Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 14, 1913, Image 21

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SUN. S ft cal (Matt. SCAN 5. Cnaiitial ATLANTA, GA., Sl'NDAV, SEPTEMBER 14, 1013. Want TELEPHONE MAIN 100 ATLANTA 8000 Telephone clerk will take your ad. and. If reouested. assist you In wording, or will write the ad for you—that’s his business He will also make It as brief as possible to obtain the results desired In order to accommodate .customers ac counts wl’l be opened by phone, but you will make payments promptly after publication or when bills are presented by mail. Classified Adver- 1 Insertion .. 3 Insertions.. 7 Insertions.. 30 insertions. . 90 Insertions.. .. ,10c a line .. . 6c a line ... 5c a line . .4t£c a line ... 4c a line No advertisements taken for less than the cost of two lines. Six words make a line. To protect your interests as we'l as otirs, an order to discontinue an ad will not be accepted over the phone Please make order to dis continue in, writing TUT EPHONB MAIN 100 ATLANTA 8000. LITTLE ADS BIG RESULTS RAILWAY SCHEDULES. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. •‘PREMIER CARRIER OF THE 60UTH." ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ATLANTA. The following schedule figures are published only as information, and are bot guaranteed: No. Ar.lve S8 Binning?-‘\u 85 New York. .. 18 JackBont.Ue 43 Washington 12 Shreteport . 16 Heflii. 29 New York.... 8 Chatn’g* ..... 7 Macon 17 Fort Valley.. 21 Coluirt""» . 6 Cincinnati . 29 Colunihns .. 80 Rlrmiixth'm 40 Blrmlngh tn 89 Charlotte ... 6 Macon 87 New York... 15 Bmpswtck ... 11 Richmond ... 24 Kansas City. 16 Chatn'ga 19 Oolumhua ••• 81 Fort Valley.. 14 Cincinnati 23 .lacksonri « 17 Torcog ^rom— .12 *»1 am .. 5 00 am 5 30 am . 5 25 am . 6 30 am A 2<> am .11 15 am .10:35 am .10 40 am 10:45 am ...’0 50 am ..l? 10 am .. 1 40 pm 2 .’0 pm .12:4«' pm .. 8 55 pm .. 4.00 pm . 5 00 pm 7 :50 pm 8:15 pm 9-20 pm 9 35 pm 10 20 pm s on pm 11 oo pm 6:50 am 8:10 am No Depart To— 36 New York ...12:15 am 20 Columbus ... 5 20 am 13 Cincinnati .. 5 40 am 32 Fort Valley.. 7:15 am 35 Btnningh'na 5 50 am 7 Chaitn'ga ... 6 40 am 12 Richmond ... 6:55 am 23 Kansas City 7 00 am 16 Brunswick . 7 45 am 29 Btrminifh'm 11 30 an 38 New York.... 11 01 am 40 Charlotte ...12 oo n’n 6 Macon 12 20 pm 30 Columhus .. 12:30 pm 30 New York.... 2 45 pm 15Chattn'ga ... 3:00 pm 89 Rirmlngh’m. 4:10 t»m 18 Toccoa 4 :30 pm 22 Columhus ... 5 :10 pm 5 Cincinnati .. 5:10 pm 23 Fort Valley.. 5:20 pm 25 Heflin 5 45 pm 1ft Macon 5 3ft pm 44 Washington.. 8:45 pm 24 .TacksonriUe.. 9 :30 pm 11 Sh rcreport . 11:10 pm 14 Jacksonville.. 11.10 pm LOST AND^FOUlND. T^T^r^ATperTTa^dcr^gold watch and fob. Finder will notify A M Sfhlth, 40 Luckie street, fvj 4179 Reward LOST About two months ago, Bcotcb Col ie dog; had just been dipped Reward. Ivy 4401, or 39 E. Thirteenth itreet. Ie'Si «‘no baby's gold cross; name "Gladys" on one side; "1913" on the other. Reward if returned to 98 Crew street^ \\ . M COX cleans all kinds of carpets. rugs a specialty Ivy 3136-J, Atlanta 'MX 14.. Auburn Av«. 7-20-81 LOST Old coins bought and sold. BRIQQS, 5 VIADUCT PLACE. PERSONAL. por» \poTvr e healthy baby boys Mrs. M. T. Mitche’l, 26 Wlnd- su. _ i. MRS. C. H. SMITH. 115 Peachtree St. $5 trimmed hats a specialty Children's and misses’ hats. Hats remodeled. Charge accounts solicited. INVENTIONS patented; made salable; four departments, patent, deve oping, exploiting, legal; free booklet, "Reasons Why." Inventors’ Service Co., Wash- ington^D^jC. OWN A EDUCATIONAL. FRENCfi. " CONVERSATION and lessons taught by a graduate Frenchman. Fd. May, 767 Edge wood uvenui, ART LESSONS Modern school, as taught in Paris and New York. Lulu Ross, 27 Durant place. Ivy 857-.I. SARAH ADELLE EASTLACK SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION. READING THE SPOKEN WORD. PROK ES SI t >N A L T R AI NT NG. PERSONAL and PHYSICAL CULTURE. ATLANTA INSTITUTE OK MUSIC AND ORATORY. 20 E RAKER ST . ATLANTA. Ivy 6986 THE ATLANTA, select school for boys. J. A. Richardson, A. M. Preparation for Tech, Universities, West Point, An napolis, Lessons taught at 300 Spring street. SPANISH! SPANISH! I WILL TEACH you Spanish as it is spoken in Castillo Spain or I will translate at reasonable terms. Apply Professor Campoamor, 25 East Ellis street. Atlanta Art Sfhool, 83-37 Irwin St. Ivy 2825-I,. DBA WING AND PAINTING from life and cast as taught in New York Art School. 10 Free Schol- arships. Write for booklet. Student* boarded In BEAUTY BUSINESS—Make 1 institute .Mrs Ada t ktis. Director. your own goods; big profits; every- j CLASSES will open September I for thing told in detail; formulas for dyes, shampoo, toilet water, etc. Send only 50c. Abegglen, 822 Y'iolet avenue, Springfield. Mo. HELP W8NTE D— MALE. \TanTed Finish carpenter; Work guaranteed; non-union men; steady Furtick, Swan- n ^_HLLP WANTED-FEMALE. WANTED Competent servant for small family. References required JO Sinclair avenue, Inman Park. WANTED—Good cook. References re quired. Salary. $5 per week. Apply 74 West Eleventh street. BE A DETECTIVE Big pay, easy | work; wonderful opportunities. Write 1 ~ERVIOE Dent rop c sea, S._C. _ _ BE A DETECTIVE; earn $150 to $800 per month; travel over the world. Write Supt. I f udwig, 611 Westover Bldg . Kansas City, Mo. MEN of good character to study phai- KIDKUTV SECRET niacy; greater demand for our grad- R. 30 Fourteenth St . Wheeling, W. Va. i ing uates, at good salaries, than we can N ... V| , . ht ( , ol( , r ...... u supply. Rates very reasonable. Ad j ; n ; ORy Cleaning g and Preaslm dress Dr. George F. Payne, president,'-,,^ i in ( arnett 8t g PhJne M 3210 253 Oourtland struel. Atlanta, (Ja ; , 11 . 1 •“ < ' arne i' s it M WANTED—To employ one reliable car- j penter or cabinet-maker in every 1 town (large or small) and city; good pay; references. William G Kinney. 1-0, V. Y. | u.tiuua yuuilg nun to be come trained salesmen anti learn \ while earning write for particulars, i Brftdstreet _System. Rochester, N. V FOREMAN WANTED—A first-class. bed spring man; references must be furnished Refer to the C. L. Greeno Co., of Cincinnati, for referdhet*. in re gard to ourselves. Eminons Brothers, Meridian, Miss. WANTED Men to barn barrier trade great demand for barbers; big wages; easy work; short time required; expert instructions; tools given, earn while learning. Write for free catalogue Mo er Barber College, 38 Luckie street, LADIES, make $15 to $25 weekly han dllrg our ladies’ sanitary specialties; positive necessities; quick sales; light to carry. Write to-day. Madam Thermo, Woman’s Department, 222 No, Desplalnes, Chicago. W \NTED-—Competent white nurse for infant who can room in house. Ad dress B., 407 Equitable Bldg WANTED- Stenographic or copy work to do in leisure time. Use own type writer. M , Box 844, cure Georgian. WANTED Salesladies, to earn large in- some, {mid weekly, for selling mer chants high-class goods. No bond re quired Begin work on receipt of or der blanks and Instructions, which we send you on receipt of 10c. Ameri can National Silver Company, Berea, Ky. TWELVE photo postcards, 50c; thirty for $1; made from any picture or card Prompt service, quality superior. Cash with order. Get our low prices on de veloping and printing Hansen Photo Company, Withee, wis. LADiEt-' Earn *1.2 weekly making Sanitary Belts at home; no canvass ing; inclose stamped envelope. Sanita Mfg Co., Cedar RanMs. Iowa WANTED Marble lette^er and tracer. who can lay off own work; pneumatic tools; young man preferred. Answer, naming lowest price. Address Westmin ster Marble and Granite Company, West minster. S. C. . r - - \ N INTELLIGENT woman (selling ex- vocal and instrumental music at 232J Atlanta, Ga. pei • - preferable, but not necessary) Spring street. Mrs. Theresa Grant-1 MOUNTERS— Hand work on picture t.> travel. We tea- h you and guarantee Hoffman. frames; steady work for good men; expenses Pleasant, profitable Work; big state experience. C. F. N’ast & Co., 1816 opportunities. Write or call Southern W. Fulton St., Chicago, Ill. .Mrs. Cox’s School ls2 H°y 1 3 9 l i g n< L St ' Instructions in Literary, Piano, Voice, Elocution and Art by eminent faculty Rates reasonable. H EJ-P^WANTE D— M A L E. WANTED—Young man over 21 to act as salesnuyi and learn real estate business. See Mr pire Life Bldg. Merrill, 501-502 Em- INDUSTRIAL life and accident agents can make liberal contract with us. our policies are payable monthly; no ’apses. North American Accident Insurance Co., 16 Liberty St., New York. WANTED Butler who can attend to horse and drive. References required. Apply at 81 Peachtree Circle. GOOD MONEY for right man that bus ties soliciting high-class advertising. WANTED—Young man to travel and j appoint agents to sell toilet articles. , c'alT"to-'i!ay,"iil? Rhodes Building A,,ply at 13UH Peachtree street. Room 7. W ANfKh-^lot> com^llor.' Must VVANTEL>—A bu'ler-and a half-grown boy at once. 499 Washington street. WANTED—Bright boy as collector; permanent position. In reply, state age. experience and salary expected. Address D. G. K., care Georgian. WANTED—Band men, all instruments. Write. Cot ton mill help preferred. Crown Concert Band, Jas. T. Wills, Mgr., Dalton, Ga. ‘WANTED—Bookkeeper and stenogra pher; in replying, state age, experience ^ 1 and salary expected. Address D. G. K., o ! care Georgian. o A DISINFECTANT, DEODORANT o | uoAllx the advertisement ad waiting o AND GERMICIDE. Destroys o j business; we teach you; write for in- o chicken mites and all kin Is of in- o structions; six weeks’ course. Box 914, o sects. Phenoline Compa’ y, 106-A o | care Georgian, o Edgewood avenue. Main 231'" o lanta 3038-A. At- VVANTED—Colored help in finishing u I department; must be hustler. Apply ° i S'-JPU- M Means St. q i WANTED—Man with experience and 0 | ability to handle high-class advertis- 0 i ing; prefer man already employed. Big 0 | money for right party. Address P. O. o I Box 1226, Atlanta o WANTED—By wholesale house, first- o j class office man, capable of handling o j an office. In answering, state expe rience, age and salary expected. Box 694 care Georgian. CARPET man to lav carpet, linoleum, etc. See Mr. Gibson, llaverty Furniture Co., 13-15 Auburn avenue. D—Job compositor. Must be good Young man preferred. Address R H . Box 215, care Georgian. WANTED—Neat, intelligent boy about 14 years of age; steady job. Apply Nunnally Co.. 34 Whitehall street. A1 TO mechanic wanted; steady posi tion for right man. Write fully, giv ing experience, references and salary wanted in first letter. Box 1397, San ford^ FltL WANTED- Bright, neat office boy, fa miliar with filing. Apply 802 Third Nat. Bank Bldg.. Morris Fertilizer Co. Educational Society, Candler Bldg., At lanta, (.’a LADIES TO SEW at home for a large Philadelphia firm; good money; steady work; no canvassing; send stamped en velope for prices paid. Universal Co.. Dept. 68, Walnut street, Philadelphia, I’a. LADIES, make shields at home. $10 Per 100. Work sent prepaid to re liable women. Particulars for stamped addressed envelope. Eureka Co., Dept. 107C, Kalamazoo. MicW COLORED WoSlEN agents for wonder working Pa trier’s Skin Whitener. Sturt own business. 100 per cent profit 1.50 outfit free to responsible agents. Write to-day, giving references, Jacobs’ lanta. Ga. 1-25-3 ill*-; BES r (>F THEM STf>P \ 1 T HE EAL HI >TEL, 42 to 52 I >E< JATl R CENTER OF CITY; 25c AND UP A DAY; *150 AND UP PER WEEK. ATLA.VI A DID >NE 2615. WANTED An experienced telephone order man for retail groceries and fresh meats; mu3t come well recom mended. Apply Atlanta Grocery Co., corn er Highland and St. Claries Avcs. WANTED—Octbber 1. refined, experi enced lady to run furnished dining room in apartment; only best patron age. wil’ rent or arrange partnership with approved party. Address Curran R. Ellis. Macon. Ga. ' SEASTRKSSES for curtain work room Apply Miss McDonald, Brown Deco ra tirg Co., 90 North Forsyth street. NURSE, who is also good cook; good wages. Apply Immediately 168 High land avenue. All trains run dally. Central time. fifty Ticket Office No. 1 Peachtree St. WANTED—Colored girl to do house work. Good salary to right party. Apply 155 Lucile WANTED—At once, alDround colored j a ' 0niie ’ ^ shoe repairer; no boozer. W. M. Free- WANTED—White wet nurse for infant man \ Son, Spartanburg, S. < flv< weeks o!4> must be reasonable. OFFICE BOY and mall clerk; u '"’LL -T'LL Ramsey■ Main 122fi. industrious and write good hand, 1 WANTED—Colored girl for general splendid opportunity for advancement. house work. 58 Bass street, references required. S. S. Bowser & Co.. WANTED—Girls with experience In 2D* Peachtree St. hand sewing Wholesale Millinery. 100 WANTED Good live man to sell spe- South Pryor street. cialty for typewriter. A hot seller \\ \\tud a first class cook; single on demonstration. Address \V S., P woman preferred. Call Ivy 862. (. B< X v\ ulanta. . u wtd.d Lady of fins executive abll- WANTED—Good presser. Apply ai Jty to manage subscription department once to D. bchwartz, Tailor, Fort of publication Call Main 3399-J. McPherson. I RANTED-Good pan try woman. Apply Auburn or call I\> 4393 once, white cook and worker, small family ; with no children. Apply 712 Piedmont. WANTED—A class helper to o t! ' s,,a t 1 — tailor’s garments. G. B. Allen & Co., 26 Walton street. COLORED SALESMEN for article that {# se Is readily at good profit and makes pEtamtfi m regular customers. Southern Specialty ' P,,. Box 208. Savannah Ga e ne n r „ al ,.,f,Xen TAXICABS. LADTES—When delayed or irregular. i use Triumph Pills. Always depend- f able. "Relief” and part'eulars free. Write National Medical Institute, Mil waukee, Wis. I OPEN a beauty parlor. Every neigh borhood offers an opportunity. Big profits. Full instructions and receipts j Li_* — for cologne water, bay rum shampoo j $3,000 TO $10,000 yearly easily made; WANTED- White messenger boys with preparations, hair dyes, cream etc., j real estate, business; our system In- wheels. Apply early to Manager, sent for only 50 cents. .taxicabs Phones: Ivy 1000; Ivy 4051. WANTED—To employ twenty-five (25) more paving cutters. Union job. ■ Steady work. Wages paid every Satur- WANTED Platen pressman; steady po- ; day night. Apply at once, Southern sition for first-class man; waste of Marble and Granite Company, Spartan- time for any othe^ to apply. Paragon buig. S. C Prtfss, Montgomery,. Ala WANTED -White nurse for two-year- old child. No other children. Phone Ivy 2348. Address Home i sures success; unparalleled opportunity; Supply Company Box 244, Columbia, i become established. Send for free hook. S. C. Interstate Realty and Brokerage Co., ARE you add'eted to the liquor habit? • dtsburg Postal Telegraph Co.. 40 North Broad St DO YOU PT \y POOL? if you do. come to see "Bias" at the TERMINAL HOTEL POOL PARLORS 35c in checks for 25c. Good tables, good cues and a Office: Aragon Hotel Lobby Send $5 and Ket one month's treat-j <80 MONTHLY and expenses to travel, _ 0 , ment: consultation free. Silver Medicine i distribute samples and take orders, or nice bunch of clever boy Co.. P O. Box 702 Buffalo. N. Y. ! appoint agents; permanent. Miller, TWO young ladies experienced bar-I ^2l^. ft.. — bers. desire to lake charge of barber WANTED -Men to learn barber trade, shop in city or small town on commls- Teach yov P a short while. Position sion or guaranteed salary, (’all or i furnished. Complete course $30; salary write Address A. Herod, 403 Vance < while learning Call or write. Southern avenue, Memphis. Tenn. j Barbel College, 151 Decatur street. WANTED Young man to travel 'ii.i appoint agents to sell toilet articles. Apply 130V. Peachtree street, room 7. New Management Rates Reasonable. POPE HARTFORD AUTOS FOR RENT. High class cars. Reasonable rates. Call Prior Motor Co. Phones: Main 4869 and 216. ' VIRGIN SNOW Is not whiter than your WAITED—White boy to drive electric Atlanta 1 hone 1497. complexion will be after you have machine. Apply Monday 12 White- used Peach Blow, the matchless skin I hall St. bleach and skin food preparation. If ANYBODY can earn"$20''weekly raising your skin is discolored from any cause, mushrooms, entire year, in cellars, I write at once for full tree particulars sbeds> boxes, etc. Markets waiting I and special offer now being made by the Free booklet. Hiram Barton, 333 West j Brittain Company, McMinnville, I enn. -eighth street New York 83V.i Peachtrea St. WANTED—The address of Madam pell I LEARN HYPNOTISM—Influence and Rea Address Box 800. care Georgian i „ nnTr „. Kl , lnf i„ control people. Be influential through I its use. You can hypnotize any one i after an hour’s study. Do not pay others Edgewood, 99 Whitehall, 52 Ivy White IVY 5190, ATLANTA 1598. SPECIAL NOTICES. "TdiSsOLUTION'OP PARTNERSHIP The partnership heretofore existing between H T. Hinton and .1 W O Brlen, doing business as H T. Hinton Drug Company. ALauta, Ga., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business heretofore conducted by the partnership will continue to be con ducted under the same name by H. T Hinton This Augutd 28, J w O’BRIEN. w “X STEWART is no longer in our employ as collector and the public Is warned not to pay him any money. Mothers Magazine Club _ $10 or $20 for a course. Send me $1 and I will send you a complete course mak ing you a practical hypnotist Professor Box 266. Galveston. Texas WANTED--Shipping clerk; give age. experience and references. P. O. Box 1577, City. WANTED- Manager for vaudeville ner Magnolia and Hulsey streets. house; must have experience in book ing shows; state when last employed; ! references. Address Box 696, care Geor- gi&n. WANTED -YOl'\C, MARRIFD FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Barclay & Brandon Co Fiaieral Directors; now in new home, 1246 Ivy st.,* cor. Baker. Auto ambulance, auto hearse. A. FUNEKAL D1R ECTORS. 99 Marietta St. M. 1847. Atlanta 4100. LOST AND FOUND. frrsr^BetwSen corner Auburn Ave. J an d Peachtree and Chamberlin & John son's store, ladies’ gold watch Elgin movement, and fob with engraved slide. Telephone Ivy 3088, or office of Cham berlin & Johnson’s. — ioST—Small brooch; antique cameo setting very loose; valued for associa tion K? ward. J. M. High Co. Office, r (WT OR STOLEN—One darh bay mare mule; left eye out. Reward Return :i8 Walton street. j OST- Pocket book containing about $80 and a receipt from tailor, in post- .Liberal reward for its return. \V. J. Watkins, New Hurt Bldg. O’, 7,1 Auto tire, Firestone No. * 874352 sixe 4 b> 36; demountable rim and gray cover Reward for return to Hud ■ - "■ o-e SUITS PRESSED. EXPERT workmen. Call M. 1177; our messenger will call in business sec- : tion. The Wright Shop, 13 Fairlie St., j formerly Ideal Tailor Shop, TEETH. IF YOUR TEETH are in bad condition, go to the Georgia Dental Parlors, where 1 the best prices can be obta'ntd. Special rates made to school children. Bring or send them. All work guaran teed. Our prices for a few days; Set of teeth, $5.00. 22-K crown, $3.00. Bridge work. $3.00. White crowns. $3.00 Silver fillings, 50c. And a 1 other work at reasonable prices. Georgia Dental Parlor, 101H Whitehall street, corner Mitchell. [ ROBINS’ Hair Dressing Parlor for ladles | and gentlemen. Hairdressing, * mani- 1 r'AiTvq'v TV A I I Till? (iAITTIT curing, etc.; combings made to order; wt'A 1 l 1.> ALL I I1L ?n<JU 1 11- children’s haircutting. Miss Sadie Hy- ST AT ES. LARGE COR- i man. Prop. M. 3625. T4 ^ A mTvT rT t XT Tx f , ^ I $100 REwXRD—Ladies, our monthly POKA 1 ION !l A A L) L l N (f j eomepound never disappoints; safely rVFRYTHTVfi USED T\ r TTTE ; rel'eves longest, most obstinate, abnor- r ' ' 1 1 uvjcjlj w mal case of suppressed menstruation In UOl-SE AND ON THE FARM, e h d r y e Co da> Mem^ e -T > en. aOUthern f tm : * AT MUCH LESS PRICKS . GLUTEN BREAD. “ ' " ANY ONE in your home suffering from THE LOCAL STORES, stomach trouble or kidney diseafe put pijfp Y()P TN WANTED—Band leader and man to manage amusement hall; run audito rium, do welfare work for cotton mill and act similar to physical director of Y M. C A. Must be student of hu man nature. Apply to J F MacEnroe, Wa r e Shoal** , Manufacturing Company, Ware Shoals. S. C, YFS. shave 10c hair cut 15c. massacre 15c. at 41 Marietta. 4 E Mitchell 115 workmen. Clean linen. Baths 15c WANTED—Railway mall clerKs, $75 to $150 per mouth. Details free Frank lin Institute, Dept 49-F, Rochester, N. Y. FOR Colored Southern Automobile School, day and night classes. Cor- ONE young lady over 21 years of age to act as saleslady and learn the real estate business. See Mr. Anderson, 501 Empire Life (Flat Iron) Bldg. WANTED -Woman to cook, wash and iron References. Small family and good pay. Apply 894 West Peachtree. WANTED- Young lady for stenographic work; a! least two yttera’ experience required. Apply Room 51, lOVfc Auburn avenue. WANTED—-First-class settled cook; must live on lot, none other need ap ply. 259 Juniper. Ivy 991-J. _ BUSINESS WOMAN desires a compe tent working housekeeper; good, per manent home to right party. Small family, every comfort. Address 148 Peachtree street. WANTED Girls, ages 14 tp 16 years* to work in factory; pleasant and steady work. Apply Atlanta Paper Co., Moore St. and Georgia Railroad. WANTED An experience^ cpoK H Peachtree place. WANTED- Stenographer in a law office. Can pay $7.50 per week. Must be young, fairly good looking and spell good Address P O. Box 209, Royston, < la WANTED Tailoress who can make first-class button holes. M. Wise, 307 Peachtree street. WANTED—Young men to learn phar macy this fall; demands for our grad uates exceed supply; next session be gins October 1. Southern College of Pharmacy. 81 Luckie St., Atlanta. WANTED—White woman who wants good home to assist in general house work and look after an old lady; family of three adults. Address Box 585. care • h’orgign. WAN/ED- One flrst-olass cook and two/good maids. 16 E. Baker. MAN OF REPUTATION to iHILBUIRN HOTEL MAKE SMALL INVESTMENT ON EASY TERMS TOGETHER WITH SERVICES. IN EACH WA.jTED—Female bodkkeeper with ex- pefience; must come with reference Goodyear flaln Coat Co., 37 chtree St. 10 and 12 WALTON STREET. FOR GENTLEMEN only; center of city, near new postoffice; rate 50c, 75 c and $1.00 WANTED— Men to learn barber trade; tools and position furnished. At anta Barber College. 10 E. Mitchell St. ed business Address Lady, business ability, for permanent posi tion. Must be over 22. unemployed cmly ™,T . v, ri A X’ DC 4 Tver, \ T anrt read y *0 start work u once. Rx 1 HAN (JAN l)h On I ALAVA) Al perience preferred, but not necessary, as lady holding position will instruct. Good pay. Short hours. Expenses. Call ^^^HjELP AftANTED—FEM ALE. DEMONSTRATOR. ’ ^ ___ BRIGHT woman, neat appearance and LET TO MAKE FROM them on Gluten Bread, made at 66 Edge- i wood Ave^ onlj^ Ivy 4987-J. ! WE have the best nair remover; srfe 45000 PF.R YVAR AROUND j and sure; sample free Goss-Whef er T, ITA . n , 4rnmrv ,, j Specialty Company, Dept. B, Pass .ic, YOT^H OW N HOMK. <\11PjND- POSITION 1 person Monday morning. 10 to,!2, for ao r\ru\ 'r>r\ I appointment. Inquire at hotel W. IU m Bah^r, the Ptedmont Hdtm. ING TO YOUR OWN BUSI- N. J. ; SERIOI'S RESULTS come from trusses improperly fitted. John B Daniel, at XESS. ADDRKSN RI SINKS^, 34 Wall street, has an expert fitter and v . (> aw.,, a Af T? RTP \ V it will cost you no more to lave him fit RON. 144, (. AnL A.MLK1L A*^j . you. and it means insurance ' M A T E R NI 'I' Y S A N TT A RII V — Pr I va t e, refined homelike Limited lumber of Free Schol arship in F?ook- - keeping or patients cared for. Home p ovided for Sborthan d by taking demonstration infants. Mrs M T Mitchel., 26 Wind- course Xo cost; no obi gal ion to iry sor street. Send in name for enrollment Call, wr'te aw CuJto made from combings. $1; , or phone. Bagwell Business College. hairdressing and scalp treatment;i 341^# Luckie Street, Atlanta, children's haircut. 25c. Mrs. Al'.ie Ga laher, 70(4 Peachtree St. _ Monday morning, clover leaf and crescent of pearls pin in black velvet ,w between Linden and North ave- ,e. Return to Dorothy Haverty. 598 •achtree. Reward. ! qsj'jvLTpearl brooch, diamond center, during drive in Druid Hills. South or eland avenue or Grant Park. He ard Mrs. G. C. Beck. 223 Forrest ave- ia. Ivy 3794-L. j YOUR NAME in the. Business Guide 1 columns of the ’Want Ad" section? it tie* ad« b-irg big results CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. DANCING. flAN^lNG^SCllOOlJBLatest steps; prU vate instructions. Ivy 6067-J. 43 W Peachtree street. • MATRIMONIAL. ATTORNEY, 42^ comfortably^ situated, would marry. X., Box 35, League, Toledo. Ohio. MARRY wealthy, descriptions wealthy people anxious to marry, free. Mis sion Unity. B-506, San Francisco, Cal. WOT I D YOU marry if suited? Best EXPERIENCED cook for work. Sleep in hou; Also a good laundress. 20 Fort McPherson DUNG LADY hoc rapher; permanent ^sition; in reply, state experience and /salary expected. Address T). G, K. cape Georgian WANTED—A woman to do general housework and cooking for three; good waee Q to the experienced cook. Apply 415 Cherokee avenue. EXPERIENCED millinery salesladies, makers, trimmers, for high-class re tail trade. Apply after 10 o’clock .Mon- day. 115 Peachtree : MEN WANTED to prepare for parcel WANTED—Girls to pack crackers and post railway mal. postoffice clerks. to work in icing room. Frank E. and carriers. Examinations .November Block Company. WANTED— A young lady who can write a good plain hand. Good position tor the right party. Apply in own hand writing. Address J. and N. care Ameri can. woman supervisors «nA, chief operator, who have complete ctmfrol over the re tiring and operating rooms Short train ing cm 1 rag. for those Inexperienced, sal ary pa d white* -Uuu'iUi g Salary In creased upon being transferred to oper ating force and for those becorftikg ef- t gtfcpt, UiMeased as they become Girthy. with opportunities for ultimata advancement to $75 per, month. Refer- /ences proving the standing of the uppll- ^int essential. Those having educa- iuCBSPlfUgetr peatarred. Lunch room and cdmfortarjle retiring rooms provided with ■awauU hundred Carnegie Library books for fne Convenience of the operators. Mfetron and trained nurse In attendance Apply 8:30 to 5, Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Training School, 25 Auburn avenue HELP WANTED—MALE AND FE MALE. WANTEIb Couple willing t«> leave city, to do cooking, house and yard work. Rhone Ivy 3189 or apply 10 East Six teenth street. EX I ’ER I U N »’ I-: I ' }.••: i* t Mad 1442. Woman’s Exchange Employ ment Agency, 3 South Broad street.' GOOD WORKERS can secure positions by applying Woman’s Exchange Em ployment Agency 3 South Broad. CIRCULAR mailing ls light and pleasant work for spare time; no canvassing or experience; send name and begin mak ing money at once. Raymond, 46 Rox- bury Crossing, Mass rtooD HOME offer! woman for cornpaij care Georgian. LADY of ability experience to so licit advertisements and subscriptions for publication Phone Main 3399-J. MEN AND WOMEN to Introduce WON DER CLOTH to homes, stores, hotftls, garages, etc.; no work, simply hand out and take the money, sample and selling plan free. Burnette SpecWt ty Company, 241 Main street. Chattanooga, Tenn $7.90 OH $9.78 OR $12 86 OR $16.48 on each sale. The selling requires mind, character, address, fluency of speech, fidelity; or. reduce those sums one-third, and accept additionally a small salary. Address L. B., Box 724, care Georgian. WANTED—A good white chef, steward or stewardess. Apply at Peachtree Inn. WANTED Jewelry canvassers at once E J. Co., care Georgian. THREE standard teachers, culti vated. groomed, world-wise, neither young nor old. These* arc not wanted for school drudgery, hut for work less wearing, less limltat've. Fixed weekly moneys paid with fascinating bonuses. Ma! what Is a bonus? Address H.. Box 11. care Georgian giving, surely, tele phone. NOT to the LEECH Is this card ad dressed We have drawing accounts, guarantees, salaries, bonuses, commis sions. but only for that standard class of upright men and women well bred, sensible ami educated who simply must go out and earn a living for self and home. Replying. give telephone number. Address H.. Box 12. care Georgian. AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMAN -An energetic young man to represent manufacturing concern; one capable of selling self-filling foun tain pens to work all or spare time. Write for particulars. Manufacturer, C, care American. WANTED Agents; our proposition c‘*,n mends Itself to those proficient hk salesmen. Returns are surprisingly re munerative. Evidence of value for ac cident insurance confronts you daily, thereby reducing the need for -pedal ef fort. Investigate. Insurance Company, Box 700, care American. I MADE $15,000 in five years with a small mail order business; began with $5. Semi for free booklet Tells how. Independence, Box 98, care American. ••SAY-CO" VACUUM CLEANERS GIVE ABSOLUTE SAT1SFACTION ALL STYLES; agents, solicitors, crew- managers, wanting the best territo rial arrangement ami best built vacuum cleaners, write to-day Address Clean er, care American. WANTED, Cotton Mill Help SPINNERS AND FRAME HANDS ESPECIALLY. High Wages. Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, Atlanta, Ga. ^TEACHERS WANTED. SCft?KM,S needing teachers and teach ers desiring schools should write us. To schools we make no charge for our services to teachers a very moderate charge. Address Department R 4, Clan ton Webb, Managers, Rhodes Build ing. A Han 1 a, Ga. ’ jcNTS AND SALESMEN^WANTED A SPLENDID opportunity Is offered agent to visit old ami new customers with established brand of guaranteed hosiery. Liberal inducements. Pro tected territory. Credit. Darker Mills, 735 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Pa. ATTENTION, MAILORDER DEALEUb —I have for sale the name and ad dresses of 10.000 good Georgia farmers. All of them land owners. All of them within a radius of 100 miles of Atlan ta. About 9,300 of ihfem are rated. These names have been obtained since February 1, 1913. This ls a splendid list to exploit, too, as all are landlords. These names furnished typewritten or multigranhed at $2.50 per thousand or $25 per $10 000. Address F. O. F , Box hj. cars American. SALESMAN WANTED for a live prop osition; vlsev.n territory; steady all- year position; reliable workers advanced through managers. Rare opportunity for those g&U. J in on the ground floor State managers w r anted. (’all or address 521 Candler Building. Atlanta. YE FURNISH YQU capital to run profit able business of your own; become one of our local representatives and sell high-grade custom-made shirts, also guaranteed sweaters, ulderwcar, ho siery and neckties direct to homes. Write Steadfast Mills, Dept. 29, Cohoes, X. Y WANTED - Experienced mixed feed salesman to travel State of Georgia; commission basis. Attractive proposi tion. Address Feed, Box 92, care Geor gian MONEY-MAKER Safest, greatest, quickest. Oklahoma oil. Shares, rate of 12V$C. Early dividends Agents wanted quick. R. & K. Dev. Co., Ho bart, Okla. VAGI l M CLEANER AGENTS Here it is; new design in wheel operated, powerfu bellows type cleaner; exclusive appearance; sells quickly at reasonable price. Write for particulars about money back guarantee. Doty Company. Dayton, Ohio. 11 El D unlimited for this rapid sailer; agents can got rich wfth It; every one you approach needs It; nine out of ten will buy; send for proofs; they will con vince you; 100 per cent profit. Address I 8. N., Box 51, American. SALESMAN, big commissions; unlirn* i ited possibilities; arge profits by giv- I itig nart of entire time selling novelty punch board deals, something new. Ad- dress Manager, 4. American. si CCESSFUL salesmen working small country towns can increase their earnings from $6.5 to $75 per week, sell Ing our line of fancy fruit ciders; 25 per cent commission prompt settlements, light samples R CV, Box 87, American. SALESMEN to sell Carrara paints, var nishes and specialties; a standard of quality for 28 years; big inducements; sell to trade or consumer. Address Car rara, care Georgian. WANTED salesmen, demonstrators and agents for a new- proposition to be placed on the market this week, with wide advertising campaign Efficient men end women only. O B. Company, care American WANTED Salesmen, male or female, can make big money selling the bui- glar-proof window guard. No competi tion -Work, Box i"*. care American. DEMONSTRATORS for new scientific toilet preparation: a reve ation; re moves superfluous hair; hairs come out by the roots; any one can use it; never been sold; great money getter; sample 10c : price $1. Address La Ex, care America m WANTED Agents; just out. Hot weather seller. Self-heating iron. One tent does a week’s ironing Light | in weight. Low priced Credit given. 1 Thomas, Box 396, care American. THREE RELIABLE, hustling salesmen for Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana, to sell beat --ii cam and tanks made, i on strictly commission basis. Address i Box 357, Fort Worth. Texas. I WANTED—Alert ambitious sales man ager to establish headquarters and J look after entire business. Exclusive contract. References required. Dawn, Box 76, care American. 1 WANTED Agents. 250 per cent profit. Wonderful little article. Sells like 1 wildfire. Can be carried in pocket Write at once. Mathews, Box 40, care j American AGENTS WANTED 100 per cent profit J selling useful specialty; used In homes, I hotels, stores and by auto owners; good repeater; sample free. Address Auburn, Box 159, care American. WANTED- Salesmen; men and women who are good hustlers can make from $200 to $1,000 in the next sixty days placing the best proposition ever pre sented to the Investor For full infor mation apply to C-764, care Amor! iai ' WANTED—a promoter, capable of han dling i fie stqck end of a big ami sue cess/ul enterprise on a percentage ba- | sis, money now coming in assuring an immediate income. Address Z.. Box 519 AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMAN Georgia territory open; must be producer; excellent opening; staple line; expenses advanced against commission contract; references re quired Address Commission, caro a merlcan NATIONAL VACUUM Ci.HA XER. PATENTED and guaranteed; more than 197,000 satisfied customers In United States and Canada; best known vacuum cleaner on the market; see new metal flexible spring adjusting nozzle; also makers of fast selling Daisy three-bel- ' lows sweeper type machine. Write for prices Address Daisy, care American. AGENTS The folding tray-wagon is the latest step-saver for women—tho greatest one since the kitchen-cabinet; useful every day In every home, all steel; light and strong; easy sales, handsome profits; no competition Write quick for agents' proposition. Address Folder. Box 5, care American, w vntkd Agenta; four-ln-one four*la* hand. Something new Twelve col ors, five styles. Big seller. Good profit. Handsome leafheret pocket folder out fit. Milton, Box 697, care American SALESMAN WANTED—A high-grade stock, bond or insurance man, who has a select clientele of investors or who is capable of reacning and dealing with Investors on a high-grade proposition. Address Q., Box 6. care Georgian. WANTED Agents make $5 to $10 i day, auto specialty; sells at sight; every auto owner buys. Write for par ticulars. Perfecto, Box 701, care Amer- I icam • jSALESMEN WANTED to handle our i successful merchandise selling propo- , sltlons; high commissions or salary If you "make good; - ’ experience unneces- 1 sary. Answer Success. Box 68, care Georgian. AGENTS Do not accept any offer until you have ours. Write for free sarn- I pies and fall catalog of whirlwind sell ers. Kreisher Sales Company, 145 North Railroad street, Bellevue, Ohio. GENERAL AGENT In *-vei ; - ry, to sell the new fender and license hold er for autos, every Ford must have one; $1 per set Klorb Company, Hamilton, I Ohio. AGENTS- Make $1 an hour with our 86 j sensational offers. Here’s one offer: Twelve pairs of guaranteed hose, only K5o, with 60c worth of handkerchiefs or garters free Write quick for free out fit. C H Reed & Co.. Baltimore, Md. FI v KI1 LING la qn; get Duay; tmport- 1 ed novelty; big seller; profits; fairs, ' homes, stores, offices. Sample 5c. Ad- draaa E N , care Arm 1 i< an : SALESMEN WANTED to work OhloT Michigan, Indiana and Kentucky; sal ary or commission basis; big money to live men; steady, pleasant work; must give reference. Box 776, Cincin nati, Ohio. THE MISSOURI State Life has $12.0007 000 in force in Texas over $85,000,000 in force In the United States. Wrote in 1 the United States more than $16,000,000 first six months in 1913 Get a contract with a going company while the getting is good. W. H. PATTERSON, mana ger. 608-609-610 Wilson Uuilding. Dallas, ; Texas. 1 MEN WANTED—To sell a picture of our presidents and their biography, 11 by 14 inches In color; send 6c In stamps for sample. William Pike, 19 East Fourteenth street. New York City AGENTS Let ua show you how t<» make big money selling new patented specialties; write for new fall catalog. R Meyer Afc Co., 727 East 216th street, { New York City. AGENTS Money is always useful; get 1 our plan and make lots of money; do 1 it now; free sample. The Kossuth Sup ply Company. 4007 Kossuth avenue. St. 1 I.ouls, Mo. ivS.vii'.N—We are mak ers of fastest selling advertising nov elty ever made; sells all lines trade; strong on banks. Address N. M. Co., this papei\ SALESMAN — Experienced specialty salesman to sell the drug trade <d- rect. a high-class proposition that will appeal to every druggist; excellent op portunity for good specialty men; give age, references, nanu s of lines handled, territory covered, in fit si letter to Insure prompt reply. This is an unusual op portunity for sped a ty talesmen of abil ity to connect with iu ge well-known house. Address opportunity, Box 160. care Sunday American. AGENTS Sell dollar combination silk ties, silk socks and monogram cuff link stick pin set free, or three silk neckties; same set free; big profit; fre** samples. Comer Neckwear Co.. 1443 Fourth, Dayton. (>hio SALESMEN of the "make good” kind, those who can get the order after the order chaser sales, ean make permanent connections with a high-grade corpora tion calling on automobile owners. II., Box 44 care Georgian. WANTED Man In every lown where they- have waterworks system, to sell the Venus bath spray J something new; nothing like it. South western Mercan tile Company, Inc.. 210 Baltimore Build- Ing, Oklahoma City, U. S. A. VGENTS make m* money and become sales managers for our goods, estab lishing growing business of their own. Fast office sellers. Fine profit. Expe rience unnecessary. Particulars free. Office Equipment Co., Albany, Ga. 7G3 - 253 EARN good nay copying addresses. Par- I tlculars six stamps. Hinchey, 345, | Middle port. N. Y. 31-25-5 WANTED Young women and girls de siring attractive positions Welfare of operatd s and clerks closely supervised by the' company ; vheir conduct on the AGENTS WANTED- $60 per week; no investment or experience, necessary. Write for particulars P. W Goodman, President, 884 Regal Bldg . Chicago THREE specialty assortments, good for $50 per week, commissions with a "red blooded" salesman Address Live Wire, 600 Columbia Bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. (!\ 1. Free information. Bureau* of In struction, 108 Rochester. N. Y WANTED Colored men to prepare as sleeping car porters and train porters. If you wish position near Atlanta, write immediately. No experience necessary Inclose stamp. Address Inter Railway, care_ Georgian. MOTORDROME--Wanted, riders with, motorcycles, for portable motordrome; A COMPETENT white woman to nurse season s work and good salary. General and do general house work. Live, on Amusement Co., 440 Eddy St., Newark. ( place. Good home and good wages. Ap- 1 < LEARN MILLINERY; best l\ 1.0 trade on earth for women, pays $60 to $100 a month Write I<1**al School of Millinery. 100*4 Whitehall st We make over and retrim hats free GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN TO WOMEN Write for free list Frank lin Institute, Dept. 602 F. Rochester, N. Y JdEDlCA DROPSY treated 10 days free. Short breathing relieved In a few hours, WANTED—Settled white woman >■> swelling, uric acid and water removed nurse. Bring references 3 South Broad street. Ohio. matrimonii paper published. Mailed 1 WANTED—Ten good route boys to de- | FREE «'■ . r* -c Toledo. Ohio. j j. v *-r routes OB ARK YOU LOOKING for results- The ^ iVv^r^.-i^ana Want Ad pages of Hearst s Sunday 2®-29 /lears s1 Sunday American American and Atlanta Georgian fill tbe|ft !U ‘ , \bill. CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. ply 593 North Jackson street._ BE A TRAINED NURSE; earn $25 weekly; our students are matrons of hospitals. Free booklet on home study. Rochester Nurses’ Institute, 108 Roches- ' ter N. Y. | CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. In a few days Regulates liver, kidneys, digestion and heart Write for testi monials. symptom blank for free Home Treatment. Collum Dropsy Remedy Co . 406 Austell Bldg Atlunta, Ga. DR EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re- iable treatment for painful arid sup pressed menstruation, irregularities and similar obstructions. Trial box by mall, 50c*. Frank Edr-ondson & Bro.. manu facturing chemists, 11 North Broad St., Atlanta. AGENTS, would you lake steady Job making $30 weekly with opportunity to ! he district manager at $3,000 yearly? No 1 experience required. My goods are I snappy, self-se lers, make big money quick * by writing me to-day. Learn I about our $1,000 contest H M. Davis, President. 856 Davis Block, Chicago. $5.09 TO $20 00 DAILY to agents who are I hustlers selling our new a id wonder- • ful line of goods; our big capital backs i you; exclusive territory. William J. D-ck Manager, Dept 18 t^hWfigo 7\ sri undid opportunity is offered I agent to visit old and new customers with established brand of guaranteed hosiery. Liberal Inducements. Pro tected territory. Credit. Parker Mills, , 735 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. ! WANTED- Two refined men, hustlers, accustomed to meeting beat people. Position pays to successful men from $30 | to $75 per week. Call 916 A ustell *'Bulld- ing. AGENTS for staple article. Sells like I wildfire. Big commission. Send *0c for sample and part'eulars. H T. Grady ‘ Co., 109 Woodward avenue. Atlanta, Ga. I SALESMEN wanted to represent is In | your county; only live wire need ap ply. write for par tic ilars to-day. Du val Specialty Co.. Duval Bldg., Jack sonville. Fla. AGENTS, canvassers, crew managers, salesmen wanted In every community I for our famous seven and fight cake $1 soap assortments; advertising price 25c; costs you 12Vfer; attractive premiums | glv**n: everybody buys; lose no time vet ting our list of money-getters. Moore Bros. Company. Manufacturers, Estab lished 1890 288 Greenwich street. New York. man cleared $1,182, lady $720. last months, selling Holladay's Marvel Shoe Polish, self-shifting, waterproof. Why not you? Write for demonstrated sam ple and terms. F. Holladay, 254 West Thirty-first street. New York CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. WANTED— Salesmen, full time or side line. Pocket samples. Big repeat busi ness Proposition appeals to merchants In all classes of trade. Brand new. Those capable of earning $50 to $76 weekly preferred Manufacturing Com pany, Box 696, care American WANTED Agents Strong made $159 last week. Sold 52 $5 metal window display bulletin boards in one block. Parker, Boa '*6, oaje American. WANTED Agenta to bandit Agnfoe Complexion cream, sold across the counters for the past thirty years. Hun dreds of indorsements from all parts of the country. We have now decided to give It national advertising Complex Ion Cream, Box 695, care American, j SALESMEN—To sell our "Business Men’s" policy; provides $5,000 accl- ' dental death with $25 weekly accident and sickness Indemnity, $25 weekly, hospital indemnity; insures benefhrary ' for $2,500; cost $15 per year. Issued hy old line company. Box 836, cart i Georgian. WE HAVE NEW LEADER—Big profits earned quickly. Write for free sarn- I pie and new summer catalogue. Mer- cer Supply Co., Lock Box 20, Arnold, Pa. AGENTS- Salesmen can make $50 weekly selling chemical coolers, to ho tels, restaurants, butchers and mer chants; cool refrigerators and ice boxes; cheaper than ice; the best selling article Ion the market. Chemical, care Ameri can. WANTED—Few good salesmen to sell the beat sub*<livision proposition In State Mr Quinn, Box 980, care Amer ican j SALESMEN WANTED—For vacancy- in Georgia, traveling salesman, expe- j rienced In specialty or advertising line, man worth good compensation can se cure permanent, well-paying position, with splendid chance for rapid advance- ment; well-known manufacturer; staple, wel -advertised line. Permanent, Box 1 48, care American. BLESSING TO A 1 1 iIN rs -Chance of I lifetime; enormous sales; hat pin point I protectors, surprising terms; sample • lOe. D. P., Box 534, care American and [ Georgian. _ I SALESMAN Traveling, to sell dry Is specialties; also blankets an! flannels to retail merchants; excellent 1 sideline; liberal commission. L. J X., I care Georgian 4 » CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUkJNr WANTED Traveling sa’esman by a New York importer of laces and em broideries, for the State of Georgia; state age, experience and references. B. a.. Box 21, care American. AGENTS—Great opportunity; quick sales; 100 per cent profit; write for | particulars Box 15. care American. WANTED- -Producing repiesentatives in every town. $15 all-wool suits to order; fall 11/.c ready. Leeds Woolen Mills, Chicago, III ROAD WORK—Must be refined, with good ha^bs; good salary; steady em ployment. Call W A. Henry, 644 York street, Newport, Ky. WANTED Agents; start at once Make $5 to $10 eevry day selling our spe cialty Great demand Investigate. Terrace, Box 106, care American. SALESMAN wanted to sen our fall line of dry goods and blankets to retail merchants; fine side lne for traveling men. l iberal commission Address Box 7i. American AGENTS New profitable field; brilliant Mexican diamonds; exactly resemble genuine; defy experts; quick sales; large commissions. Send for special offer. B< x 10, care American. GRAND UNION Tea Company wants re liable party, who can furnish bond, to establish tea and coffee routes in At lanta. selling direct -to the consumer Special premiums to trade and liberal commissions allowed agent. Wagon sup plied. Grand Union Tea Company, Sa vannah, Ga. P"< RTRAIT AGENTS Send your - work direct *0 artist and get better work. We get order out on time Price® to suit your trade. Stevens Bros., 33 Wey- mai avenue, Atlanta. WANTED Twelve salesmen for sub urban towns $5 per day to clean- cut, trustworthy men Steady posltion. 54 Moor** Bldg. I" 1 -.; Auburn avenue, LET ME PAY you $50 monthly *niv ten minutes of your time daily re quired; all work done In your home no canvassing, no capital; also show you how to start mail order home business, instructive booklet and litera ture explaining business and above salary Box J-32 care Georgian WANTED---Representative for a nigh- grade steam specialty; practical steam man or man with e^ r abllshe-i territory preferred Dc n. t object to sell ng non competitive good- 7 Address Established, 900. care American. A(iENTS— Salesmen—Monthly directory of iieweet. best selling specialties sent free. Address Distributor. Box 53, care American. BOY IN BACH TOWN—Will develop and place right boy in good attractive i business; /earnings from $2 to $10 to start, every boy who can furnish un- 1 questionable references should write at | once. Boy Scouts preferred Scouts, care American. WANTED—Three salesmen who will work hard; $20 a week and up. T. J. Rettes. 1020_Candler B'dg. SALESMAN—Capable specialty man for Georgia; Staple line on new and ex ceptional terms; vacancy now; attractive commission; $35 weekly for expenses. Capable. A-65, care Georgian and Ameri can SAT ESMEN H'gh-grade, wtio know their services are worth at least $75 per week and can present a high-class proposition to parties already interest ed; successful stock or bond salesmen preferred Answer Bonds, care Geor gian. EVER had experience selling goods? Could you sell a good dollar for 100 cents? ff so we can use you. Must he Industrious, of good appearance, male or female. Hustlers only. Box V-116, care. American. REPRESENTATIVE, individual or Job ber. to market high-grade structural stee' and industrial paint: exclusive At lanta territory; commission basis, only high-class man with references Box C-100. care Georgian. WANTED - Experienced agent, new ar ticle, repeat orders 50 cents on every sale; exceptionally good opportunity for right party. Address Z . Box 429, care American. A1.i\..i o i o handle specialty that sells on sight; sure repeater; big profits; ask for particulars. Address F, Box 75, American . _ y CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGB*