Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 28, 1913, Image 15

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xnri ahjaxsia unumtiAiM ainu jnjmym. KtAD FOK PROFI I-OLUri^IAIN WArN I AU3-USE FOR RESULTS TMW ATTAINT A UJUJKiilAJN AINU NfJVVW. 13 ^^fJ^RJ^SHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THREE connecting rooms; bath, lights] gas and sink; North Side. Call Ivy 5848-L FOR RENT- Three unfurnished rooms, „ ‘‘gat housekeeping; all conveniences. . Cooper. THREE unfurnished rooms with water and hath; the entire second floor; good neighborhood; close in; all $12.50 month. 48 West Peachtree place. FOUR ROOMS, Including hath, kitch enette; private entrance; Inman Park. Ivy 4335-J. FOR RENT Lower floor Tif five or six rooms In flrst-class condition; all con veniences; fine car service Reasonable terms. At Grant Park entrance. Main 3876-J. UNFURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT. galow, choice North Side neighbor hood; all conveniences, except furnace, $25. Apply to Owner, Box 713, care Georgian THREE or four rooms, private family; conveniences. 109 Highland avenue. FIVE unfurnished rooms for lent. Phone Main • • -1,. T\Y >oi thre< suitable for light housekeeping Apply 73 Hood street. THREE connecting unfurnished rooms, private entrance, $10. 23 Bryan St. Main 6459-J. TWO large connecting rooms, gas and water. North Side, on car line, $7. 106 Plum street AN APARTMENT of two rooms with all conveniences; price, $8. 389 Whitehall St. WELL furnished, attractive house, 196 Juniper street, for two months, to ip- proved family. Very reasonable rental. Owner <man) might hoard with tenant Main 3300, 713 Empire Building, FOR RENT Six-room bungalow, No 40 Gordon Place, West End. inquire No. 139 Gordon street. Phone West 33 ONE ten-room house; all invprovements, on South Decatur car line, $40 per month. Phone Decatur 6. FOR RENT -One of the nicest homes on Forrest avenue Phone Ivy 6383 __ OFFlgl SPACE FOR RENT. _ FOR RENT—One-half of office, with use of telephone and typewriter. Apply 630 Trust Company of Georgia Building. Phone Main 1551. OFFICES FOR RENT. OFFICES in the Moore Building at No. in Auburn avenue steam heat; pas senger elevator; lights and janitor ser vice. $12 50 to $18.00. One furnished office, price $17.50 STORES FOR RENT. For RENT -The besUothTrTg^or^fm^ FnffR ko+h- nishlng store room in the city of An- «dnF i derson . or would form partnership with -Ink in kitcht n, sleeping porch, ref- ; right nartv in that lino of business avenue! * Xch * ngeA 131 Kast Ueorgla O H. S. Anjerson 8 C TO a couple, lower floor, at 21 Delia place. Completely furnished. Phone Ivy 3468-L. _ FOR RENT—To couple, no children, second floor of North Jackson Street home. References exchanged. Phone Main 3221-J. FOR RENT—Two Targe rooms and one small one for light housekeeping, iv. College Park, on Main street. Phone Kast Point 208-L. in FOUR- large unfurnished rooms. Grant Park section. 302 S. Boulevard. THREE connecfing rooms, private fam ily; modern house; young couple pre ferred; convenient to two car lines. 240 Bass St. LEASE on one of the most desirable stores In Peachtree street; suitable for retail business. Apply 119 Peach tree. Ivy 4989. FOR RENT—Storeroom. The best opening in the State for general mer cantile business. G. C. Selman, Mon- roe, Ga. BUSINESS SPACE FOR RENT] THREE connecting rooms, with sink in kitchen and bathroom on the same floor. 137 East avenue. Phone Ivy 7019-J. "FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. ~ ROOMS FORJENT. ^ SNE^roonT] furnished or unfurnished. with kitchenette; meals nearby; very reasona'bh 565 South Pryor street. ONE OR TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms in North Side home; three adults in family; gentlemen preferred; breakfast if desired. Ivy 3049-L. THREE rooms, furnished or unfur nished; private baths. 109 Cooper St. Main 2890-J. _ SECOND-FLOOR, private home, fur nished or unfurnished; modern con veniences; close in; best neighborhood. Ivy 3707-J. FURNISHED APARTS^ FOR RENT. ^rWO~conr.ecting rooms, bath, electric lights, private entrance. Ten minutes’ walk of Five Points. $4.50 per week. Argyle Apartments, 345 Peachtree street. t- x-. 1 —-r-— . ■■■ — UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. FOR^REjvJT. PofCrent—six -room apartment; mod ern conveniences; front Grant Park; $27.50; in home with private family; ref- erences requested. 180 Park avenue. TWO four-room apartments, every mod ern convenience, 324 Forrest avenue. Apply premises. Phone Ivy 508-J. L. B. Sanders, owner. BOSCOBEL AXI) EUCLID APARTMENTS, CORNER Euclid avenue and Hurt street. Three and four rooms, steam heated, wall beds and wall safes. Most exclusive neighbor hood, on car line. Every apart ment fronts the street. Separate entrance, no congestion in halls. The most delightful and ventilated apartments in the city, $30 to $37.50 each. FITZHUGH KNOX, 1613 CANDLER BLDG. FoTT RENT—Bell Apartments. Corln thian Apartments. In the Bell, cor ner North Boulevard and Ponce De Leon, we have one four and one five- room apartment for rent. In the Corin thian, 130 West Peachtree, one four and REAL ESTATB FOR SALE ^harp & J^oylston INVESTMENTS. $1,250 will buy a double 3- room negro house on Fra ser street. All street im provements and city eon- veniences down and paid for. Rents for $14.00 per month—nearly 14 per cent. $2,500 buys a store and two dwelling houses on good corner near Southern shops. Rental $3,00 per year. A cheap corner. ORMETVOOD PARK COTTAGE. THIS IS a real nice little 5- room cottage on large lot. Street cherted and in one- half block of car line and for| near school. p r i ce $2,250. Terms $100 cash, and monthly notes of $20 each without any interest. A little bargain. cheap. W. j. Garner, 250 Mariet WANTED To rent apace 15 by 20 for up-to-date pressing club; best of references given. Address Pressing Club. Box 50, care Georgian. OFFICES. STORES. HOTELS, FOR RENT. For Kent—September 1. SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS OF 100 NORTH PRYOR STREET, NOW OCCUPIED AS MARION ANNEX. THIS SPACE CONTAINS TWELVE ROOMS AND IS PARTICULARLY DE SIRABLE AS SMALL ROOMING REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT. W.A.F0STER & RAYMOND ROBSON REAL ESTATE, R 11 EDGEWOQ FOR RALE. ON PONCE DE LEON AVENUE, near Barnett street, a high-class modem two-story eight-room resi dence; attractive appointments; fur nace heating; slate roof; lot 60 by 200 feet; servants’ room, c»tc. Price $12,- 000. Reasonable terms. See Mr. Murtln. ENTING AND LOANS DAVENUE FOR RENT. A HOME on Piedmont avenue, be tween Eighth and Tenth streets Only $8,000. For particulars see Mr. Eve. A HOME on Gordon street, near How ell Park, at a big bargain; forced sale. This is your chance to get more than your money’s worth. F< tmulars see Mr. Radford. b or par- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. __ FIVE-ROOM onTTAGE. lot 88'by 200; convenient to school and churches; 200 feet of car line in East Lake i vicinity; no loan; easy terms. G. R. Harman, owner, 921 Grant Building HOUSE. HOT AND COLD WATER, FOR SALE—By owner, beautiful nine- FOUR BATHS, STEAM HEAT. room, up-to-date house, with all eon- COULD BE EASILY CONVERTED ! veniences; lot 50 by 150, to an alley, stables (can be used o _ home. SEP- Bargain $6,000; quick sale will sell for ASA ! $5,500. Phone M. 3744-L 125 East Georgia, near Capitol avenue. FOR SALE—By owner. beautiful 9- roorn house, lot 50 by 150, back to an alley. Servant rooms. Large stable, can be used for a‘garage. All modern con veniences. Was built for a home. Will sell at $5,500 for quick sale. Bell Phone Main 3744-L. BE EASILY INTO DESIRABLE OFFICES. 2,600 Servants’ rooms, stables (car SQUARE FEET. WE ALSO HAVE for garage). Was built for SEVERAL STORES AVAILABLE TEMBER 1 AND JANUARY 1. G. CANDLER. JR., AGENT, 222 CAN DLER BUILDING. SEE MR. WILKIN SON. ^^FURNJSHEiD ROOMSJVANTED. ^YanYeIV^Ywo furnished roorris^for light housekeeping by business lady and daughter; must he first-class and reasonable price; convenient to North Side school. Mrs. M. T., care Georgian. REAL ESTATE FOR 6AL.E OR EX CHANGE. WILL trade or sell a dandy eight-room _ brick house on one of the best North WANTED Two or three furnished con- side streets. Price right. Address Bar- necting rooms with kitchenette; walk- gain, Box 23 care Georgian. Ing distance by September 1; reason able. Main 2132-J FOR BEAUTIFUL HOMES and build ing lots In College Park, the most de- WANTED—Three furnished rooms with slrablo suburb of Atlanta, see I. C. Me- conveniences for couple; no children, i Crory. B. C M . Box 637. care Georgian, PEAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE WANTED—Three or four rooms by cou- j galow; eight rooms and 10 acres of pie. Give particulars. Address C., ; land, near Hapeville, to exchange for a Box 805, care Georgian. nice West End home. Call W R. Res- ONE nice unfurnished room by refined Pe*»- Phone Ivy 4711 or 707 Candler voqng man; also room where could Building, to secure a beautiful country store some furniture. Call Ivy 120 dur- ! home. . ing day or write P. O. Box 1086, Atlanta, i WANTED—By gentleman one unfur FARMS FOR SALE. nished room on North Side, within walking distance. Reply. Walker. No. 1 Washington street. FURNISHED APARTS WANTED. WANTED—To rent, furnished aparU ■ - .... „ . , , merit, cottage or bungalow; references I )er ceT) t value. Write wants first let- given. Give full particulars in answer- ,er Holmes Colbert, Calera, >kla. FARMS, large ami small, improved, un improved in Houston County, Geor gia; selected; my prices are right. W. A. Strother, Perry, Ga. 20,000 ACRES best farms in Bryan County to select from. Will loan 40 ing. P. O. Box 995. WANTED- By small family, furnished, four or five-room apartment or small ; bungalow. Rent must he reasonable. , j References. Address Box 222, care one five-room apartment for rent. Both I Georgian. _______ of thesi pa tments are strictly modern WANTED -Furnished apartment 2 nr and are steam heated. Apply Charles j 3 rooms; North Side, or Inman Park- P Glover Realty Company. Phone, Ivy 1 September 1. Address Box 723, care 3390 2% Walton street DESIRABLE North Side apartment. 310 Myrtle street; all modern improve ments; terms reasonable. Phone Ivy 5065-L. DEJilGHTFULLY comfortable two six- room apartments for lease; strictly first class; best North Side residence section; one block from Georgian Ter race; handsome grounds; large individ ual porches; automobile accommoda tions. etc. Phone Ivy 657-J, or call at 29 I ’once I >eLeon avenue. ONE nice three-room furnace-meated apartment for couple; most desirable street on North Side. Call Ivy 6772-J. READ'/ SEPTEMBER 1. THE LAWRENCE 62 and 54 WEST PEACHTREE PLACE (Two blocks from Baker). WE HAVE a few choice three and four room kitchenette apartments left Georgian. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. FOR SALE—Three hundred acres of land six miles from town; 110 in cul tivation and two good tenant houses; will sell to right party on reasonable terms. Apply to P. O. Box 334, Tifton, Ga; 4 CAN LOCATE you on the best land to the State of Arizona for 25c an acre. San Pedro Realty Co., Benson. Ariz. 80 ACRES improved, 60 cultivation, 25 bottom; spring, orchard; half mile town; school, church; $2,800. Lathrom, Simmons. Mo. W AN 1LD lo rent steam-heated apart- §9.000 ACRES in a fine ranch; every foot ment of four or five rooms; either furnished or unfurnished. Must have all conveniences. Answer at once, R. T., care Georgian, giving best price and location. [jFURNJSHED HOUSES WANTED. WA NTED—Furnished bungalow apartment by refined party; adults; dreds settlers arriving; 40 two bedrooms; North Side. Address $26 per acre; $50 cash, ha Particular. P. O. Box 647. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. BRAND-NEW six-room bungalow; good j street, tile sidewalk, sewer, water tillable; on two railroads; improved; will cut acreage if wanted; $10 acre. Address Box 312. Clarendon, Texas. invest in British Columbia farm lands—Fort George; growing fruits, cereals, poultry raising, dairying; buy now before railroads completed; hun- 40 acre farms, lance easy; fortunes being made; write for booklet J. C. Thorn & Co., Ltd., 320 Metropoll- l tan Building. Vancouver, British Colum- WISCONSIN LAND. and e’ectric lights; one block from car PRICE COUNTY land; 9.000 acres hard line: price $9^50; $100 cash, balance $30 j wood, cla >’ loam land, adjoining small per month. J. R. Robbins & D. J. Cudd, 1 town on railway; ideal investment or 707 Candler: Phone Ivy 4711. colonization proposition; forest products For small fan,Hies they‘solve the prob- J OWNER wilfseU direct to pu£ CoinTywon^th weTas f w™ f ° Kv'e n ry B “ r ha™ ft o U a t cha8er tw ° valuable pieces city i^E e f72 b her a Lri ate w n< k W parkinson; side exposure; steam heat, hot and cold j property. Apply 80 Bast Four- Phillips. Wls. water, shades, garbage can. electric t il * pi innp t vv 74.QO I OWN A FIG orchard; Jnvest only $5 lights, stoves and refrigerators fur- lecnm. 1 monthly and buy a.nice 2-acre flg or- nished. References required. ^ FOR SALE By owner, \ux-room cot- chard, where results are certain; will Apply on the premises to J. T Tur- tage; modern; near St. Paul Church, guarantee $100 for third year’s crop ner. resident manager, or J. L. Turner, ; Must sell—cheap. Main 2944-J. above all expenses. Write for further 1520 Candler Building. Tvv 5213 LEASE OR SALE Artist ic ’ bun gal oil*: I ,1(1 <>f Zwolle Fig Orchards. Zwolle, la. screened, tiled, furnace, garage. Ad dress “Ansley Park.” care Georgian. A BARGAIN—Five-room bungalow, sleeping porch, hath and electricity APARTMENHS Piedmont and Mer- ritts. $35. $37. $40. Apply 70 Merritts. Ivy 2843-J. Helene. 240 Courtland street. IN the .. 5 ,-.vw. close in, North Side, six rooms and south Kirkwood: $25 month, cash or hath, front and hack porches, steam terms. Phone Main 3992. Heat, hot water. Janitor service: no.chll- p OR SALR _ Two beautifully situated lemner , addiv i Iot8 ln Ansley Park Annex; can he 41C Atlanta National bought direct from owner on. very; at FOR SALE—Good, rich farms, unuer- Laid with coal. R. P. Cline, Steuben- ville. Ohio. 423 ACRES, ten set* houses; rent $1 200; W. J. Gilbert, dren; references required. Rental $42.50 nn f i $45. Vacant September 1. Apply Herbert Kaiser, 411 Atlanta T Bank Bldg Phone Main 276. or janitor on premises. WE HAVE some nice four and five- room apartments on the North Side for rent. Chas. P. Glover Realty Co.. ::R. Walton street. tractive terms. Owner, Box 103, Geor gian. INVESTMENTS List your Investments with us. We have the customers with the cash. J. R. Robbins and D. .7. Cudd, price $22.50 per acre. Dublin, Ga. FARMS FOR RENT; ?lT"auRES] good house, harrTand^chTck^ en houses; city lights and water: suit able for truck or dairy; near car line. East Point. M. R. Prater, 33 Mari etta street. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE. FURNISHED CR UNFURNISHED. APARTMENTS FOR RE NT. 1 |?QR'TlE>Ur^TSv<r'"rom or j unfurnished, rented separately or for light housekeeping; meals convenient if desired. Phone Main 5448-J. No. 10 Brown place. ^FUHNISJHED HOUSES FOR RENT. a'nTceLY furnished house; reasonable to the right party; references. Ap- ply 325 Capitol Ave. ONE of the most desirable six-room bungalows in Decatur; educational fa cilities unsurpassed; best car service around Atlanta. Telephone Owner, De- catur 583. . COTTAGE—Newly furnished. North Side, near Inman Park; reference. M. B., care Georgian. U N FUR PUSHED HOUSES FOR RENT. 1 262 SPRING—Five-room cottage, with j hath, between Alexander and Mills. S20 per month. Ivy 1561. FOR RENT -Two six-room houses, near ! car line, in East Point, Ga.; water and | | electric lights; ample grounds. B. M. Blount. 87U South Forsyth street. FOR RENT -Two-story nine-room house. 297 Lawton. A €*st 335-L. 707 Candler Building. Phone Ivy 4711. jWlTsALE-Il'rT'wnerTTlevated lotTn FOR SALE—By owner, new six-room Northview Cemetery. One of the best house in South Kirkwood, ln beautl- situated lots in cemetery. Surrounding ful grove; easy terms. C W. S.. No. j 0 t s can not he had at any price. This 918 Austell building. Phone Main 2243. , j ot can bought for cash at a bargain. (CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN.) • Owner, Box 511, care Georgian. HOUSES FOR RENT. HOUSES FOR RENT. 10-r. h.. 795 Piedmont ave... 10 r. h., 299 Washington st.. . 7-r. h., 177 Ivy st 7-r. h.. 405 Spring st GET FOR RENT. . .$75.00 65.00 45.00 25.00 -r. h . 340 North Boulevard. -r. h.. 353 Euclid ave -r. h., 129 East Pine st ... r. h.. 240 Glennwood ave... TUR RENT BULLETIN. . $32.50 . . 45.00 .. 35.00 .. 21.00 JOHN J. WOODSIDB, REAL ESTATE. RENTING. STORAGE. Phones. Bell, Ivy 671; Atlanta. 618. 12 "Real Estate Row.” «7.5l> PER MONTH, large six-room house; nicely papered;-beautiful cabi net mantels, gas, hot and cold water; lot 75 by 200, West End; double oar line; good neighbors; one Near lease to ac ceptable party; could be used for two families to good advantage if so desired. Apply Ware & Harper, No. \2o Atlanta National Bank Building Main liOo and Atlanta* 1868^ RESIDENCE—Inman Park; flv< rooms, hath, furnace; all conveniences; 845 per month. Telephone owner, Ivy 871 or Allanta 3108-A. FOR RENT--House 'm East Lake car line, in Kirkwood; new; six rooms: all conveniences except gas; price $18 per month. Phone Decatur 349 ""CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. FOR RENT Chas. P. Glover Realty Co. 2Vo WALTON STREET. 14-r. h., 173 Luckle street 12-r. h., 164 W. North avenue .. 12-r. h., 577 Washington street.. ll-r. h., 78 E. North ave 10-r. h., 164 Ponce DeLeon ave.. 10-r. h., 338 West Peachtree . . 9-r. h.. 342 Ponce DeLeon ave.. 9-r. h., 81 K. North avenue. . . . 9-r. h., 73 East Merritts ave 8-r. h.. 145 Elizabeth street .... 8 r h.. 108 East avenue 8-r. h . 13; 5 Myrtle street .... 8-r. h., 63 1 Currier street 8-r. h.. 315 South Pryor 8-r. h., 167 Capitol avenue.... 7-r h., 537 N. Boulevard 7-r. h., Elmira street $37.50 85.00 55.00 60.00 75.00 60.00 100.00 55.00 43.50 42.50 40.00 55.00 45.00 40 no 42.50 65.00 45.00 7-r. 7-r. 6-r. 6-r. 6-r. 6-r. 6-r. 6-r. 6-r. 6-r. 6-r. 4-r 4-r. h., 999 Piedmont avenue... li., 55 W. Peachtree place, h., 261 East (ieorgia ave. h.. 108 Mansfield avenue.. h.. 377 E. Fair street apt., 154 Whitefoord ave... h., 218 E. Georgia avenue. . apt., Berkeley Apartments h., 87 Elmira street h.. 37 W. Boulevard Kalb h., 28 Queen street .. h.. 55 Killian street... apt.. Corinthian Apts apt.. Bell Apts.# h.. 262 Crew street.... apt., Corinthian Apts, apt., Bell Apis De- $55.00 , 30.00 . 27.50 . 25.00 , 25.00 . 25.00 25.00 . 75.00 40.00 27.50 27.50 27 50 ; 55.00 , 45.00 1 20.00 40.00 40.00 ON THE NORTH SIDE, a good slx- room bungalow on good lot; jatone front; hardwood floors, and all con veniences. Price $4,250. This is ab solutely below market value. See Mr. • " *• HAVE some lovely grove and open tracts of land at Decatur, from five to ten acres, and ranging ln price from $250 to $500 per acre. Come out and buy five acres, and have a little farm. See Mr. Eve. 12-r. h.. 40 West End Ave $50.00 , 12-r. h.. 179 Luclle Ave., furn.... 76.00 ll-r h.. 124 La Fra nee 40 00 10-r. h . 210 Angler Ave 42.50 10-r. h . 34 Norwood St.. K’wood 27 50 ! 10-r. h. 316 Hill 42.60 ! 10-r. h. 306 East Hunter 85 00 | 10-r. h . 7 Wellington 16.00 10-r. h. 99 Cleburne 75.00 10-r. h. 258 Washington 76 00 1 10-r. h.. 205 S. Ashby St 60.00 i 9-r. h . 314 Williams 50.00 9-r. h . 310 Juniper 55.OC 9-r. h. 4 J^aRosa 37.50 9-r. h., 85 Avon 40.00 9-r. h.. 52 Gordon St 50.00 9-r. h. 154 Greenwich 20 00 9-r. h., 60 K Seventeenth St... 75.00 9-r. h. 86 Argard 37.50 9-r. h.. Cor. Church and Spring 2500 9-r. h. t 643 Edgewood Ave 45.00 8-r. h. E. DeKalb Boulevard... 25.00 8-r. 8-r. 8-r. 8-r. 8-r 8-r. 8-r. 8 h., 358 Capitol Ave... 410 Piedmont.. 38 Norcross , 701 N. Boulevard.. 57 PcKalh Ave.... 574 Washington 94 Highland Ave.. 45 S. Gordon St.... 33.35 40 00 35.00 75.00 30.00 50 00 35 00 45.00 IF YOU HAVE MONEY to lend, we can place It safely APARTMENTS FOR RENT. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. STEAM-HEATED APARTMENTS TWO SIX-ROOM APARTMENTS—one up And on e down. Every modern convenience—gaa ranges and refrigerators—$37.00. 67 Highland avenue, two doors west of Jackson street. W. H. WITHERS 218 TEMPLE COURT. PHONE MAIN 2974. APARTMENTS FOR RENT CORINTHIAN—BELL IN THE BELL, corner North Boulevard and Ponce DeLeon, we have one four and one five-room apartment for rent. IN THE CORINTHIAN, 136 West Peachtree, one four and one five room apartment for re.nt. BOTH of these apartments are strictly modern and are steam heated. Apply Chas. P. Glover Realty Co. j Phone Ivy 3390. 2Vfc WALTON STREET. THE EUCLID APARTMENTS THIS NEW APARTMENT HOUSE at No. 161 Euclid avenue has just been completed and consists of 16 three and four-room apartments. Each apartment fronts Euclid avenue and has all the latest Improve ments and novelties. The wall safes are attractive features for valu ables, and the three-room apartments have wall beds, which really makes them equal to. four rooms. Prices are $32.50 and $37.50. The neighborhood is unexcelled. IN THE BOSCOBEL, which adjoins, are three and four-room apart ments at $30 to $35 each. FITZHUGH KNOX 1613 Candler Building Market Wild at Big Gain, Some of Which Was Lost on Realiz ing—Bulls in Control. NEW YoRK, Aug 28. There was fe verish trailing at the opening of the ootton market to-day and first prices were 2 to 21 points higher than last night’s close. The heaviest trading was In new crops, which were vlgoiously bought by leaders with Southern con nections There was a great deal of profit-taking on the upturn, when the market was 3 to 9 points higher than the opening On this, prices shaded sharply and during the forenoon eased 3 to 7 points above the previous close. All offerings were quickly absorbed and the market again developed an upward trend The selling was based chiefly on the western forecast for unsettled weather 'Hie Initial strength was probably the result of the bullish circular Issued by »• M Cordlll on the Texas crop and The •Journal of Commerce statement, show ing considerable deterioration In the Texas and Oklahoma fields. The damage to the cotton crop evi dently Is serious, one authority placing the total crop-as low as 13.500.o00 hales, a l ,r °I>ahie consumption of 14,000,- 000 hales The effect of such early es timates Is of course disappointing to the hears, hut not too much weight i$ to he given premature figures. A general wave of profit-taking and absence of hull force’s support caused the market to work sharply under the opening range during the afternoon session, hut prices were rapidly re trieved through active buying by shorts and the larger spot interests. The huy- ‘ 11 8. however, lacked aggressiveness, w hl<n gave rise to the belief that the market is due a reaction from present levels August was apparently ignored and continued on a downward scale until 12. Private reports from the western belt show considerable deterioration. Al though a reaction is due, still there is a fear to sell the market short until the Government report is out of the wav The general forecast for the western belt indicates showers and unsettled weather generally. This, however, had little or no effect and fell fiat on the market. At the close the market was verj steady with prices at a net advance o? 18 to 25 points from the closing quota tions of Wdnesday, except August, which was 6 lower. Following are 11 a m bids In New York: August 12.20. October 12.28, De cember 12.19. January 12.09, March 12 19 'Following are 10 a. m. bids In New Orleans: Oct..her 12.23, December 12 23 •January 12 25. March 12.37. Estimated cotton receipts: 'Thursday. 1912. New Orleans . . . 400 to 450 30 Galveston . . . .19,000 to 21,000 17,369 RANGE IN NEW YORK FUTURES REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. J. R. J. H. Ivy 1513. Atl. 2865. SMITH & EWING REAL ESTATE. RENTING. LOANS. 130 Peachtree. SMALL FARMS. WE HAVE LISTED WITH US not only large acreage tracts, hut many splendid small farms ln all parts of the State, ranging in size from forty acres up, which can be bought for reasonab’e prices on easy terms. We take pleasure in helping prospective purchasers to wise locations. Come to SEE US. CITY PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE FOR FARMS. WE HAVE a client who-wishes to exchange Atlanta property for a Cobb County farm. Another who wishes a Dougherty' County farm. List your farms with us and we can place them for you satisfactorily. $1,300 CASH WILL BUY four lots In Inmao Park. Don’t delay if you want A REAL BAR GAIN. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. ATKINS PARK and Druid Hills section, a very attractive up-to-date new eight-room home; it has hardwood floors In borders, furnace and sleep ing porch, on a large, level, east front lot; terms can be arranged; only $7,000. This is a bargain. wUsT END PARK, a dandy six-room cottag< n derni and up to date; "no half block of car line. This will please you. $500 cash and $35 per month. Price $4,250. ANSLEY PARK* a beautiful nine-room brick veneer; in h choice location, with every known convenience, Including vapor heat, side drive, etc., for only $15,000, Look at it. PIEDMONT AVENUE, one of the very handsomest homes on the street; nine rooms; new and up to date in every way. If you wil' look at It you w'lll buy it at once. This is some home; In right location. Price $15,500. MARTIN-OZBURX REALTY CO. Third National Bank Bldg. Phone Ivy 1276, Atl. 208. HEN W. L. GRAHAM & MERK 818-319 EMPIRE BUILDING. MAIN 4376. DECATUR STREET. ONE of the best bargains on the street; close ln; splendid place for a whole sale house or warehouse; for $37,000, on terms. No loan. MARIETTA STREET. TWO beautiful lots, one of them 120 by 600, for the sum of $3,000; $1,500 cash, rest easy terms. MARIETTA CAR LINE. 26 ACRES: splendid bargain for only $6,000, on terms; worth This Is at a sacrifice. at least $7,000. Salesmen: W. M. Jeffries, R. W. Parris and Walter A. Withers, Jr. By CHARLES W. STORM. NEW YORK. Aug 28.—There was a strong tone at the opening of the stock market to-day on account of the bullish aspect put upon the news concerning the Mexican situation The copper group led in the upturn, American Smelting advancing 1 *4 and Amalga mated Copper rising ^ to 74’4- Chino Copper was up Q At the end of half an hour there was some profit taking and some of the active issues shared from their point. Among the other advances were: United States Steel common, %; Union Pacific* H: Southern Pacific, l +; Read ing. Vi*; Pennsylvania, Northern Pa cific. Vi; New York, New Haven and Hartford, Q; New York Central, Vi I Missouri Pacific, Vi; Louisville and Nashville, V4: Erie, Vi; SL Paul, '4; American Can Vi. and Canadian Pacific V Norfolk and Western and Baltimore and Ohio shaded. The piirb was firm. Americans In Ixmdon were strong and above New York parity. As a result of the change for the bet ter In the Mexican situation, a number of issues scored gains, averaging ft point and the general market disclosed strength. American Smelting advanced 1 - Reading rote L%. American Can gained as much Amalgamated Copper advanced 1% Other Issues reached as high as 1 point In advance. Call money loaned at 2%. The market closed steady. Govern ments unchanged; other bonds steady. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Stock quotations: STOCK Amal. Copper. Am. Agricul.. Am. Beet Sug. American Can do, pref. .. Am. Car Fdy. Am. Cot. Oil.. American Ice. Am. Locorno.. Am. Smelting. Am. Sug. Ref. 110 r ^ Am. T.-T. ... 130V4 Am. Woolen.. Anaconda ... Atchison .... A. C. L. B. and O Beth. Steel... B. R. T. Can. Pacific.. Cen. Leather.. C. and O Colo. F and I. Colo. Southern Consol. Gas... 132 Corn Products. 11 Viz xD. and H. ... 159 T>en. and R. G Distil Secur.. 14 Erie 29 do. pref .. 47 Gen. Electric. 146 G. North, pfd, 128 G. North. Ore. 35Vi G. Western Ill. Central... 109 Interhoro 16Vi do pref . . 63% Int. Harv (old) .... High. 75% 27\ 35% 96% 46 Vi 44 25% 36 68% 37% 96% 121 96% 34% 89 Z 220% 59% 32 I-/OW 74 % 26% 34% 96% 46% 44 24% 35% 66% Clos. Prev. Bid. Close. 73% 73% 44_ 26%, 35% 96% 46 43% 24 % 35% 68 110% 110% 130 V* 180% 130% 44 26 34% 96% 45 44 24 35 65 Vi 109 36% 95% 122 96 34 89% 219 V* 59% 32 132’ ’ 11% 159 18 V 37% 96% 18% ?6% 95% 121% 121% 96% 96 14 28% 47 145% 127% 12 35 35 89% 220% 24 59% 32 28% 131% 11 159 20% 29 46% 146 LARGE OFFERINGS DEPRESS CEREAFS Longs Liquidate Corn on Ideal Weather—Cables Weak, but Sentiment Is Still Bullish. ST. LOUIS CASH QUOTATIONS. Wheat—No 2 red Corn—No. 2 Oats—No. 2 .90 #92 ..74 . .42 CHICAGO, Aug 28.—The entire grain list was low'er this morning, with the offerings larger and the buying power partially gone. Wheat sold % to %c lower than last night. The world’s shipments of wheat are expected to show a big Increase this week, hut the Argentina shipments are smaller. Northwestern cars, while exceeding those of a week ago, was smaller than a year ago. The news from abroad was mainly bearish on wheat. Corn was under selling pressure, the longs disposing of their holdings on the assurance fhat the country run of cash corn will Increase freely. Prices were % higher to unchanged. Provisions The price of pork was un changed. Lard and ribs were easier at the opening. Grain quotations: High. WHEAT— Sept.. Dec May CORN— Sept Dec May OATS— Sept Dec May PORK- 86 % 90 94% 74 68% 70 40% 43% 46% 109 16 % 62% 13% 107 % 16% 63% 107% c *> 1 ^ £ a * o Si (0 o 1 ° J -1 (J) ( O tl 0.0 Ag Sp Oc Nv Dc .In Fh Mh Ap My Closed very steady. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. 12,39-4.) ! 12.25 12.39 12.20 12.30 12.30-32 12.23-2? 12.23 12.42|12.22|12.3911.38-39 12.19-20 112.21 12.30 12.18 12.30 12.32-34 12.07-09 112.20 12.36,12.15 12.32 12.33-35 12.0:»-10 12.17 12.24 12.06 12.23 12.23-24 12.00-01 12.25-27 12.02-04 12.29 12.33 12.15 12.34 12.32-33 12.08-10 12.29 12.89 12.29 : 12.39 12.38-39 I12.32 12.37 12.19 12.27 12.38-39 12.17-iy Futures opened steady. Opening Range. 2 P M. Close. Prev. Close Auk. . . . . . .6.67^ 6.68% 6.71% 6.62% Aug.-Sept . . .6.20% 6.61 6.65% 6 52% Sept.-Oct. . , . .6.54 6 53% 6.57% 6.42% Oct.-Nov . . .6.60 6.50 6.54% 6.42 Nov.-Dec. , . .6.46 6.45 6.49% 6.38 Dec.-Jan. . . .6.15% 6.44 6.49% 6.37% Jan.-I* fb. . . .6.46 6.46% 6.50 6.38 Feb.-Mch . . .6.48 8.51% 6.39% Mch.-Apr . . .6.49 6.49 5.63 6.41 % April-May . , . .6.50% 6.49 6 53 V, 6.42 May-June . . .6.52 6 50% 6.54% 6.43% June-July . . .6.50% 6.48% 6.54 Closed barely steady. NEW ORLEANS COTTON. Iowa Central.. 7 K. C. S . . . 25 u 25% 25% M . K. and T. 23% 27% 23 % do. pfd.. . . 57 L. Valley. . . 155% 155’ ’ 155% L. and N. . . 135 % 135% 135% Mo. Pacific . 31% 31 31% N. Y. Central 98 96% 97% Northwest.. . 130% 130% 130 Nat. Lead . . 48 N. and W. . . 106% 106% 106% No. Pacific . 113 111 113 O. and W.. . 29% Penna. . . . 113' ii3’ ’ 112% Pacific Mall . 21% P. Gas Co. . U8% 118’ ’ 117% P. Steel Car . 24% Reading . . . 162% 161% 162% R. I and Steel 24 24 24 do. pfd.. . . 88 88 ‘ 88 Rock Island . 18 17% 18 do. pfd.. . . 27% 27% 27% S.-Sheffield. . 29 So. Pacific . . 91% 89% 91% So. Railway . 25 24% 25 do. pfd.. . . 79% St. Paul . . . 107% 106% 107% Tenn. Texas Third Union Copper. Pacific. Avenue Pacific 155% 32% 15% 31 % 32 15% 15% .... 38% 152% 155 33% 89 218% 22% 59 31 28 131 11 160% 13’ ’ 28% 46 145 126% 34% 13% 105% 16% 62% 107 7 25% 22% 56% 154% 134% 30 96% 130 48 106 110% 29% 112% 21 117 24% 160% 23% 87% 17% 07 29% 89-% 24% 7.9 106 31 15% 37% 152% Sept... 21.00 Jan.... 19.50 May.... LARD— Sept... 11.20 Oct 11.30 Jan 10.87 RIBS— Sept.... 11.40 Oct.... 11.17% Jan 10 30 IvOW. Close. Close. 85% 85% 86% 89 V* 89% 90% 94 94% 95 72% 72% 73% 68% 68 % 68% 69% 69% 70 40 40 40% 43 43% 43% 46 46 46 % 20 90 21.90 20.95 19.45 19.60 19 40 19.37% 11.05 11.20 11.05 11.15 11.30 11.12% 10.77% 10.87% 10 80 11.32% 11.40 11.32% 11.07% 11.17% 11.10 10.22% 10.30 11.25 CHICAGO CARLOTS. Following are receipts for Thursday and estimated receipts for Friday: Wheat , Corn . Oats . Hogs . IThursdayl Fridav. *267 I 170*" 203 I 305 | 288 20,000 | 14.0V0 CHICAGO CASH QUOTATIONS. CHICAGO, Aug. 28.—Wheat No. 2 red. 89^/90; No. 3 red 87%'S 88; No. 3 hard winter, 86%©87; No. 1 Northern spring. 92%#93; No. 2 Northern spring, 90@92; No. 3 spring 87V4#89. Corn No. 2. 76%#75%; No. 2 w’hlte, 75% . No. 2 yellow’, 75%'u76%; No. 3. 75 #75%; No 3 w’hlte, 75%; No. 3 yellow, 75% fi 75%; No. 4, 74%#75; No. 4 white, 74 % fa 75; No. 4 yellow, 75. Oats, No. 2 white 42; No. 3. 39%; No. 3 white, 40%fa 41%; No. 4 white, 40fa40%; standard. 41%#41%. T\ R. Rubber. 61 % 6! 1 2 62% 60% U. 0. steel . . 66 63% 64% 62 i do. pfd.. . . 108% 108% -108% 107% Utah Copper . 53 51% 52% 51 % V.-C. (’hem. . 27% 27% 27 26% Wabash. . . . 4% 4% 4 do. pfd.. . . 12% 12% 12% 11% W. Union . . 68 68 68 67 i > " ' £2 I 0.0 Sp ...... 1 12. 44- ■45|12. 32 Oc 12. 3012. 42 12.19 12.38 12. 38- ■39 12, 14- ■15 Nv 12. 38- ■39 12. 11- 13 Dc 12. 35,12. 4i 12.20 i 2.39 12 38- ■39,12. 13- -14 .In 112 .37112 .44 1222' 12.41 12. 40- 4112. 14- 15 Fb .. . ..1.. :12 .38 -40 12 .16 Mh j 12. 47 12 1*2.38 12.52 12. .51- •52,12 27- •28 My 112. ,58 12 .55; 12.45, 12.45 ,13 .60- ■61 12 .36- -38 Maryland. Electric. . Central 41 73 % 46 40% Total sales, 390,00) shares. xEx-divI- dend, 2% per cent. Closeci steady. COTTON SEED OIL. Cotton seed oil quotations: | ^Opening I Closing 8.16# 8.30 8.16fa 8.17 7.77fa 7.79 6.83(0 6.85 6.80fa 6.81 6 79# 6.80 6 8! fa 6.82 6.88#6.90 Spot . . . . September . October . . November . December . January . . February . . March . . . 8.12# 8.15 7.61 #7.63 6.80#6.8l 6.77fa 6.80 6.77 fa 6.79 6.80fa 6.85 6.87# 6.88 LIVE STOCK MARKET. CHICAGO, Aug 28.—Hogs: Receipts, 18,000; market 5c lower; mixed and (butchers, 7.50fa9 25: good heavy, 8 40fa> 1 8.90; rough heavy, 7.40fa8.20; light, 8.30 | #9.25; pigs, 5.50(0 8.25; hulk. 7.90#8.85. • Cattle: Receipts, 5,000; market • strong; beeves. 7.35(0)9.25; cows and ‘heifers, 3.25fa8.30; Stockers and feeders, 5 75fa7 85; Texans, 6.50(08.00, calves, 10.00 fa 12.00. Sheep: Receipts, 18,000; market steady; native and Western. 3.25# 4.85; lambs, 5.25# 8.10. ST..IX)UTS. Aug 28. Cattle: Re ceipts 2.400, including 1,700 Southerns; market steady; native beef steers, 5.50 .#9 00; cows and heifers, 4 76fa8.75; j stockers and feeders, 5.25#7.50; ca'ves, 6.00@10.50: Texas steers, 6.25@7.75; cows and heifers, 4.25#6.50; calves, 6.00 #6.00 Sheep: Receipts, 4.000; market steady; muttons, 3.25fa4.50; yearlings, 5.00# 6 00; lambs, 5.50#8.10. Closed steady; sales 15,100 barrels. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ANSLEY PARK BUNGALOW Seven Rooms and Sleeping Porch THIS Is a brand new home, being complete in every way. Beau tiful living room, music room, large dining hall, kitchen, two large bedrooms, one smaller bedroom, large sleeping porch, tile bathroom, hallway, large front porch and back porch, servant’s room in basement, perfect lot, right off Piedmont Ave. cur line. $6,500. on terms. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton St. Phone Ivy 718. Facing Piedmont Park On Piedmont avenue, between Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, facing Piedmont Park, we offer a number of high-class building lots. These lots face east, and are_ prettily wooded. You build on any prominent residence street in the city; in a very short time you are hemmed in on all sides by oth er homes. Analyze this location: You have the city’s largest, most valuable and prettiest park as a permanent outlook. Prices range from $115 to $150 per foot. Reasonable terms. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR LOAN AGENTS NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. ST. LOUIS CASH QUOTATIONS. ST. LOUIS, Aug 28.—No. 2 red wheat, 90#)92; No. 3 red, 88# 90; No. 4 red, 86fa 88; No. 2 hard, 85%#90; No. 3 hard, 85. No. 2 corn, 74; No. 3, 73; No. 2 yel low, 74fa74%; No. 3 yellow. 73%#74; No. 2 white, 74%; No. 3 white, 73. No. 2 oats. 41; No. 3, 40; No. 4, 39# 39%; No 4 white, 42; No 3 white, 41@ 41%; No. 4 white, 40#40%.; standard, 41% #42. LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 28.—Wheat opened %#%d lower; at 1:30 p. m. tne market was %#%d lower; closed %#%d lower. Corn opened %d lower; at 1 30 p. m. the market was %d lower; closed %d lower. SPOT COTTON MARKET. Atlanta, nominal. Athens, steady; middling 11%. Macon, steady; middling 11%. New Orleans, steady; middling 12 3-16. New York, quiet; middling 12.70. Philadelphia, quiet; middling 13.05. Boston, quiet; middling 12.70. Liverpool, firm; middling 6.92d. Savannah, steady; middling 11%. Augusta, steady; middling 11%. Charleston, nominal. Norfolk, steady; middling 12c. Galveston, firm; middling 12 1-16. Mobile, quiet; middling 11%. Wilmington, nominal. Little Rock, steady; middling 11%. Baltimore, nominal; middling 12c. St. Louis, quiet; middling 12c. Memphis, steady; middling 12%. Houston, steady; middling 12 1-16. Louisville, firm; middling 12% Charlotte, steady; middling lie. Greenville, steady: middling 12c. DON’T WORRY—WE HAVE IT—LET US SHOW YOU. FOR SALE JOHN J. WOODSIDE HOME—LUCK IE ST. (NEAR PINE.) Has three bedrooms upstairs, five rooms in all. Bath, water, etc.; base ment. Price only $3,000. THOMAS It. FINNEY, Sales Manager, 12 “Real Estate Row.” F 6 R " 8 A F. E - BY G R K E N K R EC A U T Y CO M P ANY 611 EMPIRT5 BLDG. REAL ESTATE. RENTING, LOANS. Phones 1599. GRANT PARK HOMES. WE have several of the best bargains !r» this entire section. We have them that can not fail to please you from five rooms to twelve rooms. Priced low and terms easy Call by the office or use the phone. THE WEATHER. Conditions. WASHINGTON. Aug. 28.—As the disturbance over the upper I^akes moves eastward. th**re will he showers during the next thirty-six hours in the Lake re gion and the North Atlantic States. The weather will continue mostly fair ln the Middle Atlantic and South Atlantic States. , The temperatures will fall ln the up per I,ake region to-night and the weath er will tie cooler In the lower Lake re gion and the Ohio Valley Friday. Genera! Forecast. General forecast until 8 p m. Friday: Georgia—Fair, except local showers on the coast to-night or Friday. Virginia and North Carolina—Fair to night and Friday. South Carolina—Fair, except local showers on the coast to-night or Friday. Florida—Fair ln south, local showers In north portion to-night or Friday. Alabama. Mississippi and Tennessee— Fair to-night and 1‘Tiday. Louisiana and Texas—Fair ln interior, showers on the coast to-night or Fri day. PORT RECEIPTS. The following tab’e shows receipts at the ports to-day compared with the same day last year: 1913. 1912. New Orleans. . . . 552 67 Galveston 9,402 16,630 Mobile 76 13 Savannah 3,485 330 Charleston. . . . 13 14 Norfolk 11 19 8 Various 321 “Total. . . . . . 13.865 17.081 MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY GETTING PLENTIFUL. TO OWNERS OF PROPERTY: We are in the market for loans. We want applications for first mortgage loans W want applications for second mortgage loans. We want purchase money notes, first and second mortgage. We can handle any good application on Atlanta property, large or small; lowest rate of Interest. We make a specialty of second mortgages. We want vacant lots listed with us to sell to our contractors. ATLANTA, GA. RANDOLPH LOAN CO. 21 INMAN BUILDING, MAIN 87 INTERIOR MOVEMENT. ■"ms' 1912. _ 24,874 569 Houston. . Augusta. . Memphis. , St. Louis. . Cincinnati. Little Rock Total. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. NEW YORK. Aug. 28.—Money on cal! 2%; time money unchanged; 60 days, 3%#4; 90 days. 4%#4%; six months, 5 per cent. Posted rates: Sterling ex change. 4.8350#^.87. with actual busi ness in bankers’ bills at 4.8605 for de mand and 4.8270 for demand. Prime mercantile paper unchanged. BAR SILVER. LONDON, Aug. 28.—Bar silver steady, 27%d. NEW YORK, Aug. 28—Commercial bar silver, 59%, Mexican dollars, 46c.