Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 31, 1913, Image 1

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4 I MACON XT IRA Copyright, 1913, by The Georgian Company. ★★★ ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Rickenbacher Hurled Through Air and Aide Dashed Through Fence When Car Plunges Into Ditch at Elgin Road Race Saturday. Ralph Mulford, in Mason, Wins Second Place After Terrific Speed Duel With Wishart, Mil lionaire Driver, Finishing Third. ELGIN. ILL., Augr. 30.—Gil Ander'- «on, in a Stutz car, this afternoon won the Elgin National road race of 301 miles. Anderson led the field of racers after the fourth lap. Anderson’s time wa9 253:38.97, an average of 71.5 miles an hour. Ralph K. Mulford, in a Mason car, pulled across the finish line second, after a game fight to dislodge Ander son from first place. Mulford, veteran of many automobile races, piloted his car consistently throughout the en tire race. He started in to win and pushed Anderson hard through the first half of the race, at the same time waging the only really spectacular speed bat tle of the race with Spencer WJphari, the yawing' millionaire Mercer driver. Mylf«Td and Wishart fought for place antil the younger driver, nearly ex hausted by the driving pace he had been keeping up. was forced to drop back. Wishart Furnishes Thrills. Spencer Wishart, winner of the third place, was the pacesetter during the first half of the contest. He forced Anderson to drive his Stutz to the limit of its speed, to keep ahead, and Wishart and Mulford alternated in the official time records in second and third places. Wishart toward the last of the race was forced back to sixth place. He held this for miles, while the leaders went farther ahead. In the last three laps Wishart gave the crowd another exhibition of his spectacular driving and pushed his way up to fourth place. When Erwin Bergdoll was forced to stop for gaso line on his thirty-fourth time around the course Wishart slipped into his place and held it until the finish. Burman Out of Race. Bob Burman, with his Keeton car, was out of the race on his seven teenth lap. His engine collapsed and he was forced to push the car off the course. Joe Dawson's rear tire burst as he was passing the grandstand, and the rapidly-revolving wheel tossed half of the scorching hot tire into the crowd. A man who attempted to pick up the piece of rubber was burned on the hand. Henning's Veile car was officially declared out of the race. He had covered four laps when his car went into the ia^ch. Two Raters Near Death. Ed Rickenba^fcer in his Mason oar the first to mjtet with a mishap, nar rowly escarped death when his ma chine nt'rent off the track and over- ^tilriied. The drive* and Edward * O'Donnell, his mechanician, were thrown clear of the wrecked machine. Twelve cars remained in the entry list at the starting hour. Harry Endi- cott, who was prevented from win ning third place yesterday by the crowd rushing on the track before the race was over, withdrew his Ny- berg car from to-day’s card. The Deltal car, which Joe Dawson drove yesterday, was not made ready for to-day’s race because no driver could be found who was considered competent to handle it. Hughie Hughes’ Tulsa was scratched. The starters were: Car. Charlton Converted By Liner Chaplain On Journey to Trial Courtroom at Como, Scene of the Tragedy, Set for Life Battle of Young American. Special Cable to The American. COMO, ITALY, Aug. 30.—The Crown’s Procuratore has completed his work of collecting evidence against Porter Charlton, the young American wife murderer, and is ready to go to trial immediately upon Charl ton’s arrival here. The examining magistrate, or the judge of instruction, as he is known here, to-day completed his'investi gation of the life Charlton led here while he and his wife were on their honeymoon at Lake Como. It was found that Mr. and Mrs. Charlton were together practically ail the time, and residents of pavilions at Menaggio, Maltrasco.and other pic turesque villages on the lake regard ed them as an ideal couple, despite the fact that Mrs. Charlton was near ly 20 years older than her husband. According to word received "here, Charlton was converted by the chap lain on the liner Re D’ltalia, and is thinking seriously of becoming a mis sionary if he is acquitted. Judge Charlton, father of the pris oner, is believed to have mapped out a line of defense. It probably will hinge on the contention that Charl ton was irresponsible at the time the murder was committed. Peppermint Tea Wins Miss Boardman Fame New Brew, Learned in China, Finds Quick Favor Among Washing ton Society Folk. WASHINGTON, Aug. 30.—Miss Mabel T. Boardman Is the expert tea brewer of Washington society. She has originated a ? ‘pej*permint tea” which her friends pronounce most de lectable. , Miss Boardman brews the tea after a method learned while traveling in China, a gentle steeping In hot water being the chief direction. The pep permint is added in the shape of a very strong lozenge. A section of peeled lemon gives an added zest. Mrs. James Bryce,and other tea ex perts have complimented Miss Board- man on her skill. Carnegie Scored for Reference to Kaiser German Press Denounces Iron Mas ter for ‘Presumption’ in Inter preting Ruler's Peace Views. Special Cable to The American. BERLIN, Aug. 30.—Andrew Carne gie’s reference to the Kaiser in his speech at The Hague is severely crit icised by the German press, which i angrily denounces his "presumption” in assuming to Interpret the Kaiser’s views on the peace movement. Mr. Carnegie said that if the Ger man Emperor were to invite the chief nations of the world to confer on the best methods to secure the world’s peace success would certainly follow. "The German Emperor,” he said, "holds in his hand the torch and should apply the needed spark.” Family Finds Clew To Martin in Alps Brother-In-Law Expected to Locate Missing Memphis Man With in Few Hours. MEMPHIS, Aug. 30.—Late reports received in Memphis from Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ellet, who are searching Switzerland for Joseph Wilberforce Martin, say they have discovered a clew to his whereabouts and expect to find him in a few hours. Martin left Memphis last spring and was reported murdered in Lon don. Soon after his disappearance the cotton firm of Martin & Phillips failed for nearly $2,000,000. No one, it is said, has heard di rectly from him, although his mother is reported very ill. Dr. Ellet is Mar tin’s brother-in-law. Case Mason Mason Mercer Stutz Marmon Mason Keeton Velie Mercer Isotta . , Erwin Special Driver, Wm. Endicott Rickenbacher M ulford Wishart Anderson Ftawson Haupt Burman Henning De Palma Grant Bergdoll NEW TRIAL IN $500,000 INSURANCE SUIT DENIED CHATTANOOGA, Aug. 30— Chan- Ijor’ t N. McConnell refused to- dlv to grant a new trial in the Great Southern Agency case. Stockholders of the defunct concern recently were ..warded approximately $500,000 in Hahns against the officers on the - -oundso f fraud. The attracted wide attention throughout the South. Lady Constance Stirs Ducal Cousins' Anger Dancer Who Will Appear in Atlanta Is Now Persona Non Grata With the Sutherlands. Special Cable to The American. EDINBURGH, Aug. 30.—Lady Con stance Stewart-Richardson, who la spending her vacation at Kincraig House, Rosshire, before going to Ameri ca to fulfill theatrical engagements, is evidently persona non grata wjth her cousin, the Duke of Sutherland. Lady Constance used to be seen fre quently at Dunrobin, which is not far from Kincraig House, but lately she and her husband, Sir Edward Richardson, appear to have broken with the Suther lands, who were furious when she be came a professional dancer. Sentenced to Hang October 10, He Methodically Lays Plans to Secure New Trial. YEAR’S DELAY IS ASSURED Friends Declare Final Vindication Is Certain—State Hunts for New Evidence. With th e sentence of death seem ingly weighing as lightly on him as an order of his family physician to quit smoking, Leo M. Frank, his re markable imperturability still undis turbed, is going about his final fight for life in as methodical a manner as he managed affairs of the Na tional Pencil Company, of which he was superintendent. No more dramatic display of stoi cism has ever been know than that df Frank, when in less than 48 hours after he had heard Judge L. S. Roan declare that he must die on the gal lows October 10 as the murderer of Masf Phagan, he ordered Herbert Sohiff, his assistant, to come to the jail and go over the affairs of the pencil factory, it is understood that Frank has decided to direct in a general way from the jail the work- ingstof the company as he did before he was charged with the most noted crime in the history of the South. Frank knows that he will not hang October 10. The motion of his coun sel for new trial will not be heard until October 4. If this is denied, the case will b e carried to the Supreme Court immediately. Year’s Wait Almost Sure. On account of the vast amount of evidence which will have to be re viewed, and the ponderous legal points that are sure to be presented, it will be impossible for that court to hand down its decision in less than several months. It is altogether likely that it will be a year before the case is either affirmed or re versed and remanded to the lower court. His counsel has assured him that they are confident of a reversal. At torney Luther Z. Rosser is now go ing over the evidence with Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey in an effort to reach an agreed statement of the points in issue in order to facilitate the work of the court and curtail the bulk of the transcript. So, realirtng that his fight is not of days, hardly of months, and per haps of years, Frank has in a busi nesslike manner arranged to have his long wait in Jail made a» com fortable and as useful as possible. Fits Cell as an Office. He has fitted up his cell with com fortable furniture. He has an ade quate table on which to do his work, both in reference to his fight for life and the affairs of the factory, and has brightened the appearance of the steel cage to make it as pleasant as possible during the daily visits of his wife and his mother. On the other hand, the prosecution is just as vigilant to see that there is no escape for Frank. It is determined that he shall pay with his life for that which the Solicitor so fervidly declared he took. Solicitor Dorsey, it is known, is di recting the work of detectives, who are seeking any new evidence which might develop to strengthen the case of the State should there possibly be a reversal. The Solicitor hardly believes it is possible that the Supreme Court wili send the famous case back. He be lieves that the defense will largely de. pend on the applause of the specta tors as an influence on the jurors, to have the Supreme Court rule in its favor. It is said that the Solicitor will be able to prove by the Jurors that they were not influenced in the slightest by the applause; in fact, that they heard none. Friends Remain Loyal. Frank’s friends have remained in tensely loyal, even after the verdict was brought in. They still maintain his absolute Innocence and believe that when public feeling has had an opportunity to die down and another trial obtained, there will be as speedy a verdict clearing Frank’s name as the one by which he was branded Mary Phagan's slayer. Attorney Reuben Arnold, worn by the four weeks of trial, left Atlanta soon after the the verdict was reach ed, but the more massive and rugge i Rosser has remained on duty, pre paring the motion. Frank is proving of great assistance to his counsel and is now at work on a reply to the speech of the Solicitor, which he will publish if his lawyer consents. Tennessee Town Is Swept by $250,000 Fire; 20 Autos Burn THE CAUSE OF IT ALL IN MEXICO Explosion of Gasoline Tanks in Gar age Hastens Spread of Flames at Columbia. President Victoriano Huerta, of Mexico, in the uniform of a general. Below is shown the arrival of Special Envoy Lind in Mexico. Mr. Lind is marked by the cross. COLUMBIA, TENN.. Aug 30.—Fire this fnornlng broke out In a ware- house owned by Dobbins & Ewing, spread to the garage of the Colum bia Motor and Implement Company and then to four of the best business blocks, causing a loss of $250,000. Heavy explosions from large gaso line tanks in the garage threw the flames hundreds of feet into the air and distributed fire over the adjacent buildings. The Maury Dry Goods Company, Evans, Parker & Moore and Bogart- zky & Bauman were among the losers. There were 21 automobiles de stroyed. The Masonic Temple suf fered small damages. The library of the Students’ Club was destroyed. Miss Elliott Balks At Tree's Realism Actress Refuses To Be Carried From Stage by Two Negroes—Given White ‘Super.’ Thirty-two Shot or Tortured, Millions in Ransom Extorted, Women At tacked and United States Property Valued at $150,000,000 Destroyed*. COL! FELIX DIAZ TO ENTER RACE FOR THE PRESIDENCY Special Cable to The American. LONDON, Aug. 30.—Maxine Elliott, who makes her re-entry to the stage as Potiphar’s wife in Sir Herbert Tree’s production of "Joseph and His Breth ren” at His Majesty’s Theater on Sep tember 2, has found Sir Herbert’s well- known insistence for realism more than she bargained for. In the las! act Miss Elliott should be carried off the stage by two great Ethi opians. To the actress’ surprise she dis- j covered that Sir Herbert had actually engaged two negroes for the job. The American actress displayed such race prejudice that two white men who have to black up have been substituted. Special Cable to The American. MEXICO, CITY, Aug. 30.—Advices from Vera Cruz to-dayj stated that Special Envoy Lind would not wait longer than next Thursday for developments to bring him back to Mexico City. I{j conditions at that time are such that the pacification negotiation# can not be resumed he probably will wait no longer, but will re* turn to Washington. Foreign Minister Gamboa indicates that the negotiations ar# ended so far as his Government is concerned, and that there will be no definite move on the part of the Mexican Government to re sume the conversations, but that President Huerta is open to anj* further suggestions that President Wilson eares to make. Contrary to his purposes. President Wilson’s repeated de* mands that Huerta resign have started a presidential boom for th« incumbent of the National Palace. Although Huerta can not le» gaily succeed himself he can follow the course adopted by PorfiruJ Diaz of resigning on the eve of a presidential election and the# being re-elected. in official circles resentment against President Wilson's ad* vice to Americans to flee the country is growing. It was pointed out that under the Guadalupe Hidalgo treaty of 1848 Mexico is bound to protect all Americans within her border. This treaty I likewise governs international disputes between Mexico and th« United States. Through disuse it fell into obscurity. Special Cable to The American. LONDON, Aug. 30.—Colonel Felix Diaz, who is en r ute t<* Japan on a special diplomatic mission, announced here to-c ly that he will be a candidate for President of Mexico to succeed Victo* riano Huerta. The election will be held October 16. copyeiaxr ov iSnewMTo-au tttgs uunC Dislocates Her Jaw Laughing at Joke Factory Girl Adds to Excitement by Screaming Lustily With Mouth Wide Open. CAMDEN. N. J., Aug 30.—Jennie Ochlnpa, 20 years old, laughed so hard at a joke told by another girl in the cigar factory, where she is < ployed, that her jaws became locked. The 200 employees of the place were panic- stricken when the girl began to scream with her mouth wide open. A hurry call to the Cooper Hospital brought an ambulance, which increased the excitement. Tango Dance Party Anto Lamps to Light In Swimming Pool Harvesting at Night One-Piece Bathing Suits Are To Be Costumes at Colorado Summer Resort Affair. Horse Dead, Family Prints Mourning ‘Ad’ GLEN WOOD SPRINGS COLO., Aug. 30.—Glenwood Springs resort society has put over a new one. The daylight tango dances have been surpassed in startling fashion, for invitations to “tango in the swimming pool Saturday night” are out and the colony is agng. “Wear the one-piece bathing suit.” Those giving the party will say only that it is to be a stunning affair. Barefooted Mayor Walks Up Street Owners of Equine Pet Thank All Who Aided in Obsequies or Extended Sympathies. BLOOMSBURG. PA., Aug. 30 —B. F. Battin, of Bloomsburg, had for years a family horse named Sailor. When he died the family inserted in a local paper the following card of thanks: “We kindly thank the employees of Mrs. J. L. Dillon and for the use of her team, the employees of the Blooms burg State Normal School and all others who assisted in the funeral of our pet horse. Sailor, also the friends who ex pressed regrets for our loss. August 4 Sailor ate his feed at sunrise, was hitched to a buggy and at 6:30 fell dead in sight of his stable. He was loaded on a wagon, hauled 1 mile and was decentlv buried before 11 o’clock •B F. BATTIN AND FAMILY.” When Townsmen Object, He Tells Them He’ll Do as He Blamed Pleases. CLARINGTON, OHIO, Aug. 30 — When his fellow-townsmen remonstrated with Colonel Sam Teachappott, the pic turesque Mayor of Clarington, when he emulated Sockless Simpson, of Kansas, and walked down the main avenue in his bare feet, while the street was crowded, he told them to mind their own business and that he would do as he blamed pleased, or words to that ef fect. Colonel Teachappott, who is a vet eran of the Civil War, has caused much controversy, and efforts have been rpade to have him removed from office, but without result. North Dakota Farmers Transfer Headlights to Binders and Dodge Hot Days. GRAND FORKS, N. bAK, Aug 30 By transferring the headlights from their automo'Mes to their binders, farm ers of the Rev River Valley are con ducting harvest!?. w operations through the night, and lying idle during the day. This is owing to intense heat, mori than 100 horses Having died from pros* tration last week. Jack London Invited On Cruise of World Millionaire California Sportsman to Build $100,000 Yacht for Two-Year Trip. Property of V. S. Valued At $150,000,000 Destroyed WASHINGTON, Aug. 30.—More than 100 non-combatant American citizens slain by Federals, rebels and bandits. At least 32 other non-combatant American citizens shot or tor* tured. Innocent American girls and young wives, who believed them selves protected by the American flag, maltreated before the eye# of their helpless fathers and husbands. Millions of dollars in ransom exacted from American citizen# tortured or threatened with death. Property valued at more than $150,000,000, owned by Amefti ican citizens, destroyed. This, in part, is the terrible story of anarchy and murder h(j prognss in Mexico. In no section of Mexico is the situation iin*‘ proved. It is steadily growing worse after eighteen months of an* archy that has followed the overthrow of Porfirio Diaz. On July 24 Mrs. Paul Hudson, wife of the owner of the Mexi* can Herald, stated that when she left Mexico City the list of Amer* ican dead for 1913, on file at the American Embassy, numbered 86* Since then many others have been murdered. LIST OF THE VICTIMS IS REFUSED. The Sunday American has requested the Department ofl State in this city, and the American Embassy in Mexico City foij this list. It was refused. The Wilson-Bryan policy of delay and non interference it| Mexico on the ground that all, or nearly all, outrages are due t« overt acts of the Americans involved, docs not find sympathy itf any quarter here. In the belief of Senators and Representatives the situation ha# reached a crisis where something must be done. Men back from Mexico assert that the list at the embassy i4 merely fragmentary. It tells only in small part the terrible storjf of murder, rapine and destruction enacted against Americans. Here is a partial list of the murders and other outrages com* piled by The American from censored press dispatches. The com* dete list can not be given for the sole reason that it is wi thhel4 r* —~ a- — from the public by an order from the White House. SANTA BARBARA. Aug. 30.—Com modore Frank Garbutt, of Los Angeles, millionaire sportsman, now crusing the Santa Barbara Channel islands in his yacht, is preparing to make a two years’ cruise of the world, it is re ported, taking with him a party of friends. including Jack London, the novelist. It is said that for the trip Garbutt will build a $100,000 yacht either at San Pedro or San Francisco, the craft to be finished in a year. Partial List of Victims Slain in Reign of Terror WOLF, U. G., mining engineer, murdered July 16, 1913, by outlaw# in Northern Sonora. GRIFFIN, BENJAMIN, rancher, murdered July 5, 1913, nea# Chuiohipa by bandits. WILLIAMS, JOHN H., mining engineer, killed by stray bullet March 8, 1913, when rebels attacked Nacozari. GAROW, BORIS, consulting engineer, killed when an attack wa# 1