Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 22, 1913, Image 13

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< 1 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN ANT) NEWS eao r^on orort-GEORGIAN WANT ADS-usc for results ttte Atlanta GEORGIAN and news 13 it Want Anything? TELEPHONE) Main Atlanta Telephone clerk will take your ad. and. If requested, assist you In wording, or will write the ad for you—that’s his business. He will also make it as brief as possible to obtain the resultR desired. In ordec to accommodate customers an counts will be opened by phone, but you will make payments promptly after publication or when bills are presented by mall. Classified Adver tising Rates: 1 insertion 10c a line 3 Insertions 8c a line 7 Insertions 5c a line 80 Insertions i%c a line 3 4c 90 Insertions. 4c a line No advertisements taken for less than the cost of two lines. Six words make a line. To protect your interests as well as ours, an order to discontinue an ad will not be accepted over the phone. Please make order to dis continue in writing. TELEPHONE Bo,h flOO Phones LITTLE ADS THAT BRING BIG RESULTS RAILWAY SCHgDULES. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. “PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH.” ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS, ATLANTA. The following schedule figures are published only as information, and are not guaranteed: No. Arrive 86 Blrnjlngh'm 85 New York 18 Jacksonville 43 Washington . 12 Shreveport ... 16 Heflin 29 New York 8 Chatn'ga 7 Macon 17 Fort Valley.. 21 Columbus .... 6 Cincinnati ... 29 Columbus .... 80 Blrmlnghm . 40 Birmlngh'tn 89 Charlotte 5 Macon 87 New York 15 Brunswick ... 11 Richmond .... 24 Kansas City., 16 Chatn'ga 19 Columbus 81 Fort Valley. 14 Cincinnati .. 23 Jacksonville 17 Toccoa From— .12:01 am . 5 00 am . 5:30 am , 5:25 am 6:80 am 8:20 am .11:15 am 10 35 am 10:40 am 10:45 am .10 :50 am 11 :10 am . 1:40 pm . 2:80 pm .12 :40 pm . 3:55 pm . 4 00 pm . 5 :00 pm , 7 :60 pm 8:15 pm . 9 20 pm 9 :35 pm .10 20 pm . 8 00 pm .11 .00 pm 0 :50 am 8.10 am I Depi New York. Columbus Cincinnati .. Fort Valley.. Birmlngh’m. Chaftn’ga ... Richmond ... Kansas City. Brunswick . Blrmlngh'm New York... Charlotte .. Macon Columbus .. New York.... Chattn'ga ... Blrmlngh’m. Toccoa Columbus ... Cincinnati .. Fort Valley.. Heflin Macon Washington.. Jacksonville. Shreveport Jacksonville. I To— .12:15 am 5:20 am 5 :40 am 7:15 am 5 :50 am 6:40 am 6:55 am 7:00 ain . 7:45 am 11:30 am .11:01 am 12:00 n'n .12:20 pin 12:30 pm 2 4.' pm 3 :00 pm 4 10 pra 4:30 pm . 5:10 pm . 5:10 pm . 5:20 pm . 5:45 pm . 5:30 pin . 8 45 pm . 9:30 pra .11:10 pm .11:10 pm All trains run daily. Central time. City Ticket Office No. 1 Peachtree St. NEAR-BEER LICENSES. I HEREBY make application at next meeting of Council for near-beer li cense (white only). 61 East Alabama street. John Faith ^ FU N E R A L^ NOTICE S. MR. J. G. McINTIRE, for many years a resident of and well known In At lanta, died Thursday night at 8 o’clock at the residence near Smyrna, Ga. He Is survived by his wife and one daugh ter, Mrs. Andrew Bramlett, of Clem- son, S. C. The funeral services will be held Biturday morning at 11 o’clock at Black’s Chayel, Marietta, Ga. In termit in National Cemetery, Mariet ta, LOST AND FOUND. / LOST—Insurance policy. Lee King, Cherokee Company. Reward. Return to No. 101 Whitehall street. LOST—Between Silver Lake and At lanta. one blue Spalding professional bathing suit, 2-piece, with white belt and nickel-plated buckle. Return to 17 East avenue. Apt. No. 9. Reward. . LOST Male fox terrier. Black spot over right eye. Short tail. Called Boozer. Atlanta 887 or 119 Whitehall. Liberal jv^ward LOST Pair glasses In front of No. L’H South Forsyth street. Return and re ceive rew'ard. _ LOST—Lady's purse containing $20 an-i some small change. Lost from third floor Atlanta National Bank and Ala bama street. Finder please return to No. 110 Hill street and receive reward. CERTIFICATE of Deposit No 7412, Is sued by Third National Bank to the order of A. N. Hollis, for $500. and pay able only on his indorsement, bearing date December 11, 1912, has been lost. The public Is hereby warned against ac cepting or otherwise dealing with said lost certificate. Third National Bank of Atlanta, Thomas C. Erwin, Cashier._ LOST—A child’s bracelet on Whitehall or Stewart avenue car. Return to 20 East Alabama. LgST Bunch <;f keys. Call phone M 1162. 43 Peachtree St. LOST—Tuesday on East Lake or Peach tree car between 6:30 and 7 o’clock, one gold circle pin with four pearls, engraved in back E. R.—C. II. Nov. 12. 1912. Return to Mr. Haverty, 598 Peachtree, or call Ivy 934 I,i i,ST KiLL^n watch fob with locket engraved “Lillie.” Phone Main 5468. LOST August 19, policy issued for Ibee King, corner Edgewood avenue and Butler street. Finder please return to 101 Whitehall and get reward. LOST—One B R. T. button. Call Main 2689 after 6 p. m. E5ST Dropped from automobile, va lise containing light checked suit, etc., between city and Silver l^ake Reward. Main 6506-J. 1516 Fourth National Bunk. LOST—Blue coat on Redford place, near Ponce DeLeon Ave. Finder please call Tvy 2896-J. LOST—Monday, auto tag. No. 22243! _ Return 81J5 Empire Bldg. LOST At East 1-ake, Saturday, August 16, a ring. Phone Ivy 3842 Reward given. J 08T Near Capital city Club or West Peachtree street man's watch fob, gold locket. Masonic emblem, engraved; monogram ”W W. S.” Return to J. P. Allen & Co. Reward. LOST- Saturday morning, downtown section, pocketbook containing cash, notes, railroad ticket. Shrine card and otner valuable papers, bearing signa ture of J. N. Met’lure. Finder will please return to 407 Gould Bldg., and i >6 ve reward. i <>s¥ Wednesday night on Lockie street car, in the Vaudette or Alamo or on Whitehall, a gold crescent brooch, Friday morning a prayer book on East Hunter car. Reward If returned to Mis* M. K O'Donnell, 94 Hill St W. M. COX cleans all kinds of carpets. rugs a specialty. Ivy 3135-J, Atlanta 1818 141) Auburn Ave. 7-20-81 PERSONAL. LASiE^Fsrr5hS?r time only, WonH an's Home Companion and McCall's Magazine, both one year, and any one McCall's pattern, for only $1.50. Ameri can Magazine Agency. P. O. Box 1222 SWITCHES made from combings, i\- hairdressing and scalp treatment; children's haircut, 26c. Mrs. Allle Ga'- laher. 70’/2 Peachtree St. T A DIES—Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills, safe and sure cure for delayed pe- rl'-'tO: price *2; money refunded if It fa Is Dr. T Pierce. Ran Francisco Cal (CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN.) PERSONAL. SUITS PRESSED ONLY 35 CENTS. PHONE MAIN 1177 AND A MESSEN GER WILL CALL. TITE WRIGHT SHOP. FORMERLY IDEAL TAILOR SHOP. 16 FAIRL1E STREET. 6-30-33 WOMAN DETECTIVE. IF you need an honest, experienced de tective, try a woman. Address Woman Detective, 16 Woodward avenue, or phone Main 1059-J. Volvot i<5S PURE SMOOTH _ uvu CREAM DEIJCIOUR Velvet Ice Cream Co., Phone Ivy 6849. $100 REWARD—Ladles, our monthly compound never disappoints, safely re lieves longest, most obstinate, abnormal oases of suppressed menstruation In three days. Price $2. Southern Remedy Company, Memphis. Tenn. M A TE RNIT Y RA NIT A RII : M Prl va te, refined, homelike. Limited number of patients cared for. Home provided for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 26 Wind sor street. SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses Improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34 Wall street, has an expert fitter and It will cost you no more to have him fit you, and it means insurance. H ELP want F D— MALE. YES. shave 10c hair cut 15c, massage 15c, at 41 Marietta street, 4 E. Mitch ell, 115 Edge wood avenue, 99 Whitehall, 62 Ivy. Best while workmen. (’lean linen. Baths 16c. 6-21-5 A YOUNG MAN. over 21 years of age, to act as salesman and learn the real estate business; quick promotion; an op portunity to make $26 to $100 per week. For particulars ask for Mr. Anderson! 1107 Empire Life (Flat Iron) Bldg. WANTED — First-class, experienced drug store man; license not required; must be neat in appearance; reference requested. Apply Williams Drug Co.. Wood berry, Ga. WAITED Machinist apprentice of two years or more; steady work for the right man. Apply Atlanta Paper Co., corner Moore street and Georgia Rail way. YOUNG MAN, over 21. to sell lots, $200 to $500, on terms; overlooking Druid Hills; a good chance to pick up some easy money; no experience necessary. Ree Mr Merrill 1109 Empire Life Bldg. EDUCATIONAL. coach limited number o pupils. Best references. Rea sonable rates. Ivy 2591-L. WXNTEI-) - OneTjuggy^sho^Xiacksmith and horseshoer: good job for good man; drunkards need not apply. Jeffer- son Carriage Shops, Jefferson. Ga. UNION job press feeder. Apply to Ap peal Publishing Company, 136Vs Mari- etta street. . WANTED—Active young office boy. Ap- ply City Editor Georgian, WANTED -White boys with wheels as messengers. Apply early. Postal Tele graph and Cable Company, 40 North Broad street. WANTED—First-class barber at once. 282 Whitehall street. FI’ETON’S Telegraph School, Roanoke, Ala., wants six young men to study telegraphy; course easily, quickly and cheaply obtained; positions secured all graduates; rate of tuition $5 per month; only six vacant chairs. Write at once. WANTED—A young man with wheel. eighteen or twenty years old; must know city well. Atlanta Georgian Cir culation Dept.. 20 E. Alabama street. PIAN< * PLAYER, also violinist, to travel with railroad car show; week stands all winter In Georgia; must be able to read and fake music; one show a night. I pay all expenses after Joining band and room on car; an opportunity for ambitious young men who wish to trav el; experienced vaudeville player of either instrument preferred; show opens September l. Address Modern Concert Co.. P. (>. Box 251, Madison. Ga WANTED—Boy between 16 and 18, who knows city, to act as shipping clerk. Address B., Box 460, care Georgian. WANTED -Young man who wants to learn soda business and is not afraid of hard work. Address J. P., Box 890, care Georgian. WANTED—White boy, about 16, who understands wet plate negative mak ing. Keheley Bros^, 68Vfc S. Forsyth St. tVANTKD—Young “ man stenographer and bookkeeper: must be thoroughly competent for position Apply 463 Peach tree street. Velie Motor Vehicle Com pany. WANTED—A competent janitor; none other need apply. 17 West Cain street. FIVE neat-appearing ybung men to travel; live proposition. Call between 4 and 6 p. m. 24 Carnegie Place, Room 25. WANTED—Two good solicitors; steady work; good pay. Apply 80 Means St. WE HAVE an opening in the real es tate department of our business for an experienced real estate man and a first-class salesman who wants to make money Ware & Harper. 725 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. Atlanta. Ga. REQUIRED—By one of the leading mer cantile houses of this city the services of a bright, refined, educated young man for office work and collecting; splendid opportunity to learn accounting in all its forms; salary about $30 per month. Address your reply in your own hand writing, stating age. education, exact experience, references and whether or not you live with your parents to Bookkeeper-Collector, care Georgian. WANTED—Cook; small family; salary $16 month; room furnishd , in house. Apply Klmballville Farm, mile from end of Houston street to Copenhill car line. Phono Ivy 4159-.T WANTED FOR I*. S. ARMY—Able bod ied, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the Eng lish language For information apply to Recruiting Officer, 1927Vfc Second ave nue. Birmingham, Ala.; 411 Cherry street. Macon; Leonard Building. Augus ta, or Broad and Marietta, Atlanta, Ga. WILLIAMS School of Practical Tailor ing for Colored; cuttine and drafting; full course in three months Rates rea sonable. Start now. Finish in time for position in fall season. 200 Auburn. At lanta. SUCCESSFUL salesmen, working small towns, can increase thetr earning# by placing our punch board assortment* (Jewelry, cutlery, chocolate, gum). We take back unsold goods. Can use only men now employed. State territorv. We want men* capable of earning $50 per week and we want them now Now, Box 3, care Georgian. PI'LL MAN porters wanted; give refer ences. For information write Box 921 care-Georgian, Atlanta. Ga. MEN—$50 weekly selling needle CAIM through my “trust scheme’’ method. Easy work. No talking necessary. Sam ple, care Georgian WANTED—Railway mail clerks, $75 to $150 per- month. Details free. Frank lin Institute. Dept. 49-F, Rochester, N. Y WANTED—Men to learn barber trade. Teach you in a short while Position furnished. Complete course; $30 salary while learning. Call or write. Southern Barbel College, 161 Decatur street. WANTED- Men capable^of selling a new speculative proposition of great merit; better than land, lots or stocks. Creta Co., 320 Flateau Bldg., Dallas. ■Texas. MAKE 500 per cent profit selling "Nov el^ Sign Cards.Merchants buy 10 to free. Catalogue Georgian care American an FOR Colored Southern Automobile Rchool, day and night classes. Cor- ner Magnolia and Hu 1 sey streets. DISTRICT MANAGERS to handle a high-grade health and accident in surance proposition; best policies and most liberal agency contracts to Uv# men Royal, Box 84. care Georgian. WANTED - Two rouit* boys; about 16 good salary. Apply 3:30 p. m., Geor gian Substation, 27 W. Mitchell and Davis Sts. WANTED—Men to learn barber trade; tools and position furnished. Atlanta Barber College. 10 E. Mitchell St. POOL AND BILLIARDS. DO YOU PLAY POOI.? If you do, you better see “Bias" at the Terminal Hotel Pool Parlor. He will treat you right: 35c in checks for 25c; excellent tables: good cues and a clever bunch of boys. WANTED—Young men to learn phar macy this fall; demands for our grad uates exceed supply; next session be gins October 1. Southern College of Pharmacy, 81 Luckie St., Atlanta.^ NEW, patented, self-feeding, sanitary oil mop; wonderful seller; widely ad vertised; big demand; demonstrate and sale Is made; your territory open; writ# quick. Sanitary, care Georgian. _ 70c PROFIT on every sale; biggest sell er of the season; every woman instant ly attracted; you will make big money. We start you at our expense Milton, Box 36. care Georgian. POSTAL brings free “Monthly Direc tory” (illustrated); contains details newest, h^st-selling specialties and money-making propositions of responsi ble concerns. Postal. care_Georglan. MAKE $1'0 a day selling rugs at $1 each; cost agents 55c; size 36 by 68; sell from one to six at each house. Something every housewife wants. Three full size rugs for samples for $1.66. Commerce, Box 12,_ care_Amerlcan _ A SUMMER Gold Mine For Agents — Preserve Ice Blankets cut Ice bills in half; sanitary and odorless; retail 26c; agents make 100 per cent. Write to-day. G. care Atlanta Georgian. WANTED, MEN Legitimate substitute for slot machines; patented. Sells on sight for $1. Particulars. Glsha, Box 47, care Georgian. FIELD unlimited for this rapid seller; agents get rich with it. Every one needs it. Nine out of ten will buy. Send to-day for proofs. They will convince you. 100 per cent profit. Box 75. care Georgian WE have new leader. Rig profits earned quickly. Write for free sample, and new summer catalogue. Alive, care American and Georgian OUR MAGNF7T shears locates needles and pins; threads any needle; wonder ful seller; splendid profits; your terri tory open; write quick for free sample if you mean business. Magnetic, Box 36. care Georgian HELP WANTBD--FEVALE. WILL GIVE good home to eldorlv per son who will care for two little chil dren. Answer Mrs. L. S, care Geor gin n a \NTED A cook, with references No. 907 E. North avenue. Ivy 6239-L. WANTED—A cook. Apply 637' North Boulevard or phone Ivy 4222 W ANTED- First-class cook Immediate ly; well recommended. 386 West Peachtree. \\ ANTED—An experienced white or col ored nurse, two children, 3 years and 4 months old; only one who has rec ommendations and will stay at night need appiy. ivy 621. WANTED—An e x j >er 1 e n ced house girl. Apply with references to 737 Piedmont avenue. WANTED- A settled woman to cook. Call 3727-L. WANTED—Progressive women to assist in educational work; must have per sonality and ability; good pay to right party; opportunity to advance; refer ences required. Address 916 Austell Bldg A GOOD COOK. Apply 1179 Peachtree, WANTEPA first-class rnaid. 16 East Baker Rt ■ WANTED—A respectable white woman or girl to do cooking and housework for couple. Call Ivy 2379_ WANTED—Girls to work in candy de^ partment; experienced hands pre- * 'r I? r>1 st stir Frank E. Block neat-appearing salesladies to ferred. FIVE travel; live proposition; call between 4 and 6 p. m. 24 Carnegie Place. Room 26. WANTED—A first-class cook Apply 69,6 Piedmont Ave. Phone Ivy 879. WANTED — Experienced milliner}' salesladies, also salesladies for suit depart ment. Grossman’s. •d woman with fair ©d ucatlon; experience not necessary if quick to learn; permanent If capable; prefer one able to leave town. Call 916 Austell Bldg. WANTED Cook; small family; salary $15 month; room furnished in house. Apply Klmballville Farm, mile from end of Houston street to Copenhill car line. Phone Ivy 4159-J. WANTED—Ladles to act as agents for a sure paying ladles’ necessity; sells on sight to every lady. H. T. Grady Co>, Atlanta. ONE or two energetic young ladies to act as salesladies and learn the real estate business. An opportunity to make $25 to $50 per week. Ask for Mr. An derson, 1107 Empire Life (Flat Iron) Bldg . 8 to 10 a. m. WANTED—A good cook. Apply with references 222 Waverly way. WOMEN WANTED to act as agents for an article all women need: fine profits. Make $25 weekly sure. Write quick for particulars. Address The American Specialty Company. 404 Park avenue. Sherman Tex TO SELL on commission basis, men or women, line brassieres, pads, bust forms; national reputation. State refer- ences. Apply Sex, care Georgian. LARGE company desires at once repre sentative in this territory to look after its big Interests and customers in this territory; good salaried position for the man that makes good; position permanent. Address R. P., care Geor gian MEN wanted to sell the best article on the market. Good money in It and easy to sell. 100 per cent profit. SeDd postal for particulars to R. J., care Georgian. WANTED—Young women and girls de siring attractive positions. Welfare of operators and clerks closely supervised by the company; their conduct on the premises carefully guarded by matron, woman supervisors and chief ojierator, who have complete control over the re tiring and operating rooms. Short train ing course for those inexperienced; sal ary paid while learning. Salary In creased upon being transferred to oper ating force, and for those becoming ef ficient, increased as they become worthy, with opportunities for ultimate advancement to $76 per month. Refer ences proving the standing of the appli cant essential. Those having educa tional advantages preferred Lunch room and comfortable retiring rooms provided with several hundred Carnegie Library books for the convenience of the operators. Matron and trained nurse In attendance. Apply 8:30 to 5, Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Training School, 25 Auburn avenue. )\ ANTED Intelligent woman to act as companion for lady; must understand housekeeping anil be willing to travel occasionally; must have good references. Address R. Z.. care Georgian. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN TO* WOMEN. Write for free list. Frank lin Institute, Dept. 602 F, Rochester, N Y WANTED—Two men to travel; expe rience not necessary. 508-509 Peters Building. ADVERTISING salesman wanted to sell parcel post maps to business houses for Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas and Missouri. Address with references and self-addressed envelope, Post Maps, car# Georgia ry WOULD YOU take steady Job making $30 weekly with opportunity to be dis trict manager at $3,000 yearly? No ex perience required. My goods are snap- E y, self sellers. Make big money quick y writing me to-day. Manager, Box 8, care Georgian BF7 the first in your territory selling Anderson’s Vegetable Soap and Beau tifying Cream. Profits large; steady In come from repeat orders. K., care American and Georgian BONANZA—Quick selling new specialty; people everywhere buy; bustlers want ed. write to-day. A-80. this paper. WANTED -Men to learn barber trade; great demand for barbers; big wages; easy work; short time required; expert instructions: tools given; earn while learning. Write for free catalogue. Moler Barber College, 38 Luckie street, Atlanta. RELIABLE men wanted to handle new live-wire proposition; easy, rapid, sure seller; big repeater. Reliable, Box 16, care American and Georgian. 500 PER CENT PROFIT- Sliding cas ters; necessity every home; child can attach; saves floors, carpets, furniture. Hotels restaurants buy in gross lots. Cost 2Vjc. sell 15r. Agents making $25 to $100 every week. Samples free. Box 468. care Georgian SELL BY MAIL—Pleasant, profitable business means independence; start spare time; co-operate with established corporation. We furnish best sellers. Factory prices. Valuable booklet free. Box 98-A, care Georgian. HERE Is yie one live agents’ seller of the year; needed in every home, office and factory; sells on sight; a sure re peater; 100 per cent profit; send a postal for free particulars. C. O. E., care Georgian. SELL rich-looking imported 36 by 68 rugs, $1 each. Carter, Tennessee, sold 115 in four days: profit. $57. You can do same. Write for sample offer selling plan: exclusive territory'. Sample rug by parcel post prepaid, 98 cents. Con- dan. Box 44, care American and Geor gian. , STOP selling old, worn-out lines; some thing new—good for $50 a week and more Write for our proposition to ex clusive agents. A. B., Box 52, cars Georgian. HILBURN HOTEL. 10 AND 12 WALTON STREET. FOR GENTLEMEN only; center of city, near new postofTice; rate 50c, 75c and ft NO experience required. Hundreds of positions open paying $1,000 to $5,000 a year; position assured where you can earn good wages while you learn. Write Dept. 400 care Georgian. GET THIS WINNER boys; 100 per cent i profit: sure and rapid seller; particu lars free. Winner-100, care Georgian. DOUBLE your income selling guaran teed knit goods for largest manufac- j turer in America; write for free out- i i fit and particulars of greatest money- 1 making proposit on ever offered Knit, l Box 2, care Georgian. (CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN.) i FREE SAMPLES—Prosperity for all men, women, the bold, the timid; ex perience unnecessary; any boy or girl make $3 day up; any man or woman make $5 day up. Success guaranteed or money refunded. R. Q . care Georgian. WE START YOU In business, furnish ing everything; men and woman; $31 to $200 weekly operating our “New Sys tem Specialty Candy Factories.” home or small room anywhere Lifetime, care Georgian. BIG PROFITS for you; manufacture barley crisp; new confection. 5c pack age costs you lc. Machine. Instruction! complete, $7.50 prepaid. Send 10c for samples Barley, Box 97, care Georgian. FOR this territory; begin August 15; splendid line for all classes of stores. Permanent position. Commission con tract Expenses advanced right man. Territory, care Georgian. PORTRAIT MEN—Write us for copy of new catalog; solar and bromide prints made in twenty-hair hours’ time; ws have two convexing machines, eleven sis and 5,000 wood and metal framea Write at once A., 900. care Georgian. CAPABLE salesman familiar with ar chitects, large building or manufactur ing trade in this territory for quality line building paints and specialties; ex cellent connection to right man. Ad dress. stating qualifications and expe rience, Capable 16 care Georgian. EXPERIENCED salesmen to sell pre mium service backed by strongest pos sible testimony -from present users, showing it unequaled as a trade bulkier to retail merchants; exclusive territory; permanent connection worth $100 weekly and renewal commissions Weekly, Box 9, care Georgian. H"l ’STLIngT high-priced salesmen can make permanent connection, paying $300 to $600 monthly. New. snappy proposition, sure winner with general re tail trade. $40 weekly for expenses. Worthy of investigation. Commercial, U-2. care Georgian. $500 monthly; tremendous demand now for Woodward power tire pump; latest auto accessory; agents “cleaning up” everywhere; quick action necessary. Get Busy, care Georgian. $25 a week for two hours’ work a day; brand new hosiery proposition that heats them all Write for terms and free samples if you mean business Terms, Bux 88, care iGeorgian. WANTED—Young lady to sell lots $200 to $500, on terms; overlooking Druid Hills. A good chance to pick up easy money. No experience necessary. See Mr^ Merrill. 1109 Empire Life Bldg r IDT D LEARN MILLINERY; best 'll D UO trade on earth for women; pays $60 to $100 a month. Write Ideal School of Millinery, 100^ Whitehall street, free. We make over and retrim hats PICTURE PLAYS. uTTTte''’MO VIN G PTC'frRB PLAfsT ONE hour after you receive instructions you will h« able to write. Information free. A1 Bartlett Film Co., Rhodes Bldg HELP WANTED —MALE AND FE MALE. WANTED, Cotton Mill Help SPINNERS AND FRAME HANDS ESPECIALLY. High Wages. Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, Atlanta, Ga. PLEASANT, permanent position offered to competent men and women securing new members for modern fraternal order. Write The Patricians, Athens, Ga. MEN and women, now is the time to learn the barber trade; good wages paid, we teach modern methods; tools furnished; jobs in our shops when com petent; call or address Jacksonville Bar rier College. 822 West Bay street, Jack sonville. Fla. _ TEACHERS WANTED. DURIN’d^the next few weeks we will need a number of first-class teachers for emergency calls. Sheridan’s Teth ers’ Agency. 307 Candler Building AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTtP. iN’iK’PftA 1 tT^AGKN TS .Send your work dire-t to artist and get better work We gtP order out on time. Prices to suit yo.! trade. Stevens Bros . 23% Whitehall Street, Atlanta 3 7 3o stop: look! listen: MEN and women, here is your chance to make money, sell something every housewife wants. Call on B. Davis, be tween 7-8 a. m., 6-7 p. m.. 189 Spring St. \v \> Salesman to takf- charge of credit clothing department; state age, experience and salary desired, must be a five wire Address 8. T. M . Box 300, ch re Georgian. AN OPPORTUNITY for several sales men of proven ability to form a profit able and permanent connection with leading real estate firm. If you have produced In the sale of insurance, stocks and bonds, adding machines, typewriters scales, books or other kin dred lines where real salesmanship is essential, then you can get a contract which will pay you from $3,000 per an num upward AH replies confidential Address Future, Box 414. care_Georglan. REPRESENTATIVE. Individual or job ber, to market high-grade structural steel and industrial paint; exclusive At lanta territory; commission basis, only high-class man with references. Box C-100. care Georgian AGENTS Salesmen Monthly directory of newest, best selling specialties sent free Address Distributor. Box 53. care American (CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN.) AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED. ^A^S^to^makeT^money easyT~^uTclT! Particulars free Address Box 400, care American and Georgian. AGENTS Just out. Hot weather sell ers; self-heating Iron; lc does a week’s ironing, light In weight; low priced; credit given Sample free to workers Address Iron, care American. SALESMAN to handle a popular line of fur neckwear and fur muffs as side line on commission; one who Is ac quainted with the trade; security for samples required Answer Samples, Box 5. (>are American, $60 PIS WEEK easily madi . fret sam ples to workers; big seller? premium on every sale; agents get busy. Write quick for our big offer. It sells on sight. Address C. A. M , Box 152, care Geor gian SALESMAN wanted for country towns; $25 weekly salary and $5 per day al lowed for expenses when traveling. Salesman. No. 30. care Georgian. IET ME PAY you $50 monthly; only ten minutes of vour time daily re quired; all work done In your home; no canvassing; no capital; also shew you how to start mail order home business: instructive booklet and litera ture explaining business and above salar> Box J-38, care Georgian. agents sign men make ilb-fsid daily selling our flexible letters; hundsotne, durable, universal use; anybody can put up. Write particulars, sample. Address C-944, care American. SALESMEN -Side line or exclusive; cutlery assortment; $18.75 commission on each sale. Snappiest deal of the year. Write quick for territory. Na tional Importing Company, St. Louis, Mo. WANTED - Representative for a hign- grade steam specialty; practical steam man or man with established territory preferred. Do n- t object to sell ng non competitive good?. Address Established. 9tto, care American Sell MAIL—Pleasant, profitable business means independence; start spare time; co-operate with established corporation; we furnish best sellers; factory prices; valuable booklet free. Answer Factory. Box 6. care Georgian. LIVE agent or company to take over the exclusive local ngency of a positive seller to grocery, hardware ana furni ture house. Address M. S., Box 49. care Georgian. SALESMEN—Resourceful men for road who have successful records on spe cialty propositions; commission con tract, with expenses guaranteed. An swer C. Y. D., care Georgian WANTED—Agents In every town; se'l to automobile and motorcycle owners; quick seller; good profits; Investigate to-day. Address P. O. B., Box 539, care American and Georgian. AGENTS—We have the greatest and fastest selling line of new patented household articles; best In spring and summer; make $5 to $25 dally; house wives can not resist our snappy goods; nearly even' demonstration means sale; exclusive territory—but be quick. Quick, c are. American. SALESMAN—To solicit orders for of fice supplies and stationery. We de sire applications from hard-working, conscientious and first-class men only; good prospects are assured for a com petent man; state qualifications fully. Address C. Z., Box 4, eg re Georgian. GARTSIDE'S IRON RUST SOAP (U. S. registered patent No. 3477) removes Iron rust, ink and all unwashable stains from clothing, tnarb’e, etc., with magi cal effect; good seller; big bargains, house-to-house agents and store sales men wanted. The original 26c a tube. Beware of Infringements and the penalty for making, selling and using an in fringed article. Address Rust Proof, care Uearst’s Sunday Amerlcan. AGENTS—Don’t be greedy for work; easily make $4 to $10 a day; sell every where without talk; sample 25c; cata logue free Sanitary Household Com pany, McElhattan, Pa. J A EGER. J R7r~V AC I ’ l J M CLEANERS' Get the sales; large profits; special wholesale prices. Address J. M. C., care Georgian and American. AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED. WF: CAN PLACE AT ONCE, IN SOUTHERN TERRITORY. FOUR A-I TRAVELING SALESMEN WITH THE NEW EST AND STRONGEST SPE CIALTY LINE IN THE UNITED STATES TO-DAY. WE TRAVEL ONLY THE LARGER TOWNS AND CITIES, AND THE EARNING POSSI BILITIES ARE VERY GREAT FOR STRONG SALESMEN. APPLICANTS MUST BE OVER 25 YEARS OF AGE, STRONG PERSONALITY, AND HAVE SUCCESSFUL RECORD AS SALESMEN EXCLUSIVE T E R R IT ORY AND TRAVELING EXPENSES ADVANCED; REFERENCES REQUIRED. E. F. WHITE, NO. 820 FORSYTH BLDG., ATLANTA, GA. SALES MEN ~Se H advertising pipes; every merchant buys; commission lib eral. samples on request. 9-C, care Georgian. AGENTS make $25 to $100 every week selling sign letters for stores and of fices. success guaranteed; samples and particulars free. Address Sign. Box 962. care this paper. WANTED—Three good salesmen for permanent positions, high-grade spe cialty for all lines of retail traxle In towns and smaller cities; heavily adver tised in leading trade papers; efficient selling helps and full support of entire sales department; connection can be made here that will be worth $3,600 or better yearly to producers; references and bond required. Address Worthy, Box 63. care Georgian. SALESMEN—Splendid sideline for salesmen calling on retail and whole sale drug trade, department stores and Jobbers; pocket samples; liberal eom- niission. Peerless, 96 care American. BEST paying agency proposition in United States; assures $1,500 yearly; Inexperienced taught how to make it; let us show you. Reply 96, care Geor gia n DON’T READ—Attention, copyrighted. Expert salesmen can make $250 per month selling county rights; no compe tition; exclusive territory. Exclusive, care Amerlcan. AGENTS Both sexes, we will start you earning big money; begin to-day. Write for particulars Estes, Box 92, care Hearst's American. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. SPECIAL RATES for Situa tion Wanted ads. 3 lines 1 time, ^lOc; Jj^tinies^ 20c ^ 7 jMm ea^ 40c. WANTED—A position by an experi enced bookkeeper. Call Ivy 5950. YOUNG man, single, wants position as bookkeeper Six vearH' experience keeping books for retail and wholesale firms. Can use typewriter. Best of ref erences furnished. F*. o. Box 507, At lanta. WANTED By registered ami expe rienced druggist, with best of refer ences. position by October 1. Registered Druggist. 1100 Twentieth Street, Colum bus, Ga. THIS model watch pocket lighter se'ls to everybody; better than any dollar lighter; live agents sell hundreds dally; big profits; samples cents; new cata logue of many other lighters now ready; buy from the factory. Address Sales, Box 43. care Georgian and American. BARN big money selling college pen nants.' hat bands and pillows Write for sample. Address Capital, Box 80, care Georgian. ' WANTED—Five ambitious and ener getic women to sell corsets Business training free Corsets, care American. 100 PER CENT profit selling this new ware Sells everywhere. Let us tell you all about It. Send for free particu lars. Southern Distributing Agency, Dept. 3. Box 252, Macon. Ga SALESMAN Cspabl? specialty man for Georgia; staple line on new and ex ceptional terms; vacancy now; attractive commission; $35 weekly for expenses. Capable, A-65, care Georgian and Ameri can SALESMEN- Drug salesmen to sell a high grad® line of toilet preparations as a side line; liberal commission; quick sellers; established twenty-five years. Address Drugs. Box 5, care Georgian. BOY IN EACH TOWN—Will develop and place right boy in good attractive business; earnings from $2 to $10 to start; every boy who can furnish un questionable references should write at once. Boy Scouts preferred. Scouts, care American. YOUNG MAN of 24, two years office ex perience. wants position; beet refer ences. Salary no object. Where there is chance for promotion. Simmons, I*. (). Box 1222. Atlanta TRAVELING SALESMAN Experienced office man open for position Septem ber 1; want permanent position with op portunity to purchase interest in com pany; best of references. Address Be lla tile, Box 20, care Georgian COMPETENT, sober* oil mill superin tendent. first-class mechanic, long ex perience in oil refining ami making soap wishes position; references. Address 1815 Main St., Jacksonville. Fla. WANTED -Position by licensed drug gist; four years’ experience; good ref erences Address H. (\. Box 600, care Georgian, or phone Main 3889-J POSITION WANTED by an experienced j ^ young married man as collector. Know the city w'ell. Best of references. J U.. care j^eorgian. WANTED Position as chef by a young, capable, experienced cook that has learned the business. Am no boozer. Can furniHh you personal references from some of the finest hotels C.. Box 393, care Georgian. YOUNG MAN. 19, at present employed^ desires position with good future; want plenty of work to accumulate ex- l>erienoe and promote advancement. Willing to start on small salary S. J. J. . Box 892, care Georgian W A NTED—Situation to do clerical work: any kind proposition accepted; can give good reference. Address K. T., Box 100, care Georgian. YOUNG MAN desires a position in auto repair shop; will start at reasonable wages Address W. G. Johnson, Central Hotel. 8 Trinity Ave. AN experienced colored chauffeur-me chanic desires situation In city; good references. Call Ivy 716. AN experienced male nurse would like the care of an invalid 62 Walton street. Atlanta phone 1989. BASEBALL BOOK—Standard authority; millions sold 1913 season; hustlers get coin; send 25 cents for 12 books; agents’ profits 800 per cent. Address Baseball, care Georgian. SALESMEN—High-grade, who know their services are worth at least $75 per week and can present u high-class proposition to parties already interest ed: successful stock or bond salesmen preferred. Answer Bonds, care Geor gian. COMPETENT bookkeeper with two years' banking experience desires to make change; can furnish first-class ref erences as to character and ability. Box care <Georgian. I WANT a job »f some kind I would like to have a job In a dairy; refer ences furnished Address D. M , Box 892, care Georgian. GREATEST dry goods bargains on earth; fine dress lengths, etc. Agents wanted Address Remnant, Box 24, care Georgian. WANTED—Stock salesmen; want fif teen high-class stock salesmen, best selling and most highly Indorsed propo sition offered the Investing public, going concern; will stand rigid investigation. Indorsements alone will sell It. Box U-22, care American BLESSING TO AGENTS Chance of lifetime; enormous sales; hat pin point rotectors; surprising terms; sample Oc. D. P., Box 534, care American and Georgian. SALESMEN WANTED—Earn $100 monthly and expenses; sell cigars Wood fern Company. New York. N. Y SELF-HEATING SAD IRON. It’s a beaity; sells for $1; agents' samples; parcel post, 80c: folders free. A-44, care Sunday American. WANTED—Situation by boy of 16 for afternoon work. Experienced in gen eral office work, filing, typewriting. Address Student, care Georgian. EXPERIENCED shoe and gent’s fur nishings man wished to make change in or out of city w<4rk; can furnish A-l references as to ability and character. Address Low. care Georgian. PHOTOGRAPHER wants something to sell as side line in town of 3,000. Good room adjoining studio. Best references. Address Photographer, Box 82. Canton Gu F« r EVER had experience selling goods? Could you sell a good dollar for 100 cents? If so we can use you. Must be Industrious of good appearance, male or female. Hustlers only. Box V-116, care American. AGENTS Salary or commission; great est seller yet; every user pen and Ink buys on sight; 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent’s sales $620 In six days; an other $32 In two hours. Box 32. care Hearst's American AGENTS -Handle remarkahlo money- getter; easy to sell; easy to handle; repeat orders most every house Write for free sample. Address Southern, Box 9-C, care Georgian. WANTED -Three real salesmen; men who have ambition to make a perma nent connection with old-established firm on high-grade nationally adver tised specialty, sold to all classes of re tail trade In towns and smaller ejtles. Producers can connect with $3,000 an nually or better more than expenses References and bond required Address C, Box 4Q1, care American. SALESMEN everywhere; $15~daily sell ing $20 soda fountain. Address Man ufacturer, Box 151, care Georgian and American. WANTED \gertM, >Kno monthly" trs- mendous demand now for Power Tire Pump latest auto accessory Agents "cleaning up’’ everywhere. Quick action necessary Get busy Nicholas. Box 42, care American. SALESMAN Traveling. to sell dry goods specialties; also blankets ahd flannels to retail merchants; excellent sideline; liberal commission L. J. X , care Georgian CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. SITUATION W A NTED—Experienced window trimmer and show card writer wants position by middle of August or first of September. I am also experi enced in gent's furnishing goods Will work inside when not busy with the windows. Can furnish the best of ref erences Address Box Y-710, care Georgian. Y(-r.\G MAN, 28. married, ambitious. fine reference, in need of work; any kind. Address E. W. M., Box 840, care Georgian. age 18, capable and reliable, two years with last employer, wants place with substantial firm where there is a chanc« of advancement. Address Box M-710, care Georgian. WANTED—Highly educated Spanish young man desires position. Grad uated bookkeeper, some stenography. English. Spanish, some French and Italian Meneces. Box 22, care Ameri can. BY YOUNG MAN, 20 years of age, poel- i tlon as assistant bookkeeper or gen eral office work. Bell phone West 402-.! want: tlon as man oook. on North Side. J. S. H., 349 North But ler street $6 a week. WANTED Plumber, all-around man 30 years ofd, would like steady post tlon with building company, or corporation, long experience. Address J., Box 67, care American AN experienced bookkeeper, with A-i references, desires a set of books to keep after 6 o’clock. Address F , Box i 637. care Georgian. WANTED -Gentleman of culture and extensive travel is open to engage ment as companion to elderly gentle man for fall and winter. South Seas, j Hawaii or the Orient preferred Rea sonable. Address Y, Box 564, care I American. I TA 11 .< »RI NO SA LESMAN—Experienced | office man open for position Septem ber 1 . want permanent position with opportunity to purchase interest in j company; best or references Address ! lable. Box 20, care Georgian j SITUATION WANTED—By thoroughly experienced bookkeeper and mercan tile man capable of managing a busi ness; A-No. 1 reference; age 31; mar ried steady, moral; at present holding , good position In Florida Desires to j make change Write me I may be the man you want Address Box 0-201, r>re Georgian 1 CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. )sltlon as city salesman by experienced man; best of references as to character and ability. Q., Box 889, care Georgian SITUATION WANTED—By well-edu cated German, 31 years; speaks four languages, with eight years’ experience In office work; competent bookkeeper; wantH permanent office position or as salesman. Will accept position with good possibilities for a trial month. Ad- dress Box U-701. care Georgian. POSITION as electrician or wlrem&n; twelve years experience, no objection to out of town Address Box 880, care Georgian. SIDE LINE by traveling salesman cov ering Georgia. Opportunity, Box 305, care Georgian YOUNG MAN of steady habits experi enced bookkeeper and cashier, or ex pert shipping clerk, wants position with large concern; employed at present H. H., care Georgian. WANTED—Position by licensed drug gist; four years’ experience, good ref erences. Address H. C., Box 600, care Georgia n. \ VATs’ TED— Position to learn to be chauffeur, at a sacrifice of wages. Standard phone 5269. Oswald Freeman 28 Vine street. UHAUFFET'R desires position tvlth prl- vate family; make all repairs; six years' experience; careful, competent, no bad habits; can furnish good refer ences; white (American), age 21, neat Address C. E. Booker, 124 South Blount street, Raleigh. N. C. WAITED—Position by reliable colored man as butler. Can do any kind of house and yard work. Address Joseph Burdett. Decatur, Ga COLORED MAN desires position as ex perienced pressor or porter R L Crawford, >7 Ivy street. 1!<»NI;st. reliable oolOTsd rnan wants a position as butler or houseman, with room on premises; can do cooking for small family If preferred. Address S. Morris, 293 Auburn avenue. WANTED—Position on gentleman’s country place as working foreman Am trained In care of automobile, motor boats horses, landscaping or anything connected with sucR a place. No liquor, no tobacco. References from best fam ilies. F’oreman, Box 26. care American. WANTED—Position by ex-New York coachman and chauffeur, with pri vate family where good, careful driv ing economy, sobriety and courtesy will be appreciated' married, aged 40, one child. Box X-20, care American. SITUATION WANTED—In~drug More. or to run small drug store In small place. Young man. single, registered, eight years’ experience; best references; moderate w'ages; no bad habits. Ad dress Box W-181, care Georgian. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMAuE. stTPaTHTS,- WXSPf^fS^osTt lorT 1S companion by refined Christian elder ly lady wanted: beat of references. Ad- dress Box R-409, care Georgian. SIT0ATION WANTED^Educated, ca- pable woman wants position in doc tor's office, or similar work; half days or otherwise. Address Box K-731, care Georgian. POSITION by competent lady stenog^ rapher. four years’ experience; can take charge correspondence; collection agency preferred. L. B. N\, 923 Fourth Ave., Columbus, Ga. SITUATION WANTED-Thoroughly experienced telephone operator with responsible concern; seven years' expe rience with private exchange work; best references; no agents. Address Box T- 501, rare Georgian. EXPERIENCED, competent young S85F stenographer desires position; now employed; salary $10 per week. A. L, care Georgian. REFINED, middle-aged lady desire^ managing housekeeper’s position; wid ower’s home preferred. Mrs. S., care < Georgian. WANTED— 1 Teacher's place In musical department hy young lady with musical diploma and medal; one year’s experi ence. Address Miss Powell. Gordon, Ga. IF YOU WANT a bright, competent stenographer call Main 5542 or At lanta phone 3776. SIT F A T ION WA NT FID--Teacher o? vocal music and French wishes to ex change lessons for board in refined, quiet family living In select neJghbor- h°°d. Address G-201, care Georgian. W ANTFID—A situation by a white worn- an an working housekeeper; a fine cook; best of experience. Miss C., Box 28, care Georgian. _ GOVERNESS wishoa position in refined home; high school graduate, with ool- lege training. Music a specialty. Ad dress Miss M , care Georgian. SI T D A Tl ( >N W A NT ED— Expert'""main sense wants position In sanitarium or Institution, or with private lady In sum mer resort; doctor's certificate. Address Box I 149, care Georgian. PAINTER, paperhanger, hardwood fin isher, all around man, open for posi tion. Address C. H. Crockett, 106 Cherokee Ave. SITUATION WANTED— By thoroughly competent gent’s furnishing and clothing salesman. Would like a chance by August 15 Can furnish best refer ences. Employed now. Address Box Z-178, pare Georgian. SITUATION WANTED—An American young man, 21, speaking and writing Spanish fluently, desires position with manufacturing concern. Any respect able position considered. Address Box S-630, care Georgian. EXPERT auto tire repairer with fac tory' and shop experience or more than two years, desires good location. Ad dress H. A. J. Box 655, care Georgian. MAN. 30 years old. wants position as night watchman or other work. Ad- dreas_ A. B., Box 608, care Georgian. WANTED—Position by young man aged 26; high school education; good penman and calculator. Must have work at once’ past profession, teaching. Address F.. Box 17, care Georgian. PRACTICAL, registered druggist de sires position; temperate and good references. Address “Trlonal,” care American. WANTED—Young man wants work tracing or plotting maps or doing surveying, calculating Have had ex perience. Best references. Surveyor, Box 24. care American. PICTURE SHOW manager, singer and trap drummer open for position. Ad dress Chas. Crockett, 106 Cherokee Ave. WANTED—Position by capable young rnan; experienced salesman, but would accept any kind of inside work. Ad- dress C. A. P., care Georgian. Wanted—Position at any kind of hon est work by young man with three years' experience in grocery business; good references. C., Box 898, care Geor gian WANTED—By colored man. position as first-class cook. Address Cook, Box 354. care Georgian. A8 REPRESENTATIVE of some cor poration or salesman; for some firm at Macon, or on the road. Willing to work one month to demonstrate my ability. Can furnish references. Ad dress Honest Gentleman, care Georgian. SITUATION WANTED—By auto tire repair man; six years’ experience In some of the largest shops In ttu? coun try Know the position thoroughly and know how to snow a profit. Address Box L-401, care Georgian. \\ ANTED—Position by young lady as stenographer; three years’ experience. Address N. R. W . Box 80, care Geor- gian. SITUATION W a'NT ED^SjwUncad long hand bill clerk wants position; good footer and extender; four years general office experience; can do light bookkeeping Addreau Box P-803, care Georgian STT1 ’ATI ON WANTED - — Middle-aged lady, college graduate, teacher, ten years’ experience, would like to make a home for two or three children; would, give qiersonal supervision or private in struction If desired , arrangements must be made before September L Address Box W-810, care Georgian. SITUATION WANTED—‘French dress- maker, formerly with Marshall Fleki in Chicago, wants position; perfect fit ter Address Box W 709, care Georgian. SITUATION WANTED—Young lady wants position as librarian in law office or educational institution; has ex perience of stenography, typewriter and bookkeeping; also experienced in law work. Address Box P-171, care Geor gian. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE AND FEMALE. INTElXf(5A^?¥^ vy couple?^nIddle v ^agSS^ want position on salary or percent age. Can manage hotel, store or any kind of business anvtvhere. Couple, 171 Central avenue, Atlanta. BUSINESS OPPORTUNJTIES. A STTT \T A Refieve3~in two m!n- utes or money refund ed. THOMASON’S FAMOUS ASTHMA REMEDY, 50c package. American Asth matic Co., Inc. A»k your druggist, At- lanta, Ga. WANTED—A good man that knows shoe repairing to Join me as part ner in shoe repairing and pressing club. Excellent proposition. 367 South Pryor. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY—FYee In formation about Florida. Especially Palmetto. Real Estate Richards. Pal metto, Fla. WANTED—Position by young man as pressman Will accept reasonable salary. Address Press. Box 495, care Georgian. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. SPECIAL RATES for Situa tion Wanted ads. 3 lines 1 time, 10c: 3 times, 20c; 7 times 40c. on as ste: _ Have had three years' experience can give reference. J. M. L Phone Majn 8770-J. _ WANTED Position as sick nurse by refined Christian ladiy. Can give best of references. Call Atlanta phone 4174. Addn*s Nurse, 00 Past <’uin COLORED woman wishes position as first class cook; can give reference and will do washing for a small family. Address J. H , No. *>3 Valentine street W A NTED—-Position as companion to in valid. Graduate Nurse. Mercy Gen eral Hospital. Charlotte. N »' LADY WASltS aewlng In private house; make nice dresses or anything. B. A , Box 700, care Georgian COLORED woman wants position as cook, nurse or maid at once; can stay in house Address A. R., 143 E. Ellis street. TEACHER wants position; graduate of State University with one year's ex perience; well prepared In Lit in and French; can teach also English, alge bra. geometry, physics and minor sub jects; good testimonials. Address J. H. Hand, Athens, Ga. YOUNG LADY desires position as gen eral office assistant to begin Septem ber 1. Address T. L.. care Georgian. WANTED—Position hh stenographer; 4 years' experience. Call mornings Ivy 6106. COMPETENT beginner In stenography desires position with reliable firm; salary $6 to start. Atlanta phone 3363. Call for Stenograph A HEALTHY, clean colored girl wants a position as a wet nurse. Address (look, rear 349 Pulliam St EXPERIENCED stenographer desires change September 1 Miss H. W. W., 22 Loowla avenue. AN experienced and capable house keeper wants position where compe tency and worth are appreciated. Ad dress K., Box 911, care Georgian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires position at onoe Five years' experi ence in billing, filing and general office work Best of references given. Ad dress Stenographer, Box 1421, care Geor gian WANTED Position by young lady in office. Can use typewriter. Call Miss Abbey Main 544-L. TWO SISTERS (Scotch) wish home or hotel work. Address Miss Logan, 24 Fulton terrace. Atlanta, Ga. A GRADUATE of the Georgia Normal and Industrial College at Milledgevllle, Ga., with one year’s experience license, desires a position as teacher of sixth, seventh or eighth grade; a good coun try place would also be desirable Ad dress A. L. Reynolds, R. F. D. No. 2, Thomson. Ga. WANTED—Position in office as maid by colored girl. Address L. F . rear 485 Courtland St. CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. FOR HALE Steam bakery. well equipped with machinery; located In town of 7,000 people. No competition; splendid money-making opportunity; go ing very cheap. Address Business, care Georgian A SMALL boarding house for sale or rent near capitol. A good location, and everything first-class. Address A. F., Box 692, eare Georgian. F « • K HALF] Soda fount and restaurant; good paying business; on corner of 320 Haynes street and Thurmond street; on easy terms. WANTEDTo sell milk depot; Is pay- ing a profit. Call Atlanta; 2828. BARGAIN—Quick sale, $100, eight-room fully furnished boarding or lodging house; all filled; In heart of city. Box 338, care American. HAVE YOU SOLD THAT HOUSE? A little “For Sale” ad in the “Want Ad” section will find a purchaaor. A FTRST-CLABS drug store In new and growing town In South Georgia; only store in town; reasonable. Address Box 46 raryville, Fla. FOR HALE—An up-to-date Coca-Cola plant, with one of the best and larg est territories In the Middle West. We have contracts to furnish railroads, parks and gardens. This plant will be sold at a bargain, if sold at once. Oma ha Coca-Cola Bottling Company. 935 N. Twenty-fourth street. Omaha, Nebr. COMPLETF) meat maiket fixture# for sale cheap. Apply 112 Whitehall street. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR A ONE-HALF* INTEREST IN A HIGH-CLASS AND MERITORIOUS ADVERTISING BUSINESS IS OF FERED TO A CAPABLE MAN WHO CAN INVEST $2.54)0. THE VERY CLOSEST INVESTIGATION IS IN VITED. ADDRESS BOX 877, CARS GEORGIAN. GROCERY business for sale. J. W. Hill, Hapevllle Oa. WANTED- A buyer for sales stable; good market; good location; county seat; 1,000 population; good business this fall and spring. Full Information on re- quast. Butler Realty Co., Butler, Oa. EVERY DAY is a good day to read the Want Ads in The Atlanta Georgian. MEDICA ^ J. DROPSY treated 10 days free. Short breathing relieved In a few hours, swelling, uric acid and water removed in a few days. Regulates liver, kidneys, digestion and heart. Write for testi monials. symptom blank for free Home Treatment. Collum Dropsy Remedy Co., 4"*: Austell Bldg , Atlanta, Ga. L>K EDMONDSON'to Tansy, Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation. Irregularities and similar obstructions. Trial box by mall, 50c. Frank Fldmondson & Bro., manu facturing chemists, 11 North Broad St., Atlanta. TYPEWRITERS FOR RBNT. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. 4 MONTHS FOR $5 AND UP. Rebuilt typewriters, $23 to $75. American Writing Machine Co.. 48 North Pryor St, Phone Main 2526, ICE CREAM—ICES. Velvet Ice Cream 26 F3ast North avenue. iVy 0849. You are particular who you have In your home. The Want Ad Man will as sist you In securing refined tenants. Phone Matn 8000 or Atlanta 8000. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN Published by The Georgian Company 20 Kut Atlanta Alabama Street Georgia Entered at Atlanta j>ostofTi<*,» an oliwi matter. Subscription* Payable In A ivance. One year mall, pontage prepaid $5 00 six months. .. .mall, postage prepaid 2.50 Three months, .mall, pontage prepaid 125 One month mall, postage prepaid .45 Subscriptions Payable In Advance. Delivered by carrier, one year $9 20 Delivered by carrier, six months 2 SO Delivered by carrier, three months 1.30 Delivered by carrier, one month 45 Delivered hy cantor In Atlanta and other cities. one week ...» .11