Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 14, 1913, Image 26

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14 D TTRARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1913. i i t V re, wlrrfe collej ^Ler something like ni imwwmtp GOOD JOKE ON LOCAL SUPPLY COMPANY. Through the carelessness of their printers, 10,000 wholesale Catalogs of the 35 Per Cent Auto Supply Com* pany, No. 236 Peachtree street, which were intended for wholesale trade, were bound in the covers printed for their retail Catalogs, but as part of the issue was mailed before the er ror was discovered, the company de cided to stick by the prices until a new Catalog could be issued. It is stated that the printers who made the blunder are making good the losses ratheT than stand suit. Meanwhile numerous automobile owners who have secured copies of this Catalog (No. 3$) are profiting by the mistake and getting their tires and supplies at wholesale prices. coj An Ad o! To Every Auto in the It Tells oi Quickly ot An Into 3 <>****, <*L 0P ° nd Sn for lr es ’PPHes ness 35 %4, U !° m °hil t o »r ta C4. -■£5- AUTO 0 t our weeks ago—or to be more exact, August 17th-—our printer turned over to us an edition of 50,000 copies of our Catalogue No. 36, the facsimile of which we show above at the right. By August 24th our records showed that a little less than half of the entire lot of catalogues had gone into the mails, having been sent out to our Southern list by our mailing department. AH of a sudden we discovered a terrific blunder— our printer had made a terrible error. Our local manager was absolutely terrified! THE PRINTER HAD MADE THE MISTAKE OF BINDING OUR WHOLESALE CATALOGUES INTO RETAIL COVERS! Our wholesale prices had gone, through a ridiculous error, to our Retail Trade! You can imagine the state of mind of our Atlanta manager. Mind you-—20,000 catalogues had gone out! And then— A FLOOD OF ORDERS CAME—Retail orders at Wholesale prices. We truly were in a terrible predicament. Our first move was to wire, canceling the quotations and advising that we couldn’t accept Retail orders lor Auto Supplies at any such prices. WHAT ELSE COULD WE DO? But, try as we would, we couldn’t stem the tide of orders. They completely overwhelmed us. A hurried message brought the proprietor of the Printing Plant and the President of our Company direct to Atlanta! What to do was the question. It was a problem—a task! And still the orders came—-the mails were full of them—many came direct to our store. It was a crisis in our business. But then — OUT OF THE CHAOS CAME A NEW BUSI NESS POLICY! Since we had depended upon Great Volumes of business to make possible our low prices on auto supplies, we had found through this Printer’s Error that this great Southland had a purchasing Power beyond our wildest expectations. So the orders went forth---DISCONT!NUE ALL WHOLESALE BUSINESS — GIVE THE PUBLIC THE BENEFIT OF WHOLESALE PRICES! DEAL DIRECT! So we take our first advertisement in the form of a Big Page Ad to tell Auto Owners of the entire South about an Error that is bringing about a won derful change and increase in the volume of our already large business. WHOLESALE CATALOGUE NO. 36 STILL STANDS TO THE RETAIL TRADE! We intend to keep it so! The flood of orders continue—but instead of sending them back we’re filling them. It all has created a great sensation among Southern Auto Owners. The Cost of Automobiling is now at a positive minimum. An error started it—immediate success estab lished it. So, Mr. or Mrs. Auto Owner, of you we ask—- “HAVE YOU ONE OF THESE CATALOGUES NO. 36?” If not, send for catalogue Now—this very day— there’s no need of paying more. Buy Auto Supplies at Wholesale Prices. So, Send for the book—-it’s free! We Are Not Advertising Any ol Our Specialties in This Ad, but to Prove to You that We Are Selling Auto Supplies to Customers at Wholesale Prices GET THE CATALOGUE AUTO 236 PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA, GA.