Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 01, 1913, Image 6

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Predicted on April 17 That Cobb Would Join the New York Club. By W. S. Farnsworth. A S it is a habit with sporting writers in the South to come out with a big: story whenever their prediction* come true, we cheer fully wish to announce that we were first to predict that Ty Cobb would become a Yankee. We printed in The Georgian on April 17 the following story: Ty Cobb i» going to wear New York American League spangles. On the face of matters, it doesn't listen good, but about three months ago Ban Johnson, high muck-a-muck of the Ameri can League, dropped off In this burg for a couple of hours. B. B. J. came down to this neck of the woods to look over an island off the Savannah coast. He and C. Comlakey, White Sox franchise possessor, wanted said isle to fish and hunt on. Yours truly paid Mr. Johnson a call at the Piedmont Hotel. The topic of interest in b. b. cir cles at the time was the report that Francois Chance wav to affix his J. Hancock to a Now York contract. I asked Ban about it. “Cinch the Yankees will get Chance. I fixed the thing all up myself.” So spoketh B. Byron. And his chest swelled a couple of inches ns he spoke the “I.” “Farrell is going to have a win ner, too,” added the $25,000 per president. “I believe he will have the greatest player In the world with him if a deal that is pending goe?« through.” I was inquisitive, but Ban would go no further. And trying to get a bit of new s out of him w hen he doesn’t care to give it is like try ing to tear your teeth through an Athens steak. But right now everything points Cobb’s way. The American League simply has got to get a team In New York that can compete with the Giants. Gotham is the National League stronghold Ban Johnson Is a wise gaztnk He never over looks a bet. With Cobh and Chance both in New York, Mc- Graw and his bunch would have to divide prestige with the Amer ican League team. Now. isn’t it likely that there is a perfect understanding be tween the player, the Detroit owner. Frank Farrell and Ban Johnson ? Fay Defeats Ellen In Finals for Davis & Freeman Trophy Playing in great form. T B Fay won the Davis & Freeman trophy yesterday in the final round of the big golf tour nament on the Atlanta Athletic Club course at Fast Lake. . defeating J. A. Ellen in a grand battle tHat went the entire thirty-six holes to reach a de cision. An idea of the class of golf played may be gained from the fact that the last round of eighteen holes was played In 82 and 83 strokes by the con testants. • This is Mr. Fay's first win of the handsome trophy, which ha* been won at various times by '•Tick" Ticbenor. Hamilton Block and F G. Byrd, the lat ter having won it twice. To become permanent property, the cup must be won three times. In the second flight, J. G Darling de feated H C. Moore. 3 up and 2 to play, in a close and well-played match. Mr Darling's trophy also is a handsome cup. ^ The third anti fourth flight finals were decided Saturday. Great Races To Be Staged at Drome To-night +•+ +•+ +•+ +•+ +•+ +•+ +•+ +•+ +•+ Pursuit Event is Feature of Good Program I 'MIE management of the Atlanta Motordrome is to give the local motorcycle fans a real treat to-night. The pursuit race Is to be added to the regular program Sev eral of the fastest riders will be on the track at one time In this event and the fans should certainly witness a great race. Usually the first races of the week have been held on Tuesday night, but plans were switched so as to give the fans a chance to see some sport on Labor Day night. The races are to be known as the Labor Day Sweep- stakes and a record-breaking card is expected to see riders start to night. Local fans have never before had the opportunity of seeing the famous pursuit race. The riders have their machlne.*i in good shape now and It would not he surprising to see some new- record hung up. Four riders are to be put on the track at the same time In the pur suit race, one rider starting as soon as his opponent has a good star* As there is a great deal of rivalry between the local speed demons it is a safe bet that the winner will have to go at his best to finish in front. Besides the pursuit race several other interesting events are to be pulled off. There will be the South ern Championship, the Sw'eepstakes and a special match race between Graves and Richards Bill Stoddard, local fan. has agreed tp give a handsome loving cup to the rider who thrice wins the South ern Championship at the local track The cup is to be known as the “Stod dard i zed Trophy.” The cup is one that anyone would feel proud of winning, and the speed demons can be counted on to race as they never have before in order to come out a winner. In all, the rates to-night appear to be the best of the season and some real excite ment should be given the fans. Following are the summaries: Southern Championship, (One-mile heats, two-mile finals, 25 points for first, 15 for second and 1" for third.) First Heat—Swartz, Graves, Lewis and Glenn. Second Heat — Luther. Richards, Lockner and Renel. Special Match. (Best two out of three, one, two and three-mile heats for a side bet of $50.) First Heat—(One mile)—Graves vs. Richards Final—Southern Championship. Sweepstakes. (French point system, 10 for first, 6 for second. 3 for third: Heats, two, four and six miles.) First Heat—Two Miles—Lockner, Renel, Swartz, Luther, Lewis and Glenn. Second Heat—Four Miles—Sweep- stakes. Third Heat—Three Miles—Special match race. Third Heat—Six Miles — Sweep- stakes. Colored Drivers to Race in Big Meet Everything is in readiness for the automobile, motorcycle and bicycle meet to be held under the auspices of Big Bethel Church at the Speedway to-day. The races will continue through Satur day. The events will begin promptly at 2 o’clock every day and an admission fee of 10 cents will be charged. There will also be a midway with fifteen different attractions. In the 100-mile automobile race a Stearns, a Fiat, a National, an Everett, an E. M. F. and some added starters will compete for a cash prize of $100 to the winning driver. There will be a footrace once around the 2-mile track, bicycle and motorcycle races. Cash prizes are hung up In every event. Costello, the only colored aviator in the world, will make flights at the Speedway every day and will race against automobiles. Football Work Starts at Tech Field Tuesday -{*•*{" +e-f. +•+ +•+ Coach Heisman Should Have a Corking Team F OOTBALL practice starts Tues day at Grant Field for the Tech squad, when all the preliminary training and coaching will be gone through before the opening of col lege, when the real grind begins. The new field is rapidly being rounded Into condition, and by the time of the first game will be in first- class condition. The new concrete Htadium Is being rushed and that, too, will be in readiness for the first game The first unit of the stand is up and will hold about 2,500 people. Bleachers will be erected alongside of this for this season until the rest of the stadium can be completed. Tech’s prospects are far from Had Crackers Started Spurt Sooner, Local Club Would Have Copped Pennant BILLY SMITH NEARLY EQUALS BERNHARD’S FEAT By Fuzzy Woodruff. H AD William Andrew' Smith and his Crackers started their sen sational spurt to the wire at the quarter pole Instead of waiting until the stretch, William Andrew- and the Crackers would have per formed a feat that has been done but once before In the history of Judge Senator President Kavanaugn’s cir cuit It would have been the case of a club's rising in one brief year from cellar to the top rung of the per- FansDiscussTennisAheadofTlme +•+ +•+ +•+ +•+ Seven Ball Leagues Close Season To-day Seven baseball leagues will bring their •easons to a close to-day with double- headers. Here Is the list: South Atlantic. Ap palachian, Canadian, Central, Kitty, Michigan State and Northern There are several other leagues that close their season with the end of the present week BASEBALL Diamond News and Gossip The Cleveland Naps moved half a game nearer the Athletics by conquer ing the St. Louis Browns Within a week the Naps have succeeded in reduc ing the lead of the Athletics from 9 4 games to 7. • • • Twenty-two hits were made in Sun day’s slugging match between the White Sox and the Detroit Tigers, the Tigers wincing the game • • • The National League went through yesterday s schedule without a forfeited game The Reds slammed the Cardi nals twice aod the Cubs beat the Pi rates Not counting purchases by the draft ing process on September 15 the New York Yankees have spent $50,000 for new players this season who will help Manager Frank Chance make up a strong baseball team next year. • • • Legal Adviser Branch Rickey, of the St. Louis Browns will succeed George Stovall as manager within two weeks, according to an authoritative report • • • It is said that formal charges will be brought by President H N Hempstead, of the Giants, against Manager Dooin, of the Phillies, for the latter’s un bridled talk after Saturday’s forfeited game in Phiiadelphia It is charged that Dooin made the assertion in Hemp stead's presence that “the New York ants could buy the umpires . ” • * * The Boston Braves who tackle the ants to-day have been greatly •engtheoaL since their last apear- ance at th^PoJo grounds. -rJ- Fine Prospects for ‘Cotton States’ W ITH the advent of the present week—the last before the bo- ginning of the big Cotton States tennis championships—there is evident in Athletic Club circles, and among all the tennis fans in the city, a disposition to get into hot arguments as to the outcome of both the singles and the doubles events. To begin with, one pair of rivals and grand tennis cracks will be found in Carleton Smith and Nat Thornton, and local fans find difficulty in imag ining any foreign experts wresting the final honors away from these players, both of whom are at the top of their game. In the doubles. Bryan Grant and Ed Carter are paired, and the com bination is one of a stability too well known to require comment. But Mansfield and Smith, and Orr and Ramepeok—the latter fresh from tri umphs at Augusta—will be on hand with a word to say before the matches get to the finale stage. But it must be remembered that Lee Allen Brooks, of Birmingham, the present champion, will be present to defend his title; while Brooks and Bartlett, the crack Birmingham team, w ill be entered In the coming tournev. The new- date—September 8. the latest ever selected for a tennis meet here—the fact that it is the big ten nis event of the year in Atlanta, and the class and number of the players entered, all combine to arouse a most unusual interest in the approaching tourney, and it is probable that some of the greatest assemblies ever seen at the famous red clay courts at East l^ake will be on hand to watch the play in every round, from preliminary to finals. Frank Reynolds has been charged with the important post of chief ref er ee. which assures spectators and players of well-handled matches. Out-of-town entrants are sending their nHtnes to C. Y. Smith, 608 Wal ton Building. Atlanta. SENATORS ORGANIZE GOLF TEAM IN WASHINGTON WASHINGTON. Sept. 1 —Golf has forced the more weighty problems of statesmanship temporarily out of the minds of Senators. Rumors that lead ing and boastful golfers of the House were crowing of their prowess on th® Chevy Chase and Columbia Club links led golfing Senators to perfect the Senate Golf Association, which will soon he "ready for all comers " Senator Saulsbury has been the ac tive figure in bringing together th<j golfing enthusiasts, who include many of the leading men of both parties. Here is the roster of officers and di rectors of the new’ association, as giv en out by Senator Saulsbury: Honorary president. Vice President Marshall; honorary secretary, Senator Gallinger. president. Senator O'Gor man; vice president. Senator Cum mins. treasurer, Senator Lipnltt; sec retary. Senator Hitchcock; executive committee. Senators Pittman, Bris tow’, Townsend, Walsh and Ransdell: . manager. Senator Saulsbury, captain' of team Senator Hollis Former Senator Jonathan E. j Bourne, as ex-officio member of the : Senate association, wi" aid in the j management of the team He is a.i ; expert plaver and defeated President j BOXING TOURNEY BETWEEN NEW YORK AND WISCONSIN MILWAUKEE. Sept. 1.—It is pos sible that a boxing tournament be tween the professional boxers of the West and those of the Middle West, or between New York State and Wis consin* will be arranged next winter. Some of the boxing fans have sug gested such a tourney now that the sport is legalized in both New York and Wisconsin. The Western section, or rather the Middle West, could put forth some pretty good men In a tourney of any kind, having Eddie McGoorty. Jimmy Clabby and Jack Dillon for middle- weights. Packey McFarland. Char'le White and Pal Brown for ligh*- weights, with Ray Temple to draw ->n if necessary; Mattie McCue in th^ featherweight class. Ray Bronson and Billy Walters In the welterweight class, and Young Mahoney and John ny Coulon for the bantams. ARE YOU LOOKING for results' The Want Ad pages of Hears! s Sunday American and Atlanta Georgian fill the bill ALL TELEPHONES lead to Hearsfe Sunday American and Atlanta Geor gian Want Ad Department via both phones 100 Taft on sevf .U occasions. WOl'LD YOU BUY a good automobile ‘'heap' The automobile columns of the "Want Ad" section carry a list of autoinobilesrand accessories. centage ladder. Bill Bernhard turned the trick for Nashville in 1908, and strange to say, he did it after the Vols had finished in eighth place for two successive years. • * • TT is strange that the feat Is not ac- 1 complished more frequently. Of course, taking a cellar major club to a pennant Is a different thing, but in the minor league, w’here clubs are practically built anew each year, it w’ould seem far from impossible for the team of lowly standing to rise to the Mublimest heights in a twelfth- month. But It’s evidently a pretty tough job. If It were not It would be done m ire often. « The first pennant of the rejuvenate 1 Southern League was won In 1901 by Newt Fisher at Nashville. He re peated in 1902. Charley Frank won his brackets with Memphis in 1903. but Frank had been well up in the first division the year before and had a team of vet erans in a circuit that was far from being as strong as it is to-day. • • • L EW WHISTLER took what Frank left in the Turtle City in 1904 and galloped In with the honors, but Frank left him much of his pennant winning bunch. Frank had builded well In New Or leans that year and had his club in third place at the end of the sea son. He came back in 1905 and Just breezed in, though his club was driven from home by the last yellow fever ep 4 demlc. Harry Vaughn had made a ijood bid for Birmingham in the closing year of 1905 and in 1906 came along and won a pretty race. Atlanta had been comfortably clc5*e up when Vaughan won and under Bill Smith’s capable guidance came in with the Crackers’ first pennant 4 n 1507. TltKt year John Dobbs had the Nashville club and finished a miser able last, despite capable, manage ment. Bill Bernhard was put in charge in 1908 and, with the fine nucleus of a ball club left by Dobbs and a little loosening of the Nashville pur.^ strings, won in a hair-raising finish from New Orleans, the odd«-on favorite. • * • rA LD Bill Smith had been right up ^ fighting all year and was in ex cellent shape to come back in 1909. And he did. winning in a grand race with Nashville and New Orleans a? the principal contenders. Frank had a great organization in 1910 and won with case, although crowded at times by the Barons, who had taken on new life with Moles- worth as manager and Rick Wood ward as owner of the club. He repeated in 1911 after a ihrillirg finish with Dobbs’ Montgomery club and the Barons. That year the Crackers finished a sorry eighth. The Barons had been building for three years and came along for the championship in handy style in 1912 and won handily, though driven once or twice by Mobile, which gave in dications last year of the strength It has shown this year. The Crackers, BASEBALL SUMMARY SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Games Monday. New Orleans at Atlanta, morning ai.d afternoon Morning game at 10:45. Af ternoon game at 3:30 o’clock. Mobile at Chattanooga (two games). Memphis at Nashville (two games). Montgomery at Birmingham (two games). 6tanding of the Clubs. W L. Pc 1 W L Pc Mobile 80 51 .611 Mont... 66 62 .516 Atlanta 75 56 573 M phis 62 68 .477 B ham 69 63 .523 N’ville 57 74 435 Chatt 65 61 .516 New O. 43 82 344 Sunday’s Results. New Orleans. 3; Montgomery. Nashville, 11; Memphis. 3 No other games scheduled. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Games Monday. Philadelphia at Brooklyn (a m and P m.) Boston at New York <a m. and p. m.) Cincinnati at Pittsburg (a. m. and P m ) Chicago at St. Louis <a. m and p m.) Standing of the Clubs. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Games Monday. St. Louis at Detroit (a m. and P- m.) Chicago and Cleveland <a. m. and p m.) Washington at Philadelphia (a. m. and p. m.) New York at Boston (a. m and p. m.) Standing of the Clubs. W L. Pc. | W. L. Pc. Phila... 81 41 .664 Boston. 09 61 .492 Cle’land 75 49 .605 Detroit 54 71 432 Wash... 69 52 .570 St. L... . 48 81 .372 Chicago 65 61 .516 New Y 42 77 .353 Sunday's Results. Detroit. 5; Chicago. 4. Cleveland. 9; St. Louis, 1. SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE. Games Monday. Charleston at Columbus (two g-ames) Albany at Macon Jacksonville at Savannah Standing of the Clubs. W L. Pet W L. Pet. Sav'nah 34 24 586 Albany 26 31 456 J'ville 32 26 .552; Ch’ston.. 25 30 .455 Col’bus . 31 26 .544 I Macon 22 33 400 W L. Pc New Y 83 38 .*86 Phila 69 46 600 Chicago 67 56 544 P'burg. 64 56 533 W L. Pc B'klyn 52 66 441 Boston.. 52 66 441 Cin’nati 52 76 406 St L 45 SO 360 Sunday's Results. au! No games scheduled Sunday's Results. Chicago. 10; Pittsburg. 0 Cincinnati. 10-8. St Ji^uvs, 5-2. No others games scheduled Texas League. Waco. 5; Dallas, 2. Fort Worth. 3; Austin. 0. Houston, 5; San Antonio 0 Gglveston. 6; Beaumont, 5 Federal League. St Louis, 6; Cleveland. 1. Chicago. 4. Kansas City. 3 No other games scheduled I nternatlonal League. Montreal. 8; Jersey City, 5 Montreal. 7; Jersey City 2 Newark. 1. Providence. 0 No other games scheduled. it will be remembered again, finished an low as they could without drop ping out of the race And now it seem9 that the runner up Gulls of 1912 are to be the cham pions of 1913, but the Crackers under Smith have put up a remarkable bat tle. considering the fact that Hemp hill left Billy nothing but Alperman and Agler. • * • I F Smith had won, more credit would have been due him than was due Bernhard for his remarkable 1908 race. For Dobbs had left Bernhard a ball club, or the basis of one, while Hemphill left Smith nothing. gloomy, despite the fact that only six of the varsity will return and an swer the call of the gridiron. Among these are Captain Homer Cook, the star halfback of last year’s team; Loeb, the plucky center; Means, a lineman; Fielder and McDonald, half backs. and Thomasson, who played end. With these men as a nucleus, Coach Heisman has a number of last year’s scrubs who will make a strong bid for first string honors. Those that showed up best as scrubs last year and look good for this year are Rainey, Trawick, Lang, Moore, Lucas, Beard, Goree, Relf- snider. Crutcher, the Montague broth ers, Edgar and Tyler, and the Gard ner boy*a These men played last year under the w’atchful eye of Assistant Coach Alexander and developed great ability and, with last year’s experi ence. should do well. A h )st of new material is expected, but at this early date not much is known about their prospects. Several prep school star.** have signified their Intentions of entering the college, but until school convenes for the win ter session not much will be learned. It Is expected that Coach Heirman will lay especial attention and stress on kicking ability this year. Mc Donald, of la.*»t year’s varsity, showed up wonderfully during the season, and this year should win great hon ors with his boot. He is young, will ing to learn and has great ability, his trusty toe gaining lots of ground for the Jackets last fall. Tech has not had a good kicker since the days of "Lob" Brown back in 1907, and with the aid of a regular toe artist, coupled with the fighting spirit of the Jackets, a winning team should be turned out. The varsity men of last year who are not expected to return are Leutir- mann, last year’s captain, who grad uated; Hutton, Stegall. “Scrappy” Moore, Colley and Fax Montague, wno is ineligible this year owing to his playing time being over. From now on the practice will con sist mainly of getting into fit physi cal condition, kicking, falling on tho ball and such preliminary tactics before the regular season begins. Middle Division Sadly Run Down +•+ +•+ +•+ +e+ +•+ ■I* • Billy Papke Only Old-Timer Left By W. W. Naught on. I N deploring the lack of high-class heavyweights at the present time, the fact that th e middleweight di vision is even worse run down than the class above seems to have been overlooked. Jimmy Clabby, Eddie McGoorty, Jack Dillon, Frank Klaus, Billy Papke and Mike Gibbons are recognized as the best of the lot. Pic ture, if you can, what Stanley Ketchel in his prime would have performed had the six of them been shoved into the ring for him to dispose of, one after the other. Or, sadder still, imagine if you can any of the six before Bob Fitzsimmons when the freckled one was in his prime. Papke was once a great fighter; but it is not what you used to be. but what you ar e to-day in pugilism. Billy is stringing along on the strength of his past reputation, and at that is about as good as any of them, slowed up even as he is. In his prime he could have beaten the bunch in less time than it takes to tell it. He is the only one of the six possessed of a real knockout wallop, or rather did possess one when he was in his prime. * * * D ILLON and Klaus are roughhouse fighters, whose ring actions more resemble barroom squabling than scientific boxing. They are tough, game to the core and hit fairly well, but are almost as devoid of science as it is possible for men to be who have engaged in boxing as a sjon for years. Neither is hard to hit. Before either Ketchel or Fitzsimmons they would have been punching bags. Klaus once boxed Ketchel. but that was after the great Grand Rapids fighter grew careless, began to de cline and did no more training than to reduce weight by a hair cut and shave. * * * C LABBY - and McGoorty are clever. fast and tricky, but neither hits hard enough to have even so much as slacked the pace of such fighters as Ketchel or Fitzsimmons. Gibbons is fast and clever, but only looks good against third and fourth raters, seem- f g-ir4usir«ra ing to choke when staked up against real class. There are a number of reasons to believe that he is not as game as a man should be if he ex pects to adopt boxing as a profes sion. The writer is of the opinion that Joe Gar.s and Jack Blackburn, lightweights, when in their prime,, could have disposed of the best men in the middleweight division to-day, and that Welterweight Joe Walcott could have beaten them easily, even despite fifteen or twenty pounds dif ference in weight. ureat Johnson Suffering From Lame Shoulder I Opium Whiskey tod Drug Habit* treated I at Home or at Sanitarium. Book on ai'fcjeta iFree. DR B. M. WOOLLEY, 24>N, Visttt I Janiuritaan, All ante. Goers*. y * B OSTON, MASS.. Sept. I.—Wal ter Johnson, the great pitcher of the Washington Americans, is suffering with a lame arm. It de veloped to-day that Johnson has been working with his shoulder, which pains him whenever he delivers the ball. He contracted it after that fif teen-inning game, which ended in a tie, wdth the St. Louis Browns sev eral weeks ago. and since then has been winning iiis games without ever having to extend himself. Johnson to-day was asked about the story that his arm was sore and he replied: V^ES, it is. It has been paining 1 me ever since I worked in that fifteen-inning tie game against St. Louis. At times it pains so badly that I want to quit, but am stalling along because I do not want the opposing players to know that I am not right. I have surprised myself bv winning the games I have been in, for I have been far, far from right. ECZEMA SUFFERERS Retd what 1 8. Glddena. Tampa. Fla., tays. 1 It proves that Tetteririe Cures Eczema For seven years I had eozema an my ankle. I tried many remedies and nu merous doctors. I tried Tetterlne and after eight weeks am entirely free from the ter rible eczema. Tetterlne will do as much for others. It 1 , cuics ecrema. tetter. eryMi-elas and other ekln , troubles It cure* to stay cured. Get U to- , uay—Tetterln’ 50c at drugglite. or by mall. SHUPTRINE CO.. SAVANNAH, GA. McTaggart Is Jockey King In Year’s Time N EW YORK, Sept. 1.—From mes senger boy to the top run* of the racing- world in less than a year is the record of “Little John ny” McTaggart, who is without a doubt the very best American Jockey sporting the silks in this country. “The Kid,” as littie Johnnie is called at Saratoga. Is a brother of Jockey Tommv McTaggart. This time last year he u’as chasing his legs off running messages for a New York telegraph company. Johnnie got his first real chance at the recent Belmont Park meeting, where he piloted to victory August Belmont’s horse Mission. At Sara toga “The Kid” had four mounts and won with three. • • • T N the history of racing it has never been recorded where a boy made such a rapid and brilliant rise as this little jockey, whose actual measure ments would scarcely overtax a yard stick. A decade or more ago the racing slogans were. “Follow Sloan,’’ or “Fol low Miller." To-day the cry Is, "Back the Kid’—meaning Johnnie McTag gart, of course. Jeff Livingston. R. F. Carman, August Belmont and R. T. Wilson, Jr., are all after his serv ices. • • • C AM HILDRETH, the foremost in ^ America, who has just returned from abroad to take charge of the Belmont stable, declared after seeing McTaggart ride that the youngster was the best rider of his Inches the turf world has ever known. The little jockey is only 17 years of age and can ride at less than 90 pounds. He is under contract to Hugh Penny, a former star rider of the West. Jeff Livingston offered Penny $10,000 for the "Kid’s” con tract. He was told he couldn’t have the boy for twice'that amount. Palzer and Moran Ready for Big Bout New YORK, Sept. 1.—All is in read iness for the ten-round bout to be staged here Wednesday night between A1 Palzer, who comes from Iowa, and Frank Moran, of Cleveland, Ohio. Both men are in prime condition and each i« confident of victory. The win der will most likely get a chance to swap wallops with Gunboat Smith, who is hailed as the best man in the white heavyweight division. IS YOUR NAME in the Business Gi columns of the ‘Want Ad" sect Little ads bring big results. TOBACCO HABIT I prove your health, prolong yeur life. No more •tomach tn uble,'do foul breath, no heart weak ness Hep a In i*anly vl««r, calm nerves, elear eyae and •upertor mental strength Whether you ch»w or aznoke pipe, c garettea, cigarn. aet my lntereatlng Tobacco Book Worth lta weight In gold Mailed frsa. C. J- WOODS. 634 Sixth Ave.. 748 M.. Naw Vork. N. V. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED MEN AT LAWFUL RATES ON PROMISSORY NOTES Without Endorsement Without Collateral Security Without Real Estate Security NATIONAL DISCOUNT CO. 1311-la Fourth National Bank Bids.