Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 17, 1913, Image 4

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By Herriman The Dingbat Family A Bachelor’s Diary The Old Man’s Sentiments Were Cordially Received Copyright, IMS. International Newt Ser»lca M'lNlTTplEWDS Sweet 'B%iea)DS,T- *T\ )0'oT WA/V/VA TfeU. You FJlfeHr Aoiv,'XhA'ry~- The Time A/nt FAP. off- when ivt 7 live. like Ami able. baoYiwea.% yub. Rio \SHAeiw<* with the Ftocn.; The Strong'c HELPING, Y>IE DEBYE \ WILL BE. UJffMOWA). CUE SHALL. PAy WHAT WE OWE like^t" O^flAJEsT /HEjV 'MS FftiEWpB 'VE BEEN A6KE Do Alor HAND VOAJ l owls MCKGrtUAKJ' L aw Rough stl/pt. For ajc Doubt /aj , HI6 Simple Heart, beats The Verv, LiENT/MENT* I WAVE OUST — J x v^EXPBEssfcb —J ADDfctss A Few woftbs To ' cw THl . AMD e»EEAT Social , Ecoaio> ..._ OLmCAL UPHEAVAL w> /VOW PlLINfo up ON THE HOPl . OUR. constitutional Righ By MAX /Missy D/aj6Mt‘ Talk big /HCMJtsr TALK, he pat me ONE DOLLA, SITTV Fl CENT*, WOT HE OWE MB rO f Tlee week washes Dba \ we alu be Lrrry blodda \ To-gcdda - Hoo-iAy - A PRIL 2.—I once Imagined, in the cock-sure, self-satisfied man ner of my sex, that I knew nil about woman. I thought it was like looking into a stream so limpid that nothing was hidden by anything .13 vague as a shadow, but I know now that it is more like gazing into a mirror which throws back one's own reflection and reveals nothing of it self. Kor these many years I have been gazing into the mirror Sally Spencer held before me and thought l saw the soul of the woman. I realize to day that I saw only my own opin* ions of her. I have learned much through her sorrows; I. who had known her close ly and Intimately for many years and did not know she had a grief! It has given me many an hour of painful reflection. Somehow I seem to see a dreary procession of wom en. each bearing on her shoulders n burden that grows heavier and heav ier as infirmities approach and the charms of youth vanish. And that burden is man's love! We give it us If it were endowing a most precious jewel. "It will serve as a magic.” we tell her. “to keep away loneliness and re gret and pain and sorrow. Only ac cept it and wear it, and you will lead a charmed life.” Young and Gay. She is young and gay and thought less when we torment her to accept our love. She doesn't know that the precious jewel is only a worthless bauble. She hasn’t learned from the Tlee CheesIX, Fo MiA'SV Dimgba' "1H00 /AV f Bray vo 1 meaf\ "~1 HEAP. ^ ) {My, KAr • Bur L \VoofeE KRAny I K«OUI * MAiu«rU WHAT is fCROOKEb' LlTtL 1 eve ay Th/ak^ And Verv \»6watz he is ct \ STRAIGHT' like A) OH, H6UJ STRANGE, \HOW iSTftAM6E,c \hoim STfeAWGE A MAM A/tfr STRAIGHT* HE lt> ■n A "KROOKS - C- CAiWT HE ' I&AIAT2 Even in the Great National Game Desmond Can’t Play Fair By Hershfield Dauntless Durham of the Copyright, ISIS. International N*\*a Service loneliness and regret and pain and sorrow, but rather a lodestone that attracts them.,* "It is fight, fight, fight all the time; a fight to retain my personal charms; a fight to keep him Interested; a fight to forget myself in satisfying every longing he may have, physical, mental or spiritual; a fight to give him just so much of myself he will never know' satiety and will always want more; a fight to keep him from the clutches of that Other Woman, always standing like a threatening phantom in the background, and th 11 when I have hie love, whnt do I pos sess? Something about as lasting as a soap bubble and never worth the price! ” That was the cry of Sallv Spencer and it seems to me to be the cry of all the wives dragging in weary pro cession before my mental vision. They are all fighting so hard to keep th love ?ome man once urged them ■ o accept, and we. who should be' th. ones to fight to keep the love of worn an. are cruel in the knowledge th ;. having once won her love 50 easi 1 . and thoughtlessly we have von ii for life. I have seen a great deal of Sali\ since the morning a week ago wher j she dropped the mirror she had ai ways held before her and let me see into the depths of her soul. She seems to find a greater joy in the presence of the children, something deeper than joy, in fact, a comfort, a promise, a forgetfulness. "I always wanted a baby.” she said wistfully one day, “but Jack didn’t." On another occasion she remarked that every wife made a great mistake in thinking that the love a man had for her would be the greater if then* were no children to share it. “It grows less.” with a sigh, “and I wish I could tell this to all young wives.” She says little about Jack’s wan derings into forbidden paths, but ) gather from chance remarks that they had not been numerous, but have been serious while they lasted. “Every man." bending her head over a rent in a doll dress which she was repairing, "stations his wife at a fixed post and wanders away, knowing he will find her there with arms outstretched to welcome him whenever it suits him to retufn. If she reproaches if she chides, if she weeps, he will only wander off again, and remain longeer She must smile, with her aims outstretched, grateful that he returns to her; ignoring for the sake of her happiness and the security of her home the fact that he comes back with another woman's kisses still warm on his lips.” She Knew Max. She said it as if thinking aloud And I. as one who also though aloud replied: "Yet. knowing this, you one* almost made a match between Mai; garet Hill and me. I can’t imagin« she would stand on a fixed post with her arms outstretched in forgiveness She is good; so good she is removed above every understanding of temp tation; so good she could never for give.” "But you would not wander away, Max. 1 know you better than you know yourself.” (,'WAN MISTAM IT\S FUNNY’ I AM SURE 1 HEA I THE BAT HIT ball: Fast one, but vlu hit the Ball, ri^ht OM THg- nose : TWO -STRIKES OM this. BUVK HERO DURHAM. HC WILL NEVER MAKE A HOME" RUN OFF *»C I'LL HOL*» THE BAU. CLOSE. I HAVE A PLAN three men OM BASES AMD TWO OUT. MY HIT WILL WIN FHe LrAMf \ AND KATRINA ■>31 CAN HIT YTHEUillAIW -A DESMOND Durham, you CAW HIT HIS . Curve: Wt>u should worryt Durham 62 ifcAUN-nxssfTHe villaim Desmond must win three \ Out of five ^AMES BEFORE VI BELONG TD . S HIM HE is USING A SPIT NOW TD J^ WIN THE- SERIES AM KATRINA ATR-INA,! 1 Duf^RALfD, strikes. YbURC OUTlJ THIS SPIKr i WILL FANi Durham and RJETIRF TU€ si be! By Cliff Sterrett Just a Slight Mistake on the Collector’s Part Poprrlght, 1918, International N«w» SerMr* INfTALMHUTs WE H4TES T'Do 1 ~Th/s, Lady But YouSe Shoulda kEPT up VFr instalments/ WAV!! WEVE came lo 1AHE "THE. PL4N0. AWAVj So Set who's at The door . PA ! W/P0M6, Bo' the. L PEOPLE YoURE 4FJFP H4UE REW ^fWE , Coop'. WERE r~^ “THE MEVy/ This here PCRKiUS I if any- r Body Should ASK Tfc>o'. 6ee. WNl Z : AlM*T ~THlS" DUNW'^ WHY WE. wio cash Fer that pianey. Ten yFAps (" AGO. I lAW There Bill , (£bT) kJNWW! what's' tha ' JOkE? LIFT Er UP A BIT LhfTV’, WoT THA- ? By Tom McNamara You Can’t Fool That Kid Step-Sister of Eaglebeak’s Re*i§fn**<l United State? Patent Of Are HERE C07E% EAGLEBEAK’S KID EISlER. Ill 8EF SHE S COOK IN' FOR HIM. well, 6T SOLLY SHE WON'T FIND HlfQ THAT'S A CINCH - i 5 '' l-TT °0 P£D OOT A SCHEME To «ss|jS§||m\Pooi. HER. T BEUEME T f \ .ME '. WHEP.fS THAT B'.c SfEP BROWER OF I^IN6 ? WELL (TS UERT UERY STRAn&£ ATT STEP BROTHER. HASNT BEEN TD HIS’rOJOBONRTESSON MR TUio DAYS AND I CANT FIND HIM) ANT PLACE AND PA Told MA TO TEH- / ME TO TELL HIM - /T FOOD FOR FAM6 cooked r - * and ' ” n f SERVED Aaj I AIN'T dor HIM. DIDN'T CHA HEAR THAT I CANNED HIM OFFER Ol'R TEAM ? - WEVE doT A ASCU) GOY NOUJ, HE S A LEFT HANDER'. WAS EA6LF0EAK ? - ' DlD_- HO, HO, HO, HA.' - THE GIAN IS UJsjED TeJERDAY. gol oaa« <r: STANOIUL Of THE" CLOUS LV. l. P. c. 8 I .889 7 L . STL r c-.sfs. HINKI6-. UiamTs 900>Klfi QCtA-b that there's the gink uihat taked yoor step brothers Joe 00 that satisfy yoo? i — r UJERE 60NNA HAVE ■sTRALCBERR'i SHORT CAKE ^ Up&sw tor supper ( To- night: ^ SKINNY SHANER'S 6OO6LY DEPARTMENT SHANER'S DRAWING NO '*°'(^) LESSONS MAN IN , TFE MOON Avmwnm Devoir WEAKEN Gnjbo/tn to tyVSbruLtufri. mAT does the Buffalo ON THE NEW njckEL stand for~‘cadse HE CANT SlT DOWN - AW 6AWAN1 PWlM "AJAK - TONKERS U S A. RlHeV 15 A SOLDIER, NOT A SOLDIER ?