Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 17, 1913, Image 209

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ITKATtST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, READ FOR PROFIT-AMER8CAN WANT ADS-USF FOR RESULTS ATLANTA, HA., SUNDAY, AUGUST 17. 1913. S L) Bantams. BANTAMS—Game bantams. Sebrights, Buff Cochins. Carlisle Cobb, Athens, Ga. 4-26-3Q • - Doves. J^Oft SAL^^TTn^^avesr^f'Ue^^oves^ guinea pigs. spotted rats, white rats, fancy mice, fancy pigeons. John M. Or- nellas, 1719 East Mason street, Spring- held. Ill. Dogs. FOR SALE—Very cheap, a fine male watch dog; six months* old; a dandy. Li. Grossman, ’90 Whitehall street Ducke^^ 35 WHITE INDIAN RI’SNEft Duck.'; all the first prize winners, including first pen at Atlanta November 1912, 110 in class. About eight drakes, balance ducks; $35 for lot. Must have the room. Bell phone Decatur 195. John Low Smith, 241 refers street, Atlanta. W., 3-5-7 Whitehall, Atlanta, Ga. Leghorns. -March BliEt) TO LAY—March and Apri_ hatched White Leghorn pullets, $1.25 each; in lots of 100, $1 each; cockerels, $1, $1.50, $2 and $3 each; May hatched pullets, $1 each; Jn Jots of 100, 75c each. Hunt's Poultry Farm. Valdosta, Ga 1,500 GRAND White Leghorns; breeders; of our celebrated “Model” strain; in perfect health; pure white, and heavy layers; must have room; sacrifice price, $1 each. Order to-day. Model Poultry Farm, “The Farm of Quality," Box G, Colbert, .Ga. 6-17-29 FOR SALE—S. C. White leghorn year ling hens; also a few choice cock birds. Satisfaction .guaranteed. Arnold Egg Farm,' Hapeville, Ga. Telephone East Point 824. s E E < D S J. C. M’MILLAN, JR., HAS OPENED AT 23 S. BROAD ST. WITH A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS, POULTRY SUPPLIES AND PET STOCK. WE INVITE OUR FRIENDS TO COME AND INSPECT OUR LINE OF GOODS. ALL PHONE OR- * DERS APPRECIATED AND PROMPTLY FILLED. 4 PHONE MAIN 912 ATLANTA 912 j. c. McMillan JR. SEED CO. 23 S. BROAD STREET S E E D S it. ET^ATJD LIV E S T O CK. ^LegjTorn^ FOR SALK—One thoroughbred Avhite Leghorn cock; excellent stock; reason- able, w. 742 .1 297 Lawton. IDR SALE One fine thoroughbred Brown Leghorn cock:' finest breed; reasonable. Phone W. 742-J. 297 I jaw- ton. Magazines. fiKm'BLrr; uTYry T(TCnNAtrThi leading poultry magazine for fanciers, exhibitors and farmers; 84 to 224 pages monthly. Illustrated. Department for every branch of tbe business. Subscribe now and save money, only 50c a year. ” Grady, Southern’ Agent, Pendleton Street. Greenville. S C. POjULTRY. PET AND LIVE 8TOCK.^ Wyandottes. ONE pen 8 hens and cock for $10; one | pen 8 hens and cock for $15; one pen 8 hens and cock for $20; 200 young gol den laced Wyandottes for sale. W. D. Bennett, Molena. Ga. 7-27-19 ON ACCOUNT of being crowded, l will sell at a sacrifice twenty White Wy andotte hens and forty pullets. Tell me your wants and I will make the price right. A. G. Wilson. Lithonia. Ga. —,, .PrpJ/ipjpH- 8, . WHITE ORPINGTONS for sgle, four h f ns > one cockerel, $15; six hens, one cock, $20; ten hens, one cockerel, $35; five cockerels, $5 each. H. A. Black. Cartersvllle. Ga 1-23-? ^Plymouth J*ocks. ^ AT TUB SOUTHERN international show our one pen entry of Barred Hocks won first pen and the grand sweepstakes cup for the best pen-In the show, all breeds competing. We also won grand sweepstakes cup of Barred Plymouth Rock cock at Georgia Poultry Association Show. We are booking orders for a few settings of eggs from this grand pen. Atlanta Poultry Yards, 582 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. 1-25-2 Poultry—All Varieties. MAK [-: MONEY WITH POULTRY. AMERICAN POULTRY is a magazine devoted entirely* to helping earnest^ men and women make a financial success of poultry raising. Its staff of writers is composed entirely of those who have made a practical, instead of theoretical, success of poultry farming, and /who are glad to pass on the results of their hard- earned experience to. AMERICAN POULTRY’ readers. There are many pitfalls in the path of the novice which may be entirely avoided by* those who will follow the teachings set forth in this magazine. It fully* explains how to make a start, how to construct houses, coops, and other devices, how to get a large egg yield, how to cure and prevent dis ease, how to exhibit, how to get the top price for eggs, how to use incubators and hundreds of other points which every one wishes to know. It explains the famous secret system through which poultrymen have become rich and after wards solid for hundreds of dollars. AMERICAN POULTRY’ is a large, hand somely illustrated, monthly journal, well printed on fine paper, and should be found on file in the home of every poul try lover. No beginner in the poultry business should think of being without* it. It will save him man.v times the small subscription price. The advanced poultryman will also find it of great value; the articles being varied in their scope. SPECIAL OFFER. The regular price of AMERICAN POULTRY is 50c per year, but in order to introduce it tp several thousand new* readers, we will, for a short time, give a large 200-page poultry book, which is a complete guide In.the poultry business, absolutely free to every one sending 50c for a yearly subscription or $1.00 for a three-Ye^r- subscription to AMERICAN POULTRY. A trial six months’ subscription (with out book) will be sent for 25c. Never has so much been offered for so small a sum. Advantage of this offer should he taken at once. AMERICAN POULTRY. Savoy Bldg. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Dogs. 'WWVWWWWVWWVAAArtAA^V.AAArtAAAAA^ 1 R A1N E D BEAGLES,rabbit hounds, fox hounds, broke on fox and rabbits, coon, opossum, skunk hounds, deer, bear, wolf hounds, setters, pointers, ferrets, guinea pigs, etc. Brown’s Ken nels, York, Pa. FOR SALE- Redbone hounds, trained for fox, cats, coons, opossums and squirrels. Also young stock ready for training. Prices reasonable. Robert A. Smith, Robertstown, Ga. Hogs. THE GREAT MULE-FOOT HOG—A hog with great vitality, a hog that Is fast coming to the front. Write for prices. Stock of all ages for sale. Hunt’s Poultry Farm, Valdosta. Ga. Horses. Mules, Vehicles, Etc. lloKSF.s AND VEHICLES. FOR SALE—The horse Helmet, sired by Baron Blizzard, son of Baron Wilkes, first dam Pearl by R. A. Pounds, second dam by* Helmet; third dam by Eland. This horse. Helmet, has as much blue blood in his veins as any horse in this country; 6 years old; fine buggy horse; rides well. Call at 35 1 Soiltn Forsyth street. Branan’s Stables, look at fiiip; drive him; ride him;, fine walk-trot gait; then you’ll buy. SHETLAND PONY, bridle and saddle won as ninth pick in Georgian pony contest. .Gan see same at 43 White street. West 1112-J. FOR SALE—-One horse and delivery wagon. Apply 809 East Hunter street. WANT,EI Second-hand surrey; must be a faaragyn. .! C. H , Box 1265 D MORGAN, high-class harness and teddlttojj 118 Whitehall street. \VanteD—Sound horse or mule for farmwork. Want to rent with privi- lege of 1'uying. Farmer, care Georgian Seeds. frRNlP SEEDS^The^New" Fourteen Top, Sweet German, Broadstone, and other standard sorts. Rye, barley and oats at Mark W. Johnson Seed Co., 35 South Pryor street. ^JMONEYDTO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate; low est rates; no delay; purchase money notes bought. Address P. S., Box 125, care Georgian. ONE 300-egg Cyphers incubator, new, $30; one 240-egg Cyphers incubator,, new, $25; one 70-egg Cyphers incubator, new, $10; one 100-egg Queen incubator, new, $10; one 100-egg Buckeye incuba tor, new, $8; one 100-chick Cyphers out door brooder, new, $12; one 100-chick Cyphers adaptable hover, new. $6. Guarantee to please. Order from this ad. Oak Dean Farm, Stone Mountain, Qa. LOANS $25.00 AND UP. On Furniture, Pianos, or on En dorsed Notes. WE ARE a new company, organized for the purpose of loaning money to work ing men and ladies keeping house, at the lowest* posstfrie rate of interest. We pos- .itively make no charges for commissions, ‘drafting papers or any other so-called ebarge, brut only ask you to pay ihe rate permitted by the laws of the State. Our'easy payment plan allows you to pay back to suit your income. We also;protect you from publicity, and ex tend' every courtesy to make the carry ing of. a; loa,n satisfactory to you in every way. GUARANTEE LOAN CO., iRoom 318,Atlanta National Bank Bldg.. Bell Phone Main 440. MONEY FOR SALARIED-PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates. easy payments. Confi dential. D. H. Tolman, 820 Austell Building. Poultry—Disinfectants. AGASCO-SPRAY WILL RID your premises of mites. lice, fleas and ants. It is ready for Immediate use with brush or spray J)ump. When applied to poles and nest* ft eradicates lice and mites so effectually that fowls do not have to be. carried through that inconvenient and nerve-racking proce3s of dipping. Manufactured by Atlanta Gas Light Company, Atlanta. Ga. ^ ^ P° u 11ry Remedies. ^ ARlif~your~hens paying their board? Xi not Southern Poultry Remedy is the best thing, to give them now. It’s guar-, anteed. Price 25c and 50c at all seed stores and dealers. SPECIAL HUME FUNDS TO LEND, any amount f 6 per cent. Write or call. S. W. Carson, 24 South Broad street.oD Vf • 1 . FARM :t LOANS PLACED in any amount .on improved farm lands in Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould Building. ■WE.ILA’V'Uiplenty of money to lend at* lqjvest rates on Atlan ta a iyl Jteayby property, either foF straight'or monthly payment plait. ^Is'o for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & IioTwafi, ,lY Edgewooil Avenue. Poultry, Plants and Seeds. Poultry, Plants and Seeds. H. G. HASTINGS & CO. SEEDS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. DOTH PHONES 2568. IF OUR CUSTOMERS living on the North and South Side place their orders before 9 o’clock and the ones in Inman Park and West End before 2 o’clock, they will be delivered the same day the orders are given. We are trying to give the very best service possible, and if onr customers will bear in mind the hours that our deliveries leave the store it will insure prompt service. IT IS ABSOLUTELY necessary for chickens to have green food during the winter. This can easily be supplied if you will plant out a small patch of rye and rape. They both grow very rap idly and will furnish an abundance of green food all the winter. Now is the time to plant. THIS IS THE MOULTING SEASON, and that means that the hens should be fed a good tonic. Pratt’s Poultry Regulator and (’onkey’s Laying Tonic insure a quick and complete moult, arid that means plenty of eggs during the fall and winter when they bring the high prices; 25c, 50c and $1.00 package. AVOID GIVING YOUR ('ll 10KENS scratch feed with too much corn in it at this season. Use Red Comb Scratch. The percentage of corn is very small, but it lias .just the kinds of grain that they need now; $2.25 per 100 pounds. DON’T OVERLOOK giving charcoal—it helps to keep down indigestion, and it is essential that the chickens have it. A NEW IMPORTATION of llartz Mountain ('anaries. dandy little singers, at $2.50 each. (i ET YOCR TURN I R SEE I) FltO.M HASTINGS’ if vou want the freshest and best. WE HAVE some beautiful Ferns, and are selling them yerv low—come-in and see them. KEEP A CLOSE watch and don’t let the lice and mites- get a start of you. We have preparations that are guaranteed to kill thym. BUSINGS :: GUIDE BUSINESS GUIDE. Indelible Clothes parking Outfit?^ Ixm'thT best indelible cloth<*N-marklng outfit, go to Harwell Rubber Stamp Co., No. 23% s. Broad st..^Atlanta, Ga. HAVE YOU SOLD tITatTr RISE? A little “For Sale” ad in the “Want Ad” section will find a purchaser. Ti “A’’ Vacuum Clothes Washer. WASH a tub of clothes in 5 minutes. No rubbing, ro bemlltig over, a id with very little work. Terms or for cash. $3.50 to $7.50. Demonstration rooms 256 Rdgewood avenue Out-of- town agents wanted. All Kinds Carpets and Rugs Cleaned. WouKTanAri; ►r; 15 years^Experience; feathers renovated. Atlanta Carpet and Rug Cleaning Works, 27 W. Alex ander St. Ivy 4186. BEST wall papering work done by Pied mont Wall Paper Company, 33 Au burn avenue. Ivy 1-047* Atlanta $02 o _All Transfer and Storaglng Done. WFmXU trAnSPer a- storage ■, COMPANY' Storage, packing and shipping. Both phones. 26-28 North Moore street. ^jAJterlnq, D ^ e,n g^andJDry Cleaning. THE (’EXTRA I. TAI LOR. ALTERING, dyeing and dry cleaning; satisfaction guaranteed; popular prices. 13 Central Ave. M. 247 WK DON’T CARE who you are. where you live or what you have, Hearst’s Sunday American and Atlanta Georgian Want Ads will bring Tesulc^ \ - Jewetry. 1 I WATCHES, Diamonds, Jewelry, Eye Glasses, Spectacles sold on the “di vided payment’’ plan tb reliable persons. BANTA-COLE CO., 6 SOUTH BROAD STRKKT. 6-26 3 BKST wall papering work <lont, by lb.-.!- mont Wall Paper Company, 33 Au burn avenue. Ivy 1047. Atlanta 802. Lighting Fixtures^ ELECTRIC and gas fixtures; all new styles; lowest prices. Queen Mantel and Tile Company, 56 West MJtcnell street. Phone Main 681. 1-16-16 Lime, Concrete, Roofing, Stone. I^TmTTTme COMPAQ Lime, concrete and roofing stone. 915 Third National Bank Building. 2-3-50 PIEDMONT Wall Paper Company. Foreign and domestic well paper. 33 Auburn avenue THE METROPOLITAN. Cleaning, dye ing and repairing; membership $1 per eight suits. 280 Kdgewood. Atlanta 2894, WILSON & EMANUEL—Altering, re pairing and dyeing neatly done; steaming and dry cleaning a specialty; work called for and delivered. Main 2745. CITY CLEANING & PRESSING CO. SKIRTS dry cleaned and pressed 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed. Main 3210. HO Garnet! street. r '*‘ e Insurance. ATLANTA TITLE GUARANTEE CO., ground floor Equitable Bldg. Bell phone Maip 5420. Auction Sales cf Furniture and Houschod Goods. CENTRAL AUCTION COMPANY 12 East Mitchell street, buys and sells everything; regular auction Tuesday and Friday. Bell phone Main 2424. 10-3-41 Bag Stock, ''A\Tl5TR v n^or~cmd : ^ paper, i;j stock. Atlanta Supply Co. Phone M E8lo Wagon will calk Banka. AMERICAN NA TIONAITbANK. Corner Alabama and Broad Streets. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,000,000. , Baths and Pressing. FOR THE BEST ^cleaning. pressing, shave and hair cut, come to 24-A W. Mitchell. New' shop. Expert, barbers. Satisfaction guaranteed. Blue DIN IE BLUE PRINT (To. PRINTS of any kind. Quality unsur passed. Low prices. 40% Luckie etreet Phone Ivy 5364 Books and Stationery. COLE BOOK AND ART C<»MPAN Y^ 85 Whitehall. Main 482, ^ Chronic Diseases. ''s?9?cTAi?rrn5ffi^^ OF BLOOD, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, etc., rheumatism, nervous diseases, medicines furnished; consultation free. Write or call on Dr. M. T. Salter. 68 South Broad. 1111-2 Clock and Watch Repairing. FIXK (MAX’K REPAIRING. French, Hall and Chinese. HARRY BIGGS. 5 Viaduct Place. Phone, us, Main 5100. Colectlons, .COTiLECXltTNS WE CAN collect your notes, accounts and claims, if they can be collected. United States Collecting Association. T. J. Ripley. President; Charles M. Yeates, Secretary and Treasurer Contracting.^ CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. J. B M’CON NELL, 113% Whiteluil 1 Street. Main 4937-J and Builder. GENERAL CON 1’RACTOlC BUILTVeIR. Estimates free. I draw plans free W'here I build. Emory Williams, 110 Edgewood. Ivy 3372-L. PIEDMONT Wall Paper Company. Foreign and domestic wall paper. 33 Auburn avenue Cotton Warehouse. PLACE your orders for brands now. Get upstairs price on brands. All work guaranteed. Harwell Rubber Stamp Confpany, 23% South Broad street. —% —— —.— _ _ Display and Window Fixtures. SHOW CASES, display fixtures. S*** us. Atlanta Show Case Company. Main 1753. T rouble. Ear, Nose, Throat and Lungs. 312-314 Austell Building. I have the only com pound oJtygen plant ever brought South and make this gas daily. Weak, nerv ous, anemic and pale people are invited to call. 1 6-13 Films Developed. ICODAKTfLMS developed free. Picture Dept. J. M. High Co., Atlanta. Fish. EMPIRE FISH MARKET -Fresh oys ters and dressed poultry, fish daily. 112 Whitehall Fly Screens. Fly Screens Made to Order. OAKLAND CITY REPAIR WORKS Carpenter and cabinet work a special ty Call West 242-L. Atlanta C. F. PicRev, Manager. T.-37 FLY—sn; E E NS ”FLY^ COME and see our roll-away screen, our roller-bearing screen, our sliding screen; none better. It will pay you to see our goods and get prices. 217 Kiser Bldg. Main 1319. Porter Screen Co., J. J. Crawford, Agent. Fresh Fish Edgewood. Fresh fish dressed and delivered. Atlanta phone 3093-A Furnaces. Moncrifif- \tl7int i on st. jiuutuvi ii.iwuaa Phone Ivy 1930 Furniture. EARNKST & FI.OY1 > ~\Vhy not m-e us before you buy. We can save you money. We exchange new for old. Cash or easy terms. 279 Edgewood avenue. T. C. FERN ITU RE C< >M!»A N V. Cash or easy payments 415 Marietta Phone Atlanta 1797 4-5-12 Furniture Bought and Sold. CASH will buy $1 for 50c at our storeT Southern Wreckage Co.. 114 S. For syth. WE buy and sell cash bargains! s. M Snider, 146 S. Pryor St. M 1421 Furnace Repairs. PHONE Ivy 4930. Ask them. FURNACE REPAIRS. THE ONLY PEOPLE to repair Moncrlef furnaces is the Moncrlef Furnace Com pany, 139 South Pryor. Main 285, At lanta 2877. Furniture Upholstering. w^TTTunsp?^ r; Satisfaction guaranteed. Main 5111, At- lanta 5950-F. 6-16-25 FURNITI RB REPAIRED—Upl* ing. refinishing neatly done Work called for and delivered Young K. Par son, 479 Marietta street Atlanta 3567. 6-7-29 Gun and Lock Repairing. (SUN AND LoT1< ItKPAIIdiNV! NvTan^ nounce the opening of an up-to-date repair shop for keys, locks and guns; your patronage solicited. The B. and B Lock Co., 4 South Forsyth St. Hardware. ^ALJr^Joodruni & TerreiPwhen" in need of anything in hardware line. 108 Edgewood. Main 2317. House Moving. * AV i ' I >i \ QU • * 1 -\OI j frame building.-: 27 years’ experience. 417 4th Nat Bank Bldg M 1615. Atl. 955. Residence M 3980. (CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN.) Mattress Renovating. Mattresses renoV^ated featKern steamed, cleaned and bought. Bell 4840, Standard 1476. P. O. Box 6. Mead ows & Rogers Mfg. Co. SANITARY MATTRESS RENOVAT ING—Factory new and up to date; moderate prices; give us a trial. Jack- son & Orr Company, Means street and \V. and A. K R. Both phones. 3-20 14 ^ ^Machine Works. SKIP—KNOCK—JUMP CARBON. CAMP cleans perfectly while you wait. A great thing for trucks. Try it. > CAMP MACHINE SHOP. 275 Marietta Street. Main 2917. 7-8-29 MUticjmphinq. Addressing. Mailing. ATL ANT A M E LTTGRAPHI NO ' ~C<5!! 903 Empire Life Building. Ivy 1436. High class work; quick service; live mailing lists furnished. BEST WORK IN SOUTH. PROMPT SERVICE. BUSINESS SERVICE CO., P. O. BOX 836. IVY 7011. New Rubber Tires. V LMY^RU^RH^Ij^Tires^ puT^on your 1 baby's carriage; repaired, re painted and re-covered. Ivy 3076. Rob ert Mitchell. 229 Kdgewood. ^Pajnting arm Tjnting v BUSINESS GUIDE - ,_ n __ _, _ Waste Paper n IN ED Foi cash, waste paper, rag stock Atlantic Supply Co. Phone M. 3816. Wagon will call. W nd w Shads Trouble. IS ALL GONE when your shadejT^are hung in Brewer’s Window Shade Ad justers. Before buying shades or hang ing your ol<l shades, call Main 307-J and get all the data from B. B. Henry, 269 Washington street; money saved. ^^PUriCHASF. MONEY notesT PURCHASE MONEY NOTES. WILL buy four thousand dollars’ worth of purchase money notes; cither first <»r seconds; monthly or yearly; money In bank. Purchase. Box 3, care Georgian. WANTED -Purchase money notes. Ad dress Purchase Money, Box 120, care Georgian. FOR SALE $l,00u worth first mortgage purchase money notes. No brokers need apply. Box 437. care Georgian. MONEY WANTED. ro.mJij first mortgage giiotes in annual series; would consider sec ond mortgage notes of gilt-edge. Ready MoBey, 14.-x 10, care Georgian. ESTABLISHED 1888.""’ 6%—WE WILL PAY—6% ON SAVINGS In Sums of $500 and over. TIIE MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS BANKING AND LOAN CO., 209 Grant Building. Telephone Ivy 5341. Cash Capital $120,000. Thos. J. Wesley. Cashier. B. M. Grant, President. WE CAN net you 7 to 8 per cent on first mortgage on Atlanta and nearby real estate if you have, money to lend. See Foster & Robson. 11 Edgewood avenue. '-PAINT THE TRIPOD PAINT COMPANY. 37-9 Pryor Street. BEST goods, prompt service. Phone us your orders. Phones Bell Main 4711. Main 4<10. Atlanta 406. 7-1-12 - n _ n _ r ^^ / Pal»1ta and Creosote. c. f. binder&son: MANUFACTURERS of high-grade painty, white lead and creosote stains. We make ready mixed paints to order Corner LaFrance and Lowry streets. Bell phone Ivy 5852-J, Atlanta. Ga 5-27-1 Paint!pg and Wnil Tinting. J. A. JOHNSON does all kinds of "repair work Painting and tinting a spe cialty. Beil phone West 1288-J. 397 west Fair street 6-22-137 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PHOTO GALLERY for sale for $250 building included. Apply to Novelty Photo Company, 145 Marietta street, At lanta. Ga FREE FOR SIX MONTHS—My sum mer offer to iutroduoe my magazine, “Investing for Profit.’’ It is worth $10 copy to any man who has been getting poorer while the rich richer. It demon strates the real earning power of money, and shows how any one. no matter how poor, can acquire riches. Investing fot* r Profit has the largest financial circula tion in America the only progressive financial journal published. It shows how $100 quickly grows to $2,200. Write me now ana I'll send it six months free. H. L. Barber. 449. 22 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. WOULD LIKE to have work with some photographer; have some experience. Mjsb M e. 99 Jones avenue. BE^T wall papering work done by Pied mont Wall Paper Company. 33 Au- 1 )UI ‘n avenue. Ivy 1047, At 1 anta 802. YOUNG LADY desfires position as ste nographer or typist; one year’s ex perience Miss X. Y’. Z.. Box 84. care Georgian. LOCAL PARTNER WANTED No in vestment. All steel sectional garages and small buildings. Very attractive proposition. Fullest sales co-operation. Permanent, profitable. Ruby Manu- facturing Company, -lackson, MIch. TEACHER wants position for Septem ber 1; young lady, college graduate, normal trained; prefers domestic science. Address Box 23. Mountville, Ga. _ Phenoline. A i DISINFECTANT, deodorant and germicide; destroys chicken mites and all kinds of insects. Plmnoline Co , 106- A Edgewood ave. M 2117 At. 3038-A. Pictures and Frames. COLE BOOK AND ART CO!! 85 Whitehall. Main 482. Safes. A TLA N'T A SAFE CO. THE ONLY exclusive safe company in the city. Safe experts References, any bank In Atlanta. 50 Madison ave nue. K< >K PRINTING that sta n« 1 K^forqTTanTy! satisfaction and economy, call Phone M 1320. The Georgia Printing Co., 10 Peters street. WE do expert printing and" a~tplaf order will make you a satisfied customer. No 41 West Hunter street. Phone Main 1992. ^^^^Printing of all Kinds. RYI5ERT & 110L LIXG S'WORT?I JOB PRINTING. 10 Gilmer street. Main 4600. Sate Cracksmin. HIRE and burglar-proof safes opened and repaired. C. C. Downes, 29% Ma rietta street. Phones M. 2146, Atlanta 6-5-11 Sewing Machines. WE RENT new’ machines with~cornplete set of attachments for $2 per month; al.« _ try. machines repaired; prompt deilv- .Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Machine Company. T9 Whitehall. 9-14-44 Shoe^ Repairing. M’YEIL ^ fJENTER, shoe repairing Work called for and delivered. 485 Kdgewood avenue. Atlanta 1627. Signs. S; 1 (: v < prown'si^ paTnttng DJUAO CO.. 77% Whitehall. M 3780. 8-18-33 KjA’T ON SIGNS signifies best i\ J quality. Kent Sign Co., 130% Peachtree street. 3-5-20 Slate Roofi na. ■TONES SLATE ROOFING CO NEW roofing and repairing by practical men. 417 Fourth Nat. Bank, M. 1615. Stove and Range Repairing. stove.' i:.\.\-;i: ,\[. i-ti;\ \i■ i: ri:- PA IKING. Atlanta Stove Supply Company. We also make chimney stacks. Ivy 7240. 101 N. Forsyth street. STOVE DOCTOR. STOVE, range and furnace repairing. 61 South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1460. Atlanta Phone 1410. 4-10-10 DAN. TDK FIXER. STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR RE PAIRING. We sell second-hand gas stoves. We sweep chimneys 121 WHITEHALL STREET, Atlanta Phone 2235 Bell Phone M. 2699 Tailoring and Cleaning. THE ETOWAH Tailoring, Pressing^and Dry Cleaning. Membership taken; $1 per month 8 suits Atlanta 5664-M. Transfer. Packing and Storage. Iv’ I V \’L’ I > Transfer and Storage! O I\ 1 .> r, n 34 x Eorsyt 1 th. Ivy 4232 Trirnks. Bags and Suit Cases. RETA 11 El > \ND HE1' \IR liD. ROT’NTREE'S. 77 WHITEH A LI. ST i’HQN’KS: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654. Tin and Sheet iron Workers. BEST WORK Prices reasonable. T L. MeXinch. 209 Marietta street. Main 5276-J. Atlanta 2127. Upholstering and Furniture Repairing. Capital Upholstering Company., OFFICE furniture a specialty; all kinds of furniture reflnlshed. packed and shipped on short notice. 148 South Pryor. Both phones 7-21-15 Umbrellas. ‘ ‘ TavlordUado.” IM HRELLAS Bl’Y from makers All prices from $1.00 up. with detachable bandies. Guaran teed and kept In repair free. Expert re pairing. TAYLOR UMBRELLA CO., Il61-2 Whitehall St. Wall Papering and BETTER be safe than sorry. That’s X L. Burnett, the Wall Paper Man, 71 Pryor I • ; ■ - i s _________ i Wall Paper ara Pajnt. { SEE J. M. QlHc’K ^at kwood Im- | provement Company for low prices on wall paper Best work. 11 South Kor- v 7*27 M CONTINUED ININ EXT COLUMN." BEST wall papering work done by Pied mont Wall Paper < rmpany, 33 Au- burn avenue. Ivy 1047, Atlanta 802. KoR SALE -Drug store, established fourteen years, owner retiring. Will sell at invoice. Terms to right man or will consider city property for part. Rare chance. No agents. Address Box C-326, caje Georgian. BUSINESSES FOR SALE BY YOUNG & GOODROE. PHAl TY/A/A \f SIX first-class I UUu IvUUMtables; good loca tion; cheap rent; making $100 to $150 per month net; cheap; on easy terms, SODA VVATKRJ?^ TOnS section; monthly sales about $800; fine ojfbortunity and a bargain at $1,850. I > A |)DL’ D SHOP; most central lo- l I. \ l ii il I k cation: fine equipment. This is ^ood ao<l g«*tting better every day. Price only $1,590. IIOTFI lease and furnish- 1I\/I I j ICINGS; very cheap rent; house has extra good reputation; town of 3,000 people; jjrice, $1,100. LOOK IIKRK |Sl, c A e and LUNCH business: fine opening here for a hustler; price right; terms easy. TO s2\\' \ |> FOR AUTO or real es 13/ O > \ I tate. centrally lo cated SODA and LUNCH business; ex tra good opportunity! will sell at bar gain price on terms. • | >K> T n NTH I* K GOOD south l/l\U3l OJ */I \ I j Georgia town; best reason for selling: extra goo<l chance here; price. $3,500; only $1,500 cash; stock inventories $4,500. I > t I ’ IT DVA N D LU NUN ROOM; I>.\i\I^ll 1 central location; here's where you can make a “hit.” Get busy. Price, $650. ON A CORNER™ e 8 ‘ r aT tached; rent $40 for all; nice SODA, CIGAR and MILK DEPOT; a big bar gain at $1,100; most reasonable terms. Investigate this. Mill IVY2 PLANER, cotton gin ai i IjIjI At i an( j grist mill, real es tate and buildings; good town in south east Georgia; big sacrifice at $2,200. UAD \ AND CONFECTIONERY; DUD2\ good corner; fine residence section; a big bargain (twenty-syrup fount): cheap rent. Price $800 cash. Hl^VrrK BUSINESS: well estab- 1,1 * lished; making money; splendid chance for good man; half in- tcrest for $650. | >/'Y/ r \‘\f VA HOUSE; about twenty l V V M / AI I -Y' i rooms; clean; nice; well equipped; close in; North Side; strictly first class. U P |] V\ f |^ SOLD THREE busi- Ij I lit ' Ij nesses this week. Do you want to buy or sell? See us. It might bo to your interest to do so. YOUNG & GOODROE Business Brokers. 41.3-14 PKTRRS tUTlLPING, PHONES: Main 3155; Atlanta, 2755. FOR SALE Moving picture theater Have the best location in the South for a small theater and a good propo sition to make any one with $1,500 or $1,800 to Invest. Address Box E-136, eato Georgian. Hi WARDING HOUSE F<»11 SALE—First- class and full of regular boarders; nice location, Washington street; owner sick and must sell; only 1250 cash gets tftls. Young & Good roe, Business Brokers, 413 Peters Bldg. A GREAT BARGAIN FOR TA TLOR. WILL sell a new and well-selected stock of staple and fancy woolens invoicing $1,400 for $900 cash. For further infor mation write or wire R. L. Michels, Albany. Ga. * WANTED IDEAS.^ ventions wanted by manufacturers and prizes offered for inventions. Our four books sent free Patent secured or fee refunded. Victor J. Evans & Co., Washington I). C. WANTED To s*I1 all or half interest in a good telephone system; partlcu- 1 1 wood, Fla. WANTED Ltd y j>artn«T in rooming house proposition Mrs. S. Tanner, Rex 842. care Georgian. - H 6f EL BARG A1N. LI CENSED road heufte and r* sort hotel in prosperous operation; Immediate possession. Call or write P. Hall Packer, Sea Bright, N. J. EGG FARM. LARGE, PROFITABLE COMMERCIAL BUSINESS. PERFECT condition; equipment un- equaled; best location in Jersey; New York one hour; trolley passes entrance. 6.000 hens laying now; 14,000 growing stock on range; no incumbrance. Own er’s representative, James Maxwell, Find erne, X. J. $500 invested in Atlanta coffee house will treble in two years. Experienced asso ciates. Address Box 511, care Georgian. CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN." BUS I NESS OPPORTUNITIES. BARGAIN Quick sale, $100, eight-room fully furnished boarding or lodging house; all filled; in heart of city. Box 338, care American. PiEDM -\r Wall Paper Company. Foreign •and dcineatU wall paper 33 A > ■ i ri avonm ATI \ YT \ HAS ROOM and we 1 Loo I .\ imve the business for you. YOUNG & GOODROE. Business Brokers,. 413-414 Peters Building. WHI’Y Vnr WANT to buy or n n,J *' i\/v sell a business con sult us YOUNG & GOODROE. Busi ness Brokers. 413-414 Peters Building. ROOMS AND BOARD IRD STREET, between tl Peachtreee, rooms with board; coup or gentlemen. References exchange Phone Ivy 4323-J. I HAVE a patent on a new lawn mower ami want to sell one-half Interest to a good, reliable party with some means for the purpose of starting a factory, there is good money In this for us both; reference required. Address C. M. Byrd, Lock Box 98, Cherokee, Okla. IK VOTT WANT to sell your busl- II I l/l-i ness, no matter where located, need partner or additional cap ital, call or write YOUNG & GOODROE, Business Brokers, 413-14 Peters Build ing. Atlanta. “We can sell any business that has merit.” 7-27-28 FOR SALE -Saloon business In Waco, Texas; monthly sales $1,200 to $2,400; also good bottle trade. Address Box 1110, Waco, Texas. ADVERTISE—Twenty words In seventy- five weeklies, $1.60; twenty Sunday papers, $5. Life Company, St. Louis. 26-22-6 A TIRE and tire repair store carrying a small but complete line of accessories; located in the best automobile city In Colorado; a good paying business that will stand investigation. Inquire Boak Rubber Co., 17 S. Cascade, Colorado Springs. Colo. WANTKD 1 DhAS'i'sUNf f i°n- ventions wanted by manufacturers and prizes offered for inventions. Our four books sent free. Patent secured or fee refunded. Victor J. Evans & Co., Wash ington. I' C. 27-6-7 $450 CASH buys good one-man news paper and job office. Will invoice twice that amount. Don’t write, come and see. George S. Barger, Try on, Okla. PEACHTREE INN “kJSS'lT.Sr HlRh-cla*s residential hotel All coikTenl<nr V din exceUent. Single room, wnh meals, $7.. h. H and up. without meal*. |3.o(i aud up. I» /<>M with board in private horn- Clebourne avenue. ’References. Phot. Ivy 6071-J. - A COli?LE or young men wishing ah 'nqlutely lira!-class hoard, can secut same in private family in Inman Par; all conveniences; references. Call J\ 3559-.I. ONE large furnished front room Wit ! board: furnace heat; couple or tw . men. 500 Spring street. Also g&rCg WANTED—Room and board by gcntU man; private home; North Side; clo.- ■ in; references exchanged; full pa ticulars. Box 886, care Georgian. TWo nice large cool rooms for coupl* or two gentlemen; first-class boan 238 Washington. 15, 000 European capital for Invest ment in attractive enterprises. Ad dress Bankers’ Alliance, 14 Blooins- Btreet, London, England. 41-27-7 < >N A Cl 9 HAT of age. will sell my meat market, situated in a good town of 3,000 population. It is the best market in the town and one of the best in the State. Will also sell my tw-eive-room house, arranged for two families. Ad dress Box A-618, care Georgian. FOR SALE -A paying abstract busi ness, a Pecos valley, farm, 80 acres, $8,000 incumbrance. $2,500. Address Box O, Artesia, New Mexico. CLI MBING business and. stock in one of the best towns in Georgia. Excel lent opportunity for a practical man. Very small capital required. Good rea son for selling. Address Box D-407, care Georgian. FOR SALE—Drug store fixtures and nice line <»f drugs. Will sell sepa rately or all together. Terms to suit purchaser. Address G. VV. Mills, Cal houn. (fa. F< >R SALE General grain and feed business in live town in North Geor gia. doing fine business. Owner’s time is taken up by other business. Will sell at very low price. Business will hear a thorough investigation. For full particulars address Easy Terms, Box Rill, i * rglan PIEDMONT Wall Paper Company. Foreign and domestic wall paper. 33 *vubufb avenue FOR SALE—Restaurant In town of 9.090 inhabitants. Must be sold at onoe. Good business year through. Ad dress Box B-124. care Georgian. FOR SALE, $350 Established tailoring agency, cleaning and pressing busi ness; $350 cash, balance $300 in pay ments If desired. P. O. Box 314, Colum bus. Ga, A FIRST-CLASS drug store in new and growing town in South Georgia; only store in town; reasonable. Address Box 46. Caryville, Fla. FOR SALE—Grocery store in hustling town of 5,000 Inhabitants. Exception al chance to obtain good paying bus! ness with a good, clean stock and best trade. Good reason for selling. Address Boat A-222, care Georgian. I WRITE copy with the “book” that catches orders. In this quiet country spot I saturate myself with the vital ar guments on your proposition and then send you stirring stuff—worded to win AH service sent on approval. Advertis ing booklets prepared and published Letters, circulars, ads, etc. I am just as near to you as your nearest stenogra pher. James Boswell, Otsego, Mich. Fort SAI.K—Tool room and bowling al ley Good location and long lease. Price right. Address Box S-414, care Georgian. FOR sale An up-to-date Cota Cola plant, with one of the best and larg est territories in the Middle West. We have contracts to furnish railroads, parks and gardens. This plant will be sold at a bargain, if sold at once. Oma ha Coca-Cola Bottling Company, 935 N. Twenty-fourth street, Omaha. Nebr. SMALL confectionery store and sods fountain for sale. Best proposition for the money in town. Hustler can clear $50 weekly. Price $500. Terms. Address Box S-697, care Georgian. VvANTED -Competent man to act as secretary of a new financial corpora tion who is able, and willing to Invest $3,000; state experience; give reference and salary expected In first letter. Ad dress I*. O. Box 367, Houston, Texas. COMPLETE meat market fixtures for sale cheap. Apply 112 Whitehall street. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR A O N E -11A L F IN T El i E S T IN A HIGH-CLASS AND MERITORIOUS ADVERTISING BUSINESS IS OF FERED TO A CAPABLE MAN WHO CAN INVEST $2,500. TIIE VERY CIjOSEST INVESTIGATION TS IN VITED ADDRESS BOX 877. CARE GK< RGIAN. . FoR SALE- Drug store In South Geor gia city of 8,000 population; stock approximately $7,000, including soda fount, fixtures, etc. Owner going into larger business in Atlanta. Will sell quick for $5,000. Address K., Box 406, care Georgian. GROCERY business for sale. J. W. Hill, Hapeville Ga. FoR SALK Well-established grocery and meat business with large patron age. Owner leaving city. Address Gro cer, Box 877, care Georgian. WANTED A buyer for sales stable; good market; good location; county seat; 1,000 population; good business this fall and spring. Full information on re quest. Butler Realty Co., Butler, Ga. I*’OR SALE Steam laundry business, $10,000 to $12,000 per year; good open ing for dry cleaner. Takes $6,000 to talk business. Shelbyvllle Steam Laundry, BhelbyvUle, K y. 250 SHARES gold mine stoUk. Will take 26e per share. Fine invest ment. but ne*-.i 11 <- money. A. C. Mer-4 ser, Sarasota, Fla. STOCKS AND BONDS. STOCKS AND BONDS. 70 ACRES of Atlanta Agency Company stock at par—$10 per share. 25 SHARES Trust Company of the South. 3,000 SHARES Eagle Mining Company. 6 SHARES of Scott Machinery Com pany-will trade this stock for a note, or land CHARLES E. THOMPSON, Room 201 Equitable Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. LOOK You have read this: if you want anything, others will read your ad If It’s In the Want Ad Section. ARK YOU LOOKING for competent help? The “Situations Wanted’* col- uns of Hearst’s Sunday American and Atlanta Georgian are brimful of life in every line of business in each Issue. Hearst’s Sunday American Publuihtd Weekly BY TIIE GEORGIAN CO IIP ANT "^§13 At 20 Alabama Street, Atlanta. Ga. Entered a» mull matter <tf the necood-daM at the iHistufTli <■ at Atlanta. Ga , under art of March 3. 1873. . Subscription prW $2 00 per year, payable in aUranca. A WANTED, BOARDERS—On both cu lines; convenient to schools an< churches: nice rooms; excellent tabb board. No. 1 Candler St., Decatur, G; Call or write. FOR RENT—On© furnished room fc men only, with or without board. 2 Mills street. CAN ACCOMMODATE a couple of bus ness ladies or gentlemen with coo: and pleasant room and board in pri vate West End home. All conveniences Reasonable. We M 1332 LO\ ELY front room, with or- wlthpu meals; also room anil sleeping porch W. 960-J. TWO nicely furnished rooms.and feoar*’ for couple and young men. 84 Wes. Peachtree. wanted Table boarders; easy wall to town. 84 West Peachtree street. TWO large, nicely furnished rooms, with excellent table board. Main 4S39-L 121 Capitol square. t ROOM with board; private home. Peach tree street. Ivy ITT:--J. FORSYTH HOTEL; ~ COMFORTABLE rooms, 50c up. Special rate per week. Nice meals, 25c. 50% South Forsyth street. STI WHITEHALL STREET. LARGE ROOMS, excellent board, close in; rates reasonable; excellent place, walking distance. Main 2120-L. THE ELM HOUSE—Nicely furnished rooms and board; rates reasonable 291 E. Hunter. LARGE ROOM and small bath and board. 513 Peachtree. COMFORTABLY furnished room for couple; steam heat; good car service, private family. W, 190-L. TWO furnished rooms, with or without board. 161 Grant street. Phone Mali, 1095 L. REFINED couple to board In private home in West End. References ex- changed. L. H. T., care Ge<>rglan. REFINED men to board and room. 206 S. Forsyth St.; close in. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room; prl vate family; good car service; stean, heat. Call W. 190-L. HAVE splendid room in private family ten minutes’ ride to town; for one oi two gentlemen. Call W. 73-J. NICELY furnished front room, with or without board. 43 West Peachtree street. Ivy 2160. TWO nice large cool rooms for couple*- or two gentlemen; first-class board 238 Washington. NICELY furnished rooms with board. electric lights, private bath; five min utes’ ride from town. Main 3415. 50 Washington. NICELY furnished room with excellent table board. Ivy 6790-J. Mrs. Sulli van, 4 W. Peachtree St. IVY HOTEL. 98 IVY ST. American plan, $1.25 day. Special rates by week. BEST MEALS IN TOWN, $2 WEEK; ROOM AND MEALS. $4. 197 SOUTH PRYOR, CALL main 5048 36 EAST NORTH AVE. BETWEEN POach trees, nicely furnished rooms, excellent table board. Ivy 6501. 87 E. NORTH AVE. NICELY furnished rooms with all con- vcniences ivy 2423-J. NICE furnished rooms, with or with out board. 69% E. Alabama street Atlanta phone 2833. 7-2<L84 68 WALTON ST. BLOCK of postoffice, under new man agernent; large, cool rooms; newl furnished, painted and papered, meal a specialty at reasonable prices. BOARD WANTED. ELDERLY - ladir^mj^on^wanT^S^c^TTn private family; North .Side; references exchanged. X., Box 6$, care Georgian. WANTED—Room with private bath and board for couple; none bui With prl- va_te bath need apply. G*:i Ivy 5Q21. ] HOTELS r~~ ' >v HITE PATH HOT EL and~Mlr?Brar Springs open June 10; sixteen-page booklet free. White Path Hotel Co., T. H. Tabor, Manager, White Path, Ga. 6-1-8 M ER RESORTS. uTTTrE PATH Hotel ami Mineral Springs, White Path, Ga , Blue Ridge Mountains. See Book at L. and N. Office, 4 Peachtree. ^RESORTS^ OCEAN VIEW HOUSE. St. Simons Island, Ga. OPEN ALL THE YEAR; GOOD FISH ING; ALSO DEEP SEA FISHING. W. ARNOLD, PROIL < MSHED ROOMS FOR RENT. ID WEST CAIN STREET. LIGHT three-room apartment; all eon- veniences. FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished rooms; all conveniences. 139 West Peachtree. ■ IN west END Three connecting rooms furnished for light housekeep ing: every convenience; beautiful sur rounding'. Call West 302-J. FU 'NT I’d K ».MS, nicely furnished, with or without meals; couple preferred. Main 1471-L. £28 Ormopd St. ONE furnished room; all conveniences; also will have two nice rooms vacant m September 1. Ivy 5454-J. FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished connecting rooms. 122 Cherokee Ave. ONE furnished room for business man; all conveniences; private home; rea sonable. Call West 807. 123 EAST FAIR NEWLY FURNISHED looms; con veniences; reasonable. FURNISHED ROOM, steam heat, hot and cold w r ater. electric lights, etc. 24 East Alexander street. ONE NICELY’ furnished front room, close in. 8 Pulliam street. F(»R RENT Tw>> nicely furnished rooms, close In: gentlemen preferred. Apply 98 East Pine street. FOR rent Lug** front room fur nished for one or two young ladles. 55 Fraser street. GENTLEMEN ONLY. BEAUTIFUL rooms; close in; steam heat; every convenience; Apartments 5 and 6, The Vernon, 61 E. Cain street. Ivy 3137. 109 COOPER STREET, three rooms, private bath; modern. Main 2890-J. MARLBOROUGH, elegant front room; conveniences; one or two gentlemen. A part. 2. Ivy 5527-J. NICELY furnished rooms, all conven iences. 200 West Peachtree. Phone Ivy 3281. References. ONE nice cool front bed room, with all conveniences. Ivy 5356. 256-B Courtland. BEAUTIFUL furnished room for rent; all conveniences; close In. 123 East Fair street. WELL furnished two rooms, kitchenette with sink; private porch; conven iences; also separate bed rooms. 1*3. Ivy street. CON i INUED ON NEXT PAG%| S'T.’A T*