Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 17, 1913, Image 224

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. 1 2 H TTE4RST’S SUNDAY AMKK1CAN, ATLANTA, (iA., SUNDAY, AUGUST 17, 1913 Smith-Williams M R. and MRS. FLOYD WALDO IIENDRIUKSON an nounce the engagement of their sister. Miss Laurie Martha Smith, to the Rev. James Toy Williams, of Jackson ville, the marriage to take place on September 16 at their res idence in Milledgeville. vex Lee-Adams MR. AND MRS. T. T LKK, of Savannah, announce the en- 1 gagement of their daughter, Della Marie, to Cleveland Clark Adams, the wedding to take place September 18 at the First Baptist Church. * * * Burgess-Elliotl M R. AND MRS. R. S. BURGESS, of Savannah, announce the engagement of their daughter, Hattie Lou, to Dr. Spencer B. Elliott, of Jacksonville, the marriage to take place in the early winter. r m. m McCreery-Graham |VjR. AND MRS. JOHN F. M’CREERY, of Nashville, Tenu., announce the engagement of their daughter, Sarah Eliza beth, to Judge William Shelby Graham, of Tampa, the marriage to take place at the McCreery home on August 27. ». *t R Ghent-LeNassena M R. AND MRS. ROBERT TAYLOR GHENT announce the engagement of their daughter, Roberta Cecilia, to Clarence Edward LeMassena, the wedding to take place Sep tember 17 at the First Baptist Church, Dothan, Ala. M to a jBooth-Cole MR. AND MRS. J. E. BOOTH, of Columbus, announce the I engagement of their daughter, Anna Hazel, to Robert Rast Cole, the wedding to take place in October. R *t R NNOUNCEMENT has been made of the engagement of Miss Nell Josephine Tague and George Briggs, both R R R Tague-Briggs : ft of Chattanooga. BecK-Batte(\son gagement of their daughter, Margaret, to Lyle K. Bat- tertou, of Atlanta but formerly of South Dakota. The wed ding will take place in September. R R R Dicftson-Barrett \ 1 R. AND MRS. GEORGE F. DICKSON, of Douglas, an- I I nounce the engagement of their daughter, Agnes Drane, to Harvey Wells Barrett, the wedding to take place in the earlv fall. R R R Balls-DocKstader R R R Sollowau-Barrdt PatMllo-Clarft Mbs Emma Jordan dan, who is abroad on governmental business set. " (Photo bv McCrary. Who is having an interesting tour of Europe. She is traveling with her father, Harvie Jor- Miss Jordan is a popular member of the college M RS. CHARLES BYRON RALLS, of Smyrna, announces the engagement of her daughter, Mary Eliza, to Dean McArthur Dockstader, of Atlanta, the marriage to take place in September. No cards. M R. AND MRS. L. SOLLOWAY announce the engagement of their daughter, Minnie, to Samuel J. Barrett. The date to be announced later. M R. AND MRS. K. S. PATTILO, of Macon, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Forrester, to Dr. Thomas Hardeman Clark, the marriage to take place on Wednesday, August 20. R R R Ragland-High M R. AND MRS. J. P. BONNER announce the marriage of their sister. Miss Ruby Ragland, to Fred High, the wed ding to take place Wednesday, August 20, at the First Chris tian Church. R. R R Smith-freeman J AMES WILLIAM SMITH announces the engagement of his daughter, Elizabeth Blanche, to Fred K. Freeman, of Albany, Ga., the wedding to occur at Monroe in the early fall. No cards. tables. Mrs. porter had as her guest* Mfos Grady, MUst Voaeh, Miss Boyn ton. Mrs. Gllham Morrow, her guest, Miss Manila Car ring ton. and Mrs B. L. D irrence./wlio the past week with Mrs. Porter at her East Lake home. M fore returning home they will visit other points of interest In the West. • • • Mrs. Hugh Bancker is at Weirs, I where she has been for several weeks. J Very soon she will Join her parents. » Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block, at Atlantic City, where she will be until return ing home. • • • SS ANNA 8HAFFIKLD re turned to Atlanta this week after a several weeks' stay in Dallas ond New Orleans, where she was the guest of Mrs. Claude E. Wil liamson. Mrs. Williamson, who was formerly Miss Pearl Robinson, of this city, accompanied her to Atlanta, and after the first of September Mr. and Mrs. Williamson will be at home at 600 Washington street. * • * - OLONEL AND MRS. ROBERT J. LOWRY have been at the Waldorf-Astoria In New York until they left Saturday for Atlantic | City for a few days, later aoing to the Grove Bark Inn, Asheville, for several weeks. c Moore, Mrs. Frank Vaughan. Mrs. Morman P. Davidson and Mrs. Julia Wilburn. Miss Maud Scruggs, who has been spending the summer with her sis ter, Mrs. Robinson, will return to Washington the last of August. S EVERAL of Atlanta’s very popu lar young women left Atlanta last week to attend a house par ty In Maine. Miss Hildreth Burton Smith Is entertaining the party at the summer home of her aunt. Mrs. Orton Bishop Browne, In a camp on Rsngeley Lake. The girls who left .early in the week for that place were Misses Nancy Prince. Passie May Ottley. Marlon Goldsmith and Lula can Jones. were accompanied by Gabriel |an, a.;*-] .i. the party besides these Miss Burton Smith’s guests in clude a number of young men from New England. Upon the termination of the house party at the camp they will take a motor trip to Berlin. N. H Miss Ottlev will visit Mrs. Albert Hey ward on the Massachusetts coast be fore returning home. • • • Miss Lottie Wvly has returned from Wrlghtsville, where she has been spending the month. • • * l>r. and Mrs. Bates Block will leave to-day for Yellowstone Park, and be- RS. FRANK MOORE PEAR SON has returned from Wrlghtsville Beach, where she has filled a summer engagement to sing at the Lumlna Sunday con- I certs. • • • N compliment to Miss Fannie Mae Specht, whose wedding to Ernest Clarke Andrews took place Thursday afternoon. Misses Ruby and Essie George gave a matinee party at the Forsyth Tuesday after noon, inviting to be their guests Misses Pauline Specht, Lucile Specht. Marlon Miller. Alma Nantz, Gene vieve Sewell, Emmie Stewart, Mrs. Bruce Morrison, Mrs. Clarence Al- dredge and Mrs. Morris. On Wednesday Mrs. Robert Morri son entertained at luncheon for Miss Specht. The table had as its center- piece a bowl of pink roses and all the details were in pink. Invited to meet Miss Specht were Misses Genevieve Sewell. Alma Thomas Alma Nantz. Emmie Stew art. Lucile Specht, Pauline Specht, Marion Miller. Mrs. John Flowers. Mrs. Ethel Martin and Mrs. W’llliam Stewart. jV^j RS. HAROLD HIL JN enter- | v | tained Wednesday afternoon at 1 a bridge tea, inviting the mem bers of her club or the game and a few other friends in for tea at 5 o'clock. The honor guests were Miss Gene vieve Gresham the guest of Mrs. Rus sell Gresham, and Mrs. Pennell. >f Fort Oglethorne, who is visiting Mrs. J. C. Peavy. Quantities of pink and white roses were used in decorating the house, large vases of these flowers adorning the mantels Hnd cabinets. The prizes were gold and white china for top score and for the honor guests correspondence cards. Mrs. Hilton was becomingly gowned in lavender crepe and lace, with a deep girdle of satin. - • • v I ISS MARY BROWN entertain >1 I at a swimming party Wednes- 1 day afternoon at the Capital City Country Club for Mrs. Framp- ton Ellis, a June bride. Fourteen girls enjoyed this infor mal affair. Tea was served on the porch. • • • IV liss FARRA BACON, of Savan ts I nah. Is the guest of Miss Marie * Colcord. Many informal affai’s h«ve been given for her th past we*'. Among them wa the matinee paUv at which Miss Colcord entertain *» Wednesday afterno^.i at the Forsyth, inviting six girls t » be her guests. Thursday afternoon there was :\ Swimming part/ at the Capital City Country Club for Miss Bacon. Twelve guests were preseat, and after a swim, tea was served them on the I veranda. HE first german of the season at the Greenbrier White was an event of last Monday even ing. Eighty couples uanced, led by Mrs. Thomas B. Paine and E. Pen dleton Turner. Thomas B. Paine was chairman of the committee, the chap eron* including Mrs. Chief Justice White and Mines. James H. Preston, Sanford C. Kellogg .John D. Potts, Garret B. Wall, A. W. Calhoun, 131 i- lups Phlnizy, Frank Ellis and John Chism. Following the dance Colonel James H. Preston, the Mayor of Baltimore and Mrs. Preston entertained a cpmpnny of 25. Including Captain and Mrs. Thomas B. Jaine. Mr. and Mr*. John Grant. Mr. and Mrs. E Fontaine Broun. Mr. and Mrs. Mor ton Jourdan. Mr. and Mrs. James Branch. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Lew. is. Mr. and Mrs. Barret B. Wall and Mrs. William C. Worthington. |y/|RS.*.T R. MOBLEY. Miss Jennie 1 ■ Mobley and Mi** « Josephine EDDING in which a great deal of interest centered was that of Miss Leonora Maddox and Dr. Clyde Zirkle, which took place Saturday morning at 11 o’clock at the home of the bride’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Maddox, on Howard Street. T^e bride was given in marriage by her uncle, \V. I. Maddox, and she en tered with him into the drawing room where an altar was improvised of palms, ferns and white asters. Large vases of asters stood at each end of the prieu dieu, and the man tels were adorned with these same flowers. There were no w'edding attendants and only the relatives of the two families were present. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served in the dining room where every detail was in pink. A mound of pink orchids graced the table, and the mints and ices were in the form of orchids. The bride wore a stylish tailored model of blue serge, a blouse of white crepe de chine and a black tulle h*it. Her corsage bouquet was of orchids and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Maddox was gowned in white crepe and lace. After the ceremony Dr. and Mrs. Zirkle left for New York and Can ada. where they will spend a month, and on their return they will be at home with Dr. Zirkle’s parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Zirkle. on Boulevard. The only out-of-town guest at the wedding was Mr. Gulley Zirkle. of Rome, who is an uncle of the bride groom. * * • M R. AND MRS. J. SHIELDS GLADNEY announce the mar riage of their daughter, Anna Belle, to Mr. Charles W. Carroll, of Yorkville, S. C. The wedding took place August 14, at the rectory of the Sacred Heart Church, Rev. Father DuBois officiating. * • * M ANY pretty and becoming toilets are seen at the informal par ties of the summer season. Al though apparently simple In design, the models show' a gracefulness of drapery that is Indescribable. Among the dainty frocks worn at the Capital City Country Club dinner- dance Thursday evening Miss Jennie D. Harris was seen in a shell pink crepe of the sheerest texture. The deep flounce of shadow' lace was joined to the upper part of the skirt with a sash of pink satin ribbon. With this she wore a shepherdess hat of pink hemp adorned with pink plumes. Miss Marian Achison w'ore a white lingerie gown with a deep girdle, ho much the fad at present, of the palest shade of blue. Her hat w'asr of blue tulle edged with the plaitings of tulle. Miss Nell Prince wore a stunning frock of old rose corded ratine. The skirt was becomingly draped and a small lace collar finished the neck. Her black eyes peeped from under a large black tulle hat. Miss Emma Kate Amorous was handsome in pink crepe, and her nlnk hat with its exquisite roses was held in place by narrow black velvet rib bon streamers. Another young girl who was gowmed all In pink was Miss Eliza beth Morgan. Miss Alice May Freeman wore a simple white lingerie dress with a trimming of shadow' lace. Miss Mary Hines wore a FTenchy creation of pink flowered crepe, with a girdle and sash of blue. About ihe neck was a Robespierre ruche of blue tulle. She had on a large hat of blue, w'hich was weighted on one side with a pink rose. Shadow lace was draped over the brim. Always the picture of fashion, Miss LeVin appeared in a Nell rose gown, and her hat of the same shade com pleted her costume. Another pretty toilet seen was that of Miss Caroline Muse, who wore blue crepe made with the peplum and cor sage of shadow lace; a girdle of blue satin was drawn about the waist ami the skirt was of a graceful draped model. Her white hat was adorned with white Jadonicas. * * * O NE of the most delightful House parties of the season was the one given by Miss Zadie Stew art at her summer home at Pine Mountain Springs. Besides all the pleasures of the country, swimming parties, tennis, watermelon cuttings and straw rides added much to the amusement of the pleasure-seekers. Miss Stewart’s guests included Misses Frances and Annie Smith, Misses Mattie Lou and Willie Rich ardson and .Miss Mildred Harris, of Atlanta; Miss Velma Stewart, of Yatesville; Miss Ruth Herrin, of Ma con, and Miss Annie Byrd Ogletree. of Laurel. Miss.; Bussey Eberhart and Gordon Freeman, of Atlanta; I'hland and Terah Stewart, of Sa vannah: Homer Sullivan, of Thomas- ton; Will Teague and Pierce South- erlin, of Atlanta, and Otis Stewart, of Savannah. * * * |V4RS. ESTELLE GARRETT BA- |V| KER, Mrs. Roland Alston and 1 tirr imclr, C. L. Hutcheson, of Chattanooga, are traveling in Nova Scotia. Before returning home they will spend some time in Atlantic City. • * * HE affairs at the clubs last week were, as usual, full of interest. The Thursday evening dinner dance at the Capital City Country Club and the week-end dances at the Piedmont and East Lake Clubs were all well attended. Every afternoon the lakes of the country clubs have been the scene of merry swimming parties. Society has- been much interested in water sports this season, and the annual water carnival at East Lake is anticipated with more than the usual interest. The water carnival takes place next Saturday at 4 o’clock, and will consist of swimming contests, diving contests and other sports, a cojnmittee of which Eugene Kelley is chairman being in charge of the affair. Among the people at the Thursday evening dance of the Capital City Country Club were: Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rosser, Jr., who had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Roy Collier; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Haw kins entertained Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Car hart had with them Mr. and Mrs. Jack T Lewis. In another party were Misses Elizabeth Morgan. Emma Kate Am orous Gladys LeVin, Lee Harvey, Ju lius Jennings and C. F. Roddey. Others present were Misses Caro line Muse, Alice May Freeman, Marion Hodgson, of Athens; Marion Achison, Jennie D. Harris, Mary Hines, Cobble Vaughan. Nell Prince, Carolyn King. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Speer, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ottley. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Achison, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Con roy, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hardy, Messrs. Winter A1 friend, Fred Kloe- fer, Strother Flemming, Eugene Haynes, Ben Daniel, Turner Carson, Livingston Wright, Granberry. of Nashville; Charles Sclple, Jr., Dr. J. D. Osborne. Willard MoBurney, Du gas McClesky, Fred Gamble. Madison Bell. Arthur Clarke, Ernest Ottley and H. B. Miles. • • • y 1 ISS ISABEL AMOROUS gave a pretty afternoon tea at the Piedmont Driving Club Mon day. The girls were seated about a table on the terrace and in the center w : as a mound of old-fashioned garden flowers, mostly old maids and zinnias in the rose shades. Her guests were Misses Julia Mur phy. Dorothy Arkwright. Lawrence Horlne, Frances Winshlp, Louise Richardson, Dodo White, Madeline McCullough. Louise Hill of Macon, Marjorie Weldon, Ann Patterson, Nina Hopkins. Katherine Dickey, Jean Douglas, Annie Winship Bates, Irene King, Nellie Dodd, Emma Kate Amor ous and Mrs. Charles Sclple. \/|RS. ARTHUR* HOWELL gave a I I matinee party Monday after noon at the Forsyth for Misses Lucile and Esther Howell, of Valdos ta, who are the guests of Mrs. Mc Whorter Milner. M 1 " ISS HELEN JONES will leave the latter part of the week for North Carolina, where 9he will spend several months in the moun tains. Later she plans to visit her cousin. Miss Margaret Buckner, in Roanoke. Then she goes to New York to study voice during the winter months. Miss Buckner is now' with Miss Jones and has been given many informal parties this summer as Mias Jones’ guest. She leaves soon to resume her studies at college in Roanoke. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO US For developing We are film specialists with the larg ' * ~ " 11 ' ' • All prints made on Prize- llr eat laboratory in the South Winning Cyko Paper. All roll films developed FREE, no matter where purchased. Brownie Prints. 3c each Writ* for desc”iptive Camera Catalogue G. Prices $2.00 to $85.00. TJbc that fast Ansco film; fits any camera or kodak; cost j no more, but also gives true color values. Mail Order Department. E. H. CONE, Inc., 2 Stores, Atlanta, Ga. MARRIAGE INVITATIONS CORRECTLY AND PROMPTLY ENGRAVED SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO., ENGRAVERS 47 WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA. GA 11H Mobley are for several weeks. at Tate Spring* 1 vRS. J. 11 HOPKINS entertained * her bridge club Tuesday morn ing at her home on Ashby street. The house was decorated with nasturtiums, and Mrs. Mack Evans won the club prize, white and gold china, and Mrs. Norman P. Da vidson Cut the guests’ prize, an em broidered towel. The guests included Mrs J. H. Salmon. Mrs. Mack Evans. Mrs. E. J. Coleman, Mrs. Hull, Mrs. H. L. Car- raetive visitors-. Her guest* j /^\SK of the largest parties Misses Susie Veaeh. Ann I 1 w ,„, k was glven bv Mlss aura Cole and Martha ( ar- \^/ " HERE were many Informal par ties given last week for Mis« Martha Boynton’s guests, Miss Ann Grady, of Chattanooga, and Miss Susie Veaeh, of Adairsville. Tuesday Mrs. George Boynton en tertained at puncheon followed by a matinee party at the Forsyth for these attractive visitors. Her guest included Grady. Laura rington. of Charleston, who is visit ing Mrs. Gilham Morrow. Dr. and Mrs Charles Boynton gave an informal supper party Tuesday evening in compliment to Miss Boyn ton’s guests The table had a center- piece of yellow sunflowers in a wick er basket anu the small details of the table were in yellow. The guests were Misses Susie Veaeh, Ann Grady, Martha Carrington. Laura Cole, Mar tha Boynton. Messrs. Perrin Nicol- son. Cary Callaway. Harold Barn well. George Northern and William McCullough. These girls* were honor guests at n luncheon on Wednesday at which Mrs. Henry Porter entertained at the East Lake Country Club. Lunchebn ISS BESSIE TAPPAN’S guests. I ’ I Miss Lucy Jacks, of Forlyth. and Miss Julia Gills, of Wood- berry. hove had many informal af fairs given them the past week. They were guestu of honor at an afternoon tea Monday at the East Lake Coun try Club, and Tuesday afternoon Mrs. O. L. .Ternigan had a sw imming par ty for them at East Lake serving tea on the veranda afterward. Miss Julia McGaughey entertained at a matinee party at the Forsyth Wednesday* for Miss Tappan’s. gues-s and for Mis?' Julia Lokey. of Bir mingham. who Is visiting Mrs. Hugh Lokey on Fourteenth street. Besides Misses Bessie Tappan, Lucy Jacks. Julia Gills and Julia Lokey. Miss Mc- Gaue-hev had as her gueut Miss Min nie Purvis. Wednesday evening they were the honor guests at a theater party ami Tiiu~«dnv evening Miss Marion Cook gave a party for them. • • • x | ISS MARY LUCY TURNER gave J a bridge party, Tuesday evening I for her guest. Miss Carol Dean, i of Gain* svllle. The,house was, artistically decorat ed with garden flowers and ferns. The guests included Misses I.ucile Dennis. Nellie Kiser Stew art, Edith | Dunson, Annie Lou Pagett. Sadye Andrews, Annie Sykes Rice, Frank Spratling, George Walker. Grover Lowe. Dr Charles Hodge. Frank Gil - lesnie. Harry Johnson. James Camp bell, Steele York**, and Allan Shears. Sale of White | Canvas Pumps j§ 1 Monday and Tuesday! We have just received 260 pairs of Ladies’ White Canvas Colo- == nial Pumps, with turn soles and medium heels; Ladies’ Canvas == Pumps with regular heels and turn soles, and White Canvas s Button Oxfords with turn sole, very pretty. $2.00 and $2.50 values, your choice Monday and Tuesday $1.45 $1.95 SPECIALS—We are offering hundreds of pairs of fine Nu- m Buck and White Canvas Pumps and Button and Lace Oxfords, $2.50 and $3.00 values, at •.. Q CJL 1111C7 jLX U“ $1.95 CHILDREN’S PUMPS AT $1.00—We have a big tableful of = Children’s and Misses’ Canvas and Velvet Pumps. $1.50 to $2.00 values. Your choice • $1.00 roll, Mrs. Tomlinson. Mrs. M. S. * was served on the veranda and old Herndon, Mrs. Newcomb, Mrs. T. K. fashioned garden flowers adorned the of the largest parties of the ss Julia McIntyre at her home near Brookhaven on Thursday afternoon. She entertained 100 guests in honor I of Misses Fraser and Isabel Mitchell and Frances Berry. The young host ess was assisted in receiving by Misses Frances Anslev. Laura Ripley, Sina White. Mrs. D, T McIntyre. Jr.. Mrs. John Scott and Mrs. H. A. Me- ! A fee. The decorations everywhere were in yellow and green, asters and mari golds being combined with palms and ferns. The tea tabic was a symphony in yellow . Miss M( Intvpe wore a pink crepe gown, with flounces of shadow- lace Miss Fraser Mitchell wore white I • ace. Miss Isabel Mitchell was gowned j in pink crepe, and Miss Berry wore j white Chilton, with touches of pale green. MEN, ATTENTION! We have 200 pairs of Men’s Patent Colt ||§ and Tan Oxfords, $3.50 styles, that we shall offer at Gun-metal Oxfords at $2.45. rdutuii/ vi'it) $2.29