Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 30, 1913, Image 23

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r ’K i'i rr •' *. If. } I • J* m auai SCAN 5. financial • 1 ■> ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1913. -^Sunday American The Atlanta Georgian Published by The Georgian Co. !0K»st Atlanta Alabama St. Georgia entered at Atlanta postoffice as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier or Agent Daily and Sunday ...,12c Daily only lOc BY MAIL the United States. Canada or Mexico. | « \ i PAYABLE IN ADVANCE DAILY AND SUNDAY: Year . .$7.00 Months .. 3.50 Months .. 1.75 Month .. .60 DAILY ONLY: Ynar . .$5.20 Montns .. 2.60 Months .. 1.30 Month .. .45 SUNDAY ONLY: Ynar . .$2.50 Months .. 1.25 Months .. .70 Month .. .25 THE WEEKLY GEORGIAN LOST AND FOUND. EntPT -Caraeo^pTrTon f*eachtree street, near Trio Laundry. Return to 35*1 ree street Rtwi rd LOST Keys, on rinc, within three blocks of Third National. Reward. Phone iv> >086 LOST A pair of eyeglasses in Rawkes case on Alabama street or Hapeville car. Return to 27 Auburn ave. Reward. LOST Gold locket from watch fob. F. S. N. on one side, 1909 on the other. Please call Main 5. F. S. Newlin. Re- ward. __ LOST—Plain sold band bracelet, with Miriam engraved on inside, ('all West 1382-J. L< >ST Brown French bulldog without collar. Phone Ivy 265. Reward. COS? A sunburst diarOond brooch, with clusters of diamonds and nearls. Finder will be liberally rewarded in cash by returning to 613 Equitable Building. No questions asked. LOST ('no English setter (female), black, white and tan. Name and ad dress on collar. Notify or return to F. M. Berry, care Fourth National Bank. Reward^ _ ^ _ L( >ST Hold framed spectacles. Return to Gate City Fence Works. Receive liberal reward, LOST—One doctor’s satchel and surgical instruments on Whitehall or Washing ton streets. Please return to 116 Capi tol avenue. * LOST—Wednesday. 26th Instant, ladies' crescent pin; pearl and diamond set ting. Return to office of Georgian Ter- race Hotel and receive reward. LOST---One 15-lnch account hook With dally paper records. Reward. Cres cent News Co.. 68 Central Ave. Bell phone M 4653-J. NEWS BRIEFS: 1 Year 36c SPECIAL NOTICES. RAILWAY schedules. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South. Arrival and Departure Passenger Trains, Atlanta. The following schedule figures are published only as information, and are not guaranteed No. Arrive From— No. Depart To— Sfl B’ham 12T1 am 3fi New York . 12:! 5 am 35 New York . 5:00 am 20 Columbia .. 5:20 am 43 Wash’ton .. 5 2' am 35 B’ham 5:50 am 1 JacVville .. 0:10 am 1 Chicago .... fi 20 am 12 8h‘report .. fi :30 am 12 Richmond . fi :55 am 23 JackMlle .. fi:S0 am 23 Kan. City . 7:00 am 17 Tocooa R10 am 7 Chatta’ga .. 7:10 am 2« Heflin R .10 am 32 Ft Valley . 7:15 am S Chatta’ga .. 10:35 am 16 Macon 7:45 am t iaaeon 10:45 am 1st 38 New York. 11 :00 am 27 Ft. Valley . 10:45 am (i Jaok’rille .. 11:10 am 21 Columbus .. 10:50 am 29 B’ham 11 30 am G Ctnein'U ... 11 00 am 2d 3S New York 12:05 pm 29 New York . 11.15 am 40 Charlotte .. 12:10 pm 40 B’ham 12:40 pm 30 Columbus .. 12 :30 pm 29 Columbus .. 1 40 pm 30 Nc.v York . 2:45 pm SO B’ham 2 :30 pm 15 Chatta’ga .. 8:00 pfti 89 Charlotte 8:55 pm 39 B’ham 4:10 pm 5 Jack’vllle .. f>:00 pm J R Toccoa 4 :30 pm lat 37 New York 5:00 pm 22 Columbua .. .5:10 pm 2<1 37 New York 5:10 pm 5 Clncin’ti .. 5:10 pm 15 Brunswick . 7:30 pm 2S Ft. Valley . 5 20 pm 31 Ft Valley . R:00 pm 10 Macon 5:30 pm 13 Jaok'ville .. 8:10 pm 25 Heflin 5:45 pm 11 Richmond R :lf 13 Clndn'ti ... R:20 pm Chatta'na .. 9:33 pin 44 Wash’ton .. R 45 pm 2 Chicago ... 9:55 pm 2 Jack'rlll* .. 10:05 pm 24 Kan. City 10:15 pm 24 .lack’dlle .. 10:30 pm ] 9 Columbus .. 10:20 pm 11 Sh 'report .. 11 10 pm 14 Clncin’ti .. 11:30 pm 14 Jack’ville 11:40 rm All trains run daily. Central time. City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree St. TAXICABS. STOLKN Thursday evening, corner of Walton and Fairlie, four-passenger Overland automobile. No. 14023 Georgia; serial No. 61249 Notify J. R. Fowler, Marietta, Ga. Phone _283 J _ LOST—The party who took silver mesh bag from 702 Empire Building Tues day afternoon will please return same with contents and avoid arrest. YOU ARE KNOWN. MATRIMONIAL. SdOfTCfTaESTLEMANT'middle age. in real estate business, abstainer, de sires correspondence with refined, af fectionate lady, , with some means, genuine, office. Address A., Box 62, Georgian WEALTHY Southern widow, 40, would marry. W., Box 35, League. Toledo, Ohio. __ MARRY- If you are lonely. The Re liable Confidential Successful Club has large numbers of wealthy eligible mem bers. both sexes, wishing early mar riages. Descriptions free. Mrs. Wruble, Box 26, Oakland. Cal. MARRY- Many wealthy people seeking marriage. Photos and descriptions free. Mission Unity B-639, San Francisco, Cal. MARRY-Or find a friend; send for lat est list. 10c. Hub Correspondence Club. Newtonvilje, Mass. MARRY—Many rich, congenial and anxious for companions; interesting. Particulars and photos free. The Mes senger. .Jacksonville. Fla. ' DANCING. WYVWWNA^WNA/^WWWWWVWWV PROFESSOR MAHLER’S Private Dancing School. 391 Peachtree street. Phor.e Ivy 67. Private and class les- sons; children and adults. x NO SCHOOL- latest steps; pri vate instructions. Ivy 6067-J. 43 W Peachtree Street. . HELP WANTED—MALE. PRINTTU?vvanted in country shop; one who can do job and ad work. A good two-thirder would do. State wages in first letter. Uraymont Printing Co., Graymont, Ga. WANTED—Experienced ruler. Atlanta Envelope Company, 162-166 Marietta street. WANTED— Map salesman for layette County. Apply 522 Forsyth Building. ADVANCED Isaac Pitman writer de sires practice nights with another stu dent having court reporting ambitions. Ed, care Georgian. 1000. WANTED— Power trip-hammer. State kind, price and condition. Address StanselP# Rape, McDonough, Oa. WANTED—Experienced job press feed er. Atlanta Envelops Co., 162-166 Ma rietta street. WANTED—A neat and intelligent man. 32 Fairlie street. Peiers-McKinney Electric Co. IVY 5190, ATLANTA 1598. HOTELS IPHlf "ArsT' TH EM" STOP AT THE EAT. HOTEL. 42 to 52 DECATUR ST ; CENTER OF CITY; 25c AND UP A Day $1 60 AND UP PER WEEK. ATLANTA PHONE 2615. Til LB URN HOTEL jo. and 12 WALTON STREET. FOR GENTLEMEN only; center of city, near new postoffice; rate 50c, 75 c and $100 ,— , American Plan. 29 Houston St Ivy 1064 Excellent table. 20 meals tickets $5.80. juick and polite service. I E. Third St. Ivy 1598-L. Nicely furnished single or double rooms, steam heated, with or without meal* Hotel' HIGH GLASS CHOP SUEY CAFE Table Reserved for Families Open On Sundavs BE B jSu TlooT IVuvcKii: ST. JOE JUNG WANTED- Several ambitious school boys more than 14 years old to work afternoons and all day Saturday. Ad- *.i * l S 1). A. W., care Georgian. CAT | pTvpTyp F<>r Installment \ ULLPA I UIV accounts; salary of $55 a month and percentage on gross collections; state ago and experience in application; references and bond re quired; applications treated confidential. National, care Georglan. WANTED—Mechanic for a handy man on car repairs. Inquire W. M. Camp, Terminal Station. WANTED Agents to sell health and ac cident insurance in every county In State. Contract to yield $24 to $48 a \\i ek. Box 760, Atlanta. WANTED Young man to sell stock and bonds. Address R?, Box 442, care Georgian. WANTED—Students to learn telegra phy; positions guaranteed when competent; total expenses while learn ing about one hundred dollars, includ ing everything. Charlotte Telegraphy (’lass. Charlotte, N. C. WANTED Men of neat appearance as demonstrators and salesmen. Cumber land Hotel. Room 10, Monday from 8 to 12 a. m. YOUNG man to travel: must have $250 cash; bonds. 30 Williams. Ed Rhy- nata. -COMFT to Tf 1E CA BA RET. 51 North Broad Street. Good musi' • rats and drinks. CHURCH NOTICES. ''"CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. Scientist. Cable Hall. North Broad street. Serv- < j Sunday H a. m.; Sunday school. I M am; Wednesday evening test!- 9 moetinK at 8 o'clock. Reading 8^613 the Grand, open dally, ex- rooms a ” d w l ], 0 ndays, from STm.To 5 p. Z free to the public. “ “METHODIST. , t . RK M E. CHURCH, SOUTH— S Lr M Th(irnwen .laenhs will preach at „ D a r ™ services at nightf Sunday irhool l* 45: prayer meeting. Wednes- day evening, " ; 4r. ! WANTED—75 men. Apply stage door Atlanta Theater Sunday, November | 30, at 7 p. m. sharp. WANTED $3,000 to $10,000 yearly; I active, ambitious representatives, will- ; ing to learn our business; unparalleled ' opportunity to become established; valu- | able book free. Interstate Realty Co., burg- Pa. « \v \ NTi;i i Two first-class, experienced buggy toy builders. Good wages and ; regular work. Golden Eagle Buggv 1 Uoypany, 32 Means street. i WANTED Trimmer; experienced oper- 1 atlng tufting machine. Blount Car- | riage and Buggy Company. BOYS WANTED TO DELIVER TELE PHONE BOOKS. Report at the following points Mon- 1, 7:30 o’clock. Good pay. day morning, December F U N E R A L^DI^ECTORS^^^ Barclay'& Brandon Co Funeral Directors; now in new home, 246 Ivy st, cor. Baker. A itfo ambulance, auto hearse. Is Spratlin^ riAT , s NOT , ; p-w «»»° n ■“ oul ' < ' “ w " orim mcut'I'U" ‘j’Jyj ,XT> CLEANING WORKS VL' ivy 2340: AtlanUJM,, “—r'Um TOOKING for a good post A Mnl°A little "Want Ad ' will find It Sor you. Report to the point nearest to you. Ask for the Telephone Man. 25 Auburn avenue. 820 T'ea» litree street. 112 Hunt street. 78 South Pryor street. Ill North Boulevard. 673 Highland avenue. 200 East Georgia avenue. 100 West Georgia avenue West Exchange. West End. 44 East Alexander street. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY WANTED—I will teach several young men the automobile business in ten weeks by mall and assist them to good positions. No charge for tuition until position is secured. Write today. R. S. Price. Automobile Expert, Box 463, Loe Angeles, Cal. WANTED-$100 weekly profit !l time at home; mail order business; don’t worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Nebr, HELP WANTED—MALE. \vXNTED^\KvTfiT7nov1^^ $50 each; all or spare time; no expe rience nor correspondence course. De tails free. Atlas Publishing Co., 97 Cin- clnnatl, Ohio. WANTED—Young men; good habits; • experience not necessary; to sell paints, oils, disinfectants, etc.; salary or commission; large profits and steady work. We will help you. Sun Chemi- cal Company, Richmond, Va WANTED—Earn easy Christmas money; whole or part time; our new colored circular shows you the great possibili ties; $20 daily profit not unusual; expe rience unnecessary. G. Macy, Sales Manager, 640 Lydia St., Chicago WANTED Man with rig to introduce and sell 95 extracts, spices, medicines, etc.; hi gw money. Wilson made $1*0 weekly. We mean business. Box 516, Dept 53, Cedar Rapids, Iowa ANYBODY can earn $20 weekly raising mushrooms entire year in cellars, sheds, box*, etc. Markets waiting Free booklet. Hiram Barton, 339 West 48th at ret t, New York. \V A NT FI ' Detectives Salary and commission; experience not necessary. Write for terms and particulars. South western Detective Agency, Montgomery. Ala WANTED Traveler; a beginner*; sal ary; commission and expense money. Liberal offer and agreement. J. E. Mc- Brady^Chicago^ GOVERNMENT RAILWAY MAIL CLERK, Customs-Internal Revenue "exams" everywhere soon. Get pre pared by former U. S. Civil service Sec retary-Examiner. Free nobklet, A 49. Write NOW, to-day. Patterson Civil Service School, Rochester, N. f. Wanted government exami nations; thorough preparation. $5; returned if not appointed; particular* ffee. American Civil Service School, Washington. I> C. AMBITIOUS PERSON may earn $15 to $25 weekly during spare time at home, writing for newspapers. Send for par ticulars. Press Bureau, M-24, Washing ton, D. C. WaSttMd Bright 12 year-old b<>v in every town; money-maker. W. J. Nor- rls, Warrenton. J~Ja. I WIFI. START y« u earning $ 1 daily at home in spare time silvering mirrors; no capital; free instructive booklet, giv ing plans of operation. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 85, Boston, Maw, WANTED Local representative. No canvassing or soliciting required. Good income assured. Address Nation al Co-Operative Realty Company, V-949 Marden Bunding, Washington, D. C. Hill' jit, well educated men to quaiir> in 30 days for high salaried positions, absolutely free; model office. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 54 Auburn. Ivy 4757. WANTED An advertising solicitor. Apply 522 Forsyth Building. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. TRY, on Marietta car line; good wages, city conveniences, small family, room or house on place. Phone Smyrna No. 5, or write at once to Mrs. C. W. Hurlbut, Smyrna, Ga. _ WANTED—A good cook with refer ences.25 Greenwood avenue LADY CANVASSERS WANTED to sell an article of merit that is UMd In every office and residence. Every dem onstration means a sale Salary of $12 per week guaranteed. Call between 4 and 6 Monday or Tuesday afternoon at 286 West Nortjh avenue. WANTED Office girl. Applv 202 Feel Building WANTED—Cook at once; small family apartment. 139 Capitol avenue WANTED - At once, white girl or wom an to nurse and assist in housework; to sleep on premises preferred, small family; nice location. Apply 329 Myrtle St. WANTED—Good white or colored wom an to cook and do general housework; good home for right party Address 573 Washington St. WANTED—White nurse, one that can live on place and help with household work. Phone Ivy 5747. WANTED—Colored girl with references. Cook and housework 227 Myrtle street. Ivy 3340 J. WANTED Persons to do easy, pleasant coloring work at home; good pay. no canvassing; no experience required; il lustrated particulars free. Helping Hand Stores. 5458 S. llals*od, Chicago. WANTED Write moving picture plays; $50 each; all or spare time; no expe rience* nor correspondence course. De tails free. Atlas Publishing Co., 97 Cin cinnati. Ohio. WANTED- Ladies, make shields at home; $10 per 100; work sent prepaid to reliable women. Particulars for stamped addressed envelope. Eureka Co., Dept. 107-C, Kalamazoo. Mich. WANTED Ladies to make shields at home. $20 00 per 100. Ordinary plain sewing. Can make four an hour. Ma terial furnished. Work sent prepaid. Send stamped addressed envelope for particulars. Paragon Supply Company, M 334 Myrtle avenue, Kansas City, Mo, LADIES Sewing at home. Material furnished; no canvassing; steady work; stamped envelope for particulars. Calumet Supply Co., Dept. A 79, Mil waukee, Wis. COLORED WOMEN agents for wonder working Palmer's Skin Whitener. Start own business. ' 100 per cent profit. $1.50 outfit free to responsible agents Write to-day, giving references. Jacobs’ Pharmacy. Atlanta. Ga. 1-25-3 MAN WANTED—With rig to Introduce and sell 95 extracts, spices, medicines, etc.; big money. W’ilson made $90 weekly. We mean business. Box 616, Dapl 68, Cedar Rapid*, Igti “Free Shave irid HairCut’’ WANTED- Young man to advertise Rogers silverware; pay $52 per month. A. A. Cline, Advertising Manager, 146 North Tenth street, Phl adelphia, Pa. WANTED- Men wishing steady posi tions as firemen, brakemen. interur- ban motormen or colored train porters, on first-class Atlanta roads, write at once. No experience necessary. $65 to $100 month to start on. No strike. Name position wanted. Inclose stamp. Intel - Railway, care Georgian. t J! i ir ! 'y fast messengers, with or without wheels. Some after school hours; best pay. Wheels sold on easy terms. American Messenger Service, Pryor and Alabama streets. STOP! LOOK* LISTEN! FIFTY LADIES wanted for light ma chine work In underwear mill, families preferred. Good wages, steady employ ment. Write D. C. Collier Algr. Col lier Mfg. Co., Barnesville, Ga. HELP WANTED—MALE AND FE MALE. Y^ANfTlftfwSollcltors; salary nnd'com^ mission; experience not necessary. E. P., care GeorglaJi- \Y A XTFIi Experienced deputies to write fraternal insurance; good com mission. Must have hustlers Men and women Call 8:30 to 10:30 District Manager, 418 Fourth National Bank Building. WANT® A white man and wMfe to live on farm. She to help do house work and he to feed stock, work garden, etc. Address Farmer, care Georgian. WANTED Either sex; $6 and up week ly. Rpare time, addressing, mailing, etc.; no canvassing. Send 4c for par ticulars. Venn Co., 11*1.1 Alice St., Oak* land, Cal. B yt u you want a Xmas present without fail write The Mercer Supply Co., Arnold, Pa. NICE WATCH For ladles, girls or boys, for a little work. Write Spartan Sales Co , Spartanburg. S, C. WANTED -Canvassers, men or women; good, legitimate proposition; can earn 80 per cent. Address Edward F. Carson. 404 Chamber of Commerce Building, In dianapolis, Ind. t LET FS ASSIST you in securing a high- class position. Send 25c for full par ticulars Commercial Business Agency, Box 637, Atlanta. WANTED, EXPERIENCED AND INEXPERIENCED HELP IN BAG FACTORY. Good Wages. Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, Atlanta, Ga. AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED. \\ ANTED—-Necktie proposition for holi day trade; beautiful premium to each customer; ladies or gentlemen make $40 a week from now until Christmas; outfit free to workers. Be first in your neighborhood. Wilson Mfg. Co., Lan- uaMer, > >hlo, WAN*TED—'Salesmen; calendar and ud vertlsing novelty; one for Georgia and one for North and South Carolina; our company has been known for years as the representative one of the United States; now making contracts for 1914; unusual Inducements offered experienced salesmen; exclusive territory given; all the year around line; commissions paid promptly; easily good for $75 a week above expenses. Apply Immediately. O. G. Williams Mfg. Co., 215-217 W. Superior St., Chicago. VACUUM CLEANER AGIBNTS, HERE IT IS: Absolutely new* design in wheel operated, powerful bellows vacuum cleaner; new visible nozzle; ex clusive appearance; sells quick at $7.50. Write for particulars about money-back guarantee now. Doty Company, Dayton, Ohit^ AGENTS w a ntfi » To sell what svsry automobile owner wants; the tire prob lem solved; easy in application, but marvelously effective; no competition; entirely new; large profits Write, get full informtaion; select territory; employ sub-agents and reap first fruits. H. Oberly, 132 South Elliott place, Brook- lyn, N. Y. FED—$1,200 COLD CASH MADE, PAID, BANKED in 30 WANTED Hustlers; boys and girls to sell twelve packs of postcards, 10c each Splendid premiums or cash com mission Write to-day. H. A. Puckett, Box 437. Atlanta. PICTURE PLAYS. "\VRffu~M •U-'Tx; r PICT i 'iThTTla YOU can 'earn with our instructions. Write for particulars. A1 Bartlett Film Company, Rhodes Building. WRITE MOTION picture Play. It s easy with our instructions. $1 postpaid. National Studio. Cincinnati, Ohio. very profitable sales proposftion, who desire the benefit of scientific training in salesmanship; unlimited opportunity. Call between 10 and 12 a. m.. 531 Can dler Bldg. ff.50 PER DAY SALARY and addition al commission paid man In each town to distribute free circulars and take orders for concentrated flavorings. J. fc>. Ziegler Co.. Chicago. WANTED—Men wishing steady posi tions as firemen, brakemen. interur- ban motormen or colored train porters on first-class Georgia roads, write at once; no experience necessary; $65 to $100 month start on; no strike; name position wanted; inclose stamp. Inter Railway. CST6 Georgian. W ANTKL MSB. 18 to 86j wishing to be railway mail clerks. $75 month. Ap ply for information L. M. N., Box 10, care Georgian. __ WANTED Men to learn barber trade, great demand for barbers; big wages; easy work; short time required; expert instructors; tools given; earn while learning. Write for free catalogue. Moler Barber College, 38 Luckie St., At- lanta. aUTO si 'Hi k >l iirlvfng ai i taught; course $25; position secured Automobile Repair and Instruction Co , Porter Place Garage Bldg.. 12 Porter place. YES—We teach the barber trad* and give position in our chain of shops at good wages, for $30. Atlanta Barber Col- fege. 10 e Mitchell street Atlanta. Ga men ii to 35. become §overhment rail way mall clerks. Sample examination questions free Franklin Institute. Dept. 48-H, Rochester, N, Y. Y in s' shave 10c, hair cut 16c, massage 15c, at 41 Marietta, 4 E. Mitchell, 115 Edgewood, 99 Whitehall, 52 .‘vy White workmen Clean liner.. Baths 15c. LADIES TO SEW at home for a large Philadelphia firm; good money; steady work; no canvassing: send stamped en velope for prices paid. Universal Co., Dept. 68, Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED—‘Ambitious person may earn $15 to $25 weekly during spare time at home, writing for newspapers. Rend for particulars. Press Bureau, F 73, Washington, D. C. WANTED—Good cook, al«o girl for housework. Apply 55 Kennesaw Ave WANTED- A girl to help with baby and do general housework. Call Ivy 5067. WANTED- At once lady bookkeeper; must write good hand; references required. Ewing Bros., 11^ East Ala bama street. WANTED—First-class cook for sma'l family; references required. Apply mornings. 342 Euclid Ave. Phone Ivy 5196-J. WANTED—First-class cook; one who doesn't mind work; one who under stands plain home cooking. Apply 41 Carnegie way. WANTED An experienced clerk famil iar w'ith mail order trade; must be familiar with dry goods; prefer a wom an 30 or 35 years of age. Apply in writing of applicant. Address Jackson, P. O. Box 545. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED Two good lady canvassers; $1.25 a day and commission: five hours I a day. Mr. Baron, 140Vfc Peachtree st W A N T ED—Re fi ned, settled lady as companion and stay nights with young girL ("all Ivy 6418-J. WANTED- Young woman to do general housework for a young couple. Refer ences. 22 West Tenth street WANTED--Good, competent nurse to stay at night with young baby. Refer ences required. Apply 6 Palmer Apart ment WANTED—Clean woman to cook. Ref erences required. Cal! Monday morn ing after 9 o T clock. 67 Cooper stre< l WANT FID- Strong, middle-aged, unin cumbered white wot . n t<> go to South Carolina: one who fc not afraid of work. Must cook, do housework and care for aged invalid lady. Small home; two in family A good home and good salary to right party. Address Miss A., 27 North Hamilton street, Dalton, Ga. EXPERIENCED cook with g*>od ref erences; none other need apply. Good wages; room on lot. 371 E. ITyor. WANTED A g ! cook; room on lor. references required. Apply 725 Pied mont avenue. WANTED Reliable woman to cook for small family. Apply, with references. 222 Waverly way. WANTED- Fifteen young women. Ap ply stage door, Atlanta Theater. Sun day. November 30. at 7 p. m. sharp. WANTED—Immediately. Good honest cook. Small family. Good wages. Apply 653 Piedmont avenue. WANTED—Refined, energetic woman, more than 30. to travel South Caro lina, Georgia and Florida; also assist ant manager. Phone Room 1222 Ansley Hotl. A RARE OPPORTUNITY to make com fortable living at home sewing plain seams; no canvassing; no trlflers; steady. Send ten cents postage sam- p’es. etc. Returned if dissatisfied. Home Hewers Company, Jobbers sewing, H. A., Rehoboth, Delaware. WANTED- Two glrlH for stage work to travel; experienced or inexperienced. Gso^$a Heraklides, St. Gsorgs, S (X WANTED- Solicitors for city. Salary and commission. Experience not nec- essary. L L . care Georgian. WANTED Young women ana girls de siring attractive positions Welfare of operators and clerks closely supervised by the company; their conduct on the premises carefully guarded by matron, women supervisors and chief operator, who have complete control over the re tiring and operating rooms. Short train ing course for those inexperienced; sal ary paid while learning Salary in creased upon being transferred to oper ating force, and for those becoming ef ficient, increased as they become worthy, with opportunities for ultimate advancement to $75 per month. Refer ences proving the standing of the appli cant essential. Those having educa tional advantages preferred Lunch room and comfortable retiring rooms provided with several hundred Garnegie Library books for the convenience of the operators. Matron and trained nurse in attendance. Apply 8:30 to 5. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Training School, 25 Auburn avenue. WANTED Girls to fake GOUTS® in Miss Sparkman’s Improved Millinery School. Free scholarship offer. All mil linery work dotic tree. *.«4 d Whitehall C,(»VERNM ENT positions open to worn en. $75 Tnonth. Write immediately for free list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 609-H, Rochester, N. Y. FLIGHT, well educated girls to qualify in 30 days for high salaried positions, absolutely free; model office. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 54 Auburn. Ivy 4757. n T OT Q I>»arTi Millinery. Best trade \ill\JvO on earth for women. Pays $60 to $100 a month. We re-trim hats free. Free scholarship now Nice velvet hat for $1. Fine dressmaking establish ment In connection. Prices reasonable. IDEAL SCHOOL OF MILLINERY. 100V6 Whitehall stret, Corner Mitchell. TEACHERS WANTED. WE NEED teachers for January' open ings. Calls coming In now. Sheri dan’s Teachers’ Agency, 307 Candler Building. BEST January positions are.filled early; prompt registration necessary. South Atlantic Teachers’ Agency 1125 Atlanta National Bank Building, Atlanta, Ga. WANTED Teachers with certificates or diplomas; many good openings; write for special enrollment. W. H. Jones, Mgr.. Columbia. S. C. SCHOOLS needing teachers and teach ers desiring schools should write us. To schools we make no charge for our services; to teachers a very moderate chftrge Address Department R-4, Clan ton & Webb, Managers, Rhodes Build- Ing, Aflanta. Oa. e as 1 enrollment plan for 16 days only; all classes of teachers needed. South AtlanVi • Teachers' Agency. 1125 Atlanta National Bank Bldg., Atlanta. Ga. AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED. Bcrnfsex soTTcTtors to sell a relufy household article; quick sales; big commission; money advanced. Apply 120 Edgewood WANTED—Two experienced salesmen. capable of earning $50 per week or more. We can offer you an unusual op portunity selling a nationally advertise* specialty. Call 8 to 9 a. m. 407 Austell B1 clg Ask for Mr White, WaNTEL 30 days by Stone- man; $15,000 to date. Join our famous ! $1,000 class, which absolutely insures $1,000 per man. per county. Korstad, [ a farmer, did $2,200 in 14 days; Schleich er, a minister. $195 first 12 hours after appointment. Ten inexperienced men di vided $40,000 within 18 months. Strange invention; startles world. Agents amazed. Think what this invention does. Gives every home a bathroom I with hot and cold running water for , $6.50. Abolishes plumbing, waterworks. ' Self-heating. No wonder Hart sold 16 in three hours— $5,000 altogether; Lode- ! wick 17 first day. Credit given Come now; investigate. Postal will do. Ex- | elusive sale; requires quick action, but j means $1,000 and more for you. Allen ! Mfg. Co., 3815 Allen Bldg., Toledo. Ohio. WANTED Local managers to sell Na- j tlonal lighting, heating and cooking apparatus. Some capital or good securi ty required. Write for particulars. Na tional Stamping and Electric Works, 420 fi Clinton St , Chicago. WANTED--Agents; salary or commls sion; greatest seller yet; every user pen and ink buys on sight; 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent’s sales $620 I in six days; another $32 in two hours. I Monroe Mfg Co., K-142, La Crosse, wis WANTED Agents are coining money selling our Mg 10c packages of 20 as sorted holiday postal cards: 6,000 varie ties; big profits; sell everywhere at sight; sample package 10c; particulars free. Sullivan Card Co., 1234 Van Bu- ren fit., Chicago, ft!. WANTED Electrical corporation ofTers young men thorough electrical en gineering course free Developing sales force. Tf not desiring training or If merely curious, do noT answer. Rales Dept.. File 77, 410 Rialto Bldg,, St Louis, Mo. AGENTS—Something new. Fastest sellers and quickest repeater on earth. Permanent, profitable business Good for $50 to $75 a week. Write for par ticulars. American Products Co., 8081 Sycamore street, Cincinnati, Ohio. CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED to carry line of cigars on the road. Salary $100 per month and expenses. Experi ence not necessary. Continental Cigar Company. Wichita, Kans. WAITED Agents, add $6 to $18 to your weekly income selling our guar anteed hair treatments to negroes. No fake. Every negro a possible customer. Terms free. McPherson Specialty Co., Box 4, Norton, Va. WANTED- Agents; make big money and become sales managers for our goods: fast office sellers, fine profits; particulars and samples free. One Dip Pen Company, Dept. 567, Baltimore, Md. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. DAIRY and farm hand;^experience<r7n poultry; will work for wages or small place on shares; reference. Address C. K . Box 6 [5, oai s < leorglan. FOR sight years have mailed real re sults as hardware, vehicle or harness salesman, will now consider contract for 1914. Address C. W. B., care Geor gian. WANT!© Position by colored chauf feur; good references. T. L Stevens, 260 East Gain. Call Ivy 2457. GRADUATE, licensed druggist; six years’ experience, now open; good ref erences; not afraid of work. Address Box 14. Parrott, Ga. WANTED—Experienced audit and cor respondence clerk, also bookkeeper de sires position with reliable firm: can use typewriter. Address L. F., Box 309, care Georgian. POSITION WANTED as farm manager. Have taken courses in agriculture and veterinary. Seventeen years’ practical experience. Expert on live stock, seed selection, rotutlon and tile drainage. References. John E. Miller. Clarkesville, Ga. _ Y« >DNg MAN, 26 years of age, with two years’ experience in country bank, de sires position with some good bank as bookkeeper and assistant cashier. Am willing to begin on living expenses. Can furnish best references. Bowen, care Georgian \\ ANTED-—Your brick work solicited; repairing a specialty; satisfaction guaranteed. Atlanta phone 2019. WANTED—Position as grocery clerk or anything honorable. Address P. O. Box 9. care Georgian. STENOGRAPHER, 22, married, several months’ experience, desires change. References. R. R., Box 700, care Geor- glan. Yul'NG MAN. good reference, warns position In office. Will begin on $9.00 per week McKenney, 189 Ivy street. Y'll'NG MAN 20 desires position as private secretary Address M. F. S., 225 Hurt Bldg Phone Ivy 5471. w'aK’TRD—Hotel clerk eight years’ ex perience, wants position. Can give references. Answer M., P. O. Box 466. Atlanta phone 5R28-B. YoTfNG MAN wants position in railroad office; willing to do most anything; good reference. B. L. W., care Geor gian. WANTED Position as city salesman January 1. Am at present working the city. Have had eight years’ experi ence on the road and lived in Atlanta ten years. Address N., Box 404, care Georgian. BOOKKEEPER with five years’ expe rience desires connection; last with largest corporation in Georgia. Thor ougnly familiar with mechanical de vices, adding machine, typewriter, etc. Prefer to leave Atlanta. Address F. G. B , Box 633. cars Georgian. WANTED—Position by colored man as butler or chauffeur; one year’s experi ence; can give good references. Call Ivy 1094. _ _ wa.v; on in bank a* individ ual bookkeeper by young man 19 years old; can furnish best of references and bond. Address Assistant, Box 25, Matter, Qa. WANTED Pogtfion as burlier. Young man 27 years old; years experience. Can furnish best references. Robert N. Fincher, Abanda, Ala. SALESMAN WANTED to" sell hlgh- grade specialties of unusual merit; Southern States; 'established trade, lib eral commission; must be experienced hustler; good future to right man. Call Sunday or Monday. Mr. E. C. Carr, Majest ic Ho tel. AGENTS You have been looking for something to sell to colored people. We have it. "Negro AngelH Entering Heaven.” Home Supply Company, Jack- son, Miss, LARGEST opportunity ever offered , agents. Get in line to-day. Choose I territory now. Big profits. Write for free particulars. Clemens Supply Com pany, 322 Hamilton avenue, Cleveland, ; Ohio. _ ________ ' WANTED Agents. V« lighter; lowest prices, highest quality; j fastest seller; sample 15c; particulars free Address Autrey, Box 175. Cuth- j bert, Ga. ■ j WANTED—Our $! adding machine adds quicker and better than yourself; many already in ufce; sent prepaid upon receipt of price; money returned If not pleased. Agents wanted. Haynes Mfg Co., HenrinJta,_N. O. GARTSIDE’S Iron iRust Soap Co., “4654 Lancaster ave., Philadelphia, Pa Gartslde’s Iron Rust Soap <U. S regis tered patent No. 3477) removes iron rust, ink and all iinwashable stains from clothing, marble, etc., with magi cal effect. Good seller; big margins. House-to-house agents and store sales men wanted. The original, 25e a tube Beware of Infringements and the pen alty for making, selling and using an infringed article AGENTS WANTED Imported L '• r - fumes. Flavorings, Soaps. Toilet Arti cles Christmas Boxes, Teas. Coffees. Outfit loaned; credit given. Paris Per fume Company, Newark. N. J. WANTED—Agents; 250 per cent profit. Wonderful little article. Can be ear ried in pocket. Sells ’*ke wildfire. Write quick for terms and free samples. H. Mathews, 6639 Hopper street. Day- ton, Ohio. WANTED Agents. Call on best peo ple. Fast seller, netting you $1.26 each sale. Particulars free. The Unique Novelty Co., Box 317, Columbia, 3. C. VaOcI'M C L E A N E R-SW E E P E R AGENTS Sell "Southern” Vacuum Cleaner and Carpet Sweeper combined. Bail bearing Lowest prices. Write to day. Territory going fast. O. M. Gwinn Co., if) Phelps, Jacksonvllls, Fla. WANTED If we had your address we’d send fro« sample and show you how To make $25, not one week, but weekly. G. Mfg Co., Warren street. New York. Suite 2. , HELP WANTED—MALE AND FE MALE. BEST office assistants in the South are registering with the Atlanta Employ ment Agency. Call Ivy 4857. 1126 Hurt Building. BOYS AND GIRLS—Easy Christmas money after school. No matter where you live. Write or call on W. B. Ras- nett, manufacturing agents, 511 Temple Court, Atlanta. Ga. WANTED Honest men and women everywhere to solicit subscriptions for The Georgian Weekly News Rriefs, Dally Georgian and Hearst's Stmday Ameri can. Liberal commission offered to hus tlers I am interested. Send me your agent’s outfit. Name No Street City State R F. D. No SHORTHAND Best method, easiest to learn (and read): six weeks, by mail; no failures; hundred free instructions to advertise. Write Co-Operator Bureau, Euclid avenue Atlanta WiTT pay reliable man or woman six.60 to distribute KM) free packages Per fumed Borax Soap Powder among friends. No money required. D. D. Ward Co„ 216 Institute Place, Chicago SALESMEN WANTED Salesmen who sell machinery snd mill supplies to handle our atomizing lubricator. Lu bricates perfectly on one-half the quan tity of oil uped through other lubrlca tors Sold on a guarantee. Cnnecessary to carry samples, as Illustrations and descriptive matter will convince the most skeptical. In replying, give terri tory you cover. Address Box 1134, At- lanta, Ga. WANTED A* energetic, live salesman for the State of Georgia Must be sober and good hustler. Box 44, care Georgian. WANTED Salesman for balance of year ami 1914. experienced in any line, to sell general trade in Georgia. Un excelled specialty proposition. Com mission contract; $35 weekly for ex- r►crises, Continental Jewelry Company, 347-48 Continental Building, Cleveland, Ohio. WOULD $4d a week interest you? We seek a representative for our old es tablished brand of guaranteed hosiery. Sold direct to consumers. Protected ter ritory. Credit given. Parker Mills, 735 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Fa AHF.NTS WANTKD for article. wHIoH no housewife can resist. Sells at al most every home. Write quick for free particulars. Clinton Specialty Company, Clinton, Iowa. WE HAVE openings for ten lot sales men to sell improved lots in Druid Hills and Peachtree section, on easy terms. A hustler can earn from $259 per month upward. Address "Lot Sales man." Box 18, care Georgian. EARN good nay copying addresses Par ticulars six stamps. Hlnchey, 245, Middleport, N. Y 31-25-6 THE SAXI-MASSEUR. COMPETENT lady agents wanted; good profit to good salesmen. 68V£ White hall street SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE SPECIAL RATES for Situa tion Wanted ads: 3 lines 1 time. 10c; 3 times. 20c; 7 times, 40c. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants good position at once. Can furnish i references. Call Ivy 7074 j VI RST-( 'LASS BOOKKEEPER AND AUDITOR (LADY) DE SIRES POSITION JANUARY 1. WIDE EXPERIENCE. EX CELLENT REFERENCES. AD DRESS BOX 480, CARE GEOR GIAN. V^ANTE’f)—Energetic young lady wishes position as stenographer at once; can furnish very good references. Miss G. M. Atlanta pnone 8974 Classified Adver tising Rates: 1 insertion.... 3 insertions... 7 insertions... 30 insertions .. 90 insertions... ....10c .... 6c .... 5c line line line line line No advertisements taken for less than the cost of two lines. Six words makes a line. TELEPHONE MAIN 100 7 ATLANTA tltfli Classified Adver tisers May telephone their **Want Ads ' The Georgian will not be responsible for more than one In correct insertion of any advertise ment ordered for more than one time. The Georgian reserves the right to correctly classify all Want Ads. *The Georgian can not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for errors of any kind occurring in telephoned advertisements. The Georgian will not accept phone or verbal orders to discon tinue or change (T F.) "Till For bid" advertisements Advertiser should retain receipts given by The Georgian in payment of Want Ads, as no mistake can be recti fied without them. Read for Profit Use for Results Hearst’s ’WANT ADS’ DRESSMAKING — DRESSMAKERS ^^N^?^resflrnaidngT evening gowns and tailoring; reasonable. 98V6 Oen- tral place. Room 2. WANTED—Plain sewing; $1.10 per day. J. Golden, 56 Griffin St. EVENING and one-piece dresses a spe cialty. Prices reasonable. West 950-J. w v NT i'll» Fiaii; -< a ngj ohildren’s clothes a specialty. Mrs. C. Ilix, 10 Brown place. DRESSMAKING, ladles’ tallorinf and altering. Prices reasonable. Mrs. A. S. Crain. 571 South Pryor street. COLORED girl wants sewing by day or at horns Call Wsst ifil-L. DBFSSMAKIN' and ladles’ tailoring; good work; reasonable prices. 69 W. Baker street. ROOMS AND BOARD. fWITT < nR??IS?nffi~?ronrY : oon«rTStH and second floors. 224 South Pryor. WANTED —Position by a refined Chris tian lady as sick nurse. Can give best of references. Maternity a specialty. Call ivy 4274-J. Mrs. M. J. C., oare ' Georgian. Wanted—Position by married lady as cashier or to do clerical work; must have work. Address Mrs. E., Box 904, care Georgian,. I stenobi iok - keeper desiges position by first of year Experienced in department store. An- ewer Necessity, care Georgian. WANTED Position as parlor maid. Can give good references. Address Pau- llne, 147 East Baker street. r __ WANTED—By colored woman, poeition as good cook and will do washing for two or three in family. Give good ref erences. J. if, 168 Larkin strait, aantku Lady of refinement and cul ture will exchange references for posi tion as companion to a lady, old or young, sick or well, sad or glad; from North or South, at home or traveling. Address Happy, rare Georgian. WANTED Position as pianist in some cafe or hotel or as music teacher in small town Excellent references. Ad dress L ^ . Meansvllle, Qa. WANTET) Have Just finished an eight weeks’ course in stenography and want work for afternoons after 2 p. m. Salary no object. Phone Ivy 6589-.T. WANTED- -Situation as maid or to han dle the laundry in a private family. Must live on plaoa. Address 158 Lar kin street. CAN YOU use a good, competent ste nographer? If so. call Atlanta phone 1843. WANTED Salesmen to sell our 1914 line of calendars, fans, leather, pen cils and other advertising novelties; be ginning January 1; sell the year around; exclusive territory; liberal commissions. Model Calendar Co., Dept. 104, South Be n<b I mb • WANTED Agents, sell concentrated liquor extract* for making whiskies, liquors and c ordials at home, something new at last, wanted in every home; saves over 50 per cent; one taste makes a customer for life; strictly legitimate; no license required; big demand; sells fast; coins you money; send postal to day for money-making selling plans. Universal Import Co.. Dept. 618. Cln- clnnati, Ohio. A 25-CENT WINNER. AGENTS, canvassers, salesmen, ipeat success first day out; men coining money selling our Self Lighting Gas Burner and Automatic Stoge and Mantle Lighter. They sell on sight. Send 20c for sample Slate rights and exclusive territory given. Guaranteed Manufac turing Company, 1777 Broadway. New York. WANTED Few first-class salesmen for first-oIrhh real estate specialty. Ap ply 10 to 12 before noon. 631 Candler Building. , SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. SPECIAL RATES for situa tion Wanted ads; 3 iin^s 1 tlrns, times, 20ctimes. 40c YOUNG MAN, aged 18, wants work with plumber or painter. Phone Main 1636. YOUNG man desires office or clerical position at once. Address F., Box 8.'9, care Georgian. Fed Situation as foreman tnoider in high-class engine, machine or gen eral jobbing work, 30 years’ experience; age 45. Robert Clarkson, 614 Third street. West Anniston. Ala EXPERIENCED accountant wants work temporary or permanent; satisfaction guaranteed. Work, 496 Piedmont ave- nue. Bell Ivy 1647-L. WANTED -Bookkeeper and general oi- flee man, place with wholesale firm; lumber preferred; experienced buyer ana inspector C. R. Talley, Dothan. Ala. CAPABLE corporation office man now open for a change; references. C. M. F.. No. 311 Capitol avenue YOUNG WOMAN wents to do copy work on typewriter to fill in spare time In office. Phone Ivy 3590. WANTED Position by reliable colored woman to do light cooking and house work In family of two or three. Ad dress Lula, core Georgian. WANTED Position as housskeepsr for elderly couple or small family. L., Box 808, care Georgian. WANTED- Position as housekeeper or pantry woman in hotel; several years’ experience in hotel work; would leave city. 37 Carnegie way, city. A WIDOW with one child wishes a po sition as housekeeper for widower, family or an old couple; best references; no objection to leaving the city. Ad dress F. B , Box 103, care Georgian. POSITION wanted as general house- worker In a private family; large ex perience: city or country; city refer ences. S M , Box 12. care Georgian. WaMtCD Pcs 1 on as nurse or maid by an experienced white girl, 19 years old Call Ivy 5023-L. Miss L. Cates. A -1 MULTIGRAPH OPERATOR wants position at once Good references. R. I, w. care Georgian, WANTED -Position as night watchman; settled man; strict to business. At- ianta phone 4530. A YOUI^G MAN with fen years' mer cantile and office experience wants a position as bookkeeper, salesman, ship ping clerk or office man; can use type writer. adding machine, multigraph or any other office appliance. Address J., Box 804. care American. YOUNG MAN, 27, good habits, practical machinist by trade, wishes place in stock department of large hardware or machinery house, with the view to go ing on road for same after mastering details of stock and methods of firm. Address C. H- Forth, Da-waon. Ga, young lady stenographer Will begin for $65 per month Best of references. Phone Ivy 2679 ;»fter 6 p. tin i ■ ■ by experi enced sick nurse. Maternity a spe cialty Best of references. Reasonable rates Ivy 3038 or Ivy 7304-J. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE AND FEMALE. "\^A?^G?D~T^xper^ couple want Job. to help manage hotel or good farm. Couple, 81 South Pryor St., At lanta. DO YOU NEED HELP of any kind? A little "Want Ad" will get It for you _ WOULD YOU RflY 1 a good automobile cheap? The automobile columns of the "want Ad" section oorry a list of automobiles and accessories. THE HOARDING AND ROOMING HOUSE BUREAU OF INFORMA TION. INFORMATION FREE. Ivy 8424. Atlanta 293. 259 Candler Annex. WHEN in need of boarding place, fur nished or unfurnished rooms or fur nlshed apartments, see us, as we have listed at our office the best places on all streets in the city. WE are the people who give results. Try us. 104 N. PRYOR STREET. No Offiees Elsewhere. PRIVATE BOARD, 1 Soul - oon- thern veniences; old-fashioned cooking. Ivy 6421-J. BOY, 15, desires roommate, private f«n- Ily, North 8kl< home. Ivy 3468-L. WANTED -Couple to take~unfumlshfil room and board with owner. Furnace heat. Call West 1129-L. . ing poron, eiectrlq lights, hot wafer; good meals. 19$ Washington. Main 5527-J. NICE ROOMS, with board, for couples or young men, in private home. 356 Capitol avenue. Main 2031 -L. BO A RIDERS ~ W A N"r E D at it Doan, street, $4 per week. ONE furnished roonTand board tot two young men in West End. Call West 976-J. BOARD and room in private tamllr’lSr young men; all conveniences. Phone Ivy 2104-J. NIFF ROOM with board for couple or young men; all conveniences; w&lklnc distance 384 Whitehall. M. 3688 5l4 PEACHTREE street - WANTED- Several young men to occu py sleeping porch with connecting bath and sitting room; also rooms with or without private bath; steam heat and good meals. 53 W. BAKER. EXCELLENT table; desirable rooxiur, steam heat. Ivy 7689-J. ONE or two 5’oung men; delightful room in private family, or room with sleeping porch connecting; will board; Myrtle, near Ponce DeLeon. Also ga- rage. Phone Ivy 1495. TWO nW front rooms. Home-coolrefi meals, $5 50 per week- close In; all conveniences. Ivy 7456-j, ^OR RENT—Largo room, with or with- out meals, for couple or gentlemen West 123 ' FIRST-CLASS roomy, with or without board, for flrst-olas* people. 308 £. Pryor. M_ 245tLL, ^