Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 24, 1913, Image 74

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— • - f-O.—ttf.— " -^c1>Vlj>»8Sl" l wi| "|"^H TTEARST’S SUNDAY AAfERIUAN, ATLANTA. flA., SUNDAY. AUGUST 24. 1012. AC In bll st< Gc te». ap In Gt re tic hi er to hi I le a m ci P‘ Pi M tl ir Ci lc tc tf ll HOME ROLE American Hibernians Respond Liberally to Appeal Made After Great Demonstration in Chicago Against England’s Domination. Irish Societies Leader Thanks Mr. Hearst for Support of Home Rule SMITH URGES Girl Wins First Wireless License +•+ She Installs Her Own Apparatus BILL WEEVIL UNSEATSULZER Another Feature of Meeting Was Adoption of a Resolution Con demning Great Britain’s Policy Toward U. S. in Canal Dispute. CHICAGO, Auf. 23.—Following the gigantic demonstration for Irish horn* rule at the thirty-eighth annual pic nic of the United Irish Societies of Chic ago, held in Bfandt Park, sons of Erin hcie ate confident that in a few weeks American Hibernians will ha v e i ilsed n fund that will insure the home rule for which they have fought so long and which they have almost brought about. Fifteen thousand persons visited the park during the day and they re sponded liberally to the cal! for fund*, with which to carry on their cam paign Thiee thousand dollars was raised at that time and the fund has grown steadily since. A feature of the occasion was the reading by James T. Ulark, president of the United Irish Societies, of a feiegr-tm from William Randolph Hearst. in which he warmly favored home rule. The president was quick to reply, expressing the thanks of the societies for me co-operation they have received in their work from Mr. Hearst'* papers. British Canal Stand Scored. 'Another Important feature of the dav was the resolution prepared In advance and passed by a unanimous vote, opposing the British contention over the Panama Canal tolls. The resolution* stronglv uphold the views of the United Stales that thie country, having built the canal and paid for it without aid. should have the right of puiMing her own ships through it without paying tolls, and that this action of the United State* is entirely within its rights as a na tion and is not subject to the criti cism of any other nation. The w »rk of John Redmond, parlia ment irv leader, in forcing the home rule hill to the verge of final passage, also was commended highly. One of the most impressive features of t.hg occasion was the exhibition of a full-size model of the statue of Col onel F. Finerty, the famous soldier- journal i-t and a son of whom TCrin is very proud. Colonel Finerty wrote the story of the Custer campaign against old Sit ting Bull, and the massacre in which Custer's whole command was wiped out. In hie later years Colonel Fin erty was editor of thfl Irish-American, and devoted all his energies- to the hf me rule campaign, now so nearly won. Work of Irish Sculptor. The splendid statue of the old fight er is the work of Professor Charles J. Mulligan, of the Art Institute, a pupil of MacMonnlea and Saint-Gaud- dens. Among the speakers who addressed the enthusiastic throng were United States Senator George R Chamber- lain of Oregon, former Attorney Gen eral Maurice T. Maloney, P. H. O’Donnell Joseph E Ryan. John T. Sutton, of Lincoln. Neb., and Harry W Smith, of Springfield. Ill. In pan. Mr. Maloney said: "We of the Celtic race have always struggled for a place in the sun. and have made a good deal of history, but we have been accused in tho past of not be ing quite what we ought to be in the old country, and did not act to our own interest. English misgovern- ment and oppression ware solely to blame for this. "Now I can see a new Ireland rising above the horir.on. a nation once again The Irish people had advanc ed with giant strides, now that the long tribulation of our night Is pass ing away." Senator Twiats Lion’e Tail. United States Senator George E. Chamberlain of Oregon said: "My people came to this country to avoid persecution in the mother country, persecution by the English Government. Ireland had no meas ure of freedom in thou* times.” Speaking on the Panama Canal, lie said: "We have a perfect right to arrange to suit ourselves ( barges on a (anal that was made in America, solely by American money. If Eng land will not send her exhibits to the San Francisco Exposition on this ao- I would say let her keep them at home. "If we were not careful to with stand these encroachments of the British Government, we might in the end find ourselves in the same case a« Ireland finds herself to-day. I foresee horns rule for that country, Within the next two or three years without question of doubt." light Skirts Make Idle Factory Girls N‘il Man Asaert Present Styles Cur* ta i Demand for Goods and Cause Lack of Work. NEW BEDFORD. MASS. Aug. 23. That the fi» tor'.es manufacturing c o b are suffering from the preeent e vies in women’s wearing apparel. ing to the smaller sale of cloth, and that many operatives are being thrown out of wo k in consequence, is !h*> c inlon of m:<nv leading New Pp< r r.i manufacturer*. In the past three years the cir- unfermce of women's skirts ha.s ien cu; do n on the average about o yards. The --mailer sales of cloth ve necessitated a curtailment in the parrel rncl hundreds of idle opera tives avp waiting until the style- change before they will be put to work again. C ORDIAL telegrams of congratulation and thanks were ex changed between William Randolph Ilcarst and James T. (’lark, president of the United Irish Societies of Chicago on the occasion of their annual picnic recently. Mr. Hearst expressed his belief in the justness and the ultimate success of the cause of home rule, while the head of the Irish societies in his reply earn estly thanked the publisher for his co-operation in their work in behalf of their fatherland. Mr. Clark’s message follows: CHICAGO, Aug. 20, 1913. Hon. William Randolph Hearat, San Francisco. The sentiment of the United Irish Societies toward your pa pers has always been one of appreciation. Often In the past we have admired your unselfish advocacy of the cause of liberty and the 15,000 Irieh-Americans at the ceremony of unveiling of the John F. Finerty monument were thrilled by your message in fa vor of home rule for Ireland. This monument is symbolic of the revitalized Irish nation that hat been the Inspiration of Parnell, Redmond and other patriot!, and we believe it would strengthen the home rule cause Immeasurably If you would publish In your Sunday papers, In the near future, a comprehensive account of our recent demonstration here, and emphasize Its significance to Irish liberty. JAS. T. CLARK, President, United Irish Societies. Mr. Hearst’s Home Rule Message San Francisco, Aug. 15. As an American believing ardently in liberty and oppor tunity in equal rights and equal justice, I believe sincerely in home rule for Ireland, If I were an Englishman I would believe with even great er earnestness in home rule not only for Ireland, but for every individual integral part of the British Empire. I would believe in genuine home rule and in general home rule. I would believe in home rule which would insure com plete independence in local government for every state and in a general government which would afford every state equal rights, equal liberties and proportionate representation. Such just and genuine home rule is the best and perhaps the only remedy for the threatened decadence and possible dissolution of the British Empire. The preservation and per- petuation of the British Empire in its full prestige and power are only to be found in a voluntary federation of independent states, not held together loosely by compulsion but molded into an imperial entity by the natural and nationalizing forces of mutual confidence, mutual affection and mutual interest. If I were an Irishman I would take pride in this fight for home rule, first because of the benefit I was helping to confer upon my country and my own countrymen, and, secondly, because of the benefit which will inevitably ensue to all other sections of the British Empire and to other nations through out the world. WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST. ‘Perfect Baby’ Fed on Soup and Vegetables Hundred Per Cent Child Also Gets Abundance of Water and Fresh Air. I’ASSAIC, N. J„ Auk. 23. -“Good, substantial food, well cooked, Is what I feed him," said Mrs. Thomas Wat- terston. of No. 110 Central avenue, when asked how she reared her won, I.eslie, Just declared the only 100 per cent perfect baby In the “better babies” contest in Passaic. Three hundred infanta contested. He is 27 months old. “He sets soup*, fruit, vegetables, puddings, cereals," continued the mother. "I Five him very little meat, few eggs. but plenty of water, Inride and out." Baby Leslie Roes to bed about 8 p. m. and urlses about 7:30. awaken ing of Ids own accord and bounding out into the fields before breakfast. He has a two-hour nap every after noon. and always sleeps with the windows In hie room wide open. Philippine Hero Can't Re-enlist in Army Batt e-Scarred Pensioner Rejected by Recruiting Office on Account of Wounds. SPOKANE, Aug. 23.—One of the seven heroes of the United States army wito survived the bloody mas sacre of Ballnglga, P. X., when he saw more than 100 of his comrades and officers go to their death at the hands of a savage Philippine tribe, and himself, was mutilated In many places on his body and given up for dead. John M. Newhouse, applied for re- enliatment in the United Slates army Newhouse is 37 years old and came from Helena. He is now drawing 330 a month for the injuries he received in the massacre. Newhouse told of his experience while pleading with local army recruiting officers to take him into th e army again. Officials were compelled to reject the applicant on account of a stiff right arm caused by one of the cuts from a bolo. Women Voters Save ! Lightning Bug Used Mayor From Recall To Illuminate House Committee From Their Organization Canvasses Every Ward to Pre vent Hie Defeat. JANESVILLE. WIS , An* 33. Mayor James A. Fathers was the victor by a narrow margin to-day in Wisconsin's flrst recall election of Importance un der the commission form of govern n He was elected by 98 votes, with a total of more than 3.00 votes cast, more than wets ever before voted in a Janesville municipal election. Mayor Fathers received 1.570 votes and hi* opponent, John C\ Nichols. 1,472. Father* carried three ward*, the First. Second and Third, those chiefly occupied by the church and aristo cratic elements, while Nichols carried the Fourth and Fifth Wards, the homes of tho poorer people. The election fololwa the trouble over saloons six months ago, when the Fathers administration started a cam- paign to cieun up the town Bvedrj’ ward In the city was canvassed by women's committees in the interest of Fathers. Standardize Book to Simplify Grammar Educators Work to Have Study of English Language Made More Uniform. COLORADO SPRINGS. Aug 23.— Standardization of grammatical nomen clature. which will do away with the confusion in the study of English, a* well as other languages, In American ' schools, has been effected by a commit tee of fifteen, of which Professor Hills. I uf Colorado College, was a member. The committee made a report to the j National Educational Association In convention at Salt Lake City and Its adoption without amendment virtua ly insures the following of tl * committee's i commendations In all schools and col leges According to Professor Hills it was found mat in the sentence "John is good.'' the word "good" was called by nine different names in 25 grammars, the word ‘'John” in "This <s John," was called by nineteen terms, and In ’ We made John president.” the word '^resi dent" was given e’ghteen different names in the text books examined. A West Virginian Discovers New Light Medium Which He Declares Sur- pases Electricity. MORGANTOWN, W. VA„ Aug. 23 Thornton Flowers, of Mora, claims that by treating the common firefly or lightning bug with u secret chemical process he has produced a light 8 ur- passing the tungsten incandescent. He has his home Illuminated with tho natt; 1( «-K Several weeks ago. Flowers says he captured an immense lightning bug jt gnve out h brilliant light, nnd this gave him an idea that the light fr..m fir. flies would illuminate a room tf the;, were made to glow incessantly He hit upon a mixture of chemicals Which, he sass. not only will reta il the glow after the Insect s life is ex tinct, but will increase it. He captured the Insects by hun dreds. treated them with chemicals snd placed them in globes throughout his home. Blind Girl Student Marvelous Gardener Produces Daisies Three Timex Size Of Ordinary Flowers and Vege tables Just aa Big. I.OS ANGELES. Aug. 23.-T«enty- seyen deaf and dumb girls and boye. ranging from IP to 17, are being taught to speak, read, write stories, sew. make biscuits, solve arithmetic problems, spell and garden at the Sixteenth Street school here, where an exhibition of tlleir work was held recently. ■Ml.-s Elizabeth Kenealy. 15. Is cre sting a sensation at the school be- iause of her wonderful success In raising flowers and vegetables. In a middy blouse and dark skirt. Miss Elizabeth works in her gardens, i ne at home and the other at school, p; educing dais es three ilmea the s - of the or! inarv flowers, and b-ets hot ma,v thr average vegetable loot : like radishes in size. i Senator From South Carolina De clares South’s Loss in 17 Years Is $1,000,000,000. Continued from Page 1. an isolated spot in Texas until it has now' reached the State of Alabama, and I have been appalled by the dam age wrought by its ravages. During all these years I have been hoping for the discovery by which the pest could be exterminated, or even check ed, but in both I have been disap pointed. Likes Zone Remedy Plan. Some time ago the suggestion wa| made to establish across the entire cotton belt, east of the areas infested by the weevil a zone of 100 miles, in which no cotton should be planted. It was argued that this would check the eastward advance of the weevil, as it subsists only on *he cotton plant, and it was also argued by entomolo gists and other experts on plant and Insect life that my moving this zone westward from year to year all the weevils in the Cotton States would be starved out and entirely exterminated until the Mexican border was reached. The idea appealed to me veiy strongly, and I have given the sub ject a great deal of study ever since. I believe this plan is entirely feasi ble. and while at first thought the cost may seem prohibitive, yet when the estimated cost is compared with the estimated saving the zone plan must be looked upon as a very sound business proposition. The Government. entomologists, farm demonstration agents and others admit that if this zone plan is put into operation it will undoubtedly check and finally exterminate the boll weevil, as it v ill have nothing to feed upon, and they admit at the same time that no other plan that has been tried so far has been at all effective I hav6 had an estimate made of the cost of the proposed zone and I think it is a very liberal one. It follows: ■The cessation of cotton growing er an area of 46,245 square miles, ir which the crop is valued at $98,990,047 per annum, is at first glance such an appalling suggestion that, few r have even thought to look deeper. See* Need of Substitute. "We must add also to this the loss In ginning business, which is com puted at $2,915,518 er annum and the loss In seed products totaling $.>,633.- 562. This means that there must be compensation for a loss in earning value of $107,539,127 per annum. "In the first place, any scheme which would call for the cessation of cotton growing must provide the means and knowledge for growing vometniner else in the place of cottou “A large crop of trained agricul turists instructing in the cultivation of new and profitable crops and In the principles of rotation, maintenance of soil fertility, etc., would help the people to double and treble the output of their land within very few years. It would also be necessary to supply seed for planting the 2.573,072 acres of cotton land in other crops*. Thus the greater pari of the prospective loss o*n he met at a reasonable expense. "The loss of the ginners and part of the loss of the oil men will have to be assumed by the Government. This Iops would not exceed $9,000,000 • It would be necessary for the west ern portion of the quarantine area to remain out of cotton for por-’*' 1 " three years. "Last of the proposed quarantine line there lies an area of 112.027 square miles of territory in which cotton can be produced. The average yield per acre (1908-1811) for this territory has been 3,051.103 bales (500 pound*), of which 32.892 hales (500 pounds whs *#a island cotton. The value of the latter was $4,224,235.* Places Faith in Expert. "The value of the remaining or up land cotton valued at 11.9 cents per pound, was $174,345,554. The valu of the equivalent amount of seed pro duced would he $33,943,532. Thus the annua! value of the producers of the crop to he protected is $217,514,211 "History of the boll weevil has shown that if this area is not pro tected Its production will he lowered year by year until possibly 50 per cent of the crop is taken, and sometimes as high as 75 per cent." The zone plan is the only sugges tion that has yet been offered that holds out any promise of relief. The cost of tile zone plan is undoubtedly great, but when the estimated cost is compared with the estimated sav ing. the protection of sections not yet readied and the ultimate eradica tion of the boll weevil ♦hrougbout the entire cotton belt, the cost does not seem io be prohibitive. In fact, t he cost of the zone system will be mild compared with the loss that will be entailed if the boll weevil is not exterminated. Sea Island Crop Imperiled. It is practically certain that if the boll weevil spreads to the South At lantic States the sea island cotton in dustry will be wiped out entirely. This is by reason of the semi-tropical nature of the Uplands, the luxuriant foliage which uffords a safe harbor and breeding ground for the insects dur ing winter and summer, and the fact that there is neither extreme nor extreme cold, both of which are destructive to insect life. It is my deliberate Judgment that if the boll weevil reaches the sea islands, there will be no more sea island cotton. I have spoken of the aggregate loss to the country, but the feature that uppeals to me most strongly is the loss to the individual. The coun try may eventually recover from the damage done to the cotton crop, but the individual cotton farmer whose income is cut in half or destroyed, and whose property is marie to de preciate in value, may never recover. The loss to him will be irreparable. My object in writing this is in order that the people may know just how seriously the cotton crop is be ing menaced, and that they may dis cuss and understand the only plan that has been offered, which promises to accomplish the result needed. If any other plan is suggested that promises to accomplish the result at a les i cost or in a quicker manner. I will give it my heartiest indorse ment. I will b«» glad to have tho larm- iM and others of the South con sider this problem carefully and write me what they think of it. New York Governor’s Foes Call! Wife’s Illness a Sham and Confession a Ruse. ALBANY. N. Y. Aug. 23.—Appar ently deadlocked until the High Court of Impeachment meets September 18 to try the charges of high crimes and misdemeanors against Governor Wil liam Sulzer, both the accused Execu- Miss Alice McConaughy, of Cincinnati, at the key of her wireless instrument. This girl operates under a license granted under the new wireless laws. Husband Declares That Their Conspiracy Kept Him in Bed Three Years. CHICAGO, Aug. 23 —Alleging that his wife was madly Infatuated with a man of strange, weird, magnetic powers, and that they conspired to incapacitate him by administering mysterious potions, Theodore Speab er a former undertaker of Chicago, tive and Lieutenant Governor Martin Glynn are busy, the one strengthening his defense, the other preparing to in vigorate his attack. In the meantime, the official business of the Empire State is at a standstill. The government of New York pre sents a paradox unique to republican government. The State has two Gov ernors, and it has none. Two men maintain they have the right to trans act the State’s business. No business is being transacted. And in this struggle for power, the battle seemingly centers about a w oman, a woman w r ho has no voice in the government, who is not even al lowed to vote un v der the statutes of the State. Wife’s Illness Questioned. In addition to the law point raised by the defenders .of Sulzer that he can not be impeached or tried for things he did before he took the oath of office, the defense lays greatest stock on the declaration by Sulzer’s wife that she. not the Governor, used checks he had received as campaign contributions to speculate on the stock market. On the other hand, it is learned that the Frawley Committee, which brought to light the charges on which the Governor was impeached, will make her confession the subject of a iigld examination to shatter, if pos sible. the defense, which will be based largely on her statement. In the meantime, Mrs. Sulzer. it is reported, is dangerously ill, her nerves broken, It is said, under the strain which she has experienced since the charges were brought against her husband. Sulzer’s enemies even question this Illness. They question it so seriously that It, too, is to be Investigated. The first step in this investigation, Both Accused of "Shamming." The committee believes that "talk ing too much" consisted of telling sto ries of Mrs. Sulzer’s true condition which were not to the liking of the Governor. An inkling of this purpose was contained in an interview with Assembly Majority Leader Aaron J . Levy, w r ho declared: "Not only is Mrs. Sulzer’s confes sion a sham, but the pretended illness of Mrs. Sulzer is a sham, of which William Sulzer is the chief perpe trator." How’ever, should Sulzer be re moved from office by Tammany votes, with all the judges of the Court of Appeals voting in his favor, he woul 1 count it a vindicaton and proof of ills assertion that he is being persecute*! because he would not turn over the State to Tammany Hall. ‘Wild Man’s'Haircut Fills Bushel Basket Tramp That Frightened Woman and Children Gets Cleaning When Arrested. CINCINNATI, Aug. 2H.—Miss Alice McConaugliy, 13-year-old school girl, is the first person to obtain an operator’s license under the new laws regulating wireless telegraphy on the Great Lakes, even If she did get It on something of a fluke. The license was issued before the inspector discovered that he had failed tc notice the age of the applicant, whose father Is a national bank examiner of Ohio. “I did give them the right age,” declared Alice. “I sent for the blanks and filled them out myself.” Her work on the demonstration set was satisfactory. The youthful operator installed her own apparatus at home, doing all the wiring and even erecting the 50-foot aerial. Chester Boynton Sue By Wife for Libel Echo of Famous Litigation Against Rev. William B. Ayres in New Case. COUNTY TO GIVE COOK BOOKS TO NEWLYWEDS MILLVILLE, N. J.. Aug. 23—A “wild man” was reported to the police as roaming the woods west of Mill ville and frightening women and chil dren. Marshal Biggs hastened to the locality and discovered an uncouth man with shaggy beard which reached to his waist and long hair which hung matted over his should ers. When taken to the City Hall the man said he was Waldron Furry, ol Low Banks, Canada, and that he was simply tramping. Marshal Biggs acted ns barber for the stranger and his hirsute adorn ment filled a bushel basket. Pastor Adopts Wife He Had Divorced BOSTON, Aug. 23.—Mrs. Helen Ther- es&'Willet Boynton, of Wollaston, Mass., wife of Chester A. Boynton, who some time ago created a sensational church scandal by suing, the Rev. William B. Ayres, pastor of the Park and Down Congregational Church. Wollaston, for $10,000 for alienation of Mrs. Boyn ton's affections, has filed a libel for ' divorce from her husband on the grounds of cruel and abusive treatment. Boynt* claimed in his suit that the minister had broken up his home after joining the Boynton household as a boarde.r. Mr. Ayres and Mrs. Boynton I In the former’s case of defense de nied all of the husband's allegations and ! declared that the whole trouble In the Boynton household sprang out of Boyn ton's attentions to a choir girl at the j Park and Down Church, at which Boyn ton and his wife were both prominent j members. Boynton lost his suit and was ex- i polled from the Wollaston church. Boyn ton is now living at Los Angeles. CHICAGO, Aug. 23.—Leaden biscuits and leather-crusted pies and all the other dinner delicacies of Mrs. Newly wed soon may cease to cause physical pain and matrimonial estrangement. Their existence is threatened. Authorities of Cook Count/ are con sidering the advisability of giving away official Cook County cook books with all marriage licenses. Robert M. Sweitzer, County C'erk, will present the plan to the County Board. filed suit for divorce from Anna Speaber in the Circuit Court at La- porte, Ind. Through the machinations of hi» wife and a man who represented him- aelf as being a magnetic healer, as suming the name of Louis Odillo, Speaber avers that they tried to con vince him that he had become a vic tim cf tuberculosis. Odillo then in jected a chemical in hie ear, he al leges. which brought on an illness that confined him to a hospital bed for three y^ars. This, he charges, was done with the deliberate inten tion of causing a fatal sickness to set in and get him out of the way. His wife then sold out hU under taking business and their household effects, he charges, for less than one- third of the real value. She then re fused to see him after he had been released from the hospital. Friends of Speaber say that he was at one time an inmate of the Elgio State Insane Asylum. But he was re leased later as cured. EXPRESS PREPAID Has $18 Salary Cut To $10 toSpite Wife Judge, However, Orders Bookkeeper to Pay Alimony Just the Same. • IOO PROOF STRAIGHT ■ I "-'V ■ s. NEW YORK, Aug. 23.—G. Lester Pinkham, a bookkeeper of Flushing, sued by his wife for alimony, testified that he was receiving only $10 a week. His employer. A. M. Ryon, called as a witness, corroborated him. “Is he worth more money?” asked the Magistrate. "He certainly Is,” replied Mr. Ryon; “formerly 1 paid him $18 a week, but he asked to have his salary reduced to $10.” The Magistrate prompt'-- ordered Pinkham to pay his wife $5 a week 1 and furnish a bond of $520 to guaran tee payment. College Girl Walker Goes 25 Miles a Day Little Pedestrian Reaches Pittsburg on Jaunt From New York to San Francisco. PITTSBURG. Aug. 23.—With a jaunty rose-colored hat, Miss Gladys Mason, a petite New Yorker, who is "footing it” from Broadway to the Golden Gate, is on her way West. The little pedestrian left New York on June 29 and ha* a.^raged 25 miles a days. Her high mark for a day is 41 miles, made east or Har risburg. Miss Mason is 22. a graduate of Emerson College, Boston. She expects to reach San Francisco Thanksgiving Day. Girl Becomes His Ward as Soon as Decree Was Granted by Court. WOODWARD, OK LA.. Aug 23.—A divorce on unusual grounds has been granted here to B. F. Willett, who is an ordained Baptist minister, and who lias served several terms as prosecut ing attorney for the county. Willett gives up his wife that she may become again. In effect, his adop ted daughter. Years ago he adopted a little girl who took the name of Clara Willett. He put her in school at Enid. : determined to give her tbe best educa tion obtainable. Six years ago. when Clara reached j the ape of 16. Judge Willett made his i adopted daughter his bride. In his petition for divorce the law- j yer an<i former prencher set forth that ’• s. U’bieU had told h*m she never could love him h-* a wife should, but that she could be devoted to him as a ‘ j daughter. * Kentucky Whiskey BY TEST TRY IT YOURSELF Hi. 1 ! 0 * •^isfied. *bip it back to us and get your money. Our *”■*?*«* 100 Proof Kentucky Whiskey is 100 by Proof—100ft pure, 100*1 straight, and will give you 100# satisfaction. No chance ot doctoring, extending or tampering with Old Fort 100 Proof Ken tucky Whiskey, as it is guaranteed under the U. S. Pure Food Law. It is good aa a beverage—as a medicine—as au all round Family Whiskey, (Other concerns ask $6 to >8 for same kind of whiskey.) WHOLESALE PRICE EXPRESS PREPAID-TWO GALLONS, $5; ONE GALLON, $3 paid, Ot same price, 100 Proof straight White Cob Corn Whiskey, guaranteed the finest White Com Whiskey ever made. Remember this is 100 by Proof—no tampering or extending. Try either brand or send an assorted order: two gallons for $5, Express paid. If not satisfied your money returned. A. L. ALSOBROOK CO. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Return this adv. with order for above and ^ > Bottle of 100 Proof Affle Brandy sent Free-4~* 7A-.'* • •.' : . •., kf • and YOUR ROLL TO ML gp 1 tho best results you ever had in 8 hours. THE COLLEGE "CO-OP. Shelley Ivey, Manager. I’ve moved to 119 and Teachtree. Candler Bldg. Special. P S—Free development toy brand of rolls or necks Use My 8-Hour 3ervlc< WOm* 121 0TTLEY & KNOWLES General Insurance 1508 Fourth National Bank Bldg,, Atlanta, Ga. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT For the six. months ending June 30, 1913, of the condition of the Svea Fire and Life Insurance Company (Limited) OF GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN, Organized undar the laws of the Kingdom of Sweden, made to the Governor of the State of Georgia, In pursuance of the laws of said State. Principal office In United States, 100 William street New York N Y I. CAPITAL STOCK. Whole amount of capital $200 000 00 Amount paid up in cash ‘ " 200 000 00 II. ASSETS. ' ’ Total assets of the company, actual cash market value $1 42“’ 807 30 III. LIABILITIES. ; Total liabilities $1,422 807 40 IV. INCOME DURING THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF THE YEAR 1913. Total Income actually received during the first six months in rash j 417,212 42 V. EXPENDITURES DURING THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF THE YEAR 1913. Total expenditures during the first six months of the year in $ 379,770.04 Greatest amount insured In any one risk $ 37,500.00 total amount of insurance outstanding 121,363,329.00 1 A copy of the act of Incorporation, duly certified, Is of file In the offir» i of the Insurance Commissioner. STATE OF NEW YORK—County of New York. Personally appeared before tiie undersigned M. L. Duncan, who, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he Is the L’nited States manager of tho Svea Fire and Life Insurance Company, Ltd., and that the foregoing state ment Is correct and true. M. L. DUNCAN, United States Manager. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 15th clay of August, 1913. EDWIN F. COREY, Commissioner for the State of Georgia. Name of State Agent—DAN B. H ARRIS, Atlanta. Name of Agents -at Atlanta—OTTLEY & KNOWLES. t * i