Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 03, 1913, Image 166

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N 2 D HEARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN. r^R 0! »OnT-^!VJtKi» I AU3-1J51: ro"? U_TS ATLANTA, OA., SUNDAY, AUGUST 3. 1913. ’AGENTS AND_8ALF.SMEN WANTED. v\ A .NTUfv^Agent», *0cT profit, now aluminum proposition. Rig demand. Your territory open. If interested write at once Soloman, Box 99, cart* Amer ican. JUT-27-I VfANTEI> Salesmen and agents to sell an article to the auto owner for $5 that others are selling for (15 and (20 Box S-18, care American. 210-27-7 WANTED—-Two live men to sell stock In a large manufacturing proposition. Ready market for product. Represen tative men on the. board. Good commis sion to right man. Restricted territory. Kornfeld, Box 64, care American. 236-27-7 'V \ tock salesman. Friday will he August 1 Can you meet your ob ligations? Be carefree and not be com pelled to eat in cafeterias beyond that date Sales Manager, Box 400 care American. 230 - 27 - 7 ?REE SAMPI.ES—No-Sp)a»h Water Strainers are winners for agents, both sexes; daily profit (5 upward Let us prove It. Filter Company, Box T-26, pare American. 290-27-7 WANTED -Easy selling sideline. Trav eiing men can easily increase their income by calling on retail millinery and department stores with our proposition; 50 per cent commission on nrst orders; 26 per cent on repeat orders. No big samples. Write quick for details Mil linery, Box T-14, care American. 241-17-7 Wanted - Agents, salary or commis sion. Greatest seller yet Every user of pen and Ink buys on sight. 200 to 500 per cent profit. One agent’s sales $620 In six days, another (32 in two hours Monroe, X-209, care American 248-27 7 WANTED—Good men and women solici tors Local and out of town. An es pecially good proposition. Address A., Box 341, care American 211 -27-7 WANTED—Stock salesmen, want fifteen high-class stock salesmen, best sell ing and most highly Indorsed proposi tion offered the investing public; going concern; will stand rigid investigation. Indorsements alone will sell it Early, Box U-22, care American. 285 27-7 fivfeR had experience selling goods’’ Could you sell a gold dollar for 100 oents? If so we can use you. Must be Industrious, of good appearance, male or female. Hustlers only. Mdnilre, Box V-116, care American. >04-27-7 WANTED Three real salesmen; men who have ambition to make a perma nent connection with old established firm on high-grade nationally advertised spe cialty, sold to all classes of retail trade In towns and smaller cities Producer* can connect with (3.000 annually or bet ter more than expenses References and bond required. Address C, Box 401, care American. 212-27-7 WANTED Agents $500 monthly; tre mendous demand now for Power Tire Pump latest auto accessory Agents •'cleaning up” everywhere Ouick action necessary. Get busy. Nicholas, Box 42, care American. 299-27-7 Wanted—Salesman; capable sped a 11 y man Staple line. NEW and EXCEP TIONAL terms Vtoancj August i. At tractive commission contract. (35 week ly for expenses. Miles, Box 44. care American. 247-27-7 WANTED — High grade automobile salesman to sell light delivery trucks on commission basis Very liberal terms made t.. purchasers, win allow good commission to capable salesman. Vance, Box’ 41, care American 297-27-7 I AGFNTS AND SALESMEN WANTED. SCHOOL OFFICIALS are writing us | every day for teacher** For particu- 1 | lars address Hall Teachers’ Agency, De-| Ad SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. COLORED MAN wishes position as but- partment G Macon, <;a WANTED Salesmen tc polishes to the groce stamp for particulars Attleboro, Mass. Don't wait. •i sell our line of 1 ?ry trade Send { Heroux Mfg Co 6-1-3 i i 99 Short St SALESMAN- Iligl -grade, for designing. mechanical retouching, and photo en graving, applicant must havf made good elsewhere, and have established trade, to such a man will pay $30 to $50 per week In replying, state experience and approximate amount of your annual sales Replies strictly confidential, dress Established Trade, care C 2 SALESMEN —Carry our catalogue show tng first-class line of trunks, hugs and suit cases on the side; liberal commis sion. Address C. L., Box 46. care Amer ican^ 115-26-13 SELL n do yardwork. milk and driv K, H., Box 5, care Georgian rag tered drug gist, in or near Atlanta; several yum s’ experience; gilt edged references A*l<:*e.,H N., Box 608, care Georgian. BOOKKEEPER wlHhe.s few hours' work evening* and Saturday afternoons; competent; am no beginner. Address .1 B , 152 Crew St., City. WANTED Work by young colored man to do cooking or general housework or general housecleaning; have references Apply to Albert Armstrong, rear of 15 si rUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. __ MISCELLANEOUS. COLORED woman hairdresser, man!- ROBERT MITCHELL puts new tires on cur ist and masseuse wants to travel baby carriages. 229 Edge wood. Ivy 3076. with lady as maid Write C. M., No. 277 Lj/.vip CLEANS CARBON" Fort st . Atlanta, Ga * - .— - A -v. , . . . SAVE MONEY on furnlt FURNITURE FOR SALE. FURNITURE FOR SALE. iture now at Walker-Cooley Furniture Company, 87-89 South Forsyth street. 127-26 13 1 WANTED- -Po ’osition by reliable colored man a* butler. Can do any kind of house and yard work Address Joseph Burdett, Decatur, Ga. AN experienced and capable house keeper wants position where compe- and worth arc appreciated \d- ^. dress K., Box 911, care Georgian. 36-24-7 1 UAIR LI I .*■> loc.. No. 3 \ iaduct place. SITUATION WANTED- Thoroughly ex- ! HA! H V! The new drink ?. perienced telephone operator with re | TACCO, the varnish applied wlth a cloth sponsible concern; seven years’ experl-| cnee with private exchange work; best! references; no agents. Address Box T- 91. are < 116-7-13 BY MAIL Pleasant, profitable business means independence, start sjiare; time; co-operate with established corporation; we furnish best sellers; fac tory prices; valuable booklet free An swer Factory, Box 3. care Georgian 11126-13 SALESMEN Resourceful men for road who have successful records on spe cialty propositions, commission contract, with expenses guaranteed Answer C. Y i > . ca• •• Geoigiai 1 >6-26-13 SALESMAN—To solicit orders for office supplies and stationery. We applications from hard-working, con scientious and first-class men only; good prospects are assured for a com petent man; state qualifications fully. Address C. Z , Box 4, care Georgian. 133-26-13 SALESMAN successful working retail trade to sell line of plantation molas ses in barrels: can increase your earn ings $40 to $50 per week; commissions paid weekly; light samples. C L.. Box 6. care Georgian. 117-36-13 SALESMEN WANTED who know the specialty advertising game; we have a live line with new features to net you handsome returns, exclusive terri tory; commission only In reply, state territory desired; furnish references in reply Answer Specialty, Box 6-C, care Georgian. 141-26-13 SAM MAN—To travel, arrange for and manage demonstrations In department stores. Carry your own goods and col lect from merchants. Answer Store, Box 6, care Georgian 111-36-13 WANTED Drug salesmen to sell a high grfide line of toilet preparations as a side line; liberal commission; quick sell ers; established twenty-five years. An swer Liberal, Box J, care Georgian 136-26-13 i POSITION WANTED as shipping clerk or road salesman. Several years ex j perlence in both Answer quick. J. E. T., care Georgian j WANTED Position as collector by young man; know the city and can get results. Address Box 321, care • Georgian. toi NG m.'.n’, single, desires position as bookkeeper; six years experience Can furnish nest cf references. P. O. j Box 507. Atlanta. i WANTED by reliable, sober, young white man, position as cook; am flrst- | class, nice and clean; references. Frana desire j Bridges, Weaver, Ala POSITION WANTED—By young man 24 years old, with six years’ experi ence In general off!re work; have some knowledge of railroad rates; also under stand how to ft'e and collect claims. s II H , Box 750, care Georgian A VNTED Position «s assistant Book keeper, cashier nr general office man, with good, reliable, up-to-date firm. Good references Address G., Box 500, •tro Georgian. WANTED Position on gentleman's country place as working foreman. Am trained In care of automobile, motor boats horses, landscaping or anything connected with such a place. No liquor, no tobacco. References from best fam ilies. Foreman, Box 26, care American. 200-27-7 SITUATION WANTED—In drug store. or to run small drug store In small place. Young man. single, registered, eight years’ experience; nest reference; moderate wages; no bad habits. Ad dress Box W-181, care Georgian. 112-7-13 SITUATION WANTED—Young man age 18. capable and reliable, two WANTED— Agents, 250 per cent profit Wonderful little article. Sells like wildfire. Can be carried in pocket. Write at once. Mathews, Box 40, care American. 286 - 27 - 7 Wanted Salesmen: men and women who are good hustlers can make from (200 to (1,000 in the next sixty days placing the best proposition ever pre sented to the Investor. For full Informa tion apply to Porter, Box C-704. care American 284-27-7 WANTED Agents make $5 to (10 a day. auto specialty; sells at sight; every’ auto owner buys. Write for par ticulars. Perfecto, Box 701, care American. 219-27-7 Wan TED—Agents; our proposition commends Itself to those proficient as salesmen. Returns are surprisingly re muneratlve. Evidence of value for ac cident Insurance confronts you daily, thereby reducing the need for special ef fort. Investigate. Insurance Company. Box 700, care American. 216-27-7 ED—Agents; four-ln-lne four in- hand. Something new Twelve colors, five styles Big seller. Good profit. Handsome lestheret pocket folder out fit. Milton, Box 697, care American. 298-27-7 Wa.NTED Salesmen. full time or side line. Pocket samples Big repeat bust* nest; Proposition appeals to merchants In all classes of trade. Brand new Those capable of earning $50 to $76 weekly preferred. Manufacturing Com- pany, Box 696, care American 239-27-7 WANTED Agents to handle Agnlne Complexion cream; sold across the counters for the past thirty years. Hun dieds of Indorsements from all parts of the country. We have now decide* to f rlve it national advertising Complex- on Cream, Box 696. care American 340-27-7 WANTED—Let me pay you (50 monthly. Only ten minutes of your time dally required All work done ir. your home No canvassing. No capital Also show you how to start mall order home busi ness. Box R 694, care American 213-27-7 WANTED—A New York Importer of Laces and Embroideries having es tablished trade in Georgia, wants first- class salesman to cover part of Geor gia and Florida, making small and me dium towns State age, references and experience in first letter. Address Bay- lire 215 Fourth avenue. New York City. 7-27-18 l xperlenced agent, new ar ticle. repeat orders, 50 cents on every sale; exceptionally good opportunity for .right party. Address Z. f Box 429, care American. 360-27-7 WANTED—A promoter, capable of handling the stock end of a big and successful enterprise on a percentage basis, money now coming in assuring an immediate income. Address Z , Box 610, care American. 319 - 27 - 7 WANTED Agents. Strong made $159 last week. Sold 63 (5.00 metal window display bulletin boards in one block Darker, Box 96, care American. 326-27-7 \\ ANTED— Five ambitious and ener getic women to sell corsets, Business training free. Corsets, care American. 340-27-7 WANTED- Agents; lust out. Rot weather seller Self-heating Iron. One cent does a week's ironing Light in weight. Low priced. Credit given Thomas, Box 305, care American. 301-27-7 WA NT ED—Punch board salesmen In every State. High grade novelties, side line. Big money. Write for par ticulars. Novelty Co., Dept 83. care American. 311-27-7 WAN TED— Agents, start at once. Make $5 to (10 every day selling our spe- c'alty. Great demand Investigate. Ter race, Box 106, care American 303-27-7 WANTED—Good stock salesmen who can sell shares and get the money Nothing to equal this opportunity Good commission. X. Y. Z., care American 308-27-7 WANTED—Few good salesmen to sell the best subdivision proposition in State. Mr. Quinn, Box 980. care Ameri can WANTED—Alert ambitious sales man~ ager to establish headquarters and look after entire business Exclusive contract. References required. Dawn, Box 76, care American. 302-27-7 WANTED — Salesmen, demonstrators and agents for a new proposition to be paced on the market this week, with wide advertising campaign Efficient men and women only. O. S. Company. care Amerlcan. >30- 27-7 WANTED—Experienced agents'"can~se*- cure exclusive territory with the as surance of increasing business in the Introduction of a most desirable patent ed article which at once appeals to every intelligent housekeeper. Positively no competition. Box H-41, care American 335-27-7 WANTED—Salesmen, male or female. can make big money selling the Bur- g’ar-proof Window Guard. No competi tion Iron Works. Box H-108. care American. 316-27-7 WANTED—$24 a week. new. patented! automatic cleaner curry comb Takes u*t half as long to clean a horse. No logging with hair and dirt. Big De mand, Comb Co., care American. 340-27-7 I 'cOfft'lNUED IN NEXT COLUMN, j AGENTS Here's what they all want; concentrated beer tablets; makes gen uine beer by adding water; not near- beer--the real article; carry goods right In pocket; enormous demand; large prof its. Write to-day. Beer, Box 4. care A m erlcan. 122-26 -13 AGENTS—Just out. Hot weather eeif- ers; self heating iron; lc does a week's ironing, light in weight; low priced; credit given. Sample free to workers ■ iron, care American. 104-86-13 SALESMAN—Clean cut, ambitious, thor oughly experienced In road work, to handle high grade line of specialties sold to Jobbers, dealers and consumers; salary, expenses and bonus on sales; house well established and perfectly re liable. Address Reliable, care Ameri can. 105-26-13 SALESMAN of the "make good” kind. those who can get the o*-der after the order chaser sales, can make permanent connections with a high-grade corpora tion calling on automobile owners H., Box 44. cut e Georgian 107 26-13 3a 1 KSMAN to handle a popular line of fur neckwear and fur muffs as side line on commission; one who is ac quainted with the trade; security for samples required Answer Samples, Box 6, care American. 118-26-13 Huy in Each 'fowri Win develop and place right boy in good attractive business; earnings from $2 to (10 to start; every boy who can furnish un questionable references should write at once. Boy Scouts preferred Scouts, care Amerlcarn 106-26-13 SALESMEN—To sell our 'Business Men's” policy; provides (5,000 acci dental depth with $25 weekly, accident and sickness Indemnity, (26 weekly, h«* nltal indemnity; Insures beneficiary foi *2.600; cost (lo per year. Issued by old line company. Box 836, care Georgian 103-26-13 SALESMEN who can show successful record and have ability to follow up leads and close quickly we will pay well and promote quickly. Salesman, Box 33. care Georgian. 137-36-13 6666 opening for a live, hustling real estate salesman of experience with old firm. Attractive proposition. Real Estate. Box 39, care Georgian. 7-27-98 SALESMEN WANTED to handle our successful merchandise selling propo sitions; high commissions or salary It you “make good;” experience unneces sary Answer Success, Box 68, care Georgian. 113-36 UK SALESMAN An energetic young man to represent manufacturing concern; one capable of selling self-filling foun tain pens to work all or spare time. Write for particulars. Manufacturer, C, <’Hr« American SALESMAN years with last employer, wants place with substantial firm where there Is a change of advancement. Address Box M-710, care Georgian. 113-7-13 WANTED Gentleman of culture j*r 4 d extensive travel is open to engage ment as companion to elderly gentle man for fall and winter. South Seas, Hawaii or the Orient preferred Rea sonable. Address Y, Box 564, care American. 295-27-7 Situation WaNted Ey thoroughly competent gent’s furnishing arid clothing salesman. Would like a change by August 15. Can furnish best refer ences Employed now. Address Box Z-178, care Georgian. 136-7-18 SITUATION wanted—An American young man. 21, speaking and writing Spanish fluently, desires position with manufacturing concern. Any respect able position considered. Address Box S-630, care Georgian. WANTED Young man wants work tracing or plotting mans or doing surveying, calculating Have had ex perience. Best references. Surveyor, « 84, rare American. 248-27-7 Situation wanted By auto tine repair man; six years’ experience In some of the largest shops In the coun try. Know the position thoroughly and know how to show a profit. Address Box L-401, care Georgian. 119-7-13 Situation wanted—By weliedu- cated German, 31 years; speaks four languages, with eight years' experience in office work; competent bookkeeper; wants permanent office position or as salesman. Will accept position with good possibilities for a trial month. Ad dress Box U-701, care Georgian. 120-7-13 HITI'ATION WANTED—Experienced window trimmer and show’ card writer wants position by middle of August or first of September. I am also experi enced In gent’s furnishing goods. Will work Inside when not busy with the windows. Can .furnish the best of ref erences. Address Box Y-710, care Geor gian 111-7-13 WANTED—Highly educated Spanish young man desires position. Grad uated bookkeeper, some stenography. English, Spanish, some French and Italian. Meneces, Box 22, care Ameri can. 201-27-7 SITUATION WANTED—By "thoroughly experienced bookkeeper and mercan tile man capable of managing a busi ness; A-No. 1 reference; age 31; mar ried; steady, moral; at present holding good position in Florida. Desires to make change Write me. I may be the man you want. Address Box 0-201, care Georgian. 184-7-13 30 SIT l A TION WANTED-Teacher of vocal music and French wishes to ex change lessons for board in refined, ; quiet family living In select neighbor hood. Address Teacher, Box G-209, care Georgian 142-7-13 SITUATION WANTED—Expert mas seuse wants position In sanitarium or Institution, or with private lady in sum mer resort; doctor’s certificate. Address Box 1-149, care Georgian. 151-7-13 SITUATION WANTED— Educated. ca- pable woman wants position in doc tor’s office or similar work; half days or otherwise. Address Box K-731, care Georgian. 154-7-13 SITUATION WANTED—Young lady wants position as librarian In law office or educational institution; has ex perience of stenography, typewriter and bookkeeping; also experienced in law work. Address Librarian, Box P-171, cart <Georgian. ] 17-7-13 SITUATION W A NTLl i Position as companion by refined Christian elder ly lady wanted: best of references Ad ore— Box R-409, rare Georgian. 811 i A I'D >N WANTEff Ex; i long hand bill clerk wants position; gor*d footer and extender, four years general office experience; can do light bookkeeping Address Box P-809, care Georgian. _ 143-7-13 SITUATION WANTED- French dress maker, formerly with Marshal Field in Chicago, wants position; perfect fitter. Address Box W-709, care Georgian. 150-7-13 SITUATION WANTED—Middle-aged lady, college graduate, teacher, ten years' experience, would like to make a home for two or three children; would give personal supervision or private in struction if desired; arrangements must be made before September 1. Address Box W-810, care Georgian. 118-7-13 DRESSMAKING — DRESSMAKERS DR US S MAKING of all kinds. Perfect fit Silk dresses, (5. Other prices rea sonable Ivy 7469. 31 East Alexander. WANTED — M IS C E L L A N EOUS. WANTED—Couch and an iron safe for office use. Must be bargain. Address L B., -Box 810, care Geor gian. «>R good shoe repairing go to Forsyth Btreet Shoe Company, 6 South For- syth street. DROP A CARD. We'll bring cash for old clothes and shoes. “The Vest- aire,” 166 Decatur St. 7-25-13 I BUY MEN’S old clothes and sheet. Drop a card I Bock. 177 Gilmer St OR good shoe repairing go to Forsyth Btreet Shoe Company, 6 South For syth street. all SI RA W HATS (L Allen M Pierce 11 P I'l.KANS 6XRB( >N 9x12 RUGS CLEANED (1.50 up. Phone Ivy 3471 Hot weather! Chestnut themes; Plenty of rain and a losing team Vain and happiness, Joy and ha Walker-Cooley Furniture Company 87-89 S. FORSYTH STREET. Boll Phone Main 2785. WE ARE SELLING furniture cheaper for cash than any store in At lanta, as we are out of the high-rent district. See us before buying. They ail drink it ? even mama and papn CAMP Machine Shops, 275 Marietta si. SAVE MONEY on furniture now at Walker-Cooley Furniture Company, 87-39 South Forsyth street. K good shoe repairing go to Forsyth Street Shoe Company, t> South For- syth street. _____ HA ! H A!! The rew drink ?. CLEAN UP and paint up. C. F. Blndei wiil show you how, ivy 5852-J. KENT Company, 130^ Peachtree. HA IRJ CLEAN UP and paint tip! C! E Binder win show you now. Ivy 6362-J. ’. tut varnish applied with a cloth. PHENOLINE, The Great Insecticide. 106-A Edge wood Ave. M. 2317; At- lanta 3038-A. CAMP Machine Shops, 275 Marietta St. CAMP CLEANS CARBON. BEST wall papering work done by Pied mont Wall Paper Co., 33 Auburn ave. Ivy 1047; Atlanta 802. TACC?U, the varnish applied with a cloth. HA! HA!! The new drink ?. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS.^ I 'yAClCoTTfvCvarnlsh applied with a cloth, ha!! I USE McAndrews’ Pride Coffee It will suit you. Phone Ivy 721 _ KENT Sign Company, ISOVfr Peachtree. 1 :< <BERT MITCHELL puts new tires on baby carriages. 229 EagSWOOd. Ivy 3076. ALL STRAW HATS (1 Allen M Pierce. Hot weather! Chestnut themes; Plenty of rain and a losing team. Vain and happiness, Joy and ha! ha’! They all drink it ? even mama and papa ' All- CLEANS CARBON. frACCQ! the varnish applied with a cloth. SECOND-HAND furniture for sale cheap Call Ivy 1669-L. HAIR CUTS He No 3 Viaduct place FORSYTH ST. SHOE CO. Good repair work. 6 North Forsyth street. At lanta 3021-A. I FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. OUK August Clearance Sale of Furniture and Kugs now on. I 25 to 35 1-3 per cent Discount. [ROBISON’S, 27 E. Hunter St. KENT Sign Company, 130Vi Peachtree. Hot weather! Chestnut themes; Plenty of rain and a losing team. Vain and happiness, joy and ha! ha!! They all drink it ? even mama and papa. iHENOLINE, The Great Insecticide. 106-A Edgewood Ave. M. 2317; At lanta 3038-A. KEYS MADE UV4 South Broad Main 885. BUY Taylor-Made Umbrellas. TACCO. the varnish applied with a cloth KENT Sign Company, j30V4_Peachtree CLEAN UP and paint up. C. F. Binder Main 885 will show you how. Ivy 5852-J TACCO, the varnish applied with a cloth CAMP CLEANS CARBON. FOR SALE, CHEAP-*-Flat-top desk and chair. 85 South Forsyth street. _ '"AMP Machine Shops, 276 Marietta St. BUY Taylor-Made Umbrella*. FOR SALE Two art squares, wardrobe with mirror doors, velvet stair carpet and new bedstead, mattress, springs and feather bed Cheap. Address Box B-13>t care. Georgian. 133-7-13 TACCO, the varnish applied with a cloth. CLEAN UP and paint up. C. F. Binder ; will show you now, ivy 6362-J. HA! HA?! The new drink f! ‘‘ K’FVift \I \ 1)1- 1 • L Reeves, * ' Fj I iVlAUrj 13Vh South Broad ONE 3-horsepower gasoline engine, one 8-horsepower kerosene engine, one CAMP Machine Shops. 275 Marietta St., Cl?'" u" llte J' eld . 6r 'o one , J 00 7. ac 7°. u . nt — * — J McCaskey cabinet. Box 166, Marietta. CAMP CLEANS CARBON. I'JrlEMlLINE, The Great Insecticide. 106-A Edgewood Ave. M. 2317; At lanta 3038-A. ha! HAtl The new drink T. KENT Sign Company, I80V4 Peachtree. GO TO D! MORGAN, 139 Whitehall, for the best harness. Phones. BUY Tavlor-Made Umbrellas. TACO i, the varnish applied with a cloth ALL STRAW HATS (1. Allen M. Pierce. CLEANS CARBON. pany, 1304 Peachtree. HA! HA!! The new drink ?. WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices ror household goods, pianos and office fur niture. Cash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell St'eet. Bell phone Main 2424. 3-26 26 FOR^EXCHANQE-M I SC E L LA N E O U S 'TT'!UTiJCI>^T(Fexchange nice room enf? board for diamond, motorcycle, type writer or piano. Address Box 216, ca-e Georgian WANTED—Plumber, all-round man. years old. would like steady position with building company, or corporation, long experience. Address J, Box 67 care American. 296-27-7 123-26-13 1 WANTED—Position as chauffeur; care- WANTED—A high-grade | ful and experienced, with best refer- stock, bond or insurance man. who has ( ences. Phone Ivy 2836. ■\ select clientele of ii. *estors or who Is capable of reaching and dealing with in vestors on a high-grade proposition. Address Box 6-J, care Georgian 126-26-13 SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. SPECIAL RATES for Situa tion Wanted ads 3 lines 1 time, 10c; 3 times. 20c; 7 times. 40c. RELIABLE ed colored chauf feur wants position at once. Can butler. References Address Clifford Robinson. 53 Auburn avenue WANTED, POSITION A competent mill man; have experience as fore man. sawyer, fll a r or millwright; im mediate employment desired. Apply C., Box 440, cure Georgian. fiOLSHkn MAN desires position as ex perienced presser or porter. R. L. Crawford. 97 Ivy street. A -1 DRY GOODS, notion, clothing ajid shoe salesman wants to make change at once. Ten years with one firm. Strictly temperate. Good references. Address Business. Box 865, care Ameri can STENb-BOOXKERPttll, JuYt finish*3 course at leading business college, good education, willing worker, wants position with railroad or any plaoe where there is good future. Salary to begin no object. Address V. J. Meigs, Ilf South Pryor. REDUCTIONS OF 20 TO 33 PER CENT ON J. M. HIGH COMPANY’S EN TIRE STOCK OF FURNI TURE THIS WEEK. WANTED—Position as planing mill foreman or machine man Temper ate and sixteen years experience Ad dress J. M. B., care_Georglan. hotel man agf.r or clerk is open for offer in American or European ho tel; front or back; any location; mod erate salary td start. Lock Box 162, De merest, Ga. \ 1 COLLECTOR wants position, ready to start at once. Address A-l, care Georgian. ATTENTION, DIXIE manufacturers! Situation wanted by reliable, compe tent young man. 27. single Ten years office experience with large manufactur ing concern. Familiar with practical workings of all productive departments. Capable of installing cost system with perpetual inventory. Excellent refer ences Address D J. M., Box 232, care Georgian. SITUATION WANTED by young man"; but will WANTED—Position by ex-New York coachman and chauffeur, with pri vate family where good, careful driv ing, economy, sobriety and courtesy will be appreciated; married, aged 40, one child. Kirby, Box X-20 care Amer ican 294-27-7 bi lUATIONS WANTED — FEMALE. SPECIAL RATES for Situa tion Wanted ads 3 lines 1 time, 10c: 3 limes, 20c; 7 times. 40c. e p with considerable banking and gen eral office experience, is open for a position. Address C. J., Box 181, care Georgian. cSXlPETENf! experienced teacher would take a small private school. J. M. J., care Georgian. Waited- Poeltlon t>y young la<fy aa stenographer and assistant bookkeep er. best references. Address 218 Blair street, Quitman, Qa. VOTING WOMAN of refinement and cul ture would communicate with party wishing some one to assume entire re sponsibility of taking children or In valid North or to the mountains. Ad dress Mrs. Pelham, Atlanta, Oakhurst. Ga. EXPERIENCED undergraduate nurse, with first-class references from doc tors and patients, wishes cases In city or country; childrens diseases a # spe- cia.lty. Main 2263-J. HIGH SCHOOL graduate wants position as teacher in private family; expe rienced Address Box 46, Pembroke, ua. COLORED giri wants position as maid at once, can give good referertce. 105 Rank 1 n St. Can’t stay on place. WANTEfv ^Position by expert stenogra- pher. Box 142, care Georgian i KAOHER wants position for Septem- pi other work. Address W. C. 60. care Qeorgl a n H., Box AN A-l credit and collection man and also fine auditor open for position. Best of references. Ad dress Edgeworth, Box 23, care Georgian. AD\ ERTISER (42), first-class sales man. good all-round business abilitv. and experienced, seeks situation, any thing. highest references, cash security if required. Turnbull. 72 Washington Street. s DO! ber 1; young lady, college graduate, normal trained; prefers domestic science. Address Box 23, Mountville, Ga. EX PERIENCED. refined, capable lady desires position out of town as fitter and manager of alterations, best satis- Box 613, care Georgian. WAN TUI' Position by refined, edu cated. middle aged lady Three years experience with physician. Or would keep house for widower, where culture and refinement would De appreciated. Address Mrs. M. C. L, Box 487, care Georgian. _ MISCELLANEOUS. EVE’flYBOI)Y is doing it! T3oing what? Drinking the new drink, ?. G. B. Soda Company, 95 Marietta street; two minutes from Five Points. AL.L. STRAW HATsTr~Allen M. PlercY ATLANTA Institute of Music and Ora tory. Send for catalogue. 20 East Baker street. «^A M P Machinc~ShopaT 275 Marietta StT TACCO. the varnish applied with a cloth. KENT Sign Company, 130Vj Peachtree. HA! HAM The new drink ?. 9x12 RUGS CLEANED (1.60 UP. Phone Ivy 3471. - 'LEAN UP and paint up n will show you how C. F. Binder w 5852-J. nd '•BETTER BE WISE than foolish trade at Piedmont Wall Paper Co. ALL STRAW HATS |T Allen M. Pierce TACCO. the varnish applied with a cloth. PIEDM6nT Wail Paper Company. Foreign and domestic wall paper. 33 Auburn avenue. S. O. MILLS, Expert Auto Painting. 165 Walker street. Atlanta Phone 4862^ HA! HA!! The new drink ?. ATLANTA Institute of Music and Ora tory. Send for catalogue. 20 East Baker street. HAIR CUTS 15c No. 3 Viaduct place. I SPRINGER WILL OPEN their new quarters at 95 Whitehall with an up-to-date line of millinery and ready-to-wear. A milli nery school Is to be added, under the supervision of Mrs. Willingham—first trimmer of the South. Temporary quarters, 22 West Mitchell. REDUCTIONS OF 20 TO 33 PER CENT ON J. M. HIGH COMPANY’S EN TIRE STOCK OF FURNI TURE THIS WEEK. KENT Sign Company, 130*4 Peachtree. FEATHERS cleaned and curled, dyed to perfection, at I. Springer's. Tem porary quarters, 22 W Mitchell. Re member, our new place will be open for business Sept. 15th. HA! HA!I The new’ drink ?, BEST wall papering work done by Pied mont Wall Paper Co., £3 Auburn ave. Ivy 1047; Atlanta 802. CAMP CLEANS CARBOT^! uUBERT MITCHELL puts new tires on baby carriages. 229 Edgewood. Ivy 3076. TACfcO, the varnish applied with a cloth. MA! HAM The new drink ?. OUR August Clearance Sale of Furniture and Rugs now on. 25 to 33 1-3 per cent Discount. ROBISON’S, 27 E. Hunter St CAMP Machine-Shops, 175"Marietta St! SAVE MONEY on furniture now at Walker-Cooley Furniture Company, 17-89 South Forsyth street. TACCO, the varnish applied with a cloth. KEYS MADE SfSSiibtet yaln §86. &AVE MONET on furniture now at Walker-Cooley Furniture Company, 37-89 South Forsyth street. CAMP CliEAN5 CARBON, ROBERT MITCHfeLL puts new tires on baby carriages. 229 Edgewood._Ivy 807^ rihoe repairing go to Forsyth Street Shoe Company, 6 South For- «yth street. VACCO, the varnish applied wfth . cloth. BUY Tavlor-Made Umbrellas. CAMP Machine Shops, 275 Marietta St. TACCO, the varnish applied with a doth. HA! HAl! The new drink 7, FHENOLINE, The Great Insecticide. 106-A Edgewood Ave. M. 2317; At- lanta 3038-A. 9x12 RUGS CLEANED (1.50 UP. Phone Ivy 3471. TACCO, the varnish applied wlthjs, cloth. K< 'HURT MITCHELL puts new tlret= on baby carriages. 229 Edgewood. Ivy 3076. HA! feXPfCRT stenographer Home work only Take dictation In your office. Bex S42^ care Georjiarn PLACE rs housekeeper for widower by unincumbered widow Address by experienced Housekeeper, 19 East Mitchell. dairyman. In neighborhood of Deca- w tur. Address Dairyman, care Georgian. BOOKKEEPER, general office man, long experience, open for position. | ences Address W. C., Box 12. care Georgian, i Apartments. Atlanta. Oa. CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. [ CONTih UEU IN NEXT COLUMN. TEACHER wants position; young lady. State Normal School graduate, one year's experience in teaching; refer- Address Teacher. 36 Avalon HA!! The new drink X§T S. O. MILLS, Expert Auto Painting 165 Walker street. Atlanta Phone 4852. HA! HA!! The new drink 1. "BETTER BE WISE thin foolish" and trade at Piedmont Wall Pa per Co. KENT Sign Company. 130Vfr Peachtree. Hot weather! Chestnut themes; Plenty of rain and a losing team. Vain and happiness, Joy and ha! ha!! They all drink It ? even mama and papa. CAMP Machine Shops, 275 Marietta St. HA* H.A!! The new drink T. CONTINUED IN (JJEXT COLUMN. CAMP Machine Shops, 275 Marietta St PHKNOLINE, The Great Insecticide. 106-A Edgewood Ave. M. 2317; At- 'anta 3038-A. HAIR CUTS 15c. No. 8 Viaduct place. "BETTER BE WISE than foolish" and trade at Piedmont Wall Paper Co. Hoi weather! Chestnut themes; Plenty of rain and a losing team, vain and happiness, joy and ha! ha!! They all drink it ? even mama and papa. Ha! HA!! The new drink ?. ROBERT MITCHELL'putYnew tires on _baby carriages. 229 Edgewood. Ivy 3076. HA! HA!! The new drink ?. .IP CLEANS CARBON. TACCO, the varnish applied with ft cloth. 9x12 RUGS CLEANED (1.50 UP. Phone Ivy 3471. CAMP Machine Shops, 275 Marietta St. Insecticide. 2317; At- PHENOLINE, The Great 106-A Edgewood Ave. M. lanta 3038-A. KENT Sign Company. 130Vfr Peachtree. HA! HA!! The new drink ?. TACCO, the varnish applied with a cloth. MP CLEANS CARBON. KENT Sign Company, 130V^ Peachtree. TACCO, the varnish applied with a cloth. CLEAN UP and paint up C. F Binder will show you how. Ivy 5852-J. TACCO, the varnish applied with a cloth. FEATHERS cleaned and curled, dyed to perfection, at I. Springer’s. Tem porary quarters. 22 W Mitchell. Re member, our new place will be open for business Sept. 15th. HA! HA!! The new drink ?. Hot weather! Chestnut themes; Plenty of rain and a losing team. Vain and happiness, joy and ha! ha!! They all drink it ? even mama and pap^ HAIR CUTS 15c. No 3 Viaduct place. "BETTER BE WISE than foolish” and trade at Pledmont_ Wall Paper Co. SAVE M<'NKY on furniture now at Walker-Cooley Furniture Company, 87-89 South Forsyth street. CAMP Machine Shops, 275 Marietta St BUY Tavlor-Made Umbrellas. HA! HAl! The new drink ?. TACCO, the varnish applied with > cloth. KENT Sign Company, 130U Peachtree. OUR August Clearance Sale of Furniture and Rugs now on. 25 to 33 1-3 per cent Discount. ROBISON’S, 27 E. Hunter St. TACCO, the varnish applied with a cloth. ALL STRAW HATS (1. Allen M. Pierce, Hot weather! Chestnut themes; Plenty of rain and a losing team. Vain and happiness, joy and ha! ha!! They all drink it ? even mama and papa. HA! HA 1 ! The new drink ?. * CLEANS CARBON TACCO, the varnish applied with a cloth. BUY Taylor-Made Umbrellas. ilA.! Mae The new dfinkT FOR _8A LE—Ml SC ELL AN EOUS. ONETHhundred pound refrigerator~an3 six-eye range; both In good condition; cheap for caan. Apply Ivy_498-L. FORSYTH ST. SHOE CO. Good repair work. 6 North Forsyth street. At lanta 8021 -A. HAIR CUTS 15c. No. 8 Vkduot plac>. REDUCTIONS OF 20 TO 33 PER CENT ON J. M. HIGH COMPANY’S EN TIRE STOCK OF FURNI TURE THIS WEEK. TACCO, the varnish applied with a cloth. S. O. MILLS, Expert Auto Painting. 165 Walker street. Atlanta Phone 4852. Robert MITCHELL put» new tires on baby carriages. 229 Edgewood. Ivy 3076, Auburn ave. pane mont Wall Paper Co., Tvy 1047; Atlanta 802. fiAIR CUTS 16c. No. S Viaduct place. PHENOLINE, The Great Insecticide. 106-A Edgewood Ave. M. 2317; At- lanta 3038-A. HA! HAM The new drink ?. SAVE MONEY on furniture now at Walker-Cooley Furniture Company, 87-89 South Forsyth at-eet. CAMP Machine Shops, 275 Marietta 8L FOR SALE—At a bargain. Circassian walnut finish six-foot wall cases, with glass sliding doors and sides; suitable for wearing apparel Also triple French plate mirror to match. 35 per cent. Au tomobile Supply Company, 236 Peachtree street. Phone Ivy 3890. Oa. TACCO, the varnish applied with a cloth. FOR SALE—Fine player-piano; also good two-passenger automobile. Will sell or trade. Leaving city. Investigate. Address Box V-110, care Georgian. 110-7-18 CAMP Machine Shops, 275 Marietta St. M-POUND mattress in fancy tick, Mon day, (3.96. 85 South Forsyth street. KEN']' 5 . ; any, l.WL Peachtree. BRAND-NEW quartered oak roll-top desk for sale at a bargain. Call or Atlanta phone 1102. 66 Gilmer street. CAMP CLEANS CARBON. ~ _ ~ FORSYTH ST. SHOE CO. Good repair work 6 North Forsyth street. At lanta 3021-A. HA HA! The new drink ?. •. O. MILLS, Expert Auto Painting. 165 Walker street. Atlanta Phone 4852. PHONOGRAPH—Edison standard, with horn; four-minute and recording at tachments; hundred records; a real cash bargain. Phone Mr, Smoots, Ivy 4324. PIEDMONT Wall Paper Company. Foreign and domestic wall paper. 33 Auburn avenue. BRAND-NEW first-class piano; must be sold at once on account of financial re verses. Best bargain in Atlanta. Please do not write unless you want to buy a good piano. Write at once, as we have to sell this week. First come gets a bargain. Address Housekeeper, care Georgian. FORSYTH”STT SHOE CO. Good repair work. 6 North Forsyth street. At lanta 3021-A. FOR SALE—Ml SC ELL AN EOUS. lu W uuL EN bedsteads in excellent con dition, a.most new, very cheap. Apply 174-178 Ivy St. SAVE MONEY on furniture now at Walker-Cooley Furniture Company, 87-89 South Forsyth street. FORSYTH ST. SHOE CO. Good repair work. 6 North Forsyth street. At lanta 3021-A. LIBRARY, RELATING TO FLORIDA history; one hundred volumes; several hundred pamphlets. Phone Ivy 7429. HA! HA!! The pel? drink ?. CLEAN UP and paint up! C. F. Binder will shew you how. Ivy 5852-J. HA! HA!! The new drink ?. THREE reproducing and two dictating Columbia dictaphones, in good condi tion. We are willing to sell these ma chines at u sacrifice, as we have more on hand than we can use at this time. Apply supply department Retail Credit Con pany, third floor, 84 Marietta street KENT Sign Company, 1S0)| Peachtree! TACCO. the varnish applied with a cloth. FORSYTH ST. SHOE CO. Good repair work. 6 North Forsyth street. At lanta 3021-A. HA! HA!.’ The new’ drink ?. KENT Sign Company. 130V4 Peachtree. 9x12 RUGS CLEANED - (1.50 UP. Phone Ivy 3471. Hot weather! Chestnut themes; Plenty of rain and a losing team. Vain and happiness, joy and ha! ha!! They all drink it ? even mama and papa. ATLANTA Institute of Music and Ora tory. Send for catalogue. 20 East Baker street. HA! HA!! The new drink ?. FOR SALE—Entire furniture, bric-a- brac and pictures of seven-room house. Everything new and of the very best. Am leaving city and will sell at sacrifice. Address Box G-76, care Geor- glan. BUY Tavlor-Made Umbrellas. FOR SALE—Leather settee in perfect condition: 8 feet long; a bargain. Ap- ply G. L. Leslie, 10 East Alabama street. CAMP Machine Shops, 275 Marietta St! TACCO. the varnish applied with a cloth (27.50 WILL buy late serial number Royal typewriter; perfect condition. Swap, Box 11, care Georgian. k b VS* \r ATIF Chas L Reeves, JA 1 O xVIiYUJli 131/i South Broad. Main 885. HA! HAl! The new drink ?. FORSYTH ST. SHOE CO. Good repair work. 6 North Forsyth street. At lanta 3021-A. FOR SALE—Combination library and pool table in excellent condition cheap. Address H. J., Box 855, care Georgian. ROBERT MITCHELL puts new tires on baby carriages. 229 Edgewood. Ivy 3076. ALL STRAW HATS (Y Allen M. Pierce CAMP CLEANS CARBON. AM LEAVING CITY; will sell boy’s bl- cycle for (5. Call Ivy 2979-L. FOR SALE—Complete set of furniture. Will sell all or a part. All in fine con dition. Address Box K-93, care Geor- gten. 135-7-13 ALL STRAW HATS (1. Allen M. Pierce. BEST wall papering work done by Pled Wall " ~ — - mont Ivy 104 HA! HA Paper Co., 33 Auburn ave. Atlanta 802. The new drink The I’nKNOLINE, The Great Insecticide. 106-A Edgewood Ave. M. 2317; At lanta 3038-A. 9x12 RUGS CLEANED $1 50 UP. Phone Ivy 3471. SAVE MONEY on furniture now at Walker-Cooley Furniture Company. 87-89 South Forsyth street. HAIR CUTS 15c. No. 3 Viaduct place. ROBERT MITCHFUT. nuts new tires on baby carriages. 229 Edgewood. Ivy 3076. Hot weather! Chestnut themes; Plenty of rain and a losing team. Vain and happiness, joy and ha! ha!! They all drink it ? even mama and papa. CAMP Machine Shops, 276 Marietta St" S. O. MILLS, Expert Auto Painting. 166 Walker street. Atlanta Phone 4852. KENT Sign Company, 1304 Peachtree. U'R SALE—Two oil heaters, gas stove, good condition, cheap; name your price. 500 Courtland. Ivy 3166-J. CAMP,CLEANS CARBON. FOR SALE CHEAP—One new electric 16-inch fan; used 30 days; cost $18; will sell for (12. Apply 74 West Ala bama street. HA! HA!! The new drink 7. WANTED—Seeond-hand gas stove. 86 South Forsyth street. Phone Main 3229. CLEAN UP and paint up. C. F. Binder will show you how. Ivy 5852-J. TACCO, th; varnish applied with a cloth. 9x12 RUGS CLEANED (1.50 UP. Phone Ivy 3471. SEVENTY-FIVE Victor phonograph records for sale; all are new and the latest song hits included In the list; will sell for $12. Address R. W. S., care Georgian. KENT Sign Company, 1304 Peachtree. FORSYTH ST. SHOE CO. Good repair work. 6 North Forsyth street. At lanta 3021-A. CAMP CLEANS CARBON OUR August Clearance Sale of Furniture and Rugs now_ on. 25 to 33 1-3 per cent Discount. ROBISON’S, 27 E. Hunter St. BUY Tavlor-Made Umbrellas. FOR SALE—(7.50 library tables at (4 50 Cameron Furniture Company, 85 South Forsyth street. HA! HA!! The new drink ?. FOR SALfi—At once, three new pianos; sold everywhere for (375, will sacrifice for (125 each; not leaving town; no fake; reason for this remarkable offer will be given you. Call 24 Mead Ave., Decatur. TACCO, the varnish applied with a cloth. WANTED—25 metal beds. Must be cheap. 85 South Forsyth street. Phone Main 3229. HA! HA!! The new drink ?. FEW SHARES good dividend-paying stock; excellent Investment. Address Box 372, care Georgian KENT sign Company, l30Vfe Peachtree. DANDY oak buffet, nearly new, (10. Southern Wreckage Company, 114 South Forsyth street. FOR SALE—New portable fireproof ga- rage, half price. Call Ivy 351. TACCO. the varnish applied with a cloth. Forsyth ST. SHOE CO. Good repair work. 6 North Forsyth street. At lanta 3021-A. JAPANESE hand-embroidered dress pattern; gray tissue; embroidered roses in shaded gray; gold centers; wonderfully cheap. Call Ivy 6118-L _ FOR SALE]—(116 folding bed for $25. Apply 245 Stewart avenue. FINE] household goods for sale. Includ ing magnificent player piano, at big sacriflce. West 574-J evenings. HANDSOME solitaire diamond ring, $600; diamond brooch, fifty-odd stones, $500; ladles’ long heavy watch chain, 18 carat, $75; two handsome oil paintings, one mahogany and gold parlor chair, one brass easel, set of French art books, also miscellaneous silver and plated ware. Opportunity, care American. FOR SALE—Moving picture machines, chairs, curtains and all supplies at lowest prices. W. H. Peck, Rhodes Building, Atlanta, Ga. 4-6-23 ROBERT MITCHELL puts new tires on baby carriagcs L 229 Edgewood. Ivy 3076. HA! HA!! The new drink v. MACHINERY FOR SALE FOR SALE—One 50-horsepower engine. One 20-horsepower engine. One 50-horsepower boiler. One complete sawmill. One complete corn mill. One complete flour mill. One complete two-stand cotton, suc tion and power press. One set Howe scales. The above machinery Is located at Holly Springs, along the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, opposite the station. The machinery cost $8,500; is in store, and In first-class condition, ready for running The gin turned out more than t,000 bales last season. I will sell the entire outfit for $3,850 or will trade for real estate or stocks. CHARLES E. THOMPSON Room 201 Equitable Building, Atlanta, Ga. FINE gas water heater for sale; prac tically new; will sell cheap. Call West 1171 -J. NICE oak dressers, $3 50 to $10. South ern Wreckage Company, 114 South Forsyth street. FORSYTH \ST. “SHOE CO. Good repair work 6 North Forsyth street. At- lanta 3021-A. BUY Taylor-Made Umbrellas. I CAMP Machine Shops, 275 Marietta St. FOR SALE—Multigraph Machine at a bargain. In perfect condition. Owner, P. O. Box 750, Atlanta. 80-27-7 SAVE MONEY on furniture now at * Walker-Cooley Furniture Company, • 87-89 South Forsyth street. TACCO, the varnish applied with a cloth. SOLID cedar window seat, chest and wardrobe trunk, half value. 77^ Whitehall. 7-21-13 BUY Tavlor-Made Umbrellas. GAS STOVES, $7.50 up. Southern Wreckage Company, 114 South For- syth street. HA! HA!! The new drink ?. ALU STRAW HATS $1. Allen M. Pierce. SAFES. FILES, cabtnets, new and sec ond hand. Gookhi Bank and Office Equipment Company, 113-115 North Pry or Street. KENT Sign Company, 130!^ Peachtree. FURNITURE—I BUY aND SELL CASH BARGAINS. S. M. SNIDER, 145 SOUTH PRYOR STREET. PHONE MAIN 1421. 6-30-28 CAMP CLEANS CARBON CAMP Machine Shops, 275 Marietta St. SECOND-HAND SAFES—All sizes, home safes (15.00; Hall’s bank and fireproof safes, vault doors, etc. C. J. Daniel. 416 Fourth National Bank Build ing. 9-7-33 TACCO, the varnish applled with a cloth. MOVED to 180 H Peachtree street, op posite Candler Bldg Tom Weaver, Tailor. Established 1900. Tailoring, re fitting, altering, dry cleaning and press ing . 7-16-16 SAVE MONEY’ on furniture now at Walker-Cooley Furniture Company, 87-89 South Forsyth street. . ulENOLINE, The Great Insecticide. 106-A Edgewood Ave. M. 2317; At lanta 3038-A. HA! HA!! The new drink ?. NOTICE, CONTRACTORS. / I HAVE 35 doors and transoms, stand-' ard size, and lots of glass for quickJ disposal. Apply G. W. Seay, 43 White hall street. TACCO, the varnish applied with a cloth. HA! HA!! The new drink ?. CAMP Machine Shops. 275 Marietta St. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. 4 MONTHS FOR (5 AND UP. Rebuilt typewriters, $23 to $76. American Writing Machine Cq, 48 North Pryor St. Phone Main 2526 7-3-7 HAVE three nice ladies' suits for sale cheap. 11 Cone LARGE steel range, good as new, $12. Southern Wreckage Company, 114 South Forsyth street. ONE 1,200-pound Shannon refrigerator, twe meat blocks, one meat counter, one fish box, one pair scales, meat knives and saw can be had at quite a sacrifice for cash. Apply B., Box 650, care Georgian. FORSYTH ST. SHOE CO. Good repair work. 6 North Forsyth street. At lanta 3021-A. I. SPRINGER WILL OPEN their new quarters at 95 Whitehall with an up-to-date line of millinery and ready-to-wear. A milli nery school is to be added, under the supervision of Mrs. Willingham—first trimmer of the South. Temporary quarters, 22 West Mitchell. FOR SALE—Drawing table and H square; brand new. Will sell at a bar gain Phone. Ivy 5078. FOR SALE—Complete set of household furniture of the best quality. Owner leaving city. Reasonable rates. Mrs. F. M. Baldey, Quarters No. 42, Fort Mc Pherson, Ga. AT half price one-coil water heater; been In use one month only. Call West 1265. DAYTON BICYCLE, rode only two or three times; practically new; will sell very cheap. Ivy 3642-J. C. F. Binder .•LiiLAiN Lr and paint up. will show you how. Iv TACCO, the varnish applied with a cloth FEATHERS cleaned and curled, dyed "to perfection, at I. Springer's. Tem porary quarters, 22 W. Mitchell. Re member. our new place will be open for business Bept. 16th. CLEAN UP and paint up. C. F. Binder will show you how. Ivy 5862-J. FOR SALE—At low price, several 66- gallon metal tanks. H. C. Fairman, care the Nunnally Company, 59 Ivy Street, Atlanta. Ga. HA! HA!! The new drink ?. FORSYTH ST. SHOE CO. Good repair work. 6 North Forsyth street. At lanta 3021-A. __ CAMP Machine Shops, 276 Marietta St. P'OR SALE—Furniture for four-room cottage, including bed clothing, dishes, silverware, etc.; cost originally $800; will take $250. In storage In Atlanta. At- K Sign Com pany, 130*6 Peachtree HAIR CUTS 15c No. 3 Viaduct place. FORSYTH ST SHOE CO. Good repair Y 1d U ss - Box F 64 ' cara Georgta n work. 6 North Forsyth street. T ' rT7 ' x * nn 01 ^ " ’ lanta 3021-A. HAl HAl! The new drink ?. FOR SALE—A lot of good second-hand brick: also some heavy oak timbers and lumber Second-hand doors and other building material Address Con tractor, Box N-109, care Georgian. 121-7-13 WANTED—Second-hand furniture. 85 J South Forsyth street. Phone Main 2229. 1 CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. Hot weather’ Chestnut themes; Plenty of rain and a losing team. Vain and happiness, joy and ha! ha!! They all drink it ? even mama and papa. 9x12 BUGS CLEANED $1 50 UP. Phone Ivy 3471. PHENOLINE, The Great Insecticide. 106-A Edgewood Ave. M. 2317; At- lanta 3038-A. CAMP CLEANS CARBON CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. vy 5852-J. WANTED—You to know we are head quarters for new and reflnished fur niture. Cheap for cash. Cameron Fur niture Company, 86 South Forsyth street. HA! FfAit The new drink f. FOR SALE—Ladies' diamond ring, % carat; cheap at $35. Give phone num ber. Address Bargain, Box 600, care American. ~ M P CLEANS CARBON I^OR SALE—Gas stove, kitchen cabinet, four small rugs. Housewife, Box J-79 care Georgian. 109-7-13 MONEY TO LOAN. _ HAVE a little ready cash to make per sonal loans, If you will pay commis sion. "Hurry,” Box 870, care American. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments. Confi dential. D. H. Tolman, 820 Austell Building. SPECIAL HOME FUNDb TO LEND, any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. S. W. Carson. 24 South Broad Street. 4-1-17 FARM LOANS PLACED In any amount on Improved farm lands In Georgia. 0 The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould Buildln g,. 7-11-1 WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on At lanta and nearby property, ei ther for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for pur chasing purchase money notes. Foster & Robson, II Edgewood Avenue. MONEY WANTED. WXNTETu^TcTTTorfo^- about $l7500^dU rect from lender for five years at 7 per cent. Will give as security prop erty worth $3,600. Address R., Box 800, care Georgian. WANTED—To borrow $60 from private I party for ninety days. Good Security,, care Georgian. TACCO, the varnish applied with a cl5th. FORSYTH ST. SHOE CO. Good repair work. 6 North Forsyth street, lanta 3021-A. At- ATLANTA Institute of Music and Ora tory. Send for catalogue. 20 East Baker street. CAMP Machine Shops, 275 Marietta St. FOR SALE—One 30-lnch direct current electric fan blower: practicallv new; a bargain. P. O, Box 551. Atlanta, Oa. BEAUTIFUL mahogany dresser, $35 value; $16. Southern Wreckage Com- pany, 114 South Forsyth street. REDUCTIONS OF 20 TO 33 PER CENT ON J. M. HIGH COMPANY’S EN TIRE STOCK OF FURNI TURE THIS WEEK. HA* HA!! The new drink ?. LARGE oak wardrobe, good as new, $10 Southern Wreckage Company, ’ 114 South Forsyth street. ALL STRAW HATS (1. Allen M. Pierce FORSYTH ST. SHOE CO. Good repair work. 6 North Forsyth street. At lanta 3021-A. CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN^ ANTED—$1,800 loan for five years at 4 7 per cent, on Improved property, val ued $4,500. Call Decatur 224. J. H. Phll- lips. WA NTEt>—-By a widow, t&Q ?or slxtv days. Gilt-edge security. With good interest. Box 198, care Georgian. S&T ABLlSHli) 1818. 6%—WE WILL PAY—6* ON SAVINGS i In Sums of 1500 and over. THE MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS BANKING AND LOAN CO.. »0* Grant Building Telephone Ivy 5841. Cash Capital $120,000. Thos. J. Wesley, Cashier. B. M. Grant, President. 8-11-58 stocks And bonds. " STOCKS~ANI)^BONDS! $1,000 stock in the Georgia-Florlda Trust Company for $200; said to b« worth par. Any part of seventy shares of the At lanta Agency Company stock at par. This stock a bargain at the price. Will trade for real estate. Ten shares of the Travelers' Bank and Trust Company stock at a low price. This stock cost the owner $125 per share. He will sell for $100. CHARLES E. THOMPSON Stock and Bond Broker. Room 201 Equitable Building, Atlanta, Ga. PURCHASE MONEY NOTES Purchase Money Notes. PURCHASE MONEY NOTES $7,850 to invest In good purchase money notes; would prefer yearly no(f*s maturing one to three years Will buy monthly notes !f discount is attractive Money here; no delay. "Notes,” Boxu 331, care _Georgian. FIRST MORTGAGE purchase money notes. Will trade for an automobile in good condition. Graham & Merk 318- 319 Empire Bldg. Main 4376. IS YOUR NAME in ihe Business Gu1<j>j columns oft he 'Want Ad" section? Little ads bring big results. / .