Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 30, 1913, Image 36

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HEAKST'S SIN DAY AMERICAN. ATLANTA, GA, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, in Hand By BUD FISHER Smiles from Everywhere Doesn’t Prove Anything. MI9 he swayed by his prejudices?” * "I should say so. Anyhow, he's the sort of a man who cheers when the hall hits the umpire on the shin.” Wouldn’t Pay Twice. A 8COTBMAN went into a restau rant and ordered a whiskey and soda, for which he was charged a shilling. He complained of the price and said that he was accustomed to pay threepence for "a nip of whis key.” "Yes, that's well enough," said the attendant, "but you've got to pay something here for the surroundings —the velvet seats, and the nirrors and the beautiful pictures on the wall and all that.” The next day the Scotsman went into the place again, ordered a drink and put down threepence. It was a different waiter, but he protested. "No, no,’* said the Scotsman. "No, no, mon; that’s all right. I saw your pictures yesterday.” Copyright, ISIS, by tbs Star Company, Great Rrllaln Rights Reserved. <£ee, vr>o suit) toe dooveO, JCFF. Tbtif, PLACF (WILL fee WHEN 0<JR FURniYuR£ i C*T4 here that eoutj ht i YMV INSTALLMENT plan, a Dollar.t)0u,N ["-yw and y-mf rest y 6.\iFNFUALLV / if' WHAT Do Yum MEAN \ *5 ? GET OUT OF l mere . u* Bought •STUFF ON I INSTALL MF« t PlN *‘I \ GIST OUT f—' A CHAIR FOR. MR, A. MUTr. ’Twas Ever Thus. MIT seems to me that Scribbler’s * writing has deteriorated since he became famous." “Oh, it isn’t that. You see, since he became famous he’s been able to sell all the rubbish he ever wrote.” T1HAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT <5UY, TRYING TO SET OUT OF L)t>. THIS 14 A ’j.UiFuL, CHAIR TOO. A 5 ooon ae another onf cofAey VOU CAN %|T Dou/N. IT'S KIND O' 0AR.E HOMJ Making the Best of It. <<117HEN people laugh aloud it ts ™ a pretty sure sign they are amused, isn’t it?” "Not always,” replied the sad eyed comedian. "Sometimes they are merely making an effort to con vlnce thenjselves that they haven’t wasted their money." No Other Kind. IfTYID you have a bad toothache?” U “I think so, but If you know of any other kind of a toothache, per haps it was that kind I had." Well Concealed. My OUR trouble," said the opttrais- tic friend, “may be a bleesing in disguise. ’’Well,” sighed the Afflicted one, “I must say it is the cleverest dis guise I ever saw.” •'**//////, M RS. PECKAM—I never told you how my husband proposed to me, did 1 ? Mrs. Dashum—No; did he propose to you? that Guy marc 4 ME SICK. IF THE House Ui«!>N’T (EMPTY, I'D HIT HIM WITH 5oMF. THING . I You CAN TRY this chair ! NOW FOR a- Ujhilf r AU/AY! A* WAY .• IF THERE t"A>L I ANYTHIMfc IN TK6 HOoiE To THROW. A't) Hit You with —w IT . The DRIVER. SAYS t Gotta G>tr *5 OR TAKE TH6 CHair 6ft OUT of HERjF op. I'LL HIT : You ohtm f THtS r thf DRivee. SAYS An Opportunity ToMake Money he might A4 WELL ASK FOR A Million A4 fnf dollars SUCH BR.A5J iaventor*. men of idea* and mvoahve ability, ihoutd wnh to day ter our laat of lavaar.oat needed, aad pm or ofered by Iredtnj manufacturer*. Patent* secured or acr fee reture-d. ”W»v Same Irraeto™ Fail,” "How to Get Your Patent aad Yeur Money,” aa6 other valuable booklet* cent froe to any addreaa. RANDOLPH a CO. C0M Pateat Attorney*, rw TdSl 618 “F* Street, N. W„ pK fUSSry WASHINGTON. D. O. Startling Clo ck Of f er Worst Ones of the Week Erom the Jokesters tug it a misdemeanor to send annoy- street car and-seven different women ing letters to anybody. Very clever claimed it.” idea, that. I’ll have my tailor locked Defective Covering. Burlesque Manager (after first per formance)—So you consider Lola the Live Wire’s dance a little too—er— advanced for this burg, eh? Any thing we can do to conform to the local requirements? Police Captain—More insulation might help. Keeps You Thin. I T'KJENT) (looking over,Brown's un furnished flat)—And what is this passage for? Brown—Passage? Great Scot! This is the dining room!, arm Copyright, ltt 13. tut 8tir CVmpuny Croat Britain Bight* lUwr»nl Gentle Reminder. IT was midnight. The burglar had entered * the house as quietly as possible, hut his shoes were not padded, and they made some noise, lie had just reached the door of the bedroom when he heard someone moving in the bed as if about to get up, and he paused. The sound of a woman’s voice floated to his ears "If you don’t take your boots ofT when you nmamM come into this house." tl N ^LET fl “there's going to be H| trouble, and a whole lot of Here it's been raining for three hours and you wj|S dare *° tramp over my EL? Tjjr' m| carpets with your muddy jB| A Sto boots on. (5o downstairs and take them off this Kku WEM He went downstairs without a word, he didn’t lake off his boots instead he went straight out Into the night again and the "par who was watting for him saw a ’ar glisten in his eye. “I can’t rob that house,' he said "It re minds me of horns.” Simple and Easy. rpwo commercial travellers while in a train got into an argument over the action of the vacuum brako. "It's the Inflation of the tube that stops the traiu,” declared the first traveller. "Wrong, wrong!” shouted the second. "It's i he output of the exhaustion.” Then, when the train arrived at the station, they agreed to submit the matter for settle ment to the engineer. That gentleman, lean Ing condescendingly from his cab, listened with an attentive frown to the two travellers’ statement of their argument. Thpn he smiled, shook his head and said- "Well, gents, ye're both wrong about the workin' of the vacuum brakes. Yet It’s very simple and easy to understand. When we want to stop the train we just turn this valve and then we fill the pipe with vacuum!” Awful. at t THAT was the worst money * V panic you ever saw?” asked one financier of another. "The worst money panic I ever saw,” was the reply, “was when a nickel rolled tinder the seat of a Good Idea. J ACK HARDUP (with unwonted enthusiasm)—-By .love! T see that some fellow is talking about in troducing a bill into the House mak- The Tenth Anni- versary Number of the Los Angeles > j ] “Examiner” will be out Wednesday, December 24th. It will be a re- markable edition. \ . It will tell you every- \ thing worth knowing J about the busiest and It’s Going to Un lock the Treasure House of Facts About Our Magic Southern California Gibson’s Good Points. rpHK old man had given his sou a very fair education and had taken him into his shop The young fellow was —irwnpMB over-nice about a great I many things, but the =*» v T« father made no comment. Me"' One day an order came in "J from a customer. “I wish fo goodness,' f exclaimed the son, "that L Oibson would learn to “What’s the matter with It?” inquired the father, • "Why, he spells coffee I|~Ah£t * * • with a 'k.’ " "No—does he? I never noticed it." “Of course you never did," said the son. pettishly. "You never notice anything like that.” "Perhaps not. my son.” replied the old man. gently; "but there is one thing I do notice, which you will learn by and by, and that is that Gibson pays cash.” • /I JWrB» ' most beautiful place on ONF / V'lwM the continent. * _ ^ ^ f It will show all the won- 11 WITHOUT FAIL / ^ 'f Mf ders of a Wonderland. Six different sections will be devoted to description and im- &//& ~ portant information, both for f ' the visitor, the settler and the investor. There is no doubt about your wanting a copy, the only question is, How many of your friends shall we put on the list? Please fill out the coupon below’, inclosing 15 cents for each copy you w’ant. Anniversary Number mailed Anywhere, United States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy. All foreign points, 25 cents a copy. $‘/:25 The !^ s , tern ” $2^ Nickel Plated ~ Sent Prepaid) A p| ^ „I I Sent Prepaid by Parcel Post ( “ mllll V^IOCK | by Parcel Post A GUARANI EED high grade 8 Day Alarm Clock ^ *- offered at a lower price than asked for an ordinary one day movement. No more danger of oversleeping. You simply wind the clock and the alarm once, and it will run and alarm for 8 consecutive Hays. All you do when you go to bed is to press a little button on the front of the clock. That sets (she alarm. - L newspaper: "Wanted, capable Junior clerk; salary, five dollars ■Kes»«n»nj» A young man applied >r the situation in these I, erms: “I beg to offer von i nv services. Should you require security. 1 could f/ ' \ri mint a hundred dollars "V \ V You do not mention Sun- \ x ■lay—should I have to Gjl- work on that day? Neither Sv ’o you state whether the f , Uv§>^Jrv 'mider of the position must iyA's*'!' ”<^'1 1 F he clothed or not, but I ■ V* v -.Lvtq have concluded tliat he l**^^-*————i lust at least wear something with a pocket, >r he would be unable to carry home his ages!” LOS ANGELES "EXAMINER,” Los Angeles. Cal. Inclosed please find Anniversary Number of your pape' Votes for Babies OW that it is pretty well cents, for which you will please ssnd the Tenth to the following names: assured that 1 ’ women w ill vote, it is time to arouse pub lic sentiment in favor of votes for babies. The awful state of our local and general gov ernment shouts aloud for infant suffrage. It is vain to look for purttv in government until the ballot is in the hands of the really inno cent Let the babies vote! Taxation without representation Is a horrid thing and the baby demands justice. Where He Got It. TO his mother came a little boy, crying and - rubbing one of his eyes "Well, what did the doctor say?' she asked Tie said I had got a foreign substance in my . Tommy replied And I don’t wonder at your getting such a ;teg. the mother said, severely, "seeing that ou will persist in playing with the Italian tgan grinder'a boya!" Western Merchandise and Supply Co. 326 W. Me.dison Street, Chicago, III. Street. State Street Name Street Name State —COUPON— 1 his coupon and L2._?5 entitles sender to one "Western” 8 Day Name State Name State Western Merchandise & Supply Co, CHICAGO, ILL ffiNTED,IDE