Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 18, 1913, Image 40

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4 B HEARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, ATLANTA, OA., SUNDAY, MAY IS, 1913. Y ou May 1 r ind Just What You Have i Seen Looking for in These “WANT ADS” AUTOMOBILES For Sale, Repairs and Accessories. 1 c AUCTION SALES. AT AUCTION. > E v !•: 1? a 1 mxrsimv REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 1 FOR SALE cheap by owner, 739 1 Spring Street, near Twelfth Street, 1 two-story nine-room house; price $5,600; I $730 cu«h required; balance easy terms, ; if desired. Address G A. Dunloo. 301 i THE AMERICAN’S RENT BULLETIN EFFECT!VK MAT 10. 1913 - Decline In Pric< uto Casing and Tubes. Fresh new si tan< lard makes. 28 by 3, $7.! i)0; 30 by 3. : (8.4 ) by 3 1 *. $11 30; 32 bi / 3 Vjj, $12.25: 34 {Uj, $13.20; 32 by 4. $ 17; 33 by 4. $U .95; 34 by 4, $18.90; 36 by J. $18.90; by 4 ■*, $22.80; 37 by 4Vi. $ 37 by ■ 5. Get busy. McPh erson Auto r P i re • Coi npany, 46 Auburn Av enue, Allant a. 1 lit >-18-5 106 At ’RF :s, i 3 miles from city, wl 11 ex- change for five-passenger auto; late model am 1 in good condition. P. O . Box 626, A1 ita. -18-36 AU 'OGENOl'8 WELDING and machine r>air work of all kinds. Satisfaction guaranteed. SHEARER MACHINE CO., 197 WHITEHALL STREET. 2-26-10 TIRES. TIRES. TIRES. More Mileage—No Troubles—30% Lower Prices. SHIPMENTS SENT PREPAID. "Non-Puncture" tires GUARANTEED 7,500 MILES against punctures and blowouts. Lasting construction. Good year style tread. Special 10-day prices: 28x3 $8 85; 30x3 $9.80; 30x8V^, $13.60; 32x3$15.75; 33x4, $21.60; 34x4, $22.55; 36x4. $23.85; 36x4*6, $29.40. 37x5, $37.60. AU other sizes tires and tubes. SHIP MENTS PREPAID If payment In full comes with order and on cash payment for two tires a fine "Non-Puncture" tube will be given free. C. O. I>. ship ments If 30% of amount comes with order. Rest tires for long, hard service. Thousands in use. Finest testimonials Order now while Special offer lastH. NON-PUNCTURE TIRE FACTORY. Dept. 332. DAYTON, OHIO. , 4-30-7 LITTLE FOUR four-cylinder roadster, 1913 model, run 30 days, original price 1725, will sell for $600 Perfect condi tion and a bargain. L. W Hazard, 241 Peachtree St. 5-16-50 FIVE-PASSENGER, 36 h. p. Cartercar touring car, fully equipped, perfect condition, for quick sale $350.00 cash. L. W. Hazard, 241 Peaontree St. 5-16-50 GOOD USED CARS AT REASONABLE PRICES/ Maxwell. 2-cylinder runabout, fine condition throughout, $185. "Courier Roadster," fully equipped, Electric lights, $275. Hulck model 10 roadster, electric lights. $326. Buick. model 33. 4 passenger, fully equipped, fine condition. $350 Maxwell Roadster, Sportsman type, model Q, fully equipped, electric lights, $375 Maxwell touring, model G, 4-passenger, fully equipped. $450. Prlmo touring car, new top and seat covers, $450. These cars ore in good running con dition and worth more than tho prices quoted above BUICK MOTOR COMPANY. 241 PEACHTREE ST. 4-11-18 FOR SALE—Ford runabout, $175; In good condition. Owner leaving city, j R, Box 293, care Georgian. 31-15-5 . ONE twin cylinder Harley-Pavidaon mo torcycle, 1913 model; rodo less than 100 miles; dirt cheap. Must sell. Call Main 135. Holbrook & Smith, 310 Ma rietta Street. 15-6 200 | ~~ WINDSHIELDS. RADIATORS, lamps, fenders, repaired as good as new. Mfrs. all kinds sheet metal work. Warlick Sheet Metal Co., 249 Kdgewood. 3-4-64 DOBBS TIRE REPAIR CO. WE REPAIR AND BELL ALL MAKES OK TIRES AND TUBES. 226 PEACH TREE STREET. PHONE IVY 6646 4-1-1 WARNING TO INK LIN GERS AND IMITATORS. LigUID TIRE TONIC IS PROTECT ED BY U. H DUYREA PATENT, NO. 678551 AND ALL INFRINGERS, AGENTS OR USERS ARE HEREBY notified that they must an swer IN THE COURT FOR VIOLA TION OK THIS LAW LIQUID TIRE TONIC COMPANY. KANSAS CITY, MO. 4-l-«< WE have several Flnviders chassis and will build body and paint car to your order. Bargain prices. Don’t buy any aecond-hanri car until you see ua. NORTH PRYOR GARAGE. NORTH PRYOR PLACE. 4-1-21 MENTS, ALSO A FINE ROT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FROM 644 SOUTH PRYOR, IN CLUDING RED ROOM. LIVING ROOM. •LIBRA RY AND RECEPTION IIALL F i; R N I TU R E, GAS STOVE, REFRIG- E R A T O R, A R T SQUARES, ETC., TUES DAY, MAY 20. CENTRAL AUCTION COMPANY. 12 East Mitchell Street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Xu. U1S. McDaniel Street. A neat, ti-room cottage on nice lot close to Whitehall Street. Newly painted, and in first-class eondi tion. Will sell at a bargain. Notes at $20.00. Small cash pay ment and small loan at ti per cent. FRED P. COOK. 26 S. Broad Street. 5-18-72 LEASE OR SALE—Artistic bungalow; screened, tiled, furnace, garage. Ad dress "Ansley Park," care American. 112-18-5 BRAND new 7-room house. Lota of ground for a garden and two extra building lots, all for $3,000. Just like rent. $25 per month and no cash. In College Park, three blocks from car line. 400 Temple Court Building, Bell phone M. 4189 TWO first-class new residences, 397 and i 401 Jackson, near Pine; $600 below ac tual cost Determined to sell. Owner, j 380 Jackson. 110-18-5 Real Estate For Sale. I have a dandy 5-room* cottage, right at Grant Park, on Glenn wood Avenue, ! that 1 will sell on terms that you can ! pay Immediate possession. I On Adams St., in Decatur, can sell you j a 6-roOm cottag* on splendid terms. .Modern in every way. Best cottage on i the street. CHARLES E. THOMPSON, Room 201 Equitable Building, Atlanta, Georgia. 103-18-6 I BY OWNER; five-room cottage; lot 56 by 225; has cabinet mantels, kitchen cabinet, hath, china closet, etc. Small cash payment, balance like rent. Atlan ! ta phone 6732-M. R. J. Dixon. 77-18-5 Mutual Building, Richmond, Va. LET US BUILD you a nome. Will buy you a lot or pay off your lot. Terms to Millt. 400 Temple Court. Main 4189 4-16-48 I HAVE seven acres, three-room house, half block car line, all cultivated, fine for trucking; will exchange for small renting property. Call Milton, Main 2053. 6-3-24 FOR SALK Beautiful lot, 60 by 232 feet; J $1,600; right on Peachtree. Easy terms. See me quick. Address Peuch- e. Box 800, care Geori 4 17 ACRES on Marietta car line at sta tion half mile beyond river; ten-room bouse, new; all out houses; gas, wa ter, chicken house, barn. 930 feet front on electric car line; auto road, Western ami Atlantic railroad and Seaboard Rail road. Address 7i5 Grant Building Ivy 6109-J. 83-11-5 ANSLEY PARK LOT, 60-foot front; fine location on Barksdale Drive; lot 14. block 23; $1,800; one-third cash, bal ance one and two years. Bergen, Box 375, Jacksonville, Fla. ROOM AND BOARD. MRS BELT will have a suite of two rooms May 26, suitable for three young men, choice hoard; also young roommate for young gentleman. Ivy 6785-J. 5-18-47 L/iVKLY furnished front room and board for gentlemen; near in. 136 Washington Street. Main 4812-J 5-18-56 6-14-2 FARMS FOR SALE. Fine South Georgia Farm. WILL SELL or trade 2,000 acres of very fine farm land in the virgin spot of South Georgia artesian wells, well Im proved. fine pasturage, well tenanted, convenient to railroad, churches, schools, splendid roads. "Milk and Honey," Box 48, care Georgian. 100-18-5 WOULD you give 25 cents for a good Job? Place a "Want Ad" in The Geor- I gian and get one. TRAVIS & JONES, AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Ivy 4832 26 James Street. 3-1-54 Castirom Welding AUTOGENOUS METHOD. AUTO AND all MACHINE PARTS. METAL WELDING COMPANY. MAIN 3013. 66 GARNETT STREET 8-86-4 VULCORINt: IS ONE practical solution of the tire trouble’ it is chemistry, scientifically applied; it has been examine * and ap proved by Edgar Everhardt, professor m chi rge of department of chemistry at Atlanta ^College of Physicians and Sur geons. and is guaranteed to give satis faction or money refunded. Vulcorthe Co.. 309 Peachtree 8t. 3-25 45 FOR SALE or exchange for diamonds, an electric auto, in perfect condition. Call Bell 821-J Ivy. 5-11-45 A TLA NT A RADIATOR CO. REPAIRING and manufacturing. Ump and fender work 72 Ivy Street. At lanta phone 3816 3-10-12 NO. 14 ALICE ST., between SoTJth Pry or and Central Avenue. Nine-room | house on good lot; now renting for $30 | month. No loan to assume. Price, $3,- I 000. Easy terms. The L. C. Green | Company, 305 Third National Bank Bldg. Phone Ivy 2943. 6-18-60 j SIX-ROOM Bungalow, tile bath, com bination fixtures, all conveniences, on North Side, for $3,300.00 Worth $3,7.50, Ktit I need some money. Easy terms. Sain. Main 2854. 5-18-70 THINK this over in$ let me show you. Six-room bungalow on Gordon Street . Steam-heated, electricity and gas tix- 1 tores. Lot 50x200, for only $4,000. brand new. Easy terms. Sam, Main 2854. 5-18-71 RIVER FARM. NEAR ATLANTA; fronting the Chatta hoochee River one mile; 100 acres line bottom; 400 acres in timber. 165 acres In pasture under wire fence, seven houses, barns and other outhouses; two public roads. Price $12,500, and include eight head of mulee, all Implements, tools, wagons and buggy; $2,000 cash, balance aesy terms, 7 per cent Inter est. You can make this place soon pay for Itself. TIIOS. W. JACKSON, Fourth Nat. Bank Bldg. Automobiles For Rent DUNHAM' MOTORCO" FIVE and seven-passenger cars. Garage, 112 East Ellis Street. Call Bell phone Ivy I49C day. Main 4325 night. 3-21-33 Motorcycles. STnhT 2fU^*yTTnder 4V*-horsepower mo torcycle cheap; practically new Call Mr. Adair, Ivy 1761. 208-5-16 FOR SALE—Indian motorcycle, 5 H P. in perfect condition, at a bargain $85. J M. Golden, Draketown, Ga 5-16-9 FOR SALE—A new Excelsior motor cycle, twin cylinder, latest model, used only two months, in perfect condition, at a bargain. Address M J. S . 460 Capitol Avenue, city. 6-16-202 THOR MOTORCYCLES, repairs and ac cessorles; best equipped repair shop in city We will take care of you. South ern Motorcycle Co., 116 Edge wood Ave 3-26-31 IF 1 YOU have a vacant lot that you want a home on, call M. 4370, or come and see W. L. Merk, 319 Empire Building. 73-18-5 $100 CASH and $10 par month, at 7 par cent, and you can own you a six-room home in a nice section of East Georgia Avenue; right where streets are being regraded and paved. Cheap at the price, $2,850, amt sure to enhance in value. 1 am obliged to sell. Rents for $20 per month. T. B , Box 40. care Amer ican. 84-18-5 HOME FOR SALE. SIX-ROOM HOUSE; ELECTRIC LIGHTED; HOT AND COLD WA TER. BATH. TOILET, SEWERAGE TWO HUNDRED FEET FRONT; EAST MAIN STREET; LOCATED IN THE CITY OF BLUE RIDGE. GA., ON TOP BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS; FRUIT TREES AND GRAPE V INEYARD; ALL FIRST CLASS CONDITIONS; HAVE TO MOVE; BUSINESS CONNECTIONS Compel me to do so* e w. butt, BLUE RIDGE, GA. 50 18-5 PSRNWlH>l>. the big lot at small price and no interest. Best value on Peach- I tree road, $250 up. Plats Charles P. Glover Realty Co.. 2 Vi Walton Street. Phone Ivy 3390. 5-18-11 FoR SALE- For 30 days, bargain, five farms, one 10Vi, 20. 30, 50 and 90-acre; all one and a half miles of Austell, Ga. Terms Address P O. Box 177, Austell. Ga 202-5-16 For SALE- Five-acre bearing grape fruit grove in Florida; yearly income should equal amount of investment; small amount of cash can awing it. If Interested call C. L. Mew born, Bell Phone Main 1413, or write 61 Vi East Ala bama Street. 34-15-6 IjtAL ESTATE FOR SALE.OR EXCHANGE^ FOR BEAUTIFUL HOMES and build ing lots in College Park, the most de sirable suburb of Atlanta, see I. C. Mc- Crory. REAL ESTATE WANTED. DO YOTT need money? If you have too much real estate and wish to sell some at a bargain. I have the cash customer. Nothing too large or small. Vacant or improved. All business confidential. No agents. Address for Interview, Confi dential. care Georgian. 5-18-68 WANTED—To buy, for cash, about seven-room house, North Side, between Myrtle and Spring Streets. Must be bargain for $4,500 spot cash. A, Box 090, care Georgian. 5-18-32 WE CAN sell promptly several small places ranging from $1,000 to $5,000. Have clients who want income. Otis A Holliday, 1505-6 Fourth National Building. M 175. 5-16-200 FARMS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FARMS—-SALE OR EXCHANGE .. ,. FOUR HUNDRED AND FIK r n (450) acre stock farm on the Chattahoochee River, 12 miles from the city. Will ex change for Atlanta property. M. L. Petty, 125 North Pryor Street. 5-18-46 WELL IMPROVED Southwest Georgia farm, near Albany, to exchange for Atlanta property. M. L. Petty, 125 North Pryor Street. 5-18-45 60 ACRES, eighteen miles frqpn Atlanta, I will trade for auto roadster In good condition. P. O. Box 626, Atlanta, Ga. 5-18-37 STOCKS AND BONDS. STOCKS AND BONDS. 100 shares of the Common stock of the Georgia Realty Trust Company for sale 10 shares Fourth National Bank— 11 shares Travelers Bank & Trust Company— 10 shares Georgia Savings Bank & Trust Company 10 shares Equitable Casualty Com pany 10 shares White Hickory Wagon Mfg. Company- 10 shares Trust Company of Georgia stock. CHARLES E. THOMPSON. Stock and Bond Broker. Room 201 Equitable Building, Atlanta, Ga. 101-18-5 MONEY TO LOAN. _ DO YOU need money? If you have too 1 much real (‘state and wish to sell some at a bargain, I have the cash customer. Nothing too large or small. Vacant or Improved. All business confidential. No agents. Address for interview, Confi dential. care Georgian. 5-18-69 SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND. any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call S. W. Carson, 24 South Broad atreet. 4 1-17 NICE ROOM, furnished or unfurnished, and board to couple or two young men on North Side in private family, <lean. chewful and home-like. Only those who appreciate first-class accom modations need apply. Oarage. Phone Ivy 719-J. 6-18-18 ROOMSFORRENT. Furnished. TWO large, bright, lower-floor rooms, kitchenette, with owner. 99 Richard son Street. Main 2497-J. 5-17-37 GENTLEMEN boarders taken at 46 Houston; all conveniences Telephone Ivy 6673-J. 6-17-28 NICELY furnished room with board. 22 i; Cain St. Ivy 678-J. 5-17-24 DO YOU WANT a nice room and board in Copenhill? If ho, call Ivy 2709-J. 6-17-2 TWO NICE large rooms, furnished, in private suburban home; thirty minutes from town. Address N. B., Box 881. care Georgian. 36-17-5 NICELY furnished room, adjoining bath, j in private family. Close In. 45-B East Cain Street. Reasonable. 36-17-5 , ONE NICELY furnished front room. All ; conveniences Price reasonable 297 IE. Fair Street. 31-18-6) : LARGE upstairs from room; gentleman ! only; private home; screened windows, j 1 electric lights, furnace, hot water. 109 i Forrest Avenue. Ivy 6310. 5-6-6 i FOR RENT—Nice, large, airy, furnished room; good neighborhood; to one or two gentlemen; references given and re quired. 29 St. Paul Ave. 210-6-16 ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished. F R F R TWO newly renovated bedrooms, 256-B Courtland Street. Phone Ivy 6356. 5-18-25 TWO pleasant, cool furnished rooms with hot and cold bath and comforta ble home surroundings at 181 Forrest Avenue. Prices reasonable. 6-18-23 F R P R a ONE nicely furnished room. Ail modern conveniences. For in formation, call Ivy 759. 4148-5 ONE large front room with board. 131 Washington. 6-16-41 THE WILTON, 220 Peachtree, select boarding house; near In. Ivy 5796. 5- 16-27 NICE large front room with four large windows, big closet, best board; also garage for rent, easy to get in and out. room for four or five cars. Main 4839-L. 6- 16-31 NICELY furnished room with board; close in; rates reasonable. M. 3878-J. 249 Whitehall. 5-16-25 COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms, $2.76 up weekly. 31 Hood St., near Whitehall. M. 2758-J. 209-5-16 FOR gentlemen, furnished rooms with breaafast If desired; adjoining bath; electric lights, phone, all modern con veniences; with owner; $10 single, $12 double All-night car service. 153 Cooper. 5-14-38 TWO elegantly furnished rooms (front); near in; transients taken. Mrs. I). H. White, It Cone. 37-14-6 NICELY furnished room, with or with out board; all conveniences; close In. Main 2690-L. 6-16-17 NICELY furnished family, close in. apartment E. room with private 28 East Alexander; 117-18-6 ONE nicely furnished room, with or without board, to young men or couple; North Side private home. 184 Forrest. Ivy 2448-L. 6-16-20 TWO NICELY' furnished rooms for housekeeping; every convenience; use of parlor and phone. 277 South Pryor '• • 28" • Street. Main 2840-J. 6-18-82 FIRST-CLASS boarding house at 169 Ivy Street. Everything new; rates reasonable. 36-16-5 ONE well furnished, very large room, with two meals if desired; business women or gentlemen, 193 Spring St., Apart. 2. References exchanged. 5-16-3 i ONE FURNISHED and two or three un furnished rooms for light housekeep- : ing; walking distance. Main 5504-J. 5-12-35 HANDSOMELY furnished large front room, private bath; shady lot; gentle man preferred. "Peachtree," Georgian. •*-U-5 THE CAPITOL TERRACE can accom modate a few more boarders; cool, de lightful rooms; all conveniences; close in. 89 Capitol Ave. Main 3270. 6-14-37 WANTED—Seven boarders; $4.50 per week; home cooking, nice, clean rooms; hot and cold water; two baths; Bell phone ordered in; free use of piano. L91 South Pryor St. 6-14-11 GUST-CLASS board and rooms at 102 Washington -Street. Bell phone Main 4089-J. 5-13-19 CAN ACCOMMODATE two business men or ladies with nice cool rooms, also breakfast and 6 o’clock dinner. 30 East Cain. Ivy 2903. 6-12-24 A FEW BOARDERS wanted at 46 Houston Street. Ivy 6673-J. 5-12-25 THE WILTON, 220 Peachtree; select boarding house; near in. Ivy 5795. 5-10-36 442 PEACHTREE attractive front room, with meals, best location. Ivy 4562. 6-11-23 Two nicely furnished rooms with board; all conveniences. 22 E. Harris. Ivy 5689-J. 6-11-21 ROOM AND BOARD for four young men May 15. Private home. 163 Courtland. Ivy 7057-J. 6-10-26 ONE IiARGE AIRY FRONT ROOM, TWO GENTLEMEN; "TWIN BEDS;" CONNECTS WITH WHITE TILE BATH; OPENS ON LARGE VERAN DA; ONE SMALLER ROOM FOR GEN TLEMEN; EVERY CONVENIENCE; VERY' REASONABLE; NEAR IN; NORTH HIDE. PHONE IVY 4281. 6-18-81 162 WEST PEACHTREE—Nicely fur nished, cool room; also housekeeping suite, in private modem home. Batn connecting. Within walking distance. Reasonable rent. 115-18 5 HANDSOMELY furnished large front room, private bath; shady lot; gen tleman preferred. "Peachtree," care American. 113-8-5 Furnished Rooms For Rent. FURNISH ED ROOM, suitable for two young men, modern in every way— bath, electric light; permanent, over looking Piedmont Park. 139 East Tenth Street. Ivy 6164. 105-18-5 JUST NEWLY renovated, a few large CLEAN furnished rooms, close in; gentlemen or married couples; no chil dren. 19 West Cain Street. Phone Ivy 6642. 5-18-74 DELIGHTFUL front room in refined North Side private home. All con veniences. Ivy 1294-J. 80-18-6 BEST MEALS IN TOWN, $3 WEEK ROOM AND MEALS. $4. 197 SOUTH PIIYOR. CALL MAIN 5048. 6-5-30 LARGE, light room, with board, In an elegantly furnished private, modern home, in the prettiest part of the city; everything strictly first-class; a real l leasnnt home to a refined, permanent .couple- references. 619 West Peachtree. Mrs. Corey. Ivy 5635-J. 5-1-26 FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for two ladies or couple. 277 East Fourth Street. 206-5-18 ONE OR TWO gentlemen can find large, comfortable, well-furnished room, screened windows, large closet, gas and electric lights, porcelain bath, private entrance, hot water all hours, close in, with gentleman and wife, at reasonable rates. No children, in house. Call at 140 Trinity Avenue, apartment 5, corner Washington Street, or Bell Phone Main 2161. 89-18-5 PEACHTREE INN. Peachtree and Alexander Sts. Ameri can plan $7.50 week up. Room to yourself. European. $3 week up. 1-9-34 36 EAST NORTH AYE. BETWEEN the Peachtrees; nicely fur nished rooms and excellent table board. Ivy 6501. 4-28-16 NEATLY' furnished rooms; homelike cooking, also table board. 127 Capi tol Avenue. Main 5172-J. 4-23-7 BOARD WANTED. WANTED- Room and board by refined young man. Must have place to store automobile. State price and location. Address M., Box 800, care Georgian. 35-15-5 INMAN PARK HOME, $4,250- ! in# to country. Lot 120x150, beautifully shaded. St*ven room*. MOTORCYCLES •• EASY TERMS •• BICYCLES EXCELSIOR motorclvcles. high-grade bicycles; complete line new and used bicycles and motorcycles; complete stock parts and accessories; moderr ^ervic* depot. Lowest prices; easy terms AL- EXANPER-SEEWALD CO. 145-147-149 Edge-wood Avenue Phone Ivy 1609. PHONE FOR DEMONSTRATION. 4-1-22 PLENTY money to loan on city prop erty. Watt Kelly, Attorney, 400 Tem ple Court Building. 43-2-5 U. C. DESAUBSURB. TIME and monthly loans negotiated on real estate. Boom 813 Atlanta Na- Bank Building 4-29-2o I loan money on furniture and house hold goods. F. & J. Loan Company, 120 Decatur Street. 4-25-8 ON HAND for immediate loans on property in or near Atlanta. J. E. VanYalkenburg, 601 Equitable Bldg. HAVE YOU SOLD THAT HOUSE? A little "For Sale" ad in the "Want Ad" arc.-iion will find a purchaser 1 every convenience except fur- nace. Am sacritic ns: for quick sale. Assume $2,1 00 loan , hal- anee e isy. Teleph me. Ivy 5912. Come out 10 sc • the place. | Someb ody K'flts it if you are a j trader 5 -10-48 | SI’BUR BAN COTTAr E. in strictly j white neighborhood, conveni ent to 1 ! school. "tores and churches; five rooms j j and hal ; $1.7 00 Term s. $150 oa sh and ! $15 per inoni h. Add re ss Owner P. O. ( Box !50 At la nta, Ga. 5-5-1 j 1 FOR S. U,E BY OWN I- R. ! FINEST mod ern 8-room, 2-stor\ home, North Side, for the m aney. Pin me Mr Bern man 1 v> 1421. 51 "> Third N fttiona 1 Bank. 5-16-11 Tire Repairing LEASE OK SALE Artistic bungalow; tiled, furnace, garage. Ad- ( .- ey Park," Georgian. 96-11- HIGH-GRADE STEAM VULCANIZING Retreading a specialty. Prompt at ten 1 H tion given express shipments. Sanders- j 75 Si eer Vulcanizing Company, 100 Spring I for Atlanta, Ga. 5 28-15 1 d'K two farm-. 125 acres, and one acres Will exchange on* or both, acant lot. Call Milton. Main 2053. 5-3-24 | MORTGAGE LOANS On Atlanta Property. BUSINESS BUILDINGS. 6 and 6 Vi per cent. RESIDENCE BUILDINGS, 6Vi, 6 and 6Vi per cent. Your rate depends upon the location. Without notice you can pay back a hundred, any multiple of a hundred dol lars, on the entire loan on any Interest date TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN. iAtan Correspondents, PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COM PANY OF AMERICA. 203-8 Empire Building \\ LYMAN A CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages cn Real Estate. 4-1-1 WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on At lanta and nearby property, ei ther for straight or monthly piymeat plant. Also for pur chasing purchase money notes. Foster & Robson, 11 Kdgewood avenue. FARM i UANS PLACED in any amount on improved farm lands in Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Company. Gould building. 7-IS 1 MONEY’ FOR SALARIED PEOPLE - AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rales, easy payments. * Confi dential D. H. Tolman, 820 Austell building. SUBURBAN. WANTED—Suburban board by man and wife with young boy. Do not object it being a few blocks beyond car line or on railroad within easy reach of the city; will want accommodations for a month or more. Do not care for a place with extra style, but a nice, home like place is what 1 am seeking. When writing please state full particulars. Address Suburban Board, Box 290, care Georgian. 5-18-402 ROOMS AND BOARD^ Wanted. BUSINESS girl desires nice, cool room In private family. Would want break fast a nd 6 o'clock dinner. Address Miss M giving full particulars, care Geor gian. 56-18-5 WANTED—By ypung couple, beginning June 18, one nicely furnished room and meals, with private family in suburban part of city; references exchanged Ad dress Rural, 878, care Georgian. 26-17-5 MONEY WANTED. W ANTED Five hundred dollars for one year Secured by out-of-town proper ty valued at $1,200. Private parties only and no commissions. This Is first-class property, on new car line. If you can't handle promptly, don't answer. Address Loan. Box SS0, care Georgian. 5-17-6 WANTED—To borrow on third mort gage real estate. $1,200; property near in Address L. B.. Box 1662, care Geor gian 5-10-17 6%_WE WILL PAY—6* ON SAVINGS. IN SUMS of $500 to $5,000. The Merchants and Mechanics' Banking and Loan Co., 209 Grant Building. Tel. Ivy 5341. Cash Capital $120,000. Thos. J. Wesley, Cashier. B. M. Grant, Pres. 3-11-50 FINANCIAL FOR SALE -Few shares Bullard Car Door stock very cheap. Sacrifice. Box 885. care Georgian. 43-18-5 THREE connecting rooms, bed room, dining room and kitchen, furnished complete for housekeeping, all conve niences. Main 3758-J. 5-18-22 TYVO beautiful connecting furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; also rooms for young men; all conve niences. 422 Whitehall St. Main 3402-J. 5-18-16 TWO nice front cool upstairs for light housekeeping Main 5485-L. 5-18-52 THREE furnished rooms for rent; gas, water and bath. Main 3823. 6-18-61 PLEASANT front room for elderly lady or trained nurse in a quiet home, with owner, on West Peachtree. Reference. Ivy 1530. 5-18-50 TWO nicely furnished connecting front rooms; all conveniences; walking dis tance. 419 Luckie Street. 90-18-5 FURNISHED ROOM; can arrange ad ditional room for housekeeping; North Side private home. Ivy 2098-J. 5-11-49 NICELY furnished housekeeping and single rooms, with all conveniences. 183 Ivy St. Ivy 6575. 5-11-19 ONE OR TWO nicely furnished bed rooms very reasonable at 377 Spring Street. 210-6-11 WEST PEACHTREE. PRIVATE HOME—Bright front room, beautifully furnished. Price reason able; walking distance. Ivy 5451 6-11-54 FURNISHED rooms; private home; all conveniences; hot and cold baths. 19 E. Harris. Ivy 6349-J. 6-8-11 Unfurnished. TlrKEFT^ownsmirs^rooms, 1 Matthew- son Street, block beyond Buckhead, near Peachtree Road; $10. 109-18-5 THREE upstairs rooms with closets; sink, partly furnished if desired. 3 Angler Avenue. Ivy 6470-L. 95-18-5 ONE large front room, hall and sleep ing porch connecting. $11. Near in. 400 Courtland. 94-18-5 THREE connecting rooms, gas. bath, sink in kitchen; $12; near Highland Avenue. 428 Greenwood Avenue. 5-18 42 THREE large, cool, connecting rooms, bath, closet. Phone Ivy 3707-J. Price reasonable. Walking distance. 5-18-55 THREE rooms suitable for light house keeping; new house; $12.50 month. 132 Crew Street, close in. Phone Main 8342-J. 214-6-18 FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms with use of reception hall, at 240 Grant Street. Vacant June 5th. 96-18-5 THREE first-floor connecting rooms, close in with private family, to couple without children- sink in kitchen; all conveniences. 6b Woodward Avenue. Main 3940. 5-18-13 FOR RENT—Unfurnished, 66 East Cain Street, nine-room brick building. In quire Ivy 3834-J. 5-17-203 FOR RENT—Four or six rooms with modern conveniences to small family. 250 1 4 Houston St. 209-5-17 TWO large unfurn4shed rooms for light housekeeping; close in. 33 West Peachtree. Ivy 2676. 5-17-18 FOR RENT—Three nice connecting rooms by owner. No children. - 460 Orme Street. 5-17-19 FOR RENT—Four unfurnished rooms; all conveniences, for housekeeping. Main 4890-L. 33-17-6 FOUR ROOMS upstairs, private bath, electric lights, gas. to refined couple.. Atlanta phone 277. 5-16-3fr THREE unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 350 Lee St. 5-16-19 WANTED—Young man to share room. All conveniences. Call Main 2154 L. 200-5-18 BEAUTIFUL room in apartment, with or without board; near in. J, 605. care Georgian. 5-16-26 TWO connecting rooms, furnished com plete for housekeeping, in private fam ily; sink in kitchen. All conveniences. “9 West Baker. 5-16-29 ONE furnished room suitable for one or two gentlemen; all conveniences. 79 West Baker. 5-16-28 FOR RENT—Well furnished room, ad joining bath. Private family. 221 W Peachtree St. 5-16-10 FURNISHED ROC*M for housekeeping at 274 Whitehall St. 34-16-5 TWO connecting rooms furnished for light housekeeping; walls newly tint ed, sink in kitchen, private entrance, one block of Grant Park. Bell phone. 424 East Georgia Avenue. 5-16-5 FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished rooms to couple for light housekeep ing. 99 Woodward Ave. Atlanta 6851 -M 31-16-5 TWO completely furnished front rooms for light housekeeping. All conve niences. Close in. Reasonable. 55 Ir win. 6-16-7 FOR RENT—One clean, well furnished room; hot and cold bath attached; gentlemen only. Ivy 1197. 5-14-32 NICELY furnished rooms very reason able; all conveniences; Bell phone. Apply 15 West Linden. 5-14-31 A FEW large, CLEAN furnished rooms; also one kitchenette, in three-story brick; all conveniences; close in, just off Peachtree; gentlemen or married couples; no children. 19 West Cain Street. Phone Ivy 6642. 6-14-80 FURNISHED front room; close in. 65 Woodward Avenue. M. 1548-J. 5-17-38 THREE large connecting rooms, $12.00; nice neighborhood, near Highland Ave. 428 Greenwood Avenue. 5-17-36 FURNISHED rooms for light house keeping or separately with meals. W. Peachtree. Ivy 3354-J. 5-17-35 FARLEIGH APART MENTS. 135 SPRING STREET; close in. I have now a three-room apartment, one three-room unfurnished apartment, and several single rooms, nicely furnished, at summer rates. Apply George Han cock, Mgr. 5-17-31 FOR RENT—Two rooms, on Whitefoord Avenue. Ivy 5752-J. Use of phones. Reasonable. 5-17-29 ONE furnished room for gentleman or trained nurses. Inman Park section. 39 Royston Street. 5-14-8 THREE ROOMS, suitable for house keeping; for couple; connecting pri vate Dath;* every convenience; no chil dren; walking distance. 308 Rawson. Apartment 1. 6-15-18 NICE large corner room, nicely fur nished, walking distance, cool, shady lawn; gentlemen preferred. References exchanged. 20 Currier Street. 6-17-15 TWO light housekeepliig furnished rooms, with kitchenettjin good loca tion, with private famiiyrfPTso one single furnished room. Call Atlanta phone 32ol. 6-17-17 ONE nicely furnished room, across the street from Grant Park; delightfully cool and shady; reasonable references exchanged. Main 5548-L. 5-17-21 ROOMS FOR RENT, Furnished. ONE unfurnished front room for rent. 196 E. Georgia Ave. 5-16-15 TWO ROOMS for light housekeeping to couple without children; Inman Park section. 39 Royster Avenue. Inman Park to Clifton car. 5-11-50 TWO unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping for rent. 76 East Hun ter Street. 5-13-2 ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished or U nf urnished. TWO OR THREE furnished or unfur nished rooms. 371 Whitehall Street. 5-17-34 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ^ Forwent. TWO large connecting rooms; private entrance; all conveniences; for house keeping; also separate kitchen if de sired; in cottage with couple. 163 Oak St., West End. 208-5-17 LARGE furnished front room for lighi housekeeping, including gas range. Rent reasonable. Close in. 18 Wood- ward Avenue. 6-17-11 ROOMS WANTED Unfurnished. YOUNG couple want three or four up stairs rooms with all conveniences suitable for light housekeeping, in good neighborhood. Address B 76, care Amer ican. 98-18-5 THREE OR FOUR unfurnished rooms or cottage by young couple with baby. Atlanta phone 4790 or Main 671. 5-17-13 WANTED—By young couple, June 15, two or three unfurnished rooms, with kitchenette and bath, in North Side pri vate home preferred. Address P. O. Box 87. Reference exchanged. 203-5-17 THREE or four unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, first floor, for mother and daughter. Box 507, care Georgian. 6-16-17 WANTED—Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, near East Lake Junction. Address 1001 Atlanta Na- tional Bank Building. 5-15-27 ROOMS WANTED Furnished. WANTED—Three four furnished rooms and baih, for light housekeep ing; prefer North Side. Reasonable. No children. Box 470, care Georgian. 111-18-5 FOR RENT—A beautiful furnished front room for gentleman. Apply 613 Capitol Avenue. 215-5-18 WANTED—Two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping by June 1 in North end. No objection to dis tance. Address J. L., care of Georgian. 207-5-17 YOUNG married couple desire two fur nished rooms for light housekeeping by June 15; North Side preferred; must be reasonable. Address J., 15, care Georgian. 6-17-200 TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping. Address, at once, J., Box 869, care Georgian. 38-14-5 WANTED—By a family of three, no children, three or four furnished rooms for light housekeeping, .house or apart ment; must have electric lights and mod ern improvements; need not be excep tionally close in. Address Q, Box 300, care Georgian. 5-15-2 APARTMENT 5 FOR RENT. Furnished. FIVE-ROOM apartment in the Colonial. 84 East North Avenue. Ivy 847-L. 5-18-64 NLWLY furnished apartment; five rooms; North Side; occupant leaving city. W ill sell household furniture, etc , complete. Capital opportunity for in tending resident. Box 897, care Ameri can 204-5-18 FOR RENT—For summer months, four- room furnished apartment, in the Marlborough, No. 18. 204-5-17 TWO rooms and kitchenette, completely furnished for light housekeeping. 45 East Cain. 6-17-4 IN PRIVATE North Side home, one spacious east front room, six win dows, to rent furnished to gentlemen only. Phone Main 9083. 5-17-9 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $15 to $20 i . with bath, electric lights, private en trance; also sleeping rooms $10 to $12. Argyle Apartments, 345 Peachtree St 5-15-4 NICE, cool front room, every t conve nience, walking distance, high'est part of city, on car line. Call Main 4425-J. 5-17-10 WANTED—Gentleman roommate to share beautifully furnished room and screened sleeping porch. West Peach tree Street. No other roomers. Ivy 2765-J. 38-16-5 LARGE room, four windows, nice porch, electricity, bath, phone. 62 Williams, corner Baker. Ivy 6760-J. 5-16-51 ONE large front room, connecting dress-% ing room; also one large bedroom, use of parlor and telephone; all conven iences. Ivy 6491. 5-16-35 TWO ROOMS, well arranged for house keeping; stove, running water and all conveniences. Ivy 993-J. 5-16-43 THREE nicely furnished rooms and kitchenette. Private home. Modern conveniences. Gordon Street. West 1027-J. 5-16-45 FURNISHED room for one or two gen tlemen in Scott Apartments, all con veniences. 20 West Baker. Ivy 2725-L. 6-16-40 TWO FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping in private home, sepa rate entrance, hot bath, shady lot; ref erences required. Phone West 855-J. 5- 16-39 FUR. ROOMS, with all conveniences, for gentlemen. 16 East Baker. Ivy 2666-J. 6- 16-37 FOR RENT—One nicely furnished front room, close in, very reasonable. Call Ivy 7367. 5-16-49 | BEAUTIFUL, sunny, five-room apart ment, close in, steam heat, hot water gas stove, tile bath, tile porch, sleeping porch. See Owner, 715 Peters Bldg , or phone Main 1225. 6-15-25 DURING SUMMER, North Side YU?: rushed apartment; meals across street Address J. H., Box 425, care Georgian 6-14-i7 _____ Unfurnished, JUNE 1ST—One of the choicest apart- ments in the city; 2nd floor of 3-story home; 3 rooms and kitchenette and very large shaded private porch; no cooler or more delightful situation to be had; 6- minute car line service; partially fur nished, $27.50. Northern couple pre ferred; no children. Address P. O. Box 1145 - 5-18-8 BEAUTIFUL five-room apartment; steam heat, hot and cold water, lav atory and bath adjoining bed room, janitor service, large roomy porch; most delightful summer location in city; car service every three minutes; will lease till September 1, with privilege of re newal. Phone Main 5571-L, or address Good, care Georgian. 5-17-202 FOR RENT—June 1, attractive 7-room apartment, between Tenth and Elev enth Streets on Columbia Avenue. Phone Ivy 3208-J. 5-16-23 BEAUTIFUL small apartment, close in; steam heated. Phone Ivy 428. 5-10-31 47 EAST CAIN STREET—Five rooms; freshly ^painted; clean and in nice re pair. $2o per month. Apply owner, 509 Atlanta National Bank Building 5-14-204 FOR RENT—Six-room steam-heated apartment; close in; North Side. Stew art & Cooper, 317 Peters Building. Main 1228. 4-30-45 LARGE, delightful room for summer; large dressing room and stationary washstand, with * electricity; private home. Phone Ivy 2188-J. 5-15-32 TWO first-floor bed rooms; tile bath connecting; private front entrance. Ivy 5868. 44-15-5 THREE nicely furnished rooms, pri vate family, with or without meals; references required. 116 West Peach tree. 5-13-27 NEWLY furnished front room; private family; all conveniences; close in. 82 West Harris. Ivy 3607-J. 6-15-26 NEW and neatly furnished room; con necting private bath; meals if desired; private family. 308 Rawson St.; April 1. 5-15-19 THREE comfortably furnished or unfur nished rooms; light housekeeping: no children. Call mornings, 296 Rawson. Main 3376. 2 Furnished or Unfurnished. ’WO, three or five-room apartme with kitchenette and private bath garage. No children. private bath; also Ivy 2432. 5-18-54 HOUSES WANTED. Furnished. WANTED—Nicely furnished home, apartment or cottage for the summer. Willing to rent it for any length of time that parties desire. Can furnish best references and would care for it as my own home. In answering please give location, how long to be nad, rent and other particulars. Address Summer Home Seeker. Box 144, care Georgian. 5-18-403 WANTED—Furnished house or flat for the care during summer by responsible couple. Address Responsible, care Amer ican. 71-18-5 HOUSES WANTED. Unfurnished. ! WISH to rent by June 5 an unfur-l ' nished five or six-room house, with electric lights. Prefer North Bide or In man Park. Good locality and reason- able rental, ivy 3930-L. 213-5-18 WANTED—To rent a five or six-room bungalow, cottage or apartment; good neighborhood; North Side; shade pre ferred; give full information; would lease if price is right. J. B. J., Box 435, care Georgian. 29-17-5 H0USESJ0R RENT. 1 Furnished. FOR RENT—Owner wants to rent new home of eight rooms, with all conven iences, North Side, A-l neighborhood; clean and quiet; one block from three car lines; can give immediate posses sion. Beautifully furnished or would rent unfurnished, i^arge lot Owner' would like to reserve one bed room and sleeping porch. Price reasonable. Call Ivy 3480-J. 5-18-59 FOR RENT—Summer months, 6-room furnished cottage. References re quired. Phone Ivy 5709-J. 6-18-24 MY FURNISHED Home from June 1 to September. Select location. Refer ences. 481 Spring. 58-18-6 COOL, comfortable Peachtree home, fur nished; five large bed rooms, upstairs living room, reception hall, drawing room and den, dining room and kitchen, two baths, servant’s room and garage. Call Ivy 617. 5-17-12 SUMMER rent; delightful furnished home; large, shady lot; reasonable rent. "Between Peachtrees," Georgian. 27-13-5 FOR RENT for the summer, furnished home. 101 Forrest Avenue. Call Ivy 1316. 5-16-47 NICE four-room house; modernly fur nished; every convenience; srfiall lot. already planted; will rent cheap; references; for six months; Immediate possession. Apply 160 McAfee. 6-15-15 FROM June 15 to September 15, nicely furnished home, on North Jackson Street, three bed rooms; all conven iences; rent reasonable to adult party. Phone Ivy 5109. 5-14-29 4 THREE ROOMS, hall and sleeping porch, $30; five rooms, hall and two porches, $40, or the entire house, $65, for six months from June 10. Call Ivy 967-L. 5-13-35 COMPLETELY furnished seven-room house for summer. References re quired. 98 Main 4170-L. 6-6-12 Unfurnished. ♦ $20 PER MONTH—A splendid six-room house, newly papered and painted; water, gas, sewer, etc.; 75 yards of Mari etta Street car line to Inman Yards. Ware & Harper, Atlanta National Bank Building. 5-18-61 FOR RENT—Seven-room two-story' house, 193 Ormond Street, on Central Avenue car line; call B. B. Braswell, Main 1705 or Atlanta 1868. 725 Atlanta National Bank Building. 5-18-61 $12.50 PER MONTH—Newly painted, newly papered four-room cottage and reception hall, with gas for cooking and illuminating purposes; water, sewer, sidewalks and curbing; strictly white section; two blocks from school; 76 yards from a double car line, with good neigh borhood. Ware & Harper, Atlanta Na tional Bank Building. 5-18-61 FOR RENT—Nice six-room cottage on Capitol Avenue. Phone Decatur 574. 210-5-18 ON MARIETTA CAR LINE—New six- room bouse; bath and wired; for sale or rent cheap. See J. V. Carmichael, Carmichael Station, P. O. Smyrna. Ga. 202-5-18 FOR RENT—Modern, North Side cot tage. six rooms and bath, $20. Phone Ivy 6432. 5-16-22 NINE-ROOM house, with three rooms in basement and servant’s room; close in; arranged for two families. Atlanta phone 1420. 5-15-14 FIVE-ROOM cottage, by owner, in Kirkwood, on Warren Street; all citv improvements; for $16 a month. Call Atlanta phone 1420. 6-16-13 NO. 207 OAK STREET, right near the Peeples Street School and Howell Park, six rooms, hall and bath; a mod ern house in a fine location for $30 per t month. Call Webster, Main 2106 day, I 2506 night. 905 Fourth National Bank Building. 5-14-7 — ✓ ARIZONA AVENUE, Edgewood; six- room house, with water, bath and all conveniences; lot 60 by 160. Apply 715 Grant Building. Ivy 6109-J. *'* -* ' 84-11-5 OUR RENT list describes everything for rent. Call, write or phone for one. Ivy 3390. Charles P. Glover Realty Co., JV4 Walton street. 2-13-49 LOVELY new, modern, steam-heated house; ten rooms and three baths, tile porches, tile baths and tile roof. Ivy 2432. 5-18-53 JUNE 1ST—6-room apartment, 41 Gar field Place, East and Highland Ave nues. Ivy 4257-L. 38-17-5 TURNISH^DJJARIMENIS^ Wanted. TWO or three rooms and kitchenette, bath, hot water, from June 15 to Sep tember 1; North Side; first-class neigh borhood; by young couple without chil dren; give full details and price in first letter. Address P. O. Box 677, 5-15-21 GEO. P. MOORE, Real Estate and Renting. 10 Auburn Avenue. FOR RENT. AT No. 212 Rawson Street, comer Cen tral Avenue, we have a second-floor flat ot six rooms, carrying all modem conveniences. The walls have just been retlnted, ftnd the house Is In first-class condition; within ten minutes’ walk ot center of the ctly; close to school, and In best section oa th6 South Side. Price $27.50. NO. 8 Connecticut Avenue, Kdgewood, Ga. At this number you will find a six-room cottage, with all conveniences, except bath; large lot; house is in good repair. This is an ideal place for any one who desires to raise chickens, as the lot Is very large. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Part of office or desk room*. Apply 68 Vi S. Forsyth Street. 201-6-16 FOR RENT—Suite of three nice offices suitable for physician, in up-to-date office building. Address P. O. Box 1596, Atlanta, Ga. 6-15-201 GROUND FLOOR office space for rent cheap, near City Hall. Address Of fice, 870, ^ " care Georgian. 29-15-5 DESK SPACE with use of telephone. Apply 533 Candler Bldg. 4-25-9 BUSINESS SPACE FOR RENT. 1 SPACE on second floor of Mion Build ing, 40^4 Luckie Street. Phone or ap ply to Dixie Bluo Print Company. 5-12-23