Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 31, 1913, Image 41

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« I 3 c « I TTEARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN. ATLANTA. f!A„ SUNDAY. AUGUST 31. 1013. 7 H YmMz* . USA avannah TT/Tt^ .V >, S AVANNAH, Aug. 30.—An event of the week was the weddinc on Wednesday of Miss Lila Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Evan3, of Tybee, to Lieutenant Olin Harring ton Longino, C. A. C., U. S. A. The marriage occurred at Christ Episcopal Church, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. J. C. Gibboney. The young couple left immediately for the North. They will spend some time in Canada before returning to Fo.’t Screven, where Lieutenant Longino is located. Lieuteuant Longino’s par ents. Dr. and Mrs. Longino, of At lanta, and his brothers. Hinton and Joe Longino, jvere among those pres ent at the ceremony. Another out- of-town guest was Miss Lula Navar ro, of Key West, Fla. The marriage of Miss Ruth Mims, of Sylvania, to Samuel Branch Heidt, of Savannah, was an event of Tues day, taking place in the morning at the Methodist Church of Sylvania. A number of Savannahians motored to Sylvania to be present at the cere mony, which was performed by the Rev. W. F. Smith, presiding elder of the Savannah District. Immediately / after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Heidt came to Savannah, sailing in the afternoon on the New York steamer. A quiet marriage took place Tues day evening in the parlors of the Bishop’s residence at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, the contract ing parties being Miss Marie C. Ca hill, of Savannah, and T ohn M. Da vis, of Charleston, S. C., the ceremony being performed by the Rev. F. X. Shadewell. Miss Cahill was attended by Miss Nellie T. Magee as brides maid, and C. Knight was best man. Miss Sophie Meldrin., of Savan nah, was the guest of honor at a moonlight launch party on Lake Tox- away recently, which was given by Paul Langdon, of Augusta. The ride was followed by supper at the hotel. Among the guests were Miss Mfeldrim. Miss C. L, Woodbridge, Dr. Pugh of New York, Dr. Crump of New York. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Pilson and Mrs. T. M. Cunning ham of Savannah. Another boating party of the week at Lake Toxaway at which Savan nahians were included, among the guest9 was that given by Mr. and Mrs. Wise, of Texas. Among the party were Mr. and Mrs. William Hu. ger, of Charleston. S. C.; Mrs. Reese, of Macon; Mrs. T. M. Cunningham, of Savannah* Mrs. McDougal, of At lanta; Mrs. Gault, of Baltimore; Mrs. Charles Phinizy, of Augusta, and oth ers. Nonroe j \/1 ONROE, Auk. 30.—The friends cf | v | Miss Blanche Smith, of this 1 * city, will be interested to know of her marriage to Fred K. Free man, of Albany, Ga„ to occur in At lanta in the early fall. One of the most delightful enter tainments of the past week was the one given by Mrs. O. N. Pendergrass in honor of Miss Elizabeth Lee. A 500 luncheon, given by Miss Edith Mayfield to her house guest3, Miss Robinson, of Winder, and Miss Farr, of Lawrenceville, was a social event of the summer in Monroe. Mrs. D. Mayfield entertained a number of her married friends in honor of Misses Farr and Robinson. Mrs. Willie A, t eats entertained at* a 6 o’clock dinner last Thursday evening at he Ellis House. The guests of Mrs. Sheats were Mrs. Otto Field, Mrs. H. C. Nowell, Mrs. E. P. Nowell, Mrs. Gray Quinney and Mrs. Jackson Arnold. on Friday evening. The honorees were Miss Kimbrough's house guests, Misses Junie Dali, Dinkins, Dorsey and Candler. A compliment to Miss Kimbrough's house party was the reception given by Miss Mary Florence McKinney on Saturday evening. A quiet marriage of Tuesday even ing was that of Mrs. Sarah Holloway Logan, of Montgomery, Ala., to Elmer Veeder, of Los Vegas, N. Mex„ which occurred at the home of Dr, and Mrs. W. L. Logan on Green street. Dr. T. R. Kendall performed the ceremony. Miss Adelle Barrett entertained Wednesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. A. S. Pendleton and her daughter, Mrs. C. R. Harrel, of Valdosta. Carrollton C 'ARRODLTON, Aug. 30.—Miss Mary Lou New entertained at supper Saturday evening com plimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Amos Stephens and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Smith. ... a Mrs. Oscar Hay entertained at luncheon Saturday mornirg at the home of Mrs. C. H. Stew&it compli mentary to her sister and Mrs. Jesse Long, of Codova, Ala. Mrs. L. M. Turner entertained about 30 of her friends at dominoes Wed nesday afternoon complimentary to the guest of Mrs. E. M. Bass, Mrs. R. H. Dobbs, of Atlanta. Mrs. B. F. Boykin entertained Wed nesday morning at a sewing party complimentary to her guest, Mrs. B. C. Bass. Misses Olive Bradley and Mina Saunders served refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Adams are en tertaining at a house party this week, their guests being Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Adams, Miss Clara Belle Adams and Messrs. Tom, Oliver and Alvah Ad ams, all of Covington, and Miss Mary Stephens, of Tennessee. have returned from a visit to Atlanta, the guest of Mrs. Harvey Hill. Tuesday morning Miss Dozier en tertained with a rook party. Complimentary to her guest, Miss Lena Holt, Miss Margaret Phillips entertained a number of friends on Thursday afternoon. The guests in cluded Misses Lena Holt, Julia Reid. Irene Ward, Sara Tatum, Claude Dunuoe. Sara Segrist, Eleanor Vaughan, Sara Lane. Martha Mitch ell. Edna Mafleld, Esther Arnold. Ruth Pike, Leasa Kirk, Mattie Turner, Echo Corliss, Louise Slock, Ivis Jar- rall, Jane Harwell, Marion Edmond son, Sue Vaughan, Vioiann Holmes, Bess Herring. Helen Reeves, Mar guerite Childs and Louise Young. Mrs. Robert Hugh White, of Atlanta. Prank C. Donnelly and Miss Gladys Holmes were married yesterday morn ing at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. The Rev. Father Joseph B. Frank- hauser, pastor, performed the cere mony. and after a wedding breakfast at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. J. J. Daly, the couple left for a two weeks’ trip to the mountains of North Georgia. Greensboro j Acworlli S CWOfiTH, Aug. 30.—John R. Humphries entertained on Wed nesday evening at a Dutch sup per and smoker for his guest, D’Ar- mand Breard, of Monroe, La. Mr. and Mrs. Lemon M. Awtrey en tertained at dinner, Thursday eve ning in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith Kitchen, of Birming ham. Miss Fannie May Trippin was hos tess at a pretty party for her house guests. Miss Avis Elgin, of Ander son, S. C., and Miss Gladys Wat son, of Dallas, Texas. Athens G ainesville, Aug. 30.—Miss Ruby Ketron entertained with a party for her cousin. Miss Genevieve Capps, of Atlanta, on Thursday evening. A congenial house party at River side, guests of Frank McCoy, are Miss Mary Belle Hixon, of Americus; Miss Emily Arrington, of Rome; Miss Eve lyn Green, of Atlanta; Miss Helen Es tes, of Gainesville, and Messrs. Cole man, Burr and Press. One of the most unique of the sea son's parties was the masquerade given by Miss Elizabeth Kimbrough S HENS, Aug. 30.—Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Proctor chaperoned a party of young people to Tallasse Shoals Wednesday everting on a tally- ho ride. Those enjoying the outing were Misses Neal Cochran, Dorothy Hart, Louise Vincent, Dorothy Davies of Atlanta, Jennie Arnold, Laura Cobb Hutchens, Callie Lumpkin; Messrs. Morris Bryan, Walter Pope, yohn Nicholson, Fleetwood Lanier, Wilson Lanier, Hamilton Rowland, Bennett Conyers. Mrs. Morton Hodgson is the guest of Mrs. Robert Woodruff in Atlanta. Miss Isabelle Thomas is in Atlanta to attend the Hull-Weltner wedding. Mrs. Joseph Stewart has returned from Atlanta and Marietta. Miss Fannie Neal Anderson was hostess Thursday morning at a sew ing party in honor of Miss Cornelia Adams, of Macon, Miss Janie Mae Webb compliment ed Miss Cornelia Adams, of Macon, with a sewing party Wednesday. Luncheon was served. Besides the honoree, there were present Misses Roberta Spark, of Batonton; Jennie Arnold, Fannie Neal Anderson, Callie Lumpkin, Helen Lacy, Carolina Da vis, Francis West, Hiram Henley. Mrs. James R. Gray, Jr., of Atlanta, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs, W. F. Dorsey, has returned home. Jonesboro ONESBORO, Aug. 30.—Miss Zlm- mie Carnes entertained Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Wha ley, of East Point. The Friday Night Club was enter tained this week by Miss Bennett Stewart. On Wednesday evening the boys of the Friday Night Club complimented the girls with a watermelon cutting on the courthouse lawn. Mrs. J. B. Waldrop was hostess to members of the Matrons’ Club Fri day. Washington W ASHINGTON, Aug. 30.—In hon or of her two attractive guests. Miss Denham, of Eatonton. and Miss Allen, of Tampa, Fla., Miss Williomette Bradley entertained on Monday evening. In honor of Mrs. Paul Newsom, a recent bride, who was Miss Edytho Sims, of Atlanta, before her marriage, Miss Nannie Quinn entertained Fri day afternoon with a miscellaneous shower. Miss Sara Myerson, of Atlanta, and Mr. Meyer Jolles, whose marriage will occur some time in the early fall, re turned Wednesday to Atlanta, after a visit In Washington with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Jolles. G reensboro. Aug. 30— Mias ce. leste Copelan entertained on Thursday afternoon in honor of Mies Marion Park’s house party. A compliment to Miss Leila Fagin, of Americus, and Misses Ellen Davi- Pon and Kathleen Armstrong, of Woodville, the guests of Mrs. F. E. Boswell, was the picnic at Bowden’s pond Friday evening. Mrs. F. E. Boswell entertained cjn Thursday evening in honor of her house guests, Misses Fagin Davison and Armstrong. Punch was served by Miss Lila Boswell. An event of Saturday morning was the porch party at which Miss Laurie Caldwell entertained in honor of Misses Fagin. Davison and Arm strong, the guests of Mrs. F. E. Bos well. Mrs. E. H. Armor was the hostess Saturday afternoon at a porch party in honor of Misses Fagin, Davison and Armstrong, the guests of Mrs. F. E. Boswell. atonton E ATONTON, Aug. 30.—Mrs. Percy Ezell entertained the Bohe mians at a delightful 42 party Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clements are entertaining a house party at their home near Eatonton. Columbus Macon A GRANGE, Aug. 30.—Miss Ida Little, of Atlanta, is visiting friends in LaGrange. Mrs. F. M. Ridley and little son \/l A CON, Aug. 30.—Charles Conn l V | entertained Wednesday even ing at a 42 party at his home on Hardeman avenue in honor of George Wilson, of Sparta. The Vineville Sewing Club was en tertained Friday morning at the home of Miss Marguerite Taylor. Miss Gladys Garfield was hostess at an upjinks party Thursday after noon in honor of Miss Rainey and her guest. Miss Lois Pearce. Little Miss Mary DeVoe Conn and John Conn entertained a number of friends Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Jack Nyhn entertained at bridge Thursday afternoon. Miss Elizabeth Burke entertained at an informal bridge party Thursday afternoon in honor of Miss Ethel Mc Kay’s guest, Miss Elizabeth Ander son, of Augusta, and Mrs. Fred Wa ters’ guests, Miss Meta Schley and Miss Marion Nicholson. A delightful affair of the week was the party given Thursday evening by Mies Inez Smith. Mrs. Joseph G. Camp entertained Thursday afternoon at bridge in hon or of Mrs. Thomas Daniel, who will leave for Columbia, S. C., to make her home, and to Mrs. Bethune, of Rome, who was formerly Miss Gladys Kirk, of Atlanta. In honoi of Miss Laura Grey Woot en, Miss Mell ohinholser and Miss Ella Gruella entertained with a mis cellaneous shower Thursday after noon. Mrs. T. N. Tinsley was hostess Thursday' afternoon in honor of Miss Meta Schley and “Miss Marion Nich olson, who are guests of Mrs. Fred Waters. Miss Clara Young entertained 30 couples with a tacky party Thursday evening. Daisy Chruchwell will entertain at “42” at her home Tuesday evening In honor of Mr. Robert Lee Clifton. Miss Ruth Small is the guest of C OLUMBUS, Aug. 30.—Mrs. B. W. Jones, Miss Ezra Jones and Miss Mary Martin, of Savannah, the house guests of Mrs. Charles W. Pittman, shared honors Friday eve ning at a lawn party given by their hostess. Mrs. Schley Gordy entertained the Two-Table Auction Club Wednesday morning at her home on upper Fourth avenue. Those present were Miss Ina Russell, of Winder, the guest of Miss Susie Hatcher; Miss Louise McMath, Miss Louise Buttolph, Miss Mary Hill, Miss Mary Blackmar, Mi s Hazel Booth, Miss Glennie Fortson and Miss Susie Hatcher. Complimenting her house guest, Miss Ina Russell, of Winder, anM Miss Marion Lummus, Miss Mary Foy, of Eufaula. Ala.; Miss Mary Roddey, of Rock Hill, S. C., and Miss Minnie Drane Hornady, of Buena Vista; Miss Susie Hatcher entertained informally on Tuesday afternoon. A large number of the younger set enjoyed a dance Wednesday evening at the Pergola, the dance being an impromptu affair. It was given in honor of Miss Mary Roddey, of Rock Hill, S C.; Miss Mary Foy, of Eu faula, Ala., and Miss Minnie Drane Hornady, of Buena Vista, the gueats of Miss Marion Lummus; Miss Lo- rene Lacy, of Jasper, Ala., the guest of Misses Affleck; Mr. Charles How ell, of Tampa, the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Charles Jordan, Mr. Sidney Foy and Mr. Jim Comer, of Eufaula, Ala. Miss Lorene Lacy, of Jasper, Ala., the guest of the M|sses Affleck, and Charles Howell, the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Charles Jordan, shared honors in a dance at the Pergola Thursday evening, given by Mrs. Jordan. At the weekly supper at the Coun try Club Thursday night Mrs. George K. Hutchens and Miss Annie Belle Redd were hostesses. Master Harold Lummus, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lummus, entertained a number of his little friends at a lawn party at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George O. Berry, in Wynnton. Little Miss Rosa Lee Wilson enter- C i" tained Friday afternoon, it being the occasion of the celebration of her thirteenth birthday. Dr. and Mrs. P. A Tatum enter tained informally at bridge Monday evening at their residence on North Highlands, as a special compliment to Mrs. L. K. Brown, of Chattanooga, who is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. M. Anderson. Miss Barwick entertained informal ly on Monday evening in honor of Misses Daisy and Ouida Grant, of Shiloh, the guests of Mrs. E. W. Clark. Mr. Rand, of Atlanta, was the hon oree of a dinner Friday evening, when Hamlin W. Ford was host to a num ber of friends at his attractive home, “Sunset View,” in Wynnton. Covers were laid for thirteen, the guests in cluding Mr. E. F. Lummus, Mr. Rand, Mr. George O. Berry, Jr., Mr. J. P. Illges. Mr. Gray Johnson. Mr. J. W. Woodruff, Mr. Toombs Howard, Mr. Henry Crowell. Mr. Paul Wright and Mr. F. C. Dabney, of Atlanta; Mr. Elliott Waddell, Mr. Tom Wade and Air. Hamlin Ford. Pome r\OME, Aug. SO.—Mrs. Ben Coulter entertained at a rook party in honor of Miss Nancy Birdsong, of LaGrange, who is the guest of Miss Ellen Williams. Chaperoned by Mrs. C. L. Daniel, of Coosa, a party of campers spent the wefck at Fouche’s Mill. The party was given in honor of Misses Carrie Klump and Emmie Leutje, of Colum bus. Miss Addle Lou DeLay entertained at a “500” party in honor of Miss Eunice McGhee, of LaGrange. Complimentary to Mrs. George Bey- selgle, a summer bride, Miss Lula Stoffregan was a hostess Friday aft ernoon, entertaining a large number of friends. Those present were Misses Phoebe Hughes, Joy Glover. Marian Dean, Margaret and Mary Harley, Mary, Lula and Carrie Beyseigle, Ma mie Simpson of Arlington. Sarah Veal, Winnie Shc-rwood, Margaret Pruden, Katherine Hudgins. Frances Randle, Ruth Keener of Knoxville, Nell Pitner, Elizabeth Betts, Ruth and Sarah Daniel, Mesdames Frank Mad dox, Ross Bosworth and Henry Stof fregan. An informal dance was given at the Coosa Country Club by Miss Louisa Moultrie, Miss Marian Perdue of At lanta, Miss A dele Fortin of Augusta, Miss Mildred Moultrie, Miss Martha Peak of Cedartown, Miss Margaret Hamilton, Mi*s Marjorie Richardson and Miss Jack Long Miss Eloise Burney entertained at her home In honor of Miss Theresa Newton, of Madison, Ga. Miss Florence Hamilton entertained the Young Women’s Auxiliary of the First Baptist Church at her home 0.1 Fourth avenue. A courtesy to Miss A dele FortJn, of Augusta, was the informal bridge party given by Miss Janie Fahy. A swim in the DeSoto Park Lake, followed by a picnic luncheon, was enjoyed by sevei J young ladies, the guests of the young men. Those in attendance were Misses Mary and Annie Goetchlus, Elizabeth Walters, Katherine Graves, Margaret Shaw jj Knoxville, Louise Moultrie. Elizabeth Betts. Julia Pope Smith, Clara Mill er, Lilia Fickling, LaGrange Cothran, Messrs. Walter Dillard, Howard Low ry, Ijick and Jim Watts. Carl Betts, Lucius Hughes and others. Miss Shirley Hamrick, of Cedar- town, was honoree at a lawn party given by Mrs. Will Hamilton. Judge Joel Branham celebrated Friday the seventy-eighth anniver sary of his birth. Dalton D ALTON, Aug. 30.—Mrs. Frank Manly, Mrs. W. A. Black, Mrs. A. H. Smith, Mrs. W. J. McDan iel and Mrs. John Steed were hos tesses to the Bryan M. Thomas Chap ter, United Daughters of the Confed eracy, at Mrs. Manly’s residence on Thornton avenue Friday afternoon. Miss Lillian Loveman, of Birming ham, Ala., the house guest of Mrs. L. H. Crawford, was guest of honor at a theater party given by Miss Lois Edwards Monday evening. Chaperoned by MUs. R. L. Harlan, a score of the young people of the city enjoyed a moonlight picnic to Ham mond’s Springs Tuesday evening. Miss Alma Kirk was hostess at a parlor picnic and theater party Fri day evening. entertained at a party on Wednesday night. Miss Winnie Zellner entertained at a spend-the-night party on Monday. Misses Florence and Ethel Morso entertained Wednesday at a rook party in honor of their guest. Miss Rutli Smith, of Fort Smith, Ark., apd Miss Janette Newton, of LaGrange. Mrs. F. B. Wilson entertained at dinner on last Sunday at her home at Colliers in honor of her guests, Misses Florence and Ezra Morrison, of Jackson, and Miss Ella May Porch, of Barnesville. Miss Pearl Stephens was the host ess at a party on Friday night in honor of her house guests. Misses Rebekah Rodgers, of Barnesville, an I Miss Leila Turner, of Eatonton. Miss Mary Fanny Floyd entertained at a most delightful picture show par ty on Thursday afternoon in honor of Miss Maude Pattillo. of Macon, the guest of Miss Juliet Alexander. Miss Dixie Ponder entertained on Wednesday morning at a rook party in honor of Miss Maude Pattillo. of Macon, the guest of Miss Juliet Alex ander. Cartersville Mr. Stark have gone to their old home in Thomasville, Ga., where Mr. Stark has been taken to recuperate • from a recent very severe illness of typhoid fever. Miss Eleanor Verdery celebrated her eighth birthday Wednesday after noon oy entertaining a number of her friends at a party at the home of her parents. Mr. and >lr3. Harry Verdery, in North Augusta. Mrs. George Conklin entertained with an Informal reception Monday evening in honor of her house guests, Mrs. and Miss Williams and Mrs. Thomas Restess, of Atlanta; Mrs. Moses Youngblood of St. Louis. Mr?. C. B. Harden entertained Thursday with a reception, and Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Conklin gave a lake party. Fordlal interest is felt by oldhome friends of the bridegroom in the mar riage on September 3 li Atlanta of Mr. Philip Weltner and Miss Sallie Cobb Hull. Augusta friends have received the announcement from Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dwyer, of Detroit, Mich., of the engagement of their daughter, Annie Loomis, to Mr. J. Henry Alex ander. of Detroit. Forsyth I^ORSYTH, Aug. 30— Mrs. Robert G. McCowen entertained at rook Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. Townsend, of Jacksonville, Fla., and Mrs. Will Lawson, of Macon. The Game Club was entertained on Thursday morning by Miss Gertrude Hollis and Mrs-. James T. Fleming. Miss Rosa Fletcher was the host ess on Saturday morning at a rook party, with Miss Janette Newton, of LaGrange, and Miss Ruth Wilder, of Fort Smith, Ark., as honor guests. Mrs. Lem B. Alexander entertained at rook Friday evening in honor of her guests, Mrs. W. F. Huddleston and Miss Elsie Manry, of Griffin. Those invited were Mesdames T. E. Fletcher, J. O. Elrod, J. W. J. Tay lor, I. S. Maynard, R. G. McCowen, T. O. Smith, R. H. Fletcher, Jennie Amos and Baxter Jones of Macon. Complimentary to Miss Rebekah Rodgers, of Barnesville, the guest of Miss Pearl Stephens, Ml98 Anna Hill C ARTERS VILLK, Aug. 30.—Thp afternoon tea given by Mrs. Buford Green in honor of her house guests. Miss Addle McCallis- ter and Miss Ida Moody, of Piedmont. Ala., was the social event of the past week. Receiving with Mm Green were Miss Daisy Ramseur, of At lanta, and Mrs. S. O. Brumby. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. W. W. Young was hostess at a euchre party in honor of her sister. Mrs. S. O. Brumby. Mrs. Linton West Flemister enter tained Friday morning at euchre for Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Keith Carson, of Tifton, and Miss Daisy Ramseur, of Atlanta. • Miss Jessie Cobb entertained in formally Thursday afternoon at bridge, the guests being Mrs. Keith Carson, Tifton; Miss Daisy Ram seur. Atlanta; Miss Emily Davis, Mrs. W. C. Satterfield, Mrs. Robert Gil- reath, Mrs. L. W. Flemister. Newnan 1 Augusta S UGUSTA, Aug. SO.—The marriage of Miss Flora Murphey and J. W. Williams, of Chicago, took place Thursday aJt the home of the bride on Center street, being attended by the family connections and a few close friends only, as no formal cards of invitation had been issued. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. C. M. Verdel, of Broadway Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Williams left for a trip West before going to their future home in Chicago. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. G. SJherwood Whitney and Miss Sallie Stark and N EWNAN, Aug. 30.—Mrs. W. E. Powell entertained at a bridge party Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. George Ramey and Mrs. Herd Dent, of Atlanta. Mrs. Sam Cook entertained at a watermelon party Wednesday after noon. Miss Augusta Mann entertained at a rook party on Saturday in honor of her guest. Miss Duggan, of Ma con. Mrs. Walter Welch entertained at a 6 o’clock dinner on Monday evening in honor of Misses Jeurdine and Katherine Roberts, of Atlanta. Miss Mary Freeman was hostess at a party on Friday eve ning given in honor of Misses Scheus- sur and Brown, of Knoxville, who are visiting Mrs. Carl Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ware and family. Mrs. A. M. Norris and family, with Misses Frankie MeCrory, Lynda and Corinne Simril. Louise Peddy. Anna Cuttino and Mary Goodrum. formed a camping party at Hilly’s Mill this week. Mrs., J. T. Carpenter entertained four couples at dinner last Sunday evening in honor of Misses 1.«ouise Broyles and Helen McCarty, of At lanta. On last Saturday evening. Misses Louise Broyles and Helen McCarty werp honor guests at a moonlight picnic at Pearl Lake, chaperoned by Mrs. R. A. Jones and Miss Minnie Louise Hill. Miss Mildred Darden was hostess on last Wednesday evening at a pro gressive conversation party, given to her guests. Misses Lucile Phillips, Ethel McMarian and Edith Darden. FIRST BAPTIST. T he rev. w. w. landrum. of Louisville, who has been filling the pulpit of the Second Baptist Church in the absence of Dr. John E. White, conducted the services at the First Baptist Church Wednesday evening. At that-time the members of the Ponce DeLeon Baptist Church were guests of the First Baptist Church. Dr. Landrum was formerly pastor of the First Baptist Church. The following musical program will be rendered at the First Baptist Church to-day under the direction of J, P. O’Donnelly, organist; Morning. Prelude "I Will Magnify Thee" Parry "Jerusalem, the Golden”.. .Hoffman (Mrs. Todd and Mr. Bates.) Postlude. Evening. Prelude “Still, Still With Thee" Foote "He Came Upon the Midnight Clear" O’Donnelly (Mrs. James H. Whittep.) Postlude. ST.’ MARK. T HE regular monthly meeting of the Circle of St. Mark Church was held at the church Tuesday afternoon, at which time business of Importance was transacted. This circle has several plans for social en tertainment during the fall and win ter which will add to the social life of the church and Increase the reve nue of the Circle. Mrs. M. B. Hale is secretary of the Circle. WEST END BAPTIST. T HE WOMAN'S AUXILIARY of the West End Ba fist Church gave a reception and silver shower to Miss Clifford Hunter at the \ church last Monday afternoon. A program was presented, followed by a so'cial hour, at which time Miss Hun ter, who has been appointed by the Baptist Missions to go to China as a missionary, was introduced to the guests. Miss Hunter will leave in the early fall for her new work in North China, and has been given many delightful social entertainments during the past month, at which time she has met many of the members of the Baptist missions in the city and their friends. * * * a DELIGHTFUL program was given at the reception with which the Ladies’ Mission of the Baptist Church at West End en tertained Monday last, which was ar ranged by Mrs. Henry Harr^llson. The program was as follows; Mrs. J. W. Little—Prayer. Mrs. J. M, Marksey—Vocal solo. Introduction of Miss Clifford Hun ter by Mrs. H. H. Hale. Miss Clifford Hunter—Address. Miss Mary Douglass—Violin solo. Mrs. J. M. Markley—Vocal solo. Mrs. M. Davidson—Prayer. The company then sang “Joy to the World.” The pianists were Mrs. R. O. Kirlin and Miss Reid. An election of officers of the West End Baptist Mission will take place the last of September, at which time officers will be named for the ensuing year. , * . GRACE METHODIST. T HE REV. J. M. BASS, who has been conducting a revival at Grace Church, has preached to a well-filled church every afternoon and evening service for the past ten days. At a recent service Dr. Bass gave his congregation a spirited talk on the modern styles of dress for women. This subject has engaged the atten tion of many of the ministers in the city, and is reaching out beyond the churches into the clubs. Tuesday a special meeting w’as held for mothers. At that time the ladies of the Old Ladies* Home were present to enjoy the services. In the evening a church workers’ class was organ ized. • * * WESLEY MEMORIAL. T HE Board of City Missions of the Methodist Church met at Wesley Memorial Church last Tuesday morniirg. Mrs. R. I*. Milam presided. The devotional services were conduct ed by the Rev. R. M. Hendrix, pastor of the church. Miss Nellie Wynn has taken charge of the club work of the Wesley House, ancf will begin at once to re organize the Boys’ Clubs. Campfire Girls’ Club, the Woman’s Clubs in the church. Miss Wynn brings a valua ble experience and much enthusiasm to the work. She has been w'orking with church clubs for a year in Tex as, w’here she was connected with the Co-Operative Home in Houston. Miss Cloud, district nurse, reported a successful yUar among the sick and. was given a rising vote of thanks for her untiring service. The library w r as reported as having an addition of 100 books, installed by the Carnegie Li brary. Dr .Florence Truax announced that the Washington Seminary had contributed a large box of clothes and books to the committee of supplies, of which she is chairman. Other reports were that the Sunday school of Wesley Memorial No. 2 was in a flourishing condition; that the Kind* rgarten had a new coat of paint and was ready for the opening the first of September; that the Bible Hour had an average attendance of 94: that the educational committee had offered three prizes for the night school; that there was a balance o£ $86.45 in the treasury after the month’s expenses had been paid, and that the Board of Management is planning to give a reception to the volunteer workers during September, at which time the following would act as a committee of arrangement: Mrs. Howard Palmer, Mrs. Flowers, Miss Susie Wells. Mrs. H. M. Hewlett, Mrs. M. M. Davies, Mrs. Harvey Smith, Mrs. Wooten, Mrs. George L. Bell, Mrs. Fambrough. Mrs. R. F. McDou- gald, Mrs. Sanford, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Timms. * * * ST. ANTHONY. 'TT* HE ladies of St. Anthony's Church j at West End gave an ice cream lawn party at the corner of Walker street and Lucile avenue on Wednesday afternoon and evening, which was a great success. Besides the refresnment features, there were interesting games and athletic sports of all sort* for the young people which were greatly enjoyed. In the evening there was a special musical program and cake sale. • • • UNITARIAN. M EMBERS of the Unitarian Sun day school entertained with the final basket lunch of the season at Silver Lake, at which time Dr. J. W. Conkling addressed the classes. The basket lunch Sunday school has been a feature of the summer w r ork of the school and has resulted in a wholesome and enjoyable diversion for the hot weather season. * * * WESTMINSTER PRESBYTE- RIAN. . 4R. AND MRS. A. A. LITTLE, I ’ I after a fortnight spent at Mon- 1 1 treat, have returned to the city, and Dr. Little will resume his duties in the church at once. First Complete Showing of Fall Apparel Tomorrow Every Prophecy of Fashion for the New Season Is Revealed in This Assemblage of Beautiful Fall Suits, Coats and Dresses HE opening of the new season marks an epoch in the history of this business. The remodeling of the building is fast near ing completion, and soon we will occupy three floors instead of one, making the Southern Suit & Skirt Co. the largest ex- > elusive women’s apparel store in the South. To accomplish this, our buyer, with a thorough knowledge of style, of materials, of workmanship, of value, of WHERE TO BUY, has spent weeks in the careful and intelligent assembling of this, the largest and most beautiful assortment of Fall garments ever shown at this store. This peerless stock awaits your inspection and approval to-morrow, and we assure you that you will find the values not the least attraction of this initial showing. Suits at $19.75 to $85.00 Dresses at $11.75 to $35.00 As a Special Monday Feature We Offer 75 New Fall Suits Elegant Suits in the very latest modish styles, in cluding the graceful new long coats and draped skirts, of practically all the favored new shades and materials—Broadcloths, Silk Eponges, Velours, Fan cy Mixtures, etc., beautifully lined ,/tfe , with Skinner's Satin and Peau de Cygne—Suits tor which you would expect to pay $30 to $35, as an opening attraction, choice nges, Velours, Fan- $25.00 Just Received and on Sale Monday 50 Lovely Silk Dresses The very latest things in Poplin and Charmeuse Dresses, featuring the v. w draped and slit skirt ef fects, etc. They are beautifully trimmed. Don’t judge these dresses by the price asked. They have to be seen to be appreciated. As an opening day attraction we offer them Monday only, n» k / at 41 Our New York connection keeps us in daily touch with the style centers. That's why the word EXCLUSIVE has much significance when speaking of this store’s apparel. Southern Suit and Skirt Co. “Atlanta's Exclusive Women s Apparel Store.”--43-45 Whitehall St.