Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 11, 1913, Image 11

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS READ FOR PROFIT-AMERICAN WANT ADS-USE FOR RESULTS THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS telephone Main Atlanta Telephone clerk will take your and, if requested, assist you In wording, or will write the ad for you —that’s his business. He will also make It as brief as possible to obtain the results desired. In order to accommodate customers ac counts will be opened by phone, but you m. make payments promptly after publication or when bills are proofed by mall. Classified Using Rates: 1 insertion 10c a line 3 Insertions 6c a line 7 insertions 5c a line 30 insertions 4V&C a line 90 Insertions 4c a line’ No advertisements taken for less than the cost of two lines. Six words make a line. To protect your Interests as well as ours, an order to discontinue an ad will not be accepted over the phone. Please make order to dis continue In writing. TELEPHONE Phones 100 LITTLE ADS BIG RESULTS RAILWAY SCHEDULES. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. “PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH.” ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ATLANTA. The following schedule figures are published only as information, and are not guaranteed. No. Arrive 86 Birmingh’ra 35 New York 18 Jacksonville 48 Washington 12 Shreveport ... 16 Heflin 29 New York.... fl Chatn’ga .... 7 Macon 17 Fort Valley.. 21 Columbus ... 6 Cincinnati .. 29 Columbus ... 80 Blrralngh'm. 40 Blrmlngh'm 39 Charlotte .... 5 Macon 87 New York.... 15 Brunswick .. 11 Richmond ... 24 Kansas City. 18 Chatn’ga .... 19 Columbus ... SI Fort Valley.. 14 Cincinnati .. 25 Jacksonville 17 Toocoa From— 12 01 am 5:00 am . 5:30 am . 5:25 am . 6:30 am . 8:20 am .11:15 am .10:35 am .10 40 am .10:45 am .10:50 am .11:10 am . 1:40 pm . 2:30 pm .12:40 pm . 3:55 pm . 4.00 pm . 5:00 pm . 7:50 pm . 8:15 pm . 9:20 pm . 9:35 pm .10:20 pm . 8:00 pm .11:00 pm . 6:50 am . 8:10 am Depart To— New York.... 12:15 am 5 :20 am 5:40 am 7:15 am 5:50 am 6:40 am 6:65 am Columbus Cincinnati . Fort Valley. Blrmlngh’m Chattn'ga .. Richmond .. Kansas City. 7:00 am Brunswick .. 7 :45 am Blnnlngh’m 11:30 am New York....11:01 am Char.otte ...12:00 n’n Macon 12:20 pm Columbus ...12:30pm New York... Chattn’ga .. Blrmlngh’m Toocoa Columbus .. Cincinnati . Fort Valley. Heflin Macon Washington. Jacksonville. Shreveport 2:45 pm 3:00 pm 4:10 pm 4 :30 pm 5:10 pm 5 :10 pm 6:20 pm 5:45 pm . 5:30 pm 8:45 pm . 9:30 pm .11:10 pm Jacksonville.. 11:10 pm All trains run daily. Central tlms. City Ticket Office No 1 Peachtree St. LOST AND FOUND. TxjST^Between^^WeHvlew Cemetery and 390 Rawson street, Sunday after noon, ladies’ gold watch; monogram on back and inside “Albert to Mary, 1912.’’ Reward. 390_Rawson street. . LOST—This morning on Druid Hills car, silver mesh bag, containing change and jewelry. Reward. Ivy 1495. LOST—Ladies’ small gold open face watch; monogram D. L.; on Richard son, Washington street or Woodward avenue, Monday, August 11. Reward if returned to 228 Richardson. LOST—$110 in bills, between Edgewood avenue and 289 Fort street. Liberal reward will be given for their return to M. P. Watts, 289 P’ort street. LOST—On Eads street, ladies’ size solid gold Elgin watch, August 7. Reward. Return 197 Ira St. LOST—One diamond and sapphire ring left in smoker A., B. and A. train near Manchester Saturday afternoon, August 9th. Liberal rew’ard. Communicate w Ma:cr .v IL-rk.-h*, Inc., Atlanta. ‘la. LOST—August 6. carved platinum gold back diamond set bar pin; liberal re ward. Phone Main 2382-J. L< 1ST Two fOX terrier puppies. Return to 35 East Fifteenth street or phone Ivy 1242. Reward. LOST—Black and white ticked pointer dog Reward. 391 Glennwood avenue. Main 4878-J. COST Between Merritts avenue and Garnett street, on Peachtree and Whitehall, watch fob, composed of two automobile racing medals, with the name R. E. Gillam on each medal. Find er will receive a reward by returning fob to the Locomobile Company of America, 469 Peachtree street. LOST—Pair gold-rimmed noseglasses. One dollar reward at Fulton County Police Oftice. flOO REWARD—Stolen on July 29, from the Pryor street entrance to Candler Building, Atlanta. Ga., one Cadillac touring car; factory number 44851; four- cylinder 30-horsepower 1912 model: Georgia State license No. 21836; $100 re ward will be paid by the undersigned for information resulting in recovery of said car and convic.tion of thieves Signed 7. Adjustment Bureau, Equitable Bldg.. Atlanta, Ga. LOST—Hub cap from Lion roadster on Peachtree or Plaster’s Bridge road. Reward will be paid to finder if returned to W. J. Stoddard, 126 Peachtree St. LOST A black billbook containing sev eral bills. Return to Walker-Cooley Furniture Co. Rewind. LOS 1 ? Somewhere in the downtown district one auto hub, branded “Kissel Kar." Finder please return to Cathcart Storage and Transfer Co., 6 and 8 Madison avenue. Phone Main 1466; Atlanta 1422. Reward. LOST—On Cain stret, near Capital City Club, automobile tire case; size 37x5. Finder please return to 58 Ponce De Leon avenue and receive reward. LOST—Saturday at noontime, a pay en velope containing week’s pay, while walking from Montag Bros. (Nelson St.) to Mitchell, to Whitehall to Frohsin’s store; payroll No. 25. Amount, $10.15. On envelope was advertisement cf Fourth National Bank Bldg. Return to K ' cross. Mon tag Bros. W. M COX cleans all kinds of carpets’ rugs a specialty. Ivy 3135-J, Atlanta 1818. 145 Auburn Ave. 7-20-81 MOVED TO 130H Peachtree St., oppo site Candler Bldg., Tom Weaver, Tai lor. established 1900. Tailoring, reflt- ting. altering, dry cleaning and pressing. 7-16-23 L< <ST -From automobile. Panama hat, on Peachtree street or Peachtree road. Reward. G. A. Sohl, 237 Peachtree, or Ivy 3992-1. LOST—Thursday evening, ladles’ hunt ing case gold watch; Waltham move ment. R. ° Estes engraved on back. Reward Return to Cone M Maddox Com pony. LOST—Light brown mule; weighs between 700 and 800 pounds. Had small sore on back. Reward. 17 Piedmont avenue, or phone Main .''429. Atlanta 1124. PERSONA L. ca fl at your horn* 1 by appointment. Call Main 28' A BEAUTIFUL woman finds the world at her feet, all women can become hpautiful. Write us. We will advise you Goss-Wheeler Spec. Co.. 15 Ex. pit Passaic. N. J. ' continued in next column. 35 CENTS. PHONE MAIN 1177 AND A MESSEN GER WILL CALL. THE WRIGHT SHOP. FORMERLY IDEAL TAILOR SHOP. 15 FAIRLIE STREET. 6-30-33 FREE HEADING by stars on all sub jects. Nothing kept back. Send blrthdate. dime. Address Frank Schu- berger. Weir, Kans. MASTER CONSTIPATION, your worst enerr;,. No drugs or injections. Sim ple, speedy, permanent. Send 60c to day for prepaid drugless treatment. Na tional Specialty Company, Dept. B, P. O. Box 808, Atlanta, Ga. PERSONAL. MONEY to loan on first mortgages, or will buy purchase money notes, either yearly or monthly. ’Money,’’ Box 81, care Georgian. $100 REWARD Ladles, our monthly compound never disappoints, safely re lieves longest, most obstinate, abnormal cases of suppressed menstruation In three days. Price $2. Southern Remedy Company. Memphis, Tenn. HAT SALE—Trimmed hats, $1.50 to $5.00; outing hats, 75c; imported hosehair hats, $3.98; black hats, mallne and lace trimmed. Remodeling hats specialty, $1.50. Panamas cleaned. Mrs. C. H. Smith, 115 Peachtree, next to Can dler Bldg. Velvet ICE vuvei CREAM PURE, SMOOTH DELICIOUS Velvet Ice Cream Co., Phone Ivy 6849. ROBINS’ Hair Dressing Parlors; mani curing for ladies and gentlemen; open all day Saturday. Bring your combings to be made into braids. etc. 40*£ Whitehall a treat. Main 3625. MATERNITY SANITARIUM Private. refined, bome-llke. Limited number of patients cared for. Home provided for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitcbell, 26 Wind sor Street. 11-9-57 SERIOUS RESULTS come from trussee improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 54 Wall Street, has an expert fitter and it will cost you no more to have him fit you, and it means insurance. 6-24-19 M«>VEI> TO 130V& Peachtree St., oppo site Candler Bldg., Tom Weaver, Tai lor, established 1900. Tailoring, refit ting, altering, dry cleaning and pressing. 7-16-14 matrimomalT GENTLEMAN, 29. good appe tabllshed in business, would like to correspond with young ladies 18 to 27; object matrimony. Address F, Box 308, care Georgian, LADY. 6<i, worth $75,000. would marry. H., Box 35, League, Toledo, Ohio. HELP WANTED-MALE. WANTED — Experienced motorcycle rider at once. Call Circulation De- partment The Georgian. FARM HAND WANTED. Route 2, Box 238. Atlanta phone 5897-F. WANTED—A competent bookkeeper at 46 North Pryor. WANTED—Good plumbers. Steady work, good pay, open shop. Address W. E., Box 783. care Georgian. WANTED—Butler wno can do good inside and outdoor work. Cow to be milked. $5.50 per week. Call East Point 291-L. CARRIAGE TRIMMER—Steady job for the right man. South Georgia Buggy Company, Valdosta, Ga. BE A DETECTIVE—Big pay, easy work, wonderful opportunities. Write Fidelity Secret Service, 30 Fourteenth street. Wheeling, W, Va. WRITE MOVING PICTURE PLAYS; $50 each; all or spare time; no ex perience nor correspondence course. De tails free. Atlas Publishing Co., M-97, Cincinnati, O. WANTED—Traveler, a beginner, salary, commission and expense money. Lib eral offer and agreement. J. E. Mc- Brady, Chicago. ANYBODY can earn $20.00 weekly, raising mushrooms, entire year, in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. Markets waiting. Free booklet. Hiram Barton, 388 West 48th Street, New York. AGENTS 410 dally and more can be earned by everybody undertaking an easy agency as an extra; expert knowl edge unnecessary. Write to Mr. Moritz, 696 Prlnsengracht, Amsterdam, Neth- erlands. (Postage 6c.) FOE Colored Southern Automobile School, day and night classes. Cor ner Magnolia and Hulsey streets. WANTED—Young man about sixteen years old to distribute type, correct and pull proofs and make himself gen erally useful. Apply Atlanta Paper Com pany, corner Moore street and Georgia Railroad- WANTED—Young man, expert stenog rapher, able to handle correspondence. Must be first class in every particular. $90 per month to right man. Box 634, care Georgian. WHY LONGER endure inside drudgery? Be our representative, doing outside, healthful work. Own boss; $20 dally profit not unusual. Experience unnec essary. G. Macy, sales manager, 640 Lydia street, Chicago. MEN AND WOMEN wanted to make lists of names and addresses for mall order houses; big pay; spare time; par ticulars for stamp. Direct Appeal Corn- pan y, Plymouth, Ind. » WANTED—At once, white barber with $300 to take half interest in a 5-chair shop and bath in the finest town of 12,- 000 population in the South; old estab lished place and a good opptrunity to improve. Address B. H., 315 North Main street, Stun ter, S C. WANTED- Asphalt street paver, pene tration method. Apply to R. A. Poe, Brevard, N. C. ^ wfc Teach you the barber trade at Southern Barber College; complete course for $30.00. Positions furnished. Correspondence solicited. 151 Decatur street, Atlanta, Ga. DISTRICT MANAGERS to handle a high-grade health and accident In surance proposition; best policies and most liberal agency contracts to live mem Royal, Box 84, care Georgian. W A X T E 1)—Five good route boys. Good salary. Apply Ben Tesler, sub-sta tion, The Atlanta Georgian, 448 Marietta street, or phone Atlanta 56. v ANTED—A hustler to sell stock; at tractive contract to right man. Box 322, Goldsboro, N. C. * SUCCESSFUL salesmen, working small towns, can increase their earnings by placing our punch board assortments (jewelry, cutlery, chocolate, gum). We take back unsold goods. Can use only men now' employed. State territory. We want men capable of earning $64) per week and we want them now Now, Box 3, care Georgian. WILLIAMS School of Practical Tailor ing for Colored; cutting and drafting; full course in three months. Rates rea sonable. Start now. Finish in time for position In fall season. 200 Auburn, At lanta. POSTAL brings free “Monthly Direc tory” (illustrated); contains detail* newest, best-selling specialties and money-making propositions of responsi ble concerns. Postal, care Georgian. WANTED -Men t<> l^arn barber trade; tools and position furnished. Atlanta Barber College, 10 E Mitchell St. WANTED-—Noting men to learn phar macy this fall; demands for our grad uates exceed supply; next session be gins October 1. Southern College of Pharmacy, 81 Luckie_St.,_Atlanta. NEW. patented, self-feeding, sanitary oil mop; wonderful seller; widely ad vertised; big demand; demonstrate and sale Is made; your territory open; write quick. Sanitary, care Georgian. DON’T KILL YOURSELF working if you are run down; move West and re gain that lost health. We help you se cure position. Southwestern Informa tion Bureau, P. O. B. 1058, El Paso, T t-xas. 70c PROFIT on every sale; biggest sell er of the season; every woma . instant ly attracted; you will make bl ( ; money. We start you at cur expense Milton, Bex 36. j:are Georgian. CONTINUED iN NEXT COLUMN. HELP WANTFP—MALB. MAKE $10 a day selling rugs at $1 each; cost agents 55c; size 36 by 68; sell from one to six at each house. Something every housewife wants. Three full size rugs for samples for $1.66. Commerce, Box 12, careAmerican. A SUMMER Gold Mine For Agents— Preserve Ice Blankets cut ice bills in half; sanitary and odorless; retail 25c; agents make 100 per cent. Write to-day. G, care Atlanta Georgian. | WANTED, MEN! Legitimate substitute 1 for slot machines; patented. Sells on I sight for $1 Particulars. Gisha, Box 47. care Georgian. FIELD unlimited for this rapid seller; agents get rich with it. Every one needs it. Nine out of ten will buy. Send to-day for proofs. They will convince you 100 per cent profit. Box 75. care Georgian WE have new leader. Big profits earned quickly. Write for free sample and new summer catalogue. Alive, care American and Georgian LARGE company desires at once repre sentative in this territory to look after its big interests and customers in this territory; good salaried position for the man that makes good; position permanent. Address R P , care Geor gian. _____ MEN $50 weekly selling needle cases through my "trust scheme” method. Easy work. No talking necessary. Sam- pie, care Georgian. TO SELL on commission basis, men or women, line brassieres, pads, bust forms; national reputation State refer- ences. Apply Sex, care Georgian. MEN wanted to sell the best article on the market. Good money In It and easy to sell. 100 per cent profit. Send postal for particulars to R. J., care Georgian. 600 PER CENT PROFIT—Sliding cas ters; necessity every home, child can attach; saves floors, carpets, furniture. Hotels, restaurants buy in gross lots. Cost 2%c, sell 15c. Agents making $25 to $100 every week Samples free. Box 468, care Georgian SELL BY MAIL Pleasant, profitable business means independence; start spare time; co-operate with established corporation. We furnish best sellers. Factory prices. Valuable booklet free. Box 98-A. care Georgian. HERE Is ihe one Uvo agents* seller <>f the year; needed in every home, office and factory; sells on sight; a sure re peater; 100 per cent profit, send a postal for free particulars. C. O. E., care Georgian, WOI I,D YOU take steady job making $30 weekly with opportunity to be dis trict manager at $3,000 yearly? No ex perience required. My goods are snap py, self sellers. Make big money quick by writing me to-day. Manager, Box 3. care Georgian. BE the first in your territory selling Anderson’s Vegetable Soap and Beau tifying Cream. Profits large; steady in come from repeat orders. K., care American and Georgian BOYS WANTED—To feed and straighten on cylinder print ing presses. Experienced boys preferred. Good jobs to steady boys. National Paper Company, corner Simpson street and South ern Railway. B< >NA N*ZA -Quick selling new specialty: people everywhere buy; hustlers want ed; write to-day. A-30, this paper. WANTED—Men to learn barber trade; great demand for barbers; big wages; easy work; short time required: expert instructions; tools given; earn while learning. Write for free catalogue. Moler Barber College, 38 Luckie street, Atlanta. _____ RELIABLE men wanted to handle new live-wire proposition; easy, rapid, sure seller; big repeater. Reliable, Box 15, care American and Georgian. BARBER WANTED—Must have long experience and furnish references; come to work on short notice: $18 guar antee and 60 per cent over $30. Spring- field Barber Shop, 11 E. Eighth St., Jacksonville, Fla. SELL rich-looking imported 36 by 68 rugs, $1 each. Carter, Tennessee, sold 115 in four days; profit, $57. You can do same. Write for sample offer selling plan; exclusive territory. Sample rug by parcel post prepaid, 98 cents. Con- dan, Box 44, care American and Geor gian- ; STOP selling old, worn-out lines; some thing new—good for $50 a week and more. Write for our proposition to ex clusive agents. A. S., Box 62, care Georgian. FREE SAMPLES—Prosperity for all men, women, the bold, the timid; ex perience unnecessary; any boy or girl make $3 day up; any man or woman make $5 day up. Success guaranteed or money refunded. R. Q., care Georgian. WANTED A first-class shoe salesman for retail shoe store. References re quired. Apply 68 West Mitchell street. PORTRAIT MEN—Write us for copy of new catalog; solar and bromide prints made In twenty-four hours' time; we have two convexing machines, eleven artists and 6,000 wood and metal frames. Write at once. A,, 900,_care_Georgi an. FOR this territory; begin August 15: splendid line for all classes of stores. Permanent position. Commission con tract. Expenses advanced right man. Territory, care Georgian. OUR MAGNET shears locates needle* and pins; threads any needle; won derful seller; splendid profits; your ter ritory open; write quick for free sam ple if you mean business. Magnetic, l-x M; care Georgian. WANTED—Partner to take half interest In my business; must be able to in vest a small amount of capital; experi ence unnecessary. If you mean busi ness, it will pay you to investigate, otherwise do not apply. Inquire 130^ Peachtree street. Room 8. WANTED—Twenty cabinet makers; none but experienced men need apply. Regular work George W. Muller Bank Fixture Company. Lakewood avenue and Southern Railway. $25 a week for two hours’ work a day; brand-new hosiery proposition that beats them all. Write for terms and free samples if you mean business. Terms, Box 88, care Georgian. WANTED—Wire worker, who has had some experience In ornamental iron work Savannah Iron and Wire Works, 547-549 East Liberal street. Savannah, < )a EXPERIENCED salesmen to sell pre mium service backed by strongest pos sible testimony from present users, showing it unequaled as a trade builder to retail merchants; exclusive territory; permanent connection worth $100 weekly and renewal commissions. Weekly, Box 9, care Georgian. NO experience required. Hundreds of positions open paving $1,000 to $6,000 a year: position assured where you can earn good wages while you learn. Write Dept. 460 care Georgian. MAKE 600 per cent profit selling “Nov elty Sign Cards.'' Merchants buy 10 to 100 on sight; 800 varieties: catalog free. Catalogue, care American and Georgian GET THIS WINNER boys; 100 per cent profit; sure and rapid seller; particu lars free. Winner-100, care Georgian. WANTED—Picture framemakers, ex perienced in mat cutting, picture fit ting and molding finishing. Only ex perienced men need apply. Binder Frame Mfg. Co., 545 Whitehall street. capable salesman familiar with ar chitects, large building or manufactur- I ing trade In this territory for quality j line building paints and specialties; ex cellent connection to right man Ad- * dress, stating qualifications and expe- 1 rierce, Capable, 16. care Georgian. HUSTLING, high-priced salesman can make permanent connection, paying $300 to $600 monthly. New. snappy : proposition, sure winner with general j retail trade. $40 weekly for expenses. Worthy of investigation. Commercial, C-2. care Georgian. HELP WANTED—MALE. N^A^Pfip -^?wo men to"'travel; experi ence not necessary. 508-509 Peters Bldg, DOUBLE your income selling guaran teed knit goods for largest manufac turer in America; write for free out fit and particulars of greatest money making proposition ever offered. Knit, Box 2, care Georgian PULLMAN porters wanted; give refer ences For information write P. O. Box 804. Atlanta. Ga. 5-4-31 BIG PROFITS for you; manufacture ' barley crisp; new confection 5c pack- ! age costs you lc. Machine, instructions | complete, $7.60 prepaid. Send 10c for j samples. Barley, Box 97, cure Georgian. 1 WANTED -Railway mall clerks, $75.00 | to $160 month. Details free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 49 F Rochester, N. Y 26-18-7 WE START YOU In business, furnish ing everything; men and woman; $30 to $200 weekly operating our “New Sys tem Specialty Candy Factories,” home or small room anywhere. Lifetime, care Georgian. PICTURE PLAYS. ONE hour after you receive instructions you will be able to write. Information free. A1 Bartlett Film Co., Rhodes Bldg HELP WANTED—MALE MALE. AND FE- WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY—Able-bod ied, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the Eng lish language. Eor information apply to Recruiting Officer. 1927^ Second Ave nue, Birmingham, Ala; 411 Cherry Street. Macon; Leonard Bldg.. Augifsta, or Bioad and Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. 7-1-21 ADVERTISING salesman wanted to Sell parcel post maps to business houses for Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas and Missouri. Address with references and self-addressed envelope. Post Maps, cars Georgian. HILBURN HOTEL. 10 AND 12 WALTON ST. r FOR gentlemen only; center of city, near new postoffice; rate 50c, 75c and $100. 5-31-10 HELP WANTED-FEMALE. WANTED—Colored woman for general housework. Sleep in house. Small family. 41 East Georgia avenue. WANTED—Colored house boy at 330 South Pryor street. WANTED—Colored maid; also w r hite woman to cook and live in the house. Address 46 East Fourteenth street. Phone ivy 6165-J. to UNO LALY, who wants to work in office and learn to be a business wom an; must have fair education. C. C. D., Box 654, care Georgian. WANTED—Good, reliable chamber maid. Apply Mrs. A. F. Lelbman, No. 425 Whitehall St.. STEADY girK or woman, white or col ored, to work cheap w r hile learning. Face, scalp and body massage; short hours. Dr. Daniel Morrison, 414 Kiser Bldg. WANTED—Good nurse to care for three-year-old baby boy and help with housework. Good room and pay to the right party. ‘Apply 90 Peachtree circle, corner Sixteenth street, Ansley Park. WANTED— Lady who has been success ful in selling an educational work to handle a nationally advertised specialty for a leading New York house. Ref erences required. Call for Sales Man ager, 9^6 Austell Building. Atlanta WANTED—2,000 ladies to get free nets with each hairdress; free cream, our best, wdth face massage; to get our $1.50 books. 6 tickets for $1.00. 56Vfe Peach tree street WANTED—100 ladies to solicit house- to-house, for toilet articles. 66% Peachtree street. WANTED-—Settled woman for general housework, small family; good place for right party. Apply Monday Apart ment 8, Furlinger Court. LADIES—Make $16 to $25 weekly han dling our ladies’ sanitary specialties Positive necessities. Quick sales. Light to carry. Write to-day, Madam Therme, woman’s department, 222 North Des- plalnes, Chicago^ WANTED Girl for office work, who can use typewriter and write neat hand; good opportunity for beginner. Salary to start $25 per month. Reeves & Moran, 317 Empire^ B$dg. LADY stenographer wanted. State ex perience and salary wanted. Address Lawyer, care Georgian. LADIES—Make shields at home; $10 per 100; work sent prepaid to reliable wo men; particulars for stamped addressed envelope. Eureka Co., Dept. 107-C, Kalamazoo, Mich. WANTED—A refined, neat lady of 40 or 50 years to live with small family; will pay small salary, or take as one of the family. Address Box 115 Summit, Ga. , YOUNG lady stenographer employed at present desires position immediately. Can give excellent references. Address C. G.. 408 Mulberry St.. Macon,_Ga. WE now have openings for one or two energetic young ladles over the age of twenty-one years, desiring to join our sales force and learn the real estate business. Apply 1107 Empire Life (Flat- 1 ron) Building. Ask for Mr. Anderson. WANTED—At once, servant who can cook and do general housework. Call Main 5561 - J. TWO lady solicitors, capable of earning $2.50 to $5 a day. Call for Mrs. Pot- ter. 74 Walton St WANTED—Two good experienced maids. Apply 85 E. Hunter St WANTED—Supply cook for two weeks while regular cook away. 885 Ponce DeLeon. Ivy 6150 GIRLS WANTED to work on pants; must be experienced. Wolf, the Tai lor. 12 Peters St. \N ANTED A servant to cook and do general housework. 321 North Boule vard. STENOGRAPHER and assistant audit or; permanent position in Atlanta $40 a month and meals. Apply Box 404. care Georgian. WANTED—Young women and girls de siring attractive positions. Welfare of operators and clerks closely supervised by the company; their conduct on the premises carefully guarded by matron, woman supervisors and chief operator, who have complete control over the re tiring ana operating rooms. Short train- ing course for those inexperienced; sal ary paid while learning Salary In creased upon being transferred to oper ating force, and for those becoming ef ficient, Increased as they become worthy, with opportunities for ultimate advancement to $75 per month Refer ences proving the standing of the appli cant essential. Those having educa tional advantages preffrrred Lunch room and comfortable retiring rooms provided with several hundred Carnegie Library books for the convenience of the operators. Matron and trained nurse in attendance Apply 8:80 to 5, Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Training School. 25 Auburn Avenue. 6-15-16 WANTED—Lady stenographer Call at Wester Music Company, 64 Peachtree street. OPERATORS with experience on power machines to make pants and over alls. Apply at once at factory. The A. M. Robinson Company. 59 North Pry or street. W AN'f'ED—Good cook; light work; steam-heated servants' house on lot. Apply mornings. 342 Euclid. WOMAN for downstairs work and laun- dry. Phone hr] WANTED—A good cook. Room on the place. Mrs. Hunter Cooper, 1540 Peachtree Road. WANTED—A white girl or woman for housework; must come well recom mended; good salary. Apply at 672 Spring St. $500 monthly; tremendous demand now for Woodward power tire pump; latest auto accessory; agents "cleaning up" everywhere; quick action necessary. Get Busy, care Georgian. _ YES, shave 10c, l.alr cut lor. massage 16c. at 41 Marietta Street. 4 E. Mitch ell, 115 Edgewood Avenue, 99 Whitehall, F. 2 Ivy. Best white workmen Clean : en Baths 15c. 6-21-5 CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. WANTED—Experienced saleswomen for stilt department; permanent posi tion for right parties. Frohsin’s. WANTFU girl to assist In cooking and do housework. Telephone West 1322 27 Lanshorn street. W?L>r J LEARN MILLINERY; best V711\ Lu irsde on earth for women; pays $60 to $100 a month. Write Ideal School of Millinery. 100*4 Whitehall Si. We make over and retrim hats free. 3-29-41 government positions open to WOMEN Write for free list. Frank lin Institute Dept. G02-F, Rochester, N Y 42-27-7 WANTED, Cotton Mill Help ALL KINDS. High Wages. Pulton Hag & Cotton Mills, Atlanta, Ga. WANTED- Man and wife (no children) to take charge of small hotel In city. Rooms for housekeeping furnished. Write and give reference and wages ex pected. Address Box 1624, Atlanta. OS ON THE STAGE Will tell you how. Write for descriptive circular free Address The General Supply Company, Winston-Salem. N. C. WANTED—Lady or gentleman in each county: good pay; hosiery samples free. Luwrence Morris, 38 Wall St.. At lanta^ Ga. WANTED—Young men and women to learn the real estate business. Big money while learning. Free instruc tions. Reeves & Moran, 417 Empire Bldg. >-• ANTED -Hustling representatives in every section of the city. Exclusive territory and good income assured. All or part time. References required. P.O. Box 1222 _ ^TEACHERSJVANTE D. WANTEiv^Teaoher for English and piano. For full particulars, call Main 3570-J. MANY good openings yet. Write for particulars. Foster's Teachers’ Agency, Atlanta. Ga. 84-24-7 MUSICAL. ander street. Ivy f070-J. AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED WANTED -Four salesmen to sell Car- roll-Adams shoes, Grenfleld & Sons’ silks, ribbons, etc.; dry goods of all kinds. Address Box 366, care Georgian. AGENTS—$500 monthly. Tremendous demand now for Woodward Power Tire Pump. latest auto accessory. Agents “cleaning up" everywhere. Quick action necessary. Get busy! Woodward & Son, Nicholas Building, Toledo, Ohio. SALESMEN—Sell computing measures to dry goods stores; does the same thing computing scale does for grocery; big money. R. C. Combs. 1813 Harri- son, Kansas City, WIDE-a wake AGENTS make big money with our easily demonstrated specialty; wide field. Write to-day for free particulars. Fern Manufacturing Company, 5204 Montrose avenue, Chi cago. Ill. AGENTS Wonderful opjKjrtunlty. Act quick. Sell “Ambrew” Concentrated Beer Extract. Makes genuine beer by adding water. Strictly legal. Enormous profits. Large sales. Send postal to day and we’ll show you how to make money quick The Ambrew Company, Dept, 2500, Cincinnati, Ohio DON’T I/OOK FURTHER. Three-bel- lows guaranteed vacuum cleaner; beautiful mahogany finish To agents, $2.75; combination, $3.90. Exclusive territory. Panama Company, 115 South LaSalle street. Chicago. AGENTS WANTED—$60 per week. No investment or experience necessary. Write for my big union tailoring prop osition. P. W. Goodman, president. Re gal Building. Chicago. AGENTS—Just out. Hot weather sell er. Self-heating iron; one cent does a week's ironing; light in weight; low priced; credit given; sample free to workers. Thomas Iron Co., 1129 Wayne Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. THREE automobiles *nd one hundred cash prizes given our best hustlers. Goods given away makes sales easy. Come quick. 279 Edgewood avenue. Phone Ivy 4620-.T. AGENTS WANTED—Either sex. in ev ery town with free mail delivery, 100 per cent profit, sells like wildfire; a household necessity. Box 147 Birming ham, Ala. ' SALESMAN Experienced in any line, to sell general trade in Georgia. Unex celled specialty proposition; commission contract. $35.00 weekly for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co.. 347-32 Contl- nental Bldg., Cleveland Ohio. AGENTS, would you take steady Job making $30 weekly with opportunity to be district manager at $3,000 yearly? No experience required. My goods are snappy self-sellers. Make big money quick by writing me to-day. Learn about our $1,000 contest. E. M. Davis, President. 822 Davis Block, Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED -'Earn $100 monthly and expenses; sell cigars. Wood fern Company. New York, N. Y SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. SPECIAL RATES for Situa tion Wanted ads 3 lines 1 time, 10c; 3 times, 20c; 7 Urne8, 40c. WE~BOTTX)M^an^Tnnds^orXane^chairR in the old original way; 20 years' ex perience. Georgie Askew, 20 Horton. WANTED—By reliable, sober young white man, position as cook; am first class, nice and clean. References. Frank Bridges, Weaver. Ala. WANTED Plods with railroad by ;m experienced filing ciec* who uses type writer. Am young man and willing, as well as anxious, to work. Address A. G.. Box 10, care Georgian REGISTERED druggist, now employed, wants to locate In smaller town; refer ences. A. J. H., care McIntyre Phar macy, Savannah, Ga. STENOGRAPHER, young man, perpet ually employed for three years, desiros change. Reasonable salary to begin if good future. Prefers part stenographic and part outdoor work if possible Box 411, care Georgian. YOUNG MAN of 21, moderate educa tion, ambitious and willing, wants sit uation as collector and office work; does not use tobacco or Intoxicants; best of references. Address M. G. W., 201 Whitehall street. WANTED Position as meat cutter and grocery clerk combined; 5 years' ex- perlence. Box 437.. care Georgian MARRIED MAN, with considerable of fice experience, desires permanent position at once as office man or collec tor, with chance for advancement. Am hustler and can furnish A-l references. Address Box 234, care Georgian YOUNG man having experience as salesman and collector In the coal business, wishes employment. Address J. E. M., care American. WANTED PoHltion a* superintendent or manager of electric light or water works. or both combined; particulars on application. Address Light and Water. care Atlanta Georgian. YOUNG man, 26, machinist, student electrical course, desires position lighting or power company. Box 333. Columbus. Ga. Address Wanted—Position as chief engineer in office building or apartment hous*-; competent in all branches of the work Engineer, care Atlanta Georgian. WANTED Position by experienced stenographer; am employed at pres ent, but desire a change; can give sat isfaction. Please address L. M. Johnson. ensrai Delivery, Atlanta, Ga. WANTBjt) Position by young man steno-bookkeeper; five years’ experi ence; employed at present. G.. Box 60, care Georgian. YOUNG MAN wants position as book keeper. Several years experience. Can use typewriter rapidly. A-l references. P. O. Box 507. Atlanta. WOULD Y‘»U BUY a good automobile cheap? The automobile columns of the "Want Ad" section carry a list of automobiles and accessories. WANTED—Position as chauffeur. Can keep up any kind of Var. stationary or traveling. Phone 5990-F op call at 15 North Butler street. "CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. situations^* ANTED-MA l E. B f Alt\T v TTANT)r^najTiedr^waiTt8^poa 1 tjo n on farm for wages, or pick cotton by the hundred, with prospect of trad ing for small farm on shares next year, or a good house with some patches, on shares, and work some by the day. Address Box 4, care Georgian. WANTED—Position by an experienced bookkeeper. Aodress O. B. D., care Georgian. YOUNG man now employed, good ste nographer and good education, wants position with good future. Best refer ences from present employer. Address Box 637, care Georgian. WANTED—Chairs to bottom' can do fine work on cane bottom. tUall Georgia Askew, 20 Horton St. TWO colored men want work of any kind that's honest; Inside work, both are good housemen. Answer soon. 116 West Mitchell St., City Good refer ences. W ANTED—At once, position by an ex perienced bank bookkeeper; will fur nish good references. Address G. J., Box 100, care Georgian. AN EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur- mechanic desires situation in city; good references. Call Ivy 3711-J. Ask for Greenwood. YOUNG MAN wishes position as chauf feur; has good experience. J. F. M... 3uo Coopsr m. xuuNti MAN, having had several years' experience in shoe and gents' furnish ing ousiness, wishes position; can fur nish A-l references as to ability and habits. Address J. o. L., care Georgian BOOKKEEPER, now employed, desires a change, good reference and bond if necessary Address Bookkeeper, Box 906, rare Georgian. WANTED—By experienced gardener, about ten acres with house to work on shares; horse and tools must be fur nished. Address Gardener, care Geor gian. GENTLEMAN who had live years experience in grocery business must have position. Can give best of refer- encqs 46 Luckie street AN EXPERIENCED collector can fol low and collect on contracts on road, for further Information address D. S. C.. care Georgian. CHAUFFEUR desires position with pri vate family; make all repairs; six years' experience; careful, competent; no bad habits; can furnish good refer ences; white (American), ago 21; neat. Address C. E Booker, 124 South Blount Street, Raleigh, N. C YOUNG MAN, 27, wants position as clerk or salesman; natural born hust ler from the North. Experienced. Ad dress K. O.. Box 872, care Georgian. POSITION WANTED by experienced groceryman or laundry man: A-l ref erences. Address B. W., No. 84 Lee St.. City. EXPERT BOOKKEEPER and cashier. w’ith considerable banking and gen eral office experience, is open for a position. Address C. J., Box 181, care Georgian. WANTED—Position by licensed drug gist; four years’ experience; good ref erences. It. W. L., Box 921. care Geor- i ED—Position in office; have all round office experience, amd can give best references and bond if required, can report for duty Immediately; salary no object until my services have been proven valuable; make me a proposi tion. Address P. O. Box 61, Brunswick, Oa. RELIABLE experienced colored chauf- teur wants j>o«itlon at once. Can butler. References. Address Clifford Robinson. 58 Auburn avenue. WANTED—Position as planing mill foreman or machine man. Temper ate and sixteen years experience. Ad dress J. M. B., care Georgian ADVERTISER (42). first-class sales man, good all-round business ability, and experienced, seeks situation, any thing; highest references; cash security If required. Turnbull, 72 Washington Street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. ^u cnriONS al es. AT AUCTION. SEVERAL CONSIGN MENTS, INCLUDING A P1 X E LOT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE PROM NO. 739 HIGHLAND AVE., IN CLUDING A VERY FINE LOT OF FURNI TURE. THIS CON SISTS OF SOLID MA HOGANY BEDROOM FURNITURE, QUAR TERED OAK DINING ROOM FURNITURE, BRASS BEDS. G A S RANGE. COST $55; DAVENPORT, MA HOGANY PARLOR FURNITURE, CHINA, GLASSWARE, C U T GLASS, FRENCH WILTON AND AX- M r N S T E R A R T S Q U A R E S, ETC., TUESDAY, AUGUST 12. AT 12 E. MITCH ELL STREET. COMMENCING at 10 a. m. Tuesday, wo will offer to the highest bidder, a fine consignment of household furniture, from 739 Highland avenue, consisting of everything to furnish a home complete. This consists of solid mahogany bedroom suit, cost $200. including dresser, chiffonier, wash-stand and mirror door ward robe, »*) g .«o brass beds, gas range, cost $"5; quartered oak dining suit, cost #250, including buffet china cab inet, 54-inch quartered dining table, set of genuine leather seat dining chairs, fumed oak chlfforobe, refrig erators. mahogany flve-pieoe parlor set. upholstered in genuine leather, mahogany Davenport, iron beds, Na tional springs, felt mattresses, feath er pillows, bookcases, fine leather seat rockers, quartered oak hat rack, white enameled dresser and chif fonier. mission kitchen cabinet, brass costumers, kitchen tables. Ax- minster art squares, china, cut glass und Circassian walnut dresser and dress chiffonier and dressing table, French Wilton and Axminster art squares, china, cut glass and. in fact everything to furnish a home complete. These goods are In per fect condition and must be sold at this sale as owner is leaving for Washington. Cyme and look them over Monday. Sale at 10 a. m. Tues day. CENTRAL AUCTION CO. 12 East Mitchell St. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. VfA>fTWv^Secon(l - hand cltydirect or y 1913; state price and where can be seen Harris Co., 714 Peters Bldg. SPECIAL RATES for Situa tion Wanted ads. 3 lines 1 tims, 10c: 3 times. 20c; 7 times. 40c. sires position by September 1. Com petent, accurate and a hard worker. A-l references. No objection to 6mall town. Address B. G. G., care A. N. C., Liv ingston. Ala. COLORED girl wants to do plain sew ing by the day; $1.10. Call Bell phone W. 161-L. A GOOD COOK would like a place to cook. 316 Hilliard St. BRIGHT young lady stenographer with experience wants position AT QNCE. Call Atlanta phone 1843 WANTED- Sah-fciadies at Myers Mil linery Company, 39 East Alabama street. Ceil Monday 3:30 a hi. WANTED—Sewing. Terms reasonable. Shirtwaists, one piece dresses, plain sewing; school dresses a specialty. Ad dress 423 Auburn avenue. Atlanta phone 5284 WHITE NURSE, with two years’ expe rience, desires position: good refer ence furnished. Address Box 68, Litho- nla, Ga. WANTED -Situation by waits woman as working housekeeper; fine cook. City references Miss May, care Geor gian . YOUNG LADY desires position In office. Can do bookkeeping, some shorthand and is quick on tho typewriter. Call Ivy 4795, WANTED Situation by refine.1 widow; _ matron or' housekeeper. _ West 1070-1 v (* i' n <; WOMaK of Intelligence wants position as nurse and companion for invalid or child or institution work. Would appreciate anything honest. Address Nurse, pare Georgian Hi AIR WORK done corner Stewart ave nue and Mary street. Hair switches for sale. Mrs. 8. Cheveller, corner Stewart avenue and Mary street. Either phone Lady stenographer, experienced, de sires position; can furnish referencos. Address Stenographer, 411 South Ashby street, Atlanta, Ga. ANYONE wishing to airs washerwoman can get first-class work done. Apply at 250 Courtland street. In rear v \ NT 171 * Position as nurse; four years’ experience; nurse for children only; can furnish references if required Address M. L. K , Box 632, care Geor- g";in. or- phone Main 4017-J EXPERIENCED young lady teacher de sires fall position; first grade license; normal and university training. Cre dentials. Address Experienced Teacher, rare Georgian. sT-CLASS chambermaid desires position at once. Apply roar 103 Wash- Ington street. Gussie Whatley. POSITION as stenographer, some ex perience. Call Main 2120-L. WANTED—General office work by in tellectual young lady with good edu cation. Address V. X.. Box 16, care «'■••"rgian. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE AND FEMALE. ?0Tr&ANAEWA YS get a good servant through Jones' Employment Agency, 11% 8 BrOOd street. FOR_EXCHANG£-MIS£ELLANEOUS WantEtP^t’o' exchange power moving picture camlgraph, No. 6, good condi tion, 10 reels of films; Columbia No. 6 graphophone with very large brass horn, fine outfit for moving picture theater, for automobile. Address P O. Box 85, White Plains^ Ky. WILL EXCHANGE Hollywood Ceme tery lot for good milch oow. J. M. Wil son, 39 South Pryor St Atlanta phone 675. WANTED T<> exchange Fairbum Elec tric Railway stf>ck for pair of young mules or for automobile, 1918 model, Ford preferred. Must be first-class con dition. Give price. Address M H. C., Box 680, care Georgian. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. a goodnorsie for sale, call at ill Auburn A vs, <>r [vy 7077-.J WANTED To buy all kinds of seoond hand household and office furniture. Cameron Furniture Co., 85 S. Forsyth st reel. WANTE6 a picker for cotton or hair. Bell phone Main 1096-J. Call at night. DROP A CARD. We’ll bring cash for old clothes and shoes. "The Vest- alre," 166 Decatur Sr 7-25-13 CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. ciT)nm / 1 a un Best prices for arti- gI " * I * AdH ies of old gold and PAID FOR platinum of every Al n /<nr lesorlptlon. General UJLill UvLD Assaying and Smelt Ing Works, 607 Empire Life Building. Atlanta, Oa. WANTED A first-class (Second-hand) 7*i or 8-horsepower gasoline engine In perfect order. Cash, 745 Equitable Building. Atlanta. 1 BIX MEN'S old clothes and shot Drop a card. i. Bock. ITT Gilmer St WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices Tor household goods, pianos and office fur niture Cash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell Street. Bell phone Main 2424 3-36 24 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. condition; will sell cheap. Address Box 487, care Georgian. FOR SALE—One sewing machine; In good condition; cheap. Phone Main 1816-J. , DIAMOND RING. WHITE and perfect, I 1 * carat. Will sell at a sacrifice. Call at 607 Empire Life Building. POE SALE Desirable bedroom, bail un,| kitchen furniture; in good condition. For Inspection, call only between 9 a. m. and 1 p. m. 379 Washington St. EAT MILKMAID BREAD; the best 16-HORSEPOWER Maxwell car Will sell cheap for cash or exchange for 1'inil" r .1 C K , 36 Larkin, fps SALE Ten pairs of outside blinds at reasonable price. Address Blind, Box 32. Atlanta. Fi'i: SALE OR EXCHANGE For mo torcycle. lot near Speedway. Address 73 Augusta avenue f6r SALE One Angora goat and equipment; very cheap. Call West 290-J. SECURE stand, increase yield, Improve your land. Write, wire or phone me If interested in soil inoculation by nitro gen. for all legumes, peas, peanuts, beans, vetches, clover and alfalfa. M. W. Harris, representing sole distributors for America, Sparta, Ga. FOR 8 ALE—Refrigerator; 1,000-pound oai»acity. Inquire 129 Edgewood ave nue. Phone 1679 Ivy. FOR SALE—Edison moving picture ma chine; bargain, $50. P. O. Box 527, Atlanta. A BARGAlH—Circassian walnut finish 6-foot wall cases, with glass sliding doors ami sides; suitable for wearing apparel; also triple French mirror to match. 35 Per Cent Automobile Sup ply (’<»., 236 Peachtree st. Ivy 3890.__ 1)1 A M<)\T)“FOR SALE. WILL sel a beauty In a solitaire dia mond; will trade this stone for Trav elers Bank stock. Universal Ice stock, deposits of the City Savings Bank. City Savings Bank stock, time deposits of any g<*od bank In Georgia, or good com mercial puper "Diamond." Box 304, care Georgian. FOR SALE—Furniture for five-room apartment, good as new. Phone Ivy 876. Velvot I(‘t* Cream Made PhUadei- veivei Jte v>icaxu phia Famous> Now made In Atlanta. 26 E. North. Ivy 6849^ * FOB SALE—Forty thousand fsst and poplar In lumber. Write C. D. Estes, Dallas, Ga.. Wholesale Dealer. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER, No. U- Rebuilt machine, but good as new; guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or your money back. You can’t tell it from a new $100 machine; first check for $35 gets it. We are closing our branch of fice here and don't need machine. Herald Square Magazine Agency of New York. D T. MacNeill, Jr., President Conway 8 C For SALE Good gas Move. Address Mrs. 1/aura Runyan, 187 Simpson street, Atlanta. FOR SALK—Violin 200 years old and case, in fine shape, for $15. Call Ivy 2782 -L. FOR SALE -Four Standard Home con- tracts. Here is an opportunity to get 5 per cent money with ten years in which to pay It back. Address O. H. M-, 705 Empire Life Building FOR SALE—Return ticket to Jaekson- vllle. FI a., S3. Phon e Ivy B606-J. FOR SALE—Complete gasoline gin out fit. WYite S. E. Leathers, 125 Wash ington St., or phone M. 2712-J. FOR SALE—Nioe set mahogany bed room furniture davenport, dining ta- ble. Apply 90-A Windsor FOR SALE—Double horse hay mower, half price; good condition. Phone Ivy 190. CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. F £!L* AL WiUL. HaCKMCe liny J7<MT'pI*j»w piano and $75 worth of music rolls cheap for cash, also a $70 davenport, all In A-l condition; both In mahog any. Call evenings 68 South Gordon street. West End 1’ark, or phone West 574-J. HOME-MADE cakes on short notice; layer cakes a specialty. Bell telephone Wes l 14. oNE Burroughs adding machine fin feet condition. CaU_Maln 3104. FOR SALK—New $40 Standard sewing machine for half price, late model. Call after 7 p. m. Ivy 1295. 358 Peach- tree. WANTED—To sell at once, ten roonii of new’ furniture; a bargain. Address v v 0 W., Box 680, care Georgian. ONE 3-horsepower gasoline engine, one 8-horsepower kerosene engine, one Prest-o-lite welder, one 100-account McCaakey cabinet. Box 166, Marietta, Ga. SAFES, FILES, cabh*ets, new and sec ond hand. Gockin Bank and Office Equipment Company, 113-115 North Pry or Street. M RNI TURE^I BUY "^ND gfcLL CASH BARGAINS. 8. M SNIDER, 145 SOUTH PRYOR STREET. PHONE MAIN 1421. 6-30-28 MOVED to 130H Peachtree street, op posite Candicr Bldg Tom Weaver, Tailor. Established 1900. Tailoring, re fitting, altering, dry cleaning and press- Ing. 7-16-18 furniture for sale. I^n^^TAT^E^¥wcT^8etF^oF / ^fun^^ cheap; call mornings. 31 Porter Place, Apart. 1. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. * 4 TYPEWRITERS RENTED. 4 MONTHS FOR $5 AND UP. Rebuilt typewriters. $23 to $75. American Writing Machine C<l 48 North Pryor St. Phone Main 3636. 7-8-7 JCE^REAM—ICES. ' Velvet Ice Cream Xttanta**""*° 26 East North avenue. Ivy 6849. AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. AUTO M O RILE—Models Ford, go condition, $150, or will trade for mo torcycle or anything of equal value. L, 41 West Hunter. NATIONAL 5-passenger, been used short time; good as new; will trade for vacant lot or renting property. Fifteen hundred cash. Porter & Swift, 130L, Peachtree. Phone Ivy 129T _ USED CAR8. RIGHT PRICES. STUDEBAKJER—7-passenger touring car. CADILLAC—5-passenger touring car. CADILLAC—4-passenger touring car. OVERLAND—2-paasenger runabout. All fully equipped and In good condition BUICK MITOR CO. 241 Peachtree Street. JUST RECEIVED CARL/)AD STAND ARD FACTORY BLEMISHED AUTOMOBILE TIRES: 21 by 3, $7.50; * by 3. $8 45; 30 by sy* $11.30; 32 bjr*44. $12.26; 84 by 4. $18.60 NASSAU AND TRENTON 3,500-MILH GUARANTEED FIRSTS: 28 by 3, $6.15; 30 by 3, $9.30; 30 by 3H- $14.45; 32 by 3U, $15.40. All other siz>s In stock McPherson Auto Tire Com- pany. Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE—One 5-passenger 1912 model Studebaker (Flanders) in Al condi tion; been run 3,500 miles, brand new tires; all accessories; a pick-up at $450. Address Box 200, Grantvllle, Ga. AUTOMOBILE—Model S Ford, good condition, $150, or will trade for mo torcycle or anything of equal value L- 41 WesDHuntsr. WANTED- —Old Ford Model Tj ooodff tlon no object. Must be cheap. Cur» tls Bros., College Park. Bell phon* East Point 424. AUTOMOBILE—Model S Ford. ~ioo5 condition, $150, or will trade for mo torcycle or anything of equal value. L* 41 West Hunter. OXYGEN REMOVES CARBON We clean your auto cylinders whil* you wait. Good Job, small price. AUTOGENOUS WELDING of all metals. Gear cutting and general machine repairs. Satisfaction guaran teed. SHEARER MACHINE CO. 197 WHITEHALL. MAIN 1670. A UTOMO BILE—Model S Ford, goo3 condition, $150,-or will trade for mo torcycle or anything of equal value. L^ 41 West Hunter. FOR SALE—One four-cylinder 32-horse- power two-passenger Stoddard-Dayton cheap. Mr. Reed. Atlanta phone 1003, Bell phone Main 751. f912 Ca£>1LlaC touring car, self-stoi^- er, electric lights, slip covers, Warner speedometer, five new tires, car looks good as new. will sell at bargain. M. M. Sessions. Marietta, Ga. 1913 ELECTRIC COUPE, perfect condi tion, to exchange for nice gas car. McPherson. Phone Ivy 3339. FOR SALE—New Hupmobile "33,” with speedometer and complete equipment; used only a short time; price, *875 cash. H. N. Cool edge, 13 North Forsyth 8t. CAMP CLEANS CARBONS TOURISTS WILL FIND THIS METH OD ESPECIALLY GOOD FOR THEM. CAMP MACHINE SHOP, CLEANS PERFECTLY WHILE YOU WAIT 275 MARIETTA STREET. 7-37-—* LITTLE FOUR ROADSTERS. SEE the LITTLE FOUR Runabout. Sells for $690 f. o. b. factory; best car ever produced for the money. Johnson Motor Car Company. 456 Peachtree St. 7-13-80^ TRAVIS & JONES, AUTOMOBILE REPAIRUTOl Ivy 4882 26 Jamss Street 1- Idi WINDSHIEDS, RADIATORS, lamps, fenders, repfelreg as good as new. Manufartwsrs all kinds sheet metal work. Warllck Sheet Metal Company, 248 Edgewood, 3-4-14 SAVE your auto and motorcycle tfree by using Auto Puncture (Jure. Seals valve leaks and all punctures up to 30- penny spikes automatically at oncev preservee the rubber; prevents tub* from si i« king to casing; saves 35% of tir* ex pense, 50% tire trouble and 40% of your religion. Watch for trademark. A. P. G. Call North Pryo»* Garage. Auto Punc ture Cure Company, Atlanta. Go. Phon* Ivy 6210- 0-<-4 Tire Repairing. hTg H-G RaTTST’ Retreading & specialty. Prompt atten tion given express shipments. Sar.dara- Speer Vulcanizing Company. 100 Spring Street. Atlanta. Ga. 3-38-lS MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. pffinmE^TWTn Cylinder Indian mo- torcyde. In good running order. Ap-» ply 4 Luckie Bt. j MEDICAL. wXj^FuV^Sufferers from the morphine! and opium habits to cure themselves; at home. No money in advance. Drug- gist P, O. Box 764. DROPSY CURED—Relieves shortness o$j breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduc*o| swelling in fifteen to twenty day*. Col-* ■ in Dropsy Remedy Company, 408 Aua^ tell Bulldlng, Atlanta. Ga. S-25-1B DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pennyroy*4 and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation, Irregularities and similar obstructions. Tr!aJ box by mall. ROc. Frank Edmondson & Bro., manu facturing chemists, 11 North Broad St.* Atlanta- . You are particular who von have liji your home The Want Ad Man will as^! sist you in securing refined tenants* Phone Main 8000 or Atlanta 8000. ; "the ATLANTA GEORGIAN"* Published tv The On rgian Company 20 Eaai Atlanta Alabama Street Georgia Entered a? Atlanta poatotfli't as s*cond-clafla matted Suhawiptiopa Parable in Advance. One year mail, postage prepaid. $5.09 Six month* mall, postage prepaid— — 2 5* Three month* mall, poatage pn-pald. i.lij un;' month .. mall, portage pr«t>«id f* Suharrtptlona Payable tn Advance. Delivered by carrier, one year .$5 9% Delivered hr carrier. *lx month* . 2.6® Delivered by carrier, three moiuha 1.3*; Delivered by carrier, one month 4* Delivered by carrier In Atlanta and other dtiaa. one weak