Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 05, 1913, Image 16

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16 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN ANT) NEWS READ FOR PROFST-GEORG1AN WANT ADS-USE FOR RESULTS THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN ANT) NEWS Altering, Dyeing and D iTOoTitc m aNtAL' JDyelng and Drj^CleanlPj^ -Altering. re pairing: and dyeing neatly done, | steaming and dry' ''leaning a specialty. work called for and delivered. Main . S7 <5 . Auction Sale* cf Furniture and Household Goods. SEntrXiT'a'i:cth• \ company, is Ea«t Mitchell street. buy* and sells everything; regular auction Tuesday arid - Friday. Bell ph o n e M a In 2424. 10-3-41 Bag Stock. TTT^g^rnr rih, waste paper. ra« stock. Atlanta Supply Co. Phone M 3810. Wagon will call. Bankw, A MKR IP A N N A TT ON A L B AN K?" ' CAPITAL ANT> SURPLUS $1,000,000. *A K< ;nt.un> of nd South 402. repi don** P. utantlftl lipp. *3 Main BUSINESS GUIDE. BUSINESS Siam. s. | , • \ A mu tv N ICV /* I’AINTINTO •>1*1 AS <•<> 77>* Wh.l-liall. M 37»0. K-18-38 POULTRY Pet and Live Iptock :: GUIDE :: [ ’ IT* \* r P ON SIGNS gulfies bent 1X1 ' N > quality. Kent Sign C» . IJOVvj 1 Peachtree stree! 3-5-20 Soda Fountain* Rep.i fed. Brooders. m] St' o* end R»n 1** I r '"9 'STOVE !»()< TOR. DAN. THE KIX.ER. KOFt SALE <yphern brooder, i condition; coat $16.50; for quick sale, JH. 641 Highland A vo. Egg*—All Varieties. | EGGS. absolutely frewh; laid to-day; every **gn k unrein toad. Wo have limited _ number each day at 35o per dozen, hut i ,vv TOVr range and furnace repairing you have to call for them at this price, j NK’ELV furnluli*** 61 South Pryor street Bell phone | Kimballvllle harm, Phone 4169-J. | all conveniences Main 1460 nn« 1*10. 4-10-H, 7-ZT-W »tr««t. Ivy 2840-J. ,ncubators :\t] HAST NORTH AVE. ROOMS AND BOARD. nTToT) RTTauIL ciowe^ih'’"'very reason able; prefer young men. Apply 270 Mount on street. Ivy 6654. DESIRABLE room and hoard, private family, North Side; reference*! ex changed. Ivy 6594. FOUR vialting merchants can obtain cool, pie.'i -urit room* tad good board In ,» modern, private home In a good neighborhood at $1.50 per day. Bell phone Ivy 679. K! UNLSflKT* ROOM In private home, with or without mealH. Ivy 5267. IN PRIVATE HOME. large cool room. private hath, .splendid mealn. 18 W. North Ave, three doors West Peachtree. rooms with board; 109 West Harris STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR IMS- PAIRING. We sell second-hand gn« stoves. We sweep chimneys. 121 WHITEHALL .STREET. Atlanta Phone 22’:■> Bell Phone M 2699 uxoellent table hoard. Ivy Baseball Score. Baseball scores given by innings at 77 Peachtree Street. You will find the standing of all the leagues. A Y Baths and Pressing. FOR THE BEST cleaning. shave and hair out, come to Mitchell New shop. Expert Sat i s fact ion guaran t end. Blue Prints. DIXIE BLUE PRI NT ( O. unsur- Luekie Tailors. iTTv^k'd to Triin'v 'i'*»aohtreei~sr. oppo- • site Candler Bldg Torn Weaver. Tal- XT I lor. established 1900. Tailoring, reftt- 13 lug. altering dry clean ng and pressing i 24 \ Suit Cases. I It ETA J LED 'AND REPAIRED. ' l j | ROT ENTREE'S. 77 WIIITEHA Life ST. | I’ll'iMT Hell Main 15.6. Atlanta 1654 I Upholstering and Furniture Repairing. I Capital Upholstering Company. j OFFICE furniture a specialty; all kinds of furniture rsflnixhed, packed and shipped on short notice. 148 South Pryor. Both phones. 7-24-15 | 290”-T??iG Prairie State fticubatoL ?20 , _ . . , . . , . Vandeveuter. 324 P.-n.Iph street. Jack- BL.l \\ EiCN Peachtrees,nicely furnished sonville, Fla ,,ns * FOR sale Severnty-egg (Cyphers In- * -— I eubator, In good oondition; price for | quick sale. $8. Address Box 28, care American, giving phune number if pos Bible. 7-27-102 like cou f»!e to board in pr1 me; North Side. Good loca te Ivy 1384-J. ~H pressing, 24-A W barbers. (quality 40W PRINTS of any kind. pasn«v1 Low prices street Phone Ivy 5364. Carpenter and Builder. Clock and Watch Repairing. FVf^rO^rri F PA miNo: French, Hall and Chinese. HARRY BIOG8. 5 ,r laduct Place. Phone us. Main 5100 FLY—S( ’HE E X S—F!, Y COME see our roll-away screen, our roller-bearing screen. our sliding screen, none better It will pay you to see our good 4 * and get prices. 217 Riser Bldg. Main 1310 Porter Screen Company T. .T Crawford. Agent 6-12-13 Contracting. "PnRTiuJTniis'Axn WTEEftfifC'' ,r. !i NCCONNKU,, ns>4 W'liit shall Str.-Pl Main 4987-J. J. B. McConnell CONTRACTOR and Bulkier 113H Whitehall street. Main 41*87-.L Ear. Nose. Throat and Lung Trouble. Ear. Nose. Throat and Lungs, 312 314 Austell Building l have the only com pound oxygen plant ever brought South and make this gas daily. Weak, nerv ous, anemic, and pale people are invited to call 4-6-18 Fly 8 • -*-"s Fly Screens Made to Order. OAKLAND CITY REPAIR WORKS Carpenter and cabinet work a special ty Call West 242-L. Atlanta 52X C. F Picksv. Manager. 5-1-37 Furniture Ca«h or easy payments. 415 Marietta. PhonS YManta 1797 4-5- 12 Furniture Bought and Sold^ UMSEf* wTtT TTuj' $l' for f&a at our store. Southern Wreckage Co., 114 S. For syth, Wl B1 Y Mini sell cash bargains s M Snider. 145 S. Pryor St. M 1421 Furniture Upholetertng. cf Satisfaction gtiaranteod lanta 594A-F FURNTTY R E REPAIRED•- Upholster In*. reflnishlng neatly done Work called for ami delivered Young K Car- S(fn 479 Marietta street. Atlanta 3567 6-7-29 Jewtry. WATi’HEH, Diamonds. Jewelry. Eye Glasses. Spectacles sold on the “di vided payment" plan to reliable persons. BANTA-COLE < O., 5 SOUTH BROAD STREET 6- 26 3 Keys. CHARLES IT REEVES. 13 7- 1-44 'O. Main 51U, At 6-16-25 Umbrellas. "Tiivior .Vlad,;" I "Si BKELLAS BUY from makers All prices from $1.00 up, with detachable handleH Guaran teed and kept in repair free. Expert re pairing TAYLOR UMBRELLA UO., 116 1-2 Whitehall St. Wall Paper ana Paint. »B8rT"SI" gUHTRr Ai'X^'oyifir: provement Company for low prices on wall pajinr. Beat work. 11 South For syth Main 4027, Atlanta 822 7-27-57 WOULD vate h' tlon. Ph __ MRS? <i.'. ’H. IieKrY. 160 Court!and' has delightful room and board for — : tw o man or couple. Also tablw board. i. ^ Atlanta phone 3^3 NICE :u ' 1 ’.ms and table board; hoane- llke; all modern conveniences. 43 Trinity avenue. Main 1588-J Leghorns. BRED To LA Y March hatched White Leghorn pullets. $1 each, in lots of 100, $1 each, cockerels. i. $1.60, $2 ami $3 each; May hatched pullets, $1. each, in lots of 100. 75c each. Hunt's Poultry Farm, Valdosta, Ga. WANTED- 300 to 500 Leghorn hens, not more than two years oJd. Will give in exchange vacant lot In suburb of Atlanta. Tarnes Ashury, Route 7, Box 106, Atlaiita FINK S O. White Leghorn pullets and cockerels. Belmont strain. Price, five pullets and cockerel, $5. Miss Nannie Pettit. ElHJay, Ga. Orpingtons. FOR SALK — White Y)<»n'V•hi«:kens -j,; W'L’sJ'U !>!/ \ 1 ’HTPUF Will sell cheap f<it* caah. him- stock DM) Y> Lu> l 1 i^.VV *1 L TWO nicely furnished rooms with board, also on« unfurnished room; newly pa- perod; reasonable rates. 201 East Hunter. RtX'.Vl and hoard at resonable rates. Apply *»2 Houston street- GOOD B<)ARD, close in. very reason able; prefer young men. Apply 270 Houston street. Ivy 6654. UNK furnished room, with or without board; private family; steam heat. Ivy 7467. Waste Paper. WANTED For cash, waste paper, rug stock. Atlanta Supply Co, Phone M. 1816 Wagon will call. __________ Window Shade Trouble. nrrcrrsoN E when your shades are hung In Brewer’s Window Shade Ad justers Before buying shades or hang ing your old shades, call Main 307-.1 and get all the data from B. B. Henry, 269 Washington street; money saved. A I rOMOBlLES AND SUPPLIES. FUR KALE New Huprnoblle ,v 32/ r with speedometer an<{ complete equipment; used only a short time; price, $875 cash. II. X. Cm hedge, 1 : North Forsyth St. FOR SALE Cheap, if taken at once, five -|»asH*mgrr Franklin, In g«>od shape, except tires. First reasonable of fer gets car. Will exchange for property or purchase money notes. Ivy 4095 L. r car In perfe< 1 i n ditlon; real bargain. Call «*wners’ Re pair Co., Ivy 7694-.I, rear 240 Peachtree. OWNER S AUTO REPAIR UO., 16 W. Harris. Ivy 7664-J. Don’t (jet. ‘"stunjf.” (jet our prires. Work handled promptly and truaranteed. $200 Studebaker 20, perfect condition, just overhauled; must be sold at once. \ foi Mr Arnaton, Purcell's Garage. CAMP Cr7BANS CARBONS TOURISTS WILL FIND THIS METH OD ESPECIALLY GOOD FOR THEM. CAMP MACHINE SHOP, CLEANS PERFECTLY WHILE YOU WAIT 275 MARIETTA STREET 7-at— LITTLE FOril ROADSTERS. SEE the LITTLE FOUR Runabout. Sells for $690 f. o. b. factory; best car ever produced for the money. Johnson Motor Car Company, 455 l'eachtree St. 7-13-301 Now frying size Addrtss Box 28. care American, giving phone number If possi- h le. 7-27-108 Poultry- All Verletjty. FOR SALE, at big bargain, one 2lM)-<*gg Incubator and two lOu-chick brooders; usimI once. Southern States Incubator j Company make. Also cock and six hens. Barred Plymouth Rocks, and cock and five hens. White Leghorns. Belmont Farm stock. Will sell for less than half cost on acaount of building Apply 425 Washington. Bell phone Main 3830. MY ENTIRE LOT of chickens and ducks tof sale cheap; some prize win ners Eureka Poultry Yards, East- anullee, Ga. BOARD, with morning and evening rtioals. Gentlemen. Ivy 2719-L. TWO delightful rooms with board; pri vate home; Peachtree street. Ivy 1779-J. , LARGE, steam-heated Fob sale Ring aov-ei, white doves, guinea pigs, spotted rats, white rats, fancy mice, fancy pigeons. John M ' >r- nellas. 1719 East Mason street, Spring- field, Ill. Ivy TRAVIS & JONES, AUTOM< ‘BILE REPAIRING. 4833. 26 James Street. 8-1-54 WIN DSHLEDS, RADIATORS, lamps, fenders, repaired as good as new Manufacturers all kinds sliest metal work. Warllck Sheet Metal Company. 243 Edgewood 3-4 **4 STURKIiAK ER lng c enT c. KEYS MADE S Broad street. Main 885 Lighting Fixtures ELEtrrulC' tend gas fixtur»*s; all new '■fuyieH'. lowest prices. Queen Mantel and The Compa-py, 56 West Mitchell street. Phone Main 681 1-16-16 Lime Concrete, Roofing, Stone j SAVE your auto and motorcycle tiree by r.*Tf>l') Llilt? 1 ANVVsfoRi’ I-. Ml' \ .\ \ • u»ln« Auto l J un.-lure Ours. Se»l» l.lme. r.,m-rPto and roortn* 1115 valvn and all punoturw up to JO- - - In SEVEN-PASSENGER touring car In fine condition; an excellent car for rent service Special price, $65*1 Buick Motor Co., 241 Peachtree St., Atlanta. 7-13-350 Dogs, ENGLISH hull terrier pup, male, five months, pedigreed, registered, solid white, beauty. Address V. B., care • taorgian ffTVHJ VI<i\T!l OLiD fox terrier pup for sain cheap to good home Phone Ivy 129 4-J jo GD’i; aw\y will any little i--y or girl give a home to one or two stray dogs. They are six months old, ami belong tu nobody. All they re guire is a little food and a little love If no one will take them they will have to ho chloroformed by the 8. P. C. A. Bell phone 4258-L Ivy. FOft 8A i J3L -Four French poinlles. Lit- tle dandles. Apply 101 Lake avenue. Full SALE Kedbum* hminils, ira.ncil for fox, cats, coons, opossums and squirrels. Also young stock ready for training. I’rlces reasonable. Robert A. Smith. Robertstown. Ga Full SALE Whit,* English bulldog Ask for Mr. (jann. 8 Walton street Full SALE—Seven English bull pup pies. solid white; two with brindle esrs. Call Main 2909 or Atlanta 3L40-F. tlemen; st reef. also garage. rooms for gen Apply 230 Ivy .Mi ELY furnished room and board; all conveniences; close In. Ill Wash ington St. Main 5361-J. :rn WHITEHALL. NTCE. large front room and ^ood board; young men or hdsiness ladies. Every convenience. <’ail Main 2120-L. 87 E. NORTH AVE. NICELY furnished rooms with all con veniences. Iv v 2423-J. AUBURN HOUSE. Center of city, low rates. 27 Auburn a \ enug. FURNISHED room and board to young man in private family. 263 West Peachtree. Bell Phone Ivy 3534-J. TWO connecting rooms on second floor. 101 Capitol \vc. Main <3484-J. 362 PEACHTREE, fine location, .,uite of rooms suitable for three. First-class table board. 7-37-122 N« ‘TICE If von wish to find the best Southern table in the city of Atlanta with board and among the best people, try 477 Peachtree St. Ask the Georgian for references 7-27-8 private FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 'I,L^ PirnTshed large Tront corner steam-heated room, open* on extra large porch; adjoining white tile bath hot water all hours: 3 windows, closet, mahogany furniture, brass bed with excellent box spring; well lighted and ventilated; second floor modern apartment. 190 Ivy St. Ivy 5078. TWO nicely furnished bed rooms, dining room, living room, use of hath room and kitchen. August 15 to October 15. $20 per rry>nth. Telephone West 106. THREE nicely furnished rooms, modem conveniences, 14-A West Baker. Ivy 5039. FRONT room, nicely furnished, $10 per month. 102 West Baker. Atlanta phone 3977. LARGE, nicely furnished room, front room with pooch, suitable for gentle men or couple; (Jose in. References. 67 East Fair street. FURNISHED room for rent. 201 Capitol avenue Jewish young man preferred. NICELY furnished room for gentlemen, adjoining bath; twin beds; every convenience. 19 Currier. THREE elegant furnished rooms for light housekeeping; will rent real cheap W7 Fraser street TW<» or three rooms and kitchenette. lights and water furnished, gas for cooking extra: second floor; home. 122 LaFrance. BEAUTIFULLY located front room In private family. All modern conven iences. Apply 181 Forrest avenue. feEAUTIFl L, cool', front bath; shady lot; gentleman Peachtree," care Georgian TO GENTLEMEN, furnace-heated room next to bath, private family. Ivy 2978 J. UXE large furnished room for four young men. Students preferred. At lanta phone 4305. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, close in. with all conveniences, (.’all Atlanta 3058-B. 242 Central avenue. TU' • connecting rooms, furnished for housekeeping; nice location. 58 West Peachtree. NR’ELY furnished rooms in nrivate home; gentlemen only 19 East Har- ris street Phone Ivy 6349-J. TWO connecting furnished rooms for rent, also one single room. Main VY Roommate for nicely fur nished room; close in; refined young man; no cigarette smokers. Atlanta 3701-M. ONE nicely furnished front room, close in; reasonable rates. Apply 226 East Fair street. O N f E nicely screened, furnished cool room; all conveniences. Gentlemen only. 238 East Fair. ^FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT^ ONE furnished room, suitable for cou ple or two young men or two young ladies; reference required. Apply 331 Couriland Street.* Bell phone 1766. 6-23-5 THE PICKWICK. New, Ten Story and Fireproof. Cool outside rooms with connecting bath. Convenient shower baths on each floor. 77 Fairlie Street, next Carnegie Id hrary . NFL RN i'U ED 'ROOMS > >R R E N f TwVu'or three unfurnished rooms w TtTi sink m kitchen, to party without Chil dren. Call Main 2853-L SECOND FLOOR, six rooms, private entrance; references. 443 Couriland street, corner Pine. l HREE unfurnished connecting rooms to rent reasonably; near Grant Park. Xtlanta phone 3020-F. ONE or iwo unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; every conven- lence; $8 for both. Apply 2S4 oak street. iMKHE ROOMS in Druid Hills; no children; reference* exchanged; teach- ers preferred- Ivy 3008 ONE or two lovely front rooms, unfur nished; all conveniences. 214 IUwuon street THREE connecting light housekeeping rooms; Inman Park, all conveniences; immediate possession. Ivy 6118-J. room; private THUK E connecting rooms; cortven- west fences 404 Capitol avenue. TWO connecting unfurnished rooms. 541 West Hunter street. Call West 938-J. THREE furnished rooms, close In. low and reasonable rates, with or with out meals, for men only. Phone Ivy 3918-L. 192 Couriland. NICE furnished rooms, with or with out board. 69U E. Alabama street Atlanta phone 2833. 7-20-84 Horses, Mules, Vehicles. Etc. i*ur SALE I’hotp1 light rubber tlrecl runabout buggy, nearly new. L. C Smith, 90 Whitehall. Phone M. 439. HORSES AND VEHICLES. Dandy little runabout for sale; cost $125 new Call at room 201 Equitable j Building Thoroughbred saddle horse; bred In the purple, six years old; holds his head j and steps lUtl a young turkey lien with her first brood; light hay. almost sorrel, i with hair like the siren of the Nil**; gentle spirited; any lady can ride him. j Worth $500 Will sell cheap. Apply i room 201 Equitable Building. Atlanta, < .a < >N E sound and gentle five j * i horse for sale rail Main 1252-J. FOR SALE Two fine young mares, weight 2.900, eight young horses; a few cheap mules; two nice surreys and harness S. M Davis, 224 Decatur street Bell phone Mam 676, Atlanta .831. FOR SALE Two horses and tw wagons and one buggy (’all \Bantu phone 633. or call at 285 E. Georgia Ave. TWO n**at rubber-tired, arched axle, endspring, top buggies; custom made. Atlanta phone 2625. 122-24 Walton St. SEVERAL mules, slip scrapes, etc . for sale cheap; rear 297 Marietta street. 68 WALTON ST. BLOCK of postoffice, under new man agement; large, cool rooms, newly furnish.-I. painted and papered. Meals a specialty at reasonable prices. 7-21-16 22 E. CAIN, nicely furnished rooms and board; three minutes from Candler Bldg Ivy 573-JL 7-15-27 LUST MKAI.K IN TOWN, $3 WEEK; ROOM AND MEALS. $4. 197 SOUTH PRY< |R CALL MAIN 5048. __ 7-8-42 IVY HOTEL, 98 IVY W. AMERICAN PLAN. $1.25,up. Weekly Riites. 7*8-8 HOTELS WANTED, TtoTEL "'WAN^TED— Com me rcia good live town in Georgia or Florida, b> vn «xperi»*nc**d hotel man; either European or American plan Address P O. Bex 393 Fertiandlna. Fla. 29-21-7 oUMMER RESORTS. PATH HoTYiU and" Mineral Springs. YN'hite Path. Ga., Blue Ridge Mountams. See Book at L. and N. Office, 4 Peachtree. . i:i:\T Fun lshed for the summer, three cottages, located on Southern Railroad, between Wat Rock and Saluda, V C For particulars, write Mrs. G. M. psing | Bacon, Zircon ia, N. C. ow» A. Rogers Mfg. Co. SANITARY MATTRESS RENOVAT ING- Factory new and up to date; moderate prices; give u« a trial Jack- son & Orr Company. Means etreet and \\ and A R R Both phones. 3 20 14 SKIP Machine Wonts. KNOCK—JUMP CARBON. CAMP cleans perfectly while you wait A great tiling for trucks. Try it. CAMl* MACHINE SllOl*. 275 Marietta Str«t. Main 2S.17 >rse. two wag- t^ns. complete with harness Will sell separate or together 375 Edge wood Ave nqe. Ivy 3016. 7-27 -24 FOR SALE A sound mar**. wTTl work Third Xntl.mBl Hunk Building. 2 3-50 1 penny »plke« ttutomatioally at once; , preservee the ruhher; prevents tube from - i, oKI _ M.lttree* Renovating. _ |' s , ,. k |„ K , „vin«. saves 36"! of tire ,•*- , 11 '" ,ms to reliable parties MATTiTKS.SI-iS RKNTvUaTKI' ft aliu*rs | pense, 50': tire trouble ami 40";, of your j ON 17 SOl'ND mule, one hot steamed, cleaned and bought. Bell religion. Watch for trademark, A. P. O. 4840, Standard 1476 P. O. Box 5. Mead- Call North Pryor Garage Auto Punc- — ~ ture Cure Company. Atlanta. Ga. Phone Ivy 6210. 8-8-1 Tire Repairing. HIGH GH\PE STEAM VULCANIZING.' Retreading a specialty. Prompt atten tion given express shipments. Nar.ders- Hpeer Vulcanising Company. 100 Spring Street. Atlanta. Gft 3-28-la Auto* Wanted. WANTED—To trade my Hudson model 20 roadster f**r 1913 F«>rd touring car. Must he In A -1 condition. Call at 256 Marietta street or phone Main 1336. BOARD WANTED.^ WANTED -One <*r two rooms and board by couple with child three years old. North ■Kid*', can furnish rooms if desired. Address 1*. u. Box 1111. NORTHERN LADYdesires board in the country in exchange lor music lessons or as housekeepei. Address Mrs. T. A. Pratt. 513 West Thirty-fifth street, Savannah, Ga. THREE ADULTS and thirteen-year-old lesire board and rooms with pri anywhere: also mule, a bargain. fine four-year-old vat, ‘ family until next May, or will rent t^hll Ivy 5852-J ! f‘»hr or five-room furnished apartment. 7-21-6 j References exchanged. North Side pre- T v, r . o nirm—\—w ' ferred. Address Box 672, care Geor- FuK SALE Excellent work horse, $■•>. t'all Bell phono Main 290. * ‘ vrro rrr . rx— —i • ; m \N with references wishes Hogs. room and board with private family; j North Side preferred. State particulars. Box 794. car* F5*ro5or> Walker street Sale now on. New MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. lass oondl- Milllnery. tlon, for sale. 84 Edgewood avenue. MILLINERY, come to 98 ! Ut)R SALE f rhor niotorcycle cheap Wood & klmbrell. Waddlngtott. 23 VL West Apply George Mitchell street FULLY equipped 1913 model Excelsior; cash or terms \pnlv 9f> Marietta st Rubber Tire*. NEW RUBrSK 'TIRES put on your baby carriage. Repaired, repainted and re-covered. Phone Ivy 3076 Robert Mitchell. 229 -£»1gewood avenue. 2-13-9 Oh. Gas Stoveg .»nd Steam Cooker*. youroli or gas stove to cook chicken or meats fany kind), beans, rice, onions, custard, corn, potatoes, squash, cabbage, If IT cook in our Steam (lookers* B. B. Henry. 269 Waehington St. Main S07-J 7-18-16 Paints and Creosote. C. F. BINDER & SON. MAVTFACTVHmS of hlyh pad* I paints, white lead and creosote stains. We make ready mixed paints to order ! Corner LnFrmnce and Lowry streets. | Bell phone Ivy 6S52-J, Allanta, > ;a I WE HAVE plenty of money to TTToHolpiTiTSfitii>' I'lifs'VAu saEk' Three O. I. C pigs, seven months old, subject tu register, weigh 150 pounds Hitch; one sow and two boars. Price $25 each. E. R Kenner. Clurkston, via. THE SEeaT MUUU-U* M )T H< u;. A hog with great vitality, a hog that Is fast coming t*> the front. Write for prices. SttK*k. of all ages for sale. Htint's Poultry Farm. Valdosta. Ga TWELVE reij Itered Berkshire pigs, two sows and one boar. Will sell very cheap If taken at once No better stock ever bred In Georgia. F. F. Preston, «• Ga. preferred. Stat re Georgian. \ \ \ i 1 i • B) bu in ess woman room and board on South Side; state full particulars when replying. Address Z. K. Box 860. care Georgian. MONEY TO LOAN. l HAV1T a little ready cash to make per- J I sonnl loans, if you will pay commie- MC\OuNTl?i5^Ttood^ mil* sion '•Hurry." Box 870. care American. I sey preferre*! MONEY Ft»H 8AL.AKIED PEOPLE .gallons P«*r_day__ AND OTHERS, upon their own names; { KuU SALE Jersey milk cheap rates, easy payments. Confi dential D. H. T.olinan, 820 Austell Building SPECIAL HOMF. FUNDS TO LEND. any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call S W. Carson, 24 South Broad Stree t. 4-1-17 FARM 1 on ANS I’LACKD in any amount improved farm lands in <»eorgta The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould MI-1 Painting *nd Tinting PAINT-PAINT lend at lowest rates on At lanta and nearby property, ei- ■ ther for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for pur chasing purchase money notes. THE TRIPOII PAINT COMPANY, S7-# Pryor Street. BB0T good*, prompt service Phone us vour orders Phones Bell Main 4711. ,*^ . o p n u_ i- Main 471 <4. Atlanta 406 7-1-12 roStOT A, KOuSOtl, li x^Uge\*OOu Painting and Wall Tinting. ; Avenue. jnrWIf^^^oss all kind, of repair j =■ work Painting and tinting a spe cially. Bell phone West 1288-J 397 West l-Ntlr street. 6-22-137 Phenollne. a—GisTKT^^cta^t^ ^ germicide; destroys chicken mites ami nil kinds of insects Phenoline Co . 106- A Edge wo* *d ave. M. 2317. At. 3038 A. Safes. ATLANTA SAFE CO. THE ONLY exclusive safe company in the city Safe experts any bank in Atlanta hue Sate MONEY WANTED. T.Uborro* stout *1.500^3^ rect from ender for five years at 7 per cent Will give as security prop erty worth $3,500. Address R.. Box 800, care Georgian. References. 50 Madison ave- WANTED ' borrow $50 from private party fur ninety days Good Security, I care Georgian. ( \V \NTED $1,600 loan for five years at 7 per cent, on Improved property, val- $4,500. ("all Decatur 224 J. H. Phil lips. Cracksman. fTlTfi amd t.urgTar-proof safes ope net and reT>alred (J. C. Downes. 29V5 Mu- 6^ street Phones M 2146, Atlanta 6-5-11 FIST A BUSHED 1SS8 WE WILL PAY ON SAVINGS In Sums of $500 and over 6* cow, cheap for ash. Party leaving city Phone Main 703 or call 352 South l*ryor street. Poultry, Plant* and Seeds. TTTPvnS^muhe wmiUerf.TTTiuIU teen-Top and all other turnip seeds, nustand. kale carrot. radDh. lettuce. - Mark W. Johnson Seed Company. ■ South Pryor Street. Sewing Machine*. new machines with complete set of attachments for $2 per month; also machines repaired: prompt deliv ery Both phones 1893 Singe: Sewing Marhtpe Company. 79 Whitehall 9-14-44 CONTINUED IN N EXT'COLUMN. H. G. HASTINGS & CO. SEEDS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. BOTH PHONES 2568. ALL ORDERS FOR THE NORTH AND SOUTH SIDE GIVEN BEFORE 9 O’CLOCK. AND FOR INMAN PARK AND WEST END GIVEN BEFORE 2 O’CLOCK. WILL BE DELIVERED SAME DAY THEY ARK GIVEN. HAVE YOU EXAMINED your chickens for lice and mites? They are almost sure to have them at this season, and a lousy hen Is a poor investment Get a package of Con key’s Lice Powder and dust them. It is guarantees! to rid them of all lice. 25c, 50c and $1.00 boxes. CONKEY’S NOX-I-CIDE. an ideal dis infectant and dip, 35c pint. IF YOU WANT pure, freah turnip seed. get them from Hastings. All the best varieties. 40c pound, pound 10c. WE HAVE a new shipment of genuine Hartz Mountain Canaries, guaranteed singers, at $3.50 each. HASTINGS SELLS more chicken feet! than any house in the city. There are two reasons for this: First—We handle THE MKRCH.X.'TS AN1) MKCHAN1C8 I * h M b ® 51 k ' ra, ‘'’. s "f f.u.i. S ml \\ .• BANKING AND L< 'AN CO. deliver promptly. Give vis h tnai oixler. 209 Grant Building Telephone ivy 5141. , appreciate It ami w ill give you the very best feed an U* had YOUR “Lost ana Found” ads will he taken over phone. Advertise for your articles In The Georgian and have them returned to you. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT One furnished front room. Stafford Apartments, 32 Carnegie Wav. Apply Ivy 1639. si*'El Y furnished rooms; close In; all conveniences. Mrs Dearybury, 72 Spring. Atlanta phone 2173. i'\V'u < qt THREE connecting rooms for light housekeeping or two gentlemen: private home, with ad conveniences; ■lost* in. 49 Brotherton street. No chil dren. Atlanta phone 3424. • THREE furnished rooms for rent; in ten minutes' walk of Piedmont Hotel; [vj ''Tl FURNISHED room: all conveniences; close in. 27 East Alexander street, Apartment 5. DELIGHTFUL front room; refined North .° Me private home, between Peachtrees; every convenience. Ivy 1294-J uNE furnished room in EucU.d Apart ments; young men preferred; with or without board. Ivy 6118-J. ».\F. furnished room, suitable for cou ple or two young men or two young ladies, reference required. Apply 331 Couriland St Ivy 1787. TO GENTLEMEN only, nice front room in home with couple. 147 Courtland street. Ivy 7342-J. COOU, furnished front room, home con- veniet'i - , private famU> 85 West Harris Ivy 1984 TW«> furrvisb**d rooms for light house- k«*epi’iv with porch all conveniences. Ivy 5660- J. TYVO nicely furnished rooms; private family; all conveniences. Main 2958-L. ' 13 Capitol avsnus. I HREE housekeeping rooms, partly fur nished; private bath. Call M. 5227. Mr. Berry. ONE DR TWO furnished rooms, with or wuthout meals; use of adjoining bath room, on the car line. In College Park. East Point 241 u. PRIVATE HATH electric lights, fur nace heat. Gentlemen. 101 Peachtree place. Ivy 4468-J. SEV E R ,\ I j nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen or couples; all conveniences. 366 Piedmont avenue, first door from Forrest avenue. SEVERAL nicely furnished, large, well located rooms, close In; rates very reasonable. Apply 64 East Harris street. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, cool and shady front room for gentlemen only. Apply 63 East Harris street. • >»CE ROOMS, furnished for light housekeeping; also nice rooms for young men; conveniences. 422 White hall. LARGE, cool front rooms, furnished, one adjoining bath; close In; cheap 216 South Pryor. Alt’ELY furnished room and kitchen ette; references exchanged; $3 per week. 388 Peachtree. _ . *v g nicely furnished, cool rooms; rea sonable; walking distance. 235 South Pryor St. / rWO nic'ly furnished front rooms; rates reasonable; close in. Phone Main 5086-J FURNISHED ROOMS for light' hemse- 119 A SI I BY ST firs i floor, six rooms, bath. Call after 3 P. M FOUR nice unfurnished rooms for house keeping; also one furnished room. 234 Central avenue. NICE upstairs rooms for light house keeping. Call Ivy 2433-L. FIVE unfurnished rooms for rent, pri vate entrance Private bath. Hot and cold water. Main 4890-L. Four nice unfurnished rooms, with bath and electric lights. Reasonable rates. 382 Whitehall street. TWO unfurnished rooms, all conven iences. close in $10 per month. 37 Fulton St. TWo unfurnished rooms for light house keeping, second floor; all conveniences; close, in. References. 50 Williams street. TWO unfurnished rooms, with bath, for light housekeeping; all conveniences; separate entrance. 328 North Jackson street. Ivy 2343-J. _ FOR RENT- Four nice, large, connect ed, unfurnished rooms, separate en trance; private bath; best location on South Side. Main 2970-J. THREE upstairs rooms, Druid Hills; gas stove, sink. No children. Ref erences. Ray, general delivery FOUR unfurnished rooms, all conve niences; reasonable. Atlanta 2717. 406 it • Fair- DRUID HILLS SECTION, four rooms and bath; yard, garden, figs, cherries, peaches, grapes, poultry house and run Ivy 3568-J. ENTIRE first floor of four rooms t<» couple; walking distance; reasonable. 281 Central* Ave. THREE connecting unfurnished rooms; also one unfurnished front room; close in and i oas* nabl* 171 1 V.ntral Ave. FOR RENT 'Three rooms an<T"kitchen ette; desirable location for couple. 737 Spring street. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. ROOMS F OR RENT. P'TTirT^vf'^-T' couple three lovely rooms, furnished or unfurnished; steam heat, hot water and use of phone; near in; no ehildren. Phone Main 3221-J. EXCELLENT light housekeeping rooms In suites of two, three nr five; gas lights; nice hath: telephone. Lowest rent in city. 39 West Linden. TWO ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, electric lights, all modern » conven iences, in walking distance of otty. Ivy 2813. 't i IKEE R* " ■ MS f-:rn Miv 1 .c unfur nished. for couple or gentlemen; close 108 E. Ellis. i K.MMii'.n kuo.mb Tor ngnt ntnise- I ' y,> *-• ; keeping; private bath; sink in kitchen. > SEVERAL nicely furnished, also* unfur Main $2$1 u. ROOMS for renf. Trained nurse: other nurses in house. Phone Ivy 3281. ONE nice large front room for rent. Apply 445 Peachtree street. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room*; private family; North Side. Ivy 2506-J. A LARGE bright cool room for gentle man; next to bath; all conveniences; near 111 Ivy 5282-4* TWO nice rooms and kitchenette, com pletely furnished for light housekeep ing. to parties without children; splen did location; private family; one block of Grunt Park, good car service. 428 E. (corgia. iNE nicely furnished room; private family; walking distance of city. Ap ply 86 Williams. TWO nice front rooms, in good location; rates reasonable. Apply 191 E. Pine street. ONE large, neatly furnished front room. with dressing room and porch con necting. for gentleman. Apply 247 East Pine street or call Ivy 3625-J. Ft >R RENT Nicely furnished front room, close in. 45 East Gain street. FOUR nicely furnished rooms, single, ami two sets of light housekeeping rooms, all nicely furnished and close in. Apply 104 Ivy street. . \Vo furnished rooms for light house keeping; all conveniences. 303 Raw- J on. Atlanta phone 2;;3.Y TWO cool front rooms one block post- office; erntlemen only. 74 Walton at. ONE furnished room for rent. 307 Raw- son; all conveniences. Gal! Atlanta 1668. . hrKE connecting upstairs rooms; two light housekeeping downstairs rooms, also furnished rooms. 201 South For syth. TWO connecting rooms for housekeep- ing; nice location. 58 W. Peachtree. nished, rooms for rent. Apply 159 Cen tral Avenue. '. 7-26-23 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT. tlTrrgRKEKV*I Nr I '‘fio?>WS~FoTC‘RE>ff TWO light housekeeping fohrn!»..htase in. all conveniences. 86 Capitol_avenue. ONE ROOM and kitchenette, gas stdve, electric lights, use of phone. Ivy -J. j location. only' $10 one per NICE front rooms. block fronl car line; month. 102 Ivy street. THREE furnished rooms; cool and in good location; one hundred feet from Peachtree JR. 17 East Cain St. TWO ROOMS, furnished for light housekeeping; $3 per week. Main 2915. 266 Whitehall. priva i u corner residence has two nice* ly furnished front room*; gentlemen or couple. Cheap ?ent. Main 3610 .1. FOUR nicely furnished upstairs roonisT. Cail Ivy 2433-L. GENTLEMAN can get nlce'y furnished rsom: all conveniences. Apartment 3, 14S Fcrest avenue. ROOMS furnished or unfurnished for light housekeeping: near Motordrome; cheap rate. Apply 106 Irwin street. 7-27-116 NICELY furnished room in private home. Rates cheap: for man or wo man, 324 Houston sir- ot. 7-27-112 TWO connecting rooms, private en trance. furnished complete. Vacant August 1. For adults only. Phone Main 8115. 7-27-53 ONE beautiful room; minutes' walk to town; in private family Call Ivy 1955-1.. - Wo furnished room* for light house keeping; also bedroom; modern, and close in. 81 Brotherton. Ro >MS for couple of ladles desiring to do light housekeeping while working. Call Ivy 1083-X ONE beautifully furnished room In very pleasant section; private family Cull Ivy 3504-J. 19 VEST CAIN. A FEW refined people can get elegant rooms, adjoining bath, in private fam ily. with or without board, all newly renovated, brick house, ci use in ivy 7435-J. 7-27-65 I HREE furnished housekeeping rooms; sink and kitchen. Call M. 2763-J. 7-36-3 BEAUTIFUL downstairs front room, cool, fine location. Reasonable rate. 339 Courtland. Ivy 6964. 7-27-5 cool, clean bed- I*artles; close In. Cash Capital tl-0.000. Thos. J. Wesley, Cashier. M. Graut, President. ‘It 8-11-5# ONE nicely-furnished room for one or twe 118 Form wait. NICE < <>l rooms, also light housekeep ing apartment; private family; close In. Ivy 664P-.f ; Rent One nicely furnished bed room, private family close in. 73 YflHams St. Phone Ivy 2027-L. REAUT1 FULLY furnished room, adjoin ing hath; steam heat; private home; gentlemen. 306 West Peachtree Ivy 2742-L. / CONTINUED IN ^EXT COLUMN. 3; A r r THK CAKOLLTON. 20 CARNEGIE WAY. FURNISHED APARTMENTS AND FURNISHED ROOMS .1 F STEELE. MGR. 7-22-3 THjfi FELTON, u-7 ivy st. Nicely furnished rooms; hot and cold baths: all conveniences. T-lo-25 CHKSTERFigLD. KXCLI T SIVE bachelor apartment: show er-bath 15 W. Harris. 7-6-18 1H HAST CAIN STREET. TWO elaborately furnished rooms, very , cool close In. CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN." - FURNISHED APARTS. FOR RENT. FoU RENT - To couple, without chil dren. upstairs apartment in hice pri vate residence, in walking distance, one bed room, dining room, pantry and kitchen, completely furnished for light housekeeping, including sewing machine an*! piano. Price $25. References re quired. Phone Main 2592-L or apply 152 J avi r,iie. _______ FURNISHED apartment, three or five rooms, any length of lime. Immedi- ate possession. Ivy 3941. u< >K KENT- Between 7th and 8th streets, a 7-room furnished flat; fur nace heat. Price. $60. Address 196 Juniper street ATTRACTIVE 3-room apartment in pri vate North Side home, furnished com pletely for light housekeeping; furnace heat, electric lights, hot and cold water; to couple or adults with good references • 'aii ivy ;>::n. ONE nice suite of rooms or one large room can be had at very reasonable rates Apply 183 Ivy street or phone Ivy 6575. NICELY furnished apartment, sleeping porch, private hath, use of library; $22 month. 107 Ponce DeLeon place. FURNISHED apartment; private home. Everything clean and new. Phone Ivy 5133. J7-27-23 UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT. READ Y IVY'S E I'TK MRtTRT Open for Inspection From 2. to 5 p. m. THE LAWRENCE 52 and 54 West Peachtree Place. A New, Close-in Kitchenette Apartment APARTMENTS of 2. 3 and 4 rooms. built for comfort In summer time as well ns winter. Every room has out side exposure; all conveniences, with lights, stoves and refrigerators furnish ed Two-room apartments have disap pearing b?d-. References required Prices $20 to $50. J.L. TURNER CO.. 1520 Candler Building. Ivy 5213. FOUR rooms, bath, steam heat, all conveniences; two porches; will trans fer lease expiring June 1; $35 per month. Phone Ivy 608-L. 339 North Boulevard. FOUR ROOMS ano reception hall; all modern conveniences; close In; porch. 251 Central Ave. DELIGHTFULLY comfortable 6-room apartment for lease; strictly first- class; best North .Side residence sec tion; one block of Georgian Terrace; handsome grounds; large Individual porch; automobile accommodations, etc. Phone Ivy 657-J. the urchin apart ments. THREE and four rooms. Every apartment fronts Euclid avenue. Xf-all beds, wall safes for valuables. Every known modern improvement. The most perfect ventilated apart ments in city. Neighborhood excel lent, surrounded by handsome homes. Prices $32.50 and $37.50. FITZHUCdl KNOX, 1613 (laadier Bldg. TWCVROOM AP'ARTSfRNTr~a 1 l~conven7 fences; front and hack porches; tele phone. 245 West Peachtree. * CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. , UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. FOR RENT. ffX^fl^r^ME^loweT apartment of seven rooms, with shades, screens and awn ing. $35 per month. 128 Peeples street, West End- Phone West 1144-J. YOR RENT Upper and lower apart ments at 105 Highland avenue; five rooms; modern conveniences; large porch. For particulars, apply 109 High land avenue or phone Iv.v 4542. pok RENT -A beautiful 5-room apart ment. with hath, at 687 Peachtree street; steam heated and good janitor service. Apply to Janitor, if you wish to see the apartment. COKXKK ITyor and Richardson streets, four-room and bath apartment, size of rooms, number of closets and finish throughout exceptional. Gits ran«e furnished in kilehen and bath room com plete in every detail. Plioue Alain •2868. WASHINOTAV ST", flv- »<»•,.n.l floor, modern; veranda, stables, gar- age, electricity. Phone Maui 4091-J. 'furnished houses for rent. FOR RENT—Furnishe«lV"«legant. eighC- room house; all modern conveniences; baths, electric lights, etc. Apply 277 West Peachtree street. COMPLETELY furnished five-room cot tage; all conveniences; excellent neighborhood. 192 Crew street. SEX-ROOM furnished Decatur residence, by couple who desire to board with party taking charge. Will give i;ent and pay extra for board. References re quired. All conveniences. P. O. Box 843, Atlanta, NICELY furnished six-room bungalow on Boulevard Circle, for two months, or longer. Ivy 2687. UNFURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT. FoR RENT - Cottage, five rooms and bath. 370 Oakland Ave. Apply Mc- Carthy’s Store. 447 E- Georgia Ave. i>OR RENT Ly owner, @1 Crgw St.. new six-room house; tile hearths, cabinet mantels, electric lights, bath, in stantaneous heater, two sinks and wash basin.Cail Ivy 595. JUST VACATED, beautiful 6-room cot tage; modern; elevated lot. In nice neighborhood, near car line. 134 La France street. Phone 992 Atlanta. NO. 335 MYRTLE ST.. 7-room, modern residence, with all conveniences; pos session by Sept. 1st. Apply No. 336 Myrtle street. Phone Ivy 6860. NO 311 MYRTLE ST., 9-room, modern residence, with all conveniences; im mediate possession. Apply No. 336 Myr tle street. Phone Ivy 6860. FOR RENT By owner, September 1, one six, one seven and one eight-room houses; furnace heated; hardwood floors in main rooms; nice mantels; tile porches, screen porches; In splendid neighborhood, between the Peachtrees. Call office phone Ivy 80; residence phone Ivy 2155. oVW "si x-room bungalow, four rooms furnished, in Inman Park. Call at ones Atlanta >646. £9 Trinity A vs. baLan-’F of le$M ifor month. $15. Cali 6 to 8 p. m. 49 Washington; apart- ment 9. FOR RENT—Six-room steam-heated bungalow, with sleeping porch. 105 Green avenue, l^one Ivy 6888-J. CLOSE IN Nos. 6> and 66 East Cain street, two modern 8-room brick resi dences. suitable for two families each. Ivy 3834-.f. FOR RENT—September 1, on South Side, near business center, ten-room house, gas and hot water, barn, lot 90 fry 290. Ivy 2318. 42-24-7 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. HOUSES^FOR RENT. FOR SALE OR RENT—New bungalow on half-acre lot, with beautiful shade; will make terms to suit; furnished or unfurnished. 15 Jefferson place, Deca tur, Ga. ’ WAREHOUSE SPACE FOR RENT. .WE HAVE a desirable wareroom, ce ment floor, high ceiling, in the heart of the city; railroad sidetrack; can store several carloads of merchandise for a few months. Write X., care Georgian. OFFICES FOR RENT. DESIRABLE offices for rent in the Al- friend Building, on Peachtree street, singly or en suite. Heat, lights. Jani tor service. Apply to office of the build ing, room 212 F> >R RENT—One largo office room; very light. 7*4 W. Mitchell street., ■ONE OFFICE, good light, best location. Apply 68Vx S. Forsyth street. TO LET—Suite of three offices, with fixtures, for a long term, in one of the most centrally located office buildings in the city Box 981, care Georgian SJjDRJTE NT. OPPORTUNITY FOR MERCHANT IN GREENSBORO, GA. BRICK STORE, with all fixtures com plete. ready to do business. Best site in town. Was- occupied by KosSman Gardner for twenty-five years. Lease $25 a month. Address Mrs. Mary Ttoss- man, Greensboro, Ga tiGE light store for rent on the cor ner of Fraser and Ormond streets, suitable for grocery, coal and wood yard. Inquire Room 310, Temple Court Bldg. ftjr'n'ij5hId~400mTwan Ted? FFlTSfi'Sr 1 ?TfT"houstd<^ping^Tom^^^ conveniences. References exchanged. A D . 64, o&re < leargri*n. YOUNG LADY wants to rent room and teach music as part payment. Will not use for a studio. Address Music Teacher, Box 405, care Georgian. WANTED—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; Inrnan Park sec tion preferred. A. 14. C., Box 402. care (Georgian. _L[N FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. \VA^ r f El')"i3y young couple September 1, two or three rooms and kitchenette, second floor; all cd¥iven!ences; In nice neighborhood; references; state location an-! price. J., liox 1000. care Georgian. WANTED Two unfurnished rooms, steam or furnace heat, by September 1. Good location. Answer M. P. H. f care Georgian. THREE unfurnished rooms for house- keeping by couple with child, eigh teen months old; West End preferred. A. l! Cbohran, 90 Wsst Peachtree place WANTED To lease In neighborhood Georgian Terrace, modern home, five be<lrot,:ns._ Permanent. P. O. Box 28. FOUR or five rooms with front porch by couple; no children. Address K L C.. Box 861. care Georgian. a' \ y t i ’ i 1 Two of (Sires unfurnished connecting rooms; prefer upstairs and on North Bide; close In, with conveni ences for housekeeping Address W P. Used, Jr.. No. 8 Engine House. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS WANTED. WANTED—A three or four-room apart ment with kitchenette ami heat, or part of house with same conveniences; state location and price. Address M. R., Box 78. care Georgian. WANTED—Five or six room steam- heated apartment, close in. by Sep tember 1 Address Apartment, Box 8<Tq, care Georgian. UNFURNISHED HOUSES. WANTED. ^ccdtage^or^^unga^ low. not more than $25 per month, not more than twenty minutes’ ride from town. Phone Ivy 1502-J. TO LEASE, from owner, nine-room house, on or near Peachtrees. Phone Tyv 870T-J. NY A XT BSD ¥o rent seven or clgbt-TOMB house in West End. R. L J., care Georgian. to furnaced or steam heat. North on any good street, for select hoarding house. Mrs. D. H. White, 11 Cone. Want! • 5-roam hsuss, g id location. North Side or West End. Phone ivy 4343-L WANTED- Bungalow or small detached house, preferably on North Side. Kindly give full particulars in reply ir.g stating rent, number of rooms, lo cation and when possession may be had. Address Box t Q\), care Georgian. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. J^harp & ^oylston ORJrEWOOD PARK. '"1 THIS is a new six-room cottage, with hall. It has city water and electric lights. Large, shady lot. Less than one-half block of car line, and in three blocks of good school. A real bargain at the price and terms we are ask ing for it. Price $2,800, on terms of $100 cash and $20 month. FOURTH WARD INVEST MENT. THIS is is a four-room negro house, which is always rented for $7.50 per month. Can be bought for $700—over 12 per cent. Lot 40 by 100 feet. A bar gain. FURNIS HED HOUS ES FOR S A LB. FOR SALE—A very delightful, cora^ fortable, cool five-room cottage on St. Simons beach; neat and nicely fur nished; centrally located. Going away and will sell all cheap to right party. Apply to Mrs. O. L. Merrlfleid, SL Si mons Itiamd, Ga. GARGAGES FOR RENT. WVS/WVV^vyWWv^A/WW\AAftA.V - FOR RENT—Large garage with electric* lights, $10 per month. 263 West Peach tree^ FOR lf.vt Brick garage or repair shop at 33 West Cain; holds six or eight cars, electric lights, washroom and stock room. Phone Ivy 2467. ^ REALESTATE FOR S A LE. barnT^rrTiTa of depot; $2,000; only $300 year- level land; pasture and water. Address Dairy, Box 6o3, care Georgian. uWNER will sell at sacrifice,Une resi dence on popular North Side street; corner lot; ten rooms, two baths, steam heat; everything complete; no agents. Owner, P. O. Drawer 1686. 14 PER CENT negro Investment prop erty; three four-room negro houses; lot 100 by 100; in first-class condition; rented for $24 month; price, $1,985; can give good terms on this See Mr. Peek, 620 Forsyth Bldg. Ivy 1053. .NORTH SIDE L<5t, 66 by 192, to alley; tile sidewalks; water and sewer mains, curb, cherted streets, electric lights; within two blocks of Peachtree car; t850; easy payments. Address Lot, Box 871, care Georgian. NEW, modern brick, ten-room home in Druid Hills, b«low cost on account of leaving city; terms. P. O. Box 447. City. Fi>R SALE—By owner, 526 Crew St., new six-room hou»e; tile hearth, cabi net mantels, electric lights, bath, in stantaneous heater, sink and wash basin. Call Ivy 595. FOR SALE—251 East Georgia Ave.; will sacrifice for cash or make satisfactory terms. Address Owner, 8135 First ave- nue. Birmingham. Ala. Real Estate For Sale. Vacant lot for sale on Kelly street: 53 by 130 feet; west side; about 150 feet north of Milledge avenue; gx*od terms: or will Improve. Vacant lot, corner Pujliam and Crum ley streets, 252 by 142 feet. Will give terms. Fine piece to improve. The finest farm In Hancock County, Georgia: 800 acres in cultivation; well watered; well improved in every way; worth $50,000 V il! take some Atlanta property or will sell on long time. Well improved little place for sale, near Fair Street School. CHARLES E. THOMPSON Room 201 Equitable Building. Atlanta, _ Ga. IQAIN in North K : de homo; lot 50x190: all conveniences, bath and six rooms; beam ceiling; all inside wood work piano finished; was built for a home, out on account of busdness rea sons, I will sacrifice at $4,500, on terms. Sam, Main 2854. PEACHTREE CORNER—South of Sev enth street. 50 by 200; modern resi dence Can’t be duplicated. A bargain for $30,000. The adjoining comer at $10,000 Is a pick-up Address R. S. B x 867. care American. ________ FoR SALE Good sewen-room house (with servant’s room and barn); on Capitol avenue; well located and close Easy terms. Telephone Main 1178 or Main 2864^ SIX-ROOM bungalow, Inman Pork- Druid Hills section. Furnace heat and all conveniences. Splendid neigh borhood. Best car service. Owner sell ing Address K. C., Box 869, care Amer ican. LEASE OR SALE—Artlstio bungalow; screened, tiled, furnace, garage. Ad- dress "Ansley Park,” care Georgian. •"<> EQUITY In ten acres land at~Con- stitution, 7 miles center of Atlanta. 300 yards of station at a sacrifice, or trade balance $1,225 payable $15 per month- no loan. Addreaa W. O. Y, Box 868, care Georgian F< 'Ru’ED TO SELL my six-room bun galow, all modern conveniences; screened, hardwood floors, furnace heat ed and tile bath. Easy terms. Phone West 162. FOR RENT OR SALE-Residence In best section. All conveniences. Price and terms reasonable. Apply owner, 709 Candler Building. 11 [< i 1! - (- I..-, ss HI • N( i A Low,' new. stone front, hardwood floors, tile bath. Call owner i Ivy 7799-J. Ia >T on Briar Cliff Road; fronts Druid Hills; 100 feet front. About 250 feet back. This Is prettiest lot In Atlanta. Water In front. If you hare $850 for cash payment, will sell you a bargain. Address R W., 705 Temple Court, or call Ivy 1473-J at night. ACCOUNT CHANGE in business I will sell my home in Druid Hill section at less than it cost me. Location ideal, lot 183 deep, fine garden, chieken runs and back yard. House has hardwood floors in three rooms, is screened throughout, including back porch. Tile bathroom between the bed rooms. Exposed beam ceiling, sliding doors, gas, elec tric lights, hot and cold water. Modern in every' respect. If you want up-to-date home at sacrifice price and reasonable terms, sea me at once or call M. 2039. V. H.. Box 49, care Georgian. Special Inducements on THREE six-room North Sid© homes for a few days. Fee me at once. D. C. Smith. 901 Empire Building Phone Main 2059. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE*