Newspaper Page Text
mr. atijAwta 'ikorittan ami \kwts.
n,r.AJL» run rnum
VjiljUJUjrlAX'l WAM AUfi
uani rutt nuauhis
rnr atijAxTJ'A i»kokwiaa aad XEWS.
Tht Sunday American
The Atlanta Georgian
Pu Wished by The Georgian Co
fO Pmt A t)ar ta
St. r.^r^n
, Entire *♦ Atlanta pn**ofriea »»
ae^ond -class matter
Hy Carrier or Agent
Defly end Sunday 12c
Dally only 10c
the United State*. Canada
or Mexico.
Every Rod Man 1n At
lanta Is urged to be present
.it the Rod Men's Wigwam,
- at 6 p m.
sharp Monday. T»eoemb*r k,
ready to form a line with red
fir a to receive the Great In*
cohone* of the United .Staten
fra Q Sanda> a
paper Refreshment* In
Ot. Jun Hag 'General Chairman
Thl* ih to r.otTfr the puSfiPnot t<Ctra?fa
I tor not* giver, hy S II Strtplfn or
I Mrtplln Ai «’o t*. \lr* W V. Cox, pay-
I h i a .larman 11*; 4 a* same baa been
[ j«M Striplin A- Co
cTk»T>~COoR wanted at one* Good
*'<>*» 37.i Washington ,tr—t
mfakek'k bti.'dio iiV~ui■ ai..;tt7~2' ;
Auburn av*nu* $10 folnrr plo+rw for
$0 A dornri from now until after (hr
EolWays, poatrarO* Mr p#r rtorr.r. rhi -
rlrnn's poofon our delight Iv> 3541
SPAffc, rjrrk , nd typrwrit*. flrr to
young lady draining publW strnograph-
lo work. Room 11. Third National Hank
Hid ^
WAN’tFT' * w l ita woman or glri to do
rooking and ontiarwork for a coupla
Phona T\y *20
I Tear $7 Ofl
S Months S 50
3 Month* 1.7S
1 Month M
1 T»ar *5 20
* Months 2 60
5 Months . I SO
1 Month 46
1 Tear *1.60
6 Months 1.25
S Months 70
1 Month 26
1 Year . . 36c
Railway scheWCeT ~
Frerrnier Carrier of the South.
Arrival and Departure Passenger Train*.
!>* fatlowlnff schedule figure* are
nebUebed r»nlv as Information, and are
rot guaranteed
A e
about H pound* Return to 44 Pon
dern avenue and receive rrmard
- TRAYED From 68 • Edge wood ave
nne yellow and white spotted cow
1 alj Ivy 276ft
lAtfiT Wedneaday, between llJi E
Hunter and High n store hunch white
• igreitee Phone M iftliT or W. 1372
L--S! OH STRAYED one turkey
gobble! Inst Friday, November 21.
Weight about U pound* Finder will
plow t **turn to 44 Pondera avenue At-
lMiita phone 671# Reward
Rise m r < whit« eavi
mal.' setter dog tip of tall cut off
Return to 200 Myrtle street or telephone
I'.' 61X7 and ge reward
fgOHT One English setter t female),
black, white and tan. Name and an
dreaa on collar Not ID' or ritum to F
M Kerry, care Fourth National Rank.
vate Instruction*. Ivf M17-J 49 W
Paarhtra. itfjtl
M A ,\fany~^rToh. congenial arid
aniioua for companion* Interesting
Particular* and photo* free The Mas-
renger. Jacksonville. Fla
___ ^WANTED.
~ MTeeTTreTT^t^^s^r^our 1914
line of calendar*, fans, leather, pen-
cj.tA and other advertising noveltlee: be-
g’nnlng January 1 *el! the year around;
eyeiualve territory liber al coni mi**Ion*.
Model f'alendar Co., Dept 104 South
Bend, Ind
* f ave beer poking for
•omething to *el| to colorerl people
We have it. "Negro Angel* ISnterini
Heaven ’ Tforne Rlupply Company. Jack
•on, Mia*
^x>rmr7^~rr ^man^coolT’^a Poik e.
William Epp*. In rear of 20 East Kill*
BE?T oSTcT assTatants^lrTThe South ara
1 hv6 fu»i»hed rooms for rent, walking j >
distance. 2«1 Whitehall. Main I j
\\ ANTED Yountf Jadies to sew
■khirlv work \nnlt i ,r *' particulars ( T lcrrcna rtuppl- Com
Ymnv "OTK 'PPJ> |.any. 322 Hamilton avrnba, rhevdand
Robinson Shirt Co. 10.>> Mari
>{*. ArriYF Frorn
'4 P'hin .18 *>1 *m
U Nf« T nrk . 4 *0 «ni
4 5 wMb’ten !t 2W »m
I*. V*Ytll« * 1" »m
’ Hb‘*eport . . b itb IW
J/t r«cW'vtlto <:50 am
• Tf'cr».» V10 im
WefttD •■HI *m
* Ch ,r ' •• n
Miron 10 c, aui
• V V*net 10 * »m
' Colurnbu* ''0 im
H Cinetn'tl ..II 0''*ni
h Ver T*»rW It It mi
40 n’htm 12 Oft pm
'/■> CotumbiU . 1 4ft pn»
t-* B'h*m 3 to pm
Xft Charlott* . » 55 pm
tBflt rttlf ft *>b pm
«t IT Srm Ter* *, «k) pin
1<\ 4T N*w Tork ti Ift prn
Itrpart To
Nrw Tortt 12 .' 5
2ft ColumbiM
?.t> R'hui .
l rrjii
t> 2ft »m
5 ftft ant
6 10 »m
* IS *m
• ft* *m
1 Brunewick
VI Pt Valley
V Jack vllle .
J't Ch*f»*'g»
1 Ch!r*fo
o cotumhim .
14 Clnctn'M
1 pm
* 0‘t pni
1:10 pm
. * l ’> pin
* A pm
ft -M pm
10 IS pm
10 20 i»m
11 «ft pm
12 Richmond
•JRKun CJiy
? Chattn sb
3V lft. Valiev
16 Macon .
I at U New Turk. 11 -0« am
*1 .lark'villi' 11 10 am
20 rt'ti*m 11 3ft air
3*1 ftS New TerW 12.00 pm
15 am
7 :4ft am
40 Oiarlotte
:.** Coluinbuv
3ft New Terk
i fhattaia
r.O Wham
1 m Torcoa
22 < nlumhuB
b rtriHn'M
7K ft \ at lev
10 Marou .
2ft Heflin
13 Hnrin'tl
44 Waah'tni) .
2 Jark'vllle
24 Jax’k’ville
11 glj'repur'
14 Jack wille .
12 ■ 10 pm
12:3ft pm
.’ 4 ft pm
3 0o pm
4 10 pm
4 *ft pm
1 io pm
. l ift pm
I 2ft pro
4 30 pm
. * 20 pm
* 4 ’ pm
10 0.1 pm
10 Sft pm
11 it pa
11 40 on
'iv s ■r-r>:YT''rL.^rrTr,Ti iccTrT ',i2tru
b> The Mviitlc Tie. the only
fraternal* ih the Flute Write
fnr sainplc* and agents' term* to W. M
Felts i .. Boa 1168, Atlanta
. ■ tw to Mel] health and a<
oldent Insurance in ever> oounty In
Stale Contract to yield $Z4 to $48 a
e< B i [80 Atlanta
W A NT El) Student* to learn telegm
ph\ position* giiaranteed w-hen
• umpetwnt: total expense* while learn
Rig about one hundred dollar*, Includ
ing everything t’harloti* Telegraphy
Clue*. Charlotte. X. C.
REND 26c for book giving full inetruc
tlon* how to go on the '•tag** I’al
rnerto specialty Co.. P O Box <*S. City.
f'tth JltPRFt.
i ”7tj f; ^ • . r :• earn iplen^h
home during r-*ar* time send 10c for
name* of *0 reliable firm* supplying
home work 1 )** Pub Co, r»e*l if.
Hod gee Hldg , DeflroH. Mich.
RaKi ’ ■ ake con
for table living at home sewing platn
eearn* no anvaaelng no trlfieft-4.
"tAiyjt Hand ten cent* postage *arn-
pie*, etc. Returned if dlec>att*fled Home
Kewer* Company, jobber* sewing H A
Rehohoti. r»elaw*r*
A 1XTKD Two girls for •tag- m
travel- experienced or ne^perfpnced
George Ilyakllde*, Ft. George S C
W A ST ; rr;Tv Person* to do pleaaani
coloring w»ork at. home good pay. no
cenva*slng no experience required, il
lustrated particular* free Helping Hand
Stores. 6468 8. Haisled, Chicago
WANTED Write moving picture play*;
1!50 each; all or spare time; no expe
rience nor correspondence course, rde
tails free Atlas Fhihllshlng Co., !)7 Cln-
dnnatl, Ohio.
WAXfED I^uiien, make shield* at
home, 110 per 104): work sent prepaid
to reltahle women. Particulars for
W’ AN TED—Ambitious \oung maji de
sires position where there i* chance
for advancement, rapkl and accurate
bookkeeper; also knowledge of banking,
anxious to work: ateadv habits; A-l
reference*. Address R T Thitton. Al-
ph aretta, Ga.
'Negro Angel* PTntehng REGISTERED APOTHECARY want*
position, nine year* experience. Ad
<tre«* A. B Garber LawrencevUle.
BARBER tt white - at once, for ,
shop; 815 guaranfew, 60% over 126: no; FROCESH
student. Madebach, 224 P^ighth
ta. Qa.
WAN'TfJD Bi young man willing to
work, position a* aeeistajit shipping: ROOMS AND BOARD
clerk or any poattlon with advancement. 1
registering with the Atlanta Empl-d 1 F"R RENT Tw<* rooms «n^ 1
ment Agency. Call Ivv 4857 1126 Hurt j kitchen, furnished for light houaekeep f
nr SE? Canltol avenue.
WANTED Man and wife want job **
butler and cook; room on lot; can
give reference. S. G. tone* 419 Au
burn avenue
mg. 357 Capitol a-enue.
' R • NUKI. rooms f >r light house
keeping; conveniences. 222 E. Pair.
Main 142tl-J. _____
135 TVY RT h» th*» place to go tor
newly furnished room*, steam heat;
all modern conveniences; references re-
Classified Adver
tising Rates
1 inurtton
3 ’.nsertlons....
7 insertions...,
30 i!tsrrtion«
SO insertions....
■ -10c a iln.
• • «e a lin,
• • 5e a line
•Vse a lira
*c a Una
LAROKHT opnorrunlty ever oiYrrod
aarnta. Ort It lire torisv ^'Sooar
territory no» H g profits. Write foi
v* r-ftfi *r*i \ v> i L’T'n'nTTr^” I gui?k. Fhon> ivy «m
1 C I I r.llrt nen I fROKt ROOMS, also hou keepmir Sj
i,° MISS HATTJK FUXXER. 419 Empira j rorns^'pprln
, »««• lv >- »il»: I Ff in RENT
conveniences. 76 Walton St., entrance
<5ne nloe room oldf fur*
J niahed: two bed* hot and cold hath:
raies reasonable. Bell phone Mfsin 30i-J.
clerk or a.iv poaition witn axivsncenient. r*i'kr» rirvT Tu o t»re#» first floor rooni*.
Moderate saliry Addree* T R F . Box Bl SM ESS MEX can get room and ex- F On RENT Jwo large ^|^ or in r ^
fc5 - ' care rgiai cellent board. Turkey dinner Christ- rurr speo roi i gni j” ^ .
■ 272 South Prvor conveniences, gas *V>ve. adjoining bath,
WANTED - Position aa chauffeur b> col ziz £”'±VL. b r >. or close in. Main 8758 J
■ ... r, . j . rta a_ .. I \ D I 1 I. fro r 4 *>o /I w v< o o a i i. n- roo ran — ■ »— . 1111 11 m **
stamped addressvMl envelope Eureka
Co., Dept. 107 C. Kalamazoo. Midi
WAITED Ladle* to make shield* at
sewing ' an make four an hour. M
♦ erial furnished. Work sent prepaid
Send stamped addreneed envelope for
particular* raragun 6uppl> Company,
M 334 Myrtle avenue. Kan*a* City,
Oh to
WANTED Agent*, ^eat ooeke* cigar
lighter; lov eat price*, highest quality;
fa« tej4t seller, sample 16c; particulars
free Addre** Autrey, Box 175. Ciith-
bert. c*a
WA>7TM5^-Agents. Call on beer pea-
pie Fast seller, netting you 11.25 each I r 8r " •
*ale. Particulars free. The Unique entins. ,___. *
NoVeltj Co Boa I imbia. S. C ^rv- T ~ru —g ,.. , . FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front
WANTED -Position r»j Tenable colored MtELI furnished rooms, convenience*. -n.-.i-n in eteam •’rated arartrr.ent. near
b'A-V' 'j ■; ■''***■**.*• £ PKK ; man With HO,.. „ train furnar., meal- 109 K>.i ; r °C h SM, SS ™ C.'
AQBNT8 .sell "Southern' Urtium por ter Adore-- F. M Mcl.erin, rear »4 ' MarHe I vs 2540-J 1 Norlh om >'
saner and «'arpet Sw eeper combined. J Henry St
or*d man Best of reference*. Three
^ears experience. Able to take care of
North Butler street. E. L. Val-
LARGE front room and dressing room, ' —-—r— - ..
w ith board 766 Peachtree Ivv 7744-1. ; TWO .lavely furnl«h«<l J« »»t
a,.-.?.: 3—r z c—m z Pea/chtree apartment: steam heat, all
«V,9, M “ r *?, hoard ran he found at -=. CO nv?nien<-e», Ivy 1146.
\\ hitehall street.
raised in the country; «1x years' ex- ]5 Currier street
S' 3^'pS^.jnSA I «^2ftSS»SJR. SS-JB?-
( o.. lft Phelps. Jacksonville, Fla
WA X T ED-—.
year and 1
to «el] general
excelled specialty y
mission contract i’A6 weekly 'or ex
pense*. Continente! Jewelry Company,
347-48 Continental Building Cleveland.
W A XT ED If we bad your address we'd
•end free sample and show \ou how
»o make $25. not one week, but weekly.
G. Mfg Co. Warren street, »w Tork.
Suite 2
care Georgian.
' K n D $ position aa salesmai
mission and expense* or salary; abil
ity to get order*, experienced; refer
ences given. Phone BeU M. 118-J or
address H L. W. ( care Georgian
WANTED Agent*. sell concentrated
liquor extracts for making whiskies
liquor* and cordial* at home; something
new at last; wanted In every home;
save* over 50 per vent: one ta*fe makes
home $20.00 per 100 Ordinary plain | * r ‘U^tomer for life; strictly legitimate;
r - n hour Mm- ro l*^en*e required; big demand: *ehn
fast; coins you money; send postal to
day for money-making selling plan*,
[’illvernal Import Co.. Derpt. 512. Ctn-
flnnati, Ohio.
AA”A NTET> N’ocktie propoelt ion for holi-
AA ANTED- Situation a* foreman molder
in high-class engine machine or gen
eral jobbing work 40 \ ears' experience;
Hgr* 45 Robert Clarkson. 614 Third
street West Anniston. Ala
_ , Ivy 3486-L.
]■', >R RENT Be»utlfull> furnished p 0R rent Room." iifwlv furnished,
rooms, furnace heal, home cooklns K)th or w |thnut jirivate hath, ateam
Ivy 8086 j ],,. a , » n d hot water at all hours from
... FOR RENT-One or two furnished
Capitol square, j 'front room* for light housekeeping.
I also one furnished front room. 124 Gar-
rellent board: modern conveniences
garage in rear. 12J
.Main 483P-J. |
DANDY sleeping por^h with sitting i nett street
room, with or without breakfast and j FT.*RNTPHEI» ROOMS, first and second
floors, couple or gentlemen. Atlanta
supper. Also rooms for light house
keeping. West 96<j-J. . 265.
FURNISHED room with good board to ) TWO furnished iiouaekeeuing rooms,
two young men or couple. 72 Spring $3.75 weeklj. No. 31 Hood street.
NICE, large front room, couple or young j » ,: -ar AA hitehail. Main 2758-J.
men; excellent board; reasonable Ivy i FOR RENT Attractive, well-furnished
*069-J. j flat and rooms; conveniences. 183 Ivy
advertl*em.ut. t»k»r for,#,,
than the eoat of two lines Su
words makes a line.
MAIN 190
Clsi;siified Adver-
M»v telephone the:- -'tv..,.
AOs." The Oeortfian will net *9,
responsible for more than one in
correct insertion of anv advert'..
S' for more than o".
The Georgisn reserves the rle»,
to correctly classify alt want Ad,
The Georgian can not ruarar*..
accuracy or assume responsibility
tor errors of any kind occurrinr 'ii
telephoned advertisements.
The Georgian will not accent
phone or verbal orders to dlse'n-
finue or change <T V.) "Tin For
b i d .advertisements. Advertiser
should retain receipts given hr
The Georgian in payment of War.
of- no r " ls,ak « can be recti
fied without them.
All trains run daily. Central time
‘by Ticket Offire No 1 Feachtree St.
Ivy 11000. Ivy 40S1]
taxicabs, Belie isle
IVY 5190, ATLANTA 1698.
K Af, flbT RL.
i'KNTUR of cli> rat*** rvHt*»*nable. coti-
venient to Union Station. 42 to 62
l Mftcatm St. Atlanta phone 2616.
Leland Hotel«««"
■ xcellont table 20 tneals tickets $8 ••
iick and polite eervioe.
Bellevue Inn. 17
Nicely furniehed single or double room*,
• team heated, with or without meals
UoXTk t<~Tft i: UXr a ret.
f*l North Brood Street
EXPRESS paid one \\a\ on aJ) out-
of-town order* amounting to $1.00.
'YANTI'7I> White rnesH^nger boys
about 15 year* old. prefer boy* with
wh#*el« <1hv wi*rk. good pay. Appl>
Telegraph Co.. 44) N Broad Si.
MEN WAITED to earn $10 a day n§
ai! opriciiui Instruction* free. Writ#
O i\l. G&ascr. graduate opt omet riel.
•017 Columbia, St Eoul* Mo
WANTED Power trip hammer Plate
W»tk1. price and condition Ad dree*
Stanaell A Rape, McDonough, f;a
^T VN wanted with rig to Introduce and
.‘•ell ninety-flve extract*, npice*. medl
cine*, etc Btg monei Vvll*on made
$90 weeklj We mean huafnens Box
516. Dept 53. Cedar Rapids. Iowa
'tODNG MAN wanted to ad\erti*e Rog
er* silverware. Pay $52 per rnont
A \ Cline. Advertising Manager.
North Tenth street Philadelphia, Pa
i' \NTET> Map salesman for ^ayettt
■ out t> S ppl 522 i ]onj th Building
• Mflhi
hov* more than 14 year* old to work
afternoons and all da> Saturdaj. Ad
dress D. A. W., care Georgian.
t\ AN’flllt- $100 weeklj profit in spare
time at home; mall order bunlno**
don't worry about capital. Boyd H
Brown, <»n>aha. Nebr
LADIES .Sewing at hoirif Material
fumiahed; no canvassing steady
work; stamped envelope for particulars.
Calumet Supply Co.. Dept. A 79, Mil
waukee. _Wia.
W aTjTKD > iv$ rmiicr \r.c
airing attractive position*. Welfare of
operators ami clerk* closely Htipervlaed
hy the company; their conduct on the
premia®* carefully guarded by matron,
women supervisor* and chief operator,
who have complete control over the re
tiring and operating room* Short train
ing course for those inexperienced; sal-
* pakl while learning Sal*
creased upon being transferred to oper
atlng force, and for those becoming ef-
• • a ied n* thej become
worthy, with opportunities for ultimate | Win,
advancement t«> $75 per month Refer
ences proving the standing of the appli
cant esscntlil. Those having edura
tlonal advantage*. preferred. Lunch
room and comfortable retiring rooms
f ro^'idenl with several hundred Carnegie
ilbrary books for the convenience of
the opera tore Matron ami trained
ntirte in attendance. Apply $.30 to 6.
Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph
Company Training School. 25 Auburn
WANTED Girl* to take course lp Mis*
ay trade; beautiful premium to each
customer: ladle* or gentlemen make
WANTED- By voting man, 27. with. ,
some experience in the grocer)' bus! ROOM AND BOARD for couple or two street. Ivy 6575
ne*a, position at once Address F. A. B., ; business ladies; connecting bath and ■ FOR RENT Two room* in Inman Park
phone. Cal! Main 1592-J.
EXCELLENT front room with l>oard.
furnace heat and conveniences, rca
care Georgian.
WANTED—Situation by young country
man traveling for some reliable Arm.
Hardware or drug preferred Can give | suitable. Elizabeth street Inxnan Park,
best of reference*. S.. Box 3t)4. care | Ivy 6963-J.
< Georgian
suitable for light housekeeping.
Ivy 9926-J.
: u r
WANTED Position by experienced
double entry bookkeeper, bill clerk.
S40 a week from now until Christmas; typist and office man; use tvpewrlter
outfit free to workers Be first In your rapidly; keep neat set of books; refer-
neighbornood Wilson Mfg Co., Un- j ences furnished Call Bookkeeper. Main
outer, Ohio 3777
WANTED Local mana*er« to aa • a EXpj Rfi s ED . intant wabta work
tionai lighting, lea ting and cooking temporary or permanent; satisfaction*
apparatus Borne capital or good securi
ty required. Write for particular*. Na
tional Htamping and Electric Works. 420
WANTED Agenfa; salary 01 commie
sion; greatest seller yet, every user
pan and ink buv* on sigh’ 200 >o 600
per cent profit one agent * sabs $620
in six days: another $32 in two hours.
Monroe Mfg. Co., X-142, i a Crosse,
IT IS: Absolutely new design in
wheal opera; e4j. powerful bellow*
vacuum cleaner; new visible nozzle; ex-
duslve appearance: sells quick at $7.50.
Write for particular* about money-back
guarantee noj\ Doty Company, Dayton,
WANTED Salesmen; calendar and ad
guaranteed. Work. C*3 Piedmont ave
nue. Bell Ivy 1047-L.
CAPABLE corporation office man now
open for a change: references. C. $4
F.. No. 311 Capitol avonur.
YOUNG MAN, 27 good habits, practical
•machinist by trade, wishes place in
stoclKdepartment of large hardware or 1 cooking. Ij’> 6421-J.
machinery house, witli the view to go- NICE ROOMS, with board, for cou
“>« .«» r 9» d for «"?«> after_ mastering ; „r young men. In .private home. '35«
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front
rooms: gentleman or couple; with or
without board. References exchanged.
243 Capitol avenue.
FOR RENT Furnished room, with
bath adjoining, in Corinithian _\pari-
nients ("all ivy I705-J.
LlAmui Peachtree&Wal-
Ol All rlU I r.Li, ton Center city
Steam heat, shower, needle and
I tub baths. Rates 75e. $1.»$1.50, in
cluding baths. Special rates by
i the month. '
NICE ROOMS, also light housekeeping
PRIVATE BOARD, steam heat, all con apartment; private family; close in.
veniences: old-fashioned Southern L 0 "*- ^pDng.
Use {for. Results
room with private bath and
board; near Georgian Terrace,
ivy 2927-J.
, LARGE, delightful sunu\ fj-ont room.
steam heat, private bath, single room,
i table board, refined home, nest location*
Ivy 1959-L.
COMFORTABLE well furnished steam- I '
rjT7 heated room adjoining bath; gentle-i hunt 1 i
p i iriw. ,mn- Afirihorou^ \nflrim#nt 1 _hung a low, all convenience* exc
details of stock and methods of firm j (japitol avenue
Address C. H. Forth. Dawson. C"
Main 2031-1..
Sparkman’s Improved Millinery | repreaenta.lve one of the
School. Free scholarship offer All mil
linery work done free 94K a Whitehall.
GOVERNMENT pool lions open to worn
$7© month Write Immediately
DAIRY and farm hand; experienced it
poultry: will work for wages or small
place on shares; reference. Address C.
K.. Box 675. care Georgian.
FOR eight year* hare mailed reai re
sults :.s hardware, vehicle or harness
salesman; will now consider contract
for 1914 Address C. V. B.. care Geor
GRADUATE, licensed druggist: six J \ t*
years’ experience, now open; good ref- i J *•
Stales; now making contracts for lwl4; ; erence*; not afraid of work. Address
unuaual in4lu< **ments offered experienced ‘ Box 14. Parrott. Ga.
salesmen; exclusive i*rritorv given: all I position WANTED as farm manacei WHEN h need «.f boarding place, fur-
the >ear around line; commissions paid Have taken courses in agriculture and nlshecl or unfurnishevl room* or fur-
promptly; easily good for $75 h week j veterinary .^■'•enteen years' practical j nislj ed apartment*, see u*. as we have
experience. Fix pert on live stock, seed I aT : _°, ur .? lfflc * » h * best places on
vertlsing novelty: one for Georgia and
one for North and South Carolina: our
company ha* been known for tears a*
men only. Marlborough
Peachtree and Pine. Ivy 461
FOR furnished rooms and light house
keeping apartments—everything neat
ly furnished-—eee 36 Garnett street.
ood. new
A nnrl ment 1 • «*■** ' wn \ cuteiiccs except Ch-
Apartment, Bar^air^rate $20. Garrett. Ivy 2939.
IFOR RENT—No. 806 Hill street
room*, hall ami bath, electric lights
two large lots. Owner. 162 Ashbt S
West 1083-J.
279 Candler Annex.
RE J1 T '
connecting unfur*
I nished rooms, first floor, for light
housekeeping: $8 per month. Gas. wa-
L lfer hath. 174 West Alexander.
. • 'FOR RENT—Two unfurnished conn
Institute. Dept, i above expenee*. Apply Immediately.
! u - ( *- ^ illiam* Mfg Co. 225-21 * ^ l selection, rot at foil and tile drainage I a ^_^^* eets ^ the city.
Reference* John E. Miller. Clarkeaville. ” E are xhtk People who give restilts.
f nth i ’ I I? I M Learn Millinery. Bent trade Superior St.. Chicago.
14« : ' \Y?n rm f, «. wom f T l W A NT ED Electrical
P» ! G0 ,0 ,T 00 ", ’nnnth T4. re-trim hati , , oul1g Ineri thoroui
free Free scholarship now Nice velvet
hat for $1 Fine dressmaking establish
ment in connection. Price* reasonable
190 . Whitehall stret Corner Mitchell
corporation offers j Ga. 1 rv
« thorough electrical ,»• , YOCNO MA?C. 2« rear* of a«-. with twT 104 N. I’RYOR STREET.
gmeering course free Developing sale. .rear*' experience in ruuntri bank, do- \'o trfn.-e, flaewhere
tore* if not dssiring training or If sire* ix>*ition with some good bank a.** - - ; - ■— : —— —^^ —.
tiierelv ourious. do not aiisner Sales | bookkeeper and aseietant cashier. \m i BOAR]' and room in private family for
I \g ° ^ f L’alto Bldg., st willing to begin on living expenses, flan I . •'°V. 1 ??'. n „ ien; a, l conveniences. Phone
J LOUlS, MO. * .... —
WANTED Agent* are coining mone>
HELP WANTED—MALE AND FE •filling our big 10c package* of 20 u>
furnish best reference*.
140. Atlanta
Auburn avenue. Ivy
GE(aUG1a Pulton County.
To the superior Uourt of Said County:
I’hc petition of J J. Rogers. S. Aron.
W W Wisdom. Jr., of Said State
*nd Uount> and such c*thers h* thej
may associate* with yiem, respeotfuIl>
1. TTiat the> de*fic for themselves,
thpir associate* successors and assign*.
f'» be incorporate*! under the name and
style of the Southern Bottling Company
'or a period of twenty \e«rs. with the
privilege of renewal at the expiration
• • f that time.
2 The object of said business l? pe-
• uniarv gain to the stockholder* there
«*f anti the particular business to he
• arrted on i* the buying, selling and
manufacturing of all kinds of syrups
and beverages to operate plant* for
the bottling near-beer and other bev
erage* and syrups allowed h' the law*
of Georgia to conduct store* for the
-ale thereof, and to act as agent for
other firms or companies, and to erect
I lant* arid places of doing business in
ary part of the United State* ami in
foreign countries; to own stock tn other
i "inpanies: to buy. sell and encumber
leal and personal property of every
■ ! The principal pia<-e of doing bu*i-
y esft of said corporation shall be In
T ulton County. Georgia
* The capital stock of said corpora
<>n shali be ten thousand dollar*, and
petition era desire the right to pay
^ume in cash, real or personal property
stu'-k in >dh«u companies at « fair
urrl i» a*ouabio vaiiiatior. Th*> deeire
II •- right »<•* increase said rtork from
tun*- to time to an amount not to «*-
• one hundred thousand dollar*
Thr- capital • t.ock of said company
t*s divided into share* r*f the par
value of $10 per »h«re
Petitioners desire ah the right* and
privilege* incident t<. Ilk- corp-Tationa
:: Georgs* and petitioners will e\er
Petitioners’ Attornev
Fileo in office this the 6th day of De-
« ember. 1912
FT ATE • »F GFJdDil \ Fultoii County.
I \rnold Hr. >le*. Clerk of the Su
perior Court of Fulton County. Georgia,
*'o hereby certify that the foregoing i*
a true and corner "
tlon for < barter it
♦on. Bottling Com;
WANTED Write moving picture play*.
$60 ,e«ch all or npar* Mine; no expe-
r ence nor correspondence course r*e
tails freo Atlas t'ubli*hlng Co., ft7 Cin
cinnati, Ohio. _
V\ \V!Ti- Young man good iE ■
expei-ience not neceH*ar> ; to setl
paint*, oils, disinfectant*, etc. *alar> or
commission: largo profit* and *tead>
work We will help you. Sun Chami
cal Company. Uiehniond. Va.
WANTED Earn ea*y <11iri*tinas luonej .
whole or part time; our nea colored
circular shows you the gi eu i possibili
ties. $20 daily profit not unusual, expe
rience un»i^cessar> G. Vfacy, Hale*
M an a ger, 640 Ly< I ia St , Chicago.
WANTED Solicitor* ff»r residence sec
tion Salnr.' and commission. Expe
rlence unnecessao. Box 497. care Geor
BOYS AND GIRT.S Eaaj r-hrlstmaa
money after school. No matter where
you live. Write or call on \Y B. Sa*
nett, manufacturing agent*. 511 Temple
Court. Atlanta, (ia.
orted holi.ia postal card*: 5.000 varie
ties: big profits: sell everywhere at
wight, sample itaclcnge 14)c; particulars
free Sullivan Card’Co., 1234 Van Bu-
ren s: . Chicago. Ill.
line of cigar* on the road. Salary
$100 per month and expense*. ♦Experi
ence not necessary. Continental Cigar j tist'a office,
Company. Wichita. Kan*. [street.
AGENTS WANTED for article which
no housewife ran resist. Sell* at al-
moai even homi Write quick for free
particular*. (Minton Specialty Company,
Clinton, Iowa.
tion Wanted ad* 3 line* 1 time.
10c; 3 time*. 20cj^ 7 time*. 40c.
WANTED Trained nurse, seven years
experience, desire* position in den-
Address X. Y. Z.. 102 Ivy
furnished conned-
rooms, separate entrance, with
198 Oakland avenue. Atlanta
phone 1451. Call for Mr. Tumi in.
j ifig
FOR RENT - -Three connecting unfur
nished housekeeping room*, close in:
North Side Call Ivy 6965-J.
ONE bright room. $5 per month: private
family: sink. bath. Ivy 6106.
TWO ROOMS and kitchenette, unfur
nished: no children. 428 E. Georgia
IN SOUTH KIRKWOOD, three nice up
stairs room*, newly tinted, new porce
lain hot and cold water, large
porch; lot 50 by 150 for garden and
chickens. Jerome, care Georgian. Phone
Decatur 505.
Newly furnished rooms, good meals, . __ r _
25c: 5 meal* for $1. | r OK Kk.\l--lwo room*, second floor.
Sirr. ROOM and hoard. Sl.f.O week, .a- | P^Zr^fho^ 28" 7 I S ° Uth
dies <>r gentlemen. !23 Capitol ave.!,, ... ... ' N
BEST MEALS IN TOWN, 33 WEEK: , 9 1 \ Three connecting rooms
ROOM AND MEALS. .34. 197 SOUTH I ...1°!, housekeeping. s.lso_ single room.
FOR RENT New bungalow. *.•
rooms, on fine street, close to White
hall street car line. West End Cali
Hmirfy owner, West 1140-J, aftei 1 .
FOR RENT Six-room house, r ft' v
Grant. Park. 251 Cherokee avemi r -
Call 122 Sydney street, or J. A. Simpson
care McCord-Stewart Co.
FOR RENT—Good six-room house hot
arui cold w'a.ter, gas; newly painted
three car line*. 436 East Fair *tree‘
Call at 351 East Hunter street or 6ft
Empire Building.
FOR R^T^T^SrTck strJre^wTth^basf
ment; size 20 bv 60. near viaduct w
Peter* street. Call Tvy 2318.
FOR RENT—Splendid space In Candle-
Building: ground floor: facing Peach
tree street. Apply 119 Peachtree street
WANTED- Well exper.enoed stenogra- TRANSIENT and familj hotel; home
cooking: 150 rooms, with or without
private baths. Public baths or; all floor*.
Both phone*.
WaTctED Man with rig to Introduce
and sell 96 extract*, spice*, medicine*,
etc , big money. W1l»on made 590
weekly. Be mean buvinet* Box 516.
Dept 33, Cedar Rapid*. Iowa,
u i it 7>i can -air $20 weekly raising
mushroom* entire > ear in cellar*,
sheds, box*, etc Markets watting Free
booklet. Hiram Barton, 339 West 48th
street. New York.
WANTED Detective* Salary and
commission; experience not necesHary
Write for terms and particulars. South
western Detective Agency. Montgomery
WANTED Traveler: a beginner *al-
ary: commission and expense money
Liberal offei and agreement J. K Me-
Brady Uhlcago.
CLERK, Customs-Internal Revenue
'exam*" everywhere soon Get pre
pared h> former U. H. Civil Service Sec
ret ary Examiner. Free nooklet. \ 4*
Write NOW . to-daj Patterson Civil
Service Hchnol. Rochester. N. Y
BRIGHT, well educated men to qualify
in 50 day k for good office position*,
abaolutely free; model office. Oliver
Typewriter Agency, 54 Auburn.
‘ ’ Krpp Shave Moler Barber ( ol-
>ge 3* latckie St.
an.I ITo i r Thit *' do * ood wo . rU
^na iiair tyiir ai ve us * ‘trial
THIRTY fast rn^*a^nger*. with or
without wlteels. Some after school
hours best p«> Wheel* sold on easy
terms American Messenger Service,
Pryor and Alabama streets
W10 \V \\T a few bright v
desire the benefit of scientific training
In .salesmanship; unlimited opportunity,
(’all l»efween lft and 12 a rn.. 531 Caii
filer Bldg
\ * thing be
railway mail clerks S75 month Ap-
ply for information L M. N Box 10.
care Georgian.
WANTED Men te learn barber trade
great demand for barbers btg wage*.
»as> work -wiort time r©.julre<V; expert
instructors; tool* given; earr s'hiie
earning Write for free catalogue
Moler Harber Col’ege, Luckie St At
• S We teach ii barber trade and
give poeltioti in our chain of shops at
good wage*, for $30 Atlanta Barber Col-
■ | • - me government rail
wev mail clerks Sample examination
question* free Franklin Institute. Dept
4S-H. Rocheatei. N T
V r.S. *ha\e
WANTED Honest men and women
everywhere to solicit subscription* for
The Georgian Weekly New* Briefs Daily
Georgian and Jfeaist's Sunday Atncri
can. Liberal commission offered to hus
I am interested. Send me your agent *
Name .
R F D No
WILT, pay reliable man or woman $12.50
to distribute 100 free package* Per
fumed Borax Soap Powder among
friend* No money required. D. !>.
Ward Co.. 216 Institute Place. Chicag o
LET US ASSIST ' ou in securing a higb-
claa* ix>eltion. Send 26c for full par
tlculars. Oommercial Business Agency,
Box 637. Atlanta
Good Wages.
* very profitable salet* proposfrior. who j Fulton Bap & Cotton Mills,
Atlanta, Ga.
WANTED Hustlers; boys and girls to
sell twelve narks of postcards. 10c
eaob. Splendid premium* ir cash com
mission. Writ* to-da> II A. Puckett,
Box 437. Atlanta
'■#1?Triff'SfcVvi -n^fii'AWr
YOU can learn with our instructions
Write for particular- A! Bartlett
Efim Company. Rhodes Ktr'lq ng
WHITE MOTION f*! ctur ®
P « easy with
our instructions $1 postpaid National
Studio ‘'Incinnati. Ohio
COMPETENT lady agent* wanted: good
profit to good salesmen. 68*4 White
hall street.
PAID. BANKED in 30 days by Siono-
man; $16,000 to date Join our famous
$1,000 class which absolutely insures
! $1,000 per man. per county Korstad.
a farmer, did $2,200 in 14 day*; Schleich
er. a minister. $195 first 12 hours after
appointment. Ten inexperienced men di
vided $40,000 within 18 month*. Strange
invention: startle* world. Agent*
amazed. Think what thi* invention
doe* Give* every home a bathroom
with hot and cold running water for
$6 60 Abolishes plumbing, waterworks.
Relf-heating. No wonder Hart sold 16
Iti three hour* $5,000 altogether; Lode-
wick 17 first day. Uredit given. Come
now: investigate Postal will do. Ex
clusive sale requires quick action, but
means $1,000 and more for you. Allen
Mfg Co.. 3815 Allen Bldg., Toledo, Ohio.
\ GENTS Something new. fastest
sellers and quickest repeater on earth.
Permanent, profitable business. Good
for $60 to I7& a week. Write for par
ticular*. American Product* Co.. *081
Sycamore street. Cincinnati. Ohio.
WE HAVE openings for ten iot sales
men to sell Improved lots in Druid
Hill* and Peachtree section, on easy
. term*. A hustler can ^arn from $250
per month upward. Address "Lot Sales-
n an." Box 18, care Georgian
tion Wanted ad*: 3 line* 1 time.
jOc: 3 time*, 20c; 7 time*. 46c
WANTED PoaTTfon a* stenographer
and general office man by young man.
24 years of age; four year* experience.
Best references. \ddress A. A. A., Box
1C. care Georgiat
v> \ v rui ■ Poeitlo manager of a
farm for 1014. sober, experienced mid
dle Georgia farmer; best of reference
Address M.. Route 7. Box 65. Rome. Ga.
YV UN TED Position by colored chauf
feur; good references. T. L. Stevens.
260 East Cain. Call Ivy 2437
pher wapta position. Address Sre
nographer. B.. _102 Ivy St.
WANTED—Position by young lady as
stenographer; have six months’
experience. Call^M. 1419-J.
EXPERIENCED housekeeper and cook. —rrr
strong and well, wants home in good i WANTUT> Board in private home by
family; reasonable pay: best of refer-j young man, 32; must be first-class:
ences. Address Air*, j. A. S.. care At j prefer West End or North Bide. Ad
lan ta Georgian. dress J. R.. Box 8. care Georgian.
Typewriting to do at home,
work called for and delivered. Call
M. 3424.
WANTED- -Experienced stenographer
with good references desires to make
change January 1. Y. /. Box 88. care
TWO connecting rooms and kitchen
ette. furnished for light housekeep-
ing. 24 East Baker street. Ivy 5459-J.
FOR RENT—Steam heated room: North
<tPTTt irn . . „. in - «, , , ' Side; private home. All conveniences.
SKTII.rcn refined ladj will assist in Meals near Ivy
hOQMWork part of day for room and =r - —73 .. r._. —
board for winter. N.. Box 311, care i F(.)R RENT -One nicely furnished
Georgian. steam-heated front room. Apply 445
YOUNG LADY stenographer desires po- — ^
sition. AYilling to work for reasonable i FOR RENT Furnished room, sleam-
salarv Call West 674-L ‘ heated apartment: private family; rea-
WANTED l'..s„io„ bv young Indv. Ulanta phone 3t»4.
either office work or private telephone FOR RENT Two bright rooms, corn-
exchange. Address L. B.. Box 4. care plete for housekeeping. 339 Courtland
21.0 Spring street. Ivy 2206-J
THREE unfurnished rooms for rent, all
conveniences. Apply 888 Gordon .St.
THRI i: or four rooms on second floor
a t 3t«6 Sj*ring *t. Call 35 West Lindem
RENT Four room* with bathT
pantry, fuel and Bell phone. Apply 11
Baltimore Place, or call Ivy 7388-J.
THREE unfurnished upstairs 'rooms;
all conveniences; reasonable. Apply
32 White street.
TWO unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping; conveniences. 2226 Fair
Main 1420-J.
r ' '•> RENT Three nottis mid bath;
gas. electricity and hot water. 173
Holderness street.
TWO unfurnis£ie<r^rooms wUlT^small
""Toom attached. 129 East Pine. Ivy
FOR REN^^or^lease in "PetersT Riri f
double-size <»ffice with railing and pr
rate connecting office: will sub-lease *
■a liberal discount. 531 Candler Bldg
Phon^ Ivy 1624.
FOR RENT—Office* in the Moore Builfi
ing at No. '0 Auburn avenue; stean
heat; pa-ssenger elevator; lights anr
janitor service: $12.50 to $15. Georg* P
Moore, Real Estate and Renting. 10 Au
burn avenue.
FOR RENT—Large garage, easy to f
in and out: everything convenient
will rent to separate party or some om
who wishes to store cars. 121 Capi
tol square. Call Main 483: I
FOR RENT—46 Poplar Circle, Inmai.
Park. Bell phone Ivy 4689-J
W7\NTED-^»nefurni.shed steam-neat er;
room for gentleman; North Side it*
I ferred. 5Tust be close in. Box 697, care
i Georgian.
—— r=TL--:..-jLi:'. ■ -=^-
F()R RENT—Two furnished or unfur
nished rooms for light housekeeping.
323 Courtland. Tvy 3D6-J.
WANTED Position reliable settled
colored woman as nurse or any kind of
housework: willing to stay at night*
\ddress 167 West Mitchell street. At
lanta phone 6022-M.
REFINED ) oung woman desire* posi
tion as companion and nurse for in
valid lady or one child: would assist
with light housekeeping must have
work Nurse. Box 98. care Georgian.
WANTED Position as cook
(’an furnish best of reference*. Ruth
Sanders. 368 North Butler street. *
WANTED—C'i sea to nurse ny experi
enced sick nurse; six years' experi
: street.
TWO ROOMS and kitchenette, fur
nished; no children. 428 H. Georgia
ence; maternity cases a specialt> Main
'■>»««** . ManVoi5«r>
ell 1*5 | Ings Foster's Teachers' Agenc' 616
dgevood. Wh'tehall. r' Tv, ^Tilte Third National Rank Rulld'r.c 4G-mtH
workmen Clean Hr.en Bath* 15c cwi
I V'x
10c. na*r cut 15c
at 41 Marietta ( ’■
v^antEP - - C om potent
references Apply
•tract Ball phone iv> 866
N ' ■ tO *4
dallies. good salary to right parties.
Apply 13tu a FVachtree. room ,7.
WANT BP"" Girl to assist in light house
keeping with couple in Welt Enu;
sleep in housr tit night, wails g rl pre
feiried Apply in perwon, 131 Houston
St, Aak for Mr. Norris.
\VA\TE1.» Twenty-five young ladies to
. Niihscriptione for the leauiirg
fraternal n'.agazine of ti.e State Sal-
<r> or '"mimssirii. Apply \5 M. Pelts
57 Eugenia str»** . Atlanta.
W.v\*TKD Toting 1ad>
ooS Mnif have -
245 Peachtree j wX5T l f'6t^" Salesrnen'^To^ liXndTe *r^e
■‘1920 SEGAR ’ oti the side gviod com
mission and east seller Don *'igar
Factory. Augusta, Ga.
\"t \Stkp Salesmen: <75 per
and all expenses to begin: experience
not absolutely necessary; lake ordera
from dealers for cigarette*, cigars,
smoking and shewing tobaccos Penn
Tobacco Co.. Station O. New York.
N. Y
\\ v NT1 D Two exper ei < ed isle* i en
capable of earning 850 per week or
more. We ■ .cn offer >ou an unusual -»p.
t*ortunii> sellirijc a nationalh advertised
j specialty. «’aii 8 to a iy 407 Austell
to travel and ‘ Bldg \*k for Mr White
’as* pos ion | iOft NEW \GENTS- Gold ti ,
rn Mgs 5 Io 7 sell Dr. Doran's L'uren R.
Newk Kimball free sewing machine* sa npl
j.»n Dr»f l>iii»r.h K>,
W\NTED Position a* janitor I am
also experienced with railroads a*
139 Orme street
A \ N IT! • Poelt on H* dr'gg1<r. Have
Georgia license. Address B. care
cook, also willing to tio housework
goo<l references Address W VY . Box
■>.. care Georgian,
WANTED- Experienced stenographer
a* d dictaphone operator desire* posi
tion January l. Best of references Ad
dre?* P K T care Georgian.
WANTED—Position; must have work
where wages will not be less than $6
a week; anything honorable. Address
v u . •»; Markham St., Atlanta, Ga
WANTED 5y settled, re ned ladj a
place a* housekeei*er and ompanion
Will furnish own room. Live with eld-
erly couple. H Box 38. care Georgian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer want* Shields.
good position at once, (''an furnish
best of references. Call Ivy 7074-J.
TWO nice'y furnished front rooms, one
block from .Aragon Hotel. 30 East
ONE fronl room, id*" two connecting
rooms; modern conveniences; very
clone in. 169 Ivy St. Atlanta phone
5859-F. .
or maid. | NICELY furnished rooms f or light
housekeeping: all modern conve-
ei m lo 17. Cain. Ivy 7356-.r.
FOR RENT Two lovely housekeeping
rooms: one single room: close in: bath,
hot water. I\ > 2880 J.
FOR RENT Large front room, near in,
on Peachtree: private entrance. Ivv
6363-I. ^
FOR RENT Two nicely furnyshed
rooms, furnace hAat: all conveniences.
Phone Iv> 617 or call at 730 Peachtree
- r n et
fTiu RENT One nlee furnished room
for two young men. Mrs. J. AT.
53 Luckie. Phone Main 789-J.
■' ' N rED Energetic young ladj wls »a
position as stenographer at onne: can
furnish very good references. Miss G.
.\f. Atlanta phone 3974.
WANTED—Position by a refined Chris
tian lady as sick r.urse. Can give best
of references. Maternity a specialty.
Call Ivy 4274-J. Mrs. M. J. C\, care
~-r— | Georgian.
oloreo man. position as , v.,—. .ttv,-.-, .-r.;--r, \ : ;
* J-APF.R1H \(_lf.D voting lacy steno-book
keeper desiges position by first of year
Experienced in department store. An-
jv. er Necessity, care Georgian.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front
room for couple or young men. 172
South Pryor street. Main 386.
NEWLY furnished room, steam heaTj
thoroughly modern with or without
kitchenette, couple or ladies preferred;
references required. 52 East Cain. Cali
Ivy 2538.
FOR RENT—Two lovely connecting
room*: bedroom furnished reasonable
West 639-L.
T\V(> BEDROOMS, kitchen. baThT^elec^
trie* lights, private entrance; walking
distance; suitable for two couples; will
r en! two or the three. 245 Peachtree.
■ 1 REN r N sely furnished, tnodern,
st earn-heated five-room apartnint.
Nortii Side. Close in. Two rooms now
rented nearly pays the rent. Phone
Main 4608-J.
o?TacSou??t" great demaud from die
public for furnished and unfurnished
rooms or furnished apartments, we ‘.n
vlte r>ie public to list with us and 1<*’
us assist them in renting to suitable
tenants. The Boarding and Room in*
House Bureau of Information, 259 Card
ler Annex. Pliones Ivy 8424, Atlaid;.
apartments;* elevator service; sleeping
porch, Ivy 5308-L.
K> 'St BLEASE, five-room apartment,
$*•■>.60: close in. 30 M'est Peachtree
IN THE COLONIAL -One delightfully | «!»*?•
comfortable apartment for rent; ~
strictly first-class; best North Side sec
tion; large porches, handsome ground*,
automobile acoommodations. etc. Phone
Ivy 657-J or call 29 Ponce DeLeon av*-
nue. George M. Traylor.
WANTED^ A t" oncer large' sunn> rooo:
on first floor, close to bath; kitchen
ette with sink and running water. *’■
swer b> mail. Retrac. care Georg 1 ' 1
WitSTWr first iiK.ngagf 1 purchase
money notes, payable monthly. Box
412, care Georgian.
FOR SALE—Two second mortgage put
fehaM money notes of $260 each; du<
one and two years. Box 37. care Geor
hUU RE-> f Gheap; one rnoiern -four
room apartment. Phone Ivy 3698-J.
All conveniences.
TWO bright foon#, kitchenette, private
bath separate entrance $12 month
Phone ivy 7491 - J.
SIX ROOMS with bath; close in: good
neighborhood; $21 per month. 75
urme street. See Woodside.
FOR RENT -Sitting room with sleeping
porch, with private bath, for three
young men. 514 Peachtree
j WANTED--Lady of refinement and cul
ture will exchange references for poai-
i tion a* companion to a. ’ady old or I FOR RENT—Gne front room, furnished
TWO or three furnished rooms for light
housekeeping 429 Soutli Pryor.
, young sick <»i well. *a<i or glad from 1
! North or South, at home or traveling.
I' AN i UP - Position as assistant booli
*-ep»r or shipping c:eG in pome j Address Happy, care Georgian.
*WANTED Position a? pianist i
wholesale hous* h\ oung man accu
ra f e in figure?, can use typewriter v ill.
ing o leave cif> F D.. Box 23. rare
WANTED- By \oung mar. .'4. rwsTtkvn
a* clerk: have ban t^o : ear? expe
rience iti grocery ?*nre Clm furnish
4-1 reference*. Address L. C.. Bon 3,
care Georgian.
BOOKBINDER t?nd cutter wants posi
tion: swift worker: good general hand
in bindery. No ruling or finishing. Au-
dreas Terrj 292 Pulllatu street
4 vi EI * Po Ition • >n the i .u foi re
liable concern. E. N Richard, Davie
City. Fla.
WANTED---By an experienced boc*k-
< keeper, set of books to write up at
night. Addrea* C. F.. Box 682. tare
WANTED- mi exf*erienceo -;: cleric! EVENING and onc-pie»e dreese
cafe or hotel er #« music ’•arh^r ii
small n Excellent referertc<=s Ad
dress L ^ Meansxille. Ga
Wanted Dressmaking ur plain se'w-
ing Reasonable. Sat intact ion guar-
anteed Ivy 7567. Will call.
close it: Npp-N 44 Simpson street.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room on
North Side, close in. to one or two
business women • Phone Ivv 36io ~
FOR RENT—One nice room ard kitch
enette also one bedroom steam heat,
electric lights and all conveniences,
private family. 133 Spring St..’Apart-
ment 1.
FOR RENT—Ore large, nicely furnished
front room: steam heat: private fami
ly; North Side. Gentlemen. Phone Ivv
j 3576-J.
l«adie*' tailoring and | TW« 1 nicely furnished room* fo"r ""Tight
altering 34 Pulliaui street Main housekeeping 249 Spring etrt-ri Ivv
4688 l . 2580.
\ NT ED Sewing and dressmaking l'( >Ii GENTf^KM EK, MUIU1V fpi
$1.25 par day. hirst-class work. 1 . . .
Dressmaker, 374 East Hunter street.
W LNTBI > -Plain iewing; per da
Golden. .‘>6 Griffin St.
• lies free,
t (’ordial:
free D-.
woukl like job with some <lrug store
L 11. M’al.. 21 Windsor streer
\T AXTI’D- P-\ ' -vinq man sten«:'gi*ap'i*r '
position be*i ..f referenec* s R*»x I
i"\ i are 1 ifn gisi
cialtv Prices reasonable West >50-.1
WOULD YOU BUY h gnod automobi>
- I e«p The HUtoinobMe columtis of
th* "t\>ni \c" sect iot i .»rry a list of
a •:*.orri'-b- 4Q> a<- e»9fv
room, with nuxiern oorrveu-
.iein-es. steam Leal. Apt. .'>. Lin
den < ’ourt. Ivy 48d.
, FOR RENT Oi’.« niceiv fuinishe<J~?iront
room. Reasonable Phone Ivv 6082
22 Howard avenue.
FoR RENT Beautiful, front room
vate bath gentleman i*»*aferred
1 .■"MM* P<*a«hUce.‘ Georgian
Five Blocks of the Candler Bldg
ONE three-room apartment with built-
in bed. one four-room furnished i if
seen at once) and one four-room un
furnished All apartment* have elec
tric Lghts gas stove* shades, refrig
erators, ho* and cold water steam heat,
janitor service, etr See
J * TT RNER. Resident Manager.
Apartment 8
FuR RENT— Four* large furnished" or
unfurnished rooms, downstair? Call
Ivy 2587-J.
TIT n ROOMS furnished, or unfur-
1 nished: private family; *11
conveniences; ^-minute car schedule,
lvv C0i»8 249 North J»< Keoxi
UOtT^H^>TT^T7^a^rrdTs7^TTrrec roorrT e!
kitchenette ajxl bath.: neat, hot water
and all convenkincesi. also garage. Ivy
sr —r —-—t—:——-tt—r ■■■ -
FOR REN1 Moderi . excellent
neighborhood, close in i•*j r rfU st
• all Ivv 5521
$25 OR MORE,
We will loan you what you rieec
At 1 jegal Hates
This company has set out to renoo: a
practical service to borrower*, loaning
money at legal rates and on a repay
ment plan that Is both practical an-
reasonable, guaranteeing you fair trewt
ment, quick service and a courte?> often
lacking in transactions of this kind
7 Peachtree Street
On Furniture, Pianos, or on En
dorsed Notes
WE ARE a net*- com pan j organised fr
the purpose of loaning money to wo r V
!ng mer. and ladle* keeping house •
the lowest possible rate of interest ^ •
positively make no charger for comm 1 ?
lions, drafting paper*, er anv oth°r r
called charge, but only you to pa*
♦he rate permitted by the Ia*»* of
Btate. Our eas> payment n 5ar
you io pay u* back to suit vour ineorr*
We also protect you from publicity *’ •
extend every courtesy to make tt*
carrying of m loan satisfactory t‘» y0
iii everv wav
Room 318 Atlanta National Bant
Bldg’., Bell Phone Main 440
mon'ey koi; s_*xAried rw'opi.f
AND OTHERS, ui*on their own name*
cheap rate*, easy pavrnents. Uo' '
fientia Austell Bida
**;y anionrH 6 ter < am Write
ca > W Carson, J4 &r *
at r e«r