Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 01, 1913, Image 10

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n i \ 10 TTTT \TLA?rr\ OFFICES FOR RENT. WlR RENT ( •mce* n the Moot •* Build I n g a t No '.0 A t: passenger e ■ gl 1a and unitor service; 112.50 to 11.'. George 1* Moore, Real Estate and Renting, 10 An • ■urn avenue. | HIIRE connecting corner offices In the M ".re Building spring street, for rent. long lease. ow rente . consolidation of business rea- for giving them tip well lighten mdl Vidua I wash bowln etearn heat and Jan It or service Address Lease*. P O. Box 13$, city. OKORUTAY \\T) NEWS. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. READ FOR PROFIT GEORGIAN WANT AP3 USE FOR RESULTS TTTT: ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. UNFURNISHED ROOMS WANTED , GPXTf l< ?TK?5^'¥v*ur un/urnTsfieif rooms tor light housekeeping eleetrle 1 rht- near srhool, on North Side or 'V'- ■End Write Mrs K H 53 Stonewall St WanteIS b two unfurnished rooms; mil * have conveniences and near car Apply 1 - Oak St u UNFURNISHED HOUSES WANTED WASf¥TPf>^fo^rent with privilege oi* buying, on easy terms, good s x or seven-room house with small acreage or- large lot, on ear line, with all con renlenoes. Address Sam, Box 1, care Georgian Wanted Four nr five room modern bungalow or cottage, n Tnman Park or North Side sections Must have non venlences and h<* w»*H located Vv I V., Box 9, care Georgian. GARAGES FOR RENT. FofCTuTtf'f 4! f . Poplar Gfrcle Inman Park Bell phone Ivy 4689-J 6nE OARAGE. Corner Baker and Peachtree, rent $10. 279 Peachtree Ivy 840 business Good reasons f«r selling •• d • Box [04 i • ■ M • - W'a NTKD Party with" $250 to *$5015 ! capital to Invest In a manufacturing j estab ishment doing good business. . weekly dividends paid Address Invest- 1 men*. Box •»'.♦*, . at e Georgian. . KAlliropportunity! Compelled to give j up a good business at once, 33-room ! hoarding and rooming house, full of ; best class hoarders, splendid servants j who wl'I remain; tine location; North Side, be'wocn PcachtrccH lease and low i rent will *»-Jl furnishings at sacrlflee, $1,500, or reserve some and make liberal reduction and easy terms Mrs Cox. Ivy 8501. IN'Y KSTM t.N’T $75 will buy an estab- . Ushed business; a /nan of moderate ahlllty ran make $75 to $150 per month. j reason for selling, owner leaving city. Address C F Box 5. care American. j FnR SALE The only bakery In a town of 5.000 Inhabitant- Price reasonable. City Bakery, Hock wood. Term FOR HALF Bv owner, an old estab Ilshed fancy grocery and meat market; cb-ai. stock or. I good business going; I splendid stand. North Side, cheap r«nt;l a pick-up for some one; would consider good re;il estate. Address X , Station C, Atlan 1 Oa P on< M Ivy OPEN’ to Invest $100 t.. *300 with ser vices In good business proposition. ; Salesmanship ability. Address A. B., box 8. care Georgian. FOR SAFI; Nice grocery and meat j market, In good location Owner leav- | Ing cltv Address .1 . Box 2, care Geor- | glan. or Main 3146 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS wood lime on! AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. Very cheap, one writer and desk, us Gall Ivy 2346-.I. FOR HALF One ladles' (Tcxfl saddle; practically new, will bargain Box 376, care Georgb FOP PALE Moving picture n chairs, curtains and all sup lowest prices VV II. Peek, Building, Atlanta, Oa. FDR SALK < rides* town in Georgia Read "Reminiscences of Did Ht Marys’ a history of this historic old town with its legends and landmarks Those Interested In old history should not fall to read this most Interesting little book. Price 25c. Jas T. Voeelle, St Marys, Ga Ft dc SALE Gas range and English baby buggy; fine condition 66 W. Thirteenth St Dl'N'TLKl vacuum cleaners remove dirt and germs from rugs floors, walls, etc Vacuum cleaners from $25 up Vacuum sweepers $9 75. Free demon stration 416 Fourth National Bank Building i Under- U« - I: BARTL\TxSr?N HLIGHTlS 1 '8ED ! led short 1 TIRES SEE US. | 28*2 $ 5 0o 18x4 . $8.00 is) side | 30x3 6.00 14x4 .... io.oo : sell at a $2x3 7 On 36x4 .... 12.00 an. 1 50x3*4 7.00 34x4 4 .... iooo: rwrhlnes !T!x3% 8 00 1 , ... 12.00 plies pt 74x3*4 9.00 16x5 . . . .... 15.00 | Rhodes | 36x3 >/4 11.00 37x5 .... 15 00 , BUSINESS PERSONALS. 1 md Job Printing. ADVANCE PRINT ING 65 CUT PRICES next 50 days. 164 Au-, REAL ESTATE FCR SALE. burn avenni ATLANTA CLKAN- OR1ENTAL AND x 1NG CO. 9 by 12 rugs cleaned; $1.50 and up. Bell phone Ivy 3471 ; Main 5027 HOMER- In northwest Arkansas Great stock and fruit country; no drouths; no swamps; map showing location 200.- 000 acres subject to homestead, 26c. Ozark Land «iffice. B-14, Harrison, Ark. Tires shipped C. O. r>. with 10 per cent accompanying order with privilege of examination. JAKE K JOHN TIRE CO . 2103 Michigan Ave Calumet 3824. CHICAGO. ILL Carpet Cleaning. ^ ORIENTAL rug 1 - cleaned like new; also repairing and upholstering VV. M. Cox, 145 Auburn avenue Ivy 3135-J. FOR SALE Mahogany folding bed; also brass bed i Han mond reet SNEED NI RKERIKS will mall you catalogues of first-class fruit trees, plants and vines, shade trees, privet hedge, pecan trees, etc Morrow, Ga. FOR sale Second hand safes. all sizes Hall's hank. Are and burglar f safes, vault doors, etc. C. J. AITO.MOIUI.K AND It HAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. 116 Auburn Avp. Ivy 3545. IF Y0C are in the market for a second-hand ear. see ns before buying. We handle all makes and models and sell eheap for cash. Daniel, 416 Fourth National Bank Build Ing FOR RALE Three good second-hand men i 4222. suits, practically new. Ivy STOCKS AND BONDS. 'STOTKS AXI) BONDS Eight share* of Travelers Bank and Truat Company stock *» $*'5 per share cost the owner $1J5 por share. Losing Money. Box 88. oare Georgian MONEY WANTED. VANfiCD --$V,56<r on close In icsldsnce Will pay 8 per cent, either monthly or ung-tlme loan W , Box 408. care « rorglan. WE LOA Mother people’s money on first mortgage Atlanta real estate Why rot let us lend yours at 6. 7 and 8 per cent ? Hce US G R Moore. 118 Lobby. Candler Bldg Bell phone Ivy 4971, At lanta 2488 PERSONAL. use Triumph 1*111Always depend able "Relief” and particulars free Write National Medical Institute. Mil waukee, Wis. LADIES! A**k your Druggist f.»r Chichester* Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 years known as Best. Safest, AI- waj Reliable Buy of ydur i >» uggtst Take no other Chichester* Diamond. Brand ivila are sold by Druggists every where LIST of contractors ar d builders Name and address of 1,100 contractors and builders In the State of Georgia. Book form Price $2.50 L. Smith, Box 142, Validoata. Ga REVVING MACHINE BARGAINS -Drop head Singer. $15; drophead Singer. $10; drophead Wheeler A Wilson, $2f»; drop- DR. S. F. WEST MONEY TO LOAN ^msrfmTw a nt w BORROW MONEY. $25 OR MORE, We will loan you what yon need ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, ETC. At Legal Rates This company has set out to render a practical service to borrowers, loaning money at legal rates and on a repay ment plan that Is both practical md reasonable, guaranteeing you fair treat ment, quick service and a courtesy often lacking In transactions of thla kind. CITIZENS LOAN CO- 413 PETERS BLDG. 7 Peachtree Street PHONE MAIN 3771 MONEY FOR S A LA RI El > PEOPEE AND OTHERS, upon their own names. cheap rates, easy payments Oonfl- dentlal S-ott Co 820 Austell Bldg SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO f.F.ND. any amount 6 per cent. Write or call S VV. Carson, 24 South Broad • tree' ARM LOANS placed in any amount on Improved farm lands In Georgia The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould '*■ A,ng LOANS $25.00 AND VV. On Furniture. Pianos, or on En dorsed Notes. WE ARE a new company, organized for the purpose of loaning money to work Ing men and ladles keeping house, st the lowest possible rate of Interest We positively make no charges for commis sions. drafting papers, or any other so- called charge, hut only ask you to pay the rate permitted bv the laws of the State Our easy payment plan allows you to pay us back to suit your Income We also protect you from publicity, and extend every courtesy to make tha • grrylnf of a loan satisfactory to you to everv way. GUARANTEE LOAN CO. Room 318 Atlanta National Rank Bldg., Bell Phone Main 440. WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlan- 1a and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson. 11 Edgewood Avenue. •SPECIALIST. GENITO t'UINAHY SKIN nn<1 CHRON IC TIISKASES i0«>4 WHITEHALL. MAIN 4216 YOUNG MAN desires to communicate with a lady who is able to aid him in financing a business that will bear a most thorough Investigation This Is a great opportunity for the right one Address .1 M. F.. Box 4, care Georgian. LADIES- One dollar will bring you our Book of Advice. A necessity to every woman before marriage Globe Compa ny, 40; 1 ora st* eet. Plttaburg, i [a RE MEMBER “‘Queen’s ‘Delight, ladles' for removing hair from face "Fend for free sample ” National Remedy Co Post office KOH. Atlanta. Ga. REAL BARGAINS Pattern hats, fur skins and trimmings; ladles’ and misses’ velvet shapes; $5 00 trimmed hats n specialty. Mrs C H. Smith, 116 ee st • $100 REWARD Ijadies, our monthly compound never disappoints; safely i relieves longest, most obstinate, abnor J mal case of suppressed menstruation In ; three days Brice $2 Southern Reme dy Company. Memphis. Term. DO YOU KNOW THAT Morrison's method of manipulation Is a ' sure cure DRUGLESH system for all diseases? 414 Kiser Bldg.. Atlanta I phones Main bead Wheeler & Wilson. $15; drophead New Home $!0; "D H.” New Empire, $8 Sewing machines rented. $2 per month. All makes of machines repaired Singer Sewing Machine Company, 79 Whitehall street. Both 1893. FoR RALE One nice $35 Bloch baby carriage Price $5. Gall ivy 6585 f< »Tt RAJ E ShAvInra from planing mill, in carlots. Write R. D Ri Godfrey, Ga. QUALITY TREES Uni Cash Xur series. Sebastopol, Cal COVERED spring wagon. dairy; good as new Cost fake $65. Address Morris Decatur 8t. ilchter. made for $126; will Bros , ltt LISTEN AUTOMOBILE owners, motor boat owners, stationary gas pn- gino owners, State Depository for Oxygen and Wellborn’s Oxygen Carbon Cleaner. Absolutely harmless. We guarantee to re move ail of the carbon from your cylinders and not heat your valves or cylinders. Tito Wollbom Oxygen Car bon Cleaning Co., Phone M. 54. 14 Gilmer Street, Atlanta, Ga. Chronic Diseases. urpfmTYY^^nTTNi,-rTrn;i-: s ls: OF BLOOD, heart, lung-, kidneys, liver, etc., rheumatism, nervous diseases, medicines furnisher!; consultation free WrUe or call on Dr M T. Salter. 68 South Broad 11-11-2 Ear. Nose. Throat and Lung Trouble. Dlt GEORGE HRoWN Diseases of the Ear, Nose. Throat and Lungs, 312-814 Austell Building 1 have the only com pound oxygen plant ever brought South and make this gas daily Weak, nerv ous. anemic and pale people are Invited to call LOT, 50 by 150, on La Rosa terrace; best neighborhood Oakland City; gas and water, sewer and the pavement down and ;i i<i for; within two blocks of church and schools; $875. terms; make cash offer; also lot 60 by 162, on Axon avenue. In Oakland Heights; alley r**ar and side; $600: terms; make Cash offer on this. Address A., Box 902, care Georgian. Fjrnace Repairing. FURNACE REPAIRS. THE ONLY PEOPLE to repair Moncrtef Real Estate For Sale. $850 CASH or terms buys new 3-room house on Paine avenue, good lot, block and half from car line, water and sewerage, fine neighborhood, school and churches close; must be sold in five days. Address "Paine," Box 33, care Georgian. repa furnaces is the Moncrlef Furnace Com pany, 139 South Pry r Main 285, Al la i ntn 2877 F urntture. F'rtpNmTRFC I?\ !I(Ta'ins- -very flay S M Snider, 146 South Pryor street Phone Mai; 1421 Furniture Bought and Sold. WE SELL for cash and save you half Southern Wreckage Company, 11.4 South Forsyth atreet H.ilr Dregsinq. MOTH' TIT A ST 5.000 hair switches to be sold at the Robins Hair Dressing Par lor Every one reduced. Combings made into braids and switches dyed. 40% Whitehall street; second floor. Main 3625. Hat Clean FOR SALE—Beautiful North Side home; must sell Immediately; moving away; eight rooms; furnace heated; garage: fine shade: sacrifice price Phone Ivy 5029. _1108 Candler Bldg. FOR RALE 303 Grant street lot 60 by 160. east front; 14 rooms. $4,500; can axton, Ga. $200 TO $400 $35 Down. $10 Monthly A FEW choice lots, overlooking and adjoining Druid Hills, Just off Ponce DeLeon avenue; $200 to $400 Let me show you. W. C. Merrill. 501 Empire : g. Ivy 5478, Atlanta :*~ 3ALE—By owner, new five-room bungalow; all conveniences. 101 Brookline street. Price $3,750; terms. Phone Main 2409-J. OTTO HAT CO.. '.G’-o Whitehall street, room 8. Atlanta. Ga Old hats made new; 50 cents and up WRITE for our NEW PRICE LIST EF FECTIVE December 1. DECLINE IN PRICES on automobile tires. McPher son Auto Tire Co. MEAT, MEAL FOR home-made countr rornmeal, | )ecatur, Ga. | try call DeKalb Milling Co.. T Bell phone Decatur ill. WE DELIVER THE GOODS. FOR HALE All fixtures for meat mar ket Make me a quick offer A Ham mock, 16 Porter street, near South De- < atur car line Spirella Corsets NOT SOLD IN STORES - Our profes sional rorsetler fits you In your own home no matter where you live Phone > Ivy 3590 721 Grand Bldg. | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. i>K.\n;im\G development promptly executed at reasonable prices. 209 ** I^ee street West 1381 II M. Purnell. i 'OR Balk Job office and weekly pa per A good paying business In a good little city Reason for at half value 'vill satisfy any one who knowa print- Ji g Address P D. Q . care America4. ADDITIONAL CAPITAL Stock-Bond Issue Wanted. MUST be legitimate, on commission, established financial house; extensive onnectlons; touch with capital no pub licity; confidential; will consider sale \ t securities. Address Dept 17, Hulte t . • \\ > ork : st a B Li shu 1 1 manufacture State manager high-class article, should pay $10 000 annually; $500 to 1.000 capital, wTTT pay expenses to Chl- ago If you are man wo want, refer • nces. Richardson, Old Colony Bldg,. ' «Chicago. VF.LL established grocery store, in ex cedent location; reason for selling. aving clt^*. 233 Auburn avenue A K' a 1. M \\a<;i:k Vi ANTED u- v lanta who can come well recommend- 1 to represent high-class Illinois con ^rn, whose product has a great de- and: experience In our line not essen- al. as a man will be furnished to In- .'iruct and assist In opening up the business The right man can make a •rmanent connection. whereby the unpensatlon should amount to $3,000 te . 000 per annum. An investment of '.000 required, which is secure.! at all nes by stock of merchandise Address ecretary. 403-404 First National Bank ’ idg . Chicago. Ill 1 REE OIL LOT DEED and maps to first 300 answering, title guaranteed ots may become worth thousand dol- rs when we drill soon. This is to tpidly advertise wtth yourself and Address OH Syndicate. Hous- The Georgia Dental Parlor* 1014*, WHITEHALL, COR MITCHELL WILL D« 1 Y<>! R work for a few days at the following prices; Set of teeth. $5 00. 22 carat Gold Crown. $3 00 Bridge work. $3 00 White Crown. $3 00 Silver fillings. 50c. And all other work at reasonable price* SI I■ 1 1 I • 1 ' 1 I’l.TS come from 1 russes improperly fitted John R Daniel, at 34 wall street, has an expert fitter and It will cost you no more to have him fit you, and It means insurance. Sl A I KUNITY SANITARII M Pr1v»(« refined, homelike Limited number or patients cared for Home provided for infant.* Mrs, M T. Mitchell. 26 Wind sor street. F< *R SALE Four Humphrey gas arcs; latest type; good selling reason. Phone * ' FOR SALpy 8x10 studio camera, with all attachments, also 8x10 view out fit and 5x7 outfit; all in good condition. G . Box 81*. care Georgian FOR SALE One small cook stove, $6. In good condition. 52 West Pine street. VIEWS Twenty-four handsome South ern views and six-month trial mem bership In the Chattahoochee Valley Card Club for 15 cents. William F. Thomas, Box 230. Phenlx, Ala FOR SALE Eggs and butter via par cels post; direct from farm. J. R Stuart, Fairmont, Ga FOR SALE One Morris piano r<>r $100. also one Royal typewriter, at Hotel Cumberland FOR LADIES Victory syringe; no rub ber; no liquids. lasts a lifetime; guaranteed to be exactly what you want. Inquire. Price complete $1 Victory Company. Box 718. Birmingham. Ala MAGNOLIA TREES FOR SALE—Ad dress Magnolia, R. F. D. No. 1, Pld- cook. Ga Automobile Owner, OXYGEN CARBON CLEANER Cleaned Tor $1 a Cylinder. We do not hurt your | valves. THE WELLBORN CAR BON CLEANING CO. 14 Gilmer St. Near Ivj'. ! Bell Phone Main 54. Atlanta, Ga. Hlgh-Clas* Millinery. Horse Shoeing and Wagon Repairing. repairing painting, rubber-tiring rea- sonable prices 12f» 'Ulmer. ^Jewelers and Optician*. RUNAWAY BROS., 6 Walton St EXPERT engraving, diamond setting and jewelry repairing. Job Pr i n i i r g ROSS B. MOORE, Job Printer Always nable Call me M 8264-J Mattress Renovnt’nq. hillTmattress CO. Prices reasonable; satisfaction guaran- teed Atlanta 2871 -dr«?Mailing. THE BUSINESS SERVICE CO. FOR THE BEST MTT.TIGRAPH WORK THAT CAN BE PRODUCED. New Rubber Tires. V PIG rtUBRER fires put on your r. baby's carriage: repaired, re painted and re-covered Ivy 3076 Rob ert Mitchell. 229 Edgewood. Palnttnq ,r 'd Tinting. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EX CHANGE^ 300 ACRK FARM, located in best farm- Ing district of Georgia Well culti vated in cotton, corn, peas. etc. Owner leaving State. Will sell reasonably or exchange for Income property. 603 Thin - National Bank Building. ' BEAUTIFUL HOMES and build - ing lots In College Park, the most de- sirahle suburb of Atlanta, see I. C. MeCrory. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE. 50-ACRE FARM to exchange for small negro property or vacant lot. Phone Ivy 4657-J. EQUITY in modern six-room Inman Park bungalow for good vacant lot, Inman Park or North Side; will pay cash for difference; give size, location and price. Address vacant Lot, care Georgian. fU ) A I AT wholesale for factories, 4 r/\ IJ furnaces and grates, also fertr.lzer material. W E. McCalla, man ufacturlng agent. Atlanta. 415 Atlanta National B WANTED- MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED -Stock In country banle; pre fer enough to control; give full par- tlculars. Box 1256, Atlanta. WA.vri i' Bail violin; muBt be In first class condition James T. Wills, 84 street, Dalton, < jj* WANTED Second-hand enameled bath tub Call Ivy 4625 J WANTED -<)ne power punch press, one Universal grimier. Acme Specialty Co.. 209 Vi Lee St u Wil li Old f,-nth«r beds. C»U At- 1)0 Bank Building YOU COOK WITH COAL Red Ash Round $5.00 Special for Furnaces. Jellico Nut $4.50 THOMAS A HARVII.L, Main 2336. Main 3585. Atlanta 802. Atlanta 8885 FOR SALK 100,000 1 year-old apple whole Fr< lanta 3833. Bell M 1885 WANT to buy Standard Home contract or similar contract. R.. Box 92, care Georgian. “ I BUI Mr'VS old clothes and shoes 1 >rop a <vir<l I Bock. 177 Gilmer st reet. DROP A CARD We’ll bring cash for old clothes and shoe#. "The Vest- alre.” 164 Decatur St Will PAi HIGHEST cash prlcM fei household goods, pianos and office fur niture Cash advanced on consignments Central Auction Company. 12 East M'tehell street Bell phone Main 2424 FOR EXCHANGE—MISCELLANE OUS. \vXNTED To 1 rade pool room and au tomatic bowling alley for 5 passenger automobile or motor truck. F L. Mon- tetth, Opelika. Ala TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. I'YLLW KI IT.KS KENTED 4 MONTHS FOP $5 AND UP Rebuilt typewriter*, $23 to $75 AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO. 48 North Prvor St Phone Main 2526 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. 1,000 ArtMT TENTS, 18-ounce duck slightly used, all sizes. Call or write 895 South Pryoi a treat Main 8543 i. NH’F piano In ::<•<« 1 condition, foi M ■ cheap. 21 Gresham street. Foit SALE Evening suit, aiso~ frock coat; new and In perfect condition Ivy 3468-L. trees, grown fr*^m whole French seed lings Retail and wholesale. Write Appa lachian Nurseries. Tallulah Falls. Ga. F< )R SALE Fruit, shane ornamental tree* and shrubs Catalogue free. * BA R< ;.\ I N.' short end* and odd pieces; ladies’ suitings, men's and ch11<lren’s trouserings Call or write for sample ATLANTA WOOLEN MILLS kmi’iuk fish Market' Flesh oy»- ters and dressed poultry, fish dally SIMPLEX Ready-Made Portable Ga rages and Houses; shipped complete in sections; can put them up yourself; hammer, wrench and screwdriver only tools required; no carpenter needed; our prices save you half, garages $80 to $198; houses $160 to $579. Write post- can! to-dav for "Ready-Made” Building 1 Catalog. No. 757. Sent to you without ! charge. Sears, Roebuck & Co , Chi- j cago. j automobile PA I NT 1X0 IS ONE of our specialties High grade work Reasonable prices THE TRIPOD PAINT COMPANY. 27-9 Pryor Street. BEST goods, prompt service. Phone u* your orders Phones Bell Main 4711. Main 4710, Atlanta 406 7-1-18 Pecans. S. E. BARNWELL ,TR.. 217 Kiser Bldg Fancy paper-shell pecans Main 2951-J. Pressing. HAVE your suits presse<T^at Norton's while you wait. 35c. Work called for and delivered promptly Alembership. $1.00 per month. Norton's Pressing Club, 100*2 Whitehall street. Bell phone M. 1931-.T All work guarantee.!. WILL EXCHANGE good suburban At lanta property for automobile; gas or electric. E. F.. 602 Third National Bank Building. WILL EXCHANGE suburban property in line rapid advancement for horses, mules and cows J. D., 603 Third Na tion alBankBulldliTg^ FOR EXCHANGE-North Fide apart ment; rents for about $2,000 year; will take property of about $3,000 as cash payment. Ivy 8228. REAL ESTATE WANT-O. ~ WANTBD—A :IK)ME. TO COST from $2 000 to $2,750: small cash payment, balance monthly; must he in good residence section. Address Hurry, Box 300, care Georgian. WANTED—To buy from owner a five or six-room cottage at bargain. 703 Austell. Bargain. PR* '*ERTY WANTED Have $2 500 lm- You Want to Know ABOUT Farm Land: an Consult The Farm Land Expert GEORGIA Information Given by Letter---FREE Send Communication* to The Farm Land Information Bureau mgt SUNDAY 7ICAN FARMS FOR SALE. Come to Volusia, Florida. •THE GEM OF THE EAST COAST.” Where crops grow continuously and bring highest prices while the North Is win^erbound. We have subdivided an old sugar plantation on beautiful T«- moka River into 5 to 20-acre farms. Splendid shipping facilities, main line Florida East Coast Railroad. Richest soil, grows vegetables, small and citrus fruits Poultry and cattle raising. Hunting and fishing. Adjoins new town of V’olusia; hotel, school, stores, lumber mill, etc. Four miles from Ormond- Daytona beach. Farms $40 per acre. Town lots $50. Write to-day for illus trated folders. • VOLUSIA DEVELOPMENT CO.. Heard National Bank Building Jacksonville, Florida. Florida Home Seekers and Investors CAN secure valuable Information on Florida crops, climate, soil, schools, etc. Many business openings and some low- priced land In this vicinity. Address Secretary, Chamber of Commerce, Lake Worth, Palm Beach County, Florida. EXECUTORS SALE. WILL BE sold at public outcry' the first Tuesday in January. 1914, three Improved farms, 54, 237 and 198 acres land, Vi, V2 and 1 mile north of New nan, on Atlanta road. For particulars and terms, address T. O. Stallings, ex ecutor. Newnan, Ga. FARMS—All kinds and sizes; some of the best in Indiana; city property also. Hugh Gray, Crawfordsville. ink FOR SALE—At sacrifice, account of fire, 600 acres of line farm land; 200 acres in high state of cultivation and stumped; four good houses from one- half to one mile apart; was originally four farms; located one and one-half miles from the Waycroas and Western Railway in Clinch County; can give terms on part of this; healthy location and good neighbors, extra fine for sea island cotton; splendid gin location. Address G., Box 4, Willacoochee, Ga. FABM FOR SAlE Well improved; the best land and good dwelling; garden, fenced—in fact, just a model one-horse farm for sale cheap Located north of Bremen. Come and see. W. Foyer, Bremen, Route 3. FARMS FOR SALE. FOinrALE—15-acre poultry or true! farm. 7 miles from Jacksonville; als unimproved land; owner. C. Wardei Marietta, Fla. M1SSOI. RI FARMS—One dollar oasL buys a Missouri or Florida farm, ba] ance five to eight years’ time; no Intel est; free trip. Save this ad; It's won $10. Call or write Missouri Farn Company, Bremen Station. St. LouF Mo. FARM LANDS FOR SALE—At a bar gain. M. J. Carswell, Jeffersonville Ga. 38d ACRES good level loamy land, extr;. well located, near ' several town* touching two railroads and within hair miles of Texas Oil Company well aru P ! ant; underlaid with coal and othe> minerals' plenty running water an<: good timber; this Is a craoker-Jack goou proposition and will be a fortune for somebody when developed. For reasons of his own owner must sell at onct Write for price and terms. Ed L Evans. Jewett. Texas. 12 ACRES with three-room house splendid chicken ranch, and the best commercial gravel bed In Texas; $1,000 part cash, terms on balance. O. K /app. LaGrange. Texas. FOR SALE—6,000 acres In Crocket: County, $2.50 per acre; easy terms; low Interest. A. W. Gardiner, 43 Rossoniai Apartments. Houston. Texas, l OR SALE—Denton County; black a> sandy land farm*; any size; $25 to $75 per acre. Brown & Hodge. Aubrey. Texas. LET Duncan & Dake, Douglasville. Ga. send you a list of their farm bargains F< >R HALE Forty acres three mile* from Smyrna, Ga.. one mile from Rice Station on S. A. L. railroad, four- room house. 16 acres pasture, 16 acres in cultivation; plenty of wood; creek runs through: can give possession De cember 15; will take a good light auto mobile as part payment; rest eas?, terms. For quick trade, address P. 0 Box 792, Atlanta. Ga. 120-122 124 AUBURN AVENUE, BBT t BUSH ED 1869. AUTOMOBILES Storage, repairs, sup plies. open all night Edga-- Vernon, 14 18 W Harris, opposite entrance Cap ital City Club; GOOD USER CARS. SaTe* ATLANTA SAFE CO. proved farm; also $10,000 good land. Can divide No mortgage. Want mer chandise or town property. H. F. Hoff- rneyer. Fruitland. Ga. MEDICAL. WE CAN SELL your land or timber tract no matter where located, wheth er it be a few acres or thousands. Com municate with us as to what you have to sell. Chelsea Land Company, 601 ire Life Building. Atlanta, Ga. WE have a very interesting proposition to submit to real estate agents In every county in Georgia, Alabama and Florida. Write us for particulars. Chel sea Iaand Company, 501 Empire Life Building, Atlanta, Ga. GOVERNMENT FARMS FREE—Our FOR SALE—At a great sacrifice, 3*) acres of land in and adjoining one of the most thriving county seat towns In Georgia, with the very best educationa advantages. R. A. Hodges, 2210 Lee St.. Columbia, s. C. SEE ME for South Georgia Farm? Will exchange for city property. J. T. i Kimbrough. 408 Atl. Nat. Bk. Bldg. HAVE S< d.D every farm in Chloet I County, Arkansas, I have shown. It's my home It’s rich, level and beautiful No fertilizer. We want you. We need you. I’ll help you Stamp Insures reply George F. Davis, 914 Exchange Bldg Memphis. Tenn. Shoes. 8Hoe£AiAT3 r T;oT.Kr> sewed 50 CENTS AT GWINN’S SHOT SHOP. R Huckle street, opposite Piedmont Hotel Both phones In a hurry Call Taxicab Com- pany for auto rent service. COMPOUND OXYGEN made daily fur catarrh, deafness, diseases of nose and throat and ears. This is the sea son to be cured Special reduced rates. Dr George Brown, 312-314 Austell Build ing^ SIGNS Sign*.^ BRO W N S1GN &PAINTING CO 7 0 Whitehall M 3719 112 Whitehall RAI c's FILES cabinet*, new and sec end hand Gookin Bank and Office Equipment Company. 113-116 North Pryor Street. AUCTION SALES. fi^YoV Wisfl to dispose of^your 'fur niture. household goods, pianos or of fice fixtures, see B. Bernard, or call M. 2306. AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. JUST ~ CRIMO Is the name of our carbon remover, the greatest known solvent of carbon for automobiles, motor trucks or motor cycles A free treatment for*a limited number of days to convince you of Its merits. Only takes about five minutes, also sold under a positive guarantee bv THE CRIMO CARBON A few cars in good condition for sal* at reasonable prices. ROADSTERS. FORD, repainted. BUICK MODEL 32. repainted. OAKLAND COLE, foredoor. LITTLE, foredoor. COURIER, foredoor, repainted BUICK MODEL 30 TOURING CARS. OVERLAND, repainted. OVERLAND, foredoor, repainted E-M-F, toredoor. BUICK MODEL 31. repainted 8TUDEBAKER, 7-passenger, repainted. If you want a good used car it will pay you to call on us. RTTICK MOTOR COMPANY, 241 Peachtree St. Atlanta. Ga. Slate Roofing. 1>vtv 'sHAM r E™w »MJ.\ 1.0 Repairs and New Roofing Main 1615 Atlanta 955. DR EDMONDSON’S Tansy. Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation, irregularities ant’ similar obstructions Trial box by mail. 50c Frank Edmondson & Bro , manu facturing chemists, 11 North Broad St., At’anta SOUTH UR N RADIATOR COMPANY. Stoves. HmrfjNirrr ranges to be sold at once Southern Stove and Supply Company *21 Whitehall street Stove and Range Repairing. 'Th ,T\ 'NiOcSsTTrvYH hT^pRtTmvs'^tv' EXPERT stove and range repairing Gas stoves moved and remodeled. At lanta 1878 POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK. Bantam*. BANTAM^Gatne bantams. Sebrlghts. Buff Cochins. Carlisle Cobb, Athens, Ga. FOR SALE Buff and Black Cochin Bantams. Trios $4 to $5. M. A. Shewniake, Dublin, Ga. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED DAN, TH 121 Whitehall. FIXER. M. 2699 Duck*. JEFFERSON’S White Runners won for us They will win for you. Special prices on guaranteed show birds and breeders. Jefferson Poultry Farm, Al bany. Ga Tailor and Furrier. I PRIES, the Tailor and Furrier, has moved to 140 Peachtree street, on fourth floor. Furs repaired equal t* new Phone Ivy 2724 PI RE Whit* Indian Runner Ducks (Fishel strain): good size and shape, erect and great layers; $1 each. Sawnee Farm, Cumming. Ga EXPERT repairing on radiators, lamps. fenders and windshields. 112 Pied mont avenue. E1 ectrIc ^»arae*. Electric Qa= REMOVER CO.. 39 Luckie St., Atlanta. ends. i. Texas ?ANTED IDEAS.K?! ^•ntlons wanted by manufacturers and izes offered for Inventions. Our four ®okv sent free Patent securer vi fee funded. Victor J. Evans & Co . I ashlngion, D. C. “IOVTNG PICTURE THEATER in a town of about 6.500 people; good busi es*. IJttle cash needed Act quick ! Pox 215. Uartersville. Ga CROWN OAK COAL HEATER; medi um size; nearly new; half price. Phone lv\ 6268, FOR SALE 3's white and perfect dia mond ring, value. $750; will sacrifice for $550 Address Hard Up. care Geor gian FOR SALK Medium lind Kerring* ; Hail-Marvin stfi heavj wall; Inside 20 Inches high, 15 1 * inches wide, 14»* | deep, with inside door; cheap for cash 1 ' 1 8aken at once. L T.. care Geot vj wa safe, in perfect condition, taken in ex- i change for Hcrring-Hall-Marvin safe; ! van be seen at 115 North Prvor street. Gookin Bank and Office Equipment 1 Company. FOR SALE Heavy wall York safe; in-' si Ic !in.Tsurcii\ent. T5 Inches high; 19 wide. 16 deep; in use six months; cost, new. $125. Will sell cheap for cash. T G C., care Georgian. OXYGEN REMOVES CARBON. We clean your auto cylinders while you wait. Good Job, small price. M TOGENOUS WELDING »f all metals. Gear cutting and general machine repairs. Satisfaction guaran teed SHEARER MACHINE CO 197 WHITEHALL*. MAIN 1570 HIGHEST cash hand cars; second-hand cars for sale cheap. Guarantee Auto Company, 34 Auburn avenue. Phone Ivy 7529. GET AN \UTOMOBILE AT A BARGAIN PRICE. ''R SALE -One-half or one-third In 1 (erest in dally and weekly oarr\ ing ga! advertisements Town *7.00h '\n. • ply C J. S . Box 396, Cord el e. Ga INVENTIONS -We will manufacture »nd market meritorious Inventions erne Specialty Company, 209'-, street. West 1381 National * 35, * 50 - ,so ' ,75 ‘ 51 <>o ('isll fln< * UP ' T prms easy . > * Mont hi j payments. 60 Registers, north broad st. i DRAUGHTING. 3 ’;.; FOR SALE Extra! second-hand well-drilling machinery at unusually low prices. Address Box 433. Tiffin, Ohio. • ad desigi me • xecuted Prices right and n ici.a run teed. H. M Purnell d . Wes: 12S. SAVE TROUBLE - Frauds in the mall; new book. sate guide; for mal order trade. Sold on mom y-back basis. 50 cents «i»ver J H r sum. york.illo, , Maxwell, 5-passenger. 35-h. p ...$350.00 Maxwell Runabout, 16-h. p 200.00 Overland, 5-passetiger, 40-h. p.. . 300.00 Maxwell Coupe 450 00 E M F '30'' 5-passenger 350.00 Studebaker "20" Roadster 350.00 Hart-Kraft Truck. 1.500 lbs cap. 260 00 Peerless. 50-h i>.. 7-passenger. .. 800 00 Whiting ’20" Roadster 250.00 Grabowsky 2-ton truck 350.00 Overland, 4-p. 38 speed 300.00 Maxwell sportsman roadster 300.00 Primo. 5-h. p. used 6 month*... 450.00 National racer, roadster 450 00 Courier "25” roadster 300.00 Muxwe’l "”40." 4-p. 350 00 Rapid truck. 1H tons 360.00 Knox Limousine 1.000.00 All cars mentioned are newly painted, thoroughly overhauled and fully equip ped with tops, windshields, lamps, tools, etc., and guarantee<1 perfect in every respect They look like new. COLUMBIA AUTOMO BILE EXCHANGE. 8 gew »od Ave. Ivy 1726. RP1 ENDID. almost new $1,700 touring oar; trade for n;r'n • mibered real « > i ta:*. N. C McPherson. 1\> 3388 34-36 JAMES ST. PHONE IVY 4821-J. C. A ETHBBIDO.K and J. H. (3ras’. Props Storage Batteries Rebuilt. Re paired and Charged. Spark Battery Work a Specialty General Electric Auto Repairs. Washing and Polishing. Automobile Reoalrlrg. TRAVIS & JONES, AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. Iw 4832 26 James Street Auto* Wanted vVXjc'Ped' ^iTTomoSiler^ Can swap four choice building lots, each 50 by 140, for good serviceable automobile. Ad dress American Securities Company, No. 2 Whitehall street WILL exchange good purchase money note or real estate for roadster; must be good car. C. H. G., care Georgian. BUSINESS PERSONALS. . Abstract ,ind Title Insurance. ATLANTA'¥HTK~(?TAKA NT i: |TCO?i GROUND FLOOR Equitable Bldg. Main 5480 All Kinds of Stove Repairing. ' —«tTen TTnTtoirffiCcSXEEr™' “THF STON E DOCTOR.’’ “^0 ,N 61 SOUTH PRYOR. A Jio Artistic Upholstering. F. L. VOLBERVj.' .JR' UP HOLS TF.RING and furniture repair ing 226% Peachtree street Phone Ivy 8224 "The Shop With a Reputation." Artistic Wall Paper. We Will Do Your Papering. PIEDMONT WALLPAPER CO., 38 AUBI UN AVE BOTH PHONES Altering. Tailoring and Cleaning. tBf 'MKTH^I'Ll.ITAN ' PRESSING CI.UB Pressing $1 per month. 280 Edgewood. Atlarta 2*94 Art and Picture SAM G. WALKER is still in the picture frame business at 91 N. Pryor St. Phone Ivy 5331. Auction Sa'e* of Furniture *nd Household Good*. CENTRAL AUCTION COMPANY. 18 East Mitchell street buys and sell* everything, regular auction Tuesday and Friday Hell phene Main 2424. Tin and Sneet Iron Work, BEST WORK; prices reasonable. J. L. i McNinch, 209 Marietta street. Main I 5276-J: Atlanta 2127 Ground Bones. ground bones for chickens Tinting. is the time, to have We are out for our WARNING your rooms tinted health mostly to get introduced to you We will tint your room for 30 days only, $3 a room. Call Adams. Atlanta phono 5836-B. Leave orders there GREEN ground 1 ver\ day 89 Decatur street. Lanqshans. SINGLE-C 1 >MB White Leghorns. Young strain; pullets early hatch: yearling hens, cocks and cockerels; good size, shape and colored to lay, JT.OO each. Write us your wants. Sawnee Farm, Cumming. Ga. official 112-page book. "Vacant Gov emment Lands," describes every acre In every county In the United States. How secured free. 1913 diagrams and tables. All about irrigated farms Price 25c postpaid. Webb Publishing Company, Dept. 25. St. Paul, Minn. FOR SALE—156 acres, about 90 acres good farming land, within 5 miles of Atlanta, on good cherted road. Splendid acreage for farming or dairy. Moun tain stream. Address Box 519, car* Georgian FOR SALE—Forty acres 3 miles from Smyrna, Ga., 1 mile from Rice Sta tion, on Seaboard Air Line Railroad, four-room house, 15 acres pasture, 16 acres in cultivation; plenty of w r ood creek runs through. Can give posses slon December 15. Will take a good light automobile as part payment. Rest easy terms Price $2,000. For quick trade, address P. O. Box 792, Atlanta Ga. CAN furnish retired business men clerks bookkeepers and others flm farms, 5 acres and up to 1,000. near railway stations and good markets, cheaply and on easy payments. Write for particulars to Stephenson Land and Lumber Company, Oconto. Wls. FOR SALE— 63% acres unimproved *s rlc* ' FOR SALE—Ten or 25 acres of Peach tree Park. Fulton County, property, one mile from Buckhead, ten minutes’ walk from Buckhead-Brookhaven car line, 200 yards from Ottley’s Station, on the big Southern Rahway; a fine min eral spring and brooks on the place; one of the beautiful homes in Peachtree Park. For quick sale see owner, Della Smith. three-quarters rich bottom land, near Garden Valley, on public road. For price address Box 581. Tyler, Texas FOR SALE <>ne thousand acres of tim bered land, near Hazlehurst, saw milled twenty years ago. Will sell land and timber together or separately. Eas> terms on land. Also 200 acres cleared for rent at $2.50 to $5 per acre. Must sell or lease at once. Also 230 acres, very desirable place, well timbered, near Allenville, In Berrien County, for sale on easy terms. J. Q. McEachin, Nash ville, Ga.; Route 2. FOR SALE—16-acre truck farm with Trunks, Bags and Suit Case*. ~~KEfAILED AND REPAIRED. ROl NTREE’S, '7 WHITEHALL ST. Phones. Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654 Turkeys. ypewriter* For Rent! YES. we rent practically brand-new^ splendid Oliver Visible Typewriters, thr».e months only $4.00, and apply on purchase. Easy Terms Expert Ste- nogiltphers furnished on short notice. OLIVER TYPEWRITER AGENCY. 64 AUBURN AVE. SINGLE-COMB White Leghorns; Young strain; pullets early hateh; yearling hens, cocks and cockerels; good size, shape and color; bred to lay; $1 each. Write us your wants. Sawnee Farm, Cumming. Ga. Orpingtons. WHITE'ORPINGTONS for sale four hens, one cockerel, $15; six hens, one cock. $20; ten hens, one cockerel. *85; five cockerels. $5 each. H. A. Black. Carters ville, Ga. 1-23-? Peafowl*. FOR SALE—'One pair peafowls, $ years Umbrel!ajB-^Wh<>lesale ana Retail. M MRR AT /I \ ft ^ r >’ ~ ; ‘ T l JinULLLAO Made" Detacha ble handles All prices No charge for repairs. Phone Main 3748 Taylor Um brella Company 116*6 Whitehall. old; price $10. Also prize winner Gold en Seabright bantams. G. W. Marett, Westminster, S C. ^ Window and House Cleaning, is AT ft >N \L Window Cleaning Co. Offlc* 47 E. Hunter Main 1175. Atlanta 1051 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. LISTEN! Some one can buy a home at a low cost and on nice terms, as party is going West and must sell beautiful two- story, eight-room residence on large lot in the best part of At lanta. Call Ivy 3209-L and let us tell you all about it. Owner. Plymouth Rocks. PATTERSON FARM. WHITE Plymouth Rocks; winners for years at the best shows; are offering special mated pens and trios at very reasonable prices Cocks, cockerels, hens and pullets at prices to suit all. Write us We have the birds and guar antee satisfaction. PATTERSON FARM. FITZGERALD, GA. BARRKD Plymouth Hocks of the fa mous Ringlet strain Stock and eggs for sale Let us know what you want. Every order will havfe my personal at tention. Prize winners head our pens. C A. Shelton. Box 315, Mount Airy. N. C xafaoexsr “wflfesxrTfASK:— Corner Alabama and Bro a a t r * e r - CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1*000.000. 50-FOOT LOT on Sterling street; water, sewer and sidewalk down; $600. Phone Ivy 4*;;.7-J. HOI SE for in Park, on Wa* verlv way, six rooms and hall, all la test improvements; price $3,500. $100 cash, balance like rent. Call at 415 Tem- pie Court Building. FOR. SALE Five-i on house on lot 100 by 200 feet in Decatur; price $2,000; $200 cash, $20 monthly; a genuine bar gain E. F. Huffines, Germania Savings Bank, 2 Whitehall St F< >R SALE Seven-room country on car line, two miles south of Col lege Park; has young fruit trees, straw berries, grapevines, chicken runs, rich garden, servart house, chicken house, private gas. lights and sewer Lot well elevated, faces 100 feet on car line. 42* feet back. Price. $4,000. Easy terms. M. II Sikes. > v. i r. Col k Park. Ca. Leave phone number. East Point 171. Poultry—AU Varletle*. be made for merchants and manufactur ers' displays at the Great Southern In ternational Poultry exhibition by ap plication Saturday to H. A. Brown. Au ditorium-Armory. Show opens Monday, December 1. EGGS FOR HATCHING R. l Reds. White and Buff Orpingtons and White leghorns All thoroughbred stock. Get our mating list. Riverview Poultry Farms. Savannah. Ga. FOWLS selected, mated or scored for breeding yards or exhibition. Twen ty-five years experience I have time now to serve you. Judge F. J. Mar sha U 1 jCoIIege Park, Ga. FOR SALE—-White guineas. Indian Runner ducks, Rhode Island Red cockerels. C. V. Harness, Cataif Lawn Farm, Waynesville. Ohio. Pouitry Remedie*. WANTED- You to try Heery’s sorehead three-room house, two poultry houses, barn, pair of mules, wagon, harness and farm implements; everlasting well of water, healthy location; land specially adapted for truck growing. For price, address Box 581, Tyler, Texas. SEVEN SECTION RANCH. Brewster County, Texas. 9714c to State. 3 per cent and $640 one year; worth $3 bonus; will sacrifice at $1.25 acre bonus to raise cash. Box 161, Ardmore, Okla. CAN furnish retired business men, book keepers, clerks and others fine farms. 5 acres and up to 1.000. near railway stations and good markets, cheaply and on easy payments. Write for particu lars to Stephenson I And and Lumber Company, Oconto. Wls. FARMS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE F<5^?~sXEe OR TRA DE^I^Lacre^-e- llnquishment, Morgan County. 5 miles from railroad. Address Box 119, Mill! ken. Colo. FARMS WANTED. LAND WANTED. WE are interested in the purchase ot from 10.000 to 50,000 acres of land, all in one tract if possible, either In Flor ida or Georgia. Give complete descrip tion, together with very best cash price Price will he the most important fac tor. so please be brief Answer T. A G. & Co., Box 4. care Georgaln. POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK. Dog*. ^^ ^VANTETT^Two rabbit hound puppies about eight months old. State price. Address A. .1 . BOX tf5, par* American E< >R SALE Thoroughly trained point er bitch; two seasons; fast and relia ble; Hteady on field and fast hunter; fine chance to breed some full-blooded dogSv If you kilT a bird she will find it. Owner leaving State, reason for selling. Address Box 14. Macon, Oa. FOR SALE—French Call Ivy 4895. poodle puppies. FOR SALE—Ten nicely broken bird dugs. T. I >. McLister, Brighton, Tenn. FOX. deer, cat. rabbit hounds, pointer- setters; list free. J. D. Stodghili, Shelbyvllle, Ky. LISTEN—Would you like to have or.** or tw’o of the finest bjrd dog pups to be found'.’ One a 9-motith»-old pointer, white, with liver markings, fat and we 1 developed; hunts like an old-timer; $15 gets him; the other, an Eng'ish setter 9 months old. large, sensible; color, black and white; $15 gets him. They are from best blood in Georgia. Owner sick; can’t develop them; money back If not as represented. B. W. Springfield, Da - ton. Ga. I WILL sell my Boston bull terrier deg to good party at reasonable price. O: portunity to get beautiful dog. Ac- dress Mrs. Lillie Smathers, Murph . N. C. FOR SALE—18-months-old Pointer bitch, untrained; first check for fi e dol ar gets her. Dr. Chas. P. Ward, 1.0 Gordon street. FOR BALE Pointer*, setters ard hounds, trained and untrained. Wrl e for catalogue Consolidated Kennt.* Kei • ersvll e N C. FOR SALE—One of the best polnte a In the South; extra fine ranger; fir* on singles and coveys and perfect re triever; price, 85. A. Hutcheson, Buch anan. Ga. HOUNDS and bird dogs for sale. Ro - ert Smith, Helen. Ga. Cow*. WANTED To buy A-l milch cow. Smyrna. Ga. -- - Jersey fre^h Address Hlllcrest Farn, WANTED—Your dry cow or calf If f»L W. J. Garner. Atlanta 1464. M 3641 Qoats. M c XNTl5fR^Goor w cleairTfo^^ D. T. and scaly ifg remedy; 25c. I C irkston, Ga. ;EED HELP of any kind? A little Want Ad ' will get U tor you. drive. Give description and price, j D., Box 42P l care Georgian. I Horse*. Mules. Vehicle*, Etc. t for" SALE--Nice five-year-old mar l Call Main 12M-JU POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK Horse^^Mutes. Vehicles Etc. TO buy two horses or mules for work Ing 45 acres of Douglas County land Would like to give mortgage notes on cotton crop and against stock. Write Barrer. Route 5, Box 309, Atlanta. For Sale—Ponies. FOR SALE—Shetland ponlesT^wTr^Mc Intyre, Thohiasvllie. Ga. WE WILL SELL YOU "A SMALl HERD OF DUROC JERSEYS FOI SMALL CASH PAYMENT. BALANCE TO SITT THE BEST SWINE FOR THE SOUTH. JEFFERSON FARM9 ALBANY', GA. Plants and Vine*. 8 Grape Vines, 6 Currant Bushe? All best 3-year-old stock. If plant ed now' w'ill fruit next summer. Grapes art* Worden. Niagara. Iona, Cor cord, the best early medium and lat- varieties. The Landscape' Garden Co Newburgh, N. Y. V Poujtj-y, Ria p t» and ^eeris. r. g. Hastings co. SEEDS. ROSE BUSHES AND POU1 TRY SUPPLIES. \ BELL PHONES MAIN 2568. \MA IN 3962; ATLANTA 2568. WE ARE headquarters for Poultry.' Sur piles and feeds. Below we give\P r l Ct ' and brands of the different feerfD * handle. These prices Include deliver anywhere In the city or to pioln rea< bed by the Suburban Express. RE1' C< 'MB MASH FEEI >, $2 55 100 pounds: 10 pounds, 25 cents. RED COMB SCRATCH FEED, $2\ per 100 pounds; 10 pounds. 25 cents. red Comb pigeon feed, *2 50 pc' 100 pounds: S pounds. 25 cents. RED comb I)ABY chick FEED, Il.i per 100 pounds; 8 pounds. 25 cents. AUNT PATSY MASH FEED, $2.76 pe 100 pounds; 8 pounds. 25 cents. LAY-OR-BUST FEED. $2.50 per pounds; 8 pounds. 25 cents. ALFALFA MEAL, $2.25 per 100 pound 7 pounds. 25 centd 1C ' FANCY CLIPPED OATS bushel; $1.70 70 cent* PURE WHEAT BRAN, $1.70 per pounds; 10 pounds. 25 cents. MEAT SCRAPS, *3 25 p«r 100 pounfi; pounds, 25 cents. "CHICKEN* WHEAT, <1.50 per bash, 10_pounds. 25^ent*_ CHICKED ■ RN, $1.89 ^ jush pound*. oeat*