Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, July 27, 1913, Image 1

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NOTICE If you have any difficulty In buying Hears*'! Sunday American anywhere In the South notify N Circulation Manager. Hearst’s Sunday Amerl- \ can, Atlanta. Ua. EDITION rcn MACON VOL. I. NO. 17. Copyright. 1913 by The Georgian Company. ★ ATLANTA, OA., SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Dmu wirvmn Jolin Early ' Noted DU I M IVIlAiuU As Leper, Is Insane RIPE FOR JAP r Frederick Upham Adams Shows Why This Country May Have to Repel Yellow Invader Seeking a New Empire at Its Very Doors. “War or Humiliation Confronts U. S. as Result of Applying the Man Who Guarded Colony Is Himself Put In Cell, Raving Mad. SEATTLE, July 26.—John Farly, who was called In Washington a few years ago a leper, and who more recently was a guard at the Federal leper colony at Diamond Point Station, has lost his mind and Is himself under guard at the colony. Early has been under watch for sev eral months, officials at the station be lieving his mlnrl was not right. Some time ago. it was reported, he became violent and was locked up to protect himself and the unfortunates at the colony. When Early was first adjudged a leper by the District Health Officer, be was Isolated In a camp on the lowlands of the Eastern branch. After a long fight with the local authorities and another with the Pension Office for an allowance as a veteran of the Spanlsh-Amerlean war. he was permitted to slip unosten tatiously away to New York. Golfers Go 35 Miles In Just 1,087 Strokes Experts Play From Maidstone to Lit tleton on the Sea • on a Wager. Monroe Doctrine as Threat and! Sp ! c ' a ' r Cable t0 The Amerlcan - LONDON, July 2B.—To cover Not as Firmly Enforced Policy. “Others Will Take Up Task We Decline—We Are Responsible for the Lamentable Condition of Affairs To-day in Mexico.” Dy FREDERICK UPHAM ADAMS. “The time is coming when the United States will be forced to fight Japan on Japanese soil in North America.” In varying phrase this startling prediction was repeatedly made to me during a recent protracted tour of Mexico and Central America. It was first uttered, practically as above quoted, by President Francisco I. Ma- dero In the course of a long inter view in the Castle of Chapultepec. This prediction was repeated to me by a President of a Central American republic who shall be nameless, since he has thus far escaped assassination or overthrow by revolution. It was also voiced by an American of high reputation and keen judgment, who has been a student of Latin American affairs for more than a generation. U. S. Diplomacy Scored. The ignorance and indifference of the American people concerning Mex ico and Central America, coupled with the ignorance and stupidity which has marked our diplomatic in tercourse with them, constitute a menace of dire portent. The Danger Zone. As a result of years of diplomatic imbecility we have made of this great section a danger zone. We have cre ated at our Very doors conditions which promise war with any of the great commercial nations we now count as friends, or the alternative of abandoning a Monroe Doctrine. We are responsible for the lamenta ble condition of affairs in Mexico; for the chronic conditions of military des potism and recurrent revolutions which afflict Central America. > These conditions are the direct re sult of applying the Monroe Doctrine as a threat and not as a just and firmly enforced policy. And what is the fruit now ripening? The certainty that some other nation will take up the task which we decline. That will mean war or humiliation. * Let us consider the interest of Ja pan in this matter. Japan «nd Centra! America. It is a reasonable certainty that Japan has not spread her cards on the table in the pending controversy* over the California anti-alien legis- I lation. It may be assumed that Japan j 35 miles in 1.087 strokes Is a feat tha* two golfers accomplished in playing from Maidstone to Littleton-on-the- Sea. How this came about a well-known golfer offered to bet Neville Foster, of the Ashdown Forest Golf Club, and ^ • Warman, of the Newton Green Golf Club, that they could not play from Forest row to Crowborough over the woodland heather and hills, a distance of eight miles, In 350 strokes. The bet was taken and the task accomplished in 184 strokes. Waiters Back of Bill To Prevent‘Tipping’ Measure Provides Fine for Both ‘Tip per’ and Recipient of Bounty, and Reward for Informer. JUST II DISEASE Elinor Glyn's Hero, ‘Baby Paul' to Wed Boston Qlrl Will Marry Man Around Whose Adventures ‘Three Weeks’ Was Written. FRANK FIGHTS FOR LIFE MONDAY *•+ +•+ +•+ +•+ v • ■'* +• + + • + Dementia Telephonica, Recently Discovered Malady, Is Superin duced by “Line Is Busy.” ATLANTANS ARE AFFLICTED Operators at Ivy Exchange De clare That They Had Known of It for Years. BOSTON, July 26.—"Baby Paul," of “Three Weeks,” is to become a bride groom. Miss Elizabeth Golden, of Boston, Is to be the bride. Clairmont Jocelyn Preston Arnot is the name by which Elinor Glyn’s hero Is known In London, although as plain Paul Allen he has had some un- romantlc adventures in New York. As “Prince Paul de Clairmont” he is known In both cities. “We will be married on September 1," said Miss Golden yesterday. “We have known each other a year. Yes. I have means of my own, but Paul will support himself.” Dorsey Ready to Avenge Mary Phagan •S’** +•+ +•+ -fre-h -he* *•* d*#+ +•+ Mystery of Months Is Still Unsolved P RINCIPAL figures in Atlanta’s most noted criminal case. Two pictures of Mary Phagan, the little factory girl, whose slaying has proved South’s most baffling mystery, are shown, while below is Leo Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil Factory, where her body was found, who is accused of her murder, and about whose guilt or innocence brilliant legal battle will be fought. Porter Charlton Makes 'Xmas Date American Ordered Extradited to Italy Confident He Will Be Back in Few Months. JERSEY CITY. N. J.. July 26.— Porter Charlton, the young man who has been ordered extradited to Italy to stand trial for the murder of his uife, seems to be apparently uncon cerned about the outcome of the trial, and openly stated that he would be back in America again for Christmas Although the United States Govern ment has ordered him sent back to erator in an Atlanta exchange. The j j^ a jy t he confidently told a friend yes- “Number. please?” The voice came over the wire. It was sweet and eoft and dreamy-like. But the voice in answer was not. “Gimme Main 100, and darn quick, too.” it growled. Of course, it came from a man. “This is the ninth time I’ve rung ’em,” he raved on. “You tell me they’re busy, and I know they ain’t. They’ve got no right to be busy.” And his voice went up and out with a shriek. The little incident is just as was recorded by a pretty switchboard op- ST. LOUIS, July 26.—An ordinance to end “tipping” has been passed by I him the wrong number. man in question was not a brute. H was* merely a victim of Dementia Tel- cphonica. Yes, there is such a disease, and business men are acutely susceptible to Its visitations. The Journal of the I American Medical Association in a recent number discusses' the new dis- 1 eas~ and pours out its sympathy on a 1 certain victim whose case is men- I tioned and analyzed. Wrong Number One Cause. The telephone dementia, it seems, j usually seizes its victim about the | fourth or fifth time he has been told I that a number la busy, and then finds BURLINGTON, N. J.. July 26.-In out that it was nothing of the kind. , , . , r . . . XT .. the steel vault of the Mechanics’ Na- Sometimes it comes over the suffer- , _ , , . , . . a . Ati! tional Bank reposes an oblong pack er, causing him to see red and to talk . , ....... ... ’ . , ,, . . ‘age tied with pink baby ribbon, blue, when he calls once, twice, then , Al _ . , , , „ „ , , .. The parcel, the center of much gig- three times, and finds each tlnm-ttat theWnk clerks, the poor little "hello girl has given terday that he would soon return. “Don't you worry," he is reported as saying. "I'll make an engagement with you next Christmas at Church ill's.” Corsets Accepted As Bank Pledge Burlington Financiers Take Dainty Article as Collateral for Loan of $2. the City Council and will now go to the House of Delegates, where It Is expected it will be speedily adopted, and, with the signature of the May or, become a law. This ordinance has had the back ing of the union waiters of St. Louis, who are now striking in the principal hotels and restaurants. The bill pro vides a fine of from $10 to $50 for each offense, both the “tipper” and re cipient of the “tip” being subject to fine, and the informer to receive half of the fine. Shrinks Three Inches During Long Illness Patient Hurt in Auto Accident Loses in Height Each Month Spent in Bed. PORTERVILLE, CAL., July 26.—When George Crittenden, an attorney, got out of bed to-day for the first time since he was injured in an automobile acci dent two months ago. he found that he had lost 3 inches in height. This unex pected sequel of his recovery is the more extraordinary because it is well The girls in the Atlanta exchange say they understand now, and do not pay any attention to it. The men do not mean it. A girl on the Ivy exchange was asked yesterday just what she thought of the scientific discovery of the dis ease. "Huh.” she snorted—if a pretty girl can snort—“are the wise ones just finding that out? Why we knew ail the time that there was something like this, although we didn’t know how to call it. The best treatment we know is, when they rave, to pull out the plug and let them talk to themselves. And to ourselves we murmur, ‘poor fellow.’ Or maybe it’s a woman.” Maybe it is a woman. The medical men say that women are susceptible as well as men, and as violently de moniac when they succumb. Diseases Develops in Germany. The malady first was noted scien tifically when a lawyer was put on trial in Berlin, accused of slander ing the postoffice, w hich also Controls the telephone in the land of the Kai ser and of government ownership. The lawyer lost his patience after he had called his number three times in known that the human body gains in , length while lying prone. A man is | course °f three-quarters of an hour. The girl told him that “Num ber Undsoweiter” was busy. Later he found that it hadn’t been, and he ex ploded. The medical expert of the court be fore which the lawyer was taken tes tified ihat the defendant was of a highly nervous temperament, and that he had heard of men going insane from telephone vexation. And so de mentia telephonica became a subject for research, and was put in the doc tor’s books. normally taller in the morning than at night. Suffragists Plan National Campaign Women Who Now Possess Franchise Will Aid Movement in All Other States. contains the oddest collateral ever deposited with a New' Jersey banking Institution as security on a loan. Within the folds of paper and rib- bc s is a pair of corsets, avowed value $6.25, on which a young woman, lack ing railroad fare to Philadelphia, in her extremity yesterday borrowed $2 from the bank. Colonists at Arden Now Going to‘Roost’ Sinclair’s Followers Desert Homes on Ground for Bungalows Built in Tree Tops. Most Bitter Legal Battle in History of Atlanta Courts Is Expected—Case Will Probably Last for Weeks. A FTRR three months of mystery In the death of Mary I’liagun, a climax is at hand more tense, more dramatic, more breathlessly Interesting to | Atlanta and all Georgia than any situation of fiction. 1.00 M. Frank, employer of the little girl whose tragic death, April 2(1, stirred a State, will be brought to trial Monday on the charge that he killed her. Frank's trial Is the crowning event'of the hundred ihrilliug circumstances surrounding the tragedy, i Whatever the outcome, regardless of Frank's convic tion or acquittal, the incidents that follow the trial will come as an anticlimax. The prosecution has cast al most all its chances for solving the mystery Into the case it has prepared against Frank. Its heavy guns are trained against the factory superintendent. It ARDEN, DEL., July 26.—"Well good night, folks; I’m going to roost.’ That may be a commonly used sen- 1 tence before long In the Arden colony, 1 made famous by Upton Sinclair and his associates. Sleeping in the tree tops, as monkeys and certain tribes of savages do, is the latest develop ment of the back to nature idea as practiced in the colony. *• It started when two of the colonists, using a lot of lumber bequeathed by Mr. Sinclair when he left, constructed an aerial bungalow' with four poplar trees as corner posts. WASHINGTON, July 26.—Plans for has no immediate expectation that its I a widespread campaign for “votes for people will be permitted unrestricted j women” to be carried into all the , ~ ,, j immigration to the United States and | States of the Union not now having XLElllrOElClS JAiOuLGUj the rights of naturalization. Japan suffrage will be laid at a conference of the National Council of Woman ! Voters here August 13, 14 and 15. An nouncement to this effect was made to-day at the congressional commit- j;, Lightning Rips Shoe From Wearer's Foot Says Lafollette knows that it is not within the power of our National Congress to control or change the alien land laws of any State. The wise men of Japan know all j tee headquarters of the council, this and more, but they have some concrete motive in demanding some thing which they know’ will not be granted. What Japan desires and will fight for is an outlet for her sur plus population. , ^ in her land-hunger Japan wrested | Man Escapes Ph y 8,cal ln J ur y Save '« | Haven Railroad and disclosure that Formosa from China and tried to win j Small Burn Son Nearby Is from Russia the bleak plains of Man- Senate Declares That Mellen’s Case Is Typical of Entire Sys tem in Nation. MADISON. WIS., July 26.—Senator LaFollette, in the current issue of his weekly paper, praises the men who caused an investigation of the New ‘Imperator’ Is Too Small, Says Captain Greatest Vessel Afloat Is Already Fully Booked for Next Two Voyages West. Special Cable to The American. PLYMOUTH, July 26.—“The Impera tor is too small; we w r ant larger ves sels,” exclaimed Captain Ruser, when, after landing the greatest ship in the world at this port to-day, he was told that the Imperator is already fully booked for her next two westward trips. The Imperator proceeded from here to Cherbourg and Hamburg. On the way over there were three days of such extreme heat that many expe rienced stokers were unable to work The average speed for the voyage was 22.5 knots and the best single day's run was 540 miles. churia, but there is nothing that Japan really wants on the Asiatic coasts to her west. Her eyes are turned to the east. They are fixed, not on California or any part or parcel of the United States, but on Mexico and Central America, the neglected and semi-sav age wards of our Monroe Doctrine. Like Home to Japanese. For 30 years the Japanese have Continued on Pago 2, Column 7., Small Burn- Not Touched. DENVER, July 26.—O. M. Simpson, a laborer, was knocked down and made unconscious for several minutes when struck by a lightning bolt In the after noon. Ills twelve-year-old son, Vernon, sitting a few inches away with his back to his father, was not touched. The lightning struck with sufficient force to tear Simpson’s shoes to shreds, but this Is about the only evidence left of the visit of the electrical freak, with the exception of a burn about the size of a dime on Simpson s right foot. led to the resignation of Charles 3. Mellen as its president. In an edi torial, under the captain of “Rot ten,” Mr. LaFollette says: “The passing of Mellen is of no consequence. He was morally the agent of Morgan in the execution of plans operated on all of the big sys tems. The history of the New Haven merger Is the history of every merger. The whole system is rotten.” # Investigations by the Interstate Commerce Commission in other rail- j roay.s would cause more resignations, li>uia Mr. laiFolietle. Labor Secretary Asks 3 Autos of U, S. Wilson Wants $5,000 Touring Car, $2,500 Electric and $1,500 Truck for Department. WASHINGTON, July 26.—A stir was caused in the House to-day when it became known that Secretary of Labor William B. Wilson has asked Congress for a $5,000 touring car for his personal use, a $2,500 electric au tomobile to b eused for personal and official purposes and a $1,500 electric truck for the official business of the new Department of Labor. Roosevelt Vaudeville Star, British Report Dr. Lyman Abbott Dclares Story That Fellow-Editor Will Go On Stage Is Nonsense. Special Cable to The American. LONDON, July 26.—The London Daily, Sketch prints a statement that Colonel Roosevelt has signed a con tract for a tour of the Australian vaudeville circuit at $2,000 a week to lecture on sociological subjects. “He has been bobked by Hugh Mc Intosh. the noted Australian fight promoter, who is governing director of Harry Rickard’s circuit,” it adds. “The former President is to appear in talks of fifteen to thirty minutes. “A lour on these lines would cer tainly mean the capacity of the house.” Dr. Lyman Abbott, when asked last night about this report, said: “You may be sure this is absolute nonsense.” STRAW HATS FOR POLICE. CHICAGO, July 26.—Straw hats and soft white shirts as a uniform for the ponce when the thermometer climbs over the hoilirgi point were urg^d hj •Mrs' Relle S-Aiirp ir a letter re ceived by the C^ty Council. Chronology of Phagan Case April 27—Body of Mary Phagan found in factory. Arthur Mullinax arrested. Newt Lee arrested. April 28—J. M. Gantt arrested. Geron Bailey ar rested. Leo Frank held. April 29—Pinkertons declare Lee guilty. Eliminate Gantt, Mullinax and Bailey. May 1—Coroner issues commitment against Lee and Frank. Jim Conley, negro sweeper, arrested. May 8—Coroner’s verdict orders Frank and Lee held for grand jury. May 12—Burns put on case, through agency of T. B. Felder. May 23—Grand jury considers case. Dictograph scandals revealed. A. 8. Colyar accuses T. B. Felder of attempts to corrupt policeman. Frank In dicted. Conley says he wrote notes at Frank’s dic tation, April 25. Newt Lee indicted. May 25—Mrs. Mima Formby says Frank asked her for room night of killing. May 30—Conley says he helped Frank dispose of body. Re-enacts crime at factory. June 6—Conley denies he confessed killing to A. S. Colyar. June 15—Mrs. Frank, in statement to Sunday American, stands by her husband. July 10—W. H. Mincey's statement first published, that he heard Conley boast of killing. July 15—E. F. Holloway, factory employee, says he was told of negro's boast just after killing. July 23—Frank says ne is ready for trial. Search for Will Green, Conley’s companion, said to nave seen killing. has opposed the indictment of the single other suspect, the negro Jim Conley. The enthralled interest of a public hits been pitched about the question: Is I-eo Frank guilty? FRANK DRAMA'S CENTRAL FIGURE. Even the pitiful figure of the little factory gin, mysteriously slain, has become subordinate in interest to that of Frank. The young man's own personality, his steadfastly loyal and loving family, his friends who affirm his Innocence in the face of a dark suspicion, all have become factors in making Frank the central figure of the crime drama. At the last moment efforts have been made by Frank’s counsel to have the case continued until fall, but the indications are that Judge Koau will order the trial to go oa Monday. A hundred ramifications have sprung out of the ease, each one entailing bitterness, aligning factions, engendering a ileeiier mystery. Many persons, even liefore the trial, are ready to express a belief of Frank's guilt. As many are firm In the conviction that he Is Innocent. But the great bulk of the public views the ease through a haze of speculation and doubt which is as Impenetrable as on the first day. LEGAL TALENT BRILLIANT. Everybody is in one of the three classes. It Is like ly that no one lives in Atlanta who Is Indifferent to the case, which has l>een the central topic of news and of conversation since the day the body of Mary Phagan was found. The trial will be an event worthy of all the Inter est with which the public has Invested it. The array of legal talent Is most imposing. Already the defense and the prosecution have met in skirmishes. In the courts ;pi'l in the newspapers. They were st^mishes so hard fought and bitter as to hold out the promise