Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 03, 1913, Image 184

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8 H FTTCARST’S SU7NT>AY AMERICAN, ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY, AVGUST 3, 1913. Albany | honor of Willie Crumley, of Atlanta. Miss Margaret Pruden wan hostess | in honor of her guest, Miss Emily Couper, of Murphy, N. C. A ~ 3 ANY, Aug. 2.—Mrs. Cl. W. Owens and children left this week for Atlanta. Mrs. Herman Parkas and Mrs. Her bert Gerst and lit tie son have gone to Mount Airy. Miss Nell Brimberrv has returned home from Macon where she has been the guest of friends for several weeks. Miss Brim berry was accom panied home by Miss Sara Carstar- phan. of Macon Mr. ano Mrs. Emmett Ward have returned home after an extended trip in Cuba. After & visit of several weeks in Saluda. N. C., Rev J. A Rumney and Mrs. Rumney are at home. Mr W. W. Ray and family have gone to Eagle I^tke, Fla. Dr. and Mrs. W. 8. Cook and baby have returned home from Carrollton, Bowden and other points In Nortu Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. D. Owens have gone to Atlanta. Mrs. G. W. IJndley has gone to Tampa. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rowsev and children have returned home from Corinth. Miss. Mrs W. H. Harp, of Buena Vista, • nd Mrs. R. T. Taylor, of Richland, are the guests of Mrs. W. L. West. Miss Miriam Loneberg has returned home from New York. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Morgan hare gone to Tampa. Mrs. Bailie McIntosh and Miss Kst* Weldon left Thursday for a trip through Texas Rev. L. J. Ballard, Mrs. Ballard, Miss Ra> Ballard, Master Lee Ballard and Mias Catharine Muse left Friday morning for New York Athens Miss Pearl Wilkerson 'tr ters who are former residents of San Antonio. Miss Wilkerson spends much of her time here as the guest of her sisters, Mrs. Holland Lowndes and Mrs. George Lowndes, Jr., and is identi fied with Atlanta’s young society set. Miss Wilkerson has re cently arrived from San Antonio, and will be in Atlanta for sev eral weeks. few. THEN8. Aug 2.—Mr, and Mrs Itlng Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Nick erson. Misses Claudia and Jean Flanigan complimented their guest, Miss Mary Tachudy, of Philadelphia, at a swim ming party last evening. Miss Sadie Bearden, of Atlanta, has returned home, after visiting Neal Cochran. Mrs. T. P. Vincent and Miss Otey Vincent have gone to Roanoke, where they will meet Miss Louise Vincent, who has been in Europe. Mrs. Ravaud Benedict entertained Tuesday at a sewing party. Those invited were Mrs. Walter Hodgson, Mrs. Ed Porter, Misses Leila Mae Hull, Mozelle Scudder and Minnie Thomas. Prof, and Mrs. Jack Hart have ar rived from Tifton and are the guests r L Americus S MEF ■MERICUS. Aug. 2 — Dr. and Mrs. B. Allen are again at home, after & vacation in Tennille and New York. Miss Maggie Emily Coney, of Cor- dele, has returned home after a visit here to her aunt. Mrs. George Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Alinand and Miss Beidler Almand have returned to their home in Dublin, after a visit here to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Joyner. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Butler, of Quincy, Fla., have been visitors here for several days. Rev, and Mrs. J. Logan Irvin, of Jacksonville, are the guests of Mrs. 8. H. Hawkins. Mrs. JameH W. Furlow and sister. MUi Yona Buchanan, have returned to Americus, after a stay In Galves ton. Mm. W. D, Bailey has returned from a brief visit to relatives in At lanta. Mrs. Nettle Rutherford, of West Point. Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. K. Hawkins. Misses Maude Stilwell and Ruth Patrick, of Montezuma, who have been guests of Miss Mary Hawkes, have returned to thetr home. Miss Carobel Glover has gone to Chlpley. where she will spend some time with her mother, Mrs. G. W Glover. Mies 8*rah Montfoft. of Butler, left Tuesday for Cordele, -where she will Visit relatives before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wallis have re turned from a trip to Tallulah Falls. M1«* Maude Hitt has returned from a visit to friends in Athens. Mrs. Charles M. Council has been the guest for several days this week ©f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J .Willingham, In Macon. Mrs. J. J. Holliday will return soon from a visit to Mrs. Harvey Black at Thomaston. Rome P OME. Aug. 2.—Mrs. E. D. Ma bry and daughter, Alleen, who have been the guests of Mrs. Mabry's sister, Mrs. Claude H. Por ter, have returned to their home In Beaumont, Texas. Miss Gladys Mabry will remain In Rome for several weeks Mrs. W. R. Walker, of Atlanta, who longer. - has been the guest of Mrs. J. S. Crawford, has returned to her home. Mrs. J. Bailey Gordon has as her guest Miss Maud Robinson. of Winnesboro. S. C. Mrs. J. W. Hancock and Miss Glen- nis Hancock, of Macon, are the guests of Mi8. Donald Hancock. Mrs. E. C. Cart ledge, of Atlanta. Is the guest of Mrs. J. W. Rounsaville. A progressive dinner party last evening was given as a farewell to Miss Eva Powers, who departs for Anniston, her future home, at an ear ly date. Miss Elizabeth Walter was the hostess at the first course. Miss Mar garet Pruden presided over the soup course at her home. At the home of Miss Anne Goet- chlus the dinner course was served. To the home of Mrs. Thompson Hiles the guests repaired for the salad course. Here the Misses Mary Mc Clain and Julia Pope Smith were the hostesses. Miss Sarah Joyce King was the hostess who presided over the ice course. As a finale the coffee course was served at the home of Miss Clara Miller on the Lindale Pike. An event of last evening was the celebration of the fifteenth anniver sary of their marriage by Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Hagan. Miss Sarah Best was the hostess at a bridge party yesterday morning at the Coosa Country Club as a compliment to Miss Marie Burke, of Dallas, the guest of Miss Estelle Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry lline left to day for a trip around the Great Lukes and to Duluth. Mrs. Jean Campbell, who has been the guest of Miss Virginia Harrison, has returned to her home In Birming ham. Miss Amelia Alexander, of Atlanta, is the guest of Miss Sara Joyce King. Miss Eva White entertained In of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hart, on Mil- ledge street. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Turner, of Cleveland, are visiting, after an ab sence of more than eight years. Mrs. Albert Tidwell and children, of Quitman, who have been the guests of Mrs. F. A. Merrill, have returned home. Mrs. J. W. Barnett, Miss Frances Locket, of Albany, and Capt. Hunt leave this week for Clarkesville. Mrs. W. B. Steadman entertained Wednesday evening at bridge in hon or of her guest, Miss Arthur. Those playing were Miss Arthur, Miss Rosa Smith, Miss Leila Mae Hull. Miss Miriam Pope. Miss l-iouise Morris. Miss l^alage Darwin, Mrs. Steadman. E. L. Wulkins. M. O. Dear- ing. E. T. Miller, Prof. W. O. Payne. Louis Canmk, Robert Arnold, L. C. Quin ami W. B. Steadman. Mrs A. P. Dearing and Miss Kate Dearing.have returned from Wrights- ville Beach. Miss Kathleen O'Farrell will spend theis winter in Milledgeville studying at G. N. I. C.. where she will finish her course In domestic science. Miss Sarah Solomon, of Savannah. Is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Max Michael, and will leave with her Sun day for the mountains of North Car olina. Mrs. A H. O*Farrell and the Misses O'Farrell leave this week for Na- ehoochee Valley. YOUR EYES MUST NOT BE NEGLECTED Correctly fitted glasses are a per manent pleasure. strive for the best—in skill, 'n material and in workmanship. Oculist*' services at opticians' prices. L.. N. Huff Optical Co., two stores—M Whitehall, 52 W. Mitchell. Advt Dalton __ isnewr O o CENTRAL BAPTIST. CALEB A. RIDLEY, of the Central Baptist Church, has gone to the mountains of North Carolina for a two weeks’ vacation. While absent Dr. Ridley will make a number of talks before the Western North Carolina Bible Conferenc?, which will hold a series of meetings for ten days at Sylva, which is 40 miles out from Asheville. After the Bible conference is ended Dr. Ridley will visit his mother In North Carolina for a week, returning to Atlanta about August 25. * * • PONCE DE LEON AVENUE BAPTIST. ARTHUR HAILE GORDON, istor of this church, leaves August 15 for a month’s vaca tion to be spent in Maine. Mrs. Columbus Roberts, an active member of the church, has returned from a stay In Opelika. Ala. Mrs. William Mills, who has been missed in the work of the ladies of Ponce DeLeon Avenbe Church since she left for an extended stay In Maine, will return to Atlanta soon. fr r r l)‘ GORDON STREET PRESBY TERIAN. URING the week the members of the Gordon Street Presbyterian Church were Introduced to their new pastor, the Rev. Arnold Hall, and Mrs. Hall, who have recently removed to Atlanta from Maysville. S. C., the occasion being a beautiful reception held on the lawns of S. D. Warren and G. F. Lang in West End. The congregation of the church were pres ent to welcome the new pastor, and many friends outside the church were in attendance. After the formal In troduction was over the company grouped about on the lawn, where re freshments were served and a pleas ant social hour was enjoyed. CENTRAL PRES*BYTERIAN. A SURPRISE party and trolley ride was one of the interesting af fairs enjoyed by the young peo ple of the Central Presbyterian Church Friday evening, the enter tainment being given by J. W. Brown at his home in North Boulevard. The house was brilliantly lighted with Japanese lanterns and presented a hospitable appearance as the car par ty were Invited to stop and partake of refreshments. Mr. Brown has been chairman of the entertainment com mittee for the Sunday school for sev eral months, and this form of enter tainment was a happy diversion from the usual programs which take pla.^e. every week. In the absence of Mrs. Brown, who is visiting In Tennessee, Mr. Brown was assisted by Mrs. Yer- kel, her daughter. Mrs. Black, and Miss Azaile Jones, who served the refreshments. Church last Thursday afternoon, which was attended by the members of the church and their friends. Fa ther O'Donnelly is considered one of the most widely informed and schol arly men in the church, and his lec ture carried with it the charm of un derstanding and research. The Altar Society of the Sacred Heart Church, with Mrs. Joe Moody as president, has been making a study of the high er branches of literature and religious writings, and this lecture of Father O'Donnelly was timely. • • • ST. PHILIP'S CATHEDRAL. R. AND MRS. WILLIAM J. PERCY, of St. Philip’s Cathe dral, have gone to White Sul phur Springs for a few weeks’ recrea tion. Mr. Percy Is at the head of the young men’s class at the Cathe dral and is working with his class to establish a parish house for boya and men in the old rectory of the Cathedral. Friends of Colonel James W. Thom as will regret to know that he con tinues sick at his home at Fifth and Spring streets. Colonel Thomas lias been in bad health for some time. He is one of the early communicants of St. Philip’s Cathedral. [)' R 1 SACRED HEART. EV. FATHER O’DONNELLY, the writer-poet-priest of the Notre Dame University at South Bend, Ind., gave a delightful lecture on Catholic standard litera ture in Sodality Hall at Sacred Heart R' at the meeting of the Bryan M. Thomas Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy. Friday afternoon. Mrs. J. S. Thomas. Mrs. Paul B. Trammell. Mrs. W. C. Martin and Mrs. Hattie Thomas contributed to the program. Miss Lois Edwards has as her guests for the week-end, Miss Geor gia Dayton, of Chattanooga, and Miss Nan Logan, of Calhoun. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Chlpley. of Greenwood, S. C.. who have been visiting Mrs. Sarah Felker, left this week for a trip to Monteagle, Tenn. Mrs. Charles Ramsey and Miss Belle McCarty returned this week from a fort night’s visit to Atlanta. Mrs. J. E. Satterfield and daugh ters. Misses Katherine and Mary Frank Satterfield, of Macon, left Monday for Sweetwater, Tenn.. to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Patton. Mrs. Maggie Hill and Miss Mattie ST. LUKE’S. EV. C. B. WILMER, who has been spending his vacation in Maine, will not return to At lanta for three weeks. Mr. Wilmer’s family will remain in Maine the rest of the summer. Charlotte, the 19-month-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. King, who is . ill at her home in North Spring street, was christened last Monday afternoon. Rev. C. T. A. Pise, dean of St. Philip’s Cathedral, offi ciating. in the absence of Rev. C. B. Wilmer, of St. Luke’s. Colonel Thomas Peters, vestryman of St. Luke's Church, has as his guest for several weeks the family of his son, Thomas Peters. Jr., a for mer resident of Atlanta. Mr. Peters, Jr., has been residing in South Geor gia for several years. * * t ALL SAINTS’. EV. W. W. MEMMINOER, min ister at All Saints’ Church, has been called to Paris to attend the bedside of his mother, who is very ill in that city. Mrs. Memmifiger has been a resident of Atlanta since Mr. Memminger was called to All Saints’ and has a number of friends in the city who will regret to know of her serious condition. * • * ST. MARK METHODIST. Circle No. 11 of the St. Mark Meth odist Church will meet with Mrs George Hurt on Friday afternoon August 8. * * * WEST END PRESBYTERIAN. T HE popular mode of entertain ment—ice cream festivals—was the way in which the Ladies’ Aid Society of the West Epd Presby terian Church raised money for their society last Thursday afternoon and evening. The festival was held on the lawn of the church. Gordon and R' Ashby streets, at which time a goodly sum was raised by the ladles in charge. The lawn was made attract ive with lights and flower-trimmed tables and a large number of patrons visited the scene during the time tho festival was being conducted. T 1 TRINITY. HE Junior Mission of Trinity Church held an enjoyable ice cream festival in the basement of the church Thursday afternoon at 5 o’clock, which was well attended. There were swings and joggling boards for the children’s pleasure and other amusements for the grown-ups which added to the entertainment. Be sides the ice cream and cakes, home made candies were sold, which added to the revenue of the management. • * * DRUID HILLS METHODIST. p^RIDAY afternoon and evening the young ladies of the Druid Hills Methodist Church gave an ice cream festival on the church lawn, at Blue Ridge and Seminole avenues, for the benefit of the church. The lawn was brightly lighted and the tables were $»et under the trees, where the refreshments were served. The enter tainment continued until 10 o’clock and was well uttended. r York, made an inspection of the cation schools of Atlanta and pr<W nounced them among the finest In the country. These schools are part -it the national movement to keep idle little hands busy during vacation. Both white and negro schools will send exhibitions to New York in the fell. More than 65 young college men and women are giving instruction in these schools, and they are proving of inestimable value. The general supervisor in Atlanta is the Rev. G. R. Buford, assistant pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church. The schools are distributed in varloues sections of the city and are located in the Second Baptist Church, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Wesley House, Barnell Mis sion, public schools of the Exposition Cotton Mills, Antioch Baptist Church, St. Luke’s Episcopal. Warren Chapel and Fraser Street Mission. CLIFTON. A TWO-DAY convention was held by the DeKalb County Sunday School and Mills District As sociation beginning last Tuesday and lasting through Wednesday. The usual singing contest was held on the afternoon of Wednesday. . _ l4 . t . . . The programs were held In Clifton A. Little, accompanied by , Church, DeKalb County, and were at- rw o-nn- r\-n roa . ( i ^ en( j e( j by hundreds of people from all parts of the county and neighborhood. During the continuance of the meet ings, dinners were served on the grounds of the church, and there were many who enjoyed the old- fashioned basket dinners. Rev. A his wife, has gone to Montreat, N. C for a two-weeks’ visit. During his absence Dr Little will make two ad dresses on home missions. T GORDON STREET METHO DIST. 'T'HE Epworth League of the Gor- 5 don Street Methodist Episcopal Church held a grand missionary rally at the church Wednesday even ing at which an interesting program was presented by the members. IMMANUEL ’CONGREGA TIONAL. HE young people of Immanuel Congregational Church gave an ice cream festival in the beauti ful grove at Stewart and Brookline avenues Tuesday evening, to which all members of the church and their friends were bidden. The occasion was one of enjoyment and profit. Cakes, ice cream and candies were sold in great quantities. Besides the sale of refreshments there were in teresting outdoor games enjoyed by the children present. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL.' HERE are 30 cities at present that are carrying on vacation Bible schools, where the young people from 5 to 18 years are given instruction in Bible knowledge, bas ketry and other things that will be «f value to them in their future develop ment. For five weeks the children of At lanta have been busy with their work in this vacation school and more than 2,700 children have prepared an ex hibit of their handiwork, which will be placed in the big Wanamaker store in New York this fall. Recently Dr. R. G. Boville, of New r D’ CHRISTIAN. R. J. R. FARRIS, of the Chris tian Church, has received a call to the First Christian Church, at Rome, which he has under con sideration. Dr. Farris has made many friends in Atlanta who hope that he will remain in charge of the work he has in the Christian Church. • • * WOMAN’S MISSION AUX ILIARY. The women of the Episcopal Church have a strong organization in the Dio cese of Atlanta, which devotes its energies to the study and promotion of missions in the diocese and in all parts of the world. It is known as the Woman’s Auxil iary to the Board of Missions, arfd at a recent annual convention in Athens elected Mrs. Charles L. Pettigrew, of Atlanta, as its president, and Mrs. Nellie Peters Black, honorary presi dent. The vice presidents are Miss Basi- line Prince, of Athens; Miss Rosa Wood berry, of Atlanta; Miss Sara E White, of Tallulah; Mrs. William E. Martin, of Macon; Mrs. C. B. Hudgins, of Rome, with Mrs. H. N. Hurt, of Atlanta, secretary, and Mrs. C. E. Wheat, treasurer. Mrs. Mallory Taylor, of Macon, has charge of a department for women mission workers, their training, send ing and care, known as the United Offering. This is presented every third year at the general convention. THE SHOE SALE of the Season Is Now on at BYCK’S \ Buy Now While the Buying Is Good The Best Shoes---the Best Styles—the Best Values and the Largest Stock of Footwear to Select From We Are Selling SUMMER SHOES For Men and Boys Lee Huff, following a visit to Mr. and Mrs. James Huff, in Chattanooga, have returned home. Miss Edna Jones, of Atlanta, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Smith. After a visit of several weeks to Mrs. E. E. Brown and family, Miss Dorothy Burnes returned this week to her home in Atlanta. Mrs. W. M. Jones and little son leave this week for Ypsilanti, Mich., to visit Mrs. Jones’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Wortley. Miss Ruth Morse is spending this week at Monteagle. Miss Emery Kirby has returned from a fortnight’s stay at Tybee. Mrs. Charles Dunlap, of Gary. Ind., is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Kirby. Mrs. C. D. Clark, of Lookout Moun tain. and Miss Minnie Duck, of Day tona. Fla., were week-end guests of Miss Carrie Green. Ladies, Misses and Children, at Prices LOWER than We Can Buy Them To-day Johnson & Murphy’s and Stacy Adams’ Men’s Shoes Are Cut Deep D ALTON. Aug. 2.—Misses Ethel t and Jessie Pringle entertained at hearts in compliment to Miss | Lizzie Green, of Memphis, Saturday I afternoon. The hostesses were assisted in en tertaining by Miss Carrie Green and Miss Jennie Hamilton. Complimenting Miss Katie Hol lingsworth, of Atlanta, Miss Willie j Smith entertained at a spend-the-day party Tuesday. Next Tuesday even ing Miss Robbie Smith will entertain in honor of Mias Hollingsworth. Misses Ruth and Vera Kellogg, of Bowling Green, Ky., shared honors at a lawn party at which Milss Betty Taylor entertained Thursday after noon. Miss Tallulah Horne was hostess at | a porch party in compliment to her guest. Miss Arabella Johnson, of Charlotte. Mrs. W. S. Crawford entertained her card club together with a few special guests at bridge Thursday afternoon. An interesting program was given Bring Us Your Films for Development We Give You BETTER RESULTS. Why? Because Were Specialists at KODAK FINISHING AND WE NEVER DISAPPOINT , * m P « IP! ASK FOR NEW PRICE LIST. We Also Carry a Complete Line of EASTMAN KODAKS. BROWNIE CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES GLENN PHOTO STOCK CO. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY. Exclusive Kodak Store. 117 Peachtree. $7.00 $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $3.50 $3.00 Low Shoes now only... Low Shoes now only... Low Shoes now only... Low Shoes now only... Low Shoes now only... Low Shoes now only... $5.35 $4.85 $3.95 $3.15 $2.85 $2.45 All Ladies’Fancy Slippers for Evening or Street Wear Are Reduced $2.50 $2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25 $1.00 Low Shoes now only... Low Shoes now only... Low Shoes now only... Low Shoes now only... Low Shoes now only... Low Shoes now only... $1.95 $1.65 $1.45 $1.20 95c 85c ALL SUMMER HOSIERY REDUCED BYCK’S 27-29 Whitehall Street t These Prices Apply to Both Our Main Floor and Downstairs Deoartments SALE CONTINUES THROUGHOUT MONTH OF AUGUST Goods Sent C. O. D.—Exchanged, or Charged—If You Have an Account MAIL ORDERS Receive Immediate and Careful Attention at Reduced Prices