Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 07, 1913, Image 21

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1 cr-VP \Y. DECEMBER T, THIS. AND FINALLY, of external design to conform to the cur rent mode of “streamline 'body,” and finished and up holstered so that the wife and daughters will be just as proud of the appearance as the owner is of its per formance. THERE WAS A TASK to test the skill and the experience and knowledge of the best corps of engineers, and the learning of the best metallurgists known to^this in dustry. AND TILLS $750 MAXWELL IS THE RESULT. HAS IT OCCURRED TO YOU that in the entire history of this industry this is the first time that feat has been accomplished ? Well, it is. AND WE CONTEND it is still impossible to any other concern—any other organization. WE WERE PECULIARLY SITUATED — ideally equipped to do it. Had no old models to get rid of— none with which this would compete. We had the plants, the capital, the talent and—the experience. You can’t beat that combination. NOW, READ THIS—it’s what you are most vitally inter ested in—deliveries. WE ARE MAKING 50 CARS PER DAY of this model. That isn’t a circumstance, of course. Demand is for five times as many even at this season. Spring demand— we don’t dare contemplate. OUR PLANTS ARE BIG ENOUGH to make 300 per day —and that is what we are preparing for. But special machinery can’t be made overnight nor produced by necromancy. So we can’t hope to reach a production of more than 200 per day before February at earliest. SO YOUR MOVE IS—to see the car at once—your nearest dealer. Have a thorough demonstration. Talk to your acquaintance who has been fortunate enough to get one. He’ll say more than our modesty permits—*ut>re than you’d credit from an over-enthusiastic maker. THEN DON’T DELAY—get your order in. Pay a deposit to guarantee delivery and to assure it at a time when others will be offering premiums. Then you’ll be able to rest easy in the knowledge that you’ve secured the greatest automobile value ever known. A natty, classy, speedy two-passenger car that will go anywhere any car will go—and faster. Same chassis specifications as the touring car. (Send for the Book.) Price $725, full equipped. The *25-4” Town Car R °IT, MICHIGAN There's a good deal of territory still open. And other territory where we have closed but are 1% I m M H not satisfied with the representation. So, in any event, write direct and tell us your qualiflca. I III tlons, and Why you think you are entitled to handle the greatest seller of them all or write to X ^ JL m A C. H. BOOTH, 141 Madison Avenue, Atlanta, Ga. ELL MOTOR SALES CORPORATION, 141 MADISON AVENUE. Capacity, 6 persons—2 in driver’s seat—4 in rear. Landaulette type. Ideal for an hundred kinds of service. Light, flexible and serviceable be yond any other at the up-keep cost. Same chassis specifications as the touring car. (Send for the Book.) Price $950, fully equipped. wm