Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 17, 1913, Image 35

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ITUARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, ATLANTA, OA , SUNDAY, AUGUST 17, 1013. 13 A 1 Marsha Warrington Declares Both She and Lola Norris Had Promises of Marriage When They Embarked on Trip—Firm Under Cross-Fire. M arsha warrington and Maury i. Diggs, whom she accuses on a white slavery charge, as they appeared in court in the noted case. GIRLS BARE SECRETS OF FLIGHT WITH DIGGS AND CA1INETTI Blushing and With Downcast Eyes They Tell Jury Pitiful Story of Their Downfall FEAR OF EXPOSURE OF THEIR RELATIONS WITH IN LEB TO ELOPEMENT 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 16.—The case of Maury I. Diggs, formerly State ^Architect of California, charged be- jp fore the United States Court under lithe Mann white slavery act because IJbe took pretty, dainty Marsha War- f hington, of Sacramento, to Reno, Nov., heaving behind a beautiful wife and a little daughter, has passed the stage ftf revelation and disclosure and now ®ias come to the technicalities of de- Bense. | It \yill be recalled that on March 10 LSt the tea tables of the West were attled by the tale that Diggs had un away with Miss Warrington, laughter of a general agent of the t ^anta Fe, and that F. Drew Caminet ti, son of the Commissioner General Immigration of the United States, *jjad fled from his wife’s children at file same time, taking with him Miss m.ola Norris, the prettiest girl in the §5tate Library, daughter of one of the •ldest and most respected families in :he Capital of the State. Caught in a bungalow at Reno, the fUnlted States authorities took over the prosecution. Becomes National Incident. Then came the effort at Washing ton to postpone and suppress that prosecution, with the explosion and resignation of United State District Attorney John L. McNab, the forcing of Cabinet consideration and the ad ministrative fake of sustaining Attor ney General McReynolds in theory and rebuking him in fact and pro cedure. An escapade of love and champagne had been dignified into an event of national importance. »• After a struggle that exhausted the entire panel and required a special venire, a jury was sworn, and on Tuesday of this week came the long- expected sacrifice—the appearance of Miss Marsha Warrington before her shearers. She appeared, a pretty, plump, frightened little tiling, 20 years of age, who kept her eyes in her lap and slowly and painfully told, detail on detail, of her meeting with Diggs of the making up of a joy-hunting party of four with Miss Norris and Caminetti; of her yielding to her lover’s importunities in his office; of Cures Bleed Poison Wonderful New Vegetable Discovery, as Proved by Wasserman Test, Cures at Home the* Blood Poison That Causes Ul cers, Copper Spots. Mucous Patches, etc. Free to Yen How to Cure Yourself Quick ly, Abso; tely. Safely. Without Mercu ry, Iodide or Other Mineral Poisons. It doesn't matter how bad your case of blood poison, no matter in what stage, I can cure you quickly, completely, per manently with the wonderful, pure, vegetable Obbac Treatment. It has rev- Tpe Wonderful and Prompt Results of l Vegetable Obbac. olutlonized the treatment of biooG poi son. Its cures have been amazing, and the infallible Wasserman Test absolute ly proves it. I have cured cases with the body covered with ulcers, the hair gone, the Internal organs badly dam aged, the brain affected, and the bones of nose and throat Involved. You can now tnrow away all your mercury, iodide, arsenic and other dan gerous poisons which have a frightful effect and do not cure. < )bbac not only cures the blood poison, but the damage from these mineral drugs as well, and has cured cases which failed to be cured by injection method, now admitted to be dangerous ar.d fatal in many cases. The Obbac Company is one of the big institutions of Chicago. Send coupon below to-day and I will send you free how to cure yourself of blood poison, right in your own borne, with wonderful Obbac. also proofs of amazing cures by the score. FREE COUPON To Medical Director, OBBAC CO., 960 Commercial Building, Chicago, Ill. Send me by return mail, absolute ly free, how to cure myself quickly and completely at home of blood poison by the wonderful vegetable Obbac, also free book, proofs of cures, etc. Name Address City State trips that extended near and far. joy riding to destruction. Then she told of how Diggs and Caminetti had, playing upon the’r fears of arrest and exposure, induced and coerced her and Miss Norris to fly with them to Nevada. There was I no relation, however intimate no sit uation. however delicate, that the pretty miss was not forced to disclose. Terrified Into Trips. Next came Miss Norris, tall, wil lowy and prepossessing, and sth’e, too. clearly, distinctly, compellingly. told how she had loved not wisely and how she and Mis*s Warrington had been cajoled, persuaded and terrified into accompanying Diggs and Cami netti to Reno, where her own down fall was completed. Th*re has been something of cor roboration of the love tale and the completion of a hard case under the letter of the Mann law, which pun ishes those who take women from one State to another for the pur pose of making them mistresses and concubines. And now the defense has stated its case. It does not intend to deny the stories of the two girls, but will rear its hopes on the theory that there was “no persuasion’’ to leave Cali fornia. or “intent” to force the young women into concubinage in Nevada; but that all fled Sacrameto in the same fear of exposure of their liai son and arrest and disgrace follow ing the exposure. Roth Miss Warrington and Miss Norris had to submit to the must searching questions during their ap pearance on the witness stand. The two girls occupied the stand from Tuesday to Friday. The transcript -f their testimony virtually tells the complete story of the escapade that led to the indictment of Diggs and Caminetti and made the fl’eht to Reno eventually result in a crisi i i the Cabinet of President Wilson. On it the Government proposes to con vict the two defendants. A new warrant was sworn out for Diggs to-day in police court charg ing him with attacking a newspaper protographer. Diggs, it is expected, will take the stand Wednesday, and will be followed by Caminetti. Both will maintain that they fled from Sacramento only to escape arrest. In this contention, they will be corroborated by their their wives, who will testify that they had already threatened criminal action against their husbands. Love for Wife Forgotten. ‘How often during the two weeks prior to your departure to Reno did Mr. Diggs discus® with you his relr- tions with his wife?” was one of the first questions asked Miss Warring ton by Special Pros utor Roche. “Several times.” replied Miss War rington. giving the answer in such low voice that Judge VanFleet had to tell her to sneak up louder. Q. Did he say anything concerning himself and yourself in the future?— A. Yes. Q. How often did he refer to his regard for you?—A. He spoke of t very often and said that he cared more for me than he did for his wife. Q. Did you believe what he said?-- A. I did. Q. Did Di -’emonstrate his affec tion—I mean did he ever kiss you?— A. Yes, he did. Q. Did he discuss marriage with you?—A. He did. Q. What did he say about mar riage?—A. He said he would divorce his wife and marry me. Q. How often did he discuss mar riage with you?—A. I don't know. Q. More than once?—A. Yes. Best to Leave City. Q. Now, tell the jury what the de fendant said that resulted In your deciding to leave Sacramento.—A. Well, he said his father was coming up from Berkeley to prosecute us that there was talk about us all over town; that it was best for all of us to leave the city, and that it was thr* | advice of his attorney. He said he had : paid an attorney large sums for his ! advice on the situation. Talks of Reform School. 1 Q. Now go on and state what you said and what the others said, start ing with the first discussion.—A. Well. Mr. Diggs said we would be sent to the reform school; that there was going to be something published In the papers; that we would be tried in the juvenile court and there was a warrant out for our arrest, and If we did not go we would be put through the third degree. Q. By whom?—A. He didn’t say. The policeman, 1 suppose. Q. What did Caminetti say?—A. Ho didn’t say much. He just agreed. Q. What did you and Lola Norris say?—A. We said we couldn’t go. Q What part of the time of your meetings was taken up with these discussions?—A. Most all of the time. Q. Did you agree to leave for Reno before Saturday, March 9?—A. No. Q. Did Miss Norris?—A. No. Q. Did you make any statement as to the effect of your leaving on your father or mother?—A. I said 1 couldn’t go and leave my fa ther; It would simply kill him. He said it would all come out In the pa pers anyway, and I might as well go. Would Kill Her Mother. Q. What did Miss Norris say about her mother?—A. She said it wou.d kill her if she left. Q. Did the men say anything about that?—A. Diggs said her mother would get over it. Q. How soon did they say you should get away?—A. Right away. some place, in San Francisco, upon that occasion?—A. Tes. Q. And the same room was occu pied by you and Mr. Diggs upon that night, was it not? A. Yes. Q. And Miss Norris and Mr. Cam inetti. to your knowledge occupied another room alone in that hotel, did Stopped at San Jose. Q. Upon the second day of Febru- berg there and hire a cottage for the afternoon?—A. I don’t remember. N. Coghlan—I will ask you If you BOTH PROMISED MARRIAGE,. GIRLS TESTIFY Diggs said he would get a divorce from his wife and marry me. He also said Mr. Caminetti was going to get a divorce from his wife and marry Miss Norris. — From the testimony of Marsha Warrington. Mr. Caminetti told me he was not living happily with his wife and he promised that he would get a divorce and marry me.—From the testimony of Lola Norris. me he was not living happily with her. Q. Did Diggs ever tell you that his relations with his wife were about to be served? What, if anything, did he say upon this object?—A. Well, I remember tin one occasion that I received a telephone message saying that he and Mrs, Diggs had agreed to separate and that sne was to apply { for a divorce In a few lavs. Promised to Marrv Her. 1 Q. Did Mr. Caminetti say anything J about his wife and what his plans were respecting her after he went away?—A He said that he would get a divorce from her and marry me. | A. He said that he would get a di vorce from her and marry me. Mr. Roche: Q. Go on and state what occurred in the drawing room after you en tered it?—A. There were two berths on one bide, an upper and a lower, and a couch on the other side. I lay down on the couch for a while. Q. What became of Mr. Diggs and Miss Warrington?—A. They went into a lower berth? Q. What became of Mr. Caminetti? —A. He entered the upper berth. Q. You were still lying on the couch?—A. Yes. Q. How long did you remain there? —A. About half an hour. Q. Then what diu you do?—A. I got into the upper berth. Q. At whose request?—A. Mr. Cam- ! inetti’s. Reached Reno in Morning. Q. Do you recall what time It was when you reached Reno?—A. It might have been 8 or 9 o’clock the next morning. Q. Now coming back to the trip to Reno, did you shed any tears on the train?—A. Yes, because I was very unhappy. Q. How were the rooms occupied at the bungalow you finally rented at Reno?—A. Mr. Diggs and Miss War rington occupied the front rooms and Mr. Caminetti and I the back room. Q. At this time had Mr. Caminetti made any declarations of his inten tion to marry you?—A. Yes; he prom ised that he would marry me. Q. When the officer finally arrived with Mr. Martin Beasley, what did you and Mis* Warrington do?—A. We 1 cried, but he told us not to worry— that everything would be all right when we returned to our homes and parents. Q. Was any hilarity indulged in by either Miss Warrington or yourself on this occasion?—A. No. We couldn't laugh, because /we were both very unhappy. Q. Now, Miss Norris, prior to this trip to Reno, had you ever been inti mate with any man besides Mr. Cami netti?—A. I had not, and Mr. Cami netti knew it. —A. I had not, and Mr Caminetti knew' it. Q. And when you entered into these relations with Mr. Caminetti, you be lieved that he would marry you?—A. Yes, sir. Miss Norris was cross-examined by Attorney Robert Devlin, of the de fense. former United States District Attorney here. “Now. Miss Norris, on the trip you took to San Francisco and San Jose,” was one of Attorney Devlin’s ques tions. “did not Mr. Caminetti at first object to going, saying his wife was ill In the hospital, and didn’t Miss Warrington say. 'You’re a piker. We girls have framed this up and you must go along’?” “I dbn’t remember any such thing,” Miss Norris answered. Q. Did you have anything to drink on this trip?—A. I think I had some lemonade. Q. Don’t you remember that there was considerable drinking done in the party, and that you girls took part in some auto racing with another ma chine containing theatrical people, members of David Warfield’s compa ny?—A. No, sir. Q. Do you remember that when you finally returned to the Grand Ho-, tel it was very late—about 4 o'clock in the morning?—A. No, sir. I had no idea what time it wag. Q. You said you rapped on Miss Warrington’s door after you had reached the hotel and that you tried to enter her roopi. Did she hear you knocking? Objection interposed by Mr. Roche. Q. Did you stay in the room all night with Mr. Caminetti after you left the Grand Hotel and went to San Jose—at the hotel ’in San Jose?—A. Yes. sir. Q. At that time did you rap on Miss Warrington’s door?—A. Yes, sir. y. Now. after the trip to Jackson did you make another trip to Stock- ton—you four?—A. Yes, sir. Registered as His Wife. Q. Do you remember on this oc casion that Mr. Diggs and Miss War rington retired to a room and were gone for two hours, and that you ani Mr. Caminetti retired to another room?—A. I don’t remember. Q. Upon your arrival in Reno, Mr. Caminetti registered at the Riverside Hotel as Mr. Ross and you as Mrs. Ross?—A. Yes, sir. Q. And Mr. Diggs as Mr. Enright and Miss Warrington as Mrs. En right?—A. Yes, sir. Q. Now, after leaving the hotel and going to the cottage that you occu pied, do you remember Mr. Dicrgs am Miss Warrington going downtown an 1 buying you a night gown?—A. Yes: they returned with one. but I don’t know who bought It. Q. Do you remember after the Reno incident that Miss Warrington heard that Mr. Diggs and his wife were reconciled, and that she remark ed: “If 1 can’t get him. he’ll go to the penitentiary?" A. She never said that to me. Q. Do you remember on one occa sion entering the private office of Mr. Diggs in Sacramento when he was alone with Miss Warrington? Do you remember on this occasion Miss Warrington remarked, “What do you think this is—a private show, and why don’t you buy tickets?”—A. Nq FARM SEEDS We shall take pleasure In quoting current prices at any time on re quest, or shall fill all orders intrusted to us at lowest existing prices at the time the order is received. We have Just received our New Crop Seeds of Crimson Clover Alfalfa Clover, Dwarf Essex Rape. Hairy Winter Vetch, Georgia Rye and Grasses. Let us hear from you. MdVSiLLAN BROS. SEED CO. ‘Arch” Bell Phone 3076. 12 S. BROAD STREET THE BRIDGE BLOCK, 'Bob* Atlanta 593. Q. Did they say that each time you discussed going?—A. Yes; they said we had to go immediately every time. Q. What time did you meet Diggs and Caminetti at the Sadi le Rock res taurant the evening you ’eft for Re no?—A. About 8:30 o’clock. Q. Did Diggs say anything about marrying you there?—A. He said ne would get a divorce from his wife ami marry me. Q. Did he say anything about any action his wife might take?—A. Re garding a divorce, do you mean? He didn’t say she would get a divorce. Q. Did Diggs say what Caminetti would do?—A. He said Mr. Caminetti was going to get a divorce from his wife and marry Miss Norris. Q. Who did the talking?—A. Mr Diggs. He said we might go to Salt Lake City, Reno or Ixjs Angeles. He finally decided Reno. Q. Was anything said about what would happen if you didn’t go?—A. He said we had to go; that we couldn't back out now. Q. Did you protest?—A. We said we would stay there and take our chances, and he repeated it was too late to back out then. Q. What was said about tickets? A. First we talked about buying ihem ourselves. Mr. Caminetti said if woul i be better to have the girls buy them. Finally Diggs said he would get them. ij. Was diiv more money giver, to anybody bv’ one of the four?—A. Mr. Caminetti gave Miss Norris some I .r.oney. Q. How much?—A. I don’t know. Girl Kept Money. Q. To buy tickefs with? What 1 did be say when he gave her the say when he gave r.'oney?—A. He told her to keep it. Q. How long after Caminetti left did you stay in the restaurant? A. About tn hour. Q. What did you talk about?—A. About Mr. Caminetti and whether he would get the money, and our desti nation. Q. How were the berths occupied? —A. Miss Norris and Mr. Caminetti had the upper and Mr. Diggs and my self had the lower berth. Q. What baggage did the party have?—A. Mr. Diggs had a suitcase ' and I had a grip. Q. Was the baggage checked?—A ' No. Q. Did you see the tickets?—A. I I saw Mr. Diggs give them to the co l- ductor. Q. Where did you go from the res taurant?—A. The depot. Q. What kind of a car did you get In?—A. A Pullman sleeper. Q. What part did you go into ttr^t ? —A. We stood in the car while Mr. Digg«* got a drawing room. Q. Who paid for the drawing room? —A. Mr. Diggs. Q. Who ordered the porter to mak* up the berths?—A. Mr. Diggs Q. Did the four of you enter th * room together?—A. Yes. Q. How many beds were there in the drawing room?—A. Two berths and Ihe little side bed Q. Did you go to bed?—A. Yes. Q. Right away?—A. Yes. Tri-ed to Rent House. Q v Miss Warrington, you recall, do you?^going to the Riverside Hotel on Q. Was that after or before the four of you had your lunch at the cafe?— A. After Q. Upon leaving the cafe in Reno. ju ‘t state to what place the two men went, that iu. Mr. Caminetti and Mr. Diggs?—A. They said we could go to the hotel and wait for them and they would try to rent a house. Q. During the tine that you were in Reno with Mr. Diggs and Mr. Caminetti and Mism Norris were any further statements made by Mr. Diggs as to what he intended to do so far as you were concerned?—Ax I don’t understand. Q. Well, 1 mean so far as marriage was concerned?—A. Yes. y. What, If anything, did he say 7 — A. He said he would get/ a divorce from his wife and marry tne. Q. And what, if anything, did Mr. Caminetti siv in your presence to Miss Norris* regarding that, t?— A. He saij the same thing. Q. What room in that bungalow was occupied by you? -A. The front room. Q. vVho else occupied that room with you?— A Mr Diggs. Q. Who occupied the rear room, that is, the north bedroom?—A. Miss Norris and Mr. Caminetti. Miss Warrington was subjected to a gruelling cross-examination by Nat Coghlan, counsel for Diggs and Caminetti. . Replying to his questions. Miss Warrington explained she was work ing for her father, general agent of the Santa Fe Railroad at Sacramento, as a stenographer at the time she went to Reno. “Under what circumstances did you meet Mr. Diggs?" she was asked. “Ho was introduced to no- by > friend of mine. Mr. Monte Austin." was the girl’s reply. Q. Were you not Introduced to Mr. Diggs as Miss Williamson?—A. 1 could not say? Q. Did Mr. Austin give you the name of Mr. Diggs?—A. Yes. Q. Did you at that time know who Mr Diggs was?—A. I did not. Q. You did not know whether he was a married or a single man? —A. Mr. Austin told me that he was not living with his wife at that time. Pair Met Frequently. Q. When was it that you met Mr. Diggs the next time?—►A. The last of October. Q. Did you meet him frequently after the second time?—A. Yes. Q. Do you remember visiting Mr. Diggs and Mr. Caminetti in the city of San Francisco and going to the Grand Hotel during the month of ary. 1913, I will ask you if you, in company with Mr. Caminetti and Mr. Diggs and Miss Norris, did not go in an automobile from San Francisco to San Jose?—A. Yes. Q. You stopped, did you not. at the New Montgomery Hotel, at San Jose?—-A. Yes. Q. Do you remember. Miss War rington, going to Stockton upon a cer tain Sunday in Jan nary, 1913, with Mr. Diggs?—A. Yes. Q. Didn’t you go to the Old Heidel- February, 1913?—A. Yes. Q. And did Mr. Caminetti and Miss Norris stop at the Grand Hotel, the do not remember going to Jackson with Mr. Diggs and Miss Norris < i the auto of Mr. Diggs upon election night for the purpose of getting Mr. Caminetti—that is to say, election n'ght in November, 1912?—A. Yes. l| remember. Q. Where did you stop at Jackson j that night?—A. We didn't stay there, j We came right back. Q. During that trip did you and the j other three members of that part*' drink any intoxicating liquors?—A. Yes, a little. Q. Is ii not a matter of fact that i you arrived home on that night about j 3 o’clock I mean the next morning, on the morning of November 4, I be- | lieve It was or, at any rate, the I morning after election—and that you I had been drinking considerably upon 1 the trip?—A. I do not remember what! time we returned home; I do not | think it was so late as that. Wanted to Leave Town. vj. Is it not a matter of fact that you wanted to leave Sacramento by reason of the fact of your condition? —A. No. Q. And you were frightened at that time, were you?—A. Yes. Q. Afraid that you might be ar rested? Is tha f onrrect?—A. That is what Mr. Diggs said, that we were to be arrested the next day. Q. I am asking you now if you were afraid or were not afraid you would ba arrested.—A. Certainly. Mice Lola Norris made an even better witness for the Governmeni than Miss Warrington, although much of her testimony was simply in cor roboration of the testimony of her chum. "How old are you " she was asked by Prosecutor Roche upon taking the stand. “1 was 20 the 3d of last August,” she replied. Q. Do you know Maury I. Diggs? — A. Yes. Q. From when does your acquaint ance with him date?—A. Since about the latter part of October, 1912. q. At that time where were you employed?—A. In the State Library, Sacramento. Q. You are acquainted with Drew Caminetti?—A. Yes. Q. How long have you been ac quainted with him?—A. A little ov<*r a year. Knew He Was Married. Q. Did you know he wa§ a married man?—A. I did. Q. And did you know Mr. Diggs was a married man?—A. Yes. y. Now, Miss Norris, you remem ber the trip you took to Reno with Mr. Caminetti and Miss Warrington and Mr. Diggs. How many times were you in the habit of meeting to get her before that time?—A. Three or four times each week. Q. Did Diggs say anything about his relations with' his wife during these meetings?—A. Yes; he said was not happy with, his wife. y. How often did he say this?—A. A number of times. Q. And did Mr. Caminetti say any thing about his relations- with hi* wife?—A. Yes. , y. What did say?—A. He told FASTEST GROWING DENTAL BUSINESS IN ATLANTA M y Because Public Confidence • is completely established— because every claim is made good. Whitlaw, the Gniy dentist Who Says: ‘‘If It Harts, Don’t Pay Me." DON’T EXPERIMENT, Send Your Roll to Me and get the beat result* you ever had In 8 hours. Ask Any Kodak Owner in Atlanta or Georgia, or better still, send Shelley Ivey a trial order and don't pay if work Is not O. K on receipt. Write for his new square deal PROGKEHSIVK price list and camera catalogue and coupon system. THE COLLEGE •‘CO OP.'* Shelley Ivey. Manager. I've moved to 119 and 121 Peachtree, Candler Bldg. Special. P S Free development of any brand of rolls or packs. I work day and night to give quick deliveries. 8 I. Use My 8-Hour Service WHITLAW PRICES RUN AS LOW AS: Porcelain Crowns $3 Gold Crowns $4 Bridge Work $4 Plates (Gold Dust, Rubber) $5 And remember, If It hurts, It doesn’t cost you anything. Original Painless Dentist The claim that it does not hurt Is absolutely genuine. I can kill a live nerve, fill the most sensitive cavity, extract a tooth, crown a tooth, in fact I can perform the most difficult operations without hurting you a par ticle. c Lady Attendant and Ladies' Rest Room TERMS TO SUIT Phone Main 1298 ) DR. WHITLAW, PAINLESS DENTIST Largest and Most Thoroughly Equipped Sanitary Office in the South / 2 Whitehall St. II THE UP-TO-DATE F F f C A The Savoy Cafe has been remodeled, and is now fully equipped with the best and most up-to-date equipment in the South. It is clean, wholesome and inviting. Everything spotless and sanitary. A meal or lunch here is a real delight. THE “JUST AT FIVE POINTS” SAVOY CAFE 34 Peachtree QUICK SERVICE - LOW PRICES