Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 02, 1913, Image 12

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12 TilF ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS A “ Want Ad” Plug will slop the leak that has crippled your business. Result—Profit AGENTS AND SALESMEN. Wanted. TRAVELING SALKSMKN WE REQUIRE AT OKCK THE SERVICES OF THREE OooM LIVE, ACTIVE. HIGH-GRADE TRAVELING SALESMEN To TRAVEL SOI’THERN STATES APPLICANTS MI ST HE MORE THAN L'5 YEARS OK AGE, GOOD PERSONALITY AND HAVE SUCCESSFUL RECORD AS SALESMEN To SECH WE CAN OFFER \ POSITION THAT WILL PAY *200 AND HP PER MONTH ABOVE EX PENSES EXl ’Ll 'SI VE TER RITORY AND TRAVELING EXPENSES ADVANCED. REF ERENCES REQUIRED. E F. WHITE. *20 FORSYTH BUILD INC. ATLANTA. OA 33-31-5 TEACHERS WANTED. TEACHERS We have many calls for good fpachers; fall positions; enroll mm Southern Teachers’ Aftncy and Employment Bureau. Americus, (la 40-2 6 WHITE for record of our eight years work. High class patronage Ef ficient ser\lc. Foster's Teachers Agen- cy, Atlanta, Ga 64-1-4 EDUCATIONAL. STUDY SHORTHAND at home; com plete course twenty lessons $10. $1 down. $1 week Begin now. use spare time, book furnished. Amo House. Box 363. Atlanta. Ga 5-3-5 EMORY summer school; cool, quiet; fifty days from June 17. 1-atln. Gre» French, German. English, his tory. mathematics. Address E K. Tur ner. Oxford. Ga 5-9-1 SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. MANUSCRIPTS copied, revised, typed, love correspondence successfully con ducted Address Educational Exten sion. Box 215. Buckbead, Ga. 37-2-6 YOUNG MAN. with ten years' experi ence in hotel. Is open for offer as clerk; can give reference Address F. \V. C . rare B H (Jwlnn, Oxford, <ia 38-2-6 WANTED—By a colored man, a position as cook; must have work. Address Cook. 90 Houston St 201-6-2 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper will keep set of hooks in evening hours; open ing. posting, trial balances, statements, charges reasonable. Address Iv. Box 34. rare Georgian. 42-2-6 POSITION by first-class soda water man and Ice cream maker; references. Address K. \V . Box 810. care Georgian 3;»-2-6 GERMAN woman wants position to rook; ran furnish best references. Ad dress 47 E. Mitchell St . upstairs. 28-2-6 WANTED—Position by voting man; five years’ experience In offfre, real estate and bookkeeping work Will begin im mediately. Address B M. H . care American. 209-6-1 WANTED—Position as oil mill superin tendent; fifteen years' experience; working for manufacturer of oil mill ma chinery' at present Best of references Machinist by trade. Address Oil Mill. Box 617. rare Georgian. 85-1-6 \ ANTED—To do laundry work on lot. Phone Ivy 3207-J. 57-1-6 LIBERTY—Band instructor and di rector; twelve years* experience; graduate of a leading institute of music •ddrees Box 111. Tbomaston. Ga. 39-30-5 SIX TEEN-YEAR-ODD boy. of good ad dress and a willing worker, wants a permanent position where there is a chance to work up. Would like to learn a trade. Walter Corey. 619 West Peach- iree Street Ivy 5635.1 33-30-5 SITUATION WANTED as steward by young married man with ability. Can furnish you list of references Address Steward. Box 30, care Georgian. 36 29-5 COMPETENT bookkeeper and general office man with some experience in stenographic work desires position Tune 1st. Address M. B. K, 124 Cleveland Ave.. Macon. Ga. 37-28-5 WANTED—Position) June 1 by young man. twelve years' experience mer cantile. banks, auditing Auditor Bank er-Merchant, care Georgian. 34-27-5 IF YOU want first-class house cleaning rail Ivy 3082 5-26-26 WANTED—Position as sawyer at cir cular saw mill in Georgia or Florida. Good reference Address P. O. Box 68. Six years' experience Good reference. Address P O Box 68. Council, N. C. 34-19-5 BOOKKEEPER and auditor will straighten out your bookkeeping and office troubles Trial balances made. Small sets of books written up. P. O. Box 836. Phone Ivy 7011 6-4-13 ANSWER—Just as you have read this will others read your ad if you place it in the Want Ad columns of this pa- per A word to ihe wise is enough SITUATIONS WANTED. Female. AUCTION SALES. AT AU< Tin s K Y K u A I, CONSMIN- MKN'TS. INOLI'DING A FINK LOT OF 1101 SKIIOLI) Fl'KNI- Tl’HK FROM A NICE LY F [’ I? NISH K I) A P A R T M K \ T, IN CLUDING SOLID MA HOGANY. (QUARTER ED OAK AND BIRD’S- EYE M A PL K B E D ROOM FURNITURE. BRASS BEDS, WARD ROBE, DAVENPORT, PIANO. CIIIFFOROBE, LIBRARY TABLE, FRENCH WILTON AND BODY BRUS SELS ART SQUARES. INLAID LINOLEUM, LACE CURTAINS, BED SPREADS, SIL- YERWARE, (HINA, ETC.. TUESDAY. JUNE 3, AT 12 EAST MITCHELL STREET. COMMENCING AT 10 A M. TUESDAY WF WILL OFFER TO THE HIGH EST BIDDER THE ENTIRE FUR NISHINGS OF A NICELY FUR NISHED APARTMENT. INCLUD ING A FIVE-PIECE SOLID MA HOGANY BED ROOM SUIT, COST $250; ELEGANT BRASS BEDS, REFRIGERATORS IN ALL SIZES, DAVENPORT. WARDROBE. GAS STOVE. BIRD’S-EYE MAPLE DRESSER AND CHIFFONIER, ('HlFFOROliE. MAHOGANY PAR LOR SUIT, UPHOLSTERED IN GENUINE LEATHER; MAHOG ANY LIBRARY TABLE. VERNIS- M ART IN IRON BEDS. NATIONAL SPRINGS. FELT MATTRESSES, MOSQUITO NETS. QUARTERED OAK PEDESTAL DINING TABLE. LARGE MAHOGANY DRESSER AND W A SII ST A N D. KITC11 EN TABLE. GAS STOVE. PIANO, OAK DRESSERS AND WASHSTANDB, FINE LOT OF ROCKERS, SUIT ABLE FOR THE PARLOR, RE CEPTION HALL AND LIBRARY; SET OF EARLY ENGLISH CHAIRS. UPHOLSTERED IN GENUINE LEATHER: MAHOG ANY PEDESTAL DINING TABLE. HALL RUNNERS. INLAID LIN OLEUM BED SPREADS. LOT OF Sll VEUWARE. CHINA SET. OAK DINING CHAIRS. PORCH ROCK ERS. Oft EX RUGS, TAPESTRY. TA HI E COVERS, OAK BUFFET. LOUNGE. INVALID'S (’HAIR. FRENCH. WILTON AND BODY BRUSSELS ART SQUARES AND MANY OTHER THINGS TOO NU MEROUS TO MENTION THIS IS ONE OF THE CLEANEST LOTS OF FURNITURE EVER OFFERED AT AUCTION AND MUST BE SOLD AT THIS SALE. SALE AT 10 A. M . TUESDAY. JUNE 3 Open for inspection M outlay. CENTRAL AUCTION COMPANY. 12 East M itehell Street. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Six-horse gasoline thrash ing outfit. Address S 11 , care Geor gian 6-2-200 HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale cheap. 188 Courttand St 6-2-11 ON account of leaving city will sell my household furniture either by piece or as a w hole; also tailor's sewing machine and all kinds of tools. Will sell reasona ble 17 Formwalt Street. 29-2-6 GAS STOVE practically new; will sell cheap. Apply 119 East Georgia Ave 26-2-6 FURNITURE We buy and sell cash bargains Southern Wreckage Com pany. 114 South Forsyth Street. Both phones. 1-17-5 FOR SALE Remington or Smith Pre mier typewriter, in good order; $10 cash. Forced to sell Phone Main 2492. 6-1-67 AUTOMOBILES For Sale, Repairs and Accessories. POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK WANTED To exchange real estate In Toccoa, Ga.. for used automobile, must he late model and m good eondi- tJon. state full particulars in first let ter. S . Box 368. earn Georgian. noon i skd cars AT SPKCIAL PRICKS. Maxwell 2-cylinder runabout. Buiek Model 10 runabout. Whiting runabout Maxwell q roadster Buick Model 32 roadster. Courier register. TOURING CARS Overland 5-passenger Prlmo f»-passenger Maxwell « . 4 passenger. Everett 1912. 5-passenger, hese ears are in good running con- lition, fully equljved, and newly •ainted See us for special prices be- dre June 10th. BriCK MOTOR COMPANY. 241 PEACHTREE 8T 4-11 18 FOR SALK -One Ford roadster, 1912 model; perfect condition; fully equipped; electric lights Apply to Ful ler. 451 Pqachtree Street. Premier Sales Company. 6-1-72 Nl \v PRICE*! ON STWD Ult \ • T' • TIRES 28 bv 3, $7.50; 30 by 3. $8.46; 30 by 3V6. $11.30; 32 by 3*4. $12.25; 34 by 4. $18.90. All other sizes in stock. Special iRamond seconds. 30 by 3, $6.65. 34 by 3*4. $10 75 No guarantee. We have ar ranged with two standard tire-makers branch houses here In Atlanta to sell pany TRAVIS & JONES, AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. Ivy 4832. 26 James Street. 3-1-54 The Solution of Pneumatic Tire Troubles. VULCOR1NE Is guaranteed to prevent punctures and will not Injure your tires. We will gladly treat your cars with VUIjCORINE and let you use if 30 days and satisfy yourself that it will do everything that we claim for It. Price . 50 to $10.00 per car. Write for book- VULCOHINE COMPANY office, Laboratory and Service Station, ->9 Peachtree St.. Atlanta, Ga. 6-1-38 A I ’TOGEN()US WELDING and machine repair work of all kinds. Satisfaction guaranteed. SHEARER MACHINE CO., 197 WHITEHALL STREET. 2-26-10 $250—Five-passenger Buick 40-horsepow er touring car. First-class condition. Top, windshield. For quick sale. Owner leaving city. .1 .1 Donnely, 28 DeSoto Avenue, Capitol View. 26-31-5 FORD, four-cylinder roadster, fully equipped. Not latest model and no magneto, but in excellent running con dition. Tires all good. Price for quick sale, $150 L. W Hazard 241 Peach tree Street. Atlanta • 6-1-62 BUY THIS five-passenger 1913 touring car, fully equipped. go»>d tires; run about 6.000 miles, condition guaranteed, for $360 Call Ivy 1158 5-28-5 SEVEN- PASSENGER touring car. p< w- erful 40-horsepower engine, excellent j condition; take any hill on high gear; tires in fine condition: elegant, easy- riding car for country roads; complete ly equipped; big bargain for quick -ash sale Address S W . Box 176, care Geor- jglan. 5 88-4 1 WE have several Flanders ctiassle and will build body anti paint car to your order. Bargain prices Don’t buy any second-hand car until you see m NORTH PRYOR GARAGE, NORTH PRYOR PLACE 4-2-21 Size, Weight and Laying Quality All in One Breed Combination Would be Difficult to Obtain—How to Begin Poul try Business. Judge F. J. Marshall: I wish to gy into the poultry business—begin on a small stale, make a study of it and try to make a success out of it anti jmake a large business of it. But. be- Jing an inexperienced person in such business, I am at a loss as to what breed to begin with, and 1 write you for information which I wish you will give me. I wish a breed of chickens and turkeys for beat in size, weight and laying; also for show. Will you kindly give me your answers to these questions? J. A. H. Heidleberg, Miss. REPLY—It would be right hard to combine size, weight and laying and show quality all in one breed. In turkeys the Bronze lead in size, and I should say in show qualities also, being wonderfully colored and very attractive both in color and sym metry; but when it comes to prolific laying, I should say the Bourbon Reds would excel them. However, laying qualities in a turkey is an entirely secondary matter, as no one is supposed to keep them for the eggs they produce—more than to se cure the necessary eggs for hatching during the spring season. Size and Show Quality. If you want great size and show- qualities, by all means take the Bronze. If you want something not quite so large, but quick in maturing, take the White Holland or the Bour bon Reds. In regard to size in chick ens. 1 would say that the Light Brah ma stands at the head of the class, with weights of 12 pounds for the cock, 10 pounds for cockerels, 9 pounds for hen and 8 for pullet. They are a little coarse in texture of meat, yet it is soft, tender and juicy. As lay ers they are very good, although not at the top of the list. Their eggs are large and brown in color and very- heavy In shell, an egg that will stand shipping remarkably well and are good keepers, as the thickness and density of shell tend to exclude the air much better than a thin, more porous-shelled egg. They are a chick en witfh shanks heavily feathered- and extending to point of outer toes. Some people object to this part of their EDITED BY JUDGE F. J. , MARSHALL ROOM AND BOARD. i 36 EAST NORTH AVE—12 Dt caps ! BETWEEN the Peachtrees; nicely fur- J nished rooms and excellent table board. Ivy 6501. 6-2-10 : ROOM and board in strictly private family, all conveniences, to young men only. Main 4568 .F. 6-2-2 19 W. CAIN STREET. A FEW refined people can find clean rooms and excellent board in private family Phone Ivy 6642 6-1-94 WANTED—Two Lady boarders; good board, good location. Terms reason able Private home. Main 5247-J. 6-1-76 ONE or two young men lor nicely fur nished room. Will furnish supper and breakfast. All conveniences. Ivy 2962-J. 6-1-63 make-up for the reason that it carries more or less mud in rainy- weather. When it comes to egg production exclusively. 1 should say that there Is nothing that would equal the Leg horn. either Brown, White or Buff, under all conditions and circum stances. They yield a greater net profit than anything handled for that purpose. They are not large eaters after they are matured, but will turn out eggs that will surprise you. They are not. however, of any great value as a market chicken. The cockerels can be disposed of as broilers or as a small fry. but when they are fully grown they become solid and hard in flesh and often tough and stringy. Their place Is simply for egg produc tion. Recommends Light Brahma. If you want to keep two breeds— one for their size and good carcass for roasting and the other for egg production—I would recommend the Light Brahma and any of the Leg horns. If you do not want to keep but one breed of chickens, I wouil advise some variety of the Plymouth Rocks, some one of the Wyandottes or the Rhode Island Reds. I am rather inclined to the Plymouth Rock as th. best general purpose fowl in the country. They do well in almost any section of the country, produce lots of eggs and make the best broilers to be found, either when sold on foot or dressed, and when fully matured are roasters par excellence. As to show- qualities. any of the above breeds is very attractive when bred right and shown in prime condition. I want to say right here that too many persons make the great mistake of putting in too many varieties. If I were in your place, I would raise but one variety. j-TWO delightful connecting rooms, nice ly furnished: two or three gentlemen; highest, coolest location in city; no other boarders. Ivy 7311. 6-1-54 TWIN Excelsior motorcycle on reason able terms Address "Excelsior," 119 Moreland Ave. 215-6-1 SEVERAL bargains In West End and Grant Park sections. Terms easy, 'ois K- Holliday. 1505 Fourth National Bldg. 213-6-1 FOR SALK -One No. 5 Oliver type writer, used only short time; good as new; price $32.60; bargain. Call at 414 "eters Bldg 6-1-40 WANTED—By a lady of refinement, a position as housekeeper and compan ion for children, or charge of pantries Miss Mason. 23 Forrest Avenue 39-2-6 WE CLEAN kid gloves, launder lace curtains, fancy waists, lace collars, fancy underwear, by hand. Woman's Exchange, 3 South Broad Street. 81-18-6 v k CLEAN kid gloves, laundof loco curtains, fancy waists, lace collars, fancy underwear, by band. Woman's Exchange, 3 South Broad Street 81-18-5 BRIGHT young girl desires position as stenographer or typist. Gall Atlanta phone 1843. 205-6-1 | WANTED -Cases to nurse by experienced sick nurse. Ma ternity eases a specialty. Rates reasonable. Best references. Call Ivy 7304-J, or West 1 O’)4 ' 36-20-5 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE—Perfectly new gas stove;! ised one month; gas lamp pic.urea and lots of little things; also, lade's, wheel- "21 Central Ave. t-6 F< >R SALE—Mahogan> desk and (hair.! typewriter desk and a No. 6 Under - wood typewriter; all nearly new Main KOR SALE. I WILL SELL i valuable patent a* a sacrifice if taken immediately Worth one-half million Address Pat ent, Box 863 rare Georgian. 3-8-6 AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR Pa .'s for Itself n ice-saving $17.50 to $75.00 C. H. MASON. WEST MITCHELL STREET. ATLANTA REAL ESTATE Is increas- ing r value daily Many bargains are offered in the Real Estate columns of the “Want Ad" section of The Georgian. (>R £ IALE Two floo r ahoweai ses. one wall cigar case and one small soda fount Applj 56 1 *?ast Alabama St. 6-1-43 !.\M( >N I > i >TUl >—Of >mmercial w hlte atom >. li-kf »ra t. for sale at a bargain. \ddres s Box 794. care* Georgian, 6-1-42 BOWS Eli Ol L T. \ N K , almost new. at barga in for cash or groceries Phone Main 1628-J ( I OR S ALE— Four -reel feature film with WINDSHIELDS. Ft \DIATORS, lamps, fenders, repaired us good as new Mfra. all kinds sheet metal work. Warllek Sheet Metal Co., '.MS Edge wood 1-4-64 Sheep. FOR SALE -One hundred head of sheep; some fine crosses alter B. Oates, Headland, Ala. 5-27 -16 A'OULD you give 25 cents feu* a good job? Place a "Want Ad." in The Geor gian and get one. DOBBS TIRE REPAIR CO WE REPAIR AND SELL ALL MAKES OF TIRES AND TUBES. 226 PEACH TREE STREET. PHONE IVY 5646 4-1-3 WARNING TO INFRIN GERS AND IMITATORS, LIQUID TIRE TONIC IS PROTECT ED BY U. S. DUYREA PATENT. NO. 678551 AND AIL INFRINGERS. AGENTS OR USERS ARK HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MUST AN SWER IN THE COURT FOR VIOLA TION OF THIS LAW. LIQUID TIRE tonic Company. Kansas city, MO. 4-1-41 ATLANTA RADIATOR CO. REPAIRING and manufacturing. Lamp and fender work 72 Ivy Street At lanta phone 3816. 3-10-12 Automobiles For Rent dunSam motor 66 FIVE and seven-passenger cars Garage. P2 East Elds Street Call Bell phone Ivy 2436 day. Main 4325 night 3-21-23 Motorcvcles. :! ’ >R x '■ ‘' , ' 1 >RC1 CLE8. repair* and ac cessories; best equipped repair shop in city We will take care of you. South ern Motorcycle Co., 116 Edge wood Ave S-26-31 Eggs—All Variteies. THE EGGS of different varieties of fowls will be found classified under their respective breeds in the future, in stead of under the classification of “Eggs.” Poultry—-All Varieties. FOR SALE—100 egg incubator, $4; trio Buff Orpingtons, $5; bargains 641 Highland Avenue. 34-2-6 FREE RANGE DUCK AND POULTRY FARM, Chamblee, Ga. Large stock of cite Runners, Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds, enables us to ship fresh ggs. strong and fertile. Write for prices on stock and eggs if you want a bargain. 1-21-18 Sweetpeas For Sale. FOR SALE Sweet peas, fall grown, beauties. 50c hundred. M. 963. 205-6-2 Horses, Mules. Vehicles, Etc. FOR SALE—One jack, with white points; seven years old; fifteen hands high. Morrow Transfer Company. Phone Jordan at barn 6-1-26 LOOK You have read thin; if you want anything, others will read your ad If it's in the Want Ad Section. Poultry, Plants and Seeds. II. G. HASTINGS & CO. SEEDSMEN FOR THE SOUTH, 16 W. MITCHELL STREET. FOUR CITY DELIVERIES DAILY. NORTH AND SOUTH SIDE. 9 A. M.; INMAN PARK AND WEST END, 8 l\ M. BELL PHONE M. 2568, ATLANTA 2568. PHONE US your orders for vegetable and flowering plants. A fresh supply daily. CONKEY’S AND LEE’S Liquid Lice Killers are both good. They are both the same price--l quart 35c, V2 gallon 60c. 1 gallon $1.00. ALL SIZE FLOWER POTS, Fern Pans and Pot Saucers ALFALFA MEAL, Wheat Bran, Chicken Wheat. Whole Corn. Beef Scraps. Poultry Bone, Poultry Grit and Crushed Oyster Shell. “RED COMB" MEAT MASH is the best food for your ducks and laying hens, ('an be fed wet or dry. 10 pounds 25c, 100 pounds $2.25. WE HAVE IN' STOCK of Ferns. Price 50c to beautiful lot $2.00 each. Tire Repairing BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE- Business paying $300 to $400 per month. Owner leaving city Cheap for quick sale. Address Box <94. care Georgian. 5-31-4 FOR SALE—Half interest in barber shop and soda fount; nice business: $300 <>r $100 down; terms ea%\ on bal ance. 293 Marietta St. 5-27-202 FOR SALE—Newspaper in town of 10,000; county and municipal printing; established for years and a political fac tor of importance. To a practical and experienced man in the business would be willing to help finance the deal. Walter B Dates. Headland. Ala. FOR SALK Best dally newspaper prop osition in South Georgia in the best city of its size In the State: modern equipment throughout. Can be bought | at a bargain, half cash or good negotia ble paper, balance on easy terms'. Write I quick (o "Newspaper." Box 10. care 1 Georgian. 5-23-12 rights to Florida. Georgia. North and Sopih Carolina: copyright on same. Ad dress (\ M. I*.. Box 807. care Georgian 32 " HIGH-GRADE STEAM VULCANIZING Retreading a specialty. Prompt atten tion given express shipments Sanders- Freer Vulcanizing Company, 100 Spring Atlanta. Ga S 21-15 WU RENT good p'anos $3 per month up. We sell good pianos $5 per month up R P BECHT COMP VNY, 107-108-109 Temple Cohrt Building Main 667. 2-19-26 BANKRUPTCY blanks. $'.50 per set Warranty deeds, bonds for title. Mortgages, contracts. Stock certificates and bonds. Bennett’s. 25 s Broad 201-20-13 A NEW BROOM DOES NOT SWEEP CLKA N l.ET US prove this in your home by free demonstration. Full particulars ,n 107 Temple Court Building. L. K Sires, agent Phone Main 667 5-2-30 SAFES. FILES, cabinets, new and sec ond hand Gookin Bank and Office Equipment Company. 113-115 N. Pryor Street. 81-5 j Stree r Autos Wanted. WANTED Brush runabout; must be in good condition Will pas cosh If cheap. 391 South Pryor. 5-27-13 5 *NTED—MISCELLANEOUS. j WANTED—One hundred frying sized i chickens. Phone Ivy 212 or address 10 East 14th St. 5-81-24 an<l buggy; 1; for three 5-30-35 I hay ton buggy preferred • nt'vs Ivy 212. M IS CE L L AN E0US. r REE—Ladies, we trim and make over hats free in our finishing department; lace and inaline hats to order. Ideal Millinery School, 100 G* Whitehall St. 218-6-1 EXCHANGE—MISCELLANEOUS EXCHANGE VOTES—10 pt caps 1.500 PONY contest votes (carrier’s) to exchange for equal number school children s. 31 E. Alexander. 6-2-8 WANTED—To exchange nice room and board for diamond, motorcycle, type writer or piano. Address Box 216. care Georgian. 5-16-46 sic \;s SIGN PAINTING Whitehall. M 3780 8-18-23 ! lvEKr up with the prices if you have) painting or »*epai lug done Call for 1 | our monthly • rice list. West Lumber! ri 2 38 Peters Sir *et, Atlanta. Ga. | 5-28-S8j TWO- PASSENGER Maxwell. newly 0+ ted; will sell cheap or trade for iano or trade on a ’ot. Apply to Anierl can Lunch Ro cm, 45 East Hunter I Street ' - 1 : WANTED—ow feather beds; feathers * steamed and cleaned; mattresses ren ovated. Main 4840. Atlanta 1476 38-30-: WHEN repairing, remember you get everything necessary at West Lumber Co.. 23S Peters, Street, saving time and trouble 5-28-36 1 BUY MEN ^ old clotMes and shoes Drop a card. L Bock. 177 Gilmer St drop a card We'll bring Cash for Old Clothes and Shoea. “THE VESTA IRE " 166 De-atttr street FINANCIAL. FOR SALE- Few shares Bu’lard Car Door stock cheap Sacrifice. Box 39, care Georgian. 35-27-5 WT>TTjrYOU O'WN YOUR HOMK?~~A Georgian "Want Ad" will show you the way MONEY TO LOAN. WE loan money on furniture and house hold goods. F. & J I.oan Company, 4-25-8 MON El ON HAND .’or immediate loam on property in or near Atlanta. J. K. VanYalkenburg. 501 Equitable Bldg. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND’, any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call S. W. Canon. 24 South Broad street. 4 1-17 FARM 1 OANS PLACED in any amount on improved farm lands in Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gotnd building 7-13 1 MORTGAGE LbANS On Atlanta Property. BUSINESS BUILDINGS. 6 and 5V£ per cent. RESIDENCE BUILDINGS, 6V6. 6 anil 6V; per cent. Your rate depends upon the location. Without notice you can pay back a hundred, any multiple of a hundred dol lars, on the entire loan on any interest " TURMAN. BLACK & CALHOUN. Loan Correspondents, PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COM PANY OF AMERICA. 203-i Empire Building MONET FOR 8A1 I.RIKD PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments Confi dential D H Tolman. 820 Austell building WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on At lanta and nearby property, ei ther for straight or monthly payment plant. Also for pur chasing purchase money notes. Foster k Robson. 11 Edgewood avenue. j . i v*-. r , put II -»||\ new; beer in u?e in club room and nut •hurt: must sell at once; bargain: orig inal coat $400 Jonesboro, Ga. Address P. O. Box 5-1-6 WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for household goods, pianos and office fur niture. Cash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company. 12 East Mitchell Street Bel! phone Main 2424 S-25-2* WOULD you give 25 cents for a good lob? Place a “Want Ad" in The Geor gian and get one. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN Published by The Georgian Company, 20 East Atiarta. Alabama Si Georgia Entered at Atlanta postuffict* as second- class matter. Subscriptions Payable in Advance One year. mail, postage prepaid. $5 00 Six months, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50 Three mos.. mail, postage prepaid, 1.25 One month, mail, postage prepaid, 45 MONEY WANTED. ESTABLISHED IN I888? 6-—WE WILL PAY- OX SAYINGS 6 1 XI) OVER WE CHASE MONEY SubscriDtions Payable in Advance Delivered by carrier, one year $5 20 Delivered by carrier, six months.. 2 60 Delivered by carrier, three months.. 1.30 Delivered bv carrier, one month . 45 Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and other cities, ore week if 4 IN SUMS OF $500.00 AND BUY AND SELL PURC NOTES THE MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS' BANKING AND LOAN COMPANY. 209 GRANT BUILDING. TELEPHONE IVY 5341 CASH CAPITAL. $120.000 00 THOS J. WESLEY. CASHIER B M GRANT. PRESIDENT 3-11-50 PURCHASE MONEY NOTES. TWO small batches of small first pur chase money notes. Apply to owner. 43 South Forsyth St. 5-31-36 WANTED—One or two gentlemen or married couple to room and board with private family. Call Main 2878-J. 79-1-6 LARGE, delightful front room, private bath: also single rooms; large, cool verandas; gpod table. 241 West Peach tree. Ivy 1959-L. 88-1-6 LARGE ROOM for three young men. stationary washstand; bath across hall. Ivy 290. 5-31-22 COOL ROOM and delightful board in private home. Ivy 5859-L. 6-1-35 CAN accommodate at once two young men, breakfast and supper; highly de sirable room, N. Jackson, near Ponce DeLeon. Ivy 5840. 5-31-29 EXCELLENT front room and board for couple or one or two men; reasonable price, walking distance, with nice family. Ivy 2856-L. 5-31-32 BOARDERS WANTED at 74 Forrest Avenue; convenient to Peachtree. 5-31-18 COOL front room with board: suitable for two or three; in private family. 3 E. Cain Ivy 69S3-J. 5-30-42 THE ROY, 22 E. Ellis, under new man agement. Now prepared to render pa trons best service. Ivy 7398-J. 5-29-28 BEAUTIFUL furnished front room, with dressing room, in private adult family, close in; also room for gentlemen, ex cellent meals, prices reasonable. 56 E. Cain. Ivy 5520- L 5-28-49 ..ARGE, cool room and board in subur ban home; good servants large porches, shade trees, big vegetable gar den. fruit, cows and chicKens. Phone Decatur 389. 5-27-21 NICELY furnished room, with best of board; all conveniences. 102 Wash ington Street. Main 4089-J. 5-27-9 TWO young men or married couple for nicely furnished front room; all con veniences; close in. Main 1558-J. 5-14-11 BOARD AND ROOMS. EXCELLENT board; delightful rooms; close in: all conveniences. 115 South Pryor. 5-20-3 477 PEACHTREE ST. WILL have pleasant rooms for gentle men or couples of refinement; refer ences; between Merritts Avenue and Linden; homelike. Bell Ivy 7010 5-24-200 THE WILTON, 220 Peachtree; select boarding house; near in. Ivy 5795. 5-10-35 ROOM AND BOARD for four young men May 15. Private home. 163 Courtland. Ivy 7057-J. 5-1C-25 BEST MEAI.S IN TOWN. $.1 WEEK. ROOM AND MEALS. $4. 197 SOUTH PRYOR. CALL MAIN 5048. 5-5-30 PEACHTREE INN. Usachtree and Alexander Sts Ameri can pian $7.60 week up. Room to yourself European. $3 week up. 1-9-34 BOARD WANTED. YOUNG man wants single room with or without board; must be reasonable; by (he 14th E. J.. Box 809. care Georgian. 31-2-6 HAVE a nearly new upright mahogany piano to exchange partly for board in regular boarding house or private family. Address Board, care Georgian. 6-1-34 ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished. U;: WEST PEACHTREE, two very pleasant sleeping rooms, also house keeping suite; strictly modern; plenty shaded porches; walking distance to business center. 44-2-6 ONE nice front room, furnished: all modern conveniences. 16 W. North Ave. Ivy 5063-J. 6-2-6 TWO front rooms, first floor: hot baths: near in. 11 Cone. 89-1-6 THREE bright, airy furnished rooms for rent in owner’s home; single or en suite: sleeping porch; gentlemen only. 415 Spring Street 6-1-71 FOR RENT—Furnished room, all conve niences. Tallulah Apartments. 87 Washington. Apply to janitor. 210-6-1 THREE rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all conveniences. 50 East Twelfth St. Call Ivy 905. 6-1-41 NICELY furnished front room, modern conveniences, in small apartment. Main 1249-J. 254 Central Ave. 5-31-28 DELIGHTFUL front room in refined North Side private home. All conve niences. Ivy 1294-J. 5-31-27 FOR RENT—Two connecting rooms. furnished for housekeeping 58 West Peachtree. Ivy 4339-L. 5-31-17 FURNISHED rooms, modern conven iences: walking distance: use of phone; hot water. Main 5088 - J. 236 .Central Avenue. 5-31-16 FOR RENT—One nicely furnished room for two young men or business ladies; convenient to bath, use of phone; ref erences. Phone West 1220-J. 5-31-15 ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished. 89 WEST PEACHTREE. Apartment F. room for one or two gentlemen; con necting bath; reasonable. Ivy 6967 after 7 n. m.. or Sunday. 5-28-44 36 EAST NORTH AVENUE—Nicely furnished rooms, with or without board. Ivy 6501. 5-30-201 FURNISHED rooms for rent for light housekeeping. 114 S. Pryor St. Miss Mattie Davidson. 201-5-28 .ICE ROOM with sleep'ng porch; every convenience. 419 Gordon. West 950-J. 5-25-67 FURNISHED rooms; private home; all conveniences; hot and cold baths. 19 E. Harris. Ivy 6349-J. 5-8-11 TWO FURNISHED upstairs rooms, with use of phone. 98 West North Avenue. Ivy 6202. 5-28-16 TWO FURNISHED rooms for rent. Call Atlanta phone 1167. 6-27-203 NICE, cool, light rooms; private family; hot bath; close in. 151 Spring Ivy 6640-J. 6-27-22 NICELY furnished room, all conven iences; gentlemen only. Oglethorpe Apartments, 195 Ivy Street; apartment No. 7. 28-27-5 COOL and very- desirable front room, with bath; also, nicely furnished room and kitchenette, complete; most desir able and convenient location. 9 E. Alex ander, corner W. Peachtree. 5-29-40 TWO large, cool rooms, furnished or unfurnished, to gentlemen or business lady. Call Ivy 4082-L. 5-29-38 WELL-KEPT furnished room, nice and quiet. Call at 82 Spring St. 36-28-5 NEATLY furnfshed room, North Side. private family, no children. Single gentlemen, business women or trained nurses preferred. Ivy 3034-J. 5-28-8 NICELY furnished corner room; shady yard; gentlemen preferred; references required. 20 Currier Street 6-1-24 FURNISHED room, adjoining bath room; all conveniences; terms reason- ble. 27 E. Alexander St.. Apartment 5. 59-1-6 HANDSOMELY furnished large front room, private bath; shady lot; gentle man preferred. “Peachtree, care Amer ican. 101-1-6 NICELY furnished room, modern pri vate home; cheap. 293 Rawson Street. Main 3428-L. 5-30-27 ONE furnished room for rent. One or two gentlemen. Wellington Apartment No. 2 5-30-2 ROOMS FOR RENT. Unfurnished. 43 EAST HARRIS ST., two or three rooms for light housekeeping. Refer ences exchanged 202-6-2 UNFURNISHED room for rent, $4 per month. 374 Glenn St. 201-6-2 WITH young couple, entire upper floor, four rooms; private bath, sink in kitchen; best section of North Side; ref erences. Ivy 6723-L. 6-2-7 FOR RENT—Two large connecting rooms with bath in Grant Park sec tion. Phone Main 3359-L. 203-6-1 THREE unfurnished rooms, desirable and reasonable. 367 Formwalt Street. 220-6-1 THREE unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, with all conveniences. 350 Lee Street. 6-1-69 THREE new unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; never been occu pied. Price, 17.50 per month. 212-6-1 WANTED—To rent two large connect ing rooms for ONE, convenient for housekeeping, where there is protection, preferably with OWNER, by June 17. Box 453. care American. 200-6-1 UNFURNISHED ROOM, large and airy; men only. Phone Ivy 2863 76-1-6 TWO or three unfurnished rooms, all conveniences, second floor, close in. 167 Central Ave. 5-31-25 THREE or four large unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1132 DeKalb Ave. Call Atlanta phone 082-F. 5-31-14 SECOND floor. 3 or 4 rooms with conve niences for light housekeeping. Main 2966-L. 6-29-26 FOUR rooms upstairs, private bath, elqptric lights, gas; references. At lanta phone 277. 5-29-25 ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished or Unfurnished. LOVELY ROOM, with or without private bath; close in: one block Peachtree; splendid rate. Phone Ivy 3707-J or ad dress Business, care Georgian. 201-5-31 FOR RENT—To couple without children, one large furnished front room and one unfurnished room, with use of phone 245 Sells Avenue. Phone West 8<5-J. 29-31-5 FOR RENT—Large room, in private family; all conveniences; furnished or unfurnished; opposite Grant Park. Would give meals. No children Main 3866-L 5-29-29 FOR RENT—Fine large ground floor room, with second-floor room, connect ed by private stairway Central loca tion. Inquire at 403 Gould Building. 207-5-25 TWO bright connecting housekeeping rooms, completely furnished; North Side; private home. Ivy 2098-J. 6-1-61 FOR RENT—Pleasant room in private home, close in. North Side. Ivy 6033-.I. 6-31-26 TWO beautifully furnished front rooms, with or without meals; all conven iences 30 Highland Avenue. Ivy 1955-L. 5-31-20 TWO nice rooms, with kitchenette; all conveniences; also ohe single room, suitable for couple or two young men; with nice bath. 24 East Baker Ivy 5459-J 5-31-21 FARLEIGH APARTMENS. 135 SPRING STREET; close in. I have now a three-room apartment, one three-room unfurnished apartment, and several single rooms, nicely furnished, at summer rates. Apply George Han cock. Mgr. 5-17-31 /OR RENT—Nicely funr^r^ room: gentlemen only. 68 Fairlie St. ROOMS WANTED Furnished. WANTED—By young couple, no chil dren. furnished room and kitchenette, except linens and cooking utensils: must be close in and reasonable rent; private family preferred. Address F. 1* \Y . Box 811. care Georgian. 41-2-6 Unfurnished. MOTHER, daughter and son want half f cottage, walking distance, or three unfurnished rooms by June 15; $12.50 [limit. Permanent, Box 618. care Genr- j gian 77-1 -6 APARTMENTS FOR RENL~' Furnished. FURNISHED apartment; four rooms; for summer or longer if desired. 109 Cooper St. Main 2890-J 6-1-44 Dl RING -Line. July and August nicely furnished and cool 4- room apartment, in one of the nicest and coolest parts of city. Electric lights, gas stove, bath, sleeping porch: also large, shady front porch. Can have use of piano. A bargain for the sum mer. Call Ivy 6085. 433 Spring Street. Corner North Avenue. 5-31-31 A PA RT MENTS F0 R R EN T ._ Unfurnished. MOI)KRN fnur-room front apartment with cool porch, eastern front, cloae in Party compelled to leave city. Lease ex pires Sept. 1. Immediate possession. Main 3073-J. 6-1-46 FOR RENT— Splendid apartment; six rooms: all modern conveniences; sec ond floor. 310 North Jackson Street. Phone Ivy 641-L. 6-1-28 FOR RENT—Two new five-room apart ments; all modern conveniences; Glennwood Avenue, just off Park Ave nue 117 Park Avenue. Main 4206-J. 28-31-5 47 EAST CAIN STREET—Five rooms, freshly painted and papered; first- class repair; separate entrance; refer ences required; $25 per month. Apply * owner, 509 Atlanta National Bank Bldg 5-28-17 APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Furnished or Unfurnished. TWO, three or five-room apartment, with kitchenette and private bath; also garage No children. Ivy 2432 6-1-75 APARTMENTS WANTED. Wanted. WANTED—Furnished apartment; light housekeeping; two or three gooms: in good location; close in. Write particu lars. 924 Austell Building 5-31-202 HOTELS. WHITE PATH HOTEL and Mineral Springs open June 10; sixteen-page booklet free. White Path Hotel Co., T. H. Tabor, Manager, White Path, Ga. 6-1-8 HOUSEKEEPING and bed rooms, with bath, electric lights, private entrance; v'%> near in $15 and $16. Argyle Apts., 345 Peachtree St, 5-30-4 __HOUSES FOR RENT. Furnished. SUMMER RENT—Delightful furnished home; large, shady lot; reasonable rent. "Between Peachtrees," Georgian. 99-1-6 ATTRACTIVE seven-room house, nicely furnished; Juniper Street; immediate possession. Phone Ivy 4737-J. 88-1-6 SIX-ROOM bungalow, completely fur nished; all modern conveniences. Call Main 848-J. 5-31-12 FURNISHED home for summer, or three connecting housekeeping rooms; no children; references. Phone M. *241 -J. 5-31-9 HOUSES FOR RENT. Unfurnished. FOR RENT—Modern North Side cot- tage; six rooms and bath; immediate possession; $20. Ivy 6432. 6-2-9 NICE six-room cottage, furnished com plete for summer; gas lights and hot water; large, cool rooms and shady back vard. Cheap If rented at once. Call Main 538. 6-31-23 SIX-ROOM HOUSE, suitable for light housekeeping. 49 Garnett. Call at 114 S. Forsyth. Main 2806. 56-1-6 OUR RENT LIST describes everything for rent. Call, write or phone for one. Ivy 3390. Charles P. Glover Realty Co . 2*6 Walton Street. 2-13-49 FOR RENT. Corner Peachtree and Alexander Streets we have several nice flats of six rooms with all modern conve niences. large rooms with plenty of light, nice neighborhood, and within 10 minutes’ walk of center of the city. Price, $25.00. Let us show you through. GEO. P. MOORE, Real Estate and Renting. 10 Auburn Avenue. STORES. For Rent. STORE, 10 by 35, 390 Peachtree; right place for dairy or meat market; only ?3Q per month. Will lease. 6-1-71 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. DJOSK SPACE with use of telephone? Apply 533 Candler Bldg. 4-25-9 SUMMER RESORTS, FOR RENT—Two new bungalows at Mount Airy. Ga., highest point on Southern Railway; delightful climate, beautiful scenery, fine water. Five rooms; new and attractively furnished; screens and electric lights: wide porches. Reasonable rent to good tenant. Address Box 112. Mount Airy. Ga. 78-1-6 FOR RENT—In country, 25 miles south of Atlanta, part of large house, in cluding living room, dining room, kitch en and pantry, six bed rooms, toilet ana bath; running water in all rooms; very large, shady porch; convenient trains. Will rent partly furnished until Octo ber at $40 a month from June 10. For further particulars, etc., address M. C. B.. Box 103, Palmetto, Ga. 5-27-1 4091 - REAL ESTATE For ivaiit. Stables and carriage house, lot; water and grass lots. Main 5-31-200 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. BY OWNER—Suburban home, West Mercer Avenue. College Park; three blocks from car line; eight-room house on acre lot, on corner; $4,000. East Point 465-L. 27-81-5 FOR SALE or exchange for Atlanta real estate, one-hundred-acre Early County farm. Olson & Smith. Empire Building 5-30-18 A BEAUTIFUL nine-room house, lot 50x 150, back to an alley. Every conve nience. with stables and servants’ rooms Built for a home. 126 East Georgia Ave- ~ II M ’ * nue. Call Main 3744-L. 5-29-1 LET US BUILD you a nome. Will buy you a lot or pay off your lot. Terms to suit. 400 Temple Court. Main 4189. 4-18-43 FOR SALE cheap bv owner, 739 Spring Street, near Twelfth Street, two-story nine-room house: price $5,500; $750 cash required: balance easy terms, if desired Address G. A Dunlop, 301 Mutual Building. Richmond. Va. 5-3-9 I HAVE seven acres, three-room house. half block car line, all cultivated. fin£ for trucking: will exchange for small renting property. Call Milton, Main 2052. 6-3-24 LEASE OR SALE—Artistic bungalow; screened, tiled, furnace, garage. Ad dress “Ansley FarV «are America