Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 21, 1913, Image 19

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V THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1912 19 Piant your savings in Georgia soil and grow a fortune. Many have done so, why not you? BUSINESS GUIDE Ready Reference for the Business Man, the Artisan And the Public in General Auction Sales of Furniture and Household Goods. CSNTRAJ* AUCTION •' 'MD \NY. 12 East Mitchell street, buys and sells everything; regular auction Tuesday and Friday Bell phone Main 2424. 10-3-41 Banks. v AMBRICAN NA1'IO NAL ~BANK. ✓ , A, *kama and Broad street. CAPI 1 AL AND SURPLUS 31.000.000- Bicvcles. ^J§i6yCLES and suppltM^ See D Alexander, 54’ N. Pryor. M. 3116. Repair Work a special- 8-27-51 CAL!. Alain 1320. Atlanta 1436 Bicycle repairs and sundries. Atlanta Bicycle Company, 10 Peters Street 2-15-66 REAL ESTATE AND CONSTRUCTION NEWS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. North Side Apts ^harp & Rovlston Sold for $30,000 ° u Groceries. GI ARA NTEED tr .'sh n t r y eggs 16‘^c doz.. credit grocers. 30c; lemons, 141-c doz.; 34 lbs. guaranteed flour. 64c. 48 lbs., $1.27; 96 lbs., $2.93, barrel. $4.99; .No. 10 Silver Leaf lard. $1.37; No. 10 Cottolene. $1.19. Cash Grocery Co., 118 and 120 Whitehall. 5-21-9 Well-Known Salesman Totals $160,- 000 in Month—Realty Activity Reflected in Transfers. Hat Cleaning. ;y STRAW HATS, 25c; Soft Hats cleaned and blocked. 35c. George’s Hat Clean ing and Shoe Shine Parlor. 2*A E. Ala. Street. 4-10-11 Hatters. ACME HATTERS^make'^oId^^ like new. Mail orders given prompt at tention. 20 East Hunter street. 12-3-44 Blacksmithing. Jewelry. IRON WORK. WE make all kinds of metal windows and doors, also window gratings and hangers of all Kinds. Anderson Bros. & Rich, 372 Edgewood Avenue. 4-2-7 Blue Prints. dixiFblueTrIotco" 40^ LUCKIE STREET, Atlanta, Ga. Best equipment. Best prints of any size or kind Lowest prices. Phone Ivy 5364. «-2S-12 Builders. LET US BlJlLij~you aT’home. Will bay you a loi or pay off your lot. Terms to suit. 400 Temple Court. Main 4189. 4-15-16 Carpenter and Builder. —mrraJJKTREPAirwoKic: D. M. WHEELER, 19 South Forsyth St. Phone M. 4186. Atlanta 1547. 12-31-16 Carpets and Rug's Cleaned. carpets^ndTrOgs^leaned. ATLANTA STEAM CARPET CLEAN ING COMPANY (INC.), 27 W. Alexan der St. Phone Ivy 4186. Moist and dry cleaning. Rugs woven from your old carpets and rags. Porch shades made to order. 5-21-13 ATLANTA STEAM CARPET CLEAN ING COMPANY (Inc.) 27 West Alex ander street. Phone Ivy 4186. Moist ■nd dry cleaning. Rugs woven from your old carpets and rags. Porch shades made to order. 2-o-J7 Coal, Coke and Wood gTSETTSuifT^scSSs; for dry wood an<j best coai. 1-31-21 Contract Painting and Wall Tinting. rX^fraNsoNTYw'wT'Kfr'srrwSst 1288-J, for all kinds of painting and tinting. Dentist. BEST WORK Crowns (22 k.) S8.C0 Bridge work $3,00 Full set teetb $3.00 Filling 50o K. R. faxe allowed 25 miles. All -work guaranteed 20 years. Eastern Painless Dentists 88V* Peachtree St., Near Walton. 4-2-Hl Ear, Nose, Throat and Lung Trouble.^ >R“GEORGl£ BROWNrDtseaeeToTthe Ear Nose, Throat and Lungs, 312-14 .ustell Bldg. I have the only compound tveen plant ever brought South ana lake this gas dally. Weak, nervous naemic and pale people are invited to all. Engineering. • imo Engineers Are Questionable!' 1 )l T NEED engineering advice. Write is your troubles, problems. re tirees. We’ll help you. Amo House. »x 363. Atlanta, Ga. Fee, $1. 5-3-o Engineering and Machine Designing. G. V. PLANT, M. E. I DEVELOP TOUR INVENTION xie Pattern and Machine Works, 262 est North Avenue. Main 2829. 4-5-17 Fire-Proof Storage.^ ^ ^STCftUE‘HOUSEHOLD GOODS and pianos. Office and warehouse, 2»9- il Edgewood avenue. Ivy 2037. John TVoodalde Storage Company. Fly Screens. Flv Screens Made to Order. OAKLAND CITY REPAIR WORKS, irpenter and cabinet work a special- tv. Call West 242-L. Atlanta 528 C. Dickey. Mgr. 5-l-3i FLY SCREENS. dETAL AND WOOD FRAMES, port able garages. W. J. Baker Company. leU phfne Ivy 926. No. 811 Empire Life Tidg.■ Atlanta, Ga. “lL_ FLY—SCREENS—FLY 20ME SEE our Roll-aawy Screens, our Roller-bearing Screens, our Sliding Screens; none better, lit will pay you to lee our goods; get prices. 217 Kiser 31dg. Main 1319. Porter Screen Co i. J. Crawford. Agent 2-4-ia Fresh Oysters Daily. RGINTX~and New Orleans jysters on the half shell, 40c 77 Peachtree street Furniture Repairing and • Upholstering^ RNITURE repaired, upnolsterln*. tfinishing neatly done. Work called and delivered. Young K. Carson, Marietta street. Atlanta 3567. #■6-1 W L. LUNSFORD A CO., Upholstering, repairing and refinish ng furniture of all kinds, satisfaction guaranteed. Phones, Atlanta 6950-F. a. mi. *-6-i» Furniture. Rosser F. Jordan Furniture Co., 144-6 Auburn Ave. Phones: Bell Ivy 4467,'Atlanta 1800. WE CARRY a full line of household fur niture frorq kitchen to parlor; also a complete line of summer porch goods, such as porch sets, porch rockers, rugs, etc.: refrigerators, ice cream freezers and everything in the furniture line. We can save you 20 per cent on everything. ( all ar.d see us before buying elsewhere, ('ash or terms. 5-15-8 PERFECTION OIL STOVES. Three-burner, including oven and vessels, complete. $12.50. CAMERON FURNITURE CO., 85 South Forsyth Street. 5-1-3 FRENCH and Electric Clocks repaired. We call for and de- liver them. Phone us if you want to know' the correct time. T. C. FURNITURE CO- Cash or easy payments. 415 Marietta. Phone Atlanta 1797. 12 #<wtfaSSo#(Sa 6 SOUTH BRO-VD STREET. Lighting Fixtures. ^LECTRI^^and gas fixtures; all""new styles; lowest prices. Queen Mantel and Tile Company, 66 West Mitchell street. Phone Main 681 1-16-16 Lime, Concrete, Roofing, Stone. L^irTTMlTANB^^NE'TOMP^Y'. Lime, concrete and roofing stone. 915 3d Nat. Bank Bldg. 2-3-50 Mattress Renovating, SANITARY JdAT TRESS RENOVAU ING—Factory now and up-to-date; moderate prices; give us a trial. Jack- ! son & Orr Company, Means street and W. & A. R. R. Both phones. 3-20-14 Mining Engineers. Zed W. & W. F. Summerour. MINING ENGINEERS AND PROS PECTORS. TWENTY YEARS - FIELD EXPERI ENCE. LOCATING GOLD ORES A SPE CIALTY. CHARGES REASONABLE. A1 REF ERENCES. ADDRESS AURARIA OR ROY. GEOR- GIA. 5-3-4 Printing. THE FRANKLIN PRESS for the cheap est and best printing. 41% Peachtree St. Phone M 4608-J. 31-20-5 RYBERT & HOLLINGSWORTH FOR ANY KIND of printing We satisfy our customers. 10 Gilmer Street. Bell Main 4600. 5-17-3 Roof and Gutter Work. I REPAIR all roofs, gutters, all kinds sheet iron work. 33 South Pryor. Main 3)27. T. W. Hooper. 3-4-62 Safe Cracksman. Fire and burglar^proof^ssTes opened and repaired. C. C. Downes, 29% Marietta Street. Phones M. 2146. Atlanta 4922. 4-5-11 Sand. •SAND.' SAND In any quantity and quality; prompt delivery. S. M. Truitt A Son. 1-13-33 Sewing Machines. WE RENT new machines with complete set of attachments for $2 per month; also machines repaired; prompt deliv ery. Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44 Shoes. GET the best shoes for the whole family. Peacock & Drennen, 222 Marietta Street. 4-l£-28 Shoe Repairing. SHOETHALFCsoLgDrsSS^EU: 50 CENTS. At Gwinn’s Shoe Shop, 6 Luckle Street, Opposite Piedmont Hotel. Both phones. 3-26-45 Stove and Range Repairing. ~~"stoveT)octor. STOVE, range and furnace repairing. 61 South Pryor Street. Bell Phone Main 1460. Atlanta phone 1410. 4-10-10 DAN. THE FIXER. STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR RE PAIRING. We sell second-hand gas stoves. We sweep chimneys. 121 WHITEHALL STREET. Atlanta phonp 2235. Bell phone M. 2699. Transferring and Moving. TRANSFERRING and moving a spe cialty. Prices reasonable. L. Stall ings. Bell Phone Ivy 3094-J. 42-25-4 Trunks, Bags and Suitcases. KETXTLED~ANDTlEPAfREm: ROUNTREE'S, 77 WHITEHALL ST. PHONES: Bell M. 1576. Atlanta 1654. Umbreilas. “Taylor-Made” Umbrellas. BUY from makers; all prices and styles; re-covering and repairing; every um brella kept in repair free. Phone for salesman; prompt service L TAYLOR UMBRELLA CO., 116% Whitehall SL 4-23-35 Violin Maker. changed, repairing a specialty. The Old Reliable violin Dealer. Mays Bad- gett, 34Ms Peachtree. 3-31-34 Wood. WOOD. SOUTH GEORGIA mill cut-offs by the carload or any quantity you may want. They make fine kindling. S. M. Truitt & Son 1-11-13 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN Published by The Georgian Company, 20 East Atlanta, Alabama St. ^££53^ Georgia. Entered at Atlanta postoffice as second- class matter. Subscriptions Payable in Advance One year. mall, postage prepaid, $5.00 Six months, mail, postage prepaid, 2.50 Three mos., mall, postage prepaid, 1.25 One month, mail, postage prepaid, .45 Subscriptions Payable in Advance. Delivered by carrier, one year $5.23 Delivered by carrier, six months.. 2.60 Delivered by carrier, three months.. 1.30 Delivered by carrier, one month 46 Delivered by carrier In Atlanta and other cities, one week II No lack of activity in real estate has been found of late by R. L. Tur man, of the Turnon, Black & Cal houn Agency, who has sold $160,000 worth in the past four weeks, add ing a $30,000 apartment house Wed nesday morning. Mr. Turman sold for Mrs. M. B. JVleCerren to T. S. Wilkins, the three- story brick apartment at 101 Ponce DeLeon Avenue, sout/heast corner of Myrtle Street. This lot is 55x257 feet and was bought some years ago by Mrs. McCerren from the Peters es tate. There are three large apart ments, and the building brings a rental of about $3,000 a year. This is one of the handsomest apartments in the neighborhood. It is across Myr tle Street from the well known Peters block. Small Sales Made. Albert B. Turner has osld to a client of the John D. ("Ask Mr.”) Babbage Agency. 566 North Jackson Street, a six-room bungalow on the west side of the street north of Ponce. DeLeon Avenue for $5,500. The lot is 40x149 feet. Mr. Babbage reported the sale_pf an East Lake lot at a price which is said to be a record for the section. This was a 50x200-foot parcel on Mor gan Street, between Johnson and Car ter Streets, and it brought $30 a front foot, or $1,500. The buyer was Miss Emily Pitt Wilburn, of Missouri, and the seller was Eugene V. Haynes. F. M. Bulloch has sold to W. G. Lovell, through J. F. Mayfield, of the Harris G. White Agency, a house and lot on Fairview Avenue, Hapeville, 300x200 feet, for $5,250. Erecting Two-story Flat. A. H. Goodwin started some time ago a two-story flat on East Tenth Street, east of Bedford Place and overlooking Piedmont Park, and the building is about 33 per cent com pleted. The cost will be about $6,500. The fiats will have separate en trances, separate plumbing systems, etc. Permit for Whitehall Store. Eugene V. Haynes & Co., jewelers, have applied to the Building Inspec tor for a permit to make alterations and repairs on 49 Whitehall Street, the new store of the concern. The. cost of this work will be $10,000, and the contract has been let to Hard Worm. Healey Derrick in Place. One of the two monster steel crane® of the Healey office building has been assembled at Forsyth. Walton and Poplar Streets and was busy Tuesday and Wednesday lifting steel which will go into the structure’s founda tions. The boom of the crane was first set upright to raise the mast into position, and then the mast was used to swing the boom. The other der rick will be assembled at once and then the. steel frame will be started. Improvements at Brookhaven. Now that the Capital City Club has leased the Brookhaven property for its country home, a committee is busy looking over the grounds with the idea of patching up tennis courts, mending the golf links, repairing the boats and boat house, installing new furniture and doing whatever else is necessary to make things spick-and- span for tho Capital City Country Club members. The amount to be spent beautifying the club house and grounds has not been announced, but the Capital City has no lack of funds and will spare no expense. Final consummation of the deal be tween the downtowm club and the Brookhaven Estates, the owner, was effected Tuesday afternoon at a meeting in the office of Robert F. Maddox. The terms of the contract contemplate a- one-year lease and the privilege of a two-year re-lease at $100 a month, with an option to pur chase at $100,000, to be paid in first mortgage bonds at 5 per cent. Real estate men are already trim ming their sails for business which they anticipate will follow the Capi tal City Country Club into North Fulton and DeKalb. To Start Mitchell Regrade. Announcement that West Mitchell Street would be regraded, the work to start in about ten days, came as a surprise to many local realty men. S. M. Inman and George S. May had been working quietly some time on this project, and only a few days ago did new's of the improvement leak out. The thoroughfare will be regraded so as to make a level street from White hall several blocks westward. Auction of Bungalows. The Foster & Robson Real Estate Agency will sell to-morrow afternoon at 3:30 o’clock on Vaughan Street, on the South Decatur car line and in the Ninth Ward several bungalows and vacant lots, on terms of $100 cash and $15 a month for the houses and $25 cash and $5 a fnonth for the land. Interest will be at 7 per cent. This property is at the Whitefoord Avenue car line station and a large crowd is expected out. J. W. Ferguson & Son are the auctioneers, Effect of Whitehall Regrade. Now that Council has approved the Whitehall Street regrading project, Charles H. Black, C. E. Currier, John W. Grant and others are expected to go ahead with plans for substantial improvements along this thorough fare. Other investors, it is said, will locate business establishments short ly. Up to the present, business lead ers have feared to go below Trinity Avenue with their enterprises, but the effect of Whitehall regrrading will be to unify the section, and invest ments will find their wav farther southward. Success in this project was assured largely by the improvement clubs of the Second and Third Wards, which have agitated the matter for the past four years. Individuals who helped were R. R. Otis, George H. Boynton, Charles H. Black, M. L. Thrower. Frank Liebman, George I. Walker, Walker Dunson, T. B. Gay, R. A. Broyles. Dr. E. G. Jones and Na than Woolf, representing Whitehall Street property owners. The total needed for the improve ment is $120,000, of which amouni Council has been asked to authorize the expenditure of $47,248 in the pres ent, $17,000 of which has been raised WEST END. LUCILE AVE.—Near Peeples St., w’e can sell you a 10- room, 2-story house on extra large, elevated lot for $6,000. This place has a loan bearing only 5 per cent interest, bal ance easy. Owner a non-res ident and wants to sell. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. HOUSES FOR RENT. W.A.F0STER & RAYMOND ROBSON FOR SALE. ON THURSDAY. May 22. at 3:30 p m.. we will sell at auction three bungalows on Vaughn Street, mar Whiteford Avenue. Also several va cant lots in -the same neighborhood. Very easy terms will be offered. See special ad. in this issue. (Jet plats at office. ON NEXT SATURDAY. May 24. we will sell at auction, jointly wMth W. E. Treadwell X- Co., the Ragsdale property on Warner Avenue, Allene Avenue and Woodrow Avenue, con sisting of six modern bungalows and s xteen building lots. This very de sirable and attractive property will be sold on terms that will put it in the reach of everyone. See special ad. in this issue. Get plats giving full details from either office. II EDGEWOOD AVENUE. REAL ESTATE. RENTING AND LOANS. FOR RENT. 3-r. flat, 148 Highland Avenue. $16 00 3-r. h., 39 Gasklll Street 8 60 749 Whitehall Street .. 9.00 19 Fowler Street 10.00 126 Love Street 8.60 175 Randolph Street ... 8 60 43 Kendall Street 10.60 BEECHER ST.—Near Lee; this is a nearly new' 6-room cottage on lot 50x200 feet. This is a genuine pick-up at the price—$3,250—ar.d look, only $300 cash and balance $30 per month. St. Charles Avenue Lot. THIS Is the cheapest lot on this street. See us for price, terms and location. by the people Vho clamored for the j improvement. ON DA RGAN STREET, convenient to the Lucjle Avenue cars, a new 6- room bungalow with all conveniences, tinted wafts, stone foundation, brick mantels, furnace heat, beam ceilings. Everything first class Lot 47x150 feet. I rice. $4,l,->0. $650 cash, balance easy. See Mr. Cohen. T\\ O CLOSE-IN corners on Washing ton Street. Price and terms reason able. We advise the purchase of these properties for steady enhancement. See Mi. Hook. 3-r. h. 3-r. h., 3-r. h., 3-r. h., 3-r. h., 3-r. h., R* Evans Drive, Ft. Mc Pherson 5 60 3-r. h., 354 Edgewood Avenue . 10.60 3-r. h., 23 Corput Street 9.00 3-r. flat, 336 Grant Street 15.00 3- r. h., 72 South Jackson Street 8.60 4- r. h., 59 Fairview Avenue . . 8 00 4-r. h.. 24 Lampkin Street 7.60 4-r. h., 94 Lovejoy Street 8 60 4-r. h., 33 Bell Street 16 4-r. h.. 223 Humphries Street .. 12.50 4-r. h., Lakewood, and 17 acres of land, per year 150.00 4-r. h.. 31 McDonough Road .... 10.00 4-r. h.. Stewart Avenue, and 13^ acres of land 25.00 4-r. flat. 262 E. North Avenue.. 17.50 h.. 67 Atwood Street 25.00 6-r! h., 5 Holderness Street .... 20.00 5-r. h . 144 Ashby Street 27.60 And a long list of larger houses. Come to see us. TU Y< >U HAVE Mn.VKV to lend, we can place it safely. FOR RENT. "J” 312-14 RAWSON STREET. ON THE south side of Kawson. between Cooper and Windsor, we have a third floor front apartment “J,” five rooms; electric lights, hot and cold water, gas, electric bells, w'ashstand. bath, closet and sink; steam heat; jani tor service; gas range; storage room in the basement. A complete, up-to- date apartment. Cooper Street car half block. $40 on a lease. Phones: JOHN J. WOODSIDE. RE 1L ESTATE, RENTING, STORAGE. Bell 671 Ivy; Atlanta 618 12 "Real Estate Row.” propertyVransfers. Warranty Deeds. $3,000—J. W. Bryson to J. T. Ozburn, 46 Bunker Street, 50x100 feet. July 18, 1911. $130—Westview Cemetery Association to Evelyn R Kelly, lots 883 and 884, section 12. March 29. $3,000—Mrs. M. F. Huggins to Colonial Trust Company, lot 38x225 feet north side Ponce I )eLeon Avenue, 343 feet east of North Boulevard.. May 20. $3,000—Mrs. Laura C. Farris to Mrs. R. B. Robertson, 256 Oakland Avenue, 41x130 feet. May 28, 1911. $1,237—DeLo» L. Hill to LeRov Smith, lot 57x195 feet east side Cascade Ave nue, 100 feet north of Cherry Street. May 20. $1,800—LeRoy Smith to Gate City Home Builders, same property. May $280—Philip Dietz to Louis C. Raoul, lot 36x100 feet north side School Place. 183 feet east of Buchanan Street. Mav 19. $320—Louise C. Raoul to Loyds S. Mc Donald et al. same property. May I9r $140—D. J, Griffin to Louis C. Raoul, lot 50x150 feet on east side a 13-foot alley on north side of land line 166, 14th dis trict, East Point. May 20. $220—F. S. Hall to Cobb Realty Com pany, strip 12x200 feet north side West Tenth Street; also strip 5V&X200 feet north side West Tenth Street, at west line of Nottingham Street. May —, 1913. $450—W. C. Keenan to Mrs. A. M. Smith, lot 89x127 feet, south side Ma rietta Road, land lot 190, 14th district. April 16, 1910. $3,500—R. A. Gossett to E. E. Thomp son, 41 Bunker Street, 45x185 feet. Mav 21. $750—Mrs. Selma A. Morris to James P. Hunter, two acres north side Ivey Road at west line of land lot 63, 17th district. May 20. $1,250—Same to same, 5 acres on Ivey Road at southwest corner land lot 63, 17th district. May 20. $2,400—Annie R. and Nettie V. How ard to W. H. Craig, lot 50x227 feet, south side St. Charles Avenue, 313 feet west of Bonaventure Street. May 19. $400—J. K Ottley to McKenzie Trust Company, lot 45x231 feet, north side Highland Drive, 395 feet southwest of Peachtree Road. May 15. $75.00—Thomas Bearden to J. R. Rose- berry, lot 45x133 feet, south side North Avenue, 95 feet east of Walnut Street. November 5, 1908. $200—T. E. Jennings to Mrs. Annie M Freeman, same property. April 30. $1,992—George M. Hope et al to Brook, wood Real Estate Company, lot 273x300 feet at intersection of Piedmont and Oakdale Avenues. Mav 16. $200—T. F. Creel to Jessie O. Wlll- banks, lot 115x293 feet, southwest corner E. Boulevard and Hoas Avenue. May 1, 1909. $980—Jessie O. Willbanks to G. O. Sherer. same property. May 8. $780—Atlanta Development Company to Charles S. Transon. 330 Greenwood Avenue, 60x200 feet. May 2. $3.300--Dr. T. .1. Crawford to W. E. Cantrell, lot 92x100 feet, northeast coro ner Fraser and Fulton Streets. May 20. Warranty Deeds. $5, love and affection—J. Z. Elliott to Minnie M. Elliott. lot 124x300 feet, east side of Elizabeth Street, 220 feet north west of Edgewood Avenue. May 20, 1913. $15.000—L. Z. Rosser to Benjamin Z. Phillips, lot 54x34x46 feet, northwest side south Forsyth Street. 148 feet nortneast of Garnett Street. May 17, 1913. $6,500—Mrs. Kate G. Ryder to Mrs. Mattie K. Huggins, lot 45x100.feet, oast side Luckie Street, 60 feet north of Mills Street. May 17, 1913. Bonds For Title. $25,000—F. S«. Hall to Cobb Realty Co., 10 acres In land lot 107, 17th district, ad joining W. E. Wimpy awd Mrs. Charlotte Barker. March 24, 1913. $110,000—W. E. Wimpy to same, 16 acres bounded south by W. Tenth Street, adjoining John E. Smith lot, land lot 107, 17th district. March 24. 1913. $40,000—Mrs. Charlotte C. Barker to same, 8 acres bounded south by W. Tenth Street, adjoining Bridewell prop erty March 24. 1913. $1,466—Ernest Woodruff to Mrs. Irma Schnessler, lot 65x94 feet, south side Waverly Way, 120 feet southwest of Hurt Street. April 28, 1913. $18,000—Paul F. Vose to Charles E. Harman, lot 600x540 feet, southeast cor ner Collier and Howell Mill Roads. May 9 1913 $80,000—Newton S. Thomas to Gate City Realty Co., 105.61 acres in land lots 4 and 5, Seventeenth district. Also .66 acres on east side of Cheshire Bridge Road, adjoining said land. May 7. Transferred to W. E. Worley and J. A. Mahoney. May 17. Loan Deeds. $340—C. R. Berry to East Point Lum ber Co., lot 60x120 feet on Francis Ave., in land lot 132, East Point. Miy 10, 1913. $1911—Charles T. Transon to Fulton County Home Builders, lot 50x120 feet, north side Greenwood Avenue. 100 feet east of Frederica Street. May 19, 1913. $4,000—Forest Greene to Julian Drey fus Estate (by trustees), lot 100x218 feet, northeast corner Park Avenue and Sidney Street. May 20. 1913. $2,500—Gate City Home Builders to Mrs. Rosa Herzfeld, lot 57x195 feet, east side Cascade Avenue, 100 feet north east of Cherry Street. May 5, 1913. $300—Mrs. Emma Dyer and T. T. Dyer to Mrs Mary I^ebohn. lot 50x150 feet, north side East Fair Street, 100 feet east of Walnut Street. January 1, 1913. $3,000— John M. Jackson, et al to E. V. Carter, guardian, No. 756 Highland Ave., lot 90x150 feet. May 8, 1913. Quit Claim Deeds. $3,000—Central Bank and Trust Corporation to Newton S. Thomas, lot 1,200x1,300 feet southeast corner land lot 5. Seventeenth district. Also lot 1,300x1,520 feet northeast corner land lot 4, Seventeenth district. Said Lofts and Basements 29 GARNETT STREET $150.00 12 1-2 SOUTH BROAD ST., three floors $100.00 THREE S. BROAD STREET, 6,000 J-«quare feet. 36-38 DECATUR ST., two floors. 6.000 square feet. 1-5 SOUTH BROAD ST., loft and basement, 6,500 square feet. 59-63 WEST MITCHELL ST., 15,000 square feet. 66 WEST MITCHELL, three floors, 7,200 square feet $100.00 Furman, Black & Calhoun 203-8 Empire Bldg. FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT at the corner of Whitehall and Brother- ton Streets'. Gas, hot and cold water, bath and sewerage. In short walking distance; no car fare needed. Will rent or lease to de sirable parties at $25.Op month. BRICK STORE on Piedmont Avenue, just off Decatur Street Store about 26x75. Newly painted and in first-class shape. Will lease or rent on attractive terms. If taken at once. THE L. C. GREEN CO. 305 Third National Bank Bldg. Phone Ivy 2943, 4546. FOR SALE JOHN J. WOODSIDE NEAT COTTAGE HOME. (304 W. Fourth St.) Has 5 rooms, water, bath, sidewalks, street, elevated corner lot. Terms $500 cash. $15 monthly, 8 per cent. THOS. R, FINNEY, Sales Mgr. 12 "Real Estate Row.” Gardner Property--Forrest Ave. BEAUTIFUL building lots on Forrest Avenue, one block east of Boulevard, $1,000 to $1,250 per lot, on terms of $250 cash, balance to suit. This prop erty is opposite the Forrest Avenue School. J. R. & J. H. SMITH EWING REA I, ESTATE, RENTING, LOANS. Ivy 1513. 130 PEACHTREE. Atlanta 2865. $30,000 WE HAVE a rtlent with $30,000 in hank, with which to purchase good an nual or semi-annual notes. We do not want notes to broker, but will submit them to one client only. No red tape or delay. FINCHER & MARRIOTT JAS. H. REYNOLDS, Rales Manager. 1520 Candler Bldg. Ivy 5213. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY WE HAVE ample connections whereby we can make loans on desirable real estate in the city. Anyone wishing to have a loan made quickly will please see us. We can place the ap plication without any unnecessary delay. Ralph O. Cochran Company 74-76 Peachtree Street. two tracts comprise 76.68 acres; also 33.14 acres southeast comer land lot 4, Seventeenth district; also a tri angle containing 5-6 acre west side of t'heshire Bridge Road. Adjoining first above tract. May 17. $5—William M. Isom to Mrs. Belle D. Scribner, lot 30x150 feet northwest corner Pulliam and Bass Streets, May 16. Building Permits, $43,500—Mrs. Ada A Turner. 48 West Peachtree Place, two-story flat. Fulton Countyliome Builders. 15,000—Mrs. Joseph E. Ueppcrt, Moreland Avenue, two-story frame dwelling. Pulton County Home Builders. $3.300—Fulton County Home Build ers, 191 Wabash Avenue, one-story frame dwelling. Day work. $650 Each—Mrs. J. E. Wragg, 47-49 Coleman Street, two one-story frame dwellings. A. D. Hamilton. $900 Each—S. Cunningham. 334, 358, 360 West Fair Street, three one-story frame dwellings. Day work. $700—To same, 62 Parsons Street, one-story frame dwelling. Day work. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, Piedmont Avenue F rontage We have recently had consigned with us some Piedmont Avenue frontage, ranging in price from $115 per foot to $135 per foot. These lots are situated on the most desirable part of Pied mont Avenue, being between Twelfth, Thirteenth and Four teenth Streets, facing Piedmont Park The scarcity oUbuild- ing lots of this class of property on the north side is easily recognized by anyone who ha^» been looking for a home site re cently. The unusually good value offered here will be appre ciated by anyone in the market for first-class residence prop erty. Reasonable terms can be arranged. Forrest & George Adair YOU MAKE THE PRICE ON THESE BUNGALOWS that we will sell at A u ct i o n to-morrow, (THURSDAY") afternoon at 3:30. These bungalows are new; have five full rooms. Dandy big lots, 57 by 375 feet back to the right of way of the South Decatur car line. Catch the investment feature in this. These houses front on Vaughn Street, in the Ninth Ward. Vaughn Street runs east from White foord Avenue, between East Fail’ Street and the East Lake and Decatur car line, and these places are only a step away from the car stop at Whitefoord Avenue. These houses are being sold for division between partners and they go absolutely without reserve to the highest bidder. THE TERMS will be $100 cash and the balance $15 per month. There is a small loan on each place, to be assumed by the purchaser. AT THE SAME TIME we will sell several vacant lots on terms of $25.00 cash, and the balance $5.00 monthly. All deferred payments will bear 7 per cent simple interest. Get plats giving full particulars from Foster & Robson, Agents, 11 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. J. W. FERGUSON & SON, Auctioneers. THOMSON & LYNES AUBURN AVENUE—Brand-new two-story brick store in the busy section of Auburn Avenue. Leases and monthly rentals will pay 12 per cent. Price, $12,000; no loan to assume. Terms, half cash, submit balance. THOMSON & LYNES 18-20 WALTON ST. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. Real Estate and Builders. Fourth National Bank Bldg. Phone 2106 Main. GOOD NEW HOMES: Listen, on Moreland Avenue, corner of Albemarble, we are just completing a beautiful two-story, seven-room bungalow. This place has an abundance of large and roomy closets, tile bath, exposed celling beams, stone front, stone steps, and It is on a corner lot; birch doors, the best of hardware; will tint walls to suit your own taste. Will sell you this handsome place on easy terms. To see this is to buy it. Take a look and come to see us. ON NORTH AVENUE, close to Highland Avenue, we have just completed a pretty six-room home with two baths; it is seldom that you find a place so well built and so complete in every detail as this one. Each bath has tile floor; large rooms, plenty of light and furnace heat. Will take a good lot in part payment for this. It is close, to school and churches, within a stone’s throw of Druid Hills; car just a block away. Or will sell on easy terms. ON BEAUTIFUL Cleburne Avenue w’e are offering the best value in the city in a new six-room, hall and bath bungalow with tile floor on front porch and in bath room, dressing mirrors, stone steps, and automobile drive on side. This lot has a frontage of 70 feet. If you have been waiting for a large lot here it is. Will sell you this handsome place on easy terms. We knew that you will like this. FOR BALE BY GREEN REACT COM 611 EMPIRE BLDG. PAN BLDG. R FINE 300-ACRE FARM # (NEAR ATLANTA). ON CHATTAHOOCHEE RIVER; also on good creek; nearly half of farm as fine bottom lftnd as can be had. Fine cherted road wdthin about two miles of this place. Adjoining land held at $100 acre. We have an option on this. If sold at once, only $40 acre. A REAL BARGAIN. !AL ESTATE..RENTING. LOANS. Phjes 1599