Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 14, 1913, Image 23

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ITEARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, FOR P^OFIT-^l'IlLKltAN WANT AU5)-USE FOR RESULTS ATLANTA, 0A„ SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1913. 3 D W^TEpprhfJTyoung men trSSSfdT also table board. 84 West Peach r me ■treat, ivy 7636-J. * eacntree Tb K Ualn i a V can aeon re room and board in private family rates reasonable PI na Main L*80-J " r " [•' 'VKl.v furnlahed rooms with board; in private fatnllv; all convcn- 1384*1 ° r ' h • ,ackaon street lvy Wa.nteo— A couple' uiA two young „ T* 1 }' or four young men, to Iward in r' V , ale tl aml, bC‘" fonvenlencea; steam neat. Phone \\ est 190-L. « in Reasonable prices. 131 Washing- ton street. ROOMS AXH BOARTt for three voting men. .21 w TVachtrep Ivy 624fi-I„ !'n* , J’K'VCHTRKK residence; large, delightful room with private bath, ^an^heat; hest location; gotal table. NlfH ROOMS and hoard, la.llea or gen tlemen, $4 to $6 week 122 Capitol avenue. BOA Hit in a nice refined home on I once neLeon avenue, three or four vmmg men preferred: all eonven- lenres; steam heat. Ivy 7848-.I WANTKtt—F 0U r young men for two front rooms with bath. Call Ivy 290. J ; i'. A I 1 i !• I LLY f ii r n i s h ed rooms with excellent board; very reasonable; four blocks from Candler Bldg. No. 226 Ivy street. WANTED Voting man roommate:"pri- , Y a *° borne; also few table boarders. ( apitol avenue. Main 2031-L. table board.Close in' ~ CHEAP. 67 TCCKIE ST. __5K^, N iSHEO ROOM :. FOB RENT. FOR RENT in itoing men or j couple, two nice furnished ; rooms. Furnace heat. Electric j lights, gas, hot anti cold water any time, Telephon • service. A | nice place. Everything liome- i like. Apply 155 Lueile avenue. Phone West 045. Meals can he i had next door at reasonable J rates. WANTED -Som* 1 nice gentlemen to oc cupy two beautifully furnished steam- heated rooms in a near-in apartment. P. O. Box 458. i TWO newly furnished, hot baths, light I housekeeping rooms, close in; parties without children. Main 4752-J. 115 ; i- 1 i alt street. the Frederick; Isa Whitehall street; | Nicely furnished steam-heated rooms. Apt. 1 1 Ml8. Murphy. ONE IRlCBLt furnished front room; all conveniences; walking distance. 73 Pulliam street. RLHNI7D COUPLE, or young men, in Ponce DeLeon avenue private home. A 1 home privileges. No boarding house. References Ivy 71:*-. 1. TWO nicely burnished rooms with board. Close In. Main 5361-J. Ill Washington street. TABLE BOARD CLOSE IN. 85 LUCKIE ST. IVY 3150. TWO large, nicely furnished rooms; good table board. 121 Capitol Square Main 4839-L. NICE homelike place Just opened; nothing but best material used in cook ing. M. 38 7 8 - .1. ONE nicely furnished room for two or three young -men. with board. 52 Form wait. ROOMS AND BOARD. COOL, CONVENT F7NT PLACE; CLOSE IN. 333 WHITEHALL STREET. _ MAIN_2120-L. TABLE BOARD CLOSE IN. Ill WALTON. A TL. 5326. FINEST ii.f-ibs m city; home cooking give us a call 160 Spring street. Atlanta phone 1874 PF \ m T R F F f V V 391 Peachtree -dr^et. r d.v n i nijr. i.\a Phone lTy 9129 High-class residential hotel. All conveniences. Meals excellent single room, with meals. $7.50 week and up. meals. |3 on up. THE ELM HOUSE Nicely furnished rooms and board; rates reasonable. 291 E. Hunter. FORSYTII HOTEL. COMFORTABLE rooms. 50c up Special rate per week. Nice meals, 25c. 50H South Forsyth street. __ HOTELS. _ HOTEL PAS SAD ENA,' 50 Houston St., • under -new management; nice, clean, airy rooms; one block from Candler Bldg Reasonable rates; daily, weekly or monthly; only first class patronage solicited. u liiTE PATH HOTEL and Mineral Springs open June 10; sixteen-page booklet free. White Path Hotel Co., T H Tabor, Manager. White Path, Ga 6-1-8 5 Walton St. Rates. $1 and $1.50. Including shower ami plain Laths. CHOP SUEY. ALL KINDS of American and Chinese dialies. 17^ Alabama street. Huey M. Yow, Mgr BOARD WANTED. GENTLEMEN wants board," with or without room, with Jewish people. B. r; . care <Georgian. WANTED- By m-tined young man, sin gle room, preferably with board, by September 15. Box 41*7. care Georgian. WANTED By lady and daughter, room and board in private family. North s- • Box 718, carp Georgian. YuT Ag busil LD desires room and board in private Jewish home. Ad dress Postofficc Box 775. Atlanta. i man in private Catholic family; ten minutes to town Box 657, care Georgian. WANTED By young man, room and board; North Side. Address J. P.. Box <43, tare Georgian. _ FU RNJSH EDJIOOM S F O RJ3 ENT rTPSftVABT^^Turnishe^l rooms; furnace heat; every convenience; mea s near by; references. Ivy 7720-J. 481 Spring. TWO connecting rooms with kitchen ette. furnished or unfurnished, for light housekeeping. 85 Washington. NICELY furnished front room for cou ple of young men; near Piedmont aven*u>. 20 Dayton place. NICELY furnished room for young men; also housekeeping rooms if desired. 40 West Peachtree street, HANDSOMELY ' front room, near Georgian Terrace; private bath. Address Reasonable, care Georgian. ATTRACTIVELY furnished, bright rooms in private home; best section North Side. All conveniences. Can ac commodate two or four young men. Phone Ivy 6798-.T. rwo beautiful connecting rooms, house keeping, modern house, every conven- ence; furnished with new bird's-eye naple furniture; good neighborhood; on »ar line; near business center; to couple ir gentlemen. 321 Courtland street. Ivy 5306-J yrcKLY furnished room to young lady; use of kitchen; will give two meals. Vlain 5196-J- .0 ROOMS and kitchenette, com- letely furnished; all conveniences; vate family: one block of Grant Park; children. ~428 E. Georgia Ave. jEGANT room, with hot wa ter, North Side apartment; >se in; reasonable. Ivy 2313. E or two nicely furnished rooms, ght housekeeping if desired; conven- ces. Ivy 5454-J. FtGE front room, .steam heated; three indows: closet; adjoining white tile v beautifully furnished; has sepa- > brass beds; second floor anart- it; close in; for gentlemen. 190 Ivy et. Ivy 5078. JALTIMORE BLOCK—Large, com- Irtable room; come and see. Mrs. Jo- ti Berry. . s'NEGTI Nd rooms for light houSe- “■nir.g in private family. 80 West chtree street. . tNISHED room, stationary wash- and adjoining bath, for young men hudness lady. Splendid neighbor- !. 93 Forrest^ Ivy t 6313. • udents. Connecting bath. 153 Form- t street. (i FR<)NT rooms furnished for lusekeepinp. W.Oj per week. 266 itchall street. ; corner i e— w 11 four windows; rtre"closet and adjoining bath; steam close ill. Apply 9 Wellington Apts. ATTRACTIVE sttarn-heated room, with bath, for two gentlemen; private fam- ly; North Bide. Ivy 3588. TWO FURNISHED rooms f<>r young men; close In. Ivy 566--.i LAUGH front room, second story, for young mam; all conveniences. Ivy 2211-L LARGE front room, second story, for young man; all conveniences. Ivy 2211-L. FURNISHED front room for couple or ladles. 15 Whitehall terrace. S i HEATED room; gen' North Side; close In: every conven ience; *!*;. ivy 7s j ONE very large room and kitchenette furnished for light housekeeping; close in. 169 E. Fair St. MGKLY furnished room, connecting bath; close In. Ivy 6794. FOR RENT fwo nicely furnished rooms, with bath and meals if de sired; best location in Co’lege Park. Mrs. W. A. Nessmith. Phone East Point 241 -L ONE LARGE, newly furnishi'd room, southern exposure, all conveniences. Apph 16 W. North avenue. LARUE, comfortably-furnished, well- kept room adjoining bath; steam heat, hot water, electric lights, large closet. 196 Ivy street, between Cain and Harris treets. Phone Ivy 4281 VERY pleasant, nicely furnished, steam- heated rooms in apartment; walking distance. Call Ivy 21S2-J. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room, convenient to bath, with refined fam ily. North Side. Meals near by. Ivy 4406. BAR* i A I NS IN FTJRNI - TURE. WE ARE OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT, BUT ONLY A HALF BLOCK FROM WHITEHALL. WE CAN SA YE YOU 30 PER CENT ON FURNITURE AND RUGS. GIVE USA CALL. IT WILL PAY YOU. ROBISON’S, 27 E. HUN TER ST. ONE large, nicely furnished room, close in. References required. 65 Capitol avenue 19 WEST CAIN STREET. NICE ROOMS; refined people. Ivy 7435-.T. ROOM and board in steam-heated Ponce DeLeon Ave. home for young man. Call Ivv 4538. LARGE, well-lighted room in private family. 494 Piedmont Ave. Rate $12 per month; two In room $16. FIRST FLOOR of six rooms for rent, furnished, at 114 N. Jackson; refer- ences exchanged. Ivy 2788-L. VERY nicely furnished front rooms and kitchenette for light housekeeping No children. Hot bath any hour. 61 Forrest avenue. LARGE! front room, mitable for two gentlemen; private home. 19 E. Har ris.Ivy 6349-J. LARGE front bedroom in North Side home; convenient to meals. No ob jection to one child. Call Ivy 2318. Call after 6 p. m. or before 8 a. m. TWO ROOMS furnished for light house keeping. Reasonable. 290 s. Pryor. LOVELY steam-heated electric-lighted room, connecting bath, North Side, easy walking distance. One person, $15; two, $20 Reference required. Phone Main 4608-J. FURNISHED room to gentlemen, near Peachtree. All conveniences. Meals block Ivy 6995. FOR RENT—Furnished steam-heated room, connecting bath; all conven- lences. Ivy 6190-L. WELL furnished room, private family, one block of Druid Hills Pharmacy; meals convenient. Phone Ivy 6128. FOR KENT— Front room in up-to-date apartment; steam heat, connecting bath; private family. Address 352 Whitehall. Apt. H TWO nicely furnished rooms, one with private bath; gentlemen preferred; meals if desired. Main 3415. LAUGH front nicely furnished; all con veniences; close in; best table board. Main 2690-L. BRIGHT f well furnished room, connect. ing bath, steam heat; everything first- class. M. 2780. ONE NICE, large, airy room; al conveniences; close In. Phone Main 1552-L. FOR RENT—Two nicely lurnished bed rooms, steam heated apartment; all modern conveniences. 14-A West Baker. Phono Ivy 5039. FURNISHED first-floor rooms for housekeeping; private bath; refer- ences. 250 Woodward. Main 2590. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room; private family; all conveniences. Call West 807. FOR RENT Front room in fiat; private entrance. Strictly modern. Spring and North avenue. With couple. For infor- matlon call Ivy I652-J. NEWLY FURNISHED front room for business ladies, on Forrest near Bed ford. References exchanged. Box 469, care Georgian. NICE connecting rooms for light houses keeping. 140 Spring street M. 2665-J. NICELY furnished rooms; close In; all modern conveniences. 183 Ivy St. ONE front room, furnished neatly for lady or gent'eman; block from Grant Park. Box 5, care Georgian. GENTLEMAN can g' t large, nicely fur nished room. Apartment 3, 148 For rest avenue. TWO connecting furnished rooms ad joining bath; sink in kitchen; private entrance: one block of Grant Park. Bell phone. 424 East Georgia avenue BY OWNER, four completely furnished housekeeping rooms; private oath; | also three unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Ivy 2825-L. IRABLE furnished room, with large pning porch attached, or room ,,ai sleeping porch. North Side. L952-J. i completely furnished rooms for ; housekeeping; conveniences; ' in 69 East Fair street. 2t is RAWSON ST. EE unfurnished rooms for light isekeeping; convenient, attractive, ■ate gas connections; desirable lo- ntinued IN NEXT COLUMN. furnished room for rent. 'Welling ton apartment No. 2, corner Houston and Iv> streets. BEAUTIFUL COOl» front room; private bath: shady lot; gentleman ‘West Peachtree," care Georgian. [ ip AT U< «>.M. new bungalow, electric lights, furnace heat, two gentlemen. 53 West Fourth street. THE PICKWICK. NEW TEN-STORY AND FIREPROOF. Cool outside rooms: connecting bath; convenient shower baths on each floor. 77 Fairlie street, next Carnegie library AT THE CARROLLTON* 20 CARNEGIE WAY. FURNISHED APARTMENTS AND FURNISHED ROOMS J F STEELE. MGR CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN, FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Till* Fflirlaii’-h •33-5-7 Spring Street i in i nuuvLii Phone Ivy 5558-J. Furnished rooms and furnished 3- i< o:n apartments; close in; conveniences OiCELx furnished rooms; doss in. with a l conveniences; gentlemen preferred. 244 South Pi yor M i 167-J. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THREE large connecting rooms for light houaek>-» ping, 272 <’ourtland .street. THREE i ce upstairs connecting rooms, with bath. Nice neighborhood. Price reasonable. Apply 181 Rawson street. THREE desirable connecting rooms, modern; separate gns; reasonable. 597 South Pryor. Main 5142-L. FOR RENT Two dandy connecting front rooms, next to bath, for light housekeeping. In brand-new Kirkwood bungalow, modern; phone; hoard in same block; block North Decatur car station: fifteen minutes to city; very desirable. Call Decatur 298. THREE connecting unfurnished rooms, $10 per month. 46 Boulevard Terrace. TWO rooms, sleeping porch, private bath for light housekeeping, North Shle; $15 J Phone Ivy_7349-J. TWO or three connecting unfurnished rooms. Close In. All conveniences. Main 3602-L. 44 Eugenia street. THREE connecting rooms In cottage. Private entrance. All conveniences. Couple without children. None other need apply. 423 Central avenue. Main 6239-J. THREE ROOMS for rent on Federal ITison car line: get off at Eric street. lb >R RENT Two rooms, with private bath, for light housekeeping. Phone u 8848 4 TWO unfurnished rooms. 487 Piedmont avenue, for light housekeeping. All conveniences. OWNER would rent to couple, without children, three connecting rooms; sep arate entrance; porcelain sink, al con veniences; perfect condition. 430 Pul liam St. FOR RENT Three nice connecting rooms, North Side, suitable for light housekeeping; use of telephone Partly furnished if desired. No children. Phone Ivy 5281-J. THREE connecting rooms with sink and use of bath. On car line. Rent, $12.50. 536 Central avenue. TWO NICE, light housekeeping rooms; cheap and close in. 45 Woodward ave. THREE connecting rooms, conveniences. walking distance^ 296 E. Fair street. fOR RENT -One lovely, largo, unfur nished room. Address 47V4 East Cain street. ROOMMATE for business lady; one or two housekeeping rooms. 37 Carnegie way. TWO UNFURNISHED rooms; all con veniences; walking distance; no chil dren. Atlanta Phone 689. 85 Crew St. Three or four nice, large rooms, ar ranged for housekeeping; bath, gas stove; reasonable; North Side. 5 Angier avenue. b\)R RENT—Five unfurnished private entrance and bath. Main 4890-L. FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT. FURNISH hi > " house. Peachtree st reet; ten rooms; modern conveniences. J. C. G., care Georgiun. FIVE-ROOM cottage; all conveniences; close in; excellent neighborhood. 192 Crew. Ivy 2216-J. EIGHT ROOMS, sleeping porch, garage, furnished throughout in mahogany, t Ivj 888 ONfe of the most desirable six room bungalows In Decatur; educational fa cilities unsurpassed; best car service around Atlanta. Telephone Owner, De catur 583. i NICELY furnished or unfurnished 5Tx room home; all conveniences. rent reasonable Apply 325 Capitol avenue. ] References required. BUSINESS GUIDE. Auction Sales of Furniture and Houaeho'd Goode. Fk$?tha'i.' AT’CTION COMPANY. II East Mitchell street, buys and sella everything; regular auction Tuesday and Friday. Bell phone Main 2424 10-8-41 TO RENT Part of furnished house, | North Side, to refined couple; one l child no objections; possession any time j Call Ivy 2318. RNISHED HOUhFS FOR RtNl FOR s t G corgi a a ven u e, newly painted and tinted five rooms and bath; large basement; only $18 per month. See Air. Grossman, 96 White hall. HANDSOME eleven-room house with basement and servant room; four acres; large garden and beautiful front, running wafer and electric lights in house and barn. 39 Logan avenue. Ap ply to K. C. Williams, Hote.l Williams, Macon, Ga 101GHT RiV>M house, perfect condition. North Side; in excellent neighborhood. Phone Ivj 74W-J. FOR RENT Nice six-room house n large lot; all conveniences; screes near oar line. 45 Ira street. For RENT Two new five room Bun galows Apply 181 Holderness street. FOR RENT Six-room steam heated bungalow, open grates In all bedrooms and living room; hardwood floors, tile porch, screen porch, shades up- screened throughout; servant’s room. Something very nice. Apply 39 West Twelfth street. Phone 6540 iw NlCfi six room cottage in Wesl End, half b ock off Gordon street. Address Box 780, care Georgian. FOR RENT §piall servants* house In rear of lot. Apply 595 North Boule vard. Bankv. VMKKhMN NATIoNM. HANK Corner Alabama and Broad Streets. capital AND SURPLUS $1,000,000 Baths and Pressing. For THE BEST cleaning. pressing. shave and hair cut, come to 24-A W. Mitchell New shop. Expert barbers. Satisfaction guaranteed. Books and Stationery. 85 Whitehall Main 482 "Building.'* terms, like rent, anywhere In the city 400 Temple Court Bldg Main 4189 Carnets and Rugs Cleaned. WORK called for: 15 years experience; feathers renovated Atlanta Carpet and Rug Cleaning Works. 27 W. Alex- ander St Ivy 4180 Carpet and Rug Cleaning Repalrlnqu 25 YEARS’ experience In cleaning, fur niture repairing Zack Harris. 298 FMedmont avenue. Tvv 2O60-L Chronic Diseases. "STT5r?ArW^! : Tn7(7fA'u? f>T3'EA^ES~ OF BLOQt), heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, etc., rheumatism, nervous diseases, medicines furnished: consultation free. Write nr call on Dr. M. T. Salter. 68 South Broad. 11-11-2 Collections. WE CAN collect your notes accounts and claims, if they can be collected United States Collecting Association. T J Ripley, Pres ! Chas M Yeates. Roc. and Treas. 61V^ 8. Pryor at.. At lanta. Ga Contracting and Building. IF YOU OWN your lot or can make a reasonable cash payment, we will build you a home to your own idea and terms to suit. Plans alse furnished free Gall at 325 Empire Building. FOR RENT Nice two-story house; large lot. fruit trees and grape vines. 17 Ashby St.; $25 per month. NICE two-story house. 17 Ashby street, j West End. Large lot. with fruit trees ! and grapevines. *J5 per month ONE ten-room house; all Improvements, on South Decatur car line, $40 per - month Phone Decatur 6 BUSINESS GUIDE;, Mattress Renovating. SfA’tf H HN r OVATKr> ‘fi'aThern steamed, cleaned and bought. Bell 4840, Standard 1476. P. O. Box 5. Mead ows A Rogers Mfg Co. SANITARY MATTRESS RENOVAT ING—Factory new and up to date: moderate prices, give us a trial Tack- son A Orr Company, Means street and W and A R R Both phones 3 20 14 Motors ans Generators Repaired. BEST WORK; prompt service. Atlanta Electric Machine Co. Both phones 294 111-113 Marietta street. Multlnraphlnq Addressing. P THE LETTER CRAFT 8! Mailing.^ shop'" THE REASON we work day and night Is—do best work In SOUTH. SER VICE Is our middle name. Business Service Co.. Atlanta, of course. P. O. Box 836 Ivy 7011 WORK guaranteed; prompt service Southern Multi graph Ing Co , 220 Brown - Randolph Bldg Ivy 2694 ATLANTA M U LTIGR A PH TNG COM PANY. 903 Empire Life Building Ivj 1436. High-class work; quick service; live mailing lists furnished. Messenqer Service. TTTE ORIGIN A I. ute Atlanta f LLER’S MIle-a-Min- Messengers Phones Bell Tvy 4372; nta 23 Call a “Skiddo Boy. New Rubber TTres. tires put on your baby’s carriage; repaired, re painted and re-covered Tvy 3076. Rob ert Mitchell 229 Edgewnod an<1 Creosote. C. F. HINDER & SON. MANUFACTURERS of high-grade paints, white lead and creosote stains We make ready mixed paints to order Corner I.aFrance and T.owry streets. Bell phone Ivy 5852-J, Atlanta. Ga. 5-27-1 Painting and Tlnt'nn. PAINT-' TWO unfurnished rooms, close In. 10 Alice street. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. RpOMSFORRENT._, ONE nicely furnished and two unfur nished rooms in private home; all con veniences. 85 E. Merritts avenue, or phone Ivy 5785-L. FOR RENT—Three neat fresh rooms; plenty of light; partly furnished or unfurnished; private entrance; last block of Georgia avenue. 437 PL Georgia ave- Hue, near Grant Park. FOR RENT—One room, furnished, $7; unfurnished, $5. 70-A Whitehall ter race. I HAVE three or four nicely furnished or unfurnished rooms. 98 Capitol avenue. Main 4413-J, two large connecting rooms, furnished or unfurnished, for housekeeping, or will rent separate to gentlemen. 151 North Jackson. FOR RENT—Two rooms, kitchenette and bath, first floor, furnished or un furnished. $15 or $20; also two rooms, kitchenette and hath upstairs, unfur nished, $12. Apply 323 Houston street. LARGE front room; 10 minutes’ walk of Five Points; furnished or unfur nished; suitable for young men or busi ness women 345 Peachtree st, FURNISHED or unfurnished; two rooms for light housekeeping, in new bunga low with owner; all conveniences. Phone West 439. SPLENDID location! close In; house keeping rooms; modern conveniences. Tvy 3707-J. FURNISHED APARTS FOR RENT. , ?\VO~SK'TS housekeeping rooms; price $4.50 and $5.50 per week; bath, elec tric lights, private entrance; walking distance. 345 Peachtree fdr xish pd kitchenette apartment; private bath; North Side; steam heat, modern. Ivy 715. FUR RENT—Attractive, nicely fur nished four-room apartment in new apartment house, The Lawrence; every convenience; close in; reasonable. 52 West Peachtree olace. Apartment 1. FIRST - FLOOR furnished apartment and sleeping porch. 258 North Boulevard. Ivy 4765-L. T W« > nicely furnished front bedrooms, living room and kitchen; also two- room apartment for housekeeping; sink; every convenience. 290 Washington. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. FOR RENT. 7- ROOM ApARTMElW; ?i08 West Peachtree, junction Peachtree road; re a son able. Ivy 38 8-J. FOR LEASE—Splendid apartments; one. six room and one five room; strictly first class in every detail; hardwood floors, etc.; best North Side residence section; one block from Georgian Ter race; handsome grounds, large individ ual porches, automobile accommoda tions, etc.; possession October 1. I’hone Ivy 657-J, or apply at 29 Ponce DeLeon avenue. _ NEW second floor five-room modern apartment in a North Side private home for rent to acceptable family; every convenience; easy walking; sleep ing porch; no children; references; good location; terms favorable on a lease; possession immediately. Phone Ivy 961-L or Main 1.293, or call at Room lanl i National Bank pr Box 894. 818 PIEDMONT AVE First-floor apt.,' just competed; six rooms, tile bath, hardwood floors, steam heat; every con venience. Ivy 6470-L. THREE or four nice, large rooms, ar- Cleburne avenue home; stove and light furnlihed Phone in morning. Ivy 6771-J. ST BUIT >K. North side, three blocks from Candler Building, windows three sides, giving perfect light and ventila tion. comfortable in summer and win ter; three beautiful rooms with kitchen ette; large bath; three closets, steam heat, hot and cold water, vacuum clean er. Janitor service, shades, gas range and refrigerator furnished free; best class of tenants; vacant September 1. Inquire owner, Apartment 9. or phone Ivy 428. 52 East Cain. OFFICES POR RENT. OFFICESln the Moort Building at No. 10 Auburn avenue, steam heat; pas senger elevator; lights and Janitor ser vice $12 50 to $18.00. One furnished office, price $17.50 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. FOR RENT-—Attractive office space on fourth floor Third National Bank Building, especially arranged for large office and several private offices. South- j ern Guarantee and Investment Com pany, fourth floor Third Nat. Bk. Bldg. ‘ STORES FOR R¥r IX THE heart of the retail dis trict on Peachtree street, a de sirable lease on one of the best stores in Atlanta, suitable for any pood retail, real estate or railroad business. Apply 1111 Peachtree rtreet. Soi>A FOUNTAlfo AN 1 IPE C1RKAM parlor or drug store location for rent; corner store in town of 12,000 popula tion; wiTl be ready by October 1; best opening in State for thIS business. Ad dress for particulars, O. S., Box 1138, care Georgian. FOR RENT Stop® at 77 Sooth Pryor street, next to corner Opposite tele phone exchange. Good location. ClieStp rent. $50 per month. Apply Jacobs’ Pharmacy, main store FOR RENT—Storeroom at 421 Marietta street, adjoining Jacobs’ branch store $35 per month. Apply Jacobs’ Phar macy, main store. FOR RENT or lease, half oi first floor of 95 Whitehall street for gents’ furnishing de partment. All conveniences, in cluding show window, elevator, lighting and use of basement. Low rent to desirable tenant. Ready September 15. J-ODGEJSOOM FOR FIENT ; ~ F< >It Kent—Lodge rooms, nicely fur- nlshed with opera chairs, etc. Best location in the city. Apply to C. II. Nelson. 417 Peters Bldg. Hours; 9 to 10 a. in.; 5 to 6 p, m. GARGAGES FOR RENT. FYnT v fn^>^T^^^r'jigT^uTppedw r f?h~eTe(> trie lights: bargain. 11 Arnold St. ~ FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. FOUR rooms foT~light housekeeping; all conveniences; North Side. Ivy 693-J. 'i \\ • • . mg men of bus.m and repute desire nicely furnished j room in close-in steam-heated home of | private family. Address Home Seekers, ca re Georgian. JJN F URNJSH £ D ROOMS WANTED. WANTED- Hy two adults, three unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping: must be cheap. Rex, care Georgian WANTED—By October 1, three or four connecting rooms by small family; private hath; access to yard; South Side preferred. Would sign twelve-month lease on suitable place. Address Carl 1 >ick. 292 Woodward avenue. FURNISHED APARTS^ W A N TE D. ^ A MAIDEN woman and her niece de sire furnished rooms, steam heated; a bedroom and kitchenette. Miss John son. care Retail Credit Company. UKNKRAL CONTRACTOR, BUILDUP. Estimates free. 1 draw plana free j where i build. Emory Williams, 110 Edgi wood Ivy 3372-L. Cotton Warehouse. l'LACR^youf '’orders^for ^brands nnw' Get upstairs price on brands. All work guaranteed Harwell Rubber Stamp Company, 23V4 South Broad street. Curtains Cleaned and Stretched. WORK satisfactorily and promptly done, Sallie Poll 191 Houston stroet nlng. Pressing and Altering WRIGHT BROTHERS! GdOPS called for and delivered; work guaranteed. Atlanta phone. 214 Temple Court Bldg Ear, Nose. Throat and Lung Trouble. DR. GEORGE BROWN Diseases of the Ear. Nose. Throat and Lungs. 312-314 Austell Building. I have the only com pound oxygen plant ever brought South and make this gas dally. Weak, nerv ous. anemic and pale people are Invited to call Films Developed. l?o?^Xf^fTLNrs"developed free~p(cture Dept. J. M. High Co.. Atlanta. THE TRIPOD PAINT COMPANY, 37-9 Pryor Street. BEST goods, prompt service Phone ua your orders. Phones Bell Main 4711. Main 4710, Atlanta 408 7 i II P.untlnq and Wall Tinting. T. A JOHNSON does all kinds of repair work Painting and tinting a spe- Haitv. Bell phone West 1288-.T 397 West Fair street. 6-22-137 Pictures and Frame*. T5<5Le Book and art co„ 85 Whitehall Main 483 ^ ~ Plumbing and Heating. Gresham -JacksooCo. SPECIAL attention given to over hauling heating and plumbing work v street, iw S837 BELCHER 44 FAIRLIE STREET. IVY 6570. Pr-Ir»t!ng^of^_aH Kinds. FOR~F*?ffhCnfNG that stands for^qualTtJU satisfaction and economy, call Phone M 1320. The Georgia Printing Co., 10 Peters street. Fresh Fish ^Da IJy^ ^ TNM.VN Park~lRs^'r < a7~4 r) 3 Edgewood. Fresh flsh dressed, delivered, Atlanta Phone 3093-a. J A KELLEY, fresh meats, flsh and oysters 176-8 Auburn Ave. Both Thones Furnace Repairing. Fi’RN’ACF. REPAIRS MONCRIEF ATLANTA COMPANY. WE CHARGE LESS. THE BEST WORK. THE BEST MA TERIAL. RYHERT & IIOLLINQSWORTTI JOB PRINTING. 10 Gilmer street. Main 4600. WE do expert printing and a trial order will make you a satisfied customer. No. 41 W Hunter Rt Phone M 1992. Printing and Gum Labels. F?Tfr~beHt printing and gum labelsT~aee Merchants’ Printing und Isabel Co., Main 3403, Atlanta 1104, and our sales- men will call. Public Stenographer. PUBLIC rtexogr'a rnER. ATTENTION. TRAVELING MEN! Spe cialty, dictation to typewriter Phone Main 3399-J 421 Kiser Bldg. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. MULTIGRAPHING done promptly, sat isfaction guaranteed. Miss Milton, 326 Austell Bldg M 1096. A. N. GOOCH, 21 Inman Building Main 5476. IVY 4030. 73 WALTON ST. THE BEST Monurief Repairs material The best work The lowest prices. Mon- crief Atlanta Co., 73 Walton St. Ivy 4930 UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS W A NT E D. WANTED- Four" or five-room apart ment. Answer as to location, heating, lights and price. T. W. W., care Geor gian. HAVE four apartments vacant in the Georgian Apartments on Ivy street; w'ill rent these at reasonable terms. Apply a: 215 Ivy street. See Janitor. 81S PIEDMONT AVE. VERY attractive, new, six-room, first floor apartment, steam beat, every modem convenience, ivy 6470-1,. DESIRABLE! North Side apartment, 310-A Myrtle; a'l modern conven iences; terms reasonable. Ivy 7467 V \<T~( \\I\ ST - Xn 1 v ° 1 ’ rooms; first class repair Reference required Ready for occupancy now $25 per month. Apply 509 Atlanta National Bunk Building* • iur-room apartments, every mod ern convenience, 324 Forrest avenue. Apply premises. Phone Ivy 508-J. L. B. Sanders, owner WANTED- Three or four-room apart ment oil North Side, with porch, steam heat and all modern conveniences. Phone 9 to io o'clock Monday Ivy 2908 UNFURNISHED HOUSES WANTED. W ANT1-: I» -ToTent. In ; .'or vi cinity, six-room bungalow; all conven iences; reasonable rent Ivy 4296 WANTED- To lease by October 1 sev en-room bungalow; all modern con veniences; North Side; accessible, steady te.nant. Write or phone Acme Co., i 0 T!f f WANTED To rent five or six-room house cr apartment on the North Side. Phone Room 802, Hotel Ansley, between 6 p. m. and 9 a. m. DESK SPACE WANTED. WAN TEE)—Desk space with use phone. Box 681, care Georgian. of FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. T^OR^T^XT^Ad'iTrtT; lovely apartments; modern; first class. Also garage. Ivy 243J BUSINES GUIDE o o o o o o o o “A" V.icuum Clothe* Washer.^ WASH a tub of c othes in five rnTnuTes; no rubbing board; no boiling; price $3.50. Demonstration Room, 256 Edge- wood Ave. Agents wanted. LOVELY SECTION Inman Park. 35 Druid Circle, modern and first-class; also garage. 35 Druid Circle, ARE YOU LOOKING for comjpctent help? The “Situation Wanted* col umns of Hearst's Sunday American and Atlanta Georgian are brimful of life in every' line of business In each issue in' Abstract anc* Title in*urance. ground floor Equitable Bldg. Bell phone Main 5420. A’terlnq, Dyeing and Dry Cleaning.^ T H fTm KT RO PC) LI TAN. C1 ean ing.d y e - ing and repairing; membership $1 per eight suits. 280 Edgewood. Atlanta 2C4 CJTY CLEANING fir PRESSING CO. SKIRTS dry cleaned and pressed 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed Main 8210. 110 Garnett st-eet. CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. FURNACE REPAIRS. THE ONLY PEOPLE to repair Moncrlef furnaces Is the Moncrlef Furnace Com pany, 139 South Pryor Main 285, At lanta 2877 Furniture. $ARKE&r&~^^ before you buy We can save you money. We exchange new for old Cash or easy terms 279 Edgewood avenue T C. FURNITURE COMPANY. Cash or easy payments. 415 Marietta Phone Atlanta 1 797 4-5-12 Furniture Bought and Sold. CA sfPvviTr ti^^TU^or^^c^r^T^sTore’ Southern Wreckage Co., 114 S. For syth. BUY and sell cash bargains. 1 M Snider, 145 S Pryor St M 1421. Furniture Repaired; PacKed for Shipping FultxTTiuRk' repaired and packed; sat isfaction guaranteed. L. WeJlons. Rear 41 luburn avenue. Gun and Lock Repairing. FIRST-CLASS repair work on guns. pistols, bicycles, motorcycles, locks, keys, cash registers, umbrellas, scissors, knives, trunks, Iron safes, graphophones and slot machines. Keys fitted in any part of city. PJxpert workmanship. Wc guaranteed 4 S. Forsyth street, At’anta phone 3208, Roofor* and Tinners. tar. concrete floors. Em pire State Roofing Company. 51 Mug- irolla atretl Main 2088. WALKER RQOFUtS cbkPANT;' 221 Rhodes Building Main 4075, Atlanta 1915 Tin shop J R Smith, manager, corner Marietta and Magnolia Atlanta 637. NEW BANKS n u>s/",u2 I “ I ‘ Safe*. ATLANTA SAFE CO. BARGAINS In safes, new and second hand Lockout experts and artists. A 8269; Main 4601. Safe Cracksman. l-'flfE and burghu proof safes opened and repaired C. C Downes. 29Ma rietta street. Phones M. 2146, Atlanta 4922. 6-5-11 Sewing Machine*. twessT new machfnta with^compfeTe set of attachments for $2 per month; also machines repaired; prompt deliv ery. Both phones 1893 Singer Sewing Machine Company, 79 Whitehall 9-14-44 Shoe Repairing. fTiTT'a' I n • .\‘ T FI R Xs h. rV pal rfn K' Work called for and delivered. 485 Edgewood avenue Atlanta 1627. Hardware. CALL Goodrum <ffc Terrell when In need of anything in hardware line. 103 Edgewood. Main 2817. Heating^Warm A|r, Steam and Vapor). Eichberg Heating Co. and repairs. HEATING, ventilating Main 4335 _ _ House Moving. _ xrr n T>T? A LiT7 MOVE*? brick and »' • ‘ • * I i/Vuij frame buildings. 27 years' experience. 417 4th Nat Bank Bldg M. 1615. Atl. 955. Residence M. mo. Jewelry. wxrcHffs: riia monds, Jewelry. Eye Glasses, Spectacles sold on the "di vided payment" plan to reliable persons. RANTA-COLE CO., 6 SOUTH BROAD STREET. Sign* DTpVQ Snow N SIGN fir ‘paTRTTNg OlUA^co 77H Whitehall. M 3780. 8-18-33 Steve and Rsnge Repairing. AtTanta~?5tove £u*ppfy'Co. We alsfUrnaVe chimney stacks. Ivy 7240. 101 N. For- ' 1 Stoves and Ranges repaired DAN, THE FIXER. lgl Whitehall: M. 2699. Stove. Ranae and Furnace Renalrlno. £XlX FOR R L Barber. Mgr Sian3ar^ Stove and Supply Co., Main 1389, for stove, range or furnace repairing and chimney sweeping Tailor and Furrier. I. PRIES, the Tailor and Furrier, has moved to 140 Peachtree street, on fourth floor. Furs repaired equal to new. Phone Ivy 7610 Lighting Flxturea, i. i iE( 1 11 urea; all new j styles, lowest prices Queen Mantel I and Tile Company, 56 West Mitchell i street. Phone Main 681. t-ll-ll , Manufacturer* of Model* and Pattern*. ROBERTSON PATTERNS WORKS. MANUFACTURERS of models and pat- tems. 140t£ Edgewood Ave. Tailoring WEST'Slf>K~TA IL< >R1 NVr'CfiMPAK’Y'. 169 West Mitchell Street. Atlanta Phone 5907-A. We do dry steam cleaning and tailoring of all kinds. Work called for and delivered. Oscar Harris, Mgr. Transfer, Packing and Storage. ,T ramsffer & 34 N. Forsyth St 'Storag-eCo. Packing and shipping household goods a specialty by expert packers Ivy 4232 PITTMAN TRANSFER 8c STORAGE COMPANY Storage, packing and shipping Both phones 2 ( 28 Nort , Moor** street. Trunk*! fiat)* nod Suit Caici. RETAILED AND REPAIRED/ ROUNTREE'S, 77 WHITEHALL ST. PHONES Bell Main 1576 Atlanta 1654 Tin and Sheet Iron Worker*. flEST WORK Prices reasonable. J L. McNlnch. 209 Marietta street. Main 5276-J, Atlanta 2127. Machine Week*. SKIP—KNOCK—JUMP CARBON. CAMP cleans perfectly while you wait. A great thing for trucks Try It. CAMP MACHINE SHOP. 275 Marietta Street Main 2937. 7 8-29 1 Manufacturer* Wood and Metal Novel ties. wr manufacture wood and metal nov elties. patterns, models, patented artl- I cles, flv screens, swings, porch furnl- | turo also cabinet work Work prompt, ly done and guaranteed. Atlanta Wood and Iron Novelty Works, 886 Marietta street. VV. E Williams, Mgr. Main 1894-J CONTINUED fcN NEXT COLUMN. [ LJphoI*terlng_ and Furniture^ Repairing. Capital Upholstering Company. OFFICE furniture a specialty; all kinds of furniture reflnished, packed and chipped on short notice. 148 South Pryor Both phon—. 7-84-18 Umbrella*—Whole*ale and Retail. I ’ .Y B R E 1.1 , A S 'ul, e' T l\:, ac h r able handle* All prices No charge for repairs. Phone M 3?4S. Taylor Umbrel la Co., 116% Whitehall. Wall Papering and Inferior Decorating. ''sirwir'TfS'frwAfrrxr thk - Piedmont Wall-Paper Co. 33 Auburn Avenue Ivy 1047, Atlanta 802. Full line foreign and domestic wall papers w in Paper and Paint. l5EE X \T~qTt«TR~' >ckwood~Tm- provement Company for low prices on wall paper Best work. II South For syth Main 4027 Atlanta 822 7-27-67 Window and House Cleaning. NATIONAL - Window Gleaning Co. Office 47 E. Hunter. Main 1175. Atlanta 1051. AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. K\< >\ U.Mol SIM-: FOR IMMEDIATE HALE—My $5,200 oar; new and perfect in every respect; no reasonable offer refused; can be seen at Columbia Auto Exchange, 287 Edge- wood. CADILLAC live-passenger ear in perfect condition. Pore doors, windshield, speedometer and all equipment. Fine looking car. For quick sale, $900. Call Ivy 384. USED CARS. RIGHT PRICES. OVERLAND 5 passenger touring car. MAXWELL- -Specially built raceabnut; all fully equipped; In good condition. 8TEDEUAKEK 7-passenger touring car. CADILLAC -5-passenger touring car. BUICK MOTOR CO. 241 PemchtXg street. WANTED To exchange large lot, cherted street, tile sidewalk, water, gas and sewer, right at car line, for an automobile, either touring car or road ster; must he In A-l condition; will give or take difference. Address Double O., care Georgian FOR SALE—Bulck four-passenger au tomobile, fully equipped; electric horn, new tires, fine condition; a real bargain at $350 cash or $400 terms; might con sider trade for real estate Call or ad dress Owner. 51 Orme Ht., city. Home all day Sunday. LARGE STOCK STANDARD BLEND ISHED AUTOMOBILE TIRES—CAS INGS, 30 by 3. $8.45; 30 by 3^. $1130; 32 by 3V%, $12.25. 34 by 4. $18.90; LEE- LAND AND NASSAU 3.500-MILE GUARANTEED FIRSTS CASINGS, 30 by 3, $9.80; 30 by 3Vfc. $14.45 32 by 3^, 816 40: 34 by -i. $28 85 86 by 4)4, $30 04. McPherson Auto Tire Company, Atlanta ' la FOR SALE Model T Kurd; chassis In good running order. Apply 49 South Fry or street. IF V«»U are ln»the market for a light delivery wagon, investigate locomo bile. model L chassis. $1,600 The Lo comobile Company of America, 469 Peachtree street. Phone Ivy 5017. FOR SALE R-C-H roadster, In first- class condition; has been run less than 2.500 miles; owner leaving town; mice reasonable, has full equipment. Phone Ivy 638-L. pVTn SAI.K OR TRAD*—One slx-ayJTiF der National, in first-class condition; tires have new Interlock Inner liners all around, seven-nassenger, foredoors, 60-horsepower; will either sell outright or trade for smaller car und take dif ference; am selling for no fault of car; only want smaller one; paint Is hardly scratched; all new cushion covers and new fop. Address Box 993. Sanford, Fla OB? AN AUTOMOBILE AT A BARGAIN PRICE. Maxwell, 5-passenger. 35-h. p . .$400 00 Chalmers 30. 5-passenger 500.N) Maxwell runabout, 16-n. p 200.00 Winton 6-cylinder, 7-passenger, 60- h p 800.00 Peerless, 50-h p., 7-passenger . 800.00 ilereahoff Roadster, 30-h. p 300.00 Bulck Roadster, 1912, almost new. 400.00 Hupmobile Roadster 250.00 1912 R C. Ii., 5-pasenger, a pick up 460.00 30 others, prices from $100 to $1,000. All cars mentioned are newly painted, thoroughly overhauled and fully equip ped with tops, windshields, lamps, tools, etc., and guaranteed perfect m every respect. They look like new. COLUMBIA AUTOMO BILE EXCHANGE. 287 Ed Re wood Ave. Ivv 1626. ARE YOU LOOKING for competent help? The "Situation Wanted" col umns **f Hearst’s Sunday American and Atlanta Georgian are brimful of life In even* line of business in each Issue. WANTED To swap a five-passenger Cadillac automobile for two or three- passenger runabout. Address 38 Flat- ahoals avenue. WELDING and regrlndlng cylinders properly and promptly done Delk Garage, Marietta, (Ja. FOR SALE Five-passenger Bulck, *00.1 condition; cheap for cash. $225. Call Main 3202. AUTOMOBILES Storage, repairs, aup- plies; open all night Edgar Vernon, 14-18 W. Harris, opposite entrance Cap ital City Club HAVE some first mortgage purchase money notes, also ap'endld vacant lot to trade for two good automobiles, Cad illac preferred. Call W. L. Merk, M. 4376. FOR SALE eoupe and charg ing Lvard, new batteries, newly paint ed, p^fect condition; extra cheap. Phone Ivy 46-1-J. PIERCE-ARROW A II I T (TD S CHALMERS A U II 'W 3 hupmobile Also good used cars at reasonable prices. Hee us before making your purchases. JOHN M. SMDTH 120-22-24 AUBURN AVE. IVY 1521. AUTOMOBILES. TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRING. W N. MACDONALD. SON fir CO., 68 Ivy Street. Tiro and Tube Repairing. Out-of-town orders given prompt at tention. All work guaranteed. FREE AIR Bell I’hone Ivy 6990. Atlanta, Ga. OXY< iEN A< KTYLENE WELDING. "IT STICKS LIKE A BULL PUP.” But this process doesn’t simply stick things together It MELTS the metal at the crack or break and runs it to gether again We weld anything made of any kind of metal. Nothing too small or too large. ATLANTA WELDING GO. BELL PHONE IVY 5367. _74 IVY STREET. OXYGEN REMOVES CARBON. We clean your auto cylinders while you wait Good Job, small price. AUTOGENOUS WELDING of all metals. Gear cutting and general m-iChlne repairs. Satisfaction guaran teed. SHEARER MACHINE CO. WHITEHALL." MAIN 1570. Have Your Auto Repaired the Right Way Pro. Co. Ivy 6983. E. HI. ODUM" Auburn - FnR SALE Studebaker 30; first class condition. Oakland Motor Car Co., corner James and Falrlee streets. OXYGEN REMOVES CARBON We clean your auto cylinders while you wait. Good Job, small price. AUTOGENOUS WELDING of all metals. Gear cutting and general machine repairs. Satisfaction guarari- ' SHEARER MACHINE CO 197 WHITEHALL. MAIN 1670. SAV E your auiu and motorcycle tires by using Auto Punoture Cure. Seals valve leaks and all punctures up to 20- penny spikes automatically at once; pre- serves the rubber; prevents tube rrom sticking to casing; saves 35 per cent of tire expense, 50 per cent tire trouble and 40 per cent of your religion. Watch for trademark. A. P. C. Call North Pryor Gnrag** Auto Puncture Cure Corn par.y, Atlanta. Ga. Phone Ivy 6210. AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. CARBON REMOVED FROM AUTOMOBILE CYLINDERS Without removing cylinders or dl»- turbing a single adjustment. WE USE OXYGEN No liquid, solvent or preparation of any kind A recent discovery. No possible Injury to car. It takea one hour's time. Think of the saving In time auid money SCORES OF REFERENCES FUR NISHED. Come and let us tell you about it. ATLANTA WELDING CO., Bell Phone Ivy 5367. 74 IVY STREET. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS, ATTENTION ! No more worry about punctures* PUNCTURE SEALO solves the trouble* PUNCTURE SEALO Injected into your tubes will seal any puncture up to a twenty-penny nail, will preservo and lengthen the life of your tubes and lessen blow-outs by eliminating rim cuts It will not stick the tubes to the casing, will not gum, become hard or evaporate, is not affected by heat of cold weather, does not Interfere with the removal of tubes or with vulcanla- "rUNCTl'RE SEALO pays for Itself many times a season by preventing punctures and rim cuts. We charge less for PUNCTURE SEALO than any of our Imitators Good territory open to agents who writ* at once We are In business to stay. SAVE TEMPER, TROUBLE. TIME AND TIRES BY USING PUNCTURE SEALO. Motorcycles $2 50 Automobiles, 30 by 3, 34 by 4 $7 00 per car Other sizes in proportion. Atlanta, Ga., 7, 17, ’ll. Puncture Sealo Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen—I have examined your preparation for the stoppage of punc tures In rubber, "PUNCTURE SEALO," and have found thut It contains no sub stance injurious to rubber It hae a de cided advantage In that It may be used In the coldest weather without freezing. Yours very truly, (Signed) EDGAR EVERHART. Chemist. Home Office PUNCTURE SEALO CO. 407 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Qa. Branch, 71 N. F° r ?yt_h st CAMP CLEANS CARBONS TOURISTS WILL FIND THIS METH OD ESPECIALLY GOOD FOR THEM. CAMP MACHINE SHOP, CLEANS PERFECTLY WHILE YOU WAIT. 276 MARIETTA STREET. 7-27 TRAVIS & JONES, AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. Ivy 4832. 26 James Street. Automobile Repairing. AUTOMOBILE RADIATOR WORK EX' rLUBIVELY. ATLANTA PHONE 3816. 76 IVY ST. jMectrk^G f^r age Atlanta Electric Qa- ra <0r ( P 34-36 JAMES STREET ire WU. PHONE IVY 4821-J C. A^CTHRIDGE and J H GRAY. Prop* Storage Batteries Rebuilt, Repaired an^ Charged. Spark Battery Work a Spe cialty General Electric Auto Repairs. Washing and Polishing. WINDSHIELDS, RADIATORS, lamps, fenders, repaired as good as new Manufacturers all kinds sheet metal work Warlick Sheet M> tal Gornpany, 243 Edgewood, CONTINUED IN NEXT C QL.UMN. Tire Repairing. W. N. MacDonald, Son 4 Co. 68 Tvy St. Ivy 6990 Tire and tube re pairing. _A11 work guaranteed Free air DOBBS Tire Repair Company, 22K Peachtree street. Vulcanizing re- treadlnf Prompt service. Ivy 6646. Autt* Wanted. sec o nd Jhan^PcarT^S to 30 horsepower; late model. 8 B. Malone, general dedvary, Atlanta. Ga. WILL TRADE houae and lot for auto mobile, Cadillac preferred. Call Ben Graham, M. 4376. W A NTED A UTOMOBILE8—To ex> change $1,000 registered money pur chase railroad bondT bringing 6 per cent Interest annually, for good roadster or diamond and difference. Call Ivy 7620-J. Ask for Stephens. A It E YOU 17‘OKING for result* t The Want Ac pages of Hearst's Sunday American and Atlanta Georgian All the bill. MOTORCYCLES AND BICY' ES. FOR 8ALE Harley'^avlHs^' inotorcy^ ole; a real pick-up. Cal* .vy 3555-L. MOTORCYCLE $45. OTHERS at from $45 to $150. See me for bargains. 197 Edgewood Ave. Ancona*. TTaNTaMS - Game hanuims. Buff Cochin*. Carlisle Cobb. Athens. Ga. 4-26-30 Duck*, Ffxrffl NrfEPTndlaiTRunneFtSyYeRln ducks for any good thoroughbred chickens; prefer pullet*. Ducka Ju»t be ginning to lay. Oak Dean Farm. Stona Mountain, Ga FoR SALE Five fine choice trios White Indian Runner ducks direct from Madison Square Garden winner*: April hatched; $6 per trio. Mrs. R. B. Mc- Whorter, Buckhead, Ga. Incubator*. T^ELVS^goodTnoubatoraTfor change any good value, What have you? Write your wants arid state what you have. Machines as good as new. Oak Dean Farm, Stone Mountain, -S5* ^^^^^__orn*. iTsoYGliAlvfrXvhTteT^ghorH* f breed era; of our celebrated “Model" strain; In perfect health pure white, and heavy layers; must have room; sacrifice price, $1 each Order to-day. Model Poultry Farm, "The Farm of Quality.” Box CL Colbert, Ga. 6-17-28 Minorca*. WANTEOTen oneTear-old B C. Black Minorca bens and one vigorous cockerel for utility purpose. E. W. Eastman, Fort George, 1*1 a. Orpington*, 10 WHITE ORPINGTON arJ cock for $7.50; ten extra nice for 510; ' hen ; 5 good layers and nice every way; worth the price on the market. Write at once for the bargains. R. O. Sams, Newborn, Ga. WHITE ORPINOTON8 for 8*1*. four hens, one cockerel, $15. six hena. one cock. $20; ten hens, one cockerel, $35; five cockerels, $5 each. H. A. Black, CartersvHie, Ga. 1-23-1 Poultry—All Varieties. bLu E A NDALT^IANS^PrTxe sTocl? and eggs $1.50; also Langshans. 44 Olympic place, Decatur. INDIAbS RUN NEK LUGES, English penciled and pure white, from import ed white egg strain, $1 and $2 each; also Fairy Fawn, $2. H. A. Saathoff, Sat- suma. Texas. TWO PEN9 of eight hens and one cock. each White Wyandotte, 1912 hatch; good utility stock; $10 per pen each. A. G W’fTson. Lithonla. Ga. fTson, Lithonla CONTINUED ON NEXT p/*G E ‘ \