Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 31, 1913, Image 21

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t ifn it AMERICAN, READ FOR oROFIT-.^kl^ElKICAIN WAIMX AD5-U5E FOR RESULTS ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY, AUGUST 31. 1013. 3 D I 4 .7 ' i » * # i j M ) } I *, f \ plan; jrnished ‘Aplace Is Good reafcop for >le. Address Ho- _~Sy®jy E .?S OPPORTUNITIES. WA.NTKjr iiul.'iic-aB. ,1 'man. ' eXfMtC „,f ne *J buyer «f furniture, stoves and other household goods, to make invest- sirn 1 w eervices. Position wi i j.ay hni*u* )tr . utontit with splenditi possi- olr es ,°t a raise in few months, de- pem ent upon the ability of the man. oJsgr„. a _^ 8 - Uox 67s - Atiama WK HAVE at forks of two most im- i?o P i?U a, ! t I !" a, . ls ’ % mile from Ella Gap Ka. lroad station and 4 miles south of flni.n'i ,1 ew 3*room dwelling, frame, finished throughout and nicely painted, nnT . S v, tore alH i, "utbuildlmts. telephone and the post,Office all go with li-acre U U| Land chicken farm. At the store ne does $500 a month business in crosH- tles alone; this pays well, owner will sell out for $800, not Including hia stock fn 0ds - Sood.s he will yell part w remove them. Iaive man 1 up a tine paying business, well settled community and at forks of two main thoroughfares. Put out apple orchard rine chance for young busi- b’' ,n , t0 build up big poultry and bu s/nev 118 ne8a * addition to grocery ” "w. M. SCOTT & CO., 210-212 Could Building. * OR SALE—Hotel; European twenty-four room** furn doing good business. c selling Price reasonable, auuh t „Walton, for more particulars, 111 Vi Lafayette street, Tampa, Ma A (JK10AT BARGAIN—For sale, 200 White Leghorn hens; splendid laying condition; cheap. Also three Cypress incubators, used one year. One new two-story laying house. Crestland Poul- try Aards, 574 West Peachtree. SIX MONTHS— My summer ofrer to Introduce my magazine, “In vesting for Profit.” It is worth $10 a copy to any man who has been getting poorer while the rich richer. It demon strates the REAL earning power of money and shows how any one. no mat- h^w poor. CAN acquire riches. IN VESTING FOR PROMT has the largest financial circulation in America—the only progressive financial journal pub- ished. It shows how $100 quickly grows to $2,200. Write me NOW and I’ll send it six months free. H. L. Barber. 441), -- West Jackson Boulevard. Chicago. OUR NEW FALL STOCK OF FURNITURE AND RUGS HAS ARRIVED. CALL AND INSPECT OUR LINE. OUR PRICES, AS USUAL, THE LOWEST IN THE CITY. ROBISON FUR NITURE CO.. 25 AND 27 EAST HUNTER ST., 53 AND 55 S. PRYOR ST. F^M^^AJ^E^Boardnig^houp^^b^usIneRsr A-l reputation, 16 rooms, all occupied by genteel tenants; town of 10,000 and growing fast. Don’t pass this if wish ing to embark in this line. Address Box 34?, Dothan, Ala. DRY CLEANING business- CiJUxlAlPM t established fiifteen years; average business amounts to about $600 month, with a total ex pense of $425; completely and well equipped for doing more business which can'easily be had by a hustler;' cheap at $2,500; will consider a trade for real estate. YOUNG GOODROE Busi ness Brokers. 413-414 Peters Bldg ADVERTISE- Twenty woi seventy- five weeklies, $1.50; twenty Sunday papers, $5. Life Company, St. Louis. _ 26-22-6 FOR SALE—Grocery store in hustling town of 5,000 inhabitants. Exception al chance to obtain good paying busi ness with a good, clean stock and best trade. Good reason for selling. Address Box A-222, care Georgian. YOUNG LADY desires position as ste nographer or typist; one year’s ex perience. Miss X. Y. Z., Box 84, care Georgian. WANTED IDE.\S.'U-.f f ;;. r ventlons wanted by manufacturers and C rizes offered for inventions. Our four oojes sent free. Patent secured or fee refunded. Victor J. Evans & Co., 1 Washington I'. C. For • SALE- M' Vini? Micture theater. Have the best location in the South for a small theater and a good propo- i sltion to make any one with $1,500 or j $1,800 to invest. Address Box E-136, i care Georgian. n C y / \ i f WANT fo sell your IV/U ness, no matter where located, need partner or additional cap- , Ital, wall or write YOUNG & GOODROE, 1 Business Brokers, 413-14 Peters Build-! ir.g Atlanta. ‘‘We can sell any business 1 that has merit.** 7-27-28 ON ACCOUNT of age, win sell my meat market, situated In a good town of 3,000 population. It is the best market in the town and one of the best in the State. Will also sell my twelve-room house, arranged for two families. Ad- drf-s Box A-318, care Georgian. PLUMBING business and stock in on® of the best towns in Georgia. Excel- . lent opportunity for a practical man. I Very small capital required. Good rea son for selling. Address Box D-407, care Georgian. ■ FOR SALE—Pool room and bowling al- j ley. Good location and long lease, i Price right. Address Box S-414, care 1 Georgian. i FOR SALE—General grain and feed business in live town in North Geor- , gia, doing fine business. Owner’s time is taken up by other business. Will | sell at very low price. Business will ' bear a thorough investigation. For full ! particulars address'Easy Terms, Box 1 Kin, car® Georgian. j REDUCTIONS OF 20 TO 33 PER CENT ON J. M. HIGH CO.’S ENTIRE FURNITURE 8T0C K THIS WEEK. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, WARE A’ HARPER BUSIN ES8 I3ROKEK8, ROOMS 724 AND 725 ATLANTA NA 1'luNAL BANK BLDG. Phones; Bell Main 1705, Atlanta 18431 estab lished, highl- reputable and profitable and growing HARDWARE business; stock clean, well selected and well bought; doing a busi ness of $18,000 to $20,000 yearly; can be greatly increased; clearing about $3,000 per year; in one of Atlanta’s very best suburbs of about 6,000 population, lets than 20 miles from Atlanta; actual as sets for money invested; owner wishes to retire. ABOUT $4,000 WEL1 $900 WELL established and splen didly located and growing BEER SALOON AND POOL ROOM 1 (colored); will accept $500 cash, balance , easy; absolutely wide open for inves- , ligation; good reason for selling. $50 PER MONTH RENT— WILL secure completely furnished and reputable HOTEL about 50 miles from Atlanta, in one of Georgia's best towns of 2,500 population; investigate this at once if you want »r. *7 Vi SPLENDID FRENCH DRY tD/U CLEANING outfit, me only • me in one <,t Georgia’s best cities of lO.O'iO population. not more than 75 miles from Atlanta the original invoice pride <>f tb's < ulfil is $1,100; this is a great opportunity for some one for a small investment. idjir AAA PART cash and balance | ♦p-D./jV/UV/ reasonable to an accept- I able purchaser; well established, com pletely equipped and highly profitable I high-class MANUFACi* RING busi- i ness; unlimited demand with big profit; ; fixtures and equipment will inventory .132,00 ; this is a bargain at $25,000; a fortune has been made in this business; magnificent opportunity; owner’s time compeltely taken up with other business. d*G AAA COMPLE f ELY equipped ^J,UUU— with most n ' $2,500- modern ma chinery, LIGHT MANUFACTURING business; big demand for all the fac tory can turn out; will produce about $150 worth of products daily, with net profit of 20 per cent. This purchase price includes all of the machinery and entire equipment, with the real estate which it occupies; it is worth about $14,000 to $15,000; located on the main trunk line about 50 miles rrom Atlanta; J owner can not give personal attention. ONE-HALF interest in a GENERAL AGENCY for ' Georgia for one of the strongest old- line LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES in America; this agency will pay 100 per cent annually on the investment, with a j certainty of increasing profits from year ; to year, if right man is secured. Should ! you purchase you will have for your associate a man of character and years i <-f experience in general agency work. ; Right party can take charge of the of- i ,: oe. while present manager looks after j the field work. dfi AAA WELL established, growing <]>»/,UVA/ and exceedingly highly profitable SPECIALTY (one article! MANUFACTURING business; product now' being sold all over the Union; sales increasing daily. i£l AAA WELL established, growing (fl,GUU and profitable REaL ES TATE. FIRE ANT) LIFE IXSUHAN and FARM LOAN AGENCY; cleaning $3,0 0 to $4,000 per year; located in ore of North Georgia’s best cities of from 3,000 to 5,000 population; these figure! jean be verified, on investigation. QAA WELL established, com* i ,pletely equipped, strictly up-to-date BOTTLING PLANT; the , only ontfc in one of North Georgia’s best cities of from 3,COO to 4,000 inhabitants; has exclusive bottling of “Bludwine” ' and manufacturing of cider for “Hot- ; Tom,” a great seller and highly profita ble; you get more than actual assets for j the amount invested. &0 r.AA SPLENDIDLY LOCATED, *4 completely equipped and , one of the most profitable AUTO GAR AGES and REPAIR SHOPS In Atlanta; lut’ress amounts to $5,500 per month; mostly cash; clearing $750 per month above all expenses. Owner going West. WATCH! — These ads changed daily — WATCH I ABOVE For SALE BY WARE A HARTER. busjn e^s^opp^tunitiies ABSOLUTELY T II E LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY ON FURNI TURE AND RUGS. ROB ISON FURNITURE COM AN D EAST PANY, 25 HUNTER STREET, 53 AND 55 SOUTH PRYOR STREET. MEN’S and ladles’ new high shoes, $2.95. Boys’ school shoes, $1.95. Chil dren's school shoes. $1.65. Stewart's Underprice Basement, 25 Whitehall. TEACHER wan’s position for Septem ber 1; young lady, college graduate, normal trained; prefers domestic science. Address Box 23, Mountville, Ga. GROCERY STORE WANTED—Ranging in price from $500 to $1,500; state full particulars in first letter. ’‘Store,’’ Box 39. care Georgian. /. ) J SMALL confectionery store and soda fountain for sale. Best proposition for the money in town. Hustler can clear $50 weekly. Price $500. Terms. Address Box g-597, care Georgian, yon RAPE—Restaurant in town of 9,000 Inhabitants. Must be sold at once. Good business year through. Ad dress- Box B-124, care Georgian. WOULD LIKE to have work with some photographer; have some experience. Miss M. E. O., 99 Jones avenue. FOR" BALE—Retail furniture business; established ten years, with lease on store to October 1. 1914; other business requiring full time, reason for wanting to sell; excellent opportunity for some one wanting to engage in business. Ad- dress C T. Garden. Macon. Ga. WANTED—A good man that knows shoe repairing to join me as part ner in shoe repairing and pressing club. Excellent proposition. 357 South Pryor. FOR SALE Well-established and grow ing business, clearing $250 monthly. Must sell quick at sacrifice account leaving city. For further information, address M . Box 23. care Georgian. SACRIFICE. / NP A BIG ONE, TOO. Located in tlie heart of Atlanta, most promi nent business street: cheapest rent to he had and best opportunity for a hus tler S'rta and lunch business. If you have .$ROO cash and want a business of this kind, see me quick. Mr. Wifcsrins, with YOUNG & GOODROE. Business Brokers, 413 Deters Building. FOR SALE—Drug store in South Geor gia city of 8,000 population; stock approximately IT.000, including soda fount, fixtures, etc, Owner 'going into larger business in Atlanta. Will sell quick for IT.OOO. Address K., Box 406, care Georgian. for PALE -Drug store, established fourteen vears. Owner retiring. Will sell at invoice. Terms to right man or will consider city property for part. Rare chance. No agents. Address Box C-326, care Georgian. •*•' "CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR FALL LINE OF FURNITURE IN ALL THE NEW FINISHES. BEAUTIFUL GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES. ROBISON FURNITURE COMPANY, 25 AND 27 E. HUNTER STREET, 53 AND 55 S. PRYOR STREET. SECRETARY WANTED—An Atlanta corporation operating under the laws of the State of Georgia desires the services of a capable man to act as secretary. Party will be required to invest the sum of $2,000 and furnish unquestionable references. Apply at once if vou can fill the requirements. P. O. Box 91. 250 SHARES gold mine stock. Will take 25c per share. Fine invest ment, but need the money. A. C. Mer- ser, Sarasota, Fla. OFFICE FOE RENT. ONE FLOOR in Hillyer Trust Build ing for immediate occupancy. See Mr. Markley, care Hillyer Trust Company. LADY or gentleman wanted with $75 to go half interest in good business. Ad- dri < '. A. K.. Box 419, care Georgian. ! ACCOUNT other business would sac rifice small paying picture show near ! Atlanta; chance for live man with lim- I ited capital. J. S. Prickette, 208 Baw- gon st. Phone 2083-M REDUCTIONS OF 20 TO • 33 PER CENT ON J. M. I HIGH CO.’S ENTIRE FURNITURE STOCK I THIS WEEK. WANTED parrner. with some capital In small, well-established manufac- i turing business, making big profits. Ad dress H. K., Box 418. care Georgian. _ ATTORNEY AT LAW. ! LISTEN—Opportunity is knocking at your door. A law practice, loan and inoss; good will; good hom* in second fastest growing city in South; 18,000 population. Price right. Terms. I BUTLER REALTY COMPANY, Butler, Ga 1 CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESSES FOR SALE BY YOUNG & GOODROE. OrriTTTTM-T THEATER for color- I I\ 11 lilted; well equipped; cheap rent; good opportunity for hust ler. Price, $1,200, on terms. HALF INTEREST good man who can assist in manage ment; business now making about $-00 per month; good location; cheap rent; fine opportunity. Price. $1,000; terms. P ARPDD 8HOP; located in fine 1 >/\ I\ I > il J\ hotel in good Alabama town; three fine chairs; now paying about $176 month; cheap at $700 cash. RnO M I Yf 1 HOUSE; about twenty iH/V/lull> o rooms; nicely fur- nished; close in; near Peachtree street; strictly first class; making money. Price, $1,800. PIT A YTTTT * n<5 PECAN VENDING I I j1\1\ l 1 MACHINES; about 85 In operation: good locations; now clearing about $100 monthly. Price, $2,000; early terms: a nice business that gets the cash before the goods are delivered. $1,000 CASH and LUNCH BUSINESS in good office building; big bargain for quick sale; fine opening for hustler. AT \ T?1U XT AND STONE crushing itUIIiDLDpiant- unlimited demand and supply; now clearing $300 month net. Price, $25,000. Terms or trade for real estate as part pay. Owners live North. IIATUr and ROOMING HOUSE; II \ / I I g 0 od central location; cheap rent; about 40 rooms; good patronage; making about $200 per month. Price, $1,500; will trade for small business. OADA AND CONFECTIONERY; OV/l/z\. good corner; fine residence section; a big bargain (twenty-syrup front); cheap rent. Price, $600 cash. Q A TXT \I I] T OUTFIT and TEAMS; >> -AI 1 1.4 lzpH© south Georgia lo cation; plenty of timber at cheap prices. Bargain price, $3,000. Terms. TMF AROVF ar « only a , few of 1 11 1-4 V I j the many business propositions we have for sale; call and examine our list. We have them, any kind, anywhere, any price, any terms. “WE TAKE CARE OF OUR CUSTO MERS.” YOUNG & GOODROE Business Brokers. 413-14 PETERS BUILDING. PHONES: Main 3166; Atlanta 2755. BUS1NES GUIDE o o o o o o o o “A” Vacuum Clothe* Washer. WA^TT^a^tub of clothes In fc minutes. No rubbing, no beading over, a id with very little work. Terms or f< i cash, $3 50 to $7.50. Demonstration rooms 256 Edgewood avenue. Out-of- town agents wanted. ^WANTED—M ,SCELLANE ° US . WtTX^store^two sets of furniture for the use of same for 12 months. Will take best of care. 84 W. Peachtree street. Ivy 7635-J. Abstract and Title Insurance. aTlan ta~ 'ffTl.Frara u a n t EEnSa; ground floor Equitable Bldg. Bell phone Main 6430^ Altering, Dyeing and Dry Cleaning. tTTT: METROPOLITAN Cleaning, dye ing and repairing; membership $1 per eight suits. 280 Edgewood. Atlanta 18 i * CITY CLEANING A PRESSING CO. SKIRTS dry cleaned and pressed 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed. Main 3210. 110 Garnett street. THE ETOWAH Tailoring, Pressing and Dry Cleaning. Membership taken; $1 par month k suits. Atlanta d664-M Auction Sales cf Furniture and Household Goods. CKXTRAfr AUCTION ^COMPANY. 12 East Mitchell street, buys and sells everything; regular auction Tuesday and Friday. Bel 1 phone Main 2424. 10-3-41 Bank*. ^ A MERIC AN ’ NA TT ON A LB A NK. Corner Alabama and Broad Streets CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,000,000. Baths and Pressing. Fon tfu: BEST cleaning, pressing. shave and hair cut, come to 24-A W. Mitchell. New shop. Expert barbers. Satisfaction guaranteed. BUSINESS GUIDE. Furniture Repaired; PacKed for Shipping FURNITURE repaired and packed; sat isfaction guaranteed. L. Wellons. 1 v> 3367. Real 41 Auburn a\enue. Furniture Repalredj Rugs Cleaned. STTtSW'KEifEi r ATfil;i >. puiklTd anS shipped. All kinds of line rugs fringed, cleaned, laid and bound. Orien tal rugs a specialty. Upholstering. Fur niture cleaned and polished to look like new. References: Mr. Miller at M. Rich Nr Bros. Co., Keely Company. Mr Amos, i Mrs. Joseph M. Terrell and Mrs R E. j Miller. Zack Harris, 298 Piedmont ave nue. Ivy 2060 L Gun and Lock Repairing. tSt5SrSTOT2Sf , "i?'1»Ki*AiRiS:G \v'e an- nounce the opening of an up-to-date repair shop for keys, locks and guns; your patronage solicited. The R. and B. Lock Co.. 4 South Forsyth Ft Hardware. CALL Good rum & Terrell when in need of anything in hardware line. 108 Edgewood. Main 2317. C A Q HI BEST prices for ^3 II 11 broken jewelry; scraps of gold and PAID FOR platinum of every description; small- fYT TA est quantities ac- KJlJlJ vTVJIjI* cepted; business confidential. Rep resentative will call. Phone Ivy 5393. General Smelting Works, 607 Empire WANTED—To rent for thirty-five to forty-five days, a 12-horsepower con tractor's hoist, without boiler. City work. Address Contractor and Build er, care Georgian. FOR CASH. 163 Auburn avenue. Ivy 3135-L. WANTED—Second-hand cage for squir rel. R. B., Box 48, care Georgian. WANTED—One or two-burner oil stove Cheap. Call ivy 3714-J, WANTED For cash, waste paper, rag stock. Atlantic Supply Co., Phone M. 3816. Wagon will call. WE pay cash for scrap iron, metals. rubber, cotton ties, empty barrels and all kinds factory clips. K. Koplin, 617 Marietta street. Main 2401-J. FOR CASH. Stein Bag Co., 306 Mari etta. WANTED—To buy all kinds of second hand household and office furniture. Cameron Furniture Co., 85 S. Forsyth street. i)ROP A CARO. We’ll bring cash for old clothes and shoes. “The Vest- airr-. ' 166 Decatur St. 7-25-13 I BUY MEN'S "1<1 clothes and shoes. J >rop a card I Bock. 1 77 < Jilmer I Wi; PAY HIGHEST cash prices for household goods, pianos and office fur niture. Cash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company, 12 ’ East Mitchell street. Bell phone_Main 242*1. THE BEST Want Ad days in The At lanta Georgian are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday. On Sunday read them in Ilearst's Sunday American. Try’ them all. The results will surprise you Blue Prints. DIXIE BLUE PRINT CO. PRINTS of any kind. Quality unsur passed. Low prices. 40Vfc Luckis street. Phone Ivy 636L Books and Stationery. COLEID iOK ANDART COMPANY, 85 Whitehall. Main 482. “Building.** LEY^T^^rfT^fLR^you ^TTom^on^easy terms, like rent, anywhere In the city 400 Temple Court. Bblldlng ^ Building and Remodeling. WHY NOT have that old store front made new and keep np with the times? Call G. R. Bond. M. 1540, or write 428 Empire. Carpets snd Rugs Cleaned. WORK called f»»r; 15 years’ experience; feathers renovate*] Atlanta Carpet and Rug Cleaning Works, 27 W. Alex ander St Ivy 4186. Chronic Diseases. 'sTYx r irm r ' on? n NTiTTrkG^AjTrer OF BLOOD, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, etc., rheumatism, nervous diseases, medicines furnished; consultation free. Write or cail on Dr. M. T. Salter. 68 South Broad. * 11-11-2 Clock and Watch Repairing. FINE CLOCK REPAIRING. French, Hall nod Chinese. HARRY BIGGS, 6 Viaduct Place. Phone us. Main 5100. Collections. COLLECTION S WE CAN collect your notes, accounts and claims, if they can bo collected. United States Collecting Association. T. J. Ripley, Pres ; Chas M. Yeates, Sec. and Treas. 51^ S. Pryor st.. At lanta. Ga Cootrac * • • CONTRACTORS AN I?4UT LDERS J. T? M’CONNELL. 113% Whitehall Street Main 4937-J Contractor and Builder SEHmrre?IntSSctor. mif,d1rvrT Estimates free. I draw plans free where 1 build. Emory Williams, 110 Edgewood. Tvy 3372-L. Cot t on Warehouse. PLACE your orders for brands now Get upstairs price on brands All work guaranteed Harwell Rubber Stamp Company, 23% South Broad street. MEN’S and ladies’ new high shoes, $2.95. Roys’ school shoes, $1.95. Chil dren’s school shoes $1.65. Steward's Underprice Basement, 25 Whitehall. Curtains Cleaned and Stretched. WORK satisfactorily and promptly done. Bailie Bell. i;*l Houston street. House Moving. W n DP A Sr Ml A £3 brlcJt and *’ • ' • ' LiVOL frame buildings; 27 years’ experience. 41T 4th Nat Bank Bldg M. 1615, Atl. 955, Residence M. 3930. Jewelry. WATCHES. Diamonds, Jewelry, Eve Glasses, Spectacles sold on the “ol- vided payment’’ plan to reliable persons. BANTA-COLK CO., 5 SOUTH BROAD STREET. 6-26-3 Lighting Fixtures. ELECTRIC and gas fixtures; all new styles; lowest prices Queen Mantel and Tile Company. 56 West Mitchell street. Phone Main 681. 1-16-16 Machine Wocks. SKIP-KNOCK—JUMP CARBON. CAMr cleans perfectly while you wait. A great thing for trucks • ■> : t . CAMP MACHINE SHOP. 275 Marietta Street. Main 2937. 7-8-29 Manufacturers Wood and Metal Novel ties. ^ WE manufacture wood and metal nov elties. patterns, models, patented arti cles, fly screens, swings, porch furni ture. also cabinet work. Work prompt ly done and guaranteed. Atlanta Wood nnd Iron Novelty Works, 886 Marietta street. W. E. Williams, Mgr. Main 1894-J. M att ress Renovating. SlATTRESSES RENOVATED, feathers steamed, cleaned and bought Bell 4840, Standard 1476. P. O. Box 5. Mead ows A- Rogers Mfg. Co. SAMTAID MATTRESS RENOVAT ING—Factory new and up to date; moderate prices; give us a trial Jack- son & Orr Company. Means street and \v and a R. R l it >1 h phi me * 3-30 14 • BUSINESS GUIDE. Stove and Range Repairing. Xtlanta Stove Supply Go We auo mafic chimney etaoka. Ivy 7240. 101 N For- syth. ‘ DAX, THE FIXER. STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR RE- I PAIRING. We sell second-hand gas stoves. We sweep chimneys 121 WHITEHALL STREET. Atlanta Phone 2235 Bell Phone M 2699 Rtnva. Ranqe and Furnace Renalrlnn. ^JALlHPoR R. L.Hkarber, Mgr. StanSar^l Stove and Supply Co., Main 1389, for stove, range or furnace repairing and j < mn«> ueeplng. Transfer. Packing and Storage. ttoW is the time to move. Call Stall-! Ings' Transfer Company. They will move you reasonably.’ 11% Fairlle St. I Ms n 8261. PITTMAN TRANSFER fo STORAGE «’ ‘MPANY Storage packing and shipping. Roth _ ghj ne 8 North Moore street. QT? IV V». I? Trenefer and Storage. iol\ J A i> rj1\ 34 . Forsyth. Ivy 4232 1 Trunk! I Stilt c.isr* R E TA 11 • KI» A N l > KI: PAIR E D ROUNTREE S, 77 WHITEHALL ST. PHONES: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654. Tin and Sheet Iron Workers. BEST Work J’rices reason a bleT*jT'£T McNlnch, 209 Marietta street. Main B276-J, Atlanta 2127. L. pi-r Isterinq and Furniture Repalrlnq. — Capital Upholstering Company. OFFICE furniture a specialty; all kinds of furniture reflnished, packed and shipped on short notice. 148 South Pryor. Both phonos 7-24-15 brHUis—-Wholesale and R-t.wl r a y 1 Made’’ Detach able handles. All prices. No charge for repairs. Phone M. 3748, Taylor Umbrel- la Co., 116% Whitehall. ' Wall Papering and Interior Decorating. SSTvrtSB ANi)"tkade at the ' Piedmont Wall-Paper Co. 33 Auburn Avenue. Ivy 1047. Atlanta 802. Full line foreign and domestic wall papers. a Wall Papering and Tinting. BETTER be ^afe than sorry ~ That’s^.1 L. Burnett, the Wall Paper Man, 71 South |*ryor. Phones 48. POULTRY. PET AND LIVE STOCK. Poultry—Ali Varieties. .aFaki: monk')- wmT~ POULTRY. AMERICAN POULTRY is a magazine devoted entirely to helping earnest men and women make a financial success of poultry raising Its stuff of writers Is composed entirely of those who have made a practical, instead of theoretical, success of poultry farming, and who are glad to pass on the results of their hard- earned experience to AMERICAN POULTRY readers. There are many pitfalls in the path of the novice which may he entirely avoided by those who will follow tin* teachings set forth In this magazine. It fully explains how to make a start, how to construct houses, coops, and other devices how to get a large egg yield, how to cure and prevent dis ease, how to exhibit, how to get the top price for eggs, how to use incubators and hundreds of other points which every one wishes to know. It explains the famous secret system through which poultrymen have become rich and after wards solid for hundreds of dollars. AMERICAN POULTRY is a large, hand somely Illustrated, monthly journal, well printed on fine paper, and should he found on file in the home of every poul try lover. No beginner in the poultry business should think of being without It. It will save him many times the small subscription price. The advanced poultryman will also find It of great value; the articles being varied in their scope. SPECIAL OFFER. The regular price of AMERICAN POULTRY Is 50c per year, but in order to introduce It to several thousand new readers, we will, for a short time, give a large 200-page poultry book, which is a complete guide in the poultry business, absolutely free to every one sending t»l)c for a yearly subscription or $1.00 for a three-year- suhscription to AMERICAN POULTRY A trial six months’ Subscription (with out book) will be sent for 25c. Never has so much been offered for so small a sum. Advantage of this offer should be taken at once. AMERICAN POULTRY. Savoy Bldg Wilkes-Barre Pa. ^POULTRY^PEJ A NJ>JUV^8JP CK^ Dogs. STalR TfSoTjLf i^TTY^ATiith'TlaMi thoroughbred, $7; worth $16, but over stocked. Dick Tope, Bonita Theater, 32 Peachtree. WANTED .\ male png puppy, two to three months old, pure breed from j " k. Address Box L Jewell, Ga. Hogs. Ft»fC"f?ALE^Nfce litter of PolanrM^hina pigs, well bred, two months old. “Write me about it.’’ Edward R. Mc- Gowan, Holly Springs. Miss. Horses, Mules, Vehicles, Etc. \VA NT EI > S11e11 a nd pony" under years old. Color black Good disposi tion. Well broken. About 50 Inches high. Apply 15 West Fort McPherson. ACCOUNT being overstocked, we of fer for sale at. very cheap prices carriages, tailyhos, surreys, beach wag ons, buggies and single and double har ness Not worn-out stuff, but in flrst- < lass condition Newsom Stable Co., Atlanta, Ga. W ill Paper ana Paint. cR at provembnt Company for low prices on wall paper. Best work. 11 South For syte Main 4027. Atlanta 322. 7-27-57 Messenger Service. r>l mVTT OQ () R Bell Ivy 4372 for • llUiNL ZD tho original Miller’s Minute Messengers. Always on the MINUTE. Ask any leading drug store. We have no branches. 9- MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LEND. $8,500 to lend immediately on Atlanta residence property; one to five years, j Local money. Can repay any way. Mon ey Box 3, care Georgian. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT ON DESIRABLE PROPERTY. SEK L. H. ZURLINE, EDGAR DUNLAP IN SURANCE AGENCY. 202 CANDLER BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate; low est rates; no delay; purchase money notes bought. Address P. S., Box 125, care Georgian. LOANS $25.00 AND UP. On Furniture, Pianos, or on En dorsed Notes. WE ARP' a new company, organized for the purpose of loaning money to work ing men and ladies keeping house, at the lowest possible rate of interest. We pos itively make no charges for commissions, drafting papers or any other so-called charge, but only ask you to pay the rate permitted by the laws of the State. Our easy payment plan allows you to pay us back to suit your Income. We also protect you from publicity, and ex tend every courtesy to make the carry ing of a loan satisfactory to you in every way. GUARANTEE LOAN CO., Room 318 Atlanta National Bank Bldg., Bell Phone Main 440. MON BIT FIJRb A LARTKD rflOPLE ANI) OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments Confi dential Scott A Co., 820 Austell Bldg Building. Display and Window Fixtures. SHOW CASKS, display fixture^ See us Atlanta Show Case Company Main 1753, Dry Cleaning and Pressing. FOR NEXT 10 DAYS. Ladles’ skirts, 60c. Ladies' coat suits, $1.00. Ladies’ princess dresses. $1.00. Men’s two-piece suits. $1.00. Sanitary Dry Cleaning Co. 34 N. Forsyth St. Phones: M. 1802: Atlanta 353. Ear. Nose Throat and Lung TroiiM® DR^TEORGEBROWN/Diseases of the Jyar. Nos4, '"hr.,at and l ungs. 313-314 Austell Building. I have the only com pound oxyge. plant ever brought South and make this gas daily. Weak, nerv ous, anemic and palo people are invited to call 4-6-13 MuMtkpjjphinrp Addressing. Mallln ^TH^fT/ET*TER CRAFT SHOP. BEST multigraphing w'ork in South. Prompt service. All work guaran teed. Business Service Company, P O. Box 836, Atlanta. Ivy 7011. ATLANTA MULTIORAPHING COM PANY, 903 Empire Life Building. Ivv' 1436. High-class work; quick service; live * mailing lists furnished. New Rubber Tires. v^MT r '7?rT?BER tiros put on your •* i " ’' baby’s carriage; repaired, re painted and re-covered. Ivy 3076. Rob- ert Mitchell 229 Edgewood. Oil, Gas Stove and Steam Cookers. thTUThka k \Kf cooki:rs will cook all your dinner on one hole of your stove and keep it waYm until served. You need one because it saves for>d. fuel and labor. My oil gas stoves are the best cooking and beating stoves. Call Main 307-1. B. B. Henry, 262 South Pryor street. Paints end Creosote. r? Y' BINDER & SO\. MANUFACTURERS of high-grade paints, white lead and creosote stains. We make ready mixed paints to order Corner LaFrance find Lowry streets, ^ell phone Ivy 6852-J, Atlanta. Ga. ' 1 Palnt'no and Tinting. PA!INT=-PAflNt THE TRIPOD PAINT COMPANY, 37-9 Pryor Street BEST goods, prompt service. Phone us your orders Phones Bell Main 4711. m a in 4710. Atlanta 106 7-1 12 Painting and Wall Tlntlnq. .rcrroiivs'.v v. r repair work Paint It g and tinting a spe- e’aity. Bell p< - .ne West 1288-.T 397 West Fnir street. 6-22-137 Waste Paper. WANTED I' or cash, waste paper, rag stock Atlantic Supply Co. Phone M. 3316 Wagon will c&li Window and House Cleaning. .. W1NIV.M CLEANING TuT Office, 47 E. Hunter street. Phone Main 1175, Atlanta 1051. MONEY WANTED. sorsTKir^iuri^^ houses and lots North Side, and close in. Don’t answer unless you have the money. Address Loan, Box 800, care Georgian • WANTED—From private party loan of $700 on North Bide residence property. First mortgage. No commission. Loan Box 689, care Georgian. * WANTED $2,360 three or five year loan at 6 per cent on improved resident property; first-class condition; occupied by owner. Box 82, care Georgian. WANT ED—To borrow $800 on first- class security. Box 122, care Geor gian. WANTED- $10,000 first mortgage notes in annual series; would consider sec ond mortgage notes of gilt-edge. Ready Money. Bex 10. care Georgian ESTABLISHED 1888 6%—WE WILL PAY—6 % 0\ SAVINGS In Sums of $500 and over. THE MERCHANTS ANI* MECHANICS BANKING AND LOAN CO.. 209 Grant Building. Telephone Ivy 6341. Cash Capital $120,000. Thos. J. Wesley, Cashier. B. M. Grant, President. Rhode Island Reds. PoFTKAMr-f^i ve Rhode Island Red hens; good stock. Bargnin. Address B. B.. cate <leorgian. FOR SALE 100 Lester Tompkins strain S. C. Rhode Island Red year-old hens; to make room for young stock will sac rifice at $7.50 for ten hens; answer quick and get the best; satisfaction guaranteed. Armeega Poultry Farm, T. H. Crudup, Prop., Klttrell, N, G. Wyandottes. ONE pen 8 m*ns and cock for £l0; one pen 8 hens and dock for $15; one pen 8 hens and cock for $20; 200 young gol den laced Wyandottes for sale. W. D. Bennett, Molena, Ga. 7-27-19 ON ACCOUNT of being crowded, I will sell at a sacrifice twenty White Wy andotte hens and forty pullets. Tell me your wants and I will make the price right A G. Wilson. Lithonla. Ga. Pigeons. FOR SALE—300 Horners, 200 Carneaux pigeons. C. B. Douglass, Tarpon Springs, Fla. Dogs. TRAINrT.ri KEAGLKS, rabbit hounds, fox hounds, broke on fox and rabbits, coon, opossum, skunk hounds, deer, bear, wolf hounds, setters, pointers, ferrets, guinea pigs, etc. Brown’s Ken nels, York, Pa. FOR SALIC Shepherd puppies; eight weeks old. Phone Decatur 607. FOR SALE—Three beautiful Scotch col lie pups of the rare white breed. Sire and dam of the very highest class. Cun furnish pedigree. If interested, write Miss Neely Abernathy, Cullerka, Tenn FOR SALE--One thoroughbred Collie pup. eight months old; cheap. Box 500, Gaffney, s C FOR SALE Full-blooded hull terrier three-month-old puppies reasonable. Ivy 3283. ASTOUNDING T>OG SALE—Never be fore has the public had the opportu nity of buying pointers, setters and hounds at leas than cost of production Ten centto for descriptions and guar anteed cure for black tongue and mange. Canine Farm, 1005 Union Street, Greens boro, N. C. POULTRY Pet amid Live Stock Cowi. . ' FOR QUICK SALE—A select herd of I one dozen or more fine Jersey milch I cows North Hill Dairy, \V r . E. Stana- land. nun a cor. t J'i it mu n. > ia. 356 YOU NEfib HELP of any kind? A little “Want Ad” will get It for you. ^Horses, Muifts, Vshicie* Etc, FOR SALE Good furniture wagon. Call M. 3978-L. FINK HORSE FOR SALE. THI! HORSE. HELMET, sired by Baron Blizzard, son of Baron Wilkes, first dan Pearl by R. A. Pounds; second dam by Helmet; third dam by Eland. This horse, Helmet, has as much blue blood in his veins as any horse in this coun try; six years old; fine buggy horse; rides well. Gall at 35 South Forsyth street, Branan’s Stables. Look at him. Fine walk ■'trot gait. BIG $ in raising Shetland ponies; i6tf head for sale Address C. G. Phillips Farm, Cortland, < >hlo. FOR SALE- Cheap; one nice mare. Ap- ply 100 Jett street. WANTED—A good all round mule to work to a delivery wagon; must be young and sound. Clrns. Robison Fur- nlture Co.. 27 K. Hunter St. CHESTER white pigiTregTstered,”prize winning stock. $10 each, $15 per pair. Lutcher Model Fauna, Orange, Texas. THE BEST Want Ad days in The AU kinta Georgian are Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday On Sunday read them in Ilearst’s Sunday American. Try them all. The results w»)1 surprise you. STOCKS AND BONDS. StOCKg AND IJONDS. FOR RALE: 20 shares Exposition Cotton Mills. 10ft shares Atlantic Ice common stock. 15 shares Trust Company of Georgia. 25 shares Atlanta Masonic Temple Company 10 Piedmont Driving Club bonds. 150 shares Georgia Realty Trust Com pany common stock. 25 shares Scott Machinery Company. 300 shares A la-Cola Syrup Mfg. Com pany, Birmingham, Ala. 50 shares Carolina Public Service Company. 50 shares Empire Cotton Oil com mon. 10 shares Fairburn and Atlanta Elec tric Railway Company. 25 shares Griffin Manufacturing Co. 12 shares Woodside Cotton Mills. 50 shares Atlanta Agency Company. 10 shares Trust Company of the South. 3,000 shares Eagle Mining Company stock CHARLES E. THOMPSON. STOCK BROKER. Room 201 Equitable Building. OX YG EN-A CETYLENE WELDING. "It STICKS like a bull pup.” But this process doesn’t sim ply stick things to gether. It MELTS the metal at the crack or break and runs It together again. We weld any thing made of uny kind of metal. Nothing too small or too large. ATLANTA WELDING COMPANY. BELL RHONE IVY 5367. 74 IVY STREET. Anconas. TNTUT5^Atr~wTn'ViT aT^simrrneP"TrTves seventy-five yearling hens, four cocks \ and a few pullets. Sheppard's strain Good layers. Write me. A. T. Hnod* grass, Thomasvllle, Ga. PcuJtn^F^arits and Seeds. Poultry, Plants a^id^Seeds. Films Developed. Ki‘I>AK FIT,MS developed free^ Picture Dept. J. M. High Co.. Atlanta. FJ yS c reens^ Flv Screens Made to Order. OAKLAND CITY REPAIR WORKS Carpenter and cabinet werk a special ty Call West 242-L Atlanta 628 C. F. Dickey, Manager 6-1-37 SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND, any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. S. W. Carson, 24 South Broad street. FARM LOANS PLACED in any amount on improved farm lands in Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould Building. WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlan ta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson, 11 Edgewood Avenue. WOULD VOU BUY a good automobile cheap? The automobile columns of the “Want Ad” section carry a list of automobiles and accessories. P URCHA S E J^ONEY^NOT E S. Purchase Money Notes Bought. Will buy sixty-five hundred dollars' worth of good purchase money notes; either first or second mortgage. Mort gage Box 809, care Georgian. THE BEST Want Ad days in The At lanta Georgian are Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Sat urday. On Sunday read them in Hearst’s Sunday American Try them all. The results will surprise you. FLY—SCREENS—FLY COME and see our roll-away screen, our roller-bearing screen, our sliding screen; none better. It will pay you to see our goods and get prices. 21.7 Kiser Bldg. Main 1319. Porter Screen Co., J J. Crawford, Agent. Fresh Fish DaMv. HCMAN^Pafk^FIsh Co 493 Edgewoo^f Fresh fish dressed, delivered, Atlanta Phone 3093-A. J. A. KELLEY, fresh meats, fish- and oysters. 176-8 Auburn Ave. Both phones^ Furnace Repairing. MVmcrief Repairs material The best work. The lowest prices. Mon- crief Atlanta Co.. 73 Walton Rt. Tvy 4930. FURNACE REPAIRS. THE ONLY PEOPLE to repair Moncrief furnaces Is the Moncrief Furnace Com pany, 139 South Pryor. Main 285, At- fanta 2877. Furniture E^iuvusT^TxoyfT^Why not see ua before vou buy Wf can save you money We exchange new for old Cash or easy terms 279 Edgewood avenue. T C. FURNITURE COMPANY. Cash or easy payments. 416 Marietta PI one Atlanta 1 797. 4-5-12 REDUCTIONS'OF 20 TO 33 PEE CENT ON J, M. HIGH CO.’S ENTIRE FURNITURE STOCK THIS WEEK. Furnit re Bought and Sold. cXsTTwlTTbuy $1 for 50c at our store Southern Wreckage Co., 114 S. For- iyth. WF BUY and sell cash bargains S M 8nid**r, 147 fj Pryor st M 1421 Furniture Upholstering. WnrTwRSKLhuT&ca Satisfaction guaranteed Main 5111. At- lanta 6950-F 6-16-26 FURNITURE REPAIRED—Upholster ing. refinishing neatly done Work called for and delivered Young K Car- son 479 Marietta street Atlanta 3567 6-7-29 CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. Pictures and Frames. Cole book and art co., 85 Whitehall. Main 482 Plumbing and Heating. BELCHER ' ?LUMBINOCa 44 rAIRLIK STTSKET. IVV >^70. ^P oil —Pocket—Poof. ALABAMA POOL PARLORS. 17 EAST ALABAMA ST., 2%c A CUE. Best service. Give us a call. Ben Williams and Tom Cawhern, Props. M i: vs a nd ladles' i i shoes, $2.96. Boys’ school shoes, $1.95. Chil dren’s school shoes $1.05 Stewart’s Underprice Basement, 25 Whitehall. Printing of all Kinds. ■STvfTpKTNTi NIrthatTtii i'.riM UrTT^IT?: satisfaction and economy, call Phone M. 1320. The Georgia Printing Co., 10 Peters street. RYBERT & HOLT.T NOS WORTH JOB PRINTING. 10 Gilmer street. Main 46ft0 WK do expert printing and a trial order will make you a .satisfied customer. No. 41 W. Hunter Rt Phono M. 1992. Printing and Gum Label*. jwrTLsi' printing and gum IftbeTsT^ee Merchants’ Printing and Isabel Co., Main 3403, Atlanta 1104, and our sales men will call. Roofers and Tinners. J. W. STRICKLAND. TIN ROOFING, seating, copper work, warm air heating and ventilating. M. 4299. II Peters st rect WA LKER IP Vo K ] ,\V) COMPANY. 221 Rhodes Building Main 4075, Atlanta 1915. Tin shop J. B Smith, manager, corner Marietta and Magnolia. Atlanta 637 _ NEWBA VK s m2 Ia ~ Safes. ATLANTA SAFE CO. BARGAINS 1n safes new and second hand. Lockout experts and artists. A. 3262; Main 4601. Sate Cracksman. FmTr~arv3~i >urglar-nroof safes opened and repaired. C. C. Dowm-s, 29% Ma rietta street. Phones M. 2146. Atlanta 4922. 6-5-11 ^Sewing Machines. WF RPLSTt now machines with complete set of attachments for $2 per month; also machines repaired; prompt deliv ery. Both phones 1893 Ringer Rowing Machine Company, 79 Whitehall 9-14-44 Shoe Repairing. ^ r NETfT^& HUNTER, shoe repairing Work called for and delivered. 485 Edgewood avenue Atlanta 1627 3rHvaT®3Wi?SK5ff * rOTi ORliNOCO 77% Whitehall M 37110 . 8-13-33 K I.’V'I’ ON SIGNS best 1 quality Kent Sign Co., 130% ] ’eachtr* e st r< • t 3 7-20 Slate Roofing. •TONES SLATE ROOFING CO. NEW roofin'- and repairing by practical men. 417 Fourth Nat. Bank. M. 161”). (CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN.) Buff Cochins. Ga. Bantams. BA NT A MS liamtV bantams, Sebr I ghte, Carlisle Cobb, Athens, 4-26-80 Incubators. FOR SALE Buckeye incubator, lid j size. Used three times. Installing larger size; $10; guaranteed. Dick Tope, Bonita Theater, 32 Ifoachtree. Leghorns. 1,500 GRAND While Leghorns; breeders; of our celebrated “Model” strain; In perfect health- pure white, and heavy layers; must have room; sacrifice price, $1 each Order to-day Mode! Poultry Farm, “The Farm of Quality,’’ Box G, Colbert, Ga. __ 6-17-29 F(»R SALE—Thirty-five White Leghorn hens. Phone Ivy 1665. WHITE LEGHORNB Sixteen yearlln^ hens, through shedding and ready for laying; mated to two cocks; .rst check for $15 gets them all. P. O. Box 116, Fayetteville, Ga, M inorcas. F"K SAIL I D;ok M in. ocas, $1 for hens; $2 for cockerels. Box 500, Gaff ney. S C, JD^pJnjgtonii^ WHITE ORPINGTONS for sale, four hens, one cockerel, $15; six hens, one cock, $20; ten hens, one cockerel, 435; five cockerels, $5 each. H. A. Black, ( :»I Oersville, Ga. 1-23-7 Plymouth Rocka. AT""® SOUTHKKN international show our one pen entry of Barred Rocks won first pen and the grand sweepstakes cup for the best pen In the show, all breeds competing We also won grand sweepstakes cup of Barred Plymouth Rock cock at Georgia Poultry Association Show. We are booking orders for a few settings of eggs from this grand pen. Atlanta Poultry Yards, 682 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta. Ga. 1-26-2 Pgultry-DWnfectants. AGABCO-SPRAY WILL RID your premises of mites, lice, fi -as and ants. It Is ready for Im mediate us*- with brush or spray pump. When applied to poles and nests it eradicates lice and mites soaeffectually thut fowls do not have to be carried through that inconvenient and nerve- racking process of dipping Manu factured by Atlanta Gas Light Com- pany, Atlanta, Gfi Poultry Remedies. ARE your hens paying their board? If not Southern Poultry Remedy is the best thing to give them now. It’s guar anteed Price 25c and 60c at all seed stores and dealers. Poultry—All Vaneties. WTTnTrtru e i f (jfiNfT b u rr OrpingronsT White Plymouth Rocks. Big runs und ranges. Everything trap-nested. Vig orous, hardy stock. Eggs for hatching. Baby chicks after October 1. Prices right. Send for free mating list. De- Witt C. Bacon, 166 Springfield avenue, Guyton, Ga. BIG PROFITS 1n raisin^ guinea pigs; thousands used by laboratories and for pets; orders now filled for $2 pair. Also beautiful large white Kings for squab breeders, $2.60 pair. Belgian hares, $3 pair. Edward F. Tobener, 2828 Woodland Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. THE BEST Want Ad days In The At lanta Georgian are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Hat- urda\ On Sunday read them in Hearst’s Sunday American. Try them all. The results will surprise you CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. H. G. HASTINGS & CO. SEEDS, BULBS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. BOTH PHONES 2568. IF YOU LIVE ON THE NORTH SIDE OR SOUTH SIDE LET US HAVE YOUR OR DER BEFORE 9 O’CLOCK, OR IF YOU ARE ININ M AN PA RK OR WEST END GIVE YOUR ORDER BEFORE 2 O’CLOCK, AND THEY WILL BE DELIVERED THE SAME DAY WE RECEIVE THEM. PLEASE BEAR THIS IN MINI). 1 WILL INSURE YOU PROMPT SER VICE. We have gotten in our first importation of Bulbs, and they are tin*.largest and best we have had for years. We import all of our Bulbs from France and Holland and they come from the best growers. It is time now to plant Paper White Narcissus, White Roman Hyacinths and Freesias. If you plant Bulbs get your stock from Hastings and know'you are getting the best. The best authorities on poultry raising claim that hens should be fed very little corn during the moult, and that which is the very best feed during the moulting season. It is usually pretty hard to get good sound wheat at a reasonable price. We have bought four hundred bushels of extra fine stock and as long as it lasts we will sell it at $1.50 per bushel. You liad better get a bag of this. If you love canary birds it will pay yoti to come to our store and see the beautiful lot of songsters we have. They certainly are little beauties and going at $2.50 each. Guaranteed singers. Sorehead is about the worst disease that Southern chickens are heir to. It should be endured no longer than it takes to obtain a package of Con- key’s Chicken Pox Remedy, which cures it in short order. Flower pots and saucers, all sizes. Canary bird cages and fish globes. Pratt’s Poultry Regulator and Conkey’s Laying Tonic—just the stuff to feed during the moult ing season. It hastens the moult and starts the hens to laying again. Phone orders given prompt attention. i / \ ►d ;lrl er« o I vin tho .fully witn “We s use CH#- l one All of n. i I »ot\ ouble. i prat- I icem- ln tho I appy- cellinfi >1. i