Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 03, 1913, Image 200

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Dr. Hall’s new and complete book of SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE (Illustrated; only $1.00) Plain Truths of Sex Life every person needs to know ; Safety in marriage relation; strong manhood & womanhood; healthy and robust children; ROOK All prevention of sexual abuse's, NitDTO»MD" so ' ia '' v,, ’" vene,, ' aldisel,eS ' causing the innocent to suffer blindness, nerve disorders, and often insanity and death; sex education for sex problems; Symposium on the "Vice Crusade” against sexual evils; Miss Jane Addams on "Commercialized Vice;” Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catton** Vice Conditions Abroad;” Mrs. Alice Stebbins Wells on "Work of Women Police;” segregation, supervision, eradication and the other sex morality problems discussed by the highest authorities; sexual ignorance chief cause of “white slave” traffic; teaching sexual truths boys and girls need to know ; physiology of sexual organs in light of latest researches; wonderful power of secretions of sex glands; sexual phenomena recently discovered by scientists; explains "secret of manhood” & "secret of womanhood;” exposes “fakes” on debility or "loss of manhood;” dispels ignorance that makes victims for "quacks;” latest scientific explanation of "nocturnal emissions;” secretsof self and sexual strength all should know; "Sexology” according to latest scientific researches. By Winfield Scott Hall, Ph. D., M. D ., < I.eipzig) Prof, of Physiology, N. YV. U. Medical School (Chicago) World-Famous Lecturer and Authority on Sex Problems. Sexual Knowledge forevery woman,girl, wife & mother; Sexual Knowledge for every man, boy, husband & father; All in one volume, in plain, simple, inoffensive language. 320 Pages; Price, Only $1.00, Postpaid (Mailed under plain wrapper) International Bible house, Dept-Z,Perry Bldg., Phila .Pa. Carmen Powder j Stafford Miller Co., 543 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. It is easier to get well Than to get sick Our Free Health Book tells how; also tells of the danger of drugs. Live in en joyment of robust health. It’s your right. Write for Marvelous Free Book SANCHE & CO., Dept. 3, ,m S2\5r Make $20 a Day with our wonderful Champion Picture Machine. Cakes, develops. finishes photo in half minute: §00 an hour No darkroom. Experi ence unnecessary. Photo Post Cards and buttons all the rage! Veil coin money anywhere. Small in vestment: Mg profit*. He vour own boss. Write for Free B.* k. Testimonials, etc AMERICAN MINUTE PHOTO CO. American Sunday Monthly Magazine Section American Sunday %AAagazine CONTENTS FOR AUGUST 1913 We Will Send You This Beautiful Copyright. 1913. by The Star Co. COVER DESIGN. A Drawing in Pastel. By Rolf Armstrong THE SCARLET PLAGUE. A Short Novel. By Jack London . Illustrated by Max Newberry A HASTY CONCLUSION. By F. Harris Deans Illustrated by Harry Lewis THE TANGLED TELEGRAM. By Wilbur D. Nesbit Illustrated by G. Michelson THE ESSENTIAL SENSE. By Charles Belmont Davis Illustrated by H. S. Potter SAFE WAYS TO KEEP THIN. By James Standish, M.D Illustrated by Raymond Perry “ 1905; GUINEVERE’S LOVER.” A New Serial Novel. By Elinor Glyn Illustrated by G. Michelson 10 11 Just a little touch of CARMEN enhances the lovely, youthful i complexion nature gave you. It I will not “show powder’’ or rub off until removed. " ARMFN Complexion ^MIMVlLn POWDER Quite different from all others. Harmless, pure, fine, will not injure most sensitive skin — but rather benefits. Fasci nating enduring fragrance. White, Flesh, Cream. Pink. Toilet size, SOc everywhere. KEEP YOUR BODY ON A WAR FOOTING. By Elbert Hubba rd 13 WHY WOMEN DRESS SO 15 HOW COFFEE WAS INVENTED 17 Health? Take Turkish Bath at Home Only 2 Cents *iciana are ,l*ndoninK drugs for this treatmriil. If tour mitxl or laid? ia tired, ion have rheumatism. Mood, stomach. ■. kiilnev and skin trouble*, open your !■ and fee* the rapid change In your Itnliliisoti Hath Cabinet 1,1 »••!» »<-ienti1trallv constructed lath cabinet ever m»de fi r the home. Croat fU Hook Sent Mill Philosophy of Health and U -ant>. write today. Agents W anted. ItOHINSON MFC. CO., 7UI lloItineon Itlitg . Toledo. O. Instead of cutting corns and risking blood-poi soning. remove them in the safe, easy, permanent way with A-Corn Salve. 15 cents at drug gists or by mail. Giant Chemical Co., Philadelphia SONG POEMS For 1 home of al.i. ••hits." a Ithout music, at oi WANTED—I’ll arite the inualo. secure copyrlcht in ton a name and |*v you ;>0 laien publishing music in NEW YORK, the ■pies. Send your poems, a ith or Full |«rth-ulars and valuable book FREE. L. PARTEE. 810 Astor Theatre Building, New York City £>DoYour Printing*! . .-rr c ar ,| s , , irculars. books, newspaper. Press $', Large $18, Rotary $60. Save money. Big profit ■ printing for others. All easy, rules sent. Write factory tor press catalog, TYPE, cards, paper. \ Outfits, etc. TIIE i’KFSS t'O., Meriden. Coun. Roast without radiators no cabinet required Fireless Cooking Revolutionized! The “Wizard” All Aluminum Fireless Cooker will appeal at once to the prac tical housewife, because it enables her to roast boil stew without the use of heat radiators, and obtain results that are posi tively unequalled by any other cooker. Merely bring food to the roasting or boil ing point, and the cooker will continue the cooking process till food is done. Requires no cabinet to retain the heat. A positive necessity in every kitchen, saves Fuel, Labor and Time. This roast was prepared in the “Wizard” Cooker. Don’t take our word for it, let us prove it to you in your own home. A single trial will convince you. THE WIZARD n Roast Boil Stew Fireless Cooker is made from pure alumi num throughout, and will last a lifetime. Furnished in three sizes—4, 6 and 8 quart capacity. The price is less than one third of that of any other good Cooker. Write today for full particulars. WESTERN MERCHANDISE AND SUPPLY CO. CHICAGO ! WESTERN MERCHANDISE AND SUPPLY CO. 1 326 W Wddison Si.. ClNCifa. III. j Please send free trial offer of your “ Wizard ” Cooker. I Name | Address » Including a Handsome Color Study and Complete Diagram Lesson, and stamped with your choice of three new designs— Wilil Roses, Violets or Holly if you will send six 2-cent stamps for a package of 12 Richardson’s Special Embroidery Needles. Guaran teed to be the best embroidery N eedles made—round eyes, four sizes. Just the regular price of the needles with 2 cents for postage, so Doily Color Study and Lesson are absolutely free. All we ask is your promise to use only Kichar«lson*s Grand Prize FIlo Silk when embroidering tlie Doily Yon will also get free and postpaid, our new Premium Art Book, showing over 500 new and beautiful embroidery designs. Write today enclosing 12 cents and the name of your dealer. Be sure to state design wanted. RICHARDSON 305-309 W. Adams St. SILK COMPANY Dept. 244Y, Chicago, Ill. A & n DELAT0NE Removes Hair or Fuzz from Face, Neck or Arms Delatone is an old and well-known scientific preparation. In powder form, for the quick removal of hairy growths- no matter how thick or stubborn they may be. A paste Is made with some Delatone and water, then spread on hairy surface. After two or three min utes it is rubbed off and the hairs have vanished. When the skin Is washed It will be found to he white, firm and hairless Delatone Is used by thousands of people and Is highly recommended by Mrs. Mae Martin, the authority on "Beauty.” Druggists sell Delatone. or an original one-ounce jar will be mailed to any address upon receipt of One Dollar by The Sheffield Pharmacal Company 3255 Sheffield Avenue—Dept. AD—Chicago Wrinkles | Thousands have successfully used this formula to remove traces of age, illness or worry: 1 oz. of pure Powdered SAXOLITE „ dissolved in \ pt. witch hazel: use as a face wash. The effect is almost magical. Deepest wrinkles, crow’s feet, as well as finest, lines, completely and quickly vanish Face becomes firm, smooth, fresh, ami you look years younger. No harm to tenderest akin. Get genuine Saxolite (powdered; at any drug store. I Was Deaf 25 Years Can Now Hear with these sott, artificial ear drums. 1 wear them | in my ears night and day. They are perfectly com- _ fortable. No one sees Medicated Far Mnim them. Write me and I l*at. Nov. «, p.hib will tell you a true story So - 002785 how I gut deaf and how 1 made myself hear. Address Artificial Far Drum Co. UFO. I*. WAY. 41 Adelaide St.. Ilelroll. Mleh. We Havo Paid Thousands of Dollars 10 AMATEUR SONG WRITERS Y u may he able to a steady aeller and share in future >fits. Send us your poems or melodies only Original square deal offer. Acceptance guaranteed if avaif- able by Larqrst, Most Largest, jessful Musio Publish > r » oi the music, pi lish. advertise secure copyright in your name and pay you 60 per cent of pron.s if ceasfuL Hundreds of test imoni als from song writers. Don't delay- write today for subscription to our big Song Writer's Magazine- valuable illustrated be, on song writing and examination of your woi Ougdale Co.,1 ’’ODugdaie Bldg., Washington, D. P " 1 •- 11 ' J FEE RETURNED Send sketch for free search of Patent Office Rec ords. How to Obtain a Patent and Wliat to Invent With ll«t of invention* wanted and Prize* offered for Inventions sent free. Patents advertised I?p r* ¥7* WANTED NF.W IDEAS, r IVH,!!* Send for our list of Patent Buyers. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., Washington, D. C. ATFNTQ SECURED OR n I b II I ^ FFF R| ERICKSON LEG Doea not chafe, overheat < » draw end of atum|>. SEND FOR CATALOG Arms. Brices. Wheel Chairs. Stockings Solti On lOasy Terms F. II. Frirkaon Artificial l.lmh t'o., I-ary eat Limb 2tl Wash. Av., .VMinoeapoli*. Minn. Factory in World LET ME READ YOUR CHARACTER from your handwriting. Mind you get a really GOOD reading that will help von in love, health, business and domestic affairs. Price 10c. S ire to please you. Money back if dissatisfied. G. M. BEAUCHAMP. 2584 8ti» Ave.. New York City.