Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 17, 1913, Image 210

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mm wwmizjtmmtim 4 l) TTKAHST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, READ FOR PROFIT-AmtKIUAIN WAIN V AUS-USE FOR RESULTS FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. M^NTsfffHTrooms for light house keeping; good neighborhood. 121 H. \ N r j' p j ) UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. ROOMS FOR RENT. TO RENT- STEAM IIEATEl) APARTMENT OF FOUR TWO or three furnished rooms complete for housekeeping with owner; refer ences exchanged. 185 E. Pine.St. Ivy • M | FOR RENT Two rmmiH fnr llKht ()R FIVE ROOMS; M 1ST keeping, bedroom, furnished, in home . . /./\vTi r n\’ with younn married . mi|m In urine |1A\ E ALL < ()N\ L N - wood Park on Soldiers’ Home car Mqe. Use of telephone, piano electric lights, cl tv water, baths, included In rent of $12 per month, to voting couple without children; must give references. Phone Main 2447, or Atlanta 6975-K. NICELY furnished rotrrt. convenient to hath, close in. Ivy 4209-J. largo steam-heat*! room, hot and mfiUL water; private hath. 488 •irae street. ONE steam-heatMl room for gentlemen; twelve minutes' walk to Candler Balding. North Side Phone Ivy 2842. ROOM and breakfast with private fam ily for young man. 25 West End Place. TO a couple, lower floor, at 21 Delta Place, completely furnished. Phone Ivy 8468-L. for rent; one very or without hoard. FURNISHED rooms large room; with 224 South Pryor. FURNISHED ROOMS, close In, reason able; modern conveniences. 90 West Baker. Ivy 7520-J. LA ROE front nicely furnished room. with or without board. In adult pri vate family; a real home for right per sona; references. 92 (Jordon street. Phone W. 747, TWO newly papered, large size rooms close in; will furnish if desired. Ap ply 25 K. Kilts St. __ NICELY furnished rooms; block from Candler Bldg 102 Ivy St. FOR RENT Tw«» beautiful furnished rooms in private home; steam heat, electric lights etc Will he glad to hear from parties who^re looking for some thing real nice Inferences exchanged. Gentlemen preferred. Phone Ivy 6164 NICELY furnished rooms In private home; gentlemen only. 19 K. Harris St. Ivy C349-J NICELY furnished upstairs rooms for two or three gentlemen. 116 Luckle street. FOR RENT Three elegantly furnished rooms; will rent real cheap; don’t ob ject to children 407 Fraser. FURNISHED room for men; all con- venlences. Ivy 4108 Peachtree place. THE FLANDERS Well furnished front room, adioining hath; steam heat. 95 West Peachtree, Apartment 4 NICE furnished room for two gentle- men; $8 per month. 106 Rawson. FOR RENT-One. two or three fur nished rooms; steam heated; all mod ern conveniences. 14 W. Baker St. Phone Ivy 5039. ONE NICE front room, furnished or un furnished. Gentlemen preferred. Close In. 234 Central avenue. NICE, cleun. upstairs front room tot rent to gentlemen Phone Ivy 4769-L 258 North Boulevard. IENCEK AND HE CLOSE TO CAR LINE. ANSWER AT ONCE TO H. A. V., BOX 69, CARE GEOR- neac'h’ | GIAN, GIVING BEST PRICE AND LOCATION. FOR RENT- One apartment of two rooms, with hot anti cold water, hath; price 18. Couple preferred. Apply 389 strsst. TWO apartments, 310 and 312 MyrtU i street, very desirable; all modern Im provements; reasonable terms Phone 1 Ivy 6066 L APARTMENTS Piedmont and Mer- | rltts, $35. $37, $40 Apply 70 Mer- j rltts Ivy 2843-.1 I TWO 4-room apartments every mod ern convenience, 324 Forrest avenue Apply premises. Phone Ivy 508-J. L. B. Sanders, owner DELIGHTFULLY comfortable two six- room apartments for lease; strictly first-class; best North Hide residence section; one block from Georgian Ter race; handsome grounds; large individ ual porches; automobile accommoda tions, etc. Phone ivy 657-J, or call at 29 Ponce Del.eon avenue WE HAVE some nice four and five- room apartments on the North Hide for rent. Chas. I’. Glover Realty Co., 1 ‘*> Walton street. AVALON, West Peachtree and North avenue, one five-room apartment; September 1; eleVator; sleeping porch; superior service. Call Mr. Martin. Main 1764. 1 FURNISHED APARTS JVANTED^ j \VCT^r1?TT^Hycoir][d«jrTImiiHhe<l apart ment of three or four rooms on North • • N h , 16 East Merrltte avenue UNFURNISHED HOUSES WANTED, fo RENT C>R IT'\{( *HASIC A bunga low on North Side. Must he nice neighborhood Write full particulars, stating exact location and terms. A. C. B., 61 Walton street WANTED Bv September 1 or 15 five- room bungalow or cottage on North. Hide or Inman Park; must be reason-| able. No children. Address B. 8., care Georgian. WANTED To rent about September 15. house or bungalow, six to eight rooms; Inman Park preferred. Address Box 379, car** Georgian. STABLES WANTED WA^ffcb To r«*nt barn or stable for five automobiles. Must have water. Address Box 506. care Georgian. HOTELS FOR RENT. ^ FdI^TpeK’T OnTy^flrst-class brick hotel In Cedartown, Ga ; well located, near Seaboard depot; unfurnished., ("an give possession October 1. Fine opportunity for good hotel man. Eor particulars write Tlson Real Estate Agency, Ce dartown, Ga. MEDICAL.. DRfTp?Ty ! ~Treated 10 days free. Short breathing relieved in a few hours, swelling, uric acid and water removed in a few days. Regulates liver, kidneys, digestion and heart. Write for testi monials. symptom blank for free Home Treatment. Col I um Dropsy Remedy Co., 406 Austell Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. DR EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation, irregularities and similar obstructions Trial box by mall, 50c. Frank Edmondson Ar Bro., manu facturing chemists, 11 North Broad St., Atlanta. FARMS FOR SALE. COOL ROOMS for transient; near post- office; fine bath? for gents 11 (?one THE PICKWICK. NEW TEN-STORY AND FT REPROOF. Cool outside rooms; connecting hath; convenient shower baths on each floor. 77 Falrlie street, next Carnegie library The Fdirieigh Furnished rooms and furnished 3- room apartments; close in; conveniences, j NICE front rooms, fine location, block from car line; only $10 102 Ivy streep BOSCOBKL AND EUCLID APARTMENTS, CORNER Euclid avenue and Hurt street Three ami four rooms, steam heated, wall beds and wall Most excluiivt neighbor hood, on car line. Every apart ment fronts the street. Separate entrance, no congestion In halls. The most delightfiu and ventilated apartments In the city, $30 to $j7.50 each. FITZHUGII KNOX, 1613 CANDLER BLDG FURNUHED HOUSES FOR RENT. room J ittmge -ln~T?T- man Park; all conveniences. Call Ivy 3224-J. MODERN house furnished. Apply 277 West Peachtree street. OWNER (man) would rent Ills well-fur nished home on Juniper street for his board for two months to approved party. Main 3300. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, all conven iences; excellent neighborhood. 192 Crew St.. MODERN eight-room house for rent. Well furnished. Apply 277 West Peachtree street. UNFURNISHED HOUSES FOR REN 1 , Foff RENT September 180 East Fifth Htreet; house In thorough repair; re ception hall, sitting room, hath, din ing room and kitchen downstairs; four bedrooms and hath on second floor; electric lights and steam heat. Apply E. R. DuBose. 66 Whitehall. FOR RENT—Near Ponce DeLeon ave nue and North Boulevard, eight-room house, hardwood floors, vapor heat, screened, summer dining rooms, garage, elevated lot. John Pap pa, 610 North Boulevard. Phone Ivy 474. SIX-ROOM cottage, good repair: mod ern Improvements; near In. 149 Wal ton street. Ivy 6212-L. FOR RENT—Corner East Pair and Whltefoord avenue, six-room house, with or without 8 acres good land; FEW refined people for elegant rooms house has city conveniences; one block adjoining hath newly renovated; also from car line; city school in two light housekeeping apartments. Ivy I blocks. John Pappa, CIO North Boule- 'd Phone Ivy 474. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ■ VICKY desirable 10 room housed ar I . conveniently for one or two W. M. SCOTT .Sc CO. Apple and Chicken Farms. AT BLUE RIDGE, a nice town where the Baptists are to build a female col lege, 31 Vfc acres one-half mile from de pot. 20 acres cultivated. aU under fence; 0 acres in timber; 4 acres in. pasture. 1,000 apple trees—500 6 to 8 years aid, worth $5 each $2,500 200 three years old, worth $3 each.. 300 two years old, worth $l each.. All selected fall and winter varie ties, on hill side northern and western slope; five room frame, • weatherhoarded, ceiled, and painted dwelling, running wa ter in the kitchen, worth One barn, three stalls, feed room, com crib. fencing, etc House in edge of timber, well shaded, faces east, good gar den. schools and churches; In fact, it Is in town; you can have electric lights if desired; land, say 600 : 300 I 900 300 600 one per month AT TilE CARROLLTON, FURNISHED FURNISHED MGR. 20 CARNBOIE WAY. APARTMENTS AND ROOMS J. F. STEELE, BEAUTIFUL, cool, front room; private hath; shady lot, gentleman “Be tween Peach!roes." cure Georgian. 10 W. CAIN. families; newly painted and renovated I four car lines; at Grant Park main en- tranee September i Main .i FOR i>82NT u MS Bait Pine street five-room cottage with bath, $22.50, ! for a small family only. SEVEN-ROOM house, one block Grant Park, on Georgia Ave.; house In per fect condition; reasonable rent. Phone Main 31*9-L. i OR RENT i!S4 E Georgia Ave., five i rooms and hath, with ’arge basement; I newly tinted and painted; only $18. worth $20. L. Grossman, 96 Whitehall ‘ St. ette, gas and bath; every convenience for house keeping. 39 Woodward Ave. ONE ROOM, with kitchenette, nicely furnished for light housekeeping; all conveniences. 147 Capitol avenue. THREE connecting rooms for light housekeeping; North Side; also one nicely furnished room, suitable for gen tleman or lady Gall Ivy 1960-J. WANTED Couple to rent part of new home. W. 1349-J. West End. UPSTAIRS, consisting of three rooms. private bath and kitchen with gas; best part Inman Park; go«>d cur service; *25 per month. 187 N. Moreland, near Eudld. •: T<< SETTLED COUPLE, without chil dren, three connecting first floor rooms; separate gas. china closet, pan try. water and sink In kitchen. $14. 265 Crumley street. FOR RENT- Five unfurnished rooms wdth private bath, arrunged as an apartment with exception of entrance fftttfated in one of best sections of North Side. Furnace heat. electric lights, hot and cold water and telephone furnished. $35.00 per month. Telephone Ivy 5398 L PEACHTREE, upstairs, four unfur nished rooms, only $10 month; gas, water and sink in kitchen. Apply 59 East Alexander. NICE ROOMS, also light housekeeping! _ ___ a [»ari men!, private family Close in ivy (Wiit spT\r^Ti^N’f^ulTafil? T\Y,| Util'.MS with kitchenette >12 50 * or broker or real estate man. Phone, IlKhts, piazza. VI Kast Men 1 none Main 1931. or Box 366, care lieor- ander REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ^ I^OR SALE By owner, new six-room house In South Kirkwood, in beauti ful grove; easy terms. C. W. S., No. 918 Austell building. Phone Main 2243. TRUCK FARM. SIX MILES from the icntir of the city; 14 acres in high state of cul tivation; 4 acres of good bottom land; one 5-room and one 3-room house; ‘running water; all kinds fruits; right at railroad utop and near car line.- Bargain at $3,000, on good terms. See YQUNG & GOODHUE, 413 Peters Bldg. . YOUR CHOICE FOR TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS. OWNER forced to sell one of two lots. fronting Ansley Park golf links. Terms, $250 cash, balance $25 per month at 6 per cent interest. Address A. C. G., care Georgian. $7,000 PROFIT TN THIS. Improved place on North avenue. 150 feet from Peachtree, almost adjoining the Ponce DeLeon and Georgian Terrace Hotels. Less than $300 per front foot; adjoining property can't be bought for less than $500 per front foot. A. & II. F. WEST. Atlanta National Bank Building. FOR SALE Near Ponce DeLeon avenue and North Boulevard, eight-room house, hardwood floors, vapor heat, screened, summer dining room, large, elevated lot, garage. John Pappa, 610 North Boulevard. Phone Ivy 474a Four Acres, Williams Street.. Aristocratic growing location; small fortune In this; will exchange. A. J. & II. F. WEST. Atlanta National Bank Building. FOR SALE- $1,000 buys beautiful five- room bungalow on large lot in Florida town, on large lake. Owner leaving State and must sacrifice. Ideal winter home; fine boating and fishing Address Bungalow, No. 4 Line St., Decatur, Ga. NORTH SIDE HOME. NINE-ROOM house on Highland ave nue; best part of street; no cash ard small monthly payments; lot 60x150; level and shady; cheap. Address Bar gain, Box 13. care Georgian. SIX-ROOM cottage, Delaware avenue, Ormewood Park, for rent or sale. Phone Main 5471 -L or write Route 3, Box 38. Atlanta. \ IN the Druid Hill section. 500 feet from the East Lake drive, this side of Oak- hurst. one block from North Decatur car line, l have several beautiful lots for sale, price $460 to $900. Will accept $75 cash and very small monthly payment on each lot. Consider the location and write owner Box 709, care Georgian. FOUR-ROOM house, $!H>0; renting for $9.10 per month; also two nice lots on Ashby street, near new school house All city improvements, cheap. W. J. Garner. 250 Marietta street. EQUITY‘in cemetery lot to exchange for something of equal value. Ad- FURNISH ED OR UNFURNISHED. dress Business Bargain. Box 121, care ^--r^ ROOMS FOR RENT. Georgian one upstairs furnished or unfurnished ft ARE opportunity for Investment near room (’all Main 3S14-J. 191 Cooper. new Y M. C. A Building on Luckle street; lot 100 by 1(M» Fine place for OFFICES FORJENT, ' double apartment. Address G. W. J., NYl^haveTwo nice fronFoffioes'tfiaUcan J Box 120. care Georgian he rented Immediately. Will be glad i INMAN PARK LOTS 75 feet front $1,- to show them to you. Atlanta Trust Co., I 050 cash Twelve minutes from Five 140 Peachtree afreet. j Points Good neighborhood and all im- Sl’iTES of two rooms each and single j provements Call or pvione W. R. Beck rooms in Rhodes Building. Call Main ! Fourth National Bank. Main 3087. At $5,200 $3,000 buys it; $1,000 cash, balance at 7 per cent. Two apple crops will pay for it, and a lifetime business. After four years it ought to pay $3,000 per annum. Might take city property in part payment TWO MILES front Lithia Springs on County Line road, 80 acres beautiful little farm. 35 acres in cultivation, 200 peach trees, seven quince, number of cultivated goose plums; in fact, a large family orchard; land lies well; four-room dwelling; fine shade around the house; good garden Pries >2,600 AMONG other desirable farms near El- lijay, we have one on the main high way automobile route, 134 acres, 30 acres fenced, 3 acres branch bottom land, 80 acres mixed timber for pasture and stock range, five good springs, old or chard of 70 trees, 180 seven-year old fall and winter apples, 60 Elberta j>each trees, grapes, plums, etc.; good four- room house, two barns and other out buildings; house shaded by walnut and apple trees, on telephone line; only $2, 0<j0; $500 or $600 cash, balance $200 per annum. • WE HAVE a large number of very de sirable apple and chicken farms in that section. GO LOOK at five-room house on Hoke street, near water works; three lots, fruit and big garden; small payment down; balance like rent. SMALL STORE and three-room dwell ing, front and back veranda, in Bell- wood; corner lot; should rent for $7; now rented for $5; pay 10 per cent on $600; $475 cash buys it. W. M. SCOTT & CO. 210-212 Gould Building. 18,001 ACRES *>f irrigable land from one to ten miles from Midland, Tex. This is the newest discovered irrigation belt and promises to be the best of all. I will sell 80 acres or the entire 18,000 acres at $30 an acre. Henry M. Halff, owner. Midland, Tex. 9 1-16 ACRES, over 1.200 feet along railroad, with right of way across tracks; 28 miles from New York, near Bound Brook, In a few years this prop erty will be very valuable; price only $900; easy terms; discount for cash. \V. B. McLain, 47 West Thirty-fourth street, New York. FOR BALE 1,000-acre improved delta plantation, 2,000 acres in cultivation; j 1,000 acres In 12-inch and up cottonwood; tine soil and no boll weevil. For details write J. C. Walker, Shaw, Miss. CHICKEN, pigeon and duck farm with in sight of New York; house, modern improvements; plenty poultry houses and fruit; sale or rent at great sacrifice, ( account death. Nicholson, Lyndhursi 1 X. J. ' 46 ffioe at the building j OFFICES tn the Moore Building at No 10 Auburn avenue, steam beat; pas senger elevator; lights and janitor ser- , vice. $12.50 to $18.00. One furnished j office, price $17.50 night. Ivy 2329-L j S <an - WANTED—-Nice couple to rent three nice connecting rooms. References exchanged Answer 530 Washington. No children. THREE or five nice rooms for nice people for light housekeeping Ivy 3625. THREE connecting unfurnished rooms for rent. Phone M 5459-J, or apply 33 Bryant St. fWO unfun 1st • roon nil modern conveniences. Apply 63 Windsor st. THREE connect £JT stnvt; both floors are larvro joining; private entrant* " * ‘ “ ' 2 40 Boulevard Terrace. DESK SPACE FOR RENT. DI-.SK am! space with telephone. Apply 616 Third National Bank Building. DESK SPACE FOR RENT -Use of desk and telephone; front room; $10 month ly 140^. Peachtree. BUSINESS SPACE FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Second and third floors of 172 and 174 White- dose In. rea- •onveniences. 90 UNFURNISHED m sonable. modern West Baker Ivy 7520-J WANTED Desirable party to share house. Can spare live rooms Terms reasonable. North Side. Ivy 2080-J. FOR RENT Three connecting upstairs rooms, nice and clean; all conven iences. Cheap to couple. 11 Whitehall T< it ace. TWO large connecting rooms, dose In; gas and convenient to car line; small rent. Phone Main 106$. September; and light, with all modern con venienees; suitable for business or Lodgre rooms; rent reasonable. ! Apply Southeastern Dental Uni- : versity at office. ! UNFURNISHED KOO^iS^WASTTED. ;\VANTKD—'TO K E N T FOUR OR FIVE UN FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE FAMILY BY 1 COUPLE WITH ONE I CHILD TWO OLD. MUST HAVE ALL M O D E R X CONVEN IENCES AND HE ON ,tt AL ESTATE FOh 6ALE OR EX CHANGE. ILAVE about $2,000 equity in North Side property, yielding monthly Income, will sell or trade for modern North Ride home Address A . Box 7s8. Atlunta. FOR BEAUTIFUL HOMES and build ing lots In College Park, the moat de sirable suburb of Atlanta, see 1. C. Mc- Crory. PEAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED Direct from "owner, a small house with large lot, on easy terms. Address K. IV. care Georgian REAL ESTATE WANTED. WE have several buyers for small In vestments ranging from $1,000 to $5,- 000 Phone or write us. OTIS & HOLLIDAY. 1605-6 Fourth National. Phone M. 175 FARMS FOR SALE. ~7 TTMfwSlTT’oR RALE 100 acres, one mlie east of Guthrie; contains oak and cottonwood: a upraised at $5,000; two railroads run through thN property; a good proposition for dealer in wood, sawmill or match factory. For further Information write owner, Frank J. Kirk, 1612 Maple avenui 1 os \ngdes, Cal FOR SALE Iron ore property, 400-aere tract; standard quality, within miles of two trunk lines of railroads. Price $25 000; bargain. Tison Real Es tate Agency Cedartown. Ga FARMS In Erie, Niagara, Orleans. Alle gheny. Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Wyoming Counties. Albert D. Jamieson, j White Bldg.. Buffalo, N v FOR SALE—Modern hotel in live busi ness and healthy resort Arkansas town. For full particulars address J. L. McKamey. agent, Imboden, Ark. IMPROVED farms, 50 miles southwest of Macon, Ga.. Write us your wants. Butler Realty Co.. Butler, Ga. FOR SALE* Whole section, belt land in Butler County, Mo. No overflow, nor boll weevil. Forty acres in cultivation. Sixteen houses; two stores; on railroad and County road. Will produce immense crops of cotton corn, wheat and alfalfa. For terms address B. B. Boyd, Coving ton. 'l’enn. A HEAL INVESTMENT. IT’S a ^03-acre farm; all modern im provements; buildings in good repair; 185 acres in cultivation, 220 acres under wire fence; gravel clay HUbsoil; average one bale cotton per acre; three miles Butler; county seat; 1,000 population; growing town; $35 per acre. Quick sale BUTLER REALTY CO., Butler. Ga. TWO thousand acres of hardwood tim ber for sale; on quick sale will take following price for same, $14 per acre; five miles of Central Railroad, 30 miles south of Macon. R. L. Stubbs, Tooms- boro. Ga. FOR SALE—Four hundred acres of tim bered land at $4 per acre. For partic ulars, address T. S. Wells. Cornelia. Ga MISSISSIPPI delta farm for sale. The finest 1,489 acres in the delta, 1,250 acres in cultivation. One mile from railroad station. Address Box 25, Tut- wiler, Miss. 326 ACRES, 150 in cultivation. 50 in meadow, hog fenced, five sets houses, small orchard; sell dark sandy loam and black; $25. 2,000 acres under hog fence, 1 mile station, $11 Write for list. O. R. Hamilton. Franklin, Texas. «U COUNTRY HOME—59 acres. 2 miles Imboden. Old-fashioned log house, barn and other outbuildings; 22 acres In cultivation; more general farm ing land to clear; about 1,000 hearing fruit trees; one of the best springs in the Ozarks. Ideal summer place. Price 4 1.800. For full particulars and land list, address J L McKamey Imboden, Ark HOUSES FOR RENT. HOUSES FOR RENT. FOR RENT BY FOSTER & ROBSON. 8-r. h., 8-r. h., 8-r. h., 8-r. 8-r. 8-r. 8-r. 8-r. 8-r. 8-r. 8-r. 8-r. 8-r. 8-r. 8-r. 140 Capitol avenue ....$45.00 45 South Gordon .... .a 46.00 1120 PeKalb 35.00 763 Edge wood avenue.. 40.00 53 Atlanta, Decatur.. 25.00 1102 Peachtree (apt.).. 70.00 701' N. Boulevard (fur.). 76.00 458 Capitol 33.36 38 Norcross 35.00 674 ’Washington 50.00 20 Gordon, Kirkwood. 40.00 366 Capitol 35.00 568 Washington 50.00 38 E Thirteenth .... 25.60 57 DeKalb avenue.... 30.00 8-r. h., 580 Washington 8-r. h., 8-r. h., 8-r. h., 7-r. h., catur 7-r. h., h., 80 McLendon 77 Jones avenue.. 1 8. Gordon 37 Ponce DeLeon, 64 Currier 11 Candler, Decatur 7-r. h., 560 Central 7-f. h., 56 Currier (apt.) . 7-r. h., 58 Currier (apt.) . 7-r. h., 170 Washington .. 7-r. h., 65 Austin 7-r. h., 41 Zachry 7-r. h., 418 S. Moreland . . . 7-r. h., 55 Howard, Kirkwr>od >e- $50.00 50.00 17.50 40.00 27.60 40 00 30.00 30.00 42.50 4 2.'60 50.00 40 00 31.50 17.00 25.00 FOSTER & ROBSON, 11 EDGEWOOD AVE. avenue $50.00 FOR RENT 10-r. h., 150 Spring st (Aug. 31) 355.00 10-r. h., 452 Whitehall street (Aug. 23) 50.00 9-r. h., 29 E. Third street (Aug 31) i 75.00 8-r. h., 74 Forrest avenue 75.00 JOHN J. WOODSIDE, REAL ESTATE, RENTING, STORAGE. Phones, Boll. Ivy 671; Atlanta. 618. 12 "Real Estate Row” 8-r. h., 8 Kennesaw (Aug. 31) 8-r. h., 23 Columbia (Aug. 31) 45.00 8-r. h., 163 E. Pine street (Aug. 31) 37.50 8-r. h., 484 Courtland street (Aug. 31) 45.00 FOR RENT Chas. P. Glover Realty Co. 2i/ 2 WALTON STREET. 20-r. h. 135 Ivy street $100.00 8-r. h., 37 Copenhill avenue.. $37.60 14-r. h. 173 Luckie street 40.00 8-r. h., 42 Logan avenue 25.00 14 r. h.. 530 Washington street.. 50.00 7-r. h., 381 S. Pryor street... 30.00 12-r. h.. 82 Central place 35.00 7-r. h.. 330 Central ave 26.00 12-r. li.. 79 K. Merrltts ave. . . . 66.00 7-r. h., 1*4 Elmira street 45.00 10 r. h., 354 Euclid avenue . . . . 60.00 7-r. h,. 55 W. Peachtree Place 30.00 10-r. h., 338 \Y. Peachtree street 60.00 7-r. h., 261 Kast Georgia ave.. 27.50 10-r. h.. 71 W Fifteenth st. .. 85.00 7-r. h„ 529 Pulliam street 20.00 10-r h 26 F’eachtree circle.. 75.00 7-r. h , 537 N. Boulevard 55.00 10-r. h., 164 Ponce DeLeon ave. 75.00 6-r. apt. 633 Piedmont avenue. 50.00 10-r. h.. 44 Kast Ninth street . 63.00 6-r. h.. 87 Elmira street .... 35.00 10-r. h., 84 East Cain street.. 40 00 6-r. h., 185 Holderness 30.00 9-r. h.. 708 Piedmont avenue.. 65.00 6-r. h., 41 Woodward avenue.. 25.00 9-r. h., 73 East Merrltts ave. 43.50 6-r. h.. 41 Woodward avenue. 25.00 9-r h , 83 Ashby street 40.00 6-r. h., 16 Kings Highway 9-r h.. 669 Highland avenue.. 40.00 (Decatur) 35.00 8-r. h.. 29 Kast Ninth street.. 40.00 6-r. h.. 37 W. Boulevard De- 8-r. h., 167 Capitol avenue. .. 42.50 Kalb 27.50 8-r. h , 36 Argard avenue 37.50 6-r. h.. 28 Queen street 27.50 8-r. h 135 Myrtle street .... 55.00 6-r. h., 15 East Pine street.. 35.00 8-r. h.. 63 Currier street 45.00 6-r. h., 137 Venable street .... 18.60 8-r. h. ( 824 Piedmont ave 60 00 6-r. h.. 55 Killian street 17 60 8 r h . 91 McLendon street . . 45 00 6-r. h.. 253 Crew street 20.00 8-r. h.. 315 S. Pryor street. .. 40.00 5-r h , 989 Glenn wood ave 15.60 8-r. h., 50 Kennesaw ave 42.50 5-r. h.. 310 Kirkwood ave 12.00 8-r. h. 96 W. North ave 35.00 4-r. flat, 1 Baltimore place.... 25.00 FOR RENT 361 Capitol ave., fourteen rooms 507 W. Peachtree, ten rooms .. Collins Swith, ten rooms 354 Euclid avenue, ten rooms.. 15 Howard street, nine rooms Collins Switch, ten rooms .... 118 Simpson st., seven rooms.. 41 Gresham street, seven rooms 570 Capitol ave., seven rooms 139 Davis street,’ seven rooms. . 67-A Highland ave., six rooms $60.00 70.00 25.00 60.00 45.00 25.00 18.60 18.00 25.00 16.00 37.10 162 Pulliam street, six rooms.. 244 Lake avenue, six rooms . . . 42 Chickamauga ave., qix rooms 94 Gilmer street, five rooms 423-A Crew st., five rooms 109 Rawson street, five rooms. . . . 2 Flanders apartments, five rooms 222 Courtland st.. five rooms. . . . 505 Cherokee avenue, five rooms. 10 Flanders Apts., five rooms 34 Ponders avenue, five rooms.. $27.50 32.50 25.00 22.50 20.00 18.00 4.5.00 20.00 22.50 45.00 14.00 RALPH O. COCHRAN CO. 74 - 6 PEAC HTREE STREET. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. FOR RENT Bell Apartments Corinthian Apartments IN THE BELL, comer North Boulevard and Ponce DeLeon, we have one four and one five-room apartment for rent. IN THE CORINTHIAN, 136 West »Peachtree, one four and one five-room apartment for rent. r • BOTH of these apartments are strictly modern and are steam heated. Apply Chas. P. Glover Realty Co. Phone Ivy 3390. 2% WALTON STREET. FURNISHED APARTS. FOR RENT. EEaViSg" city, will rent newly fur nished 4-room apartment, with cverj convenience; North Side. Address G. H A . Box 881, care Georgian FOR KENT Furnished, to responsible party, lower floor, consisting of bed room. dining room and kitchen Apply 10 West Pine, one door of West Peach tree. _or__ call Ivy 5859-J. MRS BLACK w : take charge of the .. . n . x ' emon, steam-heated apartments. 61 ( \ l\ LlNr A\S\\ r, R lO Fast l ain street. September 1. ami will! .. . \ T * t* \t A,, nave r"oni for a f*v\ men- >oung men JR A. \ HOA ()f) ( AHE 160 ACRES gooi level land covered with timber; two miles from Garvin Okla.; for short time $10 *ore. third cash, bal ance easy, or will trade for cattle; also , four 45-acre tracts close to Valiant, YT? A T)c pan In cultivation, in best fruit coun- * DA j try; half mile good ? bargain rtment of tlx J GFAPfll \ V 8 1 I \7 I V C rooms with steam heat 294 Myrtle ' ' EUIAU I nJ.', til \ 1 o U St. Ca'I Ivy 6607-J. ell watered, school; Judd Moore, Valiant, okla. FOR SALE—Two hundred and fifty acres of good strong red land; plenty UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT. timber; pasture with running water one-half mile of depot. Will divide into small farms, or sell the whole at a bargain. Write for terms to Box 224. Raymond, Ga. 43-27-7 IF YOU are in the market for a farm we can suit you either black or sandy land in any part of North Texas. Will PRICE AND LOCATION. T« Hle,t Co " !0; ‘ Ki " d stre “'' Dallas • R E F E R E N C E S A BEAUT 1EUL FIVE- |CHANGED. ROOM APARTMENT. FOR RENT at 387 Peachtree street steam heated and e Phone EX- i. desire to rent three furnished rooms steam heated and good ianitnr service. * or light housekeeping; must be in good hone W. 93 for all information I neighborhood; state i»articulars. Address Box 418. care Sunday American. FOR RENT Apartment, six rooms, D butler's pantry, linen locker, provision M ANT ED—Three connecting unfur- *-loset, storage r--> rn. clothes i . . nished rooms for light housekeeping; I large front and back porches, strictly reasonable price; cheap. Address 1. O. * modern and complete: just like being 1 • care Georgian fir own home with all conveniences I HAVE farm lands around Albany, Ga., the best farming section in the South. You can grow from two to three crops a year. For sale cheap, or will exchange ; ;— ; I for Atlanta property. M. L. Petty 125 TWO LADIES, mother and daughter, ! North Pryor street. Atlanta. Ga. FOR SALE or Exchange—Irrigated al falfa farm near Peming. N. M., some cash some trade, balance deferred. Box 361 Peming. N. M of j£j up-to-dat* apartment steam hot and cold water Main 5411. . ""CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN, j YOUNGS "'couple wa nice upstairs rooms; good it *ghborhood A* American, ant about three all conveniences, Address H-336, care A SNAP for the money. 640 acres Pecos Valley adjoining railroad town. R. S. Long. Owner, Longworth, Texas. 423 ACRES, ten sets houses; rent $1,200; price $2,250. \Y. J. Gilbert, Dublin, Ga. (CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN.) 160 ACRES- Stock farm below Ocala; enormous free range; timber uncut; must sell quickly; need money. Box 1400, Mod ell o Fla WIDOW must sell; 400 acres, including 36 choice Holstein cows; all crops, hundred acres timber, modern buildings, worth $7,000; running water; price $10,- 000; easy terms; free catalogue. C. J. Ellis. Farmers’ Bank. Springviile, N. Y. BY OWNER. 5,000 acres of cut-over land, sixteen miles west of Jackson ville, Fla.; every acre good farming land; $8 per ucre; or will sell 2.000 at $9; $1 per acre will handle these A. E. Reid, Ionia St . Jacksonville, Fla, FOR BARGAINS in central Ohio farms Write John Watkins, North Lewis- ; burg. Ohio. 160- ACRE FARM for sale; three houses, i Write or see me. One-half cash; good j bargain. R. B. Moon, Kennesaw. Ga. ! LANDS in Mississippi and Alabama at i $4 to $10 an acre. J. C. Van Dolah. j Pillshoro, Ind. * I STEAM-HEATED APARTMENTS TWO SIX-ROOM APARTMENTS—one up and one down. Every modern convenience—gas ranges and refrigerators—$37.00. 67 Highland avenue, two doors west of Jackson street. W. H. WITHERS 218 TEMPLE COURT. PHONE MAIN 2974. WISCONSIN FARMS FOR SALEJ—Can furnish re- I tired business men, clerks, bookkeep- 1 ers and others fine farms, five acres and 1 up to 1.000, near railway stations and good markets, cheaply and on easy pay ments. Write for particulars to Steph enson Land and Lumber Co.. Oconto, Wis. OXYGEN-ACETYLENE WELDING. "It STICKS like a bull pup.” But thif process doesn’t sim ply stick things to gether. It MELTS the metal at the crack or brfcak and runs it together again. We weld any thing made of any kind of metal. Nothing too small or too large. ATLANTA WELDING COMPANY. IlOfcE VY* T] BELL PIIOH • 74 IY IVY 5367 TREET. READY BY SEPTEMBER 1. OPEN FOR INSPECTION. THE LAWRENCE ' 52 AND 54 WEST PEACHTREE PLACE. A NEW, CLOSE-IN KITCH ENETTE APARTMENT SIX BLOCKS OF THE CANDLER BUILDING. SEVERAL CHOICE 3 AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS LEFT; BUILT FOR COMFORT IN SUMMER TIME AS WELL AS WINTER. EVERY ROOM HAS OUTSIDE EXPOSURE. ALL CONVENIENCES, WITH LIGHTS, STOVES AND RE FRIGERATORS FURNISHED. REFERENCES REQUIRED. APARTMENTS GIVEN PERSONAL ATTENTION. PRICES $37.50 TO $50.00. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION* APPLY TO J. L. TURNER CO., Owners. 1520 CANDLER BUILDING. Ivy 5213. AUTOS. AUTOS. GASOLINE 18c Best prade of Auto Oils my specialty. (Barrels or bulk.) Prices right on all standard make tires and tubes. AUTO OIL AND GASOLINE CO., J. L. Carroll, Proprietor, 71 North Forsyth Street. V mmm ATLANTA, C,A„ SUNDAY, AUGUST 17, 1913. HOUSES FOR RENT by SHARP & BOYLSTON, 78 E. N. Avenue, 10-rooms 66 E. Cain Street, 10-rooms ... ... 114 S. Pryor Street, 10-rooms 791 W. Peachtree Street, 10-rooms.. v. 43 Trinity Avenue, 9-rooms 824 Piedmont Avenue, 8-rooms 1-19.0 Orunt Strppf 8-ronnis ...$55.00 ... 67.50 .. 55.00 75.00 ... 52.50 .. 60.00 '... 40.00 . . . 3O.Q0 701 N Boulevard S-rontos ... 60.00 1Q8 Farrpst. Avsnup ft-moms ... 37.50 OQ Anhiirri Avonnp 7-rooms ... 40.00 28 Tattnall Street, 7-rooms ... 20.00 ... 18.60 50 Woodward Avenue, 7-rooms 370 Euclid Avenue, 7-rooins Ansley Street, Decatur, 6-rooms Ros** Hill Station fi-rooms ... 28.00 ... 50.00 ... 22.50 ... 22.50 351 Fraser Street, 6-rooms 101 Pulliam Strppt. fi-rooms ... 20.60 ... 25.00 80 Windsor Street, 6-rooms 529 Po Ilia id Strppf fi-rooms ... 30.00 .. 20.00 107 Kplly Kt.rppt fi-rooms ... 18.60 4<i Woodward Avenue, 6-rooms 270 1 -9 E Fair Sfrppf fi-rooms ... 22.50 ... 20.00 t 22 Fowlpr SJtrppt fi-rooms ... 12.60 110 Jones Avenue, 5-rooms... _ 20 Atwnnri A vpiuip fLrooms .. 18.50 ... 20.00 ^ * HOUSES FOR RENT. HOUSES FOR RENT. THE EUCLID APARTMENTS THIS NEW APARTMENT HOUSE at No. 161 Euclid avenue ha* just been completed and consists of 16 three and four-room apartments. Each apartment fronts Euclid avenue and has all the latest improve ments and novelties. The wall safes are attractive features for valu ables, and the three-room apartments have wall beds, which really makes them equal to four rooms. Prices are $32.50 and $37.60. The neighborhood is unexcelled. IN THE BOSCOBEL, which adjoins, are three and four-room apart ments at $30 to $35 each. FITZHUGH KNOX 1613 Candler Building REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. AUCTION DON’T fail to see those eighteen beautiful acreage tracts, averaging from one to twenty acres, fronting the Marietta car line at Turner’s crossing, two miles south of Marietta, that we are going to cell at public outcry to the highest bidder, before the courthouse door at Marietta, Ga., September 2, 10 a. m.. Remember thie Is an ad ministratrix sale. Property MUST SELL. You make the price. We the terms. One-half cash, balance one and two years at 7 per cent Interest. See this property without fail. J. B. Jackson 213-214 PETERS BUILDING. PHONE MAIN 929. For Sale By FOSTER & ROBSON 11 Edgewood Ave. ON W. TENTH STREET, a new bungalow, with all conven iences. Price $5,000. Easy terms. See Mr. Cohen. ON EAST FOURTEENTH STREET, we have one of the nicest homes in Atlanta. Hardwood finish; steam heat; four large bedrooms; extra large sleeping porch inclosed in glass; three tile baths; servants’ house with bath and toilet; large barn or garage. On beautiful, large lot. The surround ings are the very best and the price is reasonable. No curiosity seekers need apply. Positively no information over phone. See Mr. Martin. WEST END—One of the most prominent streets, a 10-room house, with servants’ house and bam. Large lot, 60x230; $8,000, $1,000 cash, balance easy. See Mr. White. WE HAVE LISTED with us, on several of Atlanta’s very best North Side streets, a number of beautiful, modern, up- to-date in every respect, 8, 9 and 10-room residences, that we know will appeal to the most careful and exacting buyer. You can be suited absolutely in house, locality, price and terms. It will be my pleasure to show you. See Mr. Brad shaw. WE HAVE some lovely grove and open tracts of land at De catur, from 5 to 10 acres, and ranging in price from $250 to $500 per acre. Come out and buy 5 acres, and have a lit tle farm. See Mr. Eve. AH FIFTY SMALL FARMS AT AUCTION DAKOTA, TURNER COUNTY, GEORGIA AUGUST 28TH CHOICE RED PEBBLE SOIL TERMS—10 per cent cash, balance in five equal an nual payments, 6 per cent interest after January 1st, 1914. FREE—Round trip ticket to every purchaser. You are invited—Grand Barbecue and Band Music. EDWIN P. ANSLEY ATLANTA Carolina Development Company, Auctioneers.