Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 30, 1913, Image 46

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a H 11 KARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER Miss Bertha Moore r Decatur j / •N intorastln* event *va« ths wod- i din* of Miss Pauline Norman and * William H. M cLoran, which took ;>la.r« at tht bride's home, on North «'hurrh afreet, Monday afternoon. The eren .*nv was performed by Rev. James R. Allen, a relative of the, bride Mrs. J. O Addy rendered vocal and Instru mental solos before the ceremony and play ad the wedding march. Elisabeth Norman and William Brown, Jr., were the ribbon bearers. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Nor- i an. Mr. and Mrs. McLoran will re side In Waco, Texas. Miss Kioto* Chapman, of Sanders- ville, i-« the guest of Misses Lois and <"lara Weekes Mist* bn rah Franklin Montgomery • ft on Wednesday for Athens, where *he Is the guest of Miss Edith Bright- well. Misses Clara and Lois Weekes have returned from Mlllen, where they were entertained as the guest* of Miss Har man. Miss Mary Will Montgomery le the guest of Mr and Mrs Houston Powell, <»f lAwrencevllle. Mr end Mrs W. W Freeborn, who have •'pert several w»eks In Ohio, are expected home this week. Mr and Mrs. M I tt60t» Of At lanta. were the recant guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. H Goss. Miss Christine *Lythgoe, of West Point, was the recent guest of Miss Mary Moore. Mr snd Mrs* T. L. Cooper entertained • family circle at a dinner party on Tuesday evening Their guests included shout, sixty Mrs H K. Klnnebrew is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. IL I far, sen, of La Grange. Mrs. Jefferson Plerca and Miss Au- gnsta Plercs, of New Turk, nre the guests of Mr and Mrs. W. R. MrCalla. Mrs Rucker McCarty, of Atlanta, was 1 e guest of Miss Francos Ansley on Fri day Mrs Edward Buchanan, of Atlanta, e as the recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. S Ansley. Mis^ Miriam Smlthdea.l, who has spent several weeks in Griffin, returned fcomg on Wednesday. Miss Russula Bell Newton, of Griffin, Is 1i * guesi of Miss Mirtarn Rmlthdeal. An event of Interest was the dancing l>nrf\ given b3' Mr and Mrs l*awrence Everhart as s compliment to the Kappa Pei Fraternity of th* Atlanta Medical College. Their guests numbered about fifty. Mrs. Polmar. of Troy. Ala., la the guest of Mrs. floy On inn .Tones Miss Sarah Terrell entertained st bridge on Friday aa a courtesy to Mrs. Pol mar. Miss Ethel Coffee was hostess for the '’oung Ladles’ Sewing Club on Wednes day afternoon. Air. and Mrs. T C. Mason entertained st a dinner party on Thursday oe a compliment to Miss Kate Howell, of At lanta. whose engagement has been an nounced to Julian C. Mason. Miss 1/oulse Colley will enterfatn her bridge club on Thursday morning Mrs George Harrison and Miss Mar *ar< I Ha rfson, of Columbus, spent last veek it the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Dude Sams. .Misses Nell and Viola Parks, of At- anta. were the recent guests of Mr. and Mi Floyd Johnson. ceremonv was performed by the Rev .1 A. Smith, and the wedding march was rendered by Miss Mamie Merritt. After the ceremony refreshments were served. Miss Velma Byrd presiding at the punch howl. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr and Mrs, Q P. Hopper, of Oakman; W. «>. r>evenport, of Lafayette; Misses Belt and Myrtlee Hill, of Hapevllle. Earl Ashworth, of Chattanooga, and Miss Clara Ashworth, of Calhoun. After a weddir. ourney to Chattanooga and Nashville, I’enn., Mr. arid Mrs. Hill will make their home in Hapevllle. Miss Asa <’armlcal entertained Thurs day evening at her home on Atlanta avenue. Mrs. E. A. Doane left recently for Tampa, where she will spend the win ter Mr and Mrs Roy G. Jones, of Deca tur. visited relatives here recently. Mrs MeOough, of Fayetteville. Ga , Is the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Will Kirkland. Mrs Thomas Fields of Hampton, visited her sister, Mra Marvin King, the past week. Mrs T*e*Me Cox entertained her bridge club Friday afternoon at her country home near Hapevllle The prizes were most a the college set. She is a guest at all the fraternity dances and was sponsor for Tech in its big game Thanksgiving with Clemson. Photo by Denney. RIFF1N, N’ov. 29.—The School Im- provement Club entertained sev eral hundred guests Thursday •afternoon in the auditorium of the First Methodist Church. The guests were re ceived by Mrs. Robert T. Daniel, presi dent of the club, and the chairmen, Mrs. W. E. H. Searcy, Jr., Mrs. Charles Thomas, Mrs. Thomas R. Mills, Mrs. David J. Bailey. Mrs. Robert. Shapard. Mrs. Ernest Carlisle, Mrs. Robert Wal ker. and Mrs. Hillary Wynne. The ushers were Mrs. Augustus Brice, Mrs I Paul Slaton. Mrs Elmer Griffin and | y* Miss Katherine Walker. Mrs. Robert 1 Daniel presided. Mrs. Lyman J. Ams- i den, of Atlanta, president of the State j Civic league, and Mrs. Nellie Peter i Black, president of the Kindergarten Association in Atlanta, made interesting talks. Mrs. Harriet Fletcher, after a visit two days to Mia$ Laura Woodward, left j r \ Oakland City !IF A P GRAVIES Is the guest of relatives In Gainesville Mr and Mrs E. E. Iawrence unee the birth of a daughter. J I Lpchurch returned from 'ue Thursday. Fannie T I*etsou 1 e guest of Mra. of Little Rook. C Withers. Mis visit unary. Inez Thomaaoou will leave wxm Mrs Nichole* Jones in Mont- I Japeville A f WEDDING of interest t6 Hapevllle friends was that of Miss LOttl Horton to Robert Hill, of Hape- hle. which took place Thursday even- ng at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs Ruth V. Horton, in Ranger The bridesmaids were Misses Bessie and -Stella Horton and Lelta and Myrtlee Hill, sisters of the bride and groom. The flower girls were little Misses Es telle and Dora Kate Merritt, and Bon nie Horton, a sister of the bride. The D eek for her home in Jackson. Fletcher was the honor guest at il dinner parties during her visit. Phase entertaining for her were Miss Woodward, Mr. and Mrs Richard Drake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills and Mrs. Scott. A wedding of interest Saturday was that of Miss Mary Tyus and John But ler, of Carrollton, which took place at the home of the bride’s father, J. T. Tyus. the Rev. J. E. Lammens perform ing the ceremony. An eveht of Thursday evening was the dinner- given at Hotel Griffin by Jack Gunter, of Atlanta. In honor of Miss Christine Manning, of Atlanta. Others m 1 he party were Miss Annie Scott and Harford Greene. Valdosta '''■ \ f A].DOS ng I \/ Hoye < of | ’ Bridge I.DOST A, Nov. 29.—Mrs. Karl entertained the Once a-Week ge Club Wednesday afternoon, high score was made by Miss i Gladys Ousley. ‘who was presented with I a box ..f correspondence cards. The con- , solution prize, a guest towel, fell to Mrs. c.*peh;nd. Mrs. Hoye was assisted In entertaining by her sister. Mrs. Patter- ■ son. The home of Mrs. W. R. Tonies, on Hill avenue, was the scene of much gay- ’ t\ and childhood vivacity on Monday jfiernoon. when her little daughter. Afan*. entertained a number of her friends in honor of her tifth birthday, ’f he prizes in the prize game were won I b \. Ma, Z Turner an<1 Thomas Blalock. Mrs. D. A. Findley gave a luncheon I Monday in honor of Miss Beulah Whil- en, a student at the South Georgia Normal College. C ORDELE. Nov. 29.—Misses Flor ence and Margaret Needham en tertained a number of friends at a Thanksgiving social Thursday evening, the event being a compliment to th« Epworth League. Mrs. B. H. Palmer entertained the Symphony Music Club Saturday after noon. The Young Matrons* Rook Club mem bers were guests Wednesday afternoon of Mrs. Walter E. Hubbard. The Symphony Music Club and the la dies of the Presbyterian Church held ba zaars on Tuesday, both of which were I successful. week was the auction bridge party glvsn Wednesday morning by Mrs Benjamin Redding complimentary to Mrs. R. Strain, of Darien, who is visiting Mr and Mrs. John M. Hopkins. The first prize was won by Mrs. Fred L. S. Orun dy. and the consolation went to Mrs George Mayo. The guest of honor was presented with a fern dish. Mrs. Red ding was assisted in entertaining by her sister. Miss Alex Carswell. Tifton T Dalton I) ALTON. Nov. 29.—Mrs. Archibald Davis, of Atlanta, president of the Georgia Synodical Society of the Presbyterian Church, was the guest of the Woman’s Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian Church at the meet ing at the home of Mrs. H. L Smith Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Davis ad dressed the organization. While here she was the guest of Mrs. W. M. Den ton, who entertained at a luncheon in her honor. Mrs. C. M. Hollingsworth, regent of the Governor John Mllledge Chapter, D. A. R., was hostess at the chapter at her home on North Thornton avenue, Wednesday afternoon. The Lesebe and Reviewers' Clubs will j join in celebration of Arbor Day here next Friday afternoon. Each club will plant a tree. IF-foN. Not. Mr*. R. D. tmlta entertained the Bridge Club at the last meeting. The top score prise, an. enameled four-leaf-clover pin, was won by Mrs. H. H. Adams. Misses Laura Cowles and Alio* Ma« Freeman and Ben Daniel, of Atlanta, were the out-of-town guest* at a party given bv Henry Tift at his bungalow on Alapaha River thU week. — Mrs. Thomas PanleWfcf oned the party. Mr. and. bf Atlanta, chaper AINKSVTL.L.I-:, FT,A., Nov. 29.—The largest reception this fall was j that tendered by Mrs. J. \V. Me- j Cullom Wednesday residence on North fsernoon at oak avenue. her Waycross To Overcome Winter Complexion Troubles As i p:-usddent of the Twentieth Century Club \\ f I s! -■ had invited as guests the members i iif all other musical and social clubs of | VV the city. Assisting in entertaining were Misses Ida Burkhim and Louise Beard. A toilet accessory shower was ten dered by “Mrs. M H. McCIamrock this week to Miss Isbabel Patton, a bride- elect. who is soon to become a resident of Atlanta. Mrs. A. B. Hartsfleld, of North Prairie avenue, has for a guest this week Mrs. C. M. Clayton, of Lakeland, and on Saturday afternoon gave a reception in her honor.' AYCROSS, Nov. 29.—In honor of their guests. Miss Margaret Akers, of Atlanta, and Miss Min- j nie Mac Pow ell, of I^awrenceville, Mr and Mrs. Edgar Allen Stubbs enter tained Wednesday with a dinner party. One of the enjoyable affairs of the (From Woman's Tribune.) If the chill air causes your skin to fry and scale or become unduly red or spot ted, before you go to bed spread a thin layer of ordinary mercollaed wax over your entire face. Remove next morn ing with warm water. This is the Meal complexion treatment for the winter girl. The wax gently absorbs the dead particles of surface skin so gradually there’s no discomfort. This gives the underlying skin a chance to breathe and to show Itself. In a week or so the new and younger skin is wholly in evidence and you have a really matchless com plexlon. Naturally all its defect* disap pear with the discarded cuticle—ai chaps, roughness, blotches, pimples, freckles, blackheads, sallowness. Kauai • ly an ounce of mercollzed wax, procur able at any drug store. Is enough to ren ovate even the worst complexion. Wrinkles need bother you no more if you’ll use this simple face wash: Pow dered raxolite, 1 oz., dissolved in witch hazel, Vi pt- Just one application will affect even the deepest lines, and soon your skin will be smooth as a child’s.— Advt. of hand-painted china The ladles playing were Mrs. Frank Lewis. Mrs. Fj H. Willis ms, Mrs. Felix McKlroy, Mrs. 8 J. Brown. Mrs. Jackson, Miss Stella Hape and Miss Mattie Couch. Mr and Mrs. Leslie Cox spent Thanksgiving in Montgomery. Mrs. Eugene Kimball is suffering from a sprained ankle as the result of a fall. Mrs. W P Brooks, of Athens, gras the recent guest of her sister, Mrs W. T. Akin. The Study Circle met with Mrs. oJhi D. Humphries on Tuesday. Kirkwood AND MK8 vrcunmjR, who re- eently moved into their new home on Sutherland Drive, were given a surprise party on Tuesday evening by a few friends and neighbors, the oc casion being in the form of a kitchen shower Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Marsan left on Mr. and Mrs P. C Mason left on Sunday for New York city, where they will visit Mr. Mason’s parents. | — Mr., W. B. Smith and Min One. Ga., .pent Thanksgiving with her un- L'll a II w ... tVin nil-. 12 J ...» ..A , 1 1.. T. . ... E ASTMAN. Nov. 29.—Among the af fairs of this week was the Puri tan party given Thursday bj' Mrs. George T. McRae, at her home on Col lege street, in honor of Mrs. Ethel Wynne Harley, of Thomasviile. Guests were greeted at the door by little Misses Emily Wynne and Bernice Hurst. Mrs. Charles W. Griffin and Miss Rose Rags dale poured tea. The regular weekly meeting of the Once-a-Week Club was held Thursday at the home of W. R. Hall on Fifth avenue. “JFMve hundred” was played at three tables. Mrs. L. M. Peacock, Jr., made the highest score, receiving a beautiful bag for the prize. A Tdox of handkerchiefs was cut by Mrs. A. L. Wilkins. Items For Christmas Shopping. Watches—that a lifetime service. Gild v/ases $10.00 to $36.00 Solid Gold Cases $25.00 to $100.00 Rings—suitable for everyone $ 1.00 and up Diamonds—white and brilliant... .$15.00 and up Jewelry—send for our catalogue, or better still, come in and see the goods. Every article guaranteed. Divided Payments accepted from responsible parties. BANTA-COLE JEWELRY COMPANY 5 South Broad Street Atlanta, Georgia ' 3 Mrnlth. of Ixmlsvllle, Ky.. ara the guests of Mrs. T. M. Smith. Mrs. J. D. Dunwoody sntartalned de lightfully on Wednesday afternoon, the guests Including the members of her sewing club. Miss Lou Nixon Is making her home with Mrs Bowden in West End. Mrs. J. O. Klein entertained her brldgs aiub on Friday evening at her horns on DsKalb avenue. The next meeting wll be a* the home of Mrs Herbert Mason, on Hopkins street In West End. Miss Annie Laurie Hlate has been the guest of her sunt. Mrs Cousin* Miss Edna Paso bail, of Washington, The Je^cfiDcJ' [p/fructor/ i 19 13 Sixth Season 1914 Atlanta Conservatory Allied School? of Music, Opera, Languages and the Drama The Leading School of Musical Art in the South os according to I nstructs, trains and educa tlie methods employed by the foremost insti tut ions of Europe and America. Courses leading to teachers' certificates, and to graduation. St udents received at any time for tiie uuex- pired portion of any quarter. Second term 1 >«>- qan November 11th. Address The Registrar. Peachtree and Broad Streets. Atlanta, Ga. Carlyon, on Murrayhill cle, Edward avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Paden have moved from Sutherland Terrace and are now making their hon^e in Smyrna. Miss Laura Rlchkrdijon. of Columbia, R C., is the guest of Mis. Thomas Dun lap In Sutherland Terrace. .„ Mr ?:^ Kata ,° reen Hess, who has been ill with tonsHltls, is much better. The Btudy Club held an interesting meeting on Tuesday afternon at the home of Mrs. II. Shearer, In Suth erland Terrace. Mrs R. L. Walace. who has been ill at her home in Oakhurst, Is betetr Mrs. P. Wesley Ilutcneson and son, of Jacksonville, will arrive In Decem ber to be the guests of Mrs. Hutche son s parents. Mr. and Mra J P. Down ing. They will also visit relatives In Athens during the holidays Colonel and Mrs. William Schley Howard and family have returned to Washington, where they wil lspend the winter. Mr ami Mr, T P. Cornell vlBlted friends in Kirkwood on Sunday. Miss Mary Branham is convalesclne from her recent illr.ess. Mr and Mrs. W. C. Taylor, of North Carolina, have recently taken posses sion of a homp on Sutherland avenue Mrs. Cox, who has been ill at he! home on Clifton street. Is Improving sonce undergoing an operation. The Women s Civic League, of Kirk wood, will hold a meeting on Tuesday afternoon at the School Auditorium. College Park j M RS. CHARLES BROWDER, of Sweetwater, Tenn., visited Mrs. Alonso Richardson the past week. Miss Helen Leavens has returned home, after a summer spent in Glens Falls, N. Y., visiting relatives. ^ Mrs, J. E. Maddox, of Greensboro, C., who has been visiting her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. L M. Parker, re turned home Tuesday. Miss Freda Ashe, of Atlanta, Is the guest of Mrs. Charles Wilkinson. Mrs. Byron Hule was hostess for her sewing dub Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. S. E. Cooper has returned home after a visit to relatives in Baltimore. Miss McCowan, of Forsyth, and Miss Lowe, of -Washington, Ga., are visiting Miss Mamie Jones. Miss Sarah Penlston, of Newnan, is visiting Miss Helen Smith. L LaGr < MiSS LIRA CLARK KIN3 Teaoher of Singing. JAMES C. WARDWILL. Associate Tascher and Tsner Soloist. 43t WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH. Studio, Phone Ivy 3613. Home, Phono East Point Zt. MISS LILLIAN H. FOSTER VOICE AND PIANO Also Sight-reading. Musical Theory and History of Music Resident* Studio: 81 Summer Ave. Phone Ivy 1197. Studio: Baptist Tabernacle. Luckle Street. Officer Y. M C. A. Bldg. THIRTY-FOURTH SESSION. BARIL1 SCHOOL OF MUSIC Director: Mr. Alfredo Barili. School reopens Monday. September 1 1913 Home atudioe: 167 Myrtle street, near Fourth. Atiant.i. Ga. Phone Ivy 3069-J.' Nov. 29.—Delegates the student body of A GRANGE, elected by IxtGrange College to the Interna tional Student Volunteer Convention at Kansas City are Misses Freddie West morland. Cleveland; Maria Cotton, Hamilton; Bloudlne Cooper, Marietta; Resale Crabbl©, Rockmart, and Bessie Blackburn. West Point; Irene Buten- shorf, Anniston; Estelle Jones, Augusta, and Hallie Smith, IaiGrange The young ladies elected for the edl- torlal «taff of the college annual are Misses Freddie Westmoreland, editor-in- chief; Nolle Haimnond. assistant man ager, Frances Robeson, assistant busi ness manager; Ruth Sparks, literarv ed itor: Ruby Moss, art editor, Pauline Beckton. social editor: Sarah Wesley, club editor; Nina Maxwell, snorting ed itor. and Florence E'en, religious ed religi ditor. South Georgia Normal V ALDOSTA. Nov. 29.—On Wednes day evening the trustees, faculty and students of the Scmtl) Georgia State Normal College tendered a recep tion to their friends in Valdosta. Music was furnished by the Valdosta Orches tra. Punch was served ‘by Misses Horne. Griffin and Wray, in the receiv ing line were Professor R. H Powell, the president; Mrs. Powell. W. S. West, C. K. Ashley and W L. Converse, t! « local trustees, Mrs. West, Mrs. Ashley and Mrs. Converse, Miss Center, Mtss Rule. Miss Jones, Miss Greene, Miss Gallaher. Mrs. Knapp. Mr. Guillfams Mr. Bradley and Mr Yarbrough ,.f n , faculty: Misses Lottie Jim! Angi. .\ia«- mlltor. Julia Pinkston, Ei el Rchnauss, Louise Cheney and I'mily Andrews, from the student Kd\. as fc.sted in euLciiaiiiiufc. C "* AINESVILLE, Nov. 29.—Several I Brenau College girls are attend- I lng a house party given by Col onel and Mrs. L. Z. Rosser at their home in Atlanta to their daughter Ruth. Among the number axe Misses Cynthia Ellis. Eva Renfroe and Carrie Belle Glover. The largest social function at Brenau this season was the senior reception given to the juniors Wednesday evening. Those receiving were Dr. and Mrs H. J. Pearce. Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Simmons, Misses Mary Blanton, Frances Fuger- son, Jurelle Little, Grace Pruitt, Tressa Beets, Helen Howe and Eva F’earce, Professor and Mrs Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Pfefferkorn and Dr. Murfee. Assisting In serving were Misses Alma Hamerick. Maybell Hlxon, Margaret Carroll, Ethel Wait, Virginia Estes, Louise Battle, Edna Crawford. Marv G. I Smith, Bena Tucker, Julia Wright, Eliz abeth Classon, Marie Roberts. Miriam Mayes, Elizabeth Gayle. Bobbie Idas- singame. Marguerite Walton. Lula Bell i Ellis, Lyra Swift, Nell Pimon, Helen W est, Rosa Gillen. Rebecca Catherine Daves, Carolyn Norris Sehuessler and Madge Pollock. Laing, 1, Essie Bessie Tift FORSYTH, Nov. 29—The Thanksgiv ing holidays at Besie Tift College were unusually full this year. On j Wednesday evening the Junior class presented in the College Auditorium "The Burglar.’ a comedy in one act. 1 ;md "Six Cups of I'hocolgtc,” a piec* of 1 issi11 in vino act. Both plays were j and full of college life and spirit, ung ladles who had the .arts in • nlays are MD-*es Nannie Ward, Gooding. Kathleen Mulloy. An 1 ll,k ‘ ' ki?c Kai.yw Eaz< 1 Cut .-1 opht-r. * Lmilh SnrgcTtr. Mali I Cadric!. Gladvs Rogers. Kris Silvers, ionise It. «lg >rs. Maigarei Galphin auu L.mi.a Leu leu. ore The Alisi Begin Your % Christmas Shopping at Allen's THE STORE FOR NOVELTIES We make your Christmas shopping easy, by showing you the largest selection of latest Novelties, conveniently arranged for your selection. No waste space to cover. Quick service, combined with intelligent attention, makes this possible at our Store. Men’s Silk Tie and Jewelry Section A lien hone for Ainas HnOO Silk hose that wear and give sattsfactl Phoenix 1-2 hose with four-in-hand ties to raateh, In either moire or bare thread weave. Navy, green, black, gray, lavender, tan, in spe cial holiday boxes. $1.00 and $1.50 Marabou and Ostrich Collars, Capes, Boas with muffs to match in natural color, black, white and white mixed with black and natural. Our stock covers every want In the latest modes. ' (PO /J/) A special line of collars at (/(/ Others up to $35.00 Set Plaiting s Chiffon Lace and net plaitings are being used now more than ever. Our immense assortment Is filled with the newest ideas, pretty Import ed lace effect and hemstitched chiffons being the most popular. 25c to $1.00 a Yard Pearl Necklaces \\> have gathered from the European mar- kids the finest collection of artificial pearls ever exhibited in Atlanta. We cordially Invite your inspection of this wonderful stock. Pearl necklaces, festoons, dog collars and opera chains. # $1.00 to $25.00 (Herman Silver Mesh Bags The celebrated Whiting & Davis soldered link mesh bags are the best in the world. Our stock is complete with the new style frames in plain, chased and hand-engraved. All sizes, $3.60 to $20.00. Breakless mesh of finest qtuil. ity in a variety of pretty new designs at $1.98 to $10.00 t ,£L Glove and Handkerchief Cases Cloisonne Enamel Watches in solid colors. Gold Inlaid and Dresden designs, $5.00 and $6.00. Cloisonne, Soutair chains tZfi to match at HpO Shell Cameo Pins Solid Gold Engraved Mountings in various sizes and tints. A beautiful collection, ranging in price from $6.50 to $20.00 Solid Gold Circle Pins Pretty hand-engraved pins in oval and round shape. Prices arranged according to size. $2.50 to $10 Vanity Cases Pretty Madeira and Appenzell hand-embroid ered jjlove ami liandkerehief eases, satin lined and un lined. Pretty designs at Sterling Silver Our stock of Sterling cases, Vanity Coins and novelties is complete with the latest designs in plain and engraved. Our special all-silver lined hand-engraved case (It 1 fi can not be duplicated at.... HpXfJ Sterling Silver Mesh Bags Drawstring Opera Bags and pretty en graved Hand Bags In all sizes. Made in finest quality of reversed mesh. $25 to $75 Bliss’ Gold-Filled Bags, Vanities and Chains The largest variety we have ever shown of this famous Fifth Avenue jeweler. Solid Gold BRACELETS. BAR PINS. LINKS. TIE CLASPS, EARRINGS, PENDANTS, LOCK- ETS, CHAINS, CROSSES, SCARF PINS, THIMBLES, COLLAR BUTTONS, BEADS, LA- VALLIERES, CUFF PINS. Gun Metal Jewelry Our own importation of genuine gun metal bags, vanity j cases, coins, chains, pins, ear. rings, lockets, eyeglass cases, lorgnettes, links watches and hat pins. give satisfaction. Cost no more than the inferior kind. Our guarantee is the most liberal. Complete rang* of colors, black and white. By the By the a*-/ Box *pO Pair *P-L Gloves Heynier’s French Gloves for street and even ing wen r, $1.00 to $4.50. Fownes English Gloves, for street and evening wear, $1.50 to $4.50. D. & P., Bachmo, Dents, for walking and shopping, $1 and $1.50 Handkerch iefs LADIES’ Madeira, Bretonne, Ardennes, Armenian, French and Irish hand-embroidered. 25c to $3.00 MEN’S Initialed Handkerchiefs in boxes of quarter or half dozen, also sold separate, at from 25 to $1.75 each Neckwear Fichus of fine net, hand-embroidered hand made French collars. Dainty Batiste collars. Fine net collar and cuff sets. Chiffon fichus and draped collars. Hand.embroidered silk collars. Fancy vests. Chlcon and spangled scarf. Japanese hand-embroidered scarf and capes. Exclusive models, 50c to $25 Ribbons $2.00 to $10.00 FRENCH IVORY Nail files, shoe cuticle knife, corn knife, regular 50c value .