Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 01, 1913, Image 133

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rrKARsrs Sunday American, Atlanta, ga., Sunday, june i, 1913. 7 he Spark Plug that will give new life and impetus to your business is an American“ Want Ad HOUSES FOR RENT. Unfurnished. Nloe seven-room cottage; . For rent- all modern conveniences; desira' location. Apply to W. Q. Whlser.hunt, Best Cleveland Avenue, East Point, (.la. Bell phone 463-L. 201-5 30 HOUSE—Four rooms and reception hall, all modern Improvements. 63 Windsor Bt.. eorner of Rawson 6-29-202 POR RENT—17S~Cypress Street, one door of Peachtree Place, 6-room house, eleotrlclty, furnace, 140. Phone Ivy 2610 212-8-29 FOLLOW THE CR6WDS TO ST NICHOLAS. 6-29-21 ONE 8-room~brfclc house, located at Faith’s Crossing. Atlanta 4861, Bell Ivy 9166. 6-26-25 FOR RENT—dam-up cottage; six rooms and; hall; In Decatur, Ga.; big lot; all conveniences; $26 per month. Address 8. O. S., Box 11, care Georgian. 6-26-7 OUR RENT LIST describes everything for rent. Call, write or phone for one. Ivy 3396 Charles P. Glover Realty Co., 2H Walton Street. 2-13-49 FOR RENT. Corner Peachtree and Alexander Btreats we have several nice flats of il-x rooms with all modern conve niences, large rooms with plenty of lights nice neighborhood, a nd within 10 minutes* walk of center of the city. Price, $25.00. Let us show you through. GEO. P. MOORE, Real Estate and Renting. 10 Auburn Avenue. STORES. For Rent. STORE, 10 by 35, 390 Peachtree; right -«P lace * or dairy or meat market; only $30 per month. Will lease. 6-1-71 OFFICES FOR RENT. OFFICE SPACE, front office, use of phone. Apply 708 Candler Bldg. 49-1-6 EOR SUB-LEASE—Large office, front- ing Peachtree Street, in Hillyer Trust Bldg. Call Ivy 600. 63-1-6 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT SPACE with use of telenhon Apply 633 Candler Bldg. *4-25 SUMMER RESORTS. FOR RENT—Two new bungalows at Mount Airy, Ga., highe’st point on Southern Railway; delightful climate, beautiful scenery, fine water. Five rooms; new and attractively furnished; screens and electric lights; wide porches. Reasonable rent to good tenant. Address Box 112, Mount Airy, Ga. 78-1-6 MOUNTAIN VIEW HOTEL, Clarkesville, Ga., SITUATED twelve miles south of Tal lulah Falls. Open from June 1; pop ular resort; fine gardens; best table fare; large, airy rooms; famous water; noted physician; altitude 1,400 feet; rates $6 to $8 per week, children under twelve years and nurses, $4; special rates to families and parties. Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Orme, Managers and Owners. 6-1-9 WILTON LODGE, Turnerville, Ga.. cool, quiet and comfortable; in Blue Ridge Mountains, near Tallulah Falls. Excel lent fare. Rates reasonable. 6-1-17 FOR RENT—In country, 25 miles south of Atlanta, part of large house, in cluding living room, dining room, kitch en and pantry, six bed rooms, toilet ano bath; running water In all rooms; very large, shady porch; convenient trains. Will rent partly ftirnished until Octo ber at $40 a month from June 10. For further particulars, etc.-, address M. C. P., Box 103, Palmetto, Ga. 5-27-1 SAVE MONEY NOW on Furniture at IIIGIES. 5-28-202 REAL ESTATE For Rent. FOFTRBNT^Stablcs and carriage house, large lot; water and grass lots. Main 4091-J. 5-31-200 FARMS For Sale^ 5 Cents an Acre Cash. TEXAS SCHOOL, land for sale by the State. You can buy good land at $2 per acre: pay 5c per acre cash and no more for 40 years but 3 per cent in terest; send 6c postage for further in- fomation. Investor Publishing Company, Dept* 8, San Antonio, Texas. $6-1-6 FOR SALE—Seventeen and one-half acres on River car line, four-room house, orchard and outbuildings. Ideal chicken farm or dairy. Ready for sub division. Apply to owners, 43 South Forsyth St. 5-31-34 SAVE MONEY NOW on Furniture at HIGH’S. 5-28-202 Wanted. WANTED—To hear from ~ owner’who has good farm for sale. Send descrip tion and price. Northwestern Business Agency, Minneapolis. Minn. 85-29-3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. will exchange for city or near-in renting property, farm con sisting of 43 acres, house, orchard, out buildings, value $4,500; four and one- half miles from Marietta, near car line. Apply to owners, 43 South Forsyth St. 5-31-33 FOR BEAUTIFUL HOMES and build ing lots in College Park, the moat de sirable suburb of Atlanta, see I. C. Me- Cror y REAL ESTATE WANTED^ WOULD LIKE to buy from own er, for cash, modern 8-room home on North Side, in section lying beyond North Avenue and between Williams and Jackson Streets. Unless you have a bar gain, don’t answer. Address “Cash,” Box 750, care Atlanta Sunday American, and give full description of property and price. 6-1-53 IF YOU HAVE A SWEKTII KART, TAKE HER SWEETHEART KISSES. 6-1-14 SOME CASH for good equity in rent ing property or purchase money notes. Address Cash, Box 25, care Georgian. 54-1-6 I WISH to purchase good vacant lot in Inman p ark, near car line; not less the^ 50 by 150. Give location, price and size v^^ss Inrhan Park, care Geor- 6-1-23 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. LEASE OR SALE—Artistic bungalow; screened, tiled, furnace, garage. Ad dress “Analey Park,” care American. 100-1-6 CLEAN UP and paint up. Get In the clean-up campaign. C. F. Binder tells you how. Ring up Ivy 5852-J. 6-1-84 BEFORE YOU BUY a home, go out to Murray Hill Station, on the North Decatur car line, and look over the beautiful bungalows Just completed. They are modem In every detail and are, sure to please those of refined taste. Stone fronts, electric lights, brick and cabinet mantels, beauti ful fixtures, largo sunny rooms, love ly living and dining rooms connect ing. Plenty of closets, pretty bath rooms, hot and cold water, large porch, cement sidewalks; on beauti ful street; good school and best of neighborhoods. Only fifteen minutes’ ride from center of city. Car every five minutes. $3,300 to $3,600; $200 to $800 cash; balance $25 per month. SEE MR. WALKER. No. 8 Nelson Street. Phone Main 2824. 6-1-64 BUNGALOW—Five rooms; stone foun dation bungalow in South Kirkwood; one block from can line: electric lights, water, tile walks; slightly elevated and nicely shaded lot; price $2,350. Small cash payment, balanoe to suit you. Phone Decatur 540 ion further informa tion. 82-1-6 PIEDMONT AVENUE. WE HAVE a fine stoiy-and-a-half bun galow on a big lot, 68 by 265 feet, for $6/500, on easy terms. This faces the east and has fine shade. Near Tenth Street. W. A. Baker & Co., 1116-1116 Fourth National Bank Building. Phone Main 613 6-1-56 TWELVE LOTS at a very low price in a block of WEST PEACHTREE on SIXTEENTH STREET, ready for build ing. A profit of TEN THOUSAND DOL LARS here. ADArR & HOLT. Phone Ivy 10. 6-1-66 EQUITY in $4,150 handsome 6-room bungalow in Inman Park for sale cheap. Owner leaving city. Ivy 6754-J. 48-1-6 IF YOU HAVE A SWEETHEART, TAKE HER SWEETHEART KISSES. 6-1-14 NEW two-story house and large store in Inman Park; $5,500, on easy terms to suit. NEW seven-room house in College Park, with acre of ground; $3,000; on easy terms, like rent. No cash required. 400 Temple Court Building. Phone Main 4189. 207-5-28 ONE block of Ansley Park, a lot 50x198, for $850. It Is elevated and has oak trees; a good investment; $50 cash and $18 per month. Address Advantage, Box 805, care Georgian. 6-1-6 FOR SALE BY OWNER—12-room house on North Side, storm sheathed, furnace heated. Two baths, three toilets; house newdy renovated throughout. Large lot and garage. Ideal location for fraternity house or for person wishing large, com fortable home. For quick sale, $8,500. Address Owner. Box 308, care American. 25-1-6 $120 PER FOOT; RIGHT AT GRADY HOSPITAL. ON BUTLER STREET; lot 52^ by 150 feet. This lot is close to Auditorium and medical college. This is a good buy and a money-maker. Adjoining proper ties held at from $130 to $300 per front foot. Call Malm 613. W. A. Baker & Co., 1115-1116 Fourth National Bank. 6-1-55 A BEAUTIFUL lot on the North Side, in a most desirable section, 60 by 239; nicely shaded and level; worth $2,000, but for a quick sale will take $1,600. ADAIR & HOLT. Ivy 10. 6-1-56 222 ACRES improved farm land, heavy crops on at present; best land in the State; artesian water. Will sell at a sacrifice at once. See or write E. A. Moore, at 1 Fair Street, Atlanta, Ga. 204-5-31 FOR SALE in Fortified Hills, five-room house with two acres of land. Beau tiful shades, etc. Apply to owners, 43 South Forsyth St. 5-31-35 FOR SALE—Several three and six- room houses at Carey Station; reason able price and liberal terms. Apply to owners at 43 South Forsyth St. 5-31-37 INSIDE the four-mile circle, two beau tiful lots. 50 by 312, east front, ele vated, shaded and on Piedmont Avenue, a main thoroughfare; a sacrifice price of $1,000 each, $40 cash, $20 monthly; clear titles. Address Sacrifice, Box 388. care Georgian. 5-31-3 BY OWNER—Suburban home, West Mercer Avenue, College Park; three blocks from car line; eight-room house on acre lot, on comer; $4,000. East Point 465-L. 27-31-6 OWNER will make attractive-offer on 2- story 8-room house on North Side; also 5-room bungalow in Inman Park. Phone Mr. Berriman, Ivy 1421. 5-30-12 PIEDMONT AVENUE LOTS, 60x230, ADJOIN ING ANSLEY PARK. WE HAVE five lots, each 60 by 230, on this beautiful drive, for $2,000 each. They are elevated, east front, and this property will double in value in one year. Come and talk this over with us and we can show you how to make money. These lots can be had for $250 cash and $25 per month. Phone Main 613. W. A. Baker & Co., 1115-1116 Fourth National Bank. 6-1-55 A NICE SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW, on south side, with bath and all conven iences. No loan. Price $2,100, with $250 cash and balance $20 per month. A BARGAIN. ADAIR & HOLT. Phone Ivy 10. 6-1-56 FOR SALE or exchange for Atlanta r6al estate, one-hundred-acre Early County farm. Olson & Smith, Empire Building 6-30-13 A BEAUTIFUL nine-room house, lot 50x 150, back to an alley. Every conve nience. with stables and servants’ rooms Built for « home. 125 East Georgia Ave nue. Call Main 3744-L. 5-29-8 $3,000.00—For sale, on very easy terms, northwest corner Tumlin and Calhoun Streets; five-room house and hall; right at Home Park School, in one block of Tenth Street; lot 73 by 145. A good place for chiekens and flowers; large rooms. Small cash payment and as sumption of forty notes at $23.45 each, without interest, $1,000 three years at 8 pe cent. Balance easy. Thomas J. Wesley. 209 Grant Building. Telephone Ivy 5241 o-28-6 FOR SALE—Good six-room cottage In Decatur; has large lot, 60 by 240; dan dy garden; good barn; house la nicely papered; has sewer, water and electric ity. The price is $3,250, on easy terms. Address B. S., Box 300, care Georgian. 5-26-8 BUNGALOWS. ON HILL STREET, right near Georgia Avenue, on beautiful elevated lots, we have three fine little houses. Two are six rooms; the other seven rooms. These can> be bought at bargain prices; $2,700 for the six rooms and $3,200 for the seven-room house. On easy terms. Phone Main 613. W. A. Baker & Co.. 1115-1116 Fourth National Bank. 6-1-55 TEN ACRES in thq TWO-MILE CIR CLE THAT WILL CUT 28 nice lots, with railroad frontage. $ t,000 per acre will buy and balance on easy terms. ADAIR & HOLT. Phone Ivy 10. 6-1-53 LEASE OR SALE—Artistic bungalow; screened, tiled, furnace, garage. Ad dress “Ansley Park,” care American. 87-25-5 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. j^harp & j^oylston $100 CASH AND $20 MONTH. ORMEWOOD PARK— Six-room cottage, on large, shady lot, in half block of car. This place can be bought for $2,500—worth $3,000. FLORA AVENUE— One block of North De catur car line. Six rooms, gas, electric lights and city water. Good lot. Price $2,250. Terms, $100 cash, $20 month. A bargain. THOS. W. JACKSON, Fourth Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone Main 5214. SUBURBAN HOME ON the Marietta car line. Nice six-room house on a large lot. House equipped with own gas plant. Plenty of phade trees. Place in good shape with pretty flowers and garden. Will sell on easy terms. Can get two acres or as much as fifteen. Car stops in front of the door. VACANT LOTS. HAVE some good bargains In LOTS on PEACHTREE ROAD, WEST PEACHTREE, SPRING, DRUID HILLS, SEVENTH and EAST LAKE. INVESTMENT. WITHIN the one-half mile circle is a large lot on a corner. Car line in front of the door; car every five miautes. Houses now rented that give a 10 per cent income. This will enhance in value. Ask for P. D. Baker. SAVE MONEY NOW on Furniture at HIGH’S. 5-28-202 LET US BUILD you a nome. Will buy you a lot or pay off your lot. Terms to suit. 400 Temple Court. Main 4189. 4-18-43 HOUSES FOR RENT. HOUSES FOR RENT. FOR RENT BY EDWIN P. ANSLEY REALTY TRUST BUILDING. Bell Phone Ivy 1600—Atlanta 368. Location. Rooms. Price. 40 Hurt Street ...12 $50.00 305 Woodward Avenue ...10 32.50 Decatur, Ga., College Street ... 9 30.00 Decatur, Ga., 11 Howard Avenue .. ... 8 45.00 42 Adair Avenue ... 8 50.00 Maddox Drive, Ansley Park ... 8 60.00 Ormewood Park, Delaware Avenue ... 7 25.00 15 Garnett Street ... 7 22.60 307 Woodward Avenne ... 7 30.00 21 Cleburne Avenue ... 7 42.50 401 East Fair Street . ..6 30.00 405 East Fair Street . ... 6 30.00 282 Courtand Street ... 6 22.50 158 Ashby Street • • • 5 25.00 21 Grady Place, West End ... 6 21.00 42 Eugenia Street ... 6 22.50 387 Cooper Street 5 APARTMENTS. 15.60 513 Courtland Street ... 6 $27.50 515 Courtland Street ... 5 27.50 515-A Courtland Street ... 5 27.50 1 Dickson Place ... 5 37.50 40 Eugenia Street ... 5 25.00 40-A Eugenia Street 6 EDWIN P. ANSLEY. 25.00 FOR RENT. 342 GORDON STREET (WEST END)—On the went side of Gordon Street. between Lawton and Queen Streets, we have a two-etory ten-room frame house; has electric lights, ga*. hot and cold water, two baths, washstand, clos et and sink; hot air furnace and hardwood floor*; In feood oondltfon. Street cars In front. Lot 190 by 150, with stable. J. D. Fraser home place. $50. WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. Atlanta Phone 618. » 12 AUBURN AYE. Bell Phone Ivy 671. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Ponce DeLeon Springs Lots For Sale. 200 feet frontage on Angler Avenue, 170 feet on North Avenue, adjoining the Ponce DeLeon Amusement Company’s property. Will sell It off in 50-foot lots, or as a whole, on good terms. Will trade this property for an improved place on Capitol Avenue or any other residence street in the city. This prop erty worth, easy, $30 per front foot. CHARLES E. THOMPSON. Room 201 Equitable Building, Atlanta, Ga. 93-1-6 JACKSON STREET LOTS. I have a well-lying lot on Jackson Street, 50 feet front, that you can buy on good terms. Will pay to improve it. See me. Charles E. Thompson, 201 Equitable Building. 94-1-6 I HAVE two farms. 125 acres, and ona 75 acres. Will exchange one or both for vacant lot. Call Milton. Main 2053. 5-3-24 FOR SALE cheap by owner. 739 Spring Street, near Twelfth Street, two-story nine-room house; price $5,600; $750 cash required; balance easy terms, if desired. Address G. A. Dunlop, 301 Mutual Building. Richmond. Vo.. 5-3-9 I~HAVE seven acres, three-room house, half block car line, all cultivated. fm(> for trucking; will exchange for small renting property. Call Milton, Main 2052. 6-3-24 9-r. h., 95 Washita Avenue .. 40.00 2-r. h., 84 East Gain Street 42.50 2-r. h., 386 Spring Street 40.00 2-r. h., 82 Central Place 35.00 0-r. h.. 135 Ivy Street 45.00 9-r. h., 423 Gordon Street 45.00 9-r. h., 95 Washita Avenue . 40.00 8-r. h.. 3 West Eighth Street, furnished 60.00 R-r. h., 66 Sinclair Avenue .... 60.00 8-r. h., 531 Courtland Street.. 47.50 8-r. h., 96 West North Avenue 40.00 8-r. h., 458 Courtland Street.. 40.00 7-r. h., 107 Capitol Avenue.... 45.00 7-r. h., 118 East Eleventh St 42.60 7-r. h., 367 Spring Street 36.00 7-r. h., 380 Central Ave 30.00 7-r. h„ 171 Capitol Avenue ....$46.00 0-r. h., 254-A Courtland Street.. 81.60 6-r. h., 633 Piedmont Avenua (furnished) 36.00 6-r. h., 19 Elbert Street 25.00 6-r. h., 381 Luckle St 20 00 6-r. h., 137 Venable Street .... 18.00 6-r. h., 29 Palmetto Avenue... 12.60 6-r. h., 36 DeKalb Avenue, Klrkwoo*. 20.00 6-r. h. t 90 z.'iomis Avenue .... 21.00 6-r. fiat 2333 Houston Sireet .... 17.50 6-r. h., 989 Glennwood Ave 15.00 4-r. h., 117 Martin Street 15 60 4-r. h., 206 Fox Street 8 00 4-r. h., 81 Fern Avenue 8.00 FIVE ACRES nicely elevated and level, near in and convenient to car line. Will make 34 nice lots and can be bought for $6,000. on terms. ADAIR & HOLT. Phone Ivy 10. 6-1-56 PTEDMONT AVENUE CORNER, 60 BY 2o0, FOR $2,000. THIS LOT is just north of Ansley Park; is east front, elevated; fine shade, and will double in value in the next year. We can sell this for $250 cash and $25 per month. This is the best buy in Atlanta. W. A. Baker & Co.. 1115-1116 Fourth National Bank. Phone Main 613. 6-1-55 FORTUNES have been made In Atlanta Real Estate. Your opportunity is probably to-day. Read Real Estate ads in “Want Ad” section of The Georgian. EXCHANGE—REAL ESTATE. SEVEN-ROOM house on a beautiful lot in Los Angeles, Cal. This Is a mod ern house in every respect. Furnace- heated, beautiful lawn, flowers and all nds of fruits. On Long Beach and ' os Angeles car line. Will exchange this for Atlanta property or something near Atlanta. f you have anything or trade or exchange, let me know -out it. M. L. Petty, 125 N. Pryor St., t!anta, Oa. 217-6-1 BRICK apartment of six apartments on Washington Street, rented for $340 per month and always rental: to exchange for suburban property or a South Oeor- ■ farm. M. I.. Petty, 125 N. Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga. 216-6-1 APPLY AT ONCE FOR SPACE IN HURT BUILDING PERSONS DESIRING to rent offices or stores in the HURT BUILDING, and who may desiro spe cial arrangement of rooms, are requested to apply IMMEDIATELY at the office of the Atlanta Realty Corporation 229 Equitable Building The work of subdividing the floors into rooms is now progressing. Any special arrangement desired should be decided upon before the partition walls are built. Possession will be given on October 1, next. FOR RENT. 9 rooms, 423 Gordon Street • $45.00 8 rooms, 739 N. Boulevard 45.00 8 rooms, 621 N. Jackson 50.00 6 rooms, Clifton Street 25.00 6 rooms, 52 N. Dargan Place 25.00 6 rooms, 25 Bona venture Avenue 37.50 6 rooms, 14 Whitefoord Avenue 20.60 5 rooms 25 Hale Street 20.00 5 rooms, 100 Miranda Avenue 20.00 5 rooms, Franklin Street 20.00 4 rooms, 111 Kelley Street 18.00 3 rooms, 56 McDonough Street 8.60 Brown, Strauss & Ward Company Real Estate, Renting, Loans. Homes Built on Easy Terms. 112 Candler Building. Phones 112 N. Pryor Street. Ivy, 3234, 3235. FOR RENT Chas. P. Glover Realty Co. 2y 2 WALTON ST. A.J.M AYFIELD REAL ESTATE AND RENTING. 49 S. Pryor St. FOR RENT—SUMMER HOME Do you want a nice, cool iummer home In excellent neighborhood? If you do we have Just what you want. Right at the junction of the Decatur and East Lake car lines. Just in front of the old Bobby Walthour place. Six large rooms, only $16.00 per month. We have others HAVE YOU SOLD THAT HOUSE? A little "For Sale” ad In the “Want Ad" section will find a purchaser. Use American Want Ads HOUSES FOR RENT. HOUSES FOR RENT. FOR RENT BY FOSTER & ROBSON 11 Edgewood Avenue. INMAN PARK. IN BEAUTIFUL Inman Park we can offer two lovely homes of seven and elgtit rooms, largo lots and all conveniences. Just the kind of place you could think of as a FiOME location; lots of neighbors, schools, churches, etc. Would measure up to the severest requirements. Just think of these places at $37.60 and $40 to good lease tenants. BUNGALOWS. ON MANSFIELD, Highland, St. Glair and DeKalb Avenues we can offer you four of the moat modern and up-to-date bungalows, on nice lots, with all conveniences, paved streets and sidewalks, and the streets themselves speak for the fine location. These are ideal homes, and at the reasonable rentals of from $25 to $36. Come In and let ua talk to you about these and get our list. COTTAGES AND BUNGALOWS. ON ORME, near Fifth, Just a little five-room beauty; $30. On Bedford, near Forrest; on Bedford, near Pine; on Atwood, near Sells; on Sells Avenue, on East Georgia and on Grant; In fact, In almost any of the prettiest sections of our city, we can give you a choice little home. You must ask about our suburban homes. Some pretty cottages In Kirkwood, Edgewood and Deca tur. Foster & Robson. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. WEST PEACHTREE LOT. IN THE BEST section of West Peaohtree Street we have a beautifully elevated east front lot, 50x200, on which we have an especially attractive price. Owner needs cash, and has put a price on this property that should move it, but a substantial cash payment will be required. No information over telephone. INMAN PARK HOME. IN BEAUTIFUL Inman Park we have a very attractive eight- room house, for which the present owner paid $6,500 less than two years ago, but on account of a change in plans is forced to sell. No reasonable offer will be refused on this property. $500 cash will handle. EAST LAKE. IN AND NEAR East Lake, Atlanta's most desirable suburb, we have several attractive propositions, both in bungalows and desirable building lots. Property around East Lake has had a steady enhancement for the past few years, and, in our opinion, will continue to advance. You can make no mistake investing in this section. SUBDIVISION. WE HAVE for a few days only one of the most desirable small subdivisions we have ever had listed. The property has already been surveyed and platted, and $200 will cover »M expenses of development. Convenient to water and sewer, and in the right section. This is a real bargain at the price vvo have. Can make very liberal release privileges, and a very moderate cash payment will handle. $10,000 profit in this to the right man. FINCHER & MARRIOTT JAMES H. REYNOLDS, Sales Manager. 1520 Candler Building. Ivy 5213. L. P. BOTTENFIELD PHONE MAIN 3010. 1021-1022-1023-1024-1025 EMPIRE BUILDING. THREE LOTS, Whitehall Street, near Fair; 20 by 60: at $400 per foot. A close price for this location. SPRING STREET LOT; 26 by 50; near Y. M. C. A. Will sacrifice at $400 foot. $5,000—-New six-room bungalow: No. 11 Ponon DeLeon Place; lot 50 by 150; all conveniences; steam heat; $600 cash, $40 per month. $5,000—New six-room bungalow; No. 17 Albemarle Street; all conveniences; steam heated; $600 cash. $40 per month. $8,760—New eight-room two-story brick; No. 234 Fourth Street. This has everything to make It up to date; steam heated; $1,000 cash, $60 per month $8,000—New eight-room bungalow on Fifth Street; every convenience; up to date. See us for terms. ALL THE ABOVE HOMES hare hardwood floor* IF IT’S A LOT, see us. We have them In Ansley Part/ Bt. Charles Ave nue, Albemarle Street. Bedford Place, Inman Park, West End. Peachtree Road, Peachtree Highlands, Claremont Park; anywhere you want them. Ask anybody who to see to buy a lot and you will be referred to our office. FOR INFORMATION SEE HUGH J. LYNCH. Monarch Auto Oil TIIE BEST at any price. Delivered to your address with faucet in barrels and half-barrels. We keep our customers sup plied with Monarch Puncture Stopper FREE. Will preserve in ner tube and tire. Monarch Oil Co. 217-218 Temple Court. Phone Main 2974. 135-Acre Apple and Chicken Farm THREE MILES north of Ellljay, on the Flat Branoh Road. Enough saw tim ber on the place to pay for It. Trees loaded with apples. We have never seen finer apples than came off this place last year. 700 full-hearing apple trees, easily worth $5 e&oh $8,500 400 five-year-olds; worth $3 each 1,200 200 peach trees • ••»••••.*.*«•« 100 Land, say, $4 per acre 650 House, four rooms; smoke house, corn crib, etc., say 600 $5,860 Shade around house, good pasture fenced, garden, two streams, several springs. A live man can make *| fortune off this place raising chickens and fruit, cider, honey, etc. $2,000 buys It. Only $750 cash; balance one or two years at 8 per cent. W. M. SCOTT & CO. 210-218 Gould Building MORRIS REALTY COMPANY, REAL ESTATE, CITY AND FARM LANDS. 415 Temple Court Building Bell Phone Main 8040 45-ACRE FARM, near the town of Austell; under high cultivation; four-room house on place; main Atlanta public rood runs through the place. Price $40 acre Terms. ALSO 10*4, 20. 30, 50 and 90-acre farms, all one and a half miles of Austell, Ga., $40 acre. Terms. A HOUSE and lot on Crew Street, olose in, for $1,500. Big bargain. Terms, IF YOU WANT to buy or sell city or farm land cheap, it will pay you to rone h\* nr.<l --ve u*. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ADAIR’S LIST -■] Suburban Cottage Near East Lake Road A S7X-ROOM COTTAGE on lot 100x200, half a block from car line, In growing section. Price, $3,000. Term*. $250 cash and $25 a month. Jackson Street A $4,250 Residence NEXT to the comer of Jackson Street and Highland Avenue, a two-story, seven-room house, well , built and In good repair A home i you can occupy a while and make, some money on. One-third cash. Piedmont Avenue, Near Fourteenth St. WE have made a subdivision of the two blocks on Piedmont Avenue, between Twelfth and Fourteenth Streets; lots are about 70x200 In size; prices range, from $115 to $185 a front foot. This Is , among the choicest building front- I age In Atlanta, and Is well suited f for apartments. Railroad Front Near Bellwood Ave. AN ENTIRE BLOCK, fronts 225 > feet on A., B. and A. Railroad; triangular In shape; has three renting houses. An Income prop- * erty with railroad background; lies well for factory site. Price, , $2,500. Crescent A venue A $4,500 Home BETWEEN Eleventh xnd Twelfth’ Streets, facing east, an attract ive six-room cottage on Crescent Avenue, lot 50x150. When we sell this $4,500 home the edition will be out of print; there will not be any more at the ertoe. Inman Park A $6,500 Residence ON EUCLID AVENUE, between Poplar Circle and Alta Avenue, well built, two-story house; lot 65x 150; every convenience. Price, $6,500; reasonable terms. Piedmont Avenue Building Lot NEAR DRIVING CLUB, east front lot, 60x160. A choice building site; high-clasB home neighbor hood. Price, $3,760. Prvor Street A 12 Per Cent Invest-i ment IT IS NOT OFTEN you can buy 12 per cent investment on m main paved street, all improve-* ments down and enhancement a$ certainty. We offer an apartment building on Pryor, near Vassar Street, lot 50x165; rents four ten ants at $13 each; total rent $52. Price, $5,200. Tenants pay water bills. This is standard Income] property. Renting Property Near Davis Street THREE BLOCKS from A., B. and A. freight depot, a corner lot 100x105; has two single and one double house; room for another double house Rents $30 above wa ter bills; price, $3,200. This Is very close to Terfnlnal Station and al ways rents. EAST LAKE ROAD. A Ten-Acre Tract. CORNER East Lake Road> and Boulevard DeKalb; fronts 467 feet; adjoining tracts owned by J. H. Porter, W. T. Gentry, Major W. R. Dashiell and Adam W. Jones; a residence site de luxe. Price, $16,000. COUNTRY HOME SI At East Lake. SMALL acreage tract (about 4 acres); has spring and clear spring branoh on It; suitable for chicken ranch or gardens; fine building site, with trees; oar line runs through property. Price, $4,000. AT EAST LAKE. Fronts 400 Feet. THIS tract Is on Skiff Avenue, fac ing olub grounds: In next block to Joseph Richardson's new resi dence. Price of entire tract. $4,000;- easy terms. MANGUM STREET. Near Terminal Station. CORNER of Magnolia and M*i gum Streets; well located prop^ erty; between two rallroa'de; very close to center of city; contains five dwellings and a store; rents for $60; price, $7,600; easy term*. Fair Street At East Lake ONE BLOCK from Country Club, a pretty lot In oak grove, lOOx 200; close to paved road; a di-' sirable bungalow site. Price, $1,- 600; terms. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. « LOAN AGENTS NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.