Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 30, 1913, Image 26

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t U HEAnS'!”5 SUNDAY AMIhnn /A'N FARMS FOR SALE. FARMS FOR 8ALE. AUAuxonxnvrU flUDUAY AJYUSK1UAJN WAIST AL’S ustiuxi xnouLio ATDAiVrA, aA., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, IW, MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. FARM LAND FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE BY J. H. HICKS, CLARKESVILLE, GA. ABOUT ten farms of from 50 to 500 acres, im proved and unimproved, suitable for fruit and all kinds of crops, located near Habersham County. Cheap and on easy terms. All the above are for sale or exchange. J H. HICKS CLARKESVJLLE, GA. 70 South Georgia Farms AT AUCTION FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. DECEMBER 12 AND 13, WALTER T. Me- ARTHUR ESTATE Near Lumber City, Ga. Over 5,000 acre*. In Wheeler (formerly Montgomery) County. 80. 40. 60. 00. 76, 100, 160 acres each. Mne Improvements. Very rich land. Big free barbecue for 1,000 people. Write us for plats, terms and any Information desired. E. RIVERS REALTY CO. ATLANTA, GA. DOUGLAS S. McARTHUR, LUMBER CITY, GA. FARM LAND NORTH GEORGIA 70 ACRES, five miles from Canton, on splendid public road. Good dwelling and outbuildings. This is excellently lo cated, being only two miles from the Rhinehart Normal Col lege, one of the best schools in North Georgia. All land well improved. Splendid family orchard. Cheap for $2,500. 80 ACRES, live miles from Canton, on good public road with fairly good dwelling and outbuildings; 30 acres in cul tivation. About 15 acres of bottom land. Good orchards. Price $2,500. 145 ACRES, two miles from Canton, on splendid public road, three dwellings and outbuildings. Good orchards; 60 acres in cultivation. Some good timber. Big bargain at $3,000. 320 ACRES, 2 1-2 miles from Canton, on good public road, 50 acres in cultivation; has splendid ten-room dwelling and outbuildings; excellent, orchard; 30 acres of splendid bottom land. Has n gin and a mill operated by water power. Splen did bargain for $4,000. 320-ACRE FARM 12 MILES North of Canton, on public road; 20 acres bottom land; 30 acres upland in cultivation, two dwellings, and outbuildings; about 200 acres good saw timber, pine and oak. Price $2,750; $1,250 cash, good terms on balance. R. B. TAYLOR Canton, Ga. Buy Laurens County Farm Lands We HAVE one of the best farms in Laurens County for SALE : 600 acres in the tract, ten-horse farm now under cultivation, rented for 1914 for $1,000. This property located only 8 miles from the city of Dublin, the only city in Georgia “Doublin’ all the time.” Could be made one of the finest stock farms in the State. Will sell at a bargain, or exchange for Atlanta improved property. Address FINN, GARRETT & HOLCOMB DUBLIN, GA. $40 $24 $20 $16 MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. ^ CUT PRICES ON XMAS FURNITURE Morris Chairs, now $29.00 Morris Chairs, now $24.00 Morris Chairs, now $14.50 Ladies’ Desks, now $24.00 Ladies’ Desks, now $19.00 Ladies’ Desks, now $12.00 Ladies’ Desks, now .$10.00 Smoking Sets, now $ 8.75 Brass Costumers, now $ 7.50 Music Cabinets, now $22.00 Music Cabinets, now $18.00 Music Cabinets, now $12.50 Music Cabinets, now $10.00 A Souvenir goes with Every Purchase. ROBISON FURNITURE CO. 25 AND 27 EAST HUNTER. MR, AUTOMOBILE OWNER, OXYGEN CARBON CLEANER Cleaned for $1 a Cylinder. We do not hurt your valves. THE WELLBORN CARBON CLEANING COMPANY, \ 14 Gilmer St., Near Ivy. Bell Phone Main 54. Atlanta, Ga. STOVES HEATERS COLD WEATHER IS COMING. Stoves, Ranges and Heaters will be in demand. I have a new complete line Cadet Heaters with coil eonneeting, $12.50. Comforts and Blankets a specialty. 144 Auburn Ave. Phone Ivy 4467. R. F. JORDAN H4 FURNITURE i,e - Phone Ivy 4467. ARCHITECTS. ARCHITECTS. W. C. MEADOR, Architect 1114 Empire Building. Phone Ivy 8128. RESIDENCES. bungalows and apartment houses. THE ANA KIN BURGLARPROOF LOCK Saved the contents of the safes of J. M. High Co. and Randftll Bros. It will save the contents of vonrs. Sold by W. K. MOWER. 323 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FORD & SPARKS CO. REAL ESTATE. 604 GOULD BUILDING. MILLEDGE AVENUE—Right at Grant Park, very beat section, we have an eleven-room house, two apartments, corner lot, 62 by 225; enough room for another house; small loan $3,100, to run four and one-half years, or can take up any time. Will trade for farm or acreage. This Is a big bargain for some one. See us about this Monday. TWO ACRES—On Marietta car line, facing three streets; nice -room house, shade, chicken runs, etc. Loan $2,000, at 7 per cent. We want to trade this place for a farm. See us IPs a bargain. V IcANt LOT—Within one block of Marietta street car line we have a nice corner vacant lot that we want to trade for automobile. Loan $400, due three years. If you have a car to trade see us Monday. FARMS if you have a farm m any section of Georgia that you want to trade for city property, see us at once or write us. We have a long list of city property to exchange for farms. ATLANTA PROPERTY If you have any kind of property in Atlanta to exchange for a farm, see us at once. We have farms in all sections of the State to exchange. IF YOU HAVE REAL ESTATE of any description It will pay you to see us We make a specialty of exchanging property and selling either farms or city property. We have the customers. I^et us have your proper ty. WE CAN GET YOU A TRADE. J. H. LANE, P.ealty Department. 40,000 WE have au out-of-town friend who wants to invest the above amount in central or semi-central business prop erty. Call at our office and tell what you have for sale. $2,000—ALL CASH To pay for good white renting property; must show up good. Large store room with dwelling above; corner lot; splendid business section; NO LOAN; will give terms, (’all MR. RUNYAN. Call at our office and tell us what you have for sale or what you want to buy. We will do the rest. D. C. SMITH & M. W. TURNER 901 Empire Bldg. Phone Ivy 2059. CLEBURNE AVENUE 1914 WILL soon be here. Why not start the year in your own Home? Convenient to car line we have a beautiful and modern nine-room home, designed and built for present owner. Large lot, 55x175, with a beautiful lawn, tiled walks and plenty of shade; servants’ house on rear. House has fur nace heat and every modern convenience. Surroundings and location perfect. Let ns show you this elegant home. We can make close price and easy terms. THE L. C. GREEN CO. 305 Third Nat’l Bank Bldg. Phones Ivy 2943, 4546. Georgian Want Ads FOR SALE BY' F<WkTTs ~\VdNTfc WSffl. TWO-STORY; eight rooms; all conven iences; on lot 60 by 150; very near In; only $6,500. Terms. 15 TER CENT INVESTMENT. TWO-STORY eight-room slate-roof dwelling, with two two-room cottages In rear; spend $200 in repairs and you will have good 15 per cent Investment; only $2,700; terms 814 EMPIRE BLDG. REAL ESTATE, RENTING, LOANS. PHONES 15»8 GREENE R E A L V Y COMPANY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. W. E WORLEY Real Estate 415-416 Empire Building BEA UTIFUL SUBDIVISION. THE MOST beautiful subdivision, the best section of the city, and the best prop erty for the money that has ever been placed on the market in Atlanta. 200 LOTS. - IN the above subdivision we offer 200 beau tiful building lots at such prices and terms that will interest any one. They are located on Piedmont Ave., Cheshire Road and Oakland Circle, just over the hill from the Piedmont Driving Club, at Rock Springs. PIEDMONT SUBDIVISION. YOU can pay $250 cash, $300 cash, $400 cash, $500 cash or all cash on these beautiful lots, balance one, two and three years at 7. per cent. You will get with each lot water, sewer and tile walks. GO OUT IN YOUR AUTO. IT IS a fine drive and good roads. Streets are 50, 60 and 80 feet wide and cherted. Pick out a fine corner lot while they last; pay the small cash payment and forget about it for eight or ten months, then see what will happen. I believe that there is a sure profit of 40 per cent in one year on each of these lots bought aLthe present prices. FOR RENT. A fine North Side home for rent at $50 per month. Will lease it to you for two years at $30 per month provided all the rent is paid in advance. Our client has good rea sons Yor offering a deal of this kind. The house is new and never occupied. Eight room, two story, furnace heat, hardwood floors, slate roof. ST. CHARLES AVE. LOT, 50x200 feet, at $2,250.00, part cash. Lots are selling across the street for $3,250. Yes, selling for that, not simply an asking price. You can pick up $1,250 on this lot. ATLANTA AVE. FIVE new houses on Atlanta Ave,, four bungalows and one two-storv house on Atlanta Ave. at Capitol Ave. One of these bungalows would be a nice Xmas present for your wife. Don’t take but little cash, balance like rent—just what you are paying now. WE HAVE A CLIENT WHO will pay 8 per cent net for a loan of , $4,000 on a fine North Side home; will pay 8 per cent for $3,500 on a new eight- room house, and will pay 8 per cent for $2,250 on a new six-room bungalow. Call our office, 3312 M. PEACHTREE ROAD LOTS. WE have two Peachtree Road lots, 81x300 feet each, that we can sell cheap. Car line in front, city water and paved street. $50 per foot might take one of them now. Easy terms. “ 450 FEET ON PEACHTREE. WE offer 450 feet of Peachtree frontage at $32.50 per foot, and it is near Piedmont Ave. and where property is selling for $70 per foot. Some of this frontage is 421 feet deep; some 280 feet deep. 60 ACRES IN the city at $625 per acre; 1,700 feet of street frontage, 2,600 feet of railroad frontage; clean white property. The 1,700 feet is nicely cherted and near the ear line. Cut four lots to the acre and each lot costs you $156. Thirty-eight of these lots will bring $600 each now. W. E. WORLEY REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. GRAHAM & MERK REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING. t 301-302 Empire Bldg. Main 4376. SOUTH OEORGIA—Sub-division tract; 30,000 acres in one body, fine truck and farming land, high and dry. Can raise orange, grapefruit, figs; in few words, all kinds of vegetables at small cost. Charlton County, Georgia, 24 miles of Jacksonville, Fla. Railroad pins through this property. Enough timber to half pay for it. Price, $6.50 per acre. Good town and bank. If you don’t mean business, need not answer. Best bargain in Georgia. LAKE VIEW, on South Decatur car line, splendid seven- room home, on beautiful lot, 100x190 feet to alley. $3,250. This is a bargain. DECATUR, GA.—Four-acre tract in original forest of beau tiful oak and hickory; lies well; suitable for nice sub division. Price, $4,000, on terms. WASHINGTON ST.—Eleven-room, two apartments, for the sum of $6,500, on terms. Rents for $75 per month. For Sale By FOSTER & ROBSON 11 Edgewood Avenue INMAN CIRCLE, Ansley Park. We have a nine-room mod em home, with hardwood floors, furnace. An up-to-date place for $7,500. Assume loan of $4,000 at 6 per cent and notes at $35 per month. Will take auto for owner’s equity. See Mr. Martin. RAILROAD FRONTAGE—-Just the place for a manufactur ing site or coal yard. 270 feet on the Georgia Railroad and 700 feet street frontage on two streets, and a comer. In all, a little over 3 acres, for only $4,250. One-half cash. See Mr. White. KIRKWOOD—Six-room home, on shaded lot, 50x200. Bath and electric lights. Only $3,500. $500 cash and balance easy. See Mr. Radford. IN WEST END, on Atwood street, two lots on comer of alley, that we can sell or trade at the reasonable price of $1,800. $900 per lot on a street with chert and all other city improvements is very reasonable. Owner would con sider exchanging for other property or auto. See Mr. Brad shaw or Mr. Martin; * A FIRST-CLASS little investment. No. 216 Bass street. Splen did 5-room house, now renting to good tenant for $20 per month. Price, $2,000; one-half eash. See Mr. Cohen. FOR SALE JUST OFF of Ponce DeLeon avenue, on Barnett street, seven-room house, furnace heat, with every other modern improvement; lot 50 by 175 feet. This is a beautiful home for some one. Price $6,760; will make terms. BEAUTIFUL HOME on Piedmont avenue, will exchange for other email property or purchase money notes. Loan $3,000 at 6 per cent. WE have a beautiful bungalow, up-to-date In every particular. This Is a special bargain at $5,500. We have It only for a few days. See B. H. Treadwell. ""lO-ROOM HOUSE, close In, all Improvements; never vacant; price $3,100. Also 5-room house, corner lot; all Improvements; price $2,250. 61 ACRES of land on the Cascade Road, 10 acres of good bottom. See us for particulars and price. Will exchange for city property. WEST I*XD—Beecher street, we have two acres of land, good 4-room house, a bargain at $2,350. BRAND-NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE, car line In front; cherted etredt Price - $2,660. Terms to suit. WE sell homes and vacant lots In_all parte of the city. ”WE have some choice propositions in central property. W. E, TREADWEL & CO. 24 SOUTH BROAD ST. HOME BARGAINS $8,750—WEST PEACHTREE; a very attractive nine-room home, Including a breakfast room, sleeping porch, tile bath, furnace and hardwood floors. Can arrange terms. Take one look at this place. $5,000—ANSLEY PARK BUNGALOW; five rooms; hardwood floors and beau tiful mahogany doors. This Is your chance for a little home on terms. $6,760—ONE OF THE HANDSOMEST six-room bungalows on the North Side, close to Ponce DeLeon avenue and Boulevard. Has hardwood floor® In patterns, beam ceilings, furnace, side drive and garage. See us at once about this. — MARTIN-OZBURN REALTY CO. Third National Bank Bldg. Fhon« Ivy 1279; At!. 208. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK PRETTY 6-ROOM BUNGALOW ON OVER HALF ACRE CORNER LOT, ONE BLOCK FROM CAR LINE. In Hapeville. Lot is covered with beautiful oajt shade trees. If you want a suburban home, this will appeal to you. And remember this, IT MUST BE SOLD; IT’S GOT TO BE SOLD RIGHT NOW. It’s worth over 83.000, 82,200 will buy It on dead easy terms. Has lean on R of 81.600. GALLOWAY & SMITH Empire Bldg. Main 140. CAFE SACRIFICE. On account leaving State I have a very Interesting cafe proposition te a >ed. wi reliable party. Small amount of cash, balance monthly, located and out of debt. “OWNER,” PHONE MAIN 4411. Fully equipped ell