Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 24, 1913, Image 52

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J«* A TTEARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY. AUGUST 24, 1011. Way cross MisSMcircjCiret riOOCl™ > Griffin \V AYCROSS. Auf. 23 — Mm. V. L. Stflnton and Miss Mary Stan ton have returned from a visit t-» Atlanta and points in North Geor gia Miss Clifton Wing, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. H ’ ’horp . has returned to her home In Macon. Mr. and Mrs. Dessau Bunn, en ^oute to their home at Fairfax from Kt. Simons Island, where they spent the summer, were guests of relatives in W'ayrross this week. - v,} ss J' ssle Lou Stanley visited rel- atlv « in Brunswick this week PMffhiil, who has been ' ■■'.ting n Atlanta, will spend some linm In Home before returning home Mrs. H. K Brown and children have return’d from a visit to relatives In Scranton. Pn. Mrs. J P. Dukes and children vis ited in Savannah this week. Misses Viola and Ruby Clemens are visiting relatives In Savannah. Following a short visit In New' York City. Mr. L. Volney Williams will Join Mrs. Williams and children In Michigan for an extended visit. Mr Williams sailed for New York from Savannah Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Ghurton Lewis, of New' York, are In the city for b visit of several month*. Mrs K J. Seay and Miss El wood Seay have returned from a visit to Columbia, B. C. Mrs J. P Moody, of Florida, Is the guest of Mrs W. T. Seaman. Mrs A J. Miller left Thursday for Wilmington, N. C„ where she wlil visit relatives. Mrs M. Z. Hlnnant and children hs\e returned to Wilmington, N C., after a visit to friends and relatives in Way cross Mrs. C R Powrie and little daugh ter, Jean, of New York, arrived Wed nesday to Join Mr. Powrie and will make Way cross their home. Members of the Friday Club *were entertained yesterday by Misses Lu- cile and Susie Sutton. Miss Aline Jeffers Is expected home shortly from a visit to her sister, Mrs. John D. Tucker, tn Blrmlng ham, Ala. Cmwfordville j members of the school set. Miss Fldod is als otaking an active part in the girl scout movement, being captain of a patrol. RAWFORDVILUB, OA.. Aug 23 f Miss Virginia Butler, of Madi- i son, is the guest of Miss Fran- \ c - Burgess. Several delightful en- 111".; lnments have been given In her honor, among them receptions by > - .Mi*lton and Asbury. Mattie Jordan, of Atlanta, s. eni few days here the past week th* u-s; "f Miss Blanche Taylor. Air m I Mrs. Charles Oolurke, Mr A (I and Mrs. R. W. Qolucke and . ■ teis. Anna (Catherine and Mary p4 ndlng the week at Hot h" 'rings. N. C. Lillian Asbury leaves this i i MUm rton to visit Miss Allen, one of Miss Asbury’s at- t’vc guests last week, i ll. H' V. \1r. and Mrs. C. A. Owens daughter, Aileene, of DeLand. r upending some time here with ‘ nds. Colonel and Mrs. J. Frank and < • i ghters. Cornelia and Nell, of Doth- rii, Ala., snent several days hero as the guests of Mr. W. P Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Leary and Guy, Jr have returned to Augusta after sp« ndlng some time with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gee. Miss Martha Grif fith returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Anthony and Mr. 1 P. McCord, of East Palin Beach 11a . are here visiting. Miss Mary Fannie Harris, of Au- i- the |UMt of Miss Emmi Chapman Mr. and Mrs. IT S Gunn have, re ’•n d from Augusta and Atlanta, where they spent several days last ■ *« k. < ’olonel and Mrs J. A. Beasley are vjs'ting In Atlanta Mesdames J. V. Andrews. J. IT. Cal lahan and W. C. Andrew's, all of this city, are spending some time at Bor den Wheeler. Ala. Miss Minnie Olive Park will enter tain a house narty this week. Those invited are Misses Mary Holden, of Athens; Anita Sanford of Augusta, and Kathleen Kendrick, of Sharon ^ 1 ILLEDOFJVTLLE. Aug. 23 Mrs , J Joseph Cleveland Cooper en tertained on Thursday evening in honor of her sister, Miss Carrie Talbot. Hearts-dlce was played, after which a delightful salad course was served. Those present were the Misses Susan My rick, Jesse Allen, Maggie Bivins, Florida Allen. Isabella Allen, Pauline Niabit. Helen Max well. Hattie Pottle. Mary Amos and Francis Conn. Edwin Allen, James Sibley. Erwin Sibley, John Sibley Malcolm Flemister, Charles Conn Henry McAuliffe. Charles Brown Arthur Carr, Stewart Wootten and James Clarl. of Atlanta Miss Marguerite Joseph entertained on Monday at a suit-case shower for Miss Katherine Scott, w ho leav. s won for an extended trip through the North. Each lady brought some gift for the honoree. Mrs. Frank Bor.e entertained at h“V home on Greene street W'« afternoon in honor of Mies Francis Stevens, of Macon, when “42” w:ts played, after which a salad cours. was served. Those present were Mrs W. T. Garrard, Mrs. Y. A little. Mrs Cleve Cooper. Mrs. Lodrick Jones. Mrs. Culver Kidd. Mrs. John Barrett, Mrs. I. C. Case, Mrs. E A Tlgnor Mrs. E. E. Bass Miss Carrie Talbot. Miss Feuna Barrett and Miss Annie ^ v Kit,lev Another social event of the week was a party given by Mlsu Katie (i n on Tuesday afternoon, her guests being Mrs. L M. Jones. Jr . Mrs. Har ry Bone, Mrs Frank Bone. Mrs Logan Griswold, Mrs. Bee Bethun* Mrs. George Brantley. Miss Fran i- ("onn, Mias Frances Stevens. Mis Pauline MrKinlev Miss Annie Mc- Kinlev and Miss Hattie Pottle ( '■* RIFF1N, Aug. 23.—Mrs. Carlton I Jones entertained her bridge club Tuesday afternoon at an al fresco party. On Wednesday after noon she was hostess at a domino party. Mias Mamie Slade and Miss Carrie Slade were hostesses Wednesday evening at a lawn party in honor of their guests. Miss Irene Dempsey, of Cedartown, and Miss Inez Hyman, of Cordele. Miss Mary Bass was hostess at an automobile party to Rarnesville in honor of Misses Mamie and Carrie Slade, Irene Dempsey and Inez Hy man. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Ba xter were hosts at a lawn party Friday evening in compliment to their guest. Miss Jessie Robertnon, of Forsyth. On Wednesday morning Miss Olive Poyd was hostess at a rook party in honor of her guest, Miss Mary Wat kins. of Atlanta. Mrs James Nutt entertained Mon day afternoon at a bridge party in honor of Miss Katherine Wooten, of Wa Mhington. Mrs. John Henry Newman enter tained fifty ladles Friday afternoon at a theater party especially in com pliment to her .sisters, Mrs. H. L Wheat, of Macon, and Mrs. Idus C. Doe, of LaGrange. Mrs. James Kimbrough entertained Wednesday evening at a dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burr, of Atlanta. Invited to meet Mr. and Mrs. Rurr were Mr. and Mrs. John B. Mills and Mrs James Mills. Mrs Charles Murray and Mrs Frank Ingram were hostesses Wednesday morning at a sewing party in compliment to Mrs. James Porter and her daughter, Mrs. Everts. Miss Della Porter and Mlsns Laura Porter, of Houston, Texas. Little Mias Ethelyn Ison enter tained twenty of her little friends Friday morning in honor of the fifth birthday. Master Ernest Carlisle was host Wednesday afternoon in celebration of the fourth anniversary of his birth. Little Miss Lily Rivers Griffln en tertained a party of her young friends celebrating the fourth anniversary of her birth. was royally entertained Monday aft ernoon by Mrs. H. B. Sasser. The earning party given at Starr’s Mill by Misses Lois and Annie Lou Hardy the past week was one of the most enjoyable events of the year. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hardy chap eroned the party. The out-of-town guests included Misses Helen Carpen ter, Newnan; Elizabeth Baker, Ma con; Minnie McMichael, Buena Vista: Sallie Thompson, Hawkinsvllle; Mary and Lena Render Greenville; Messrs. Tom Tolleson, Fayetteville; Kendal Fielder, Cedartown; Albert Jelks, Hawkinsvllle; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Freeman and Mr. and Mrs. J. D Hunter. iarm guests Included Mrs. Alva Cooper, Mrs. J. u Cooper, the Mieses Eloise Cooper. Ida and Annie Higgins, Elea nor Butler, Frances Henderson, Hyda Heard and Bonner Sims. Mrs. H. 1). Terrell and Mrs. J. Bain Terrell. Miss I /On 1 se Whitehead entertained on Tue’-nlay evening at her home on Montlceilo street with a progressive conversation party in honor of her house guest. Miss Ella Mae Ellis, of Macon. The guests included the Misses Natalie Turner. Annie Pau line Anderson, Lnrtrelle Meadors, Dorothy Lee, Ruth Weldon, of Talladega. Alabama; Frances Bear ing and Marlon Sherman, James Lester Jim Wells, Rufus Frank lin. < ’ha rles Ellis, Guy Robin son. Candler Harwell, Ivey Smith, Lamar Smith. Reginald Robinson, Perrino Hearing, Fred Rush and Guy Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fowler. Miss Louise Fo" ler, Mrs, J. W. Stephen son. Miss Eva Stephenson, Mru. Lil lian Stephenson Weaver, Roy Stephenson, of Tampa. Fla., and Hugh W right were among those from Cov ington who attended the Duffy- Stepheneon wedding, which was a pretty event of Thursday, taking place at the home of the bride’s i ir on ts, Mr. and Mrs. Parker Er ♦ Duffy at Morrow. Mrs. Thomas Berry entertain* a number of relatives last week .it a family reunion, the guests Including Mr. and Mrs. John P. Blanton. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Harris, of Alabama; Mrs. J. W. Loyd, of Dawson, Ala.; Mrs R. L Tye of Mansfield; Mrs H. B. Thac ker, of Oxford, and Mrs. A. J. Blanton. loultrie ^ l OULTRIE, Aug. 23. Miss Lucdle j j Autrev entertained the mem bers of the Entre Nous Club on Satur day morning A ssisttlng Mis Autre y were her slst< F»rs. Mrs K > Autre y and Mrs*. Clvd e Taylor. Con uplimenturv to* h< j r sister. Mis Marv Walker, of \: ant a. Mrs. ’1 W M: addox entert 1 lined at a “42” \ ar ty on Tuesday mm mini; M r.‘ *. A. \\ C‘ use entertained numb er of her fr lends on Thurudo s LVAXIA Aug 23 \\ - ^ — — Covington | ( COVINGTON. Aug 23. Mrs. Clar ence Terrell entertained at the '■*' Lyric Theater on Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Alve Cooper, of Savannah, who is the guest Mm J, O. Cooper. Mrs. Terrell’s , Tuesday morning for the Misses Willie Christie and Luoile Evans* of Savannah. First prize, a box of sta tionery, was won by Miss Ruby Mauldin. Those present were the Misses Mary Lizzie and Annie Dixon Homer, of Atlanta; Bertha Pearson. Maud Hilton. Jujtnita Williamson. Ruby Mauldin. Kate Patrick. Lucy More!; Sad Lov.-tt arid Esther. Ruth Mrs. John < ’ Hollingsworth enter tained the^T.adieu’ Culture Club on i teorglans. A party enjoying an outing t P-ramien's Bridge on Wednesday in eluded Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Bowel Mesdames A. T. Perkins, Leeie Du\ j and J. \V. Overs:ree f * , M \~>v Luoile Evai s. Nolle Davis# and Mar. Lizzie and Ynnie Dixon Homer. Julian Cooper, Willie Robbins, Spencer Po ell, Bates i/ovett and Edward Over- street. Mrs R. F. Jarrell, Jr., entertained the Civic Club on Wednesday after noon. An interesting program was rendered, followed by delicious re freshments. Mrs. J. C. Hollingsworth enter tained at cards Oil Tuesday evening for Miss Mattie Mallory and Paul Mallory, of Clyo. Thoa.* present were the Misses Mary Lizzie and Annie Dixon Horner, of Atlanta; Miss Mat- tie Zoe Mallory, of Clyo. Miss Ruby Mauldin, Miss Nolle Davis, Paul Mal lory, of Clyo; Abe Greenberg, Spen cer Powell, Edward Overstreet and Bates Lovett. Tallahassee TALLAHASSEE, Aug. 23.—Mrs. 11. T. Felkel entertained Infor mally at her home on College avenue Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. W. E. Shackelford, of Jackson ville, was a recent visitor to the Capi tal City. Governor Park Trammell left Thursday for a ten days’ vacation at Waynesville, N. C., where he joined Mrs. Trammell. Mrs. S. D. Chittenden at her beau tiful home on Park avenue on Wed nesday morning entertained at an •- tlon bridge in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Wight, of Cairo, da, who is visiting her for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wlnthrop re turned Thursday from Atlantic Beach, having made the return trip from Tallahassee in their automobile. The regular Thursday night’s dance was enjoyed by the society folk at the Elks’ Club. C ORDELE. Aug 23.—A congenial party of young peopl^ enjoyed a picnic and fish fry Monday afternoon on the Flint River, the af fair being in' honor of the Misses Ruth and Clara Mae Jefferson, of Columbus. Mrs. I. J. Lamb and daughter. Miss Mao Lamb, entertained Tuesday afternoon in honor of Miss Grac? Dill, of Ooilla, the guest of Mrs. P. C. Dill and Misses Jefferson. Mrs C. E. Todd was the hostess [Monday afternoon to the Ladles’ Aid ' Society of the Presbyterian Church. 1 \ /i IA MI, Aug. 23.—Miss Josephine j I I Bravo, one of the first children born in Miami, was united in marriage on Monday night to Dallas D. Hoffman, of this city. The cere mony took place at the bride’s home in the presence of a number of friends and relatives and was followed by an informal reception. One of the pretty dinner-dances of the summer was that given Tuesday night at the beach by Clement and Bazil Drossier, in honor of the Misses Frances and Jane Tatum, two of the charming buds of the city, who leave soon for an exclusive girls’ school in the North. The guests were the Misses Frances and Jane Tatum, Jewel Green and Ruth Rose, and Vic tor Moffat, Merle McLeannon and B. B. Tatum. The affair was held at the Casino at the beach. Complimentary to the Misses Maude and Alice Reilly, of New Haven, Conn., who are visiting their brother. John R. Reilly, a luncheon was given at the Dade Club by Mr. and Mrs Edward Coleman Romfh. Roses were used for the decorations. Covers were laid for the Misses Reilly, Miss Fla via DeCamp, R. B. Black, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Reilly, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Romfh. A Cooncan Club has been organized by a group of the young women of the city. Miss Cornelia Leffler was hostess at the last meeting of the club. Those present were the Misses Myrtle Rose, Hilda Baile, Christine Worley. Ruth Rose. Helen Skelly and Mildred Taylor. Mrs. Everett George Sewell is spending the latter part of the sum mer at Asheville. N. C., where many other Miami people are stopping. j St. Augustine | S T, AUGUSTINE. Aug 23.—A pretty event of the week was the wedding of Miss Elizabeth Josephine Masters and Marcus Pap py at the Cathedral Tuesday after noon, the Rev. Father James # O’Brien officiating. Both are among the best known young people of the city and are members of old Florida families. Captain and Mrs. Henry Marcotte left yesterday for Williamsport, Pa., where they will spend several w’eeks. Miss Nell Edmonds and her mother have gone to Miami, where they will reside in the future. They were so cial favorites here. Miss Ruth Green, a popular mem ber of the younger society set, has returned from an extended visit with fri* nds in Tallahassee. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald White have returned from a several months’ hon eymoon trip spent in England, Mr. White’s old home. Mr. White is a well-known banker. Mrs. White was formerly Miss Elizabeth Frazer, of this city. Their wedding was a social event of the early summer. Mrs. G. H. Bruer has returned from Syracuse, N. Y., where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Johnson. Miss Gussie Steindorff. of Greenville, Ala., and Mias Nellie Dekle, of Tam pa, are guests of Mrs. Robert E. Lee on West Arlington street. Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Harris, of Haverhill, Miss., announce the en gagement of their daughter, Marion Carr, to Lee Graham, of # Gainesville, Fla. This announcement’ is of great interest to the social circle of this city. Mr. Graham is cashier of the First National Bank of Gainesville, a member of the City Council and a most popular citizen. It is said the wedding will be some time in October. Cartersville j Pensacola P ENSACOLA. Aug. 23.—Pensacola society was much interested in the marriage c-n Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock of Mrs. Mary Dallas Strong, formerly a social fa vorite in Pensacola, to William F Juicksail, which took place in Wash ington, D. C. Mrs. Strong recently v sited’ Mrs. Albert Hyer at her beau- iful Bivshore residence, Virginia lge ! e hen < : Mined by Mrs. E. J. Wilson and many er of her old friends. Mrs. W. H. North up* who has been pending the past month in the North Carolina mountains, in the 1 ,-autiful Sapphire Country of Saluda : ml Waynesville, returned home on Tuesday. Mrs. Northup stopped a j'ew days in Atlanta, where she met Mrs. Pat McHugh, formerly Mrs. Peb- lev, of Pensacola, at the Hotel Ma jestic. Miss Madge Cushman, of Knoxville, Tenn., accompanied by her nephew, | Robert Daniels, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Daniels, arrived Saturday on a two weeks’ visit to bur parents, Mr and Mrs. Carlton H. Cushman. The North Carolina mountains are I > favorite summer resort for Pensa- . . ans, and at Waynesville this sum mer there is quite a colony. Mrs. C. ; W IVAlemberte. who is now in Rome, Ga.. and Mrs. W. H. Northup spent some time at Waynesville. and Mrs , Smithwick. two chl’dren. William and Mary, and Mrs. Smithwlck’s sister, j Miss Verren. arc now there. Mrs. i Alice Aylward, who formerly made er home here and who was recently he guest of Mrs. J. J. Hooton, is also l at Waynesville. Durham D URHAM, Aug. 23.—Misses Marga ret and Bessie Erwin, with W. • A. Erwin, “cotton king" of North Carolina, gave an elaborate dance at the Durham Country Club In honor of guests who were attend ing a house-party at “Hillcrest,” th3 Erwin home. It was the most bril liant social affair of the season and was attended by young folks prom inent in society through the State. The guests of honor were Miss Agnes Tinsley Harrison, Atlanta MBs Sadie William, Augusta; Miss Katherine Overman, Washington. I) C.; Hamilton Jones, Charlotte; Hugh Thompson. Raleigh, and Terry Lyon k Fayetteville. ACKSON, Aug. 23.—Mrs. L. M. Crawford complimented her gueeit, Mrs. James * Crawford Nutt, of Griffin, with a “42" party on Thursday morning. The young men of the city gave a moonlight picnic at Indian Springs on Tuesday In honor of Miss Sarah Wylie, of Cartersville, the guest of Miss Mary Land. In compliment to her niece. Miss Julia Collier, of St. Louis Mrs. Levi entertained four tables of bridge on Wednesday evening. Tampa West Point W EST POINT, Aug. 23.—Miss Mary Booker entertained at rook Thursday evening in hon or of Mrs John T. Ivey and Miss Eloise Sikes*, of Luverne. Ala. After the game sandwiches and tea were oerved. Dublin 1 D UBLIN, Aug. 23.— Miss Ruth Toole, of Macon, was the guest of honor at an auction bridge party which Mr and Mrs. A. J. Toole gave Tuesday evening. Playing were the Misses Ruth Toole, Mabel Harvard, Dorothy Hooks, Mamie Ramsay. Fran es Webb and T. W. Hooks. O G. Sparks. J. B. Hicks and W. R. Brigham A much-enjoyed affair of the we< k was the auction bridge luncheon which Miss Dorothy Hooks gave on Wednesday for Miss Ruth Toole. Miss Hooks’ guests included Mrs. E. S Street, Mrs. J. M. Finn. Mrs. T. R. Ramsay, Mrs. H. P. Shewmake, Mrs. A. J. Toole and Miss Frances Webb. Of much interest socially will be the wedding of Miss Mary Lee Ran dall. of Grovanla, and Richard P. Hicks, of Wrightsville, next Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's parents in Grovanla. A party of friends from Dublin and Wrights ville will go over for this event. A reception will follow the ceremony The visitors in the city were hon- orees at a dance on Wednesday even ing at Kiut Lake. The guests in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham, Miss Lue> Gibson, of Macon: Miss Pearl Dowling, of Lake City Fla.; Miss* McLendon, Miss Otelia Gibson, of Macon. Miss Algie Prince, Miss Leonora Starr, Robert Hightower Ramsay Fuller. S. Dixon. Paul Wil liamson. Dewitt Varnadoe. Cliff Hoi- comb, Clay O’Neal. Alex Blackuhear. Claude Rrantl v. Alex Burch. Patrick Roach and William Brunson. "TAMPA, Aug. 23.—Dr. William | Monroe Rowlett and Miss Greg ory Walker, daughter of Mrs. Ju lian Walker, of New York City, will be married at the cathedral of St. John the Divine in New' York on September 10. Dr. Rowlett's brother. Cains Rowlett, and the bride-elect’s brother, Hewitt Walker, will be best men and will be the only attendants. I)r. Rowlett and his bride will take a j trip to Canadian resorts before re turning to tills city abp it <> t< be l to make their home. Dr. Rowlett is one of the young physicians of the city and is very popular. Miss Wal ker is related to many families here, and she and her mother spent last winter here, taking a house, on the Roulevard. This summer they have been spending in the Betkshires. She is an accomplished pianis. Two well-known young couples of Winter Haver, one of V.te fine re sorts and orange grove towns of In terior Florida, are to be married at the same time on September 14. They re Norman Wyckoff and Miss Laura McCrary and Leslie Winston Ander son and Miss Kathleen Winston Per der. The double ceremony will take place at the First Christian Church of Winter Haven, and the young cou ples will go for a wedding trip to gether. Mrs. A. B. Gerner, of this city, is chaperoning a house party at Wall Springs. The party is made up of Tampa and Dade City people, and they are enjoying the bathing at this resort. Among the Dnde City mem bers of the party are the Misses Lulu and Ethel Cochrane. A number from Dade City motored over to the camp at various times during the last week or so to spend a few days. S ENOIA. Aug. 23.—Miss . ma Hand entertained a large pu.rty of Shorter and Wesleyan girls it a party at her home Monday even ing. The Methodist Missionary Society B UCHANAN. Aug. 23.—The recital and reading given at the Meth odist Church Tuesday evening by Miss Shirley Sutherlin. of Cav* Springs, was enjoyed by all present. Miss Sutherlin has accepted a posi tion. with the Southern Female Col lege at LaGrange next year. npiFTON, Aug. 23.—Miss Aline I Shipp entertained in honor of her guests, Misses Julia Wil liams and Florence Parks, * with a Japanese party Monday night. Those present were the Misses Julia Wil liams. Florence Parks. Annie How ard, Marie Garbutt and Vernice Ken nedy, James Pate, Roy Thrasher. Robert Hall, Louie Monk, Watson Holmes, Joe Gammon and Mark and Conrad Shipp. Miss Josie Golden entertained Fri day afternoon at four tables of sal magundi in honor of her guest, Miss Kate Harrell, of Doerun. Miss Annie Howard entertained Tuesday night in honor or Miss Aline Shipp’s house guests. ( GAINESVILLE, Aug. 23.— Miss J Elizabeth Kimbrough will enter tain at a house party next week, her guests to include Miss Jamie Hall, of Grantville; Miss Cora Candler, of Dallas. Texas; Miss Marie Dinkins, of Atlanta; Miss Emily Dors?y, of Ope lika, Ala., and Miss Laura Mae Ken- nimerg, of Cleveland. Among the so cial attention planned for her guests are a masquerade party at the home of Miss Kimbrough and a reception, with Miss Mary Florence McKinney as hostess. A social affair of the w T eek was the bridge luncheon Wednesday morning whidh Mrs. Pillow gave for her daughter. Mrs. French, of New Or leans. About twenty guests w’ere present. A compliment to Mrs. J. B. Fitz gerald, who leaves this week for her future home in Augusta, was a porch party given Tuesday morning by Mr.-*. M. C. Brown and her mother, Mrs. Flanders. Mrs. J. E. Jackson was hostess at a sewdng party at her home on Academy street in honor of her sis ter Mrs. H. W. Campbell, of At lanta. Miss Tone and Louise Jackson en tertained eight couples at a dinner party Fridav evening in honor of Miss Marjorie Wilkes, who was a guest of Mrs. J. H. Banks. C ARTERSVILLE, Aug. 23. — On Tuesday evening a dance was given at the Opera House by the young men of Cartersville to the vlsliting girls. The out-of-town guests were Misses Marion Perdue, Ruth Blackman and Ruth Barry, of Atlanta; Kathrine and May Stiles, of Brunswick; Addle McColllster and _ Ida Moody, of Piedmont, Ala., and | Mrs. Keith Carson, of TIfton. The chaperons wer Mr. and Mrs. E. Strickland, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hammond and Mr. and Mrs. Madison Milam. Mrs. Walter Holcombe, of Nash ville, entertained at an afternoon tea at "Roselawn,” the home of her mother. Mrs. Sam P. Jones, on Satur day. The guests were Mrs. John G. Simpson and Miss Hattie Jones, Charlotte. N. C.; Mrs. Bert Sims, Murfreesboro, Tenn., and Mrs. Con yers Fite, Washington, D. C. Nashville N ASHVILLE. Aug. 23.—A lawn social was given on the court- hous-ie square by the ladies of the Civic League yesterday evening from 6 to 9 o’clock. The proceeds will go for tihe benefit of the public library. Claims To Be Heir To Cooper Estate Henry D. Ritch Says He Was Adopt ed Son of Savannah Man. Files Suit. SAVANNAH, Aug. 23.—A suit in which Henry David Ritch seeks to establish himself as an heir-at-law of the late Clem T. Cooper so that he may inherit one-third of the $43,000 Cooper estate, has been filed in the Superior Court of Chatham County. The obstacle In the way of Ritch’j claim is Mrs. Lillian Hamilton, for merly Mrs. Lillian Cooper, wife of the man who died intestate, leaving this desirable property. Ritch says he was legally adopted by Cooper and is entitled to inherit one-third of the estate, as well as to share in the net proceeds from the estate since the death of Cooper on January 14, 1903. The petitioner Is 19 years old. He began the proceedings through J. J Rahn, Jr., a friend. He 6hows that when a child 6 years old he was adopted by Cooper, and that he took the name of his foster parent. At that time Cooper was a widower. Ritch continued to live at the Cooper home until six months after the death of Cooper. FORGOT TO CLOSE WINDOW; GAS FAILED TO KILL MAN SAVANNAH, Aug. 23.—Because he forgot to close a window in the back of his store when he attempted to kill himself by inhaling illuminating gas, Laurence Louis, a confectioner, will probably recover. Louis had removed the burners from a gas stove, and placing a rub ber tube in his mouth, turned on the gas. Despondency because of busi ness affairs is said to have been the cause of the act. O CILLA, Aug. 23.—At the home of the bride’s aunt, Mrs. J. W. Layfield, Miss Meta Clair Sib ley and Edwin E. Howell were mar ried on Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock, and left immediately for At lanta and other points in North Geor gia to return in ten days, when they will make this city their home. The Rev. Mr. Ansley, Baptist minister at this place, officiated. BIG DISAPPEARING GUN ARRIVES IN SAVANNAH SAVANNAH. Aug. 23.—Occupying four freight cars, the carriagre for the 10-inch disappearing gun in the dum my fortiflcatlons In the park exten sion has arrived from Bethlehem, Pa. The total weight of the carriage is 225.000 pounds. It will support a gun weighing 30 tons and measuring 35 feet in length. The gun will be mounted Inside the fortifications which will be used by the Savannah Volunteer Guards in practice work. The “Ice Kist JJ A CWORTH, Aug. 23.—Mrs. Dan- iell Humphries Collins enter tained on Thursday afternoon in compliment to Mrs. Norman Smith Kitchen, of Birmingham, Ala. Mrs. Zollie L. McLain, Mrs. W. Ar thur Nichols and Mrs. Charles Grib- ble w T ere hostesses on Friday after noon at a reception at the home ot Mrs. Gribble. in honor of Mrs. D’Ar- mand Breard, of Monroe, La.; Miss- Avis Elgin, of Anderson, S. C., and Mrs. Norman Smith Kitchen, of Bir mingham. Ala. W ASHINGTON, Aug. 23.—In hon or of Mr. and Mrs. Paul New som. whose wedding Monday afternoon in Atlanta was a social event of cordial interest to a large circle of friends and relatives in Wilkes County, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Armstrong entertained a number of friends Thursday with a barbecus at their country home five miles north of Washington. Tuesday's meeting of the Bimonth ly Bridge Club, composed of the young j married set of Washington, was en- | tertained by Mr. and Mrs. Clement I E. Sutton. It was decided to call in I further meetings until October on ac- I count of the number of members who! are spending September out of town, r APPROVED BY : Good Housekeeping Institute No Crank No Dasher No Handle No Cogs No Wheels No Wood No Hoops No Hard Work I ANARK. Aug. 23.—The residents at the Byrd cottage and a few — invited guests enjoyed an excur sion to Dog Island on Thursday even ing. A delicious lunch was serve! on the Island ana a dip in the surf was enjoyed. On Wednesday night at the hotel Willie Byrd was host at a crab sup per. Making up a pleasant house party at Lanark for a we£k or ten days are Mrs. B. H. Hardaway, Miss Slade, Miss Gerge. Charles Porter and B. H. Hardaway, Jr., all of Columbus. Ga. The house party is given by Mrs. Hardaway in honor of her son. B. H. Hardaway, Jr. The party is occupy- | ing the cottage of Mrs. Hardaway. The party of Tallahassee campers ■ at St. Theresa, composed of John Mc- Dougall Abe McDougall. Guy Haynes and Phil Caldwell, on Saturday even ing sailed over to Lanark, enjoyed the Saturday night dance at the hotel: and remained over Sunday, taking the j members of the Columbus house par- j ty for a sail. John and Abe McDou- j gall returned to their camp at St. j Theresa and Guy Haynes and Phil j Caldwell to Tallahassee. A party of campers at Lanark oc cupying the Phlllips-Culley cottage is’made up of Walter Culley, Hum phrey Gwvnn. Horace VanBrunt and Hnrbert Keith, of Tallahassee. $1.95 PBCK IT POSTPAID 15 DAYS’ TRIAL 2-QUART SIZE $1.95 Gainesville j G AINESVILLE. Aug. 23.—Miss j Mamie McGrew has returned j from a four-weeks outing, dur- j ing which she visited friends in Jack sonville, Augusta. Ga., and Hender- j sonville, N. C. Mra J. I. Blake and children are i now in Atlanta on a visit to relatives. Miss Birdie Wood, of Fernandina; For the ICE-KLST all you have to do is to pour in the cream, sherbet or whatever refreshment it YU a nil may k e * anc * P 410 ^ in tJie * ce as * n the ordinary I III H I W |4 LL freezer. Then the work is ended. There is no working a dasher, no turning a handle or crank, no straining your arms and back, no opening the freezer to “see” if it is freezing, no extra packing in of ice. All you do after packing is to open the freezer and serve the refreshment It saves work, time, trouble and—you. Perfect Freezing The Ice-KIst has no dasher or crank because it has two freezing surfaces. The old-fashioned freezer had only one freezing surface—that is why a crank and dasher were necessary. The Ice-Kist has a metal freezing tube that extends directly through the cream to the bottom This gives the two freezing surfaces. The "cold penetrates from the center ana from the outside, too. The cream is frozen with a smoothness that will delight you. The Ice-Kist makes a beautiful and perfect-frozen mold. Special 15-Day Offer Wc want you to know the Joy of having an Ice-Kist Crankless Freezer in your home. We will send it post-paid upon the return of the coupon together with $1.9.5—our introductory price. If, after trying the IC E-KIST lor lo days, you are not delighted with it, return it and we will return the *1.95 Don t let the coupon get lost. Sdnd it NOW. W#»tfrn Merchandise 4c Supply Co.. 32S W. Madison St. f Chicsfo., itf. Enclosed is money order for $1.95. Please send the ICE-KIST CRANK LESS FREEZER for 15 days’ triaL Name•.*••••••■ ........ ..........