Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 21, 1913, Image 18

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1 18 THE 'ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS, WEDNESDAY. MAY 21, 1913 A 30c “ Want Ad” placed in this paper may be the seed that will grow a fortune for you HELP WANTED. Ifemale. flSod cook; room on lot. Park Iado, Aiwley Park. Take P roont Avenue 'car anA Ret off at r uUM. 5-21 - WANTED—L 415 Cherok< om to waah on lot. enue. 5-20-21 WANTED—Cook at once; reference re quired. Phone Ivy 0481 -.7 62 West minster Drive. 209-6-2t WANTED A Cook once. Ill Eaet >d pay Apply at rgia Avenue 5-18-21 i I ENT POSITIONS open . , r rlte for list. Franklin 602-D, Rochester, N. Y WAN TED—Expe rieneed millinery trim- ■ and sales lady: Ate o saleswoman > for si lits and shi rt waists. Grussinan'rt. j 5-lSt-lQ] -class cr >ok; one that can cook. 115 South P ryor. 30-19 5j, TED -An 1 ixperJenc< '•<1 fipok anil J Fort Me] 1 }Uf *5-18-84j Cl TT )T Q LKA RN Mil/ l.iNUKY: best 1 (ill l IvS trad e on ear; h for women; -nav 1 a month. Write Ideal Schoc >1 of Milline ry, 100% Whitehall St , 3-29-41 Male and Female. ^g(rlH everywhere, to make a pry day after school, pleasant work. Call on or wm4 R- v Peachtree Street, Atlanta, mped and addressed envelope 33-21*5 SHORTHAND COURSE, $15. Peachtree St 85 West 4 N 21 DRESSMAKING—DRESS- makers. WANTED—To new out bv day; first- class dressmaker; $1.2a per day. Dressmaker, 374 E. Hunter. 99-18-5 TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. NO. 6 REMINGTONS, $5 for 4 months; Royals, $7 for 4 months; Underwoods, 88 for 4 nronth: Remington visible, $9 for 4 months. Initial payment allowed on price of machine. Get our new Illus trated catalog and price Hat No 28. American Writing Machine Co.. 48 N. Pryor Phone M. 2626. ROYAL, typewriters rented, one month, $2.75; three months for $7.00; special rates to students Royal Typewriter Co., 46 N. Pryor St. Phone Main 2492. 4-25-17 TEACHERS WANTED. WKflf^Tfor record of our eight years' work. High class patronage Ef ficient service Foster's Teachers Agen- . Gs. 84-1-4 Wanted AT ONCE--a' few more flrst- class principals and assistant teach ers Good openings, good salaties. Free registration. Register Teachers’ Agency Register, Ga 6-11-9 YoTTNO lady wishes clerical position in office. Address L.. 117 Simpson 8t., city 30-20-5 EDUCATIONAL. W¥f*t take a TimTtetfTnimber of pupils for piano; $2 per month; graduate mu- 5-21-22 EMORY summer school; cool, quiet; fifty days from .June 17. Latin, Gree— French, German. English, his tory, mathematics. Address E. K. Tur ner, Oxford, Ga. 6-9-1 WAN SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. ^ ^ TED—Position b yan experienced a as manager of small telephone inge Can give the best of ref er as to character and ability. Ad- ,1. J. N., 1004 l^afayette St., Quit- Ga 47-21-5 T-CLASS German butler wants po- on; can furnish best references, tch 44-21-5 E. Mitchell St. 'DING MAN of good busiupSH ability wishes to affiliate with •ood concern. All reconiHionda- I ins of highest sources. An in- <*rview with me will he eon- ineinsr. Phone Ivy 6299-L. 5-21-17 fering adva and willing PH HR of experience desires once; best references. Pall 5-21-7 N, 26, recently arrived from . seeks position as b'»ok- erk in mercantile house of- icement; good correspondent worker Address Clerk, 889, in. 39-21-5 CHAUFFEUR, colored, wants posit-fun with private family as driver. Can do repairing; have had 3 years' ex perience as chauffeur. Will come ready to work, with gi*f#l reference Address Chauffeur, 8 High Street, Atlanta 208-5-21 WANTED—A position with a first-class hardware or wholesale house, where I can familiarize myself with the business and have a chance for promotion. Non but reliable houses need apply. Rest ref erences. Address H. A. E , care Geor gian. lift?-.6-21- t A YOUNG WHITE MAN wants position at once as chauffeur. Can handle any car; 8 years' shop experience. A. H . 158 Whitehall St 212-5-20 AUCTION SALES AT AUCTION. S E V RR AL CONSIGN MENTS, I N'CLU D- LNO A FINE LOT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FRO M STORAGE, CONSIST ING OF BED ROOM, DINING ROOM. PAR LOR AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, RE FRIGERATOR, BRASS BEDS, ETC., A LIST OF WHICH WILL AP PEAR ,TN TO-MOR ROW’S AO. OPEN FOR INSPECTION THURS DAY. SALE 10 A. M. FRIDAY, MAY 23. CENTRAL AUCTION COMPANY. LNEast Mitchell Street,. SITUATIONS 1 WANTED. Female. HIGHLY efficient stenographer, office assistant, has resigned position. Must have another im mediately. $18.00 per week min imum. Phone Ivy 5840. 5-21 4 WILL take i^uHekeeper’s place for bachelors’ apartment or hotel or •me. Mrs H. S Christy, care General Delivery. City 39-20-5 YOUNG LADY. two years experience, wishes position bi» stenographer. Phone 1 vy 6705. , 37-20-5 WANTED f’ases to nnrae by experienced sick nurse. Ma ternity cases a specialty. Rates reasonable. Best references. Call Ivy 7304-J, or West 1054. 36-20-5 EDUCATED, REFINED YOUNG LADY MUST HAVE WORK AT ONCE; SOME TRAINING AND SEVERAL YEARS' RIIACTICAI, EXPERIENCE SICK NURSING. WOUI.D GO AWAY TO RESORT WITH ELDERLY PER SON <>R INVA1JD OR AS GOVERN ESS TO ONE CHILD. ADDRESS H T,„ BOX ISA; GEORGIAN 27-18-5 Male and Female. V? A nn bv 'rnan^Vn^ wtfC woman to cookand man to work gar den and caro Mr thickens; DMt of refer- Addreas R. B., Box 450, care Georgian. 201-5-21 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FOlt SALE—Brown wicker baby car riage; used 8 months; in perfect con dition coat $25;’ will sell for $10. Bell Phone West 1113-J. 6-21 20 MAHOGANY 'bed room suit for sale; a bargain; or will exchange for room and board. 115 MoDanlel Main 2480-.T. 8 81-88 FOR 9 A EE—Six direct current 16-lnch desk fans; used only two months. West 542 5-21-29 .SWEET PEAS. 30c per 100; carnations, 5.0q a dozen Alta Vista Floral Com pany. West 135. 5-21-16 WB are agents far Pittsburg wire fence. Can mane Interesting prices to both wholesale and retail trade. West Um ber Co., 238 Peters Street, Atlanta. 5-21-12 FOR SALE -Buck range; nix boles; water taflik on side; good a a new; cost $65. also two kitchen tables, one with marble top; will Mali all, Including braas base for range, for $25 cash Phone Main 5116-J. 6-21-8 WANTED—Work by young man J 1 out of college, good penman and < dilator: had rather have work so I I have afternoons off, but will consi anything that will pay. Box 610. c Georgian 32-; WANTED—Position by young man with well advanced high school education, with a reputable firm, preferably In the (office where the chances are good for advancement. Address W. R R.. Box 440. care Georgian. 33-20-6 WANTED—Position bv young man who has just completed a course of book keeping, with good habits and good ref erences; ready to begin work June 1. Address N. W. Johnson, 8 Perry street. Newnan, Ga 34-20-5 POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK Old Stock of Chickens Get Out of Condition During Hot Summer Stimulating Food and Tonics Often Bring Disastrous Results. Reader, you know how often the hen* used to produce the egga for your hatching season go all to pieces vyh^n the hot weather comes, or rather, when midsummer is here. You hgve noticed the condition and have not studied the cause. There In a cause and It is about this; Io the winter and early spring you have been very anxious for eggs to set, or to fill the Incubator, or to sejl at good prices. To secure them ypu have pushed your hens for all there was in them; fed them All kinds of rich stimulating feed. Perhaps added laying tonics and various con diments, etc. These feeds will bring the desired result in eggs making, but they are sure to be followed by disastrous re sults 1f continued any great length of time. It is not too late to call a halt now and let up gradually on the heavy feeding before the debilitating hot weather comes on and gets them all out of sorts. Good Wholesome Food. Feed enough good, wholesome feei, but not so much of the highly con centrated matter. Feed more green stuff and less meat matter. In re ducing the feed be careful and not reduce the care, attention and de tails. It Is such an easy matter as the hot weather comes on and our vgg yield grows less to let our care become lax in about the same pro portion. We get careless about the water vessels. Perhaps we give them water enough, but we do not see that the vessels are kept clean. You know In hot weather water decomposes It left In the hot sun in midsummer, This bad matter accumulates on the eidve of the water vessels and turns green. Here lurks disease Hook out for it. To be on the safe side, get in your work before it gets In Its work. Clean early and often. Use a little disin fecting in cleaning and you will have no trouble on that score. Keep your water pans In the shade. Now the simple secret of success in getting your laying hens through the summer without disease lies in get ting them into the summer months without being overloaded with fat, yet In vigor us, robust health. Mus cular and not flabby with loose fat. The overworked male bird at the head of the yard should be cared for In the same manner, and would be much less liable to disease or accident to heaPh If his place could be Ailed by another Bantams. BANTAMB—G*me bant&ma. Bebrlghtu, Buff Cochins Carlisle Cobb, Athens, Ga, 4-26-30 Disinfectants. GAS water heater for sale cheap. Good ps now. Phone Ivy 2407-J 5-21-3 GAS RANGE FOR SALK- Four burners and oven. Will sell at bargain Brand pew. Call Ivy 3046-J 6-21-202 NOTICE The water mill of A. D. How ard. on Roswell Road at Nance's Creek, which was damaged by flood. Is how In good shape and ready for busi ness. ^ Postcard will bring wagon to your door. Fresh ground every day. Address R. F. D. 2, Chamblee, Ga. _ 4-10-1 FOR SAFE Nearly new Iron bed, mat tress and springs. Ivy 3769-J. 5-20-28 FOR SATE—Good Underwood type writer; host condition; lute model. Call W. L. G„ vara J,, P. Stevens En graving Co. 204-5-20 FQR SALK;- Freeh broken crackers, 5c a pound at factory, Wednesday and Saturday mornings Frank E. Block Co.. Ellis St. 6-20-11 MM EDI ATE shipment of (genuine) Nancy Hall and Porto Rico sweet po tato plants at $1.25 j*er thousand, or $1.50 delivered, we phip nothing but good strong, fresh,{tjaats and .guaraji , tee entire satisfaction The Bear s Head Farms. Pine Castta, Ha 32-19-5 j’ rj I NEW Perfection refrigerator, suitable _ for grocery, restaurant or large board ing house. 3M Sbttfth Pryor. Bell ph 623. Atlanta phone 299. R-l Eggs—All Varieties. - —■— — — —^ THE EGGS of different varieties of fowls will bs found classified under their respective breeds In the future, instead of under tbs classification of Eggs ” phone -19-6 YOUNG MAN, 18 sober, must hav. years’ experlen lob In drug store, get anything : Adrian, Ga. WANTED—Position ns cuter saw mill in (ie Good reference. A dirt Sfx years' experience. Address P. O. Box 68. King man. ears of agt*. strictly ad 3 OR/8AI4C—Two pool tables, practically new . been In use In club room and not art. must sell at once, bargain; orig- Mal cost $41*0 Address 1*. O Box 87. .)onestJwo, Ga. 6-1-6 FOR sale. I WILT. SELL $ valuable patent at a sac rifice if Taken " Immediately. Worth one-half million. Address Pat ent, Bqx 863. care.Georgian. 3-8-6 fltUA’S BROWN SIGN ft. PAINTING co.. 77% Whitehall. M 3780 . i-iVsi WE KENT good piano* $8 per month up J plan * “ Orpingtons. at once. Also a few cocks. Eggs half price after May 1. If Interested write for prices. H. A Black. Cartersville, 1-23-7 Plymouth Rockg. PARTRIDGE ROCKS — The South's leading winning strain. Can give qual ity and blood lines unequaled by any breeder in the South. My birds are win ners at the Southern International. Ma con, Columbus, Griffin, Nashville, Tenn ; Paducah, Ky.; Shreveport, La. Send for mating list R. P. Cotter. Box G, Barnesvllle, Ga. 2-15-17 PATTERSON’S White Plymouth Rocks you should hare for your foundation stock. They have been bred to win and pay. lArge. vigorous birds. Winners at Atlanta. Augusta. Savannah and many other shows Exhibition and utility birds of the finest quality at reasonable nrlces. Eggs, $2 to $5 nor 15. $8 per 100 We guarantee© perfect satisfaction Write us. Patterson Farm, Fitzgerald, Ga 5! EDITED BY JUDGE F. J. MARSHALL The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin ROOM AND BOARD. TXvtS^young^^m^^ room and hoard In very desirable home in West End. All conveniences. Shower baths, private tennis court, etc, 88 Park St. 5-21-39 THE ROY, 22 E. Ellis, under new man agement. Now prepared to render pa- trons host service. Ivy 7398-J. 5-21-35 TWO large front rooms with excellent table board. Mrs. J. M. Colman, 279 Peachtree St. 5-21-206 DELIGHTFUL room with board, with or without private bath. Table board a specialty 514 Peachtree Phone Ivy 1499-.I Mrs. F. B. Gregory. 37-21-5 IX) YoU want first-class board in pri vate North Side home? ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished. C*> Tight houflekeefilng furnlHhed rooms, with kitchenette, in good loca tion, with private family; also one single furnished room. Call Atlanta phone 3254. 5-17-17 LA RG E room, four windows, nice porch, electricity, bath, phone. 62 Williams, corner Baker. Ivy 6760-J. 5-16-51 APARTMENTS FOR RENT. HOUSES FOR RENT. Furnished. SUMMER rent; delightful home; large, shady lot; rent. “Between Peachtree*,’ Call Ivy 719-J 5-20-18 | WANTED—A few boamers; also table boarders. 327 Whitehall. Main 3286. 5-20-16 WANTED Boarders at 513 Peachtree; pleasant room with board. 36-19-6 LARGE, cool room and board In subur ban home; good servants; large porches, shade trees, big vegetable gar den. fruit, cows and chickens. Phone Decatur 8§9. 5-19-200 and he allowed to free range w-ith other male birds, perhaps, or if j yarded with but very few females. Bo many energetic and earnest pou - try breeders are at this **?ason of the year putting in their best licks with the crop of youngsters. That is ill right, but give the old hens their share of the attention; they desire it and will pay for It later on. HE WILTON, 220 Peachtree, select boarding house; near in. Ivy 5795. 6-16-27 NICE large front room with four large windows, hig closet, best board; also garage for rent, easy to get in and out, room for four or five cars. Main 4839-L#. 5-16-31 ONE Ivell furnTshe<r verK^urge”rnom, with two meals if desired; business women or gentlemen, 193 Spring St.. Apart. 2. References exchanged, p-lo-o WANTED—Seven boarders; $4.60 per week; home cooking; nice, clean rooms; hot and cold water; two baths; Hell phone ordered in; free use 191 South Pryor St. lliili— THE WJLTON, 220 Peachtree, select boarding house; near in. Ivy 5i95 5-10-30 ROOM AND BOARD for four young men May 15. Private home. G63 Courtland. Ivy 7057-J. 6-10-25 BEST MEALS IN TOWN, $3 WEEK ROOM AND MEALS. $4. 197 SOUTH PRYOR. CALL MAIN 5048. 5-5-30 PEACHTREE INN. Peachtree and Alexander Sts. Ameri can pian $7.50 week up. Room to . yourself. European. $3 week up, 1-9-34 Questions and Answers. Judge Marshall: Can you give me some Idea as to the size and color of the Buff Orpington Ducks I see ad vertised quite often during the pajt few months? Are they as large >r larger than tho much-praised Indian Hunner? It seems to me that the Runners are too small for anything but eggs. Do you think the Orping ton Ducks will have a boom? Answer: This la one of the latest additions to the duck family, and seems to be destined to become quPe popular. They are buff in color, a novelty in the duck line. Buff having been n very popular color for som^ years, this duck is light in the swim, so to speak. Their size is another XT A Q r r \ T OT? r riT AVTT commanding feature. They are ai- oO XN UXYXIX A v n most as large as the Mammoth Peklns. They have made great egg records, having won out in several laying contests. Duck admirers have been on the lookout for a long time for a duck that combined size and laying qualities. They are demanding great attention from the fanciers. Much -money is changing hands for theae ducks and their eggs. In colo.* the point is to secure the most even shade of color all through the plum- ag-e. Of course, being a new breed, too much should i.ot be expected in the matter of color. It takes patience to perfect any breed of chickens or ducks. But it Is the people who fail In line along the first stages of the game w r ho make the money, if th ve Is any to be made. Of course, not all new breeds prove popular. That depends upon who and how many good boosters are behind them. TWO ROOMS, well arranged for house keeping; stove, running water and all conveniences. Ivy 993-J. 6-16-43 NEWLY furnished front room; private family; all conveniences; close in. 82 West Harris. Ivy 3G07-J. 6-15-26 Unfurnished. ENTIRE upper floor of my private home in West End. consisting of three rooms; also trunk room, linen closets, private bath, hall. Every convenience. Phone West 128-J. 5-21-31 furnished reasonable Ge< 'rgian. 26-20-5 COOL, comfortable Peachtree home, fur nished; five large bed rooms, upstairs living room, reception hall, drawing room and den, dining room and kitchen, two baths, servant’s room and garage. Call Ivy 617. 6-17-12 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Ff^iT^Alj^^tce^sIir^foonrhcruse, nicely located. Gas, water and bath. Would rent for $22 per month. Will sell for $2,400; $1,400 cash; assume loan $1,000 at 7 per cent. Worth $2,800. Address Owner, P. O. Box 1233, city. 31-21-6 TWO three-room houses, near Tech (white locality); city conveniences. Value, care Georgian. 210-5-20 TWO FINE lots; nice residence sec tion; North Side; near car line. Oppo site Ansley Park. Bargain. Address Vacant Lots, care Georgian. 5-19-3 FOR SALE—-House and lot In refined neighborhood. Address Box 59, care Georgian. 208-5-19 Unfurnished. UNFURNISHED rooms with conven lences for housekeeping. 34 East Alexander Street, between Peachtrees. 46-21-5 ONE large beautiful front room on sec ond floor. Ideal surroundings. Every convenience. North Side. Telephone Ivy 1744-L, 5-21-5 THREE rooms suitable for light house keeping; new house; $12.50 month. 132 Crew' Street, close in. Phone Main 3342-J. 214-5-18 THREE nice large rooms, close In; rea *“ El — sonable. 2576-J. 108 East Ellis Street. Ivy 5-20-20 THREE large connecting rooms, $9.00. 32 Castleberry Street, one block from Forsyth Street Call after 5:30 p m. 6-20-13 THREE connecting rooms, all modern conveniences; $12.50 month. 100 El bert Street, near Stewart Avenue. 35-10-5 THREE connecting rooms, gas, bath, sink in kitchen; $12; near Highland Avenue. 428 Greenwood Avenue. 5-18-42 TWO large, bright, lower-floor ' chenet Street. Main 2497-J. FOR RENT- Modern. North Side cot tage. six rooms and bath, $20. PhO&l Ivy 6432. 5-16-22 NO. 207 OAK STREET, right near the Peeples Street School and Howell Park, six rooms, hall and bath; a mod ern house in a fine location for $30 per month. Call Webster, Main 2106 day, 2506 night. 905 Fourth National Bank Building. 5-14-7 OUR RENT list describes everything for rent. Call, write or phone for one. Ivy 3390 Charles P. Glover Realty Co., 8H Walton street. $-18-41 FOR RENT. $15.00—No. 20 Woodson St., five-room cottage, all conveniences, nice neigh borhood. close to school and church. Within two blocks of Grant Park. $25.00—No. 320 Waldo St. we have a 6- room cottage with hall and carrying all modem conveniences; nice neighbor hood. $15.60—No. 115 Luckie St. we have 5- room cottage with all modern conve niences, nice neighborhood, car line in front. GEO. P. MOORE, Real Estate and Renting. 10 Auburn Avenue. LEASE OR SALE—Artistic bungalow; screened, tiled, furnace, garage. Ad dress “Ansley Park,” care American. 112-18-5 I HAVE two farms, 125 acres, and ona * 75 acres. Will exchange one or boih for vacant lot. Call Milton. Main 2053 5-8-24 FOR SALE cheap by owner, 739 Spring Street, near Twelfth Street, two-story nine-room house; price $5,500; $750 cash required; balance easy terms, if desired. Address G. A. Dunlop, 301 Mutual Building. Richmond, Va. 5-3-9 LET US BUILD you a nome. Will buy you a lot or pay off your lot. Terms to suit. 400 Temple Court. Main 4189. 4-18-48 I HAVE seven acres, three-room house, half block car line, all cultivated, fln(> for trucking; will exchange for small renting property. Call Milton, Main 2052. 6-3-24 BETWEEN the Peachtrees; nicely fur nished rooms and excellent table board. Ivy 6501. NEATI.Y 4-28-16 _ . bright, lower-floor rooms, kitchenette, with owner. 99 Richard- ‘ 5-17-37 TWO unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping for rent. 76 East Hun ter Street. 5-13-2 Furnished or Unfurnished. LOVELY newi moSfenR stearin Gi eaTe<5 house; ten rooms and three baths, tile porches, tile baths and tile roof. Ivy 2432. 5-18-53 FOR SALE- Beautiful lot, 60 by 222 feet; $1,600; right on Peachtree. Easy terms. See me quick. Address Peach- tree. Box 800, care Georgian. 5-2-4 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR BEAUTIFUL HOMES and build- ing lots In College Park, the most de sirable suburb of Atlanta, see I. C. Mc- Crory. FARMS FOR SALE. FOR SALE—For 30 days. ba.rgaTnT'flve farms, or.e 10%. 20, 30, 60 and 90-acre, all one and a half miles of Austell, Ga. Terms. Address P. O. Box 177, Austell, Ga 202-5-16 furnished rooms; homelike | cooking, also table board. 127 tol Avenue. Main 5172-L 4-23-7 ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished. Furnished or Unfurnished. ONE furnished or unfurnished front room; private family. 7 Kent Street. 5-21-23 ONE upstairs furnished or unfurnished room. 377 Whitehall St. 5-21-27 font room; all Capitol Avenue. 5-21-24 NE nicely fumls conveniences. 179 Main 3758-J. FOR RENT Three nice new upstairs rooms; bath, gas and water. $10.60. 55 S McPanlt>1 St. 0-21-28 WANTED— Young man for roommate to share nicely furnished room. Main 4380-L. JUNE 1—Four-room North Side apart ment, nearly new. Two porches, steam heat, hot water, electric lights. gas stove, refrigerator. Phone Ivy 6897. 203-5-21 5-21-30 CREOSOTE FOR SALE. CREOSOTE is an excellent germ destroyer for poultry raisers to use about the prem ises. We have it in «uv quan tity. Atlanta Oas Light Co. Ducks. ^U^W^Wt^IT^fn^iair^unxiar duck eggs from snow-white prise-winning stock, ft. $2 and $3 for thirteen. Coweta Duck Farm, Senoia, Ga. 4-9-16 ENTIRE lot of prize-winning Fawn and White and White Indian Runner Ducks for sale at $1.50 each. Will sell any number at this price First come, first served. The ducks won first and second prizes at all the leading poultry shows in the South last fall, will give ribbons with the birds. Oak Dean Poul try Farm. Stone Mountain, Ga. 6-20-2 Plymouth Rocks. BARRI'7D ROC^K^pgg^K pure and fresh from the Georgia Poultry Farm, $1 per setting. On sale at 12 South Broad St. 32-18-5 ng E. B son Ringlet Barred Rocks, either mat ing. $3 for fifteen, $5 for thirty. A M Kendall. Dallaa. Qa 8-f-ll Poultry—All Varieties. FREE RANGE DUCK AND POULTRY FARM, Chamblee, Ga. Large stock of White Runners, Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds, enables us to ship ftvsh eggs, strong and fertile. Write for prices on stock and eggs if you want a bargain. 1-21-18 Horses, Mules, Vehicles, Etc. PONY()UTFlT for sale: nest in the South for $175 cash, at 277 E. 4th Ht. Atlanta, Ga. 204-5-21 WANTED—Sound, young, gentle horse; weight about 1,100 pounds; must be cheap for cash. Ivy 3128-J. 5-21-21 NICELY furnished room, suitable for gentlemen or young ladies; $2 week. 47 E. Mitchell Street, upstairs. 45-12-5 ONE clean, well furnished room; hot and cold bath attached; gentlemen only. Ivy 1197. 5-21-18 TWO bright connecting housekeeping rooms, completely furnished, North Side private home. Ivy 2098-J. 5-21-19 TWO nicelv furnished; rooms, hot and cold baths, with or without board. Ivy 2J25-J. 5-21-34 ONE beautifully furnished, bright front room, reasonable; private home; walk- in g^istane^Jv^SiioL 5-21-32 TWO beautiful connecting, furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; also rooms for young men; all conven- iences 422 Whitehall St. Main 3462-L FURNISH El > room in private family ; gentlemen preferred. Ivy 2421-L. 15 Bedford Place. 5-21-4» THREE beautiful corner rooms; sepa rate entrance; private bath, veranda; sink in kitchen. Ivy 95V 5-20-10 ONE nice room furnished or unfur nished, conveniently located, half block from car line, all conveniences; cool and shady. Call Decatur 507. 5-20-14 APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Furnished. apar 84 East North Avenue. Ivy 847-L. 5-18-64 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $15 to $20~, with bath, electric lights, private en trance; also sleeping rooms $10 to $12. Argyle Apartments. 345 Peachtree St. 5-15-4 BEAUTIFUL, sunny, flve-roorti apart ment. close in, steam heat, hot water, gas stove, tile bath, tile porch, sleeping porch. See Owner, 715 Peters Bldg., or phone Main 1225. 5-15-25 NICE room for light housekeeping; either floor. Ill E. Ellis. Ivy^7433-L NICELY furnished rooms with board: early breakfast. conveniences. 72 Spring Street. 34-21-5 TWO nice furnished rooms for rent to gentlemen or couple. 377 Whitehall Street. 29-21-5 Unfurnished. FOR RENT—Upstairs apariment^of^flve rooms with bath, in best residential district in city. Electric lights furnished, also heat in winter, $35 per month Call Ivy 5398-L. 5-21-200 47 EAST CAIN STREET—Five rooms. freshly painted; clean and in nice re pair. $25 per month. Apply owner, o09 Atlanta National Bank Building 5-14-204 Poultry, Plants and Seeds. ?051^ruY)A^grassseedsnow' ready at the oldest seed house South. Also many seeds to plant now. Mark W. Terrace Hotel. Johnson Seed Co., 35 South Pryor Street 34-21-5 TWO large, nicely furnished rooms, pri vate family. Suburban home. Sub urban Home. Box 907, care Georgian. 27-21-5 aho Adbr ur sawyer at cir-* •rgia or Florida. 19 P. O. Box 68, Good reference. Council, N. C. 34-3 9-6 graduate from tehee a. position eertifksaie and \ Julius Mease l, Ga. 26-19-5 IXaEJTION WANTED—Bookkeeper. 30, u>n years’ experience as bookkeeper. •ra^Mer. collector, wants position: ‘ best reference* Bond if desired. Experi ence. Box 55. care Georgian. 31-12-5 BOOKKEEPER and auditor will straighten out your bookkeeping and office troubles Trial balances made Small nets of book* written up. P. O. Box 836. Phone ivy 7011. „ 5-4-13 STENOGRAPHER w ith fbtif* and i ai years’ experience desire® permanent position at once. Address C. §62 Caoilol Avemie. 41-^1-a —Position by young lady as pher; three year®’ tenre - r- —^ 1. We sell good pianos per month up R P BECHT COMPANY. 107-108-109 Temple Court Building Main $19 24 r. s. lin.l.s Co.. Atlanta. 4-30-13 X'S;evv rnl-o*t Bwtefcp UFT US prove this in vanr 'hem* "by frf* demonstration: Full partlrnttrs at 10. Temple Cctnrt Htitldiny L R »sent. Phone Main S6T. 5-S-30 AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR Pays f*.»r itself in ioe-smving. $17.50 to $75.00. U. MASON, Y-g WEST MITCHELL STREET BANKRUPTCY blank?. $1 50 per set. Warranty <i*>edv\ bonds for title. WOULD you give 25 cents for a good Job? Place s “Want Ad’’ in The Geor gian and get one. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. SaTtcs, Fi LteB, rabtnetfl, new ajid sec ond band. Qookln Hank and Office Equipment Company, 113-US N. Pryor Street. k’F.KT )N SIONS signifies beat quai- L tty. Kent Sign Co.. 1S0H Peachtree Street. *-6 20 H. G. HASTINGS & CO. SEEDSMEN FOR THE SOUTH, 16 WEST MITCHELL STREET FOUR CITY DELIVERIES DAILY; NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES. 9 A M : INMAN PARK AND WEST END. 2 P. M BELL PHONE MAIN 2568, ATLANTA 2668. NEWLY furnished front bed room for rent at 277 East 4th St., near Georgian 205-5-20 LISTEN! We have two beautiful rooms for rent, all conveniences, two blocks of Candler Building. Reasonable. 5-20-201 NICE, large arid delightfully cool fur- nished rooms in refined Decatur home. Call Decatur 264. 5-20-15 | TO GENTLEMEN, rooms with or with- out private bath: all conveniences. West Peachtree. Ivy 3281. 5-20-12 Furnished or Unfurnished. apt with kitchenette and private bath; also garage No children. Ivy 2432. 5-18-64 0FFICE SPACE FOR RENT. DESK SPACE with use of telephone. Apply 533 Candler Bldg.4-25-9 STORES. For Rent. REAL ESTATE WANTED. TWANT v a^nice v six^room* v bungaiOTnn Ansley Park, not on. car line, but near, on lot not less than 60x150 with some shade; will buy from owner or agents. Anxious, Box 50, care Georgian. 5-20-32 STORE for rent. 126 Capitol Avenue. , Owner, 322 Atlanta National Bank Building. Phone Main 4555. 38-20-5 | NICE STORE for rent corner St. i Charles and Highland, for any kind of I business. 782 Highland Avenue. .Call I Mr. Scott, Ivy 4500. 5-l^-22 HOTELS. WHITE PATH HOTEL and Mineral Springs open June 10. Sixteen-page booklet free. White Path Hotel Co., T. H. Tabor, Manager, White Path. Ga. 5-18-6 ROOMS WANTED Furnished. WANTED—Two large rooms furnished I for light housekeeping with basement room or small house in the yard unfur- 1 nlshed. State price. 202-5-211 WANTED—Two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping by June 1 in North end. No objection to dis tance. Address J. L., care of Georgian. 207-5-17 AM IN MARKET for modern new 6- room bungalow, near car line and good lot, Inman Park or North Side. Ad dress Bungalow, care Georgian. 6-20-8 ; WE CAN sell promptly several small ; places ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 [Have clients who want income. Otis j & Holliday, 1506-6 Fourth National j Bank Building. M. 175. 5-16-200 MONEY TO LOAN. IsraoATMiiOxMrTcnW any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call S. W. Carson, 84 South Broad street. 4-1-17 J PLENTY money to loan on city prop- erty. Watt Kelly, Attorney, 400 Tem ple Court Building. 43-2-5 I R. C. DESAUSSURE. | TIME and monthly loans negotiated on real estate; Room 813 Atlanta Na- I tional Bank Building. 4-29-25 WE loan money on furniture and house hold goods. F. & J. Loan Company, 120 Decatur Street. 4-25-8 MONEY ON HAND for Immediate loans on property in or near Atlanta. J. E. VanValkenburg, 501 Equitable Bldg. Unfurnished. wX5uTlTn^Twcr^ nTce^unfur^ nlshed rooms with kitchenette and pri vate bath for. light housekeeping; in boarding house preferred; must be North Side. Phone Ivy 5961-J. 5-20-19 WANTED—At once, two or three cheer ful first-floor rooms and porch, close in. reasonable. References. Address Private, 886 care Georgian. 29-20-5 HOUSES WANTED. Unfurnished. r~"9PfsTr'to rent by June 5 an unfur- nished five or six-room house, with electric lights. Prefer North Side or In man Park. Good locality and reason able rental. Ivy 3930-L. 213-5-18 AUTOMOBILES: For Sale, Repairs and Accessories. WILL trade nice corner lot for good auto Must be first-class; value of lot $900.00. Phone Main 4836-J. 200-5-21 PHONE US YOUR ORDERS for pepper plants, eggplants and cabbage plants. We get in n fresh supply of potaio slips daily. TWO beautiful rooms, strictly private family. Inman Park: new home, every convenience, with dr without breakfast and 6 o’clock dinner. Ivy 7244-J. 5-20-9 furnished PARK & POLLARD “Lay-or-Bust” Mash Feed. Eight pounds 25c, 100 pounds $2.60. ALL SIZE FLOWER POTS, Fern Pans and Pot Saucers. GALVANIZED IRON DRINKING FOUNTS. Grit and Shell Boxes, Feed Pans and Feed Hoppers. EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING will start your hens to laying—Conkey’s Laying Tonic, Lee’s Egg-Maker or Pratt’s Poultry Tonic. ?5c, 50o and $1 sizes of each. IT IS NECESSARY TO FEED YOUR FOWLS charcoal We carry the “Es**)" Charcoal, which is put up espe dally for poultry. Two and a half pound package. 16c; two packages, 25c. WANTED — MISCELLANEOUS. WAim5t>^To~ exchange nice room and board for diamond, motorcycle, type writer or piano. Address Box 216, care Georgian 5-16-46 GOOD upright mahogany piano, nearly new; can be bought at a sacrifice if taken quick; sold for $350 less than six months ago. Mahogany Piano. care Georgian. 6-18-20 I BUY MEN’S old clothes and shoes. Drop a card. I. Bock, 177 Gilmer St. DROP A CARD. We’ll bring Cash for Old Clothes and Shoes. “THE VESTAIRE.” 166 Decatur Straat WANTED—Ml SC ELLA NE0US. WANTED—Second-hand ice cream ta ble and six wire chairs. Cherokee Drug Company. Main 2808 6 20-24 EVERYTHING to build and paint with. West Lumber Co., 238 Peters Street. Atlanta, Ga. 5 21-11 WANTED—Second hand No. 6 gas stove in good condition. Must be a bargain Address W B C.. care Georgian 5-21-200 Mortgages, contracts. Stock certificates and bonds. Bennett’s. .J*' S- uth Bread NEttF R baby 201-20-13 r TTTtES put op ycur fringe Repaired, repainted an*' Te-e^rered Phone-Ivy 3074 Robert Mdckpll, .^.8 Edgeaaod WANTED—To rent cash register with privilege of buying Call Main 2808 5-20 25 WANTED—One large refrigerator hold ing from 200 to 500 pounds ice Call £r. N. Moinert, phones 17*7. 6-20-6 WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices ror household goods, pianos and office fur niture. Cash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company. 12 East Mitchell Street. Bell phone Main 2424 8-26-21 PIANO BARGAINS. __ PIANOS AND PIANO PLAYERS. BOLD at the lowest prices and on ths most reasonable terms at which first- class Instruments can be handled. Behr Bros., Newby ft Evans. Ludwig and others. Call and see me before you buy WALTER HUGHES, 8S N. Pr*>r St. (-29 2 TWO or three beautifully front rooms, complete for housekeep ing; hot hath, sink in kitchen. Bell phone; verv reasonable. 290 Washing ton 5-19-14 BARGAIN—For sale or exchange, one Buick truck. Perfect condition. Call Ivy 3113. 6-21-201 NICELY furnished cool room; close in; private home; adjoins bath; reason- ble. 3428-J. !L 19 ‘ 4 ATTRACTIVE front room; all modern conveniences; in College Park East Point 241-L or Box 611, Georgian. 5-19-5 FOR RENT—Two furnished upstairs rooms; could arrange for light house keeping 227 Capitol Ave. Main 3941 NICELY furnished rooms at 169 Ivy Street. Everything new and first- class. 37-15-5 TWO desirable front rooms for rent. Close in. 150 Courtland Street. 5-18-80 r OR RENT—A beautiful furnished front room for gentleman. Apply 613 Capitol Avenue. 215-5-18 TIRES. TIRES. TIRES. More Mileage—No Troubles—30% Lower Prices. SHIPMENTS SENT PREPAID. “Non-Puncture” tires GUARANTEED 7.500 MILES against punctures and blowouts. Lasting construction. Good year style tread. Special 10-day prices: 28x3 $8.86; 30x3. $9.80; 30x3%, $13.60; 32x3%. $15.76; 3.3x4. $21.60; 34x4. $22.55; 36x4. $23.85; 36x4%. $29.40; 37x5, $37.60. All other sizes tires and tubes. SHIP MENTS PREPAID if payment in full comes with order and on cash payment for two tires a fine “Non-Puncture” tube will be given free. C. O. D. ship ments if S0% of amount comes with order. Best tires for long, hard service. Thousands in use. Finest testimonials. Order now while Special Offer lasts. NON-PUNCTURE TIRE FACTORY. Dept 332. DAYTON, OHIO. 4-30-7 ONE NICELY furnished front room. All conveniences. Price reasonable. 279 E. Fair Street 31-18-5 AUTOGENOUS WELDING and machine repair work of all kinds. Satisfaction guaranteed SHEARER MACHINE CO, 197 WHITEHALL STREET. 2-26-10 DOBBS TIRE REPAIR CO. WE REPAIR AND SELL ALL MAKES OF TIRES AND TUBES. 226 PEACH TREE STREET. PHONE IVY 5646. 4-1-3 FIVE-PASSENGER, 35 h. p. Cartercar touring car, fully equipped, perfect condition, for quick sale $350.00 cash. L. W. Hazard, 241 Peachtree St. 5-16-50 TRAVIS & JONES, AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. Ivy 4832. 26 Janies Street. 3-1-54 AUTOGENOUS METHOD. AUTO AND ALL MACHINE PARTS. METAL WELDING COMPANY. MAIN 3013. 86 GARNETT STREET. • 2-26-6 HANDSOMELY furnished large front room, private bath ; t shady lot; gen tleman preferred ‘‘ T '“ American. ’Peachtree,” care 113-8-5 FURNISHED rooms; private home; all conveniences; hot and cold baths. 19 E. Harris. Ivy 6349-.T. 5-8-11 TWO desirable front rooms for rent, close in 159 Courtland Street. 5-18-80 TWO newly renovated bedrooms, 256-B Courtland Street. Phone Ivy 5356. 5-18-25 ONE furnished room suitable for one or two gentlemen; all conveniences. 79 West Baker. 5-16-28 FOR RENT—To couple, by adults, mother and son, in private home, en tire lower floor, consisting of reception hall and three large connecting rooms and butler's pantry; freshly tinted and completely furnished for housekeeping; large shady front porch; electric lights, separate gas. sink in kitchen, use of phone: excellent neighborhood; North Side; reasonable Ivy 24S8-L. 5-2Q-31 TWO front rooms, one* with bath and dressing room attached, for two cou ples; private home; North Side; refer ences exchanged. Ivy 6694. 5-30-30 FURNISHED rooms for rent. 62 Hous ton Street, two blocks from Candler Building. 203-5-20 A FEW large. CLEAN fumlsned rooms; also one kitchenette, in three-story brick; all conveniences: close in, just off Teachtree: gentlemen or married couples, no children l& West Cain Street. Phone Ivy 6642, 6-14-80 WE have several Flaaders chassis and will build body and paint car to your order. Bargain prices. Don’t buy any second-hand car until you see us. NORTH PRYOR GARAGE, NORTH PRYOR PLACE. 4-2-21 WINDSHIELDS. RADIATORS, lamps, fenders, repaired as good as new Mfrs. all kinds sheet metal work. Warlick Sheet Metal Co., 248 Edge wood. 8-4-64 GOOD USED CARS AT REASONABLE PRICES. Maxwell. 2-cyllnder runabout, fine condition throughout, $185 “Courier Roadster,” fully equipped. Electric lights. $275. Buick model 10 roadster, electric lights. $325. Buick. model 33. 4-passenger, fully equipped, fine condition. $350 Maxwell Roadster, Sportsman type, model Q. fully equipped, electric lights, $375. Maxwell touring, model G, 4-passenger, fully equipped. $450. Prime touring car, new top and seat covers, $450. These ears are in good running con dition and worth more than the prices quoted above. BUICK MOTOR COMPANY. 241 PEACHTREE ST 4-1118 WARNING TO INFRIN GERS AND IMITATORS, LIQUID TIRE TONIC IS PROTECT ED BY U. S. DUYREA PATENT, NO. 578551 AND ALL INFRINGERS. AGENTS OR USERS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MUST AN SWER IN THE COl'RT FOR VIOLA TION OF THIS LAW. LIQUID TIRE TONIC COMPANY. KANSAS CITY MQ. _ t.f-ii ATLANTA RADIATOR'Co7 REPAIRING and manufacturing. Lamp and fender work. 72 Ivy Street. At- lanta phone 3818, 3-10-12 Garages For Rent. FOR RENT—Garage. Phone Ivy 1499-J. 514 Peachtree Street Automobiles For Rent DUNHAM MOTOR CO. FIVE and seven-passenger cars. Garage. 112 East Ellis Street. Call Bell phone Ivy (496 day, Main 4325 night. 3-21-23 Motorcycles. THOR MOTORCYCLES, repairs and ac cessories; best equipped repair shop in city We will take care of you. South ern Motorcycle Co.. 116 Edgewood Ave. 3-26-31 MOTORCYCLES •• EASY TERMS •• BICYCLES EXCELSIOR motorclycles. high-grade bicycles; complete line new and used bicycles and motorcycles; complete stock S arts and accessories; modern service epot. Lowest prices; easy terms. AL- EXANDER-SEEWALD CO., 145-147-149 Edgewood Avenue. Phone Ivy 1609. PHONE FOR DEMONSTRATION'. 4-1-22 LITTLE FOUR four-cylinder roadster, 1913 model, run 30 days, original price $725. will sell for $600. Perfect coidi- tion and a bargain. L. W. Hazard.*241 Peachtree SL 6-16-50 Tire Repairing HIGH-GRADE STEAM VULCANIZING ! Retreading a specialty. Prompt atten- } tion given express shipments, fcanders- I Sneer Vulcanizing Company, 100 Spring Street, Atlanta, Ga. i 28-15 MORTGAGE LOANS On Atlanta Proparty. BUSINESS BUILDINGS. 6 and 5% per cent. RESIDENCE” BUILDINGS, 5%, 6 and 6% per cent. Your rate depends upon the location. Without notice you can pay back a hundred, any multiple of a hundred dol lars, on the entire loan on any interest date. TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN. Loan Correspondents, PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COM PANY OF AMERICA. 203-8 Empire Building. WEYMAN & CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-1 WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on At lanta and nearby property, ei ther for straight or monthly payment plant. Also for pur chasing purchase money notes. Foster & Robson, 11 Edgewood avenue. FARM Loans PLACED tn any amount on improved farm lands in Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould building. 7-18 1 MONEY FOR SALARIED PKOPUSf" AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments. Confi dential D. H. Tolman, 820 Austell building. MONEY WANTED. P^wITwhaTpa^—6* ON SAVINGS. IN SUMS of $500 to $5,000. The Merchants and Mechanics’ Banking and Loan Co., 209 Grant Building. Tel. Ivy 5341. Cash Capital $120,000. Thos. J. Wesley, Cashier. B. M. Grant, Pres. 3-11-50 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $1,000 WILL BUY business netting 100 per cent yearly with opportunity for additional $100 monthly for services. Cash, Box 903, care Georgian. 28-21-5 CENTRALLY LOCATED restaurant and lunch room having good trade in bakery wares also. A rare chance for party that can devote his time. Pres ent owner tied up in other business. Address R. K., Box 90, care Georgian. 201-5-19 MAN with $700 to manage and partly own business to be established in Greenville, S. C., P. O. Box 469. 30-15-5 FOR SALE—Business paying $200 to $300 per month, owner leaving city, cheap for quick cash sale. Address I. L. B.. Box 607, care Georgian 5-18-57 MEDICAL. DROPSY CURED—Relieves shortness of breath In 36 to 48 hours. Reducss swelling in fifteen to twenty days. Col- lum Dropsy Remedy Company, 408 Aus tell Bldg . Atlanta. Ga. 5-28-11 DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy. Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation, irregularities and similar obstructions. Trial box by mail, 50c. Frank Edmondson & Bro., manu facturing chemists, 11 North Broad St* Atlanta, - ^.9 J.