Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 14, 1913, Image 24

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f > 1 •, . . I • + $ 4 D TTKARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, (Tf U <o* 79 profit-AMERICAN WANT ADS-USE FOR RESULTS ATLANTA, GA . SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1913. POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK. ^Poultry—All Varieties. •vThTTT, very finest imported strains 43 trios. $10 per trio; 17 trios, $11: pm trio, 11 trios, $15 per trio, duck eggs for I melt ing, $1.50 per setting 13 - gg . chicken eggs, finest strains, all vari* tics, $1 per setting of 15 eggs, all varieties < f fanoy pigeons; largest In the South Write ns Ikeview Poultry Farm, Lockhart, Ala FOR s ponies; five head of well-broken .1«• *t- nets for children; two well-broken goats; two extra good saddle ponies, weight between 500 and 600 pounds, pony buggies, harness, saddles and bridles. Prevost Pony Co., Anderson. S. C. MAKE MONEY WITH POrLTRY. AMERICAN POT 1.TRY Is a magazine devoted entirely to helping earnest tnen and women make a financial min * -s of poultry raising 11h staff of writers is composed entirely of those who have made a practical, instead of theoretical, success of poultrv farming arid who are glad to pass on tfie results .*f their hard- earned experience to AMERICAN POULTRY readers There are many pitfalls Is the path of the nor - < wh < h may he entirely avoided by those who •will follow the teachings set forth in this magazine. It fully explains how to make a start, how to construct hemes, coops, and other devices how to get. a large egg yield, how to cure and prevent dis ease. how to exhibit, bow to get the top price for eggs, how to use incubator*- and hundreds of other points which every one wishes to know It explains the famous secret system through which poultrymen have become rich and after wards solid for hundreds of dollars. AMERICAN POULTRY Is a large, hand Homely Illustrated monthly journal, well printed on fine paper, and should he found on file in the home of every poul try lover. No beginner In the poultry business should think of being without It. It will save him many times the small subscription price The advanced poultryman will also find it of great value; the articles being vHrled In their scope. SPECIAL OFFER The regular price of AMERICAN POULTRY is 50c per year, hut In order to introduce It to several thousand new readers, we will, for a short time, give a larg 200-page poultry book, which is u complete guide in the poultry business, absolutely free to every one sending !• )e for n yearly subscription or $1 O0 f- r a three year- subscription to AM ERR'AN ’OTT TRY. A tr a! six months’ subscription (with out book) will he sent for 25c. Never has so much been offered for so small a sum Advantage of this offer should be taken at once. AMERICAN POULTRY. Bavoy Bldg Wilkes-Barre Pa. POULTRY PET AND LIVE STOCK. Poultry Disinfectants.^ ^ ^ AGAS< n spin V . 'LL 1:11 > your premises of mites, lice, flsas and ants It Is ready for Im mediate us.- with brush or spray pump When applied to poles and nests it eradicates lice and mites so effectually that fowls do not have to be carried through that Inconvenient and nerve- racking process of dipping Manu factured by Atlanta Gas Light Com pany, Atlanta. Oa. Poultry Remedies . ■ g ' f • it u a. not, Southern Poultry Remedy is the best thing to give them now. It’s guar anteed Price 26c and 50c at all seed stores and dealers. Plymouth RocVi. Af THE SOUTHERN' Internaflona 1 Show our one pen entry of Barred Rocks won first pert and the grand sweepstakes cup for the heat pen In the show, all breeds competing. We also won grand sweepstakes cup of Barred Plymouth Hock cock at Georgia Poultry Association Show. We are booking orders for a few settings of eggs from this grand pen Atlanta Poultry Yards, r»SWest Peachtn-e street, Atlanta. Ga iWhods ! • Rads. buy" Home^Uhode Island Reds and White Leghorn hens. If you have a bargain to offer, call Ivy 2318. Wyandotte*. ■ ! pen 8 Kens and cock for JlO on* pen H bens and cock for $15; one peri 8 hens and cock for $20; 200 young gol den laced Wyandot ten for sale. W. I>. Bennett, Molena. Ga. 7-27-1# Dogs. months old; gold and same; white markings; male and female L. Jans sens U»4 Warren street, North Kirk- ■ . <, i FOR £ K i 15 Bloodhound, one s ear old Berg, 10 Emerald avenue. West End. ASTOUNDING DOG SALE Never be fore has the public had the opportu nity of buying pointers, setters and hounds at l< than cost of production. Ten cents for descriptions and guaran teed cure for black tongue and mange canine Farm, 1005 Union street, Greens- boro N. C, eTTr sale One registered female Lie we I \ n setter (Gladstone strain), 15 months old; partly trained; price $60 POULTRY. PET AND LIVE STOCK. Horses, Mules, Vehicles, ttc. exander. outfit 31 East Alexander St. FINE HORSE FOR SALE. Tin: HORSE. iiei.MKT. sired by Baron Blizzard non of Baron Wilkes, first dar * Pearl by it A Pounds, second dam by Helmet; third darn by Eland. his h< :>e, Helmet, has as much blue blood Id pis veins as any horse in this coun try six years old line buggy horse; rtd.’s well. Call at 35 South Forsyth street. Branan’s Stables. Look at him. Fine walk-trot gait _ r _-~ r ^u- u - Lf r w -,n ??>irTLALB^ , ine Fh*t'kshire pigs S3.a0 to $5.00 each. College View harm, Route 1. College Park, Ga. v3X =s REAL ESTATE FOR SALE X^rYplCAL bungalow at a bargain; has sleeping pur. h, granite fr ml hut an.I cui.i water, electric lights; visible I,, arris, a little gem In every respect on easiest, kind of term* Lot, f 3 b y ' teet. Address J G., Box 30a. rare (Jeorglan WILL SELL $150 equity in $850 Colonial Hill lot 50 by 150 for cash or anything tlabb Leaving city this week. B. Box 60, care Georgian. SOUTH GORDON A REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. $2,500 INMAN PARK section; 5^room cottage, east front lot. $100 cash, bal- ance $20 month. No loan. B., Box 3, care Georgian. SANITARIUM Large lot: thirty-four rooms, complete, with furniture and fixtures; best part of Atlanta. Won derful bargain. $7,600. Mrs. Randolph, 608 Peters Building. Main (5688. DANDY 6-room outrage, large sleeping porch, garage for two machines; serv ants’ quarters; lot 50 by 150 feet, 3 feet elevation and level; east front, V6 block of Gordon car line. A bargain if taken at once. Owner, 30 Queen street, or 301 Empire Life Bldg n 731 J Ft in EXCHANGE- Equity of $700 Tn nice lot, Ansley Park, for good pur- cha e money net—. A., care Georgian. nr go FOR SALE—Two good lots In Holy- wood Cemetery. Apply for informa- tlon ivy 862 . FOR SALE, CHEAP A dandy aix-rooro bungalow on Ponce DeLeon place, price. $3,450. Terms to suit purchaser; no agents. Address Hurry, Box 13, care Georgian. NnRTH SIDE lot 60x301 to alley, two blocks of Peachtree car; all city im provements, right price and easy terms to man meaning business. B. Box 303, care Georgian. IF YOU WANT h bargain in a home, Mrs. Randolph, 508 Peters Build ing. nice new bungalow fit a sacrifice on this beautiful street. All built, up with new homes. Call or write Belcher & Tatum Building and (Join pany, c Realty -ireet. Ft >U SALE OR EX 44 Eairlie ’HANG 15- Tty, 540 For city suburban property, 540 acres of land near Tallapoosa. This Is in fine farming section; railroad runs through propeMy: Wf * want $7,500 f< rty will exchgng' WHITE LEGHORNS. Ruff « qpingtnns. Whit* Plymouth Rocks Big runs and gee Everything trap-nested. Vig- nroi i , hardy BtOi ck. Eggs fm ■ hat« Miing. Baby c ’irks afi ler October 1. 1 1’rices Gght. bend for frci mating list. De- witt C. Bacon. 166 Springfie Id a\ enue, Guyton, Ga Ft >R F ALE - Le itor •♦train Single Comb Rhode Tsln nd Red pullets and cock- Belton Sheffield, Cedartown, Ga Dogs. FOR SALE Royal Dachshunds front the kennels of Emperor William 11 “Villa Maira," South Kirkwood Ga TRAINED BEAGLES, rabbit hounds, fox bounds, broke on fox and rabbits. : coon, opossum, skunk hounds, deer, ! bear, wolf bounds, setters, pointers, ferrets guinea pigs, etc. Brown's Ken nels York, i'm Ft *R SALEI 1 ' Mgret d Boston Terrier puppies; dark brlndles even white ) markings, with those funny screw tails that made Boston famous. L F Schel- ver, 10 Saunders street Kirkwood Ga this prop this for residence 1 In Atlanta or some suburban town; would consider Florida property. M. L. Potty, 125 North Pryor Street, Atlanta, BUILDING, consisting of two large s!x- room apartments; a splendid home, with an income on the side. H. B , Box «08, care Georgian. 5S- erels from $4 to $12.50 per trio; fawn co’ored Indian Runner ducks white shelled egg strain. $1 to $6 per trio; sat ^faction guaranteed Armeega Poultry Farm, T It. Crudup, Prop., Klttrell, n. r KOR SA T K Twelve Rhode Islam! Red TT^ns. 7>r: one Rhode Island Red cock. $1; White Orpington cockerel. $1 Wish to change stock. Four Indian Runner ducks, $i Mrs. J. II Colemun, Route 3, Mitch el. Ga FOR SA 1 F White Fawn and White Indian Runner Ducks. White Leg horn hens and pullets Chean. Moun tain raised T M Foddrlll, Turnervllle, Cows. WANTED Three good, fresh cows, giv ing 3 R. gallons, or morn, per day. Please do not offer cows giving less; haven’t time to look at them. Gay- mont Da'ry, 745 Equitable Bldg TWO FINE COWS FOR BALE. 130 Crew street. ___ HEIFER, red Jersey, twenty months •a. 600 PUT T FTS and cockerels, White and Buff Orpingtons White, Brown and Buff Leghorns. Barred Rock*u White Wyandot*es, Rhode Island Reds and Black Minorca*-’ College View Farm. College Park. Ga CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. Rerg. 10 Emerald avenue West End FOR SALK Heifer, red Jersey, twenty months. Berg. 10 Emerald avenue West End. W A NT ED Tour dry cow or calf If fat. W J Garner Atlanta 1464, M 8641 Molfa. Vehicles Etc. FOR SALE Four good farm mules, me dium size College View Farm, Route 1, College Park, Ga. ACCOUNT being overstocked we of fer for sale at very cheap prices earring s. tallyhos, surreys, beach wag ons buggies and single and double har ness Not worn-out stuff, but 'n first- class condition. Newsom Stable Co., Atlanta, Ga ‘ CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN. Poultry. Plants and Seeds. Poultry, Plants and Seeds H. G. HASTINGS & CO. SEEDS, BULBS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. BOTH PHONES 2568. IN ORDER TO INSURE PROMPT DELIVER IES, WE WOULD ASK THAT OUR NORTH AND SOUTH SIDE CUSTOMERS GIVE THEIR ORDERS BEFORE 9 A. M„ AND OUR INMAN PARK AND WEST END CUSTOMERS BEFORE 2 P. M„ AS OUR WAGONS LEAVE THE STORE AT THESE HOURS. WE HAVE some nice Fox Terriers and Collie Pups at $7,50 and $10.00. NARCISSUS BULBS planted now will bloom for Thanksgiving. Our bulbs are extra large and are sure bloomers. Drive, 25 cents a dozen; $1.50 per 100. THERE is nothing prettier than a pot of Butter cup Oxalis. Time now to plant them. Extra fine bulbs, 25 cents a dozen. WHITE R oman Hyacinths, the most popular of all hyacinths for indoor culture. Price, 40 cents a dozen; $3.00 per 100. CHINESE Sacred Lily, fine for planting in water, bloom in ten weeks; fine, large bulbs. 10 cents each; throe for 25 cents. WE WILL be glad to furnish our customers, free of cost, pebbles to use in planting bulbs in water. hens Aunt Patsv Mash Feed and ft oi ilv costs FEED your make them lay during the moult. 1-2 cent a day to feed a hen on this feed and it will surely make them lay. Price, $2.75 per 100 lbs.; 8 lbs., 25 cents. GUARANTEED singing Canary beauties, $2.50 each. lirds, little WE HAVE the prettiest lino of Bird Cages in the city. Come in and pick the bird out a new home. DON’T fail to plant some Rye and Rape for the chickens. They must have green stuff for the winter. TIME NOW to plant onion sets, turnip, mus tard, kale, spinach, lettuce and radish. SOON be time to take up flowers. You will need flower pots then. We carry all sizes. IF YOU are interested in poultry come in and get a copy of The ’Poultryman’s Guide. It is free for the asking and is the most complete thing evrr to -iton "U . Wi- will be gltid to send you one. •Vjgr OAKLAND CITY REAL TATE FOR SALE. In Oakland City, a block of four lots on Bush Mountain avenue, level ready for the build* and Price right. in Oakland Uity, two lots nearer In, level, and an ideal section to make a home These lots selling rapidly. In Oakland Uity, one lot close In; just the place you have been looking for; will double In value . Tn Oakland City, fine lot faring Sel- wln street; fine cottage next to this lot. Three large residences ar e under con struction; lots selling in that section CHARLES E. THOMPSON, BEAL ESTATE AGENT. See Mr. Harry St. Clair, Room 201 Trust Company of Georgia ( Equitable * Bulk i ta. Georgia. pop SALE 8000 act e» choice C( al lands In Eastern Kentucky cheap For Information address Box 42, Hunting- ton, \Y Ya For SALE Forty-thousand-acre ranch, fine farming land; ripe for coloniza tion; $12.50 an acre; terms 1 wholesale Texas land. A. \V. Cunningham, Gunter Bldg.. San Antonio, Texas. west END BUNGALOW on one of best streets; six rooms, good lot and all conveniences. 1 must sell this place quick. Will give good terms. - $3,750. Mr. Tibbs, Main 2854. REAL KST.sTE For farm lands, large f>r small lots, or business property, see W J. Sumner, Alamo, Ga. FoR SALE By owner, new six-room house In South Kirkwood, in beauti ful grove; easy terms C. W. 8., No 918 Austell building Phone Main 2243 LI T US BUILD you a home on easy terms, like rent, anywhere In the city 400 Temple Court Bldg. Main 4189. L\ VESTMENTS List your investments with us. We have the customers with th( cash J R Robbins and D. J. Cudd, 707 Candler Building. Phone Ivy 4711. itML E TATE FOh oALE OR EX CHANGE FOR BEAUTIIUL He)MES and build ing lots in College Park, the moat de- slruble suburb of Atlanta, see i C. Me* i 'rory. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE EXCHANGE My sevdb-room home. large, shady lot, all Improvements or best street; for large vacant lot or small cottage in Kirkwood or East Lake sec tion. or would take small near-in acre age/ Address B. P. S., care Georgian. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE. FTCFTTion vwood Cemetery lots for sale. Call Di ca i ur 607. FOR SALE Lot In Worth View Ceme tery eight -grave lot. Call M. 3776-L FOR SALE Lot in Oakland Cemetery. 10 by 20, on corner, with one small grave on same. Address M., Box 81, care Georgian. $1,400'CASH BUYS lot No. 20, block IT, n^Tcxas Park. This lot Is one of FARMS FOR SALE. • TTClXcCCVFARMS FOR SAI.K IN TE~N~ acre lots. Best bright tobacco land In Virginia. Stop paying rent, when you can buy a farm same as rent. Write for information. W. F. PANKE, Burke- vllle, Va. HOMES in Forsyth and farms in Mon roe County for sale cheap and on easy terms. Delightful climate, health ful location, good lands, free schools. Write for descriptive booklet, prices and terms. The Georgia Trading Company, Forsyth, Ga. FARM FOR SALE—245-acre tract two- horse farm, In cultivation; good im provements; five miles from Uazle- hurst on rural route; convenient to schools and churches. Price, $5,000; $1,000 cash; balance, terms to suit pur chaser. J. H. Boone : 80-ACRE FARM, joins city limits here. Population 3,000. Price, $3,300; $500 balanc easy notes. Box 73, New West End the prettiest lots In the park and is exoeedinglv cheap at the above price. Answer Cheap. Pox 3. care Georgian. Real Estate For Sale. Two-story nine-room house. East Georgia avenue, near Capitol avenue; large lot. ideal home; terms. In nobbiest part of South Pryor street; fine home; large lot. Crumley street, near Washington; seven room cottage; Ideal home; fine In side finish; cabinet mantels; close In and heap ns dirt for quick sale Inman avenue, West End; handsome five-room cottage; gas and water; large lot; half block from car line. This Is a nap. See us. Capitol avenue, overlooking the city; very handsome home; modern conven iences; cabinet mantels; instantaneous water heater; fine fruit on the lot. Something choice. East Georgia avenue; five-room cot tage. located high and cool; large front porch. Price and easy terms. Pulliam street, south of Ormond street seven-room cottage. It's a beauty. Wellington street, Pattle Hill section, two blocks from car line; lot 100 by 270 feet; good house on one lot, or could make a chicken farm of ihe whole. niAKLES E. THOMPSON, REAL ESTATE AGENT. See Mr. Harry St. Clair, Room 201 Trust Company of Georgia (Equitable) Building. Atlanta, Georgia. 160 ACRES gool level land covered with timber; two miles from Garvin Okla.; for short time $10 acre, third cash, bal ance easy, or will trade for cattle; also four 45-acre tracts close to Valiant, part in cultivation. In best fruit coun try; half mile good school; well watered, bar»rnIn Judd Moore. Valiant, Okla. , v .\Dfc> in Mississippi and Alabama at $4 to $10 an acre. J. C. Van Dolah, Hillsboro, Ind. FOR BARGAINS in central Ohio farms Write John Watkins, North Lewis- burg, Ohio. ELEGANT, well-built bungalow at Pe- •atur; half block of main Decatur ear line; only twenty minutes from Equita ble Bldg. Contains six large rooms, closets, linen closet, butler’s pantry, tile bathroom. Price, $3,750. Apply 425 Empire Pldg . or phone Main 1168 i.! V.V1NG ( t> unexj • ctidlj . must sell my two-story eight-room residence, almost new, half-block car line; four ‘drooms upstairs; furnace and grates; ;cel ent North Side neighborhood; give possession October 1. Write quick, »wner, care Georgian. SC VTTER REAL EST FOR SALE BIG BARGAIN—1,020 feet on Roswell road, about 5 acres, elevated and wooded; $2,000. on easy terms, if taken at once. Mrs. Randolph, 508 Peters Building. Main 5588. FOR SALE \ pretty home, new bun galow. six rooms and bath, with all city conveniences, water, electric lights, gas and convenient to car line; can add four rooms at little cost, making ten- room house; located near Moreland Ave. and PeKalb; easy terms; price $3,500. Phone Ivy 4256, or address Bungalow H. t < Jeorglan rwo thousand acres of hardwood tim ber for sale; on quick sale will take following price for same, $14 per acre; five miles of Central Railroad. 30 miles outh of Macon. R. L. Stubbs. Tooms- boro. Ga. COUNTRY HOME 59 acres, 2 miles Imboden. Old-fashioned log house, barn and other outbuildings; 22 acres In cultivation; more general farm ing land to clear; about 1.000 bearing fruit trees, one of the best springs in the Ozarks. Ideal summer place. Price 1.800. For full particulars and land list, address J L. McKamey. Imboden, \rk MISSISSIPPI delta farm for sale. The finest 1,489 acres In the delta, 1,250 acres In cultivation. One mile from railroad station. Address-Box 25. Tut- wller. Miss. nil SALE Whole section, best land In Butler County, Mo. No overflow, nor boll weevil. Forty acres in cultivation. Sixteen houses; two stores; on railroad and County road. Will produce Immense crops of cotton corn, wheat and alfalfa. For terms address B. B. Boyd, Coving ton, Tenn. NORTH BIDE BUNGALOW on cherted street, with all city conveniences. Cor ner lot and a home proposition. Six rooms, sleeping porch; $4,400, on good terms Mr. Nunn. Main 2854 SIX-ACRE tract In one mile of cor porate limits of city, two blocks of i car line, three public road fronts; will | cut 20 lots 50 by 300 feet; buy this anj double your money. Price, $300 per ; acre. Terms. Johnson & Young, 215 Peters Bldg. Swell Bungalow For Sole. Will sell you an elegant bungalow, on East Fifth street; no loan to assume; clear; modern In every way; two stories; brand-new; never been occupied. To see it is to buy. “Bungalow-Owner,” Box 304, care American ff*OR SALE OR EkCHANGE—'For farm, six-room house and lot 75 by 190 and vacant lot adjoining In College Park. Bell phone West 1212-L. LIST your property with Mrs. Ran FOR SALE—Modern hotel in live busi ness and healthy resort Arkansas town. For full particulars address J. L. McKamey. agent. Imboden, Ark. 18.000 ACRES of irrigable land fronTon* to ten miles from Midland. Tex. This 1 s the newest discovered Irrigation belt and promises to be the best of all. I will sell 80 acres or the entire 18.000 acres at $30 an acre Henry M. Halff, Owner. Midland, Tex. BARGAIN Paper shell pecan orchard, 35 acres; 10-year bearing trees; nuts bring $30 bushel. 1117 James Bldg., • 1 hattanooga, Tenn. TIMBER FOR SALE -100 acres, ore mile east of Guthrie; contains oak and cottonwood; appraised at $5,000; two railroads run through this property; good proposition for dealer in wood, sawmill or match factory. For further information write owner, Frank J. Kirk, 1612 Maple avenue. 1-os Angeles, Cal. i|; SALE or Exehange Irrigated al falfa farm near Demlng, N. M., some cash, some trade, balance deferred. Box ’.61 Deming. N- M. IP YOU are In the market for a farm we can suit you either black or sandy land in any part of North Texas. Will G Hiett Co 109 Field street, Dallas, Tex. 9 1-16 ACRES, over 1,200 feet along railroad, with right of way across tracks; 28 miles from New York, near Bound Brook, in a few years this prop erty will be very valuable; price only *900; easy terms; discount for cash. W. R. Mcl ain. 47 West Thirty-fourth street, New York. iolph. 50S Peters Building Main 5588 THORNTON A GORKE, Real Estate. Main 1522. 323 Atlanta Nat. Bank Bldg NEW five-room house, lot 57 Vsi by 375; also 40-acre farm to trade for' good car. See Mr. Peck BY OWNER—One nine-room house; furnished; steam heated. 246 North Boulevard. \ N D '1: home and a 1 irg i n : ! \ e room house, modern; on large lot; best neighborhood; will take a good, cheap automobile, motorcycle or vacant lot, or small cash payment and $20 per month Address P. O. Box 882. Atlanta. ’fl ' YOU are looking for a Florida in vestment. call on J. R. Vaughan, Hotel Ansley. room 300. Saturday. Sun- dav or Monday Phone for appointment. ON CAR LINE In Druid Hills 1 can sell you a fine lot. 50 by 200. for $550; terms $22 cash. $11 month; worth double. Address Druid Hills, care Georgian. NORTH SIDE B\ NGALOW at a bar gain, close in; all conveniences; elec tricity and gas; large east front lot; gar age: for quick sale. $3,850. on easy terms Mr. Nunn. .Main 2854 CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN, WIDOW must sell; 400 acres, Including 36 choice Holstein cows; all crops, hundred acres timber, modern btiildings, worth $7,000; running water; price $10.- 000; easy terms; free catalogue. C. J. Ellis. Farmers’ Bank. Springville, N. Y. GOOD farm cheap - close to car line and railroad. Main 3641. 320 YORES One-half good, smooth land, four-room house. 40 acres In cul tivation; $8 per acre. George W. Young, Rotan, Texas. 28 ACRES of land; bargain; three miles from "Atlanta: creek cut*Vg through it. Fine for dairy farm. Must sell. A. J. Mayfield. 43 South Pryor street RE cotton and tobacco farm for sale 2^ miles from town. Also small truck farm near town. Good values. VV H. Parrish. Coats. N. C. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Ten acres fruit and truck land, one mile from station, in middle west coast of Florida. Particulars phone Atlanta 4584. TWO FINE FARMS, 160 acres each. In Clay and Montague Counties, for sale or exchange. Owner, J M. Jepson, Kemp. Texas^ TEXAS ranch lands $6 to $10 per acre: good agricultural lands $25 to $60 per acre; the best cotton lands in Texas A R Head l and Co.. Bay City, Texas \\ ,mH'M Keeps posted on Central Mich igan farms; write for free ist to Real Estate Exchange. Stanton. Mich. DO YOU NEED HI of any kind - ' \ litti© - Want Ad" '{a get it for you. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. For Sale by FOSTER & ROBSON ii Edgewood Ave. PONCE DE LEON AVENUE LOT—For sale cheap, or will exchange for modern 6-room bungalow and give or take difference. See Mr. Martin. BIG BARGAIN in North Side corner, between Spring and Marietta streets. There is profit in this, certain. See Mr. Radford. IN EAST LAKE section, convenient to both East Lake and Decatur cars, 6-room cottage; built of good material, but not modem; servant’s house; dandy corner lot, 100 by 200 feet. Big bargain for $2,100. See Mr. Bradshaw. WE HAVE some lovely grove and open tracts of laud at Decatur, from 5 to 10 aefes, and ranging in price from $250 to $500 per acre. Come out and buy five acres and have a little farm. See Mr. Eve. IF YOU AltE looking for a beauitful lot to build a home on, we have one in Ansley Park at a bargain. See Mr. Cohen. “From Small Acorns Great Trees Grow” TRY ONE KENNESAW ALLEY—Two four-room houses on corner lot, 44 by 80. Houses in good condition; now rented for $19.80. No loan. Price, $1,809. N E. CORNER ALBEMARLE AND FELDER STREETS—Two va cant lots. 50 by 150 each. All street improvements down. No loan. Price, $1,600 each. ROACH STREET -Store and five-room cottage on lot 65 by 150 feet, having two street frontages. Lot high and level. Now renting un der lease for $25 per month. Price, $3,000. BARGAINS ON GARDEN STREET—four-room cottage renting for $10.60. Price, $1,000. Two six-room cottages renting for $21.20 each. Price, $2,000 No loans. Easy terms. Titles guaranteed. KTRKWOOD AVENUE—Small brick store and four-room cottage; lot well elevated. Street Improvements down. No loan. Price. $1,600. THE L. C. GREEN CO. 305 THIRD NAT. BANK BLDG. PHONE IVY 2943. MYRTLE STREET BUNGALOW MYRTLE STREET is one of Atlanta’s best bungalow streets It is built up principally with bungalows that are individual and that have been built for homes. When one of these places is put on the market they us ually sell right away. We offer one of the prettiest, most up-to-date 9- room homes on the street. The lot lies well and has plenty of shade trees. Size 60x150 feet. Price $8,750. Reasonable terms. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR t-OR SALE Bt G R K E N K REAR r V Y COM PA NY 511 EMPIRE BLDG. FINE FARMS NEAR ATLANTA. WE HAVE several of the very best small farms near Atlanta, within a radius of 15 miles, to be found. Good, rich land that will grow most anything. Let us tell you of them. LOW PRICES AND EASY TERMS. REAL ESTATE, RENTING, LOANS. PHONES 1599 Little Bargains $1,800 WILL BUY you two little hofises, now renting to colored, for $19.50 per month; each house has four rooms, and are on West Side. Buy this. It will pay for itself. Good investment '$1,300 EAST FAIR STREET—A good double four-room for w ...... house, renting $16 [>• i nxinih. Don t wnit, if you want a little Investment. See us. $3,750 lT\NDY STORE and six-room house on Fraser street; corner lot; 50 by 100 Rents at present. $36 per month. Good stand. $14,500—HANDSOME BRICK STORE on North Side, about three blocks of Peachtree street. The store faces three streets. Rents for $140 per month; $5,000 cash, baPnce to suit. This is a bargain and good investment. MARTIN-OZBURN REALTY CO. Third National Bank Bldg. Pbonp Ivy 1276, Atl. 208. North Moreland Avenue ON MORELAND AVENUE, right at Druid Hills, w© have the prettiest build ing lot on the entire street; size of lot 60 by 150. For good reasons we can sell this lot under market value. $100 CASH AND $20 PER MONTH will buy a good aix-room house and lot on Connally street; price $2,000. A REAL VALUE. ONE AND ONE-HALF-STORY BUNGALOW, having seven rooms, sleeping porch and is modern In every respect; built two years ago for home, but must be sold; price $5,000 on easy terms. This place Is easily worth $5,500. L. P. BOTTENFIELD 1021 EMPIRE BLDG. HUGH J LYNCH, General Sales Manager. T. A. GUMM, Manager City Sales Department MAIN 3110. PORTER & SWIFT Real Estate 130 1-2 Peachtree Street. IN AUSTELL. GEORGIA. THREE-STORY brick building, lot 170 by 200, containing six stores and bank, large hail over bank. 40 by 40; 40-room hotel, known as the Ben- scot Lithia Springs Hotel; large shady lawn; fine mineral spring: building supplied with water, gas, seweiage; best business property in town; only hotel in town or arpund springs. Sell easy terms or trade for Atlanta prop erty’. PEACHTREE CORNER IT»T; ten thousand equity in downtown store; three lots on West Peachtree street; two automobiles, trade for small houses or lots; will assume some notes. PACE’S FERRY acreage at Tuxedo Park. TWO-STORY six-room house. 12 Greenwood avenue; new’; never occupied; stone porch, hardwood floors; $5,500; easy terms. Horiies On Terms ANY WHERE in the city or suburbs. If you ovn a lot we will erect a house to suit your ideas, and make terms like rent. Plans furnished free to patrons. Room 325 Empire Building, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALe. J. R. J. H. SMITH & EWING REAL ESTATE, RENTING, LOANS. Ivy 1513. 130 Peachtree. Atl. 2865. SEMI-CENTRAL BARGAIN. Lot 48 by 148 Feet. ON SOUTH FORSYTH STREET— This part of the city will soon be in the limeli^ht of activities. With all the developments going on in this vicinity advances may he looked for. We have exclusive sale on this lot and can sell at a bargain. It looks mighty cheap to us at $250, but make us an offer. See Mr. Maddox. ANSLEY PARK. ON INMAN CIRCLE—One and a half blocks off Peachtree street, we offer a beautiful veneered brick residence of eight rooms, with all conveniences, for $13,000, on terms. This is an elegant home in one of the BEST SECTIONS OF THE CITY. SMITH & EWING. Administrator’s Sale On the first Tuesday in October, between the legal hours of skis, we will sell at the Courthouse door a tract r,f land consisting of sev enty-six (76) acres, being a part of the estate of J. T. Jordan, de ceased, and the property is located on Forrest road, about two miles beyond Lakewood Heights. Forrest road runs off of the Jonesboro road, right at Cornell Station. This tract has extensive frontage along the road. South River runs through it, and it will make a splendid purchase for some one. There are a number of heirs inter ested, and the terms are cash. The property is being sold for the purpose of distribution. For further particulars, apply to Ralph O. Cochran Co. 74 76 Peachtree St. BEN W. L. GRAHAM & MERK 319 EMPIRE BUILDING. ANGTER AVENUE. MAIN 4376. APARTMENT HOUSE that pays over 14 per cent gross for the sum of $20,000, on terms. * COLLEGE PARK. BEAUTIFUL 13-room house, in splendid condition, lot 100 by 190. $8,500, on terms. DRUID PLACE. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW, new, hardwood floors, storm-sheathed, stone front, on lot 50 by 190. $5,500, on terms. SALESMEN: W. M. JEFFRIES, W. O. WITHERS, D. J. CUDD AND J. R. ROBBINS ANSLEY PARK Seven-Room Bungalow BRAND NEW, with large living room, music room, dining haTl, kitch en, two large bedrooms, one small er bedroom, tile bath, sleeping porch and jam-up in every way. Servant’s room in bae»ement, large lot, lying perfectly. $6,500. No loan and terms. Right off Piedmont Ave. car line. See us for this fine little home. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton Street. Phone Ivy 718. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. STEAM-HEATED APARTMENTS TWO SIX-ROOM APARTMENTS—one up and on® down. Evpry modern convenience—gas ranges and refrigerators—$37.00. 67 Highland avenue, two doors west of Jackson street. W. H. WITHERS 218 TEMPLE COURT. PHONE MAIN 2974. Apartments for Rent In the Flanders Apartments, at 95-99 West Peachtree St., we have three first floor apartments vacant. These apartments are In elegant shape, have every convenience and the rent Is only $45 each. This is in easy walking distance of the center of town. We have four apartments on Highland Ave., near Jackson St, that are vacant, and we can rent them for $37.60 each. The apartments are In first- class condition, have gas range, refrigerator, furtiace heat, electric lights, etc. Take a look at this place. Ralph 0. Cochran Co. 74-76 PEACHTREE STREET.