, and was sent to the Governor, hav ing already passed the Senate. San Francisco members all voted against the bill. BE A BELL TELEPHONE OPERATOR The work is agreeable. The surroundings are pleasant. You are paid a salary while learning. The opportunities for rapid ad vancement «re excellent. In creased salary is assured if you prove efficient. There are several vacancies in our training school for young women between 16 and 22 years of age who have a common school education and can furnish satis factory references. Apply in person at training school, 25 Auburn Avenue in the Bell Telephone Exchange Want to Buy or Sell? You'll Find It Here I Want Anything? TELEPHONES Bell M Atlanta Tefephona clerk will take your ad, and, if requested, assist you in wording, or will write the ad for you—that's hit business He will also make it as brief as possible to obtain the results desired. In order to accommodate customers, accounts will bs opened by phone, but you will make payments promptly after publication or when bills are presented by mall. Classified Adver tising Rates: - Insertion .. .10c a line 8 Insertions . 6c a line 7 insertions . 5c a line 10 insertions 4Hc a line 90 Insertions 4c a line No advertteements taken for leas than two lines Seven words make a line. To protect your Interests as well as ours, an order to discontinue an ad will not be accepted over the phone. Please make order to discontinue In writing No advertisement accepted Iron, out of town unless accompanied by rash or forwarded through recog nired advertising agency. TELEPHONES Bell M LOST AND FOUND. | ! LosT^TbTTairr^^^ ^Tr^tTir^on^Tu I r Street car, one Shrine »in, about 8 o’clock Sunday night. Suitable reward if returned to 248 Last Fair or call Main (14467. 5-13-37 LOST—Will nay reward for return of boy’s Speedwell bicycle taken from i Piedmont Park Sunday afternoon. 123 Myrtle Street. Phone Ivy 6876.1. 6-13-36 j LOST—Op Peachtree, between Baker Street and Sacrpd Heart Church, pink coral rosary. Finder please phone Ivy L*00. 6 13-201 =A UTOMOBILE S= For Sale, Repairs and Accessories. vOST, strayed or stolen from 04 Bryan Street, poodle dog. male, dark tips on ars, tan spot on back, answers to name ! )f "Poodley.” Liberal reward if re timed. Phone Main 5364. 6-13-9 LEFT on Seaboard train No. 29. Sun day night, suitcase. Miss Lvclle Mr- I son’s name on nameplate. Finder will please notify S. E. Young, 2Vfc Auburn Avenue, Atlanta. Ga. 40-13-5 MARKET BASKET—If Mrs C C. George, 150 Euclid Avenue, reads this as she does the Market Basket, and has this ad marked when the "Want Ad" man calls Wednesday, she will receive a new dollar bill. FOUND—Money on street Monday. Owner can get same by describing to Miss E. M. Mitchell, 1149 Peachtree Street. Ivy 2727-L. 5-13-17 STRAYED—Female Scotch collie puppy, brown, white, black. Reward if re turned to 61 West Harris Street. Apt. 12, or to janitor. 33-13-5 LOST—Monday morning between At lanta National Bank and Auburn Ave nue, $60; three $10 bills and one $20 bill. Return to Manager Piedmont Ho tel. Reward. 30-13-5 LITTLE ADS THAT BRING BIG RESULTS * LOST—Saturday morning pair of gold , : nose glasses with gold chain and pin > j attached (in case). Return to 26 West ( Baker Street. Reward. 28-13-6 RAILWAY SCHEDULES. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. “PREMIER CARRIER OF THE 80UTH" ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS, ATLANTA. The following schedule figures ars published only as Information, and ars not guaranteed: No. Arri?« Prom— 36 Birmlngh m 12:01 am 86 New York . 6:00 am 13 Jacksonville 43 Washington 12 Shreveport 16 Heflin ... 29 New York 8 Chatn’fa ..10:35 am 7 Macon ... .10:40 am 17 Fort Valley 10:45 am 21 Columbus ..10:60 am 6 Cincinnati.. 11:10 am 2b Columbus 30 Blrmlngh'm 40 BTnlngn’m 39 Charlotte 5 Macon 87 New York 15 ltrunswlrk 11 Richmond . 24 Kansas City 9:20 pm 16 Chattan'ga . 9:35 pm 19 Columbus .10:20 pm 31 Fort Valley 10:25 pm 14 Cincinnati .11:00 pm 23 Jacksonville 6:50 am •17 Toccoa ... 8:10 am 6:30 am 6:25 am . 6:30 am 8:20 am .11:15 am 1:40 pm 2:30 pm 12:40 pm . 3:65 pm . 4:00 pm . 6:00 pm . 7 :90 pm 8:30 pm No. Depart 36 New York . 20 Columbus . 13 Cincinnati . 32 Port Valley. 35 Hirmingh'm 7 Chattn ga . 12 Richmond 23 Kansas City 16 Brunswick . 29 Blrmlngh'm 38 New York. 40 Charlotte 6 Macon 30 Columbus 30 New York.. 15 Chattn’ga 39 Hirmingh'm •1R Toccoa .... 22 Columbus 5 Cincinnati 23 Fort Valley 20 Heflin .... 10 Macon 44 Washington 24 Jacksonville 11 Shreveport 14 Jacksonville To— 12:15 am 6:20 am 6:40 am 6:30 am 6:50 am 6:40 am 6:65 am 7:00 am 7 :45 am 11:30 am .11:01 am 12:00 n'n .12:20 pm ,12:30 pm 2:45 pm 8 00 pm 4:10 pm 4:30 pm 5 :10 pm , 6:10 pm 5:20 pm 5:45 pm , 6:30 pm 8 45 pm 9:30 pm .11:10 pm 11:10 pm Trains marked thus (*) run dally except Sun day. Other trains run dally. Central time. City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree Street PERSONAL. • VICTOR L. TREMAINE TEACHER, LECTURER AND DEM ONSTRATOR. OCCULT PHILOSOPHY PSYCHIC PHENOMENA Permanently located in Atlanta 126 WEST PEACHTREE STREET. Hours: 10 to 7. Closed Fridays. ARE YOU SATISFIED with your pres ent conditions and future prospects? Is your married life happy? Is the one you love drifting away? Do you feel that there are unseen influences holding you back and coming between you ana success? If you wish to change these conditions in the shortest possible time, then you certainly need my help. In all special cases, secret work and influence I FOLLOW THE LEAD OF NO LIVING HUMAN BEING. IN MY DEPART MENT OF HUMAN ENDEAVOR I STAND SUPREME. FULL CREDIT ALLOWED FOR ALL FEES PAID ON UNFINISHED CASES UNDERTAKEN BY OTHERS. 92-11-6 TEi VT4TTP ROOF leaks, call Roof lr lUUlt Doctor, W. B Barnett. Ivy 7238. 1-1-7 MARCELL WAVE. manicure, latest hairdressings, massage, bath, body massages; children gevin special atten tion; chiropody and foot massaging; combings made into braids, hair tinted and dyerl, hair goods and toilet articles at a big reduction at Williman’s Hair dressing Parlors, 56V6 Peachtree. 6-10-16 TRY THE CHIROPODY and our other specialties. Williman’s Sanitary Hair dressing Parlors, 56*4 Peachtree Street. 6-10-14 HELP WANTED—A Georgian want ad will find it. If Mrs. Eva Coleman, 62 Form wait Street, will find this and have it marked when the “Want Ad’ man calls Wednesday he will present her with a dollar. SUBSCRIBE NOW to The FOUR HUN DRED, the leading Society Paper of Atlanta. Bright, beautiful, artistic. $1 a year. The FOUR HUNDRED, 421 Kiser Bldg., Atlanta. Ga. 5-7-2 DR. GAULT’S Antiseptic Powder for women. It is cleansing, cooling and non-irritating. Can be used as a douche at any time with safety. It has no equal. Price $1 per box, postpaid. J. T. Gault Chemical Company, 702 Austell Building, Atlanta. 4-25-33 MATERNITY SANITARIUM—Private, refined, homelike. Limited number of f iatients cared for. Home provided for nfants. Mrs. M. T Mitchell. 26 Wind sor Street. 11-9-57 ACME HATTERS HAVE MOVED TO 20 E. HUN TER STREE T. OLD HATS MADE NEW. 4-23-42 THE GATE CITY DOLL, HOSPITAL, 243 Courtland, near Cain, repairs all kinds of dolls. 203-24-4 FLY SCREENS. FLY SCREENS. FLV SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, metal weather strips furnished ■ nywhere in the South. Write or phone W. R. Callaway, manager, 1403 Fourth National Bank Building, Atlanta. Ga Mam 5310. FLY SCREENS—PRICE & THOMAS. FLY SCREENS—PRICE & THOMAS. FLY SCREENS—PRICE & THOMAS FLY SCREENS—PRICE & THOMAS Salesroom and office, 62 N. Pryor Street. Factory 86 E. Cain Street. Bell phone 4203 4- Ivy -6-70 SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34 Wall Street, has an expert fitter and It will cost you no more to have him fit you, and It means Insurance. 6-24-19 EDUCATIONAL. EMORY Bummer school; cool, quiet; fifty days from June 17. Latin. Gree. trench, German, English, his tory, mathematics. Address E. K Tur ner, Oxford, Ga. 5-9-1 LOST—One promissory note, dated No vember 8, 1912. The note is payable to the order of Mrs. C. B. Sasser, is of the face value of $3,148.33 and signed by Miss Annie Kelso. If found return to Farmers and Traders’ Bank, 239 Peters Street, Atlanta, Ga. 6-12-36 LOST—Wednesday afternoon, class pin; initials "O. D. L.;’’ half way between Washington Terrace and Glenn or Wash ington Streets. Phone Main 2488-L. Reward. 5-12-33 ONE twin cylinder Harley-Davldson mo torcycle, 1913 model; rode less than 100 miles; dirt cheap. Must sell. Call Main 135. Holbrook Smith, 310 Ma- rietta Street. 15-5-200 FOR SALE or exchange for diamonds, an electric auto. In perfect condition Call Bell 821-J Ivy. 5-11-46 CORD RUNABOUT—Good running order; will sell cheap for cash only. Address Cash, Box 109, care Georgian 43-9-5 WINDSHIELDS. RADIATORS, lamps, fenders, repaired as good as new. Mfrs. all kinds sheet metal work. Warlick Sheet Metal Co., 248 Edgewood. S-4-64 BIG bargain in a five-passenger touring car; fully equipped; $299 cash. 35 N. Forsyth St. 6-7 8 Good Used Cars At Reasonable Prices. Courier Roadster, fully equipped, electric lights $276.00 Buick Model 10 Roadster, electric lights 325.00 Overland four-passenger, newly painted, new top 350 00 Prime Touring Car, new top and seat covers 460.00 Maxwell Roadster, Sportsman type, model Q, fully equipped, electric lights 376.00 Maxwell Touring, model G, four- passenger. fully equipped 450.00 Everett, 1912 model, foredoor, flva- passenger touring car. fully equipped 676.00 These cars are in good running condi tion and worth more than the prices Quoted above. BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, 241 PEACHTREE ST. 4-11-$ WARNING TO INFRIN GERS AND IMITATORS, LIQUID TIRE TONIC IS PROTECT ED BY U. S. DUYREA PATENT, NO. 678551 AND ALL INFRINGER8. AGENTS OR USERS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MUST AN SWER IN THE COURT FOR VIOLA TION OF THIS LAW LIQUID TIRE TONIC COMPANY. KANSAS CITY. MO. 4-1-41 LOST—Spitz poodle; answers to name of "Billy.’’ Reward if returned to 112 Crew Street. Phone Main 2378. 5-12-2 HELP WANTED. Male. WANTED—First-class body man on wagon work. Address M , Box 420. At lanta. 6-13-31 WANTED—Pressing club solicitors; call Immediately. Hub Pressing Club, 39 West Linden. 6-13-12 WANTED—Young man 18 or 20 years old for clerical work Troy Laundry. 210 Houston Street. 208-5-13 ANY ONE knowing the whereabouts of Lee Martin, white, about 18, will con fer a favor by communicating same to Box 10, care Georgian. 38-13-6 WANTED—Vegetable gardener for ho- tel supply. Apply at once to T H. Slade, Warm Springs, Ga. 5- 12-7 WANTED—Ten good barbers at 56 Peachtree Street. 6-10-15 1 WANT 10 MEN at once to learn the barber trade. New method. Only few weeks required. Position waiting. Tools furnished. Money earned while learn ing. Call or write. A. B. Moler, Pres. Moler System, 38 Luckie St. 33-10-5 PULLMAN porters wanted: references. For instruction. Write P. O. Box 804, Atlanta. Ga. 5-4-37 WANTED FOR U. S. ARMi: Able- bodied unmarried men between ages Of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate hab its, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information ap ply to Recruiting Officer, Peachtree and Forsyth Streets, Atlanta, or 411 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. 4-1-1 REAL ESTATE—If you want to buy or rent a home, read the Real Estate Section of The Georgian. If Mrs. E. E. Wilkie, 407 Itawson Street, finds this and marks it, she will be presented a dollar by the "Want Ad" man Vhen he calls Wednesday. WANTED—Ideas. Inventors, write for list of Inventions wanted and prizes offered by manufacturers. Also, how to get your patent. Sent free to any ad dress. Randolph & Briscoe, patent at torneys, Washington. D. C. 7-11-23 DO YOU PLAY POOL? If you do, come to see "Bias" at the TERMINAL HO TEL POOL PARLOR. We sell 35c in checks for 25c. Good tables, good cues, and a nice bunch of clever boys. 2-10-24 WANTED—Drillmen and laborers Tor underground work. Dflllmen earn $1.90 to $3 per day. Laborers earn $1.75 to $2.76 per day. Board $16 to $18 per month. Steady work. No labor trou bles. Only white men wanted. Ten nessee Copper Company, Ducktown, Tenn. 4-26-4 WANTED—Trammers and laborers for underground work. Wages $1.75 per day If they work less than 20 days per month, or $2 per day if they work 20 days or more per month. Contract trammers earn $2 to $2.75 per day. Also outside laborer at $1.60 per day. Com pany time, or contract work, loading and unloading railroad cars at which over $2 per day can be earned. Ten nessee Copper Company, Ducktown. Tenn. 4-22-20 WANTED—Men to learn the barber trade; tools and position furnished. Atlanta Barber College. 10 East Mitchell St. 6-11-17 FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOK tells of about 300,000 protected positions in IJ. S. service. Thousands of vacancies ev ery year. There is a big chance here for you, sure and generous pay, lifetime employment Just ask for booklet T-412. No obligation. Earl Hopkins, Washing ton, D. C. 5-1-1 HELP WANTED. Female. WANTED Servant for general house work. Good pay to right party. 137 Prado, Ansley Park. 5-13-29 WANTED—A thoroughly competent white nurse for delicate baby. 77h Piemont Avenue. 5-13-7 WANTED—A neat white girl to work in collar department. Excelsior Laun dry. 5-13-11 WANTED Experienced children’s nurse, white or colored. 1060 Peach tree Street. 209-5-13 WANTED—Reliable woman; general housework; small family. Apartment 1, 303 Washington Street. 5-13-22 WANTED—At once, good settled colored servant to cook and milk. Must be clean and neat. Room on lot. Phone Ivy 6213-.I 5-13-21 WANTED—White girl for general housework Swedish or Finnish pre ferred. 366 Piedmont Avenue. 200-5-13 WANTED—Lady bookkeeper who can use typewriter. Office hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m State salary desired. 713, care Georgian. 34-13-5 WANTED—Small colored girl to nurse. Apply No. 24 East Baker Street. 35-10-5 100 LADIES and children wanted at Menkee’s Studio at 2*4 Auburn Ave nue to have nice cabinet photos made six for $1 for next ten days. 5-11-30 DOBBS TIRE REPAIR CO. WE REPAIR AND SELL ALL MAKES OF TIRES AND TUBES. 226 PEACH- TREE STREET. PHONE IVY 6646 4-1-1 ATLANTA RADIATOR CO. REPAIRING and manufacturing. Lamp and fender work 72 Ivy Street. At lanta phone 3816. 3-10-12 Street, Atlanta Castiroo Welding AUTOGENOUS METHOD. AUTO AND ALL MACHINE PART*. METAL WELDING COMPANY. MAIN 3013. 86 GARNETT STREET 2-26-6 IS ONE practical solution of the tire trouble; It Is chemistry, scientifically applied: It has been examined and ap proved by Edgar Everhardt, professor in charge of department of chemistry at Atlanta College of Physicians and Sur geons, and is guaranteed to give satis faction or money refunded. Vulcorine Co., 309 Peachtree St. 3-25-45 WE have several Flanders chassis and will build body and paint car to your order. Bargain prices. Don’t buy any ■econd-hand car until you see ua NORTH PRYOR GARAGE. NORTH PRYOR PLACE. 4-2-28 TRAVIS & JONES, AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Ivy 4832. 26 James Street. 3-1-54 Automobiles For Rent AUTO SERVICE—Pope^aartfordVwhfte drivers; $3 per hour. Ivy 2339 5-10-28 DUNHAM"MOTORCOT'" FIVE and seven-passenger cars Garage. 112 East Ellis Street. Call Bell phone Ivy 2496 day. Main 4325 night. 3-21-23 Motorcycles FOR SALE—Excelsior motorcyclefTuni, 1912 model, in first-class condition. $160. Apply at once. Williams Cycle Co., 106 Edgewood Avenue. 200-13-5 THOR MOTORCYCLES, repairs and ac cessories; best equipped repair shop In city. We will take care of you. South ern Motorcycle Co., 116 Edgewood Av#. 3-26*31 MOTORCYCLE8 •• EASY TERMS •• BICYCLES. EXCELSIOR motorclycles, hlgh-grad* bicycles; complete line new and used bicycles and motorcycles; complete itock S arts and accessories; modern service epot Lowest prices; easy terras. AL- EXANDER-SEEWALD CO., 146-147-14® Edgewood Avenue Phone Ivy 1609. PHONE FOR DEMONSTRATION. 4-1-22 Tire Repairing Retreading % specialty. Prompt atten tion given express shipments. Sanders- Speer Vulcanizing Company, 100 S^rinjj : n &. HELP WANTED. Female. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. WANTED—Competent cook; room on lot; good home and good pay to right party. Apply 61 Elizabeth Street. 5-12-30 WOMAN WANTED immediately for light factory work. Apply 333 Simp son Street. 6-12-22 WANTED—Cook. Apply 71 Sells Ave nue. 6-12-16 ROYAL typewriters rented; one month. $2.75: three months for $7.00; special rates to students. Royal Typewriter Co., 46 N. Pryor St. Phone Main 2492. 4-25-17 WANTED—Cook. Small family. Good wages. 58 East Merrltts Avenue. 6-12-14 WANTED—Experienced cook. Piedmont Avenue. Call 769 6-12-10 WANTED—Good servant to do laundry work and housecleaning. No cooking. Room on lot. Apply 777 Ponce De Leon. Ivy 2030-L. 28-12-5 WANTED—First-class cook, with ref erences. Apply 4 Luckie Street. 5-13-33 WANTED—First-class maid, at once, to room on lot ; good wages. 72 Spring. 47-13-5 EXPERIENCED house to house solicit ors for Atlanta. Apply in person to The World Manufacturing Company, 441 Marietta Street, Atlanta. Ga. 200-5-13 WANTED—Young women and girls de siring attractive Positions. Welfare of operators and clerks closely supervised by the company; their conduct on the premises carefully guarded by matron, woman supervisors and chief operator, who have complete control over the re tiring and operating room. Short train ing course for those inexperienced; sal ary paid while learning. Salary in creased upon being transferred to oper ating force, and for those becoming ef ficient, increased as they become worthy, with opportunities for ultimate advance ment to $75 per month. References proving the standing of the applicant essential. Those having educational ad vantages preferred. Lunch room and comfortable retiring rooms provided with several hundred Carnegie Library books for the convenience or the operators. Matron and trained nurse in attend ance. Apply 8:30 to 6, Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Training School, 26 Auburn Avenue. S-2C-25 WORK—If you want a position. Geor gian want ads will find it. If Mrs. William H. Yandle, 312 Capitol Avenue, has this ad marked when the"Want Ad" man calls Wednesday, she will receive a dollar bill. KXPP2RIKNCKD P. B. X teleplion, op- erators and experienced local operators can secure attractive positions by ap plying to Mr. Robinson, Room 10, South ern Bell Telephone Main Exchange, 78 South Pryor Street. 4-6-77 flTOT O LEARN MILLINERY: best AT Ill I JO trade on earth for women; pay $60 to $100 a month. Write Ideal School of Millinery, 100*4 Whitehall St. 3-29-41 Male and Female. WANTED—An experienced butler and chambermaid at once. Apply 442 Peachtree. 6-12-21 WANTED—Twenty-five good workers to get stock subscribers. Can make $3 to $15 per day. Address L. B., Box 1661, care Georgian. 6-10-18 SHORTHAND COURSE, $15. 35 West Peachtree St. 4-20-28 MEN, WOMEN—Get government Jobs; excellent salaries. Write immediately for free list of positions obtainable. Franklin Institute. Dept. 49-C, Roches ter. N. Y 44-13-4 CRICHTON-SHUHARLTL TUB X.1AD1XO ■mines* Training School In tho Sooth. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION * ■T THE PHOPRIET JRS IN PERSON. IXANTA.. DRESSMAKING—DRESS- M AKERS. WANTED—To sew out by day' $1.25 per day; first-class dressmaker. Dress maker, 374 Hunter St. 26-13-5 FOR RALE—If Mrs. t Mary E. Terrell, 434 Pulliam Street, will mark this and have it in hand when the "Want Ad’ man calls Tuesday, she will receive a new dollar bill. EXPERIENCED dressmaking; prices reasonable and satisfaction guaran teed. Apply 193 Spring St., Apartment 2. Ivy 6082. 5-11-67 PURCHASE MONEY NOTES. I HAVE thirty-five $26 first mortgage notes which I wish to sell at once. Property and indorsers good. Let me hear from you promptly. Aaron, care Georgian. 5-11-46 GOOD machines rented any where, $5 for three months. American Writ. Mch. Co., 48 N. Pryor. TEACHERS WANTED. , WRITE for record of our eight years’ work. High class patronage. Ef ficient service. Foster’s Teachers Agen cy, Atlanta. Ga. 64-8-4 AGENTS AND SALESMEN Wanted. PORTRAIT and medallion agents, or any one out of employment that wants to work for themselves, I have a proposition that you can make good money at and be independent. Call or write for particulars. A F. Haynes, 13 Peters St 207-5-8 LOST—Mrs. A B. Turner, 450 Crew Street, will lose one dollar if she fails to read this and have it marked when the "Want Ad" man calls Wed nesday. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. BOOKKEEPER with six years’ experi ence wants position with good firm in city; age 2b years; married Ad dress P. O. Box 50, City. 43-13-5 EDUCATED country man with a clean record wants a position as col lector or clerk at once. Adress X., 105 Whitehall Terrace. 34-12-5 WANTED—Set of books to keep In evenings by an expert bookkeeper Address Capable, Box 867, care Geor gian. 39-13-5 WANTED—Position as stationary fire man; will work every day except Sun day. Fireman, care Georgian. 201-5-13 WANTED—Position as butler or chauf feur. Experienced. Ed Cooper, 266 Auburn Avenue. 202-5-13 AUTO repairman wishes position at once; five years experience. J. D. care Georgian. 204-5-13 POSITION WANTED—Bookkeeper, 30, ten years’ experience as bookkeeper, cashier, collector, wants position; best references. Bond if desired. Experi ence, Box 55, care Georgian. 31-12-5 WANTED—Position as auto driver Can keep up any make of car; six years’ experience In the garage business Can give A-l references. Address O , Box 54, care Georgian. 32-12-5 WANTED—Position by young man, aged 22, grocery or wholesale firm where there is chance for advancement. Trial Is all I ask. Address A. W. Bowen, 85 Luckie Street. Ivy 3150. 48-7-5 CORPORATION auditor wishes extra work on books. Best references. S J., Box 905, care Georgian. 51-11-5 WANTED—Mrs. L. Dettleback, 175 Bass Street, to find this ad and have it marked when the "Want Ad" man calls Wednesday. He will present her with a dollar. WANTED—Position in private office as assistant by young man, 21 years old: writes fair hand. Plenty of references as to honesty. Address L. O. W.. care Georgian. 29-1-3-5 WANTED—Position by an experienced colored chauffeur. Can keep up ear of any make. Best of references. Ad dress G. S. Mayo, 60 Inman Avenue. 26-13-5 GAS ENGINE EXPERT desires posi tion; seven years’ experience with stationary, marine and traction engines Box 908, care Georgian. 36-13-5 OFFICE CLERK—Am 21 years of age; would like a start in an office here, three years’ experience; will start on reasonable salary: furnish best of refer ences and come at once. Addres Ambi tious, Box 108, care Georgian. 25-12-5 TRAVELING salesman wants to repre sent some good reliable concern, will furnish references as to qualifications T. J . Box 50, care Georgian. 50-11-5 WANTED—Position as auditor, secreta ry-treasurer, by corporation specialist J. S., Box 906, care Georgian. 63-11-5 I’M A GROCERY salesman; would like to be connected with a reliable firm Address H. C., Box 725, care Georgian 80-IX-5