Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 17, 1913, Image 34

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iz A nPiAfioi ry ni iMmi a xvi riaitAii, A 1 LAIN 1 A, ttA., airiUAI, AWfUTST 17, 1313. mma A Dozen Things to Interest Every Member v • of Every Family in the South & A Great Southern Newspaper Cohering All Important Happenings in the World-—Bristling With •Entertaining and Instructive Features Hearst’s Sunday American covers completely every avenue of news of the universe. Local, State, National and Foreign news is presented in attractive shape in every issue. Every item of importance is handled as it should be handled. The happenings of the world are given to read ers of Hearst’s Sunday American in such quality and quantity as to make the news columns of the paper a wonderful mine of information. For All the News of All the World, Get Hearst's Sunday American Every week Hearst’s Sunday American carries news and pictures of all the latest ideas in the world of Fashion. Up-to-the-minute modes are discussed and explained by fashion experts so that the feminine read er learns at first hand every detail of Dame Fashion’s newest creation. For Latest News of Fashions, Get Hearst's Sunday American In the realms of Society Polly Peachtree and her associate writers on Hearst’s Sunday American are thoroughly at home and present each week in intimate fashion all the latest tea-table gossip, drawing-room small-talk and the doings of toe members of the smart set in Atlanta, Georgia and the South. No feature of the Sunday paper is read more eagerly than the social news section. It is an authority on Society. For All the Real News of Society, Get Hearst's Sunday American Men who know politics and politicians as they know their A B O’s write the news of politics for Hearst’s Sunday American. No paper in the South presents more complete and authentic political news. If you would keep abreast of the times in a political way you must read the American’s polit ical page. For Genuine News of the Political Game, Get Hearst's Sunday American It is the policy of Hearst’s Sunday American to keep its readers fully and and accurately acquainted with all the best and latest fiction. Gripping short stories and thrilling serials are to be found in its columns, together with entertaining gossip of writers and the makers of books. For the Best in Fiction, Get Hearst's Sunday American • The news of the stage in New York and Europe is presented in most at tractive shape. The successes and failures—are written about by Charles Henry Meltzer and Allan Dale, America’s foremost dramatic critic, whose pen is caustic, but honest, and who can be relied upon at all times to tell the whole truth about the drama. Just now Dale is in Europe. For Honest News of the Theater, Get Hearst's Sunday American In the field of sport Hearst’s Sunday American is foremost. Every branch of sport is handled by an expert. The American’s staff of sport writer’s is the largest of any paper in the South. Among its sporting writ- ers are W. S. Farnsworth, W. W. Naughton, O. B. Keeler, J. W. Heisman, Joe Bean, W. J. McBeth, Innis Brown, Damon Runyon, Ed Smith and Sam Crane. The best, most graphic pictures of sporting events are print ed in The American, which devotes four or more pages every week to sport. Everywhere it goes, The American is regarded as an authority on sporting affairs. The paper stands for and insists upon clean, honest athletics. For First News of Sports, Get Hearst's Sunday American The South is the garden spot of the country in agriculture and ev ery week Hearst’s Sunday American offers articles on farming that are written by men who know the soil and its possibilities. These special articles are written so entertainingly that they interest the city man as well as the farmer and are a prime feature of the Sunday paper. For Instructive News of the Farm, Get Hearst's Sunday American Hearst’s Sunday American is especially strong in real humor. The comic section is replete with the best that is to be found in genuine humor. It is a sure cure for the blues. ’The newest jokes and anecdotes appear in the columns of the Comic Section. The illustrations are be yond compare. Swinnerton, McManus, “Bud” Fisher, Windsor McCav and other artists of note are represented in the Comic Section. For Worth-While Humor, Get Hearst's Sunday American News of the cotton markets, Wall street and the world of money and industry is given plenty of space in Hearst’s Sunday American. Ev ery phase of finance is touched upon and readers of the paper have the satisfaction of knowing that tl*ey are reading facts by writers who know what they are writing about. The financial pages of The American are authoritative and unbiased. For Dependable News of Finance, Get Hearst's Sunday American In addition to all the regular and standard departments in Hearst’s Sunday American, the paper every week presents a wealth of special features that can not be found in any other Sunday newspaper. Pictures of people and events that are of interest; comment upon important af fairs, editorials that are a mental bracer, stories of people you know or have heard about, comment on the passing show—features similar to these make each number of The American stand out as a most complete exposition of the world and its people. For Entertaining Features, Get Hearst's Sunday American The cartoon is the editorial that strikes quickest and surest the men tal perception of the reader and the most striking cartoons are to be found in Hearst’s Sunday American. “Tad,” and Opper and Powers, and others are represented in the Editorial and City Life sections. “Mutt and Jeff” appear each week. Cartoons For Cartoons of Merit, Get Hearst's Sunday American These Are SOME of the Features You Will Find EVERY Week in Don't Miss Your Copy — Order It in Advance Don't Miss Your Copy — Order It in Advance