Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 17, 1913, Image 37

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= HE \RST ,C? ^ TT N T n \V AMEftTC \ X1 a /pr \' •' * * i 'XT) A' M'fjrST 17 101S. 15 A >!. 074,4 7~ ATLANTA MANUFACTURERS, AND JOBBERS ARE DOING \\l AJxf) TRJTIT PUMi'AXVS building, decoratud in liQilyft of‘thtvvisjligjf (ubrchaiits, *»s were many of the wholesale houses. Many Attracted to City Who Never Came Before, but Who Now Will Make Semi-Annual Trips and Become RegularCustomers. Attendance Surpasses All Expec tations, as Does the Volume of Business Transacted as Direct Result of the Fine Gathering. The Southern Merchants’ Conven tion is over. Registration reached the imposing total of 2,500, Secretary H. T. Moore reported Saturday. Several hundreds did not register. Probably 3,000 is none too liberal an estimate of the number of retailers from Atlanta ter- i ritory who visited the city during the * two weeks. i With a theater party at the For syth Monday night, a barbecue Wed nesday, and the Atlanta-Chattanoo- ga ball game Friday, the visiting dele gates enjoyed the second week of their stay, and the Atlanta merchants who pushed the convention to success be lieve they have made enduring friends of their guests, friends who will come again In February and every half year after that. . The purpose of the convention was -twofold. First, the retail dealers from all over the South were given an opportunity to meet and discuss the problems which confront them in the everyday conduct of their busi ness. Second, every effort was made to emphasize Atlanta’s advantages as a buying center for all the South. Both Objects Achieved. Both these objects were achieved. The speeches during the first week bf the convention threw' ‘valuable help In the way of those who found perplexities in buying, selling, man agement of stores, credits, or any of the multitudinous things which go to make up a merchant’s work. It is a good thing that the pro ceedings are to be published. All of the speeches are well worthy of preservation for future reference. Some cf the speakers gave plain talks, just the simple, practical expression of what they had learned through years of experience. Others spoke with scholarly finish —-their speeches really were erudite, of studied completeness and finish. Still others were inspirational—they pointed out the Intellectual and spirit ual significance of the merchant’s work. They made him feel that his Is A noble calling, that the great prizes of the world are for the busi ness man. New Friends Made. From the other point of view, the results attained were no less notable. Hundreds of buyers came to Atlanta who never had been here before, and who would not have come this time had it not been for the convention. To them the completeness, the cheapness, the quality and the diver sity of things sold by Atlanta manu facturers and Jobbers must have been a revelation—indeed, they so expressed themselves. Some of them bought big bills. Of LAST YEAR S j Honduras Quoted at VA Cents to Jobbers by Big Atlanta Brokerage House. New rice is being shown by H. H. Whitcomb & Burke Co., Atlanta’s foremost grocery brokers, and the price is “sky high.” higher than any of the grocers remember, the figure quoted being 7 1-2 cents for full head Honduras clean. Japan sells for 3 1-2 and 4 cents. These are quotations to wholesalers. The market is bare of old crop rice of good grades. Those who demand the fancy article have had to deny themselves. The new crop, it seems, Is moving slowly, and indications are that the high levels will be main tained for some time, although a break Is possible later on. At the present time, even samples are hard doughnut flour. The powder contains Hour, eggs, spices and all the other in- gredjepts of doughnuts. All that i* necessary Is to add water, roll the dough, cut It and fry the doughnuts Suftli ient to make two dozen dough nuts is sold for 15 cents. New pack sweet potatoes are due In a few weeks, with a fair-sized crop of excellent quality in prospect. This is $in all-Southern product unknown in the North a few years ago. Bu> the Juicy Southern yellow pumpkii yam is so much superior to the kiln- dried,* mealy Jersey sweet potato of Jhe l^orth that it is believed a very short time will serve to make the more palatable product supreme In j the market. Every day there’s a new condiment. This time it is onion salad, a Boston product with a peculiar tang which ! makes a hit on first trial. Louisiana ■ the home of tabasco peppers, is put ting out a new tabasco sauce which the Whitcomb-Burke (’ompany is in troducing with considerable success. to get from New Orleans, which, of course, is the center of the rice trade. Cheese also Is high, considering the season. The usual fall advance is coming very early. Plymouth, Wis., Amreican full cream cheese is quoted, daisy, 15 cents, and twin daisies, 14 3-4 cents. Great Lakes salt herring will be gin to come In next month, and this most palatable fish promises to be in unparalleled demand. This is the va riety known for years as “white fish,” but the real white fish Is as scarce as prairie chicken, and by a recent gov ernment ruling It Is made an offense to brand fresh water herring by this name. The Whitcomb-Burke supply comes frojn the great fisheries at Green Bay, Wls. Every week, it seems, some new product appears on the market to make the housewife’s work lighter. The woman who so desires could feed her family for months at a time and never do a bit of cooking, with bak ers’ broad, canned brown bread, cof fee which needs only the addition of water, tinned roast beef, lemon pie filling, lemon sugar, onion salad and a multitude of ready-prepared articles The latest in this line is prepared To Atlanta is avail able to the mer chant who buys an adequate bill from the members of the Merchants’ Asso ciation. Write to H. T. Moore SECRETARY. Rhodes Building, Atlanta. DiXIE PICKLE AND PRESERVING CO. Manufacturers of Pure Apple and Distilled Vinegar, Catsup, Pickles, Mustard, Pepper Sauce, Sauer Kraut, Jelly, Etc. CANNED GOODS 364 to 378 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga. Every large jobbing house reports a splendid fall trade. The crop proM- pects are such as to make everyone optimistic. There will'be a good de mand for merchandise in the fall, and the buyers prepared to meet it. There were others who did not buy so much. They are just as welcome, for the Atlantans feels that their goods, their prices and their service are right, and that every customer who buys here once w’ill come again A noteworthy result of the meeting was the organization of a permanent body—the Southern Statas Merchants’ Association, headed by J. W. Vaughn, of Cartersville. Ga. This, it is hoped, will bring very tangible benefits to the retailers of the South in general. It may prove to be the parent of scores of local or ganizations, which can do worlds of good in watching credits, preventing price-slashing and equalizing freight rates. Write for oar latest Catalogue. The leading merchants are adding the 5c and 10c departments. Why not one for your town? McCLURE 10c CO., 47-49 S. Broad SI. Give Your “DIMES** a Chance TOYS FROM WASTE WOOD. . A toy company in Sheboygan, Wis., has begun to use only the waste wood from other mills. It has even worked out a system of using all small pieces, as well as the larger ones, so that practically nothing is lost but saw dust. Fate of Exhibit to Be Sealed Tuesday I 3k I 0. I 7 NRLSON STREET ATLANTA Atlanta manufacturers will seal tbe 1 fate of the proposed permanent ex- ! hibit of Atlanta-made goods Tuesday. I A luncheon will be held at the Ans- j ley at 10 o’clock that day. If suffi- j clent support can not be secured by j that time to guarantee the rental jof 1 four floors for two years, the attempt | will be dropped, at least for a year. Thirty-one manufacturers had signed by Saturday, an each of the 31 was commissioned to bring in an other. Including the cotton exhibit, three floors seemed to be assured. j VOLLMER MANUFACTURING COMPANY Moore Building ATLANTA, GEORGIA MAKERS OF FINE JEWELRY Special Designs in Platinum Engravers Diamond Setters Watchmakers Specialists in Jewelry Repairing Have You Bought Your SCHOOL SUPPLIES? Schools will be opening again in September--be sure you are ready for them. Send for our new 500-page Cata log illustrating the most complete line of School Supplies in the South. We Sell to Dealers Only MONTAG BROTHERS Manufacturers—Importer!—Jobbers ATLANTA At What Rate Do You Do Business? Fire insurance rates on a building are based not only on the chances of that building catching fire, but to a larger extent on the fa cilities at hand for putting out the fire, should it occur. The more convenient the Fire Service, the lower the rate. Just so in merchandising; the cost of doing business is directly governed by the conven ience of a itierchant’s source of supply. Take shoes, for instance; the Southern mer chant who buys his stock in the distant mar kets of New England and the West is paving a mighty high rate to do business. Here are the extra costs he pays: 1st. Excess freight charges. 2d. Interest on half the stock he now car ries that would be unnecessary with a near-by efficient factory connection. 3d. Loss on accumulation and depreciation of dead styles. 4th. Sales missed by being out of the right styles and sizes when he needs them. The RED SEAL Shoe Factory right here in Georgia offers QUICK SHIPMENTS, LOW FREIGHTS, THE BEST KNOWN A N D BEST SPOKEN OF LINE IN THE SOUTH. Its Mail Order Service is the best remedy for the High Cost of Doing Business. Postal brings catalog or salesman. Mail orders on way same day. J. K. Orr Shoe Co. RED SEAL FAC TORY, Atla.nta. “True Friendship's Laws Are h\j This Rule Expressed- Welcome the Coming, Speed the Parting, Guest." The good word that’s passing up and down the line to-day, anent the conven tion, is “All’s well.” We believe everybody had a good time. We tried to make it so, and without laying any unduly flattering unction to ourselves we feel that we have had a pair of mighty pleasant weeks. The prospects for the coming season are brightening every sixty seconds. The smile is chasing away glum doubt. The step that yesterday was fearsome and cautious is to-day strong and steady. The mists are rolling up and away and the good old sun makes genial shining for us all. * Lock about you and see what’s happening. Get ready for the reaping. And while you do it. have this thought in your mind, you Men who Merchandise: We Southern folks are bound together in peculiarly close business relations. Our section is our empire! We can make it. We can shake it! I 1 If we who WHOLESALE and you who RETAIL will pull together, push to gether, work together, trade together, we will PROSPER together. Good sentiment, but better business! ATLANTA is the logical Base of Supplies for you Southern merchants. She’s your best bet when it comes to the goods you need. She’s your surest ally in the upbuild of your own particular section, because her vision is broad and her inter est is not selfishly local—it’s all-Southern. Come to see us just as often as you can. The right hand of fellowship will greet you every time. We want you to know us and to like us and to feel sure of us and to make us your MARKET. ATLANTA will measure up with the best in America and make a proud show ing. WE ARE SEEING TO THAT EVERY DAY. Come here to buy, and we will prove it to you. MERC EES ASSOCIATION