Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 01, 1913, Image 124

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HEARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, ATLANTA, OA., SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 1913. Savannah S AVANNAH, May 31,—That peoplo tend to etay In Savannnh later and later each season Is un- dwtrbtedly true, and with the delight ful weather that has prevailed this oprthrr there seems less reason than ever to leave,the comfortable big hmnie nt home In Its summer array for tl» doubtful pleasure of the re aorta. But It la also true that, more and more (tavanrah people own thetr summer homes In the mountains and at the seashore—In the North and 1a Canada as well as at nearby re- aorta, and to these fortunate ones the lirel of June la always a temptation to desert city for country life, North Hatlet, Canada, Is one of the places where a number of Sa vannah people go each season. Mr and Mrs. Louts W. Haskell own their own home there, as do Mr. and Mrs H. C. Walthour and Colonel and Mrs. Blame Oordon. Mr. and Mrs. Wal thour and thetr children left to-day for North Hatlet Mrs. Thesmar, who umi&lly spends the summer or a part of It with Mrs. Haskell, will not go up«thts season, but the Thesmar chil dren will leave in June, accompanied by Miss Marla McAlpin, to spend the summer with their grandparents. Mrs. Oharlesworth J. Hunter will vis it Mr. and Mrs. Walthour at North Hatlet late In the summer The marriage of Miss Belle Battey amd Lieutenant Meade Waldrick on the evening of June 4 In Christ Epis copal Church will be an event of In terest to the younger society set and the bride’s many friends and connec tions in the older set The same even ing Mr. and Mrs. James Farle, Jr., will entertain with a wedding recep tion for their sister. Miss Adn Martin Turner, and Mr. William deBruyo Hops. Whose marriage will be pri vate. The marriage of Miss lAura Boyd and Dr. William Farquhar Shallen- berger will take place Saturday even ing. June 7, at the Independent Pres byterian Church. There will be no reception, but the members of the bridal party will be entertained at supper after the ceremony. Much Interest surrounds, too. the wedding In the following week of Miss Ruth Dana to Mr. Edwin W Cubbedge, Jr. It will take place June 10 In St. Johns Episcopal Church and will be preceded by several parties for the bride and her attendants The marriage of Miss Lenor Grace Clemmer and Mr. Arthur C. Rodgers took place on Monday, May 19, in Philadelphia, and Mr. Rogers and h1s bride are now with Mr. A. M. Rogers j for a month before beginning house keeping. A congenial party upending the week-end at Tybee Includes Miss Blaise Lynah, Miss May Hevward, Miss Rosa Gibbs, Miss Ruth Rankin and Mrs. J. H. Lynch. They are at the Heyward cottage. Mrs. P. W. Meldrim spent a portion of the week at Mllledgevllle. where she attended the nnnual meeting of the board of the State Normal and Industrial School. From these she went to Warm Springs to loin Gen eral Meldrim at the meetings of the Bar Association. Mrs. William Low, who has been with her mother, Mrs. Gordon, left early In the week for Washington, where she will spend a short time before returning to her home In Eng land Mrs. William H. Collins, of De troit. who hRS been the guest of Mrs. Otis Ashmore, Is now the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. L Hussav. 1n Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Marshall, who have been the guests for several days of Mrs. W. D Slmkens. have returned to their home at Woodslde Mrs. Frank M. Chisholm has re turned from a visit to Mr and Mrs. Anderson Chisholm, tn Virginia. Mrs. John L Hardee and Ml summer. Miss Bancroft 1s the pos sessor of a cultured soprano voice. A delightful affair last Tuesday night was the dance given by Mr. and Mrs. Leon S, Dure to their married friends at the Log Cabin Club. Judge and Mrs, Emory Speer are spending two weeks on St. Simons Is land. Miss Alice Ferguson, of DeSoto, Fla., arrived Thursday for a visit to Miss Sadie Jones. Mrs. J. W. Chambers and son, of Augusta, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Chambers. Mrs. Pate Stetson was the guest of honor at an auction bridge party given Tuesday by Mrs. Jack Cutler. ■Mrs. Frank Hazlehurst entertained during the week for her sister, Mrs. Campbell Wallace, of Marietta. Miss Elizabeth Raker entertained at a pretty garden party Wednesday afternoon at her home on Vinevllte Avenue In compliment to her house guests, Miss Annie Lou Hardy, of Senola; Miss Minnie McMlchael, of Buena Vista; Miss Lamar Ryals, of Cordele, and Miss Laurlan Johnson, of Atlanta. Mrs. Alex Block entertained Friday afternoon in honor of her mother. Mrs. Metzger, of Cincinnati. Miss Evelyn Estes entertained at a sewing party Wednesday morning, Miss Alice Murray, of Griffin, who are visiting Miss Evelyn Newman, were guests of honor at a dinner at the Dempsey Friday night. Miss Mary Cooke entertained at a heart dice party Thursday morning In compliment to Miss Margaret Lis ter, of Gulfport. Miss. Mrs. W. P. Duncan has gone to Murfreesboro, Tenn.. where her daughter, Miss Naomi Duncan, will graduate next week. A 1 UGUSTA, May 31.— Garda of In vitation been received In Augus ta from Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ezra Hicks, of Berkley, Cal., announcing the marriage of their daughter, Alice Louisa to Dr. John Coskery Wright, of Augusta, on May 21. At home af ter June 1 at 1219 Greene Street. The marriage of Mias Catherine Camming Verdery, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Paul Verdery, and Mr John Craig Craston, was solemnized at 9 o’clock Wednesday evening at the Verdery home on the Hill. The ceremony was performed by Kev. William Johnson in the pres ence of a limited number of friends of the young couple who were after- complimenting the guests of Miss ] wards entertained at supper Cornelia Adams and Miss Elizabeth Baker. Mrs. Leon S. Dure and Mrs. Flor ence Wadley Coleman will spend the month of July at Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, Va. A surprise bridge p*rty and lunch eon in honor of Mrs. E. A. Waxel- baum, who will leave shortly for Cal ifornia. was an interesting event at the Dempsey Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Max Morris won the prize for the high score at bridge. Dr. J. R. B. Branch is visiting his brother, Rev. C. H. H. Branch, at Hopkinsville. Ky. Colonel aid Mrs. Isaac Hardeman have returned from a month’s stay in North Carolina. Miss Lucile Garrett and Miss Mary McNeil, of Valley Mill, Texas, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. K. P. Moore. Miss Grace Boland Is visiting friends in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Daughtry have gone to Ran Antonio, Texas, for a month’s visit to relatives and friends Miss Martina Burke entertained Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Marshall Ellis, a recent bride. There were four tables of bridge. Complimenting her guest. Miss Ka tina Reich, of Columbus. Miss Nellie Keen Troutman entertained at bridge Wednesday afternoon. Miss Emory McCann, of Louisville, Ky.. was one of the guests. Miss Mary Moore entertained 75 of her school friends at her residence on Spring Street with a hearts dice party Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Richard Johnston, of Atlanta, who is the guest of Mrs. Marshall Johnston, was the guest of honor at a dinner for fourteen given at the Dempsey by Mrs. S. S. Dunlap. Mrs. William Yates entertained at a 5 o’clock tea Thursday In compliment to Mrs. Maynard Boardman Smith. Complimenting two recent brides— Mrs. A. L. Dasher, Jr., and Mrs. R. C. Souder—Mrs. Charles A. Glawson en tertained at a bridge party Wednes day afternoon. There were eight ta bles of bridge. Miss Mamie Adams entertained at a sewing party at her home on Col lege Street this morning, compliment ing the guests of Miss Elizabeth Ba ker and Miss Cornelia Adams. Mrs. George Gantt, Jr., entertained Friday morning in honor of the guests of Miss Annie Gantt, Miss Emily Melton, of Oxford; Miss Anne Cunningham, of Corona. Ala.; Miss Rebecca Branham, of Oxford. In compliment to her guest, Miss Theodore Atkinson, of Newnan. Miss., Miss NYiia I‘amour entertained at luncheon on Thursday morning. Mrs. Robert Toombs Barksdale, of Augusta, !s visiting friends in Ma con. She will leave for New York The first of a series of beautiful parties to be given In honor of one of the most attractive of the bride's of June was the bridge at which Mrs. Leroy Hankinson was hostess Tues day afternoon. Miss Edith Jackson being guest of honor. There were five tables and the house was embed ded in flowers. Mrs. John Rose Fioklen, of New Or leans Is visiting Mrs. William Mason Alexander on the Hill. Mr. W. J Craig came over from Wilmington, N. C., to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cochran for the Cranston-Verdery wedding Miss Galon* Broom entertained three tables of bridge playing friends delightfully Filday afternoon, in com pliment to Miss Edith Jackson. Mrs. T. E. Miller was a visitor from Edgefield Saturday. Miss Fannie Sewell Is now well again after an operation for appen dicitis. Mrs. H. H. Read has returned to Washington after a visit to her broth ers the Messrs Livingston. Mrs. Eugene Murphey entertained her card club Tuesday afternoon. The Y. W. C. A. Gymnasium gave its closing exhibit on Friday morning of this week at 11 o'clock. After spending the winter with Mrs. A. A. Walden. Mrs. Laura Duffy has xeturned to Philadelphia. Miss Ruth Marke has returned from an extended visit to friends In Ten nessee. Miss Meta Schley has returned from Hattleville where she has been visit ing Miss EfHe Brabham. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Hillyer, who are in Atlantic City, will return home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Young have taken the Brigham cottage on the Hill for the summer. Mrs. S. Lesser has returned from an extended Northern visit. Miss Arrington Butt, after spending the winter with Augusta relatives Is now visiting friends at Annapolis. Mrs. Lawrence Barksdale entertain ed her Card Club Tuesday afternoon. Baltimore, where they spent the past several weeks. The regular meeting of the City Federation of Women’s Clubs was held Friday afternoon at which re ports were made In regard to the Chautauqua which was held under the auspices of the federation. The reports were of a highly gratifying nature. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Baldwin and little son, Hoke, left Saturday for Washington, D. C., w'here they will spend the next several months. Mr. Baldwin has recently accepted an ap pointment as secretary on an impor tant committee in the lower house of Congress Mrs. H. G. Matthews, of Atlanta, who has been the charming guest of Mrs. Carl Hatcher, has returned to her home in Atlanta. An enjoyable social event of the week Just passed was the dance Monday evenin at the Muscogee Club, which w'as participated In by a number of the members of the younger society set. Mis Josephine Marcus, who has been in Atlanta for the past several months where she was opened upon, has recovered sufficiently to return to her home in this city. Miss Mary Slade will be among the Columbus young ladies who will at tend the commencement exercises of the State University. Miss Mary Adams, of Peachburg, who has been the attractive guest of Mrs. Will Langdon on Upper Second Avenue, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Curtis have returned from a delightful trip in their touring car to Dawson, Albany and other points In South Georgia. Miss P^thel Scarborough and Miss Rallie Cole, two beautiful brides-to- be in June, shared honors at a card party given by Mrs. Frank D. Fo ley Saturday afternoon to w’hlcfli a large number of the friends of the brides-elect were invited. The party was one of the most charming social events of the past week. Thomasville T Columbus HTHOMASVILLE, May 31.—Miss Katherine Merrill was the hos tess on Monday at a lawn party and afternon tea given In compliment to Miss Lucy Wiltshire, of Baltl more, who has been the attractive guest of Miss Jessie Watt for some weeks. A dance was given by a number of the young men on Monday evening at the Mitchell House Armory, Miss Wiltshire being the guest of honor. Miss Ruth McBride, with her moth er, Mrs A. N. McBride, are spending a short time with Mrs. T. L. Spence. Miss Lucy Wiltshire, of Baltimore, who has been the guest of Miss Jessie Watt, left this week for a visit to friends in Richmond, Va.. before re turning home. Mrs. George C. Crawford and the Misses Marjorie and Frances Craw - ford sailed this week from Savannah to Boston, Mass., from where they will go to Bar Harbor for the sum mer. Miss Jessie Kate and Marguerite Brantley, of Brunswick, are the guests fo their aunt, Mr*'. Fleming. Miss May Curry, of Valdosta, and Miss Thelma Palin, of Albany, are visiting Miss Louise Grantham. Miss Mary Ferguson, w ho has been attending Agnes Scott College, is at home for the summer vacation. MiS.^ Mary Eva Mallette leaves next week for Atlanta where she will Join Miss Nell Waldo and others for a trip abroad. Mrs. Butler Mays, of Charleston S. C., is the guest of Mrs. J. T. Cul pepper. Mrs. R. R. Evans and Misses Rose Carmen Evans have returned from Greenville, S. C., where the Misses Evans have ben for a year attend ing college. C H*len Hardee will leave on Jnne 14 next week. Atlantic City. j Dr. and Mrs Thomas Hall, Mr. and Miss Bessie Copeland, who has been Mrs. Robert Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. a student at the State Normal, at j Walter Reeks, Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Athens, is with her aunt, Mrs. T S Whitfield. Mrs . W. Carnot Holt, of Montgom ery, is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Wilbur M. Coney. Solomon and Mrs. Bardwell will spend the week of June 12 at St. Simons Island. Mrs. Eva Grace Duguid is visiting her uncle, Mr. Amos Judd, in Chat- Miss Nancy Boone, wrho has been ! tanooga. guest of Miss Carolyn Myers, has Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wrlgley have returned to her home In Baltimore. returned from Detroit and Niagara Mr. and Mrs. A. R Lawton. Jr. Falls. Pet ¥ S r P ed ^ om t J he North Mrs. J. C. Ellis, Misses Hovev and Miss Helen Dixon is visiting Miss , Scholls Ellis, and Master June Ellis Katherine Qulnby, in Norfolk. Miss H. C. Minor, of New York, guest of her mother. Mrs. Henry who has have arrived from Curltyba, Brazil. In December they will be Joined by Mr. Ellis, who will spend a six months’ vacation in Macon. He is the general manager of a Brazilian railroad. Four visitors, Miss Sarah Lee Co ney, of Hawklnsvlfle; Miss Emily Heath, of Talbotton; Miss Gladys Sheppard, of Elberton, and Miss Mary , T __ a r> t * ,, . Fort, of Americus, were guests at a f U Vtor i* J? r, T i<eckw, th , reception given Friday afternoon bv D ? I ^ w ‘ on ' m ' Miss Cornelia Adams This w as one ^ at ^* C., for ,>f the principal social events of the \Tr« t n m i * week, more than 150 guests being Mrs. George J. Baldwin and Miss prc Sl , n( In eompllment to Miss Jennie Rl- f*e Mary Pope Dana Min attending Meredith College. Ru- felgdi. N. C., returned to Savannah on Wednesday. Mrs. John Rose Fioklen. of New Orleans, made a short visit this week to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hilton Dorothea Baldwin will leave the first week in June for Flat Rock. N C ley. whose marriage to Mr. J. D. riacon "^j Crunp will take place on June 18. the | Stephen Brannon, have returned members of the \ oung W omen s ; ^pjj. home in Macon. Mrs. Srr lunch Sewing Club entertained at eon Thursday morniug. Miss Mary Steele entertained Fri day morning for Miss Cornelia Adams and the latter’s house guests. Miss May Burke and Sirs. Campbell M ACON, May SI.—Miss Clara Ban croft, teacher in expression at Wesleyan College, has gone to \ Jones are expected to return Monday Munich, Bavaria, where she will study from Norfolk, Va. and attend grand opera during the Miss Lucile Cain Atlanta, and “ P-R-I-N-T-O-R-I-A-L-S ■ No. 142 Steel Die and Copper Plate Engraving Is the recognized vogue of “polite society” in the production of Wedding Invitations—At Homes—Cartes De Visit—Cor respondence Cards and Monogram Stationery. We do this beautiful work in the highest style of the art, exquisite in fin ish, and correct in design. Specimens sent by mail to in terested parties on request. Out-o’- town orders given especial attention. BYRD Phones M. 1560-2C08-2614. Engraver. 46-48-50 W. Alabama, Atlanta. ^ GLUM BUS, May 31.—Mrs. Alfred O. Blackmar, Jr., was the charming hostess on tw r o spec ial occasions the past week, the first being when she entered the Young Matrons' Club on Wednesday after noon at 4 o’clock. The other was when she entertained the Fortnightly Club on Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock. She entertained on both occasions at her pretty home on Upper Third Av enue. The graduating recital of Miss Ma bel Pekor Wednesday evening was one of the very prettiest social events of the past week. On that occasion she read the interesting story by Kate Langley Basher. "Miss Gibbie Gault.” Miss Louise Huff, who has been attending school in Washington dur ing the past year, returned to her home in this city Wednesday. Miss Marion Lumus, Miss Isabel Garrard, Miss Nell Dimon and Miss Margaret Gordon, who have been stu dents at Hollins Institute, Hollins, Va., the past year, have returned home to spend the summer vaca tion. Miss Belle Carter Is the charming guest of her cousin, Mrs. William Wooten, in Albany, where a number of pretty social affairs have been ar ranged in her honor. The Friday Auction Club was en tertained in a delightful manner on Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Gordon Riggers. The prize for the top score, a pair of silk host , was won by Mrs. S. J. McMath. After the game a de licious lunch w r as served. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Boardman Smith, who have been spending a few’ days with Mrs. Smith’s mother, Mrs. to Smith was formerly Miss Alice Brannon, of this city, and her marriage to Mr. Smith was a recent brilliant social event. They were en route home j from their bridal trip to New York City, Washington and other points in the East. .Mrs. J. Ralston Cargill and little Misses Marjorie and Louise Cargill, her daughters, are the attractive guests of Mrs. Edmond F. Cook, at her beautiful home, ‘‘Belmont Heights." near Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. John I. Darby spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Macon Dudley, in Americus. Miss Emma Bradley, of this city. ! has been receiving charming social attentions as* the guest of Mrs. A. J. Carver, of Dawson. Miss Ophelia Davis, Miss Thelma Jameson. Miss Carter Harvey and | Miss Alice Cody, who have been stu dents at Shorter College during the past year, have returned to their homes in this city to spend their va- : cation. Miss Mary Hill was the charming hostess Tuesday morning of the Two- Table Auction Club, which she enter tained in a most delightful manner at j her pretty home on Lower Broad '< i Street. Miss Marjorie Browne, the attrac tive daughter of former Mayor Rhodes Browne, left the latter part of the week for Auburn, where she will be an invited guest at a number of ' the dances to be given during com- I mencement week. | Mrs. M. O. Berry and sons, Macon. Jr., and Allison, have returned from Cordele C ORDELK, May 31.—Miss Pearl Edwards, of Fatrbum, was the guest of honor at a delightful bridge party Tuesday evening given by Mrs. A. H. Edwards. The ladies of the Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church were guests at a reception Monday afternoon at which Mrs. Albert Little was hostess. She was assisted tn entertaining by her mother, Mrs. Latttmer. Mrs. A. J. Comer and daughter, Miss Helen, gave a recital Monday after noon at their home. Mrs. Brower, of Montgomery, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. F. Ty son. Mrs, Homer Cleghorn, of Macon, is the gest of Mrs. Fannie Hyde. Misses Birdie and Mary George Black have returned to their home in Carlton after a pleasant visit to friends here. Mrs. F. G. Boatright and daughter, Miss Frederica, will leave soon for a visit to friends tn New York and Bal timore. Tiffon r IFTON, May 31.—Mrs. H. H. Tift returned Tuesday from Forsyth where she spent several days at Bessie Tift commencement exercises. Miss Ruth Rogers of Macon, is the guest of Mrs. J. L. Herlng. Misses Mollie and Lucile Abernathy, of Roseland. Fla., are the guests of Mrs. E. E. Edwards. Miss Kathleen Mulloy, who has PURE WATER Necessary TO GOOD HEALTH CASCADE SPRING WATER Purest and Best Water in tlie South. A Delightful Table Water Indorsed by Physicians Everywhere. Delivered to your home daily direct from the springs. Order by mail or telephone. Cascade Water Co. R. F. D. No. 1. Fhone, Atlanta 5856-A. been attending the spring term of Bes- I nlfi Tift, arrived In Tlfton Monday and will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. B H. McLeod, for the summer. Misses Mabel and Blanche Padrlok are the guests of relatives In the city while en route to their home In Lake land. Fla. Misses Jennie, Fannie and Pearl Soule, of Albany, were the guests this week of Miss Aurelia Hargrett. Miss Mattie Lou Burgess, of Pem broke, was the guest of Mrs. J B. Murrow Monday. Mrs. L. K. Forbes, of Lakeland, Fla., is the guest of Mrs. J. N. Mit chell. Miss Ida Mayer, of Atlanta, is the guest of Miss Clara Belle Duff for a week. Mrs. O. C. Grlner entertained the Bridge Club Thursday. Brown-eyed Susans, palms and fernB were used for decoration. Mrs. J. B. Smith won the prize, three dainty handker chiefs. Miss Colleen Coe entertained six teen of her girl friends Tuesday In honor of her sixteenth birthday Sher bet, Ice cream and cake were served. Dalton D ALTON, May SI.—Mrs. T. 8. Lu cas complimented the teachers of the public school system here at a delightful parlor picnic Sat urday afternoon. As a pleasant compliment to Rev. J. M. Bass, of Macon, and Mr. O. W. Stapleton, of Atlanta, the Delta Al pha class of young ladies of the First Methodist Sunday School en tertained at a surprise picnic at the residence of Rev. W. R. Foote Tues day evening. Mrs. M. M. Gordon and Mrs. May Gordon Curtis, of Atlanta, are guests of relatives here. Mrs. L. L. Adams, of Eastman, is the guest of Mrs. E. E. Arnett. Mrs. M. F. Allen is th$ guest of Mrs. B. A. Portrum, on Depot Street. Dr. Sam Lowry, of Rome, and Mr. James Lowry, of Atlanta, were guests of their sister, Mrs. M. L. Gudger, Sunday. Miss Jennice McAfee left this week for a visit to relatives in Bristol, Va. Mr. and Mrs. James McIntosh, of Statesboro, N. C., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. P. McAuliffe. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parmalee and little son, Maddox, of Atlanta, are guest* of Col. and Mrs. S. P. Mad dox. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dollar had as their guests for the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dollar, of Birmingham, Ala. Miss Nancy Latimer, of Atlanta, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. M. Hollingsworth, on Thornton Avenue. | Covington j C OVINGTON, May 31.—Miss Gladys Lee left Saturday for Decatur where she went to at tend the commencement exercises of I Agnes Scott College. Miss Lee will be the guest of Miss Julia DuPree in Attalla, Ala., before returning home. Mrs. Richard Hutchings, of Og- densburg, N. Y.. who has been delight fully entertained for the past two weeks as the guest of Miss Jule Trippe has returned to her home. Miss Kate Elder, who has been the guest of Mrs. Walter Wallace in So cial Circle and of friends in Augus ta, is the attractive guest of her aunt, Mrs. Dan J. Jones In North Covington, before returning to her home in Decatur. Mrs. George T. Smith. Mrs. Robert Fow’ler, Mrs. Ida Whitehead, Mrs. J. E. Phillips. Misses Maggie and Car rie Beck Davis attended the funeral on Tuesday of Mrs. Wilbur Harwell at Newbern. Miss Mary Telford, of Orlando, Fla., was the guest for several days this w’eek of Mrs. R. C. Guinn be fore leaving for Waynesville, N. C., where she will spend the summer. Much interest is felt in the mar riage of Miss Hattie Belle Harris, of Greqnsboro, and James Oliver Brad shaw, of this city, w’hlch took place on Sunday evening at the home of the bride’s parent*, Mr. and Mr*. A. G. Harris, In Greensboro, Rev. R. L. Sutton, pastor of the Baptist Church, officiating. A pretty event of the w’eek was the reception on Thursday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Guinn given by the U. and A. So cieties of the High School. The house was prettily decorated with ferns and pot plants, quantities of roses being used on the cabinets and mantels. Mlfli Annie Belle Robinson Is en tertaining a congenial number of young ladles at her home this w’eek, her guests including Miss Louise Kytle, Miss Carrie Williford, Misses Zena and Frances Talmadge, and Miss Annie Neal Cochran, of Athens. Miss Eleanor Butler entertained the members of the Young Ladies’ Bridge Club and a few friends at her home on Conyers Street on Tuesday af ternoon. Dublin D UBLIN, May 31.—Mrs. E. L. Black was hostess at a pretty porch party which she gave Tuesday morning in honor of Mrs. J. N. McDaniel, of Thomaston. The Dublin Woman's Study Circle held it9 regular meeting on Wed nesday afternoon last at the home of Mrs. J. S. Adams on Belleview Av enue. This meeting was well attend ed and “Elizabethan Lyrics” was the subject of the afternoon, the pro gram being in charge of Mrs. W. C. Thompson. On Friday evening the closing ex ercise of the Dublin Public Schools were held in the High School Audito rium. There were 22 members of the graduating class, the largest number in the history' of the school. On Thursday evening Mrs. W. C. Thompson’s music class gave a much enjoyed musical program. Mr. George Mingledorff was mar ried last Tuesday afternoon to Miss May Helen Crumb. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Crumb, of Jackson, and was a very quiet affair. A surprise marriage in this city was that of Miss Essie Rogers, of Dublin, and Mrs. E. L. Klmsey, of Cornelia, w’hlch took place quietly at the Methodist parsonage here Tues day evening, Rev. Whitley Langston performing the ceremony. Misses Robbie Williams and Ida Camp Berry' left Wednesday for Shel- byvllle, where Miss Williams will be the guest of Miss Berry for several w r eeks. Miss Berry has been tho guest of Mrs. G. H. Williams in Dub lin for several weeks. N ASHVILLE, May 31.—An enjoy able party w’as given by Miss Cora PaJge in honor of the senior class of the Nashville High School. The Methodist and Baptist Sunday schools had a picnic at Lucy Lake yesterday. W INDER. May 31.—The marriage of Miss Gussie O’Neal to Mr. Lewis Harvey Johnson will oc cur at the home of the bride in Win der on the evening of June 4. The ceremony will bo performed by Rev. W. T. Hamby, of Augusta. Immediately after the ceremony, a large reception will be held, after which the bride and groom leave for New* York City where they sail for Europe on June 7. You can not fina a nicer or pleas anter place in all the South than the Warm Springs. Meriwether Coun ty. Large, commodious hotel and cot tages, fine climate, 1,250 feet eleva tion. Largest swimming pool with natural warm water in the whole country. Cuisine unequaled. Rates reasonable. Clean, clear, cool and no gnats or mosquitoes. Write proprietor, Warm Springs Hotel, for rates, etc.—Adv. Just Wk en You Need Tk em Most A Sale of new, fresh, clean Und ermuslms lii Just At The Time —when you wuh to replenish your summer wardrobe, or to pack your vacation trunks. You 11 Find The Garment H ere Every Garment Sh own In Th is Sale Fres hly O p e n e d [ J A Wond erful Sale of Undermuslins To-morrow, at One Price. This Offering Is Our Usual Annual une Sale of Undermuslms To Prepare for it and to Insure Freshness and Daintiness, "We Cleared, in our Wonderful Sales of Last Week, Every Piece in Stock that Could Not he Shown as Absolutely < New. Gowns —made of soft nain sook and lingerie cloth, in the popular Empire slip-over styles. V or high necks; long or short sleeves. Trim mings are of Val and Cluny laces, others are embroidery trimmed, many a combination of both. All heading and ribbon run. Included in this lot are the pop ular crepes in pink or blue or white. Petticoats Princess Slips —made of lingerie —made of nainsook and cloth or soft cambric; lingerie cloth. Trim some have deep flounces mings are of dainty of swiss embroidery. embroideries or laces. others have flounces many a combination of formed of rows of both. Beading drawn Val or Cluny lace. with ribbon. Skirts many a combination of are finished with bands both. A great many St • 1 i i of embroidery, Val or are finished at knee • 1 1 *1 1 1 Cluny lace, sometimes with embroidery bead- 1 • • f 1 ing, ribbon run. All a combination ot lace are in the new straight and embroidery. All effects, with or with in the new straight out the underlay. effects. Combinations —Corset cover and drawer styles only. The combinations are elab orately trimmed with Val. Cluny and Irish laces, also dainty em broideries and nhhnn run. Drawers are all the new straight effects, trimmed with flat hands of lace or em broidery. Included m this assortment are the very popular Teddy Bears. Lace and em broidery trimmed. Drawers —made of sheerest ninssok, in the new straight effects, as well as the ever popular cir cular styles. All trim med with flat hands of embroidery or lace. Child s Dresses « —of ginghams and mad ras, embroidered and braid trimmed. Also a number of white lawns, lace and em broidery finished. Dutch necks, plaited skirts:longwaist effects. A a 1 at 98 ea. KEELY COMPANY