Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 20, 1913, Image 6

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' ' ' •*:» X. X.7- . i g,.s ,xx. nq „.ftx>.m>. TTTF. ATLANTA <3E0Rf*IA5 .ANT) NTT’S. TIT,ST)AY. \[AY 20. 191B. BPFFII IS LIKELY« Citizens Praise Governor IJPC' UQUF HOI! THE PLAYS 6.0. P. LEWIS T§ His War on ONI! COMMENT BEUNITE FSCItt J»#*F '«w-F +#•!• ItFBi Hunt for Cobb Dynamiters Diligent r.k Issue in $u r v>iTif*r ; T>ativ« Session. I AWES 9 »ltV si bill may fail of piiwuRgi* L*gl«l«t nr# b«i*auH»* *'f <s< ufh*r mmicr probiti' fiTumfwl Tb# ahrrtVirm rv noun and ratinnt g#t rtro i«iHtur» vlrHmii mntnv<* hnth in fnnimii t #** and Tt nnt’swmr’lv will 1>*» t.iic by and 1 MSI fo« \vhlpp««l d«ra.»i. R*tii#r a ' g#d r<u&<1 rn travsi vnlumi i t n*» l#« h*rat inn : li« ftnnr a rn'iMirtr. i mm* net tnrt'i four tim*»H in fnugh and rug v» tufa. iwurtn*** Ingiw- » lust <»«n»»ral i« nghly im Llk# th# g*n#ra; in* m inn *ff#rt#d in rh« As^mbly, hu*v#v*r, If ,>nrtsnt inisinnss and Leginlu i nr.-t vi.'j -Isriin# fn vnt»» for it wlthotil knowyn^ J **x*«*t lv wlutt *»a4’h orffinn provide The DroRpem *h#«d -if rim bn n kins , bill baa served to r«n#w t«* talk T orovtitins t nor** *>tfi•factory v » of diapMng of purrty 'ora. u*gi?<in imt tn rh*» fnt nr# ft is inrai :t*gisl« rlon invariably that il** 1 * op rbe two bdu«MR and serve* m kill tbronsrh in j mention many merTorlonn general | lull*. M*»mV;«*rs will |)inw rhetr :m n^d:ate lorH’l Ingisltttimv if rne r^s 1 j of the s^aio'fi teglirtstinn prourr int j gn*»s hung' It ii»i|-i«*tation mlicht n# dlnpnaed of parric.nflarlv o' bore there is no -'.ppoMirion, titrnugh smti# atmpie lug ‘ slnrivs method, it eaai’.y would *wv<» - >ii i>er e.mnt of the < ieneral A.-utunihiv’* rime Aa it a now a iorai measure j Mki»s op almost f not 'tulr# i.; much rime as 'be a venae aenenl measure | vet it is a matter of a relatively small in separate in Afanees to Mm HHate ot larg# It takes thorn as nvurh time to I increase t.te number of eounty com | RviKDinnrf* in Dodife Mount v. for in j stance, as it does to amend rhe name | It. vs. and yet who outside of Dodge j < lounty ares a bout whether tbs; , county has three or five county *nm misstoners^ Vn effort w be cade in the next .- arnre to simplify The proreas of Uv*:t legislation. and many people' \v t sincerely bop** that t'ne effort may succeed .Putin T AI #n of Raid win flena tor-elect from the \ dieirirt, pa.s«cd Ehrrmgfb At •1a y Aden was in high spirit* IT CIPITDL Orientals * ly Not Hasten to Answer U. S. Reply to tile Alien Bill Protest. V iSHINC/TOW Hhv M. —tt in Tn- \ nan j next move, wan the only com i mnnt State Department odlihalar would make ro-day on the fu-pa-nose aitua j ! ion The '»r>ortn va ty ah ro the ime a- ien the dik.ido s statesmen wiJ make their reply t;o the note delivered v -ecret ary of tftata Brvan to rhe X mbatwador yesterday Home otffcialH expect !t wi r hin ' lie , next i/iree days and "others mv ' he 1 Tapanese might take prolonged ’ori stderation. since rhe Wehh act wMl n*» f i into effort before Xugust Reports of unusual activity n rhe I way of shipments of supplies ro the j Pro aid in of San BYanrlaro wer^deni- d ! ar the War Department 1 to-dav Secretary of Wai* tiarriatm declared | the effort now being made to ’wirr rhe regimen:s in the Philippine* ro . heir full strength has been going on | for nearly twelve months, and has no i relation o the present situa-Mon be nveen Japan and the United Stares. Entortaminq Bill *t Forsyth. Plrst mghters-—those ifHlt’tofl with j t he desire to tee and bear beflare any j bmiv Tm«* who retried into ’heir K.euHtuinnd wain Hkinday ntirhi a. ;ii. Koi'sv’li T'li'al*r 0r«i>ar«d tu *n iur» ii any ".ihi rhe riiuiina vaurle- I ’ ile. were 4)ven several mrurlBits .if heir vnunir and hlaae lives hefere rhe ; pm a:'a in was rtniahed. P..i'hao» 11*i* mini nnuana. number j. if rhe enrertalnlna hill was John ! ■ remer and hiH 't&ikin* violin." Mr j | ■ ,eiger eerramlv inaite hie violin do ! I ..veryrhina hm apeak and afler he ; nail pm ir thrinifli lr« pai-en, Ine.luii- j n« miialiona iif aimoat every'hlntf i from a Sb)iv.zentne.ruin'' to a wood .aw 111:' inn •nee hail Snr*orten thm ; 1 ne hii’ln ' nade rhe inarrument emir j vocal sounds. I?nr first-row habitues the Dunedin coup** « bicycle nnveity acr. posed if one man and three girls, j proved an interesting feature. The' ne man an certainly rids, and rhe j i *»ry good m ook ar. es- pectaliv ro the flrat-puw crowd. OOber I numbers of he hill included Jose ' piune Duni'ee. whose voice, while very r . c vas wrongly applied in the j all bey of songs she rendered Nevins >nd HJrwood. old-rimers on Atlanta s , dancing stage A<iam an«i Eve, a uonkc, act especially attract]ve to Inldren Gallagher and Fields in a •omed v act entitled ‘The Battle of j I Bav Rum. ' which proved a vinner md Bradshaw Brothers; who prej*»nr_ •»d some amazing new rwiats and I 'urns m a contortion act. ‘The Deep Phases. Patrons of 'he At.anta Tueater Asiatic L ^ae Would Deny Oriental® Leases. RA V (TRA.N r <"!«ro, Mav 20—The treated to a new phase of VTIss executive comm ee of rhe xsiaricj Billy Lnng’t ability is leading lady ronstltutional League Mas begun j yesterday when The Deep Purple obtaining signatured o a referendum : Paul Armstrong and Wiison Mizner’s petition to defeai the anti-alien land j play was presented in Atlanta for “he law which vas igned by frovern< >’ j first rime. The initial performance Johnson yesterday. j was ar a matinee. The league'.-# objection 10 the a v is j Abiy issisting M ss Long n ler Me ’hiuse permitting an alien to bold i ’humph In the portrayal of New York j i iiree • e.a • ** *. e The officials of \_ tcderworld a e was NT .sa Agnes i Ins rhe league soon will circulate a.n tni- tiarlve petition for a. law which will exclude Japanese and <‘hines 1 from hot rv ownership and leaseholds under Nqw Plan Lgts CommittRn flear- rangn R'.prBsuntation Instead of CaiLng Convention. W xmHTSfrTON May 2n. — Recom- inendanun that rhe Republican Na tional (Committee readjust the basis of representation in national conven- tionB, Instead of ’calling a national convention to efTect tilia chang'*. prob ably will Ite made by the execu tive committee of the national com mittee when it meets her» Saturday to lake up rhia uuesrion. This was rhe consensus of opinion to-day Many memhers of the committee favor accomplishing rhe change with out c.ailing a> convention. National j Chairman Charles D Willes will pre side ar the meeting. Members of the executive commit- I Gee ire John T Adams. Iowa. Fred ! W. Estabrook. New Hampshire i Thomas P Goodrich. Hiriiana. Thom ; as A. Marlow, Montana. Alvah H. ! Martin. Virginia. Thomas BL Neid- rlnghaus. Missouri; Samuel M. jer kins, Washington Newell Sanders. Tennessee Charles B Warren. Mich igan Roy O. West. Hnnoib; Ralph E. Williams; Oregon On this committee are three men who vvere Roosevelt sympathizers at rhe Chicago convention. They are Nei d rl ngh ana. West and Williams. < 'omznitteeman Adams, of Iowa, is ‘’rtendiy to the Cummins reoeganiza- •:on plan. ‘This committee is as progr-sslve as anybody.” naid a Republican leader ro-day. ‘and ought to be satisfactory to LaFoilette men. ’ The theory of the Republic a jis is hai the Progressive faction of rhe 1 party can be brought, closer into the fold by merely readjusting represen - ration In national conventions. Tt will I be a cheap and convenienr way of •euniting the party Che KinA You H.i.v" Always f. wr^JU ham tiiri* of Cliw. H. Fl<*r,i h.*p, am*. h.\* Wn madi* niMl«r hi® wrmmij .unervimon for ov >- MO Tears. Ailnw ao on* Co d..,.|.iv- von in tins*. OHrat^rt- t». (mi rations an* .» .| >■ aw* >•»! ar.«l «*«.lAn***r um keair.n .»<T Ch.:«lw*n—Eiaen.n.!* agalnat Kxp+riamnt. What Is CASTORIA CMtoria. m a HurmW* q«hi*r,it;Ht^ tmr Cantor Oil, P«n- r>w.-. Drnpi* and wiof.hina; Syrnp*. It is PVasant. It contain® neither Op<van, W >rph ac nor other narcncw •nbetanre. ? - uw* e it* r.arnw- It de^troyHi VVonns and aJIn y* Feverwhneiw. It 5>r.j,rrh.e:). anrl Wtntf Coin-. It reii* -ex Twin n.<r Trot - », Conati^tim and FlataiVin y. It Late® the Food, re^nlate® tit* Stomiu-h and. Bowel®, ?vvr^r heathy and nararai deep. Tile i Inldren'- Panacea.—The Mother a Fwend. Tie Kind Yon Haye Always Bought B-iars tie Signature of any conditions. California Only Trying To Save Itself, He Says. NEW YORK. May 3H — ’The people; of < ‘aJiforma, have reached a. cr1«H I ri rhev* atfairq They have ro ieter- ! mine rlgb Harrison, the popular young Ar anta girl, who rook rhe part of the inconscious blackma. er The pia is m interesting one from Atari o finish and rhe company ap pears o advantage in it. Mr Vac. Me leading man. does some good work in the pari assigned him * . H*r.«-us applaud was accorded rhe ompanv for its work by rhe moderately filled house. Tablo«d Musical Comedy at S-jou. Tabloid musical comedy—“A Trip In Use For Over 30 Years, f®K seimniR -.ame*r»v tt wmm- mr r Hill—MW6—i TRAIN 3AN0IT GETS $10,300. .rOHAXN'EHBTr'Ra. socth afrt- < A. May 2b.—A lone bandit held up a .rain on Che line between this city and < aperown to-day and- escaped with a pouch containing JIA.OOO. Georgian Want Ads Use For Results Both Phones 8000 now whether California, is t0 Joyvilie rhe attraction got aftn^ , start on Monday ar. r.he Bijou. Four | to be overrun by Asiatics or whether' it is to he kept for Californians Three years California will be com pletely overrun if rhe wrong steps are lama Juds and expressed him seif as enr iafled vlfh the status of bin rare for! rhe presidency of the next Renale 'Tf the uote were to be -aken t-o--1 morrow * said be, M D am sure ahso i uiety tha: f would be elected andU :n the best of good nagure, l rean, , j beiie^’e f shall be rhe only . andidate ; before the Senate when rhe voting j takes place nexi month.” Judge Allan has been described a-s j rhe one man In Georgia politics a bon whom fher« is aboolurely no *M«ei biotior., ’ and somehow the descrip tion seems to (It him snugly He is one of rhe v'ery best lawyers I in tha State and one of Georgia * most asnite statesman. Tha United States Supreme Court ' is expected to hand down soon a de ctslon in the famous Cureton case I from Georgia that will interest the i prohibitionists of the State particu- larl v The ouestion Involved ts whether the prohibition laws of Georgia shall be cortarrued similarly to the prohi - hition laws of Tennessee the Ho pr<*me Courts of the two Htafes be i ing (if exact opposite opinions as to the. point raised. f.ireton. a Chattanooga soft drink j dealer, owned a large distillery near Rising Fawn. Oa He received an or der for whisky In his Chattanooga house, and sepr tr his Goorgia dis tillery to he filled The whisky was 1 •hipped from ft.sing Fawn, and Cure ton was arrested or. a charge of sell - j Ing whisky, was fried and found i guilty, the Georgia Supreme Court ! holding that the delivery at. Rising : Fawn to' the common carrier was the j ■■'onsummatioti of a sale Cure ton ap pealed to • tfve United Htafes Court, i claiming protection under the inter hmfi* commerce laws If the United .States Hupreme ; Court 'iphofde the Georgia Supreme ; Court rh^ prohibit unists will re gard it as a victory It. on the con trarv. the f’nifed Htates flourta take the view as set up in the Tennessee Supreme Court , 'he dry” people will I feel that they have lost a point The decision is expected shortly big audiences indorsed the great big rn j dime a worth of entertainment. The | show, the theater and the renerai con dit.ions all poinfed to the fact r.h»“ taken now ' j tabloid entertainment had caught .*• This«mi*nt v,„ m i,V to- f^hiotl the kao«1»« n . day by Benjamin r Ma Wheeler, ppesi-||aa<t prei.lcted. dent of (he University of California, as he and Mrs. Wheeler were -'ailing for Europe. Dr ' vine expiessei. f - f »,» ril ptions that are clever. There »s a story about a lot of jolly folks going • v Tr o to JoyvtlTa” ’s an hour in i a Third of singing, dancing, comedy and music with some vaudeville ’n- here is no »s between ibie the opinion, though, tha danger of actual hostilitie this country and Japan. ‘The diplomats will be bring Coou a comic,.,* uvenumt - j rhilbf% f 04in d some day in ’fagfer ,ng. • said he,. U the same time Jie •‘^, tnpMl! y.. doi’iarmi V - a cn 'and mi :. currigg . v -y^p M JoyvFle'* will be presen .ownership* of land : n ^ matinee—two on Saturday *■ Am.a, a-,i.i June and ihouNi be, p^ic.e ea<*h night the rest of th<- ; the law of the State, j off for a day of frolic; they are prett; | girls, well-groomed young men and a 5° corps of character comedians who wti) unmoa understand- 1 - • -- Sued Re<3‘Strstioe Ceases. COLUMRCS. — The registration books for the Dillingham Street bridge I ro yarn nr .n OEITH ENOSTRUl OF IN lit 8E!8 Slain Convict's Widow Expire-, While Pushing Suit for ; ts Soother's Insurance. Reward for Men Who Blew Up Home of Negro Attracts WijcH Attention. ' COUNTERFEITER CONVICTED CHATTANOOGA. T’ENN. May 2H. R. T La Wing, member of the coun terfeiting gang tried a few days ago. ^ „„„ was to-day sentenced in the Federal | bonds have osed with on^y 4nk vocers ('ourt to two years in the Atlanta i Mavtng hualiUed for t.he election on | Penitentiary He is the fourrn pris- : Tune 7 The Issue is for Inb lWJO it oner convicted ar. this term of court J eng he rhird to be voted upon for to be sent tt) Atlanta. rhe bridge ph M Rrown's prno • j ng a reward for the the Cobh County dy- I« ted a. great deal j brought forth many approval throughout. ■ « uin'ompromi.iingly toward all forms of j been so persistently iat there are few if ft. in Georgia who do i he means to enforce I against them if they I rk seeking he also h wards for f Representst ive p.orwell, of ffan< nrk be the oldesr member e*gi slat ore in potnt of the n. enntisuous service He ha.s been % member of the fieneral Assembly Joe Hill Hail of Bibb. Byron Row er of Derarur John M fllafon. of Fulton, and John N Holder, of Jark- son ail of whom ranked with Mr EJurwell in point of continuous ser- vdoe. will be missing from the new House leaving Bur wen the veteran and the dean The entleman from Hanrook has oeeri in the Leglslatirre almost from he »tate o* his twenty-first birth-lav Tom Moore, who several m^nrh.- ag- was killed as an escaped n rvirt while a fugitive with •’tild Bill ' Minor from j the Stare Farm ar Milledgevllle, orig i inally hrmjghr the suit. He was the j beneflolary named in thej policy Tom Moore was ^reused of killing his ^ nmther an.' w%.i xlver a life sun fence agency to ea - Conn - *p- in lynchers re j Columbia and j ' the end of his : d of weakening »ns against law- he more inclined *on*l and official s that there are i -ahirt'r* p-'Ol* *e are la.wbreak- •)server« are en - nplete protection classes. Better Than Wealth ia perfect health; but to enjoy ?ood health it ia r.eeegaary first to get rid of the minor ailments caused by defect ive or irregular action of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels,—ailments which spoil life, dull pleasure, and make ah sufferers feel tired or good for nothing. BEECbams Pills fT\* lefywt 5*/« Any cine .n Ae irid”' have proved r.hemsei : 'es to be the best corrective or pre ventive of these troubles. They insure better feelings and those who rely upon them soon find themselves so brisk and strong they are better ah's to* work and enjoy life. For that reason alone, Eeecham’s Pills are TheFavorlte Family Medicine SoW «w«rrw*jere. ta (wit**. Mk., 2S«. Okpwimtds **irh ewer? Not snow the m (nod leairb. Let's Go Swimming in Piedmont! The beautiful lake will be ready for the people Thursday morning. The Park Commissioners have spent sev eral thousand dollars getting the lake in shape for the bathing sea son. The inclosure is about three larger than last year. Hun dreds of streams of pure, freshwater are running into it all the time. HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR BATHING SUIT ? We Im a full slock of two-piece suits from St to S3.50, • Ingram was r* BEST JELLICO LUMP Tbs -fi appropri* Aixms in }> forty to pr hard tra x 'r>n*f*i twin r>* f<®w if any m*»i who wpuld not tik(* to fhi* Iksi incysws^d and yrt th+r* fo(* man. wh,-. w, kow if ia to h*> do 1 rwcXMory if addJtldw ft in vwry wsli kn< turf* of lat* y*ar* I 'rsmrty difficult to kc#p A Htatc < oitaco within if* r>m<- and on# oi th* heaviest items of annual #xp#n«* ;• fh# Gouf ed#ra • ** p#f»um appro prtat too it some statesman i* mbl# to show fc# Vegbfa*ar* how th# pfmntm* may -# jn<r#a«#d witbou* greatly #mbar rgg*ing *oof fh# department*, the p#n*ior.* probarwv wUl b®* fnrTnard all rigb- T'nl**« the registerur* ;« shown that. how*v*r th* \nrre*se i? ap' to if. sligh* it ACithihf BEST JELLICO NUT $4.00 DRUNK HABIT CAUSES SUICIDE ExrarnoTi, TalEnlah Falls. Wednesdsy M? " 21. SI 50 White City Park Now Open Steam Coal for the furnace at very low prices Satisfaction guaranteed on all Coals. Remember, you can always buy good Coal at Meinert’s 50c per ton cheaper. Phone our manager. PHONE 1T87 HenryMeinsrtCoalCo. Main Office; 59 South Boulevard We Sell the Famous Old Town Canoes. Prices from $38.00 to $75.00 KING HARDWARE CO. 53 Peachtree 87 Whitehall